LESSON 36 Jesus on the Road Toward Emmaus

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1 LESSON 36 Jesus on the Road Toward Emmaus Summary of Today s Story On the day that Jesus tomb is found empty, Cleopas and his companion, who were followers of Jesus, are on their way to a village called Emmaus. They are talking about the events of the past few days, including the rumor that Jesus had been seen alive. Jesus meets up with them and begins talking with them and teaching them about the fulfillment of the Scriptures, beginning with Moses and all the prophets all the way to himself. When they come to the village, the two people urge Jesus to stay and have supper with them. As Jesus takes the bread, blesses and breaks it and gives it to them, they suddenly recognize him. And then he vanishes. Where You ll Find Today s Story In the Bible We recommend the New Revised Standard Version Bible. Luke 24:13-35 In Children s Bibles If you plan to use a children s Bible for storytelling, write the page numbers of today s story in the space below. In Our Sunday Lectionary Today s story is told in church on the following Sunday: Year A, B, C: Easter Day (evening service); Wednesday in Easter week Year A: Third Sunday of Easter

2 2 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 Weaving Our Story with the Biblical Story Many of us would envy Cleopas and his companion who, quite by chance, meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus and invite him to dinner, then receive his first breaking of the bread after his resurrection. Would we be as open as they were to recognize Jesus in that sacramental action, which probably had his distinctive stamp? Would we, not knowing who he is, have even invited him to dinner? Often the emphasis in this story is on the gradual opening of the eyes of these individuals how they encounter this stranger and are taught by him, then how they eat with him. They begin with sadness and hopelessness that their Savior has been killed, though we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). They are confused, having heard that this savior, who was condemned to death and crucified, might now be alive. Think of how vulnerable they are, wrestling with their feelings of despair and confusion. Sometimes it is when we are most vulnerable that we are most open to the spirit of God. Sometimes it is when we are most hurt that we recognize most our dependence on God. Former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold once talked about having an undefended heart. This is a heart that is open to the Holy Spirit, open to being met on our journey by Jesus, open to being moved by God s Word. When we go to church, when we pray, when we read the Scriptures, when we share our faith, we practice opening our heart to God. Then, when we come to church on Sunday, we can pray sincerely and fervently the opening prayer (the Collect for Purity, as it is called, BCP 355): Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name, through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Episcopal Thread Risen Lord, be known to us in the breaking of the bread. This is one of the people s responses in Eucharistic Prayer C (BCP, 372) after the celebrant has prayed that the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit in Christ, that we may worthily serve the world in his name. If we look at the plot line of the journey to Emmaus story, we can see the outline of the story that runs through the Episcopal Church s service of Holy Eucharist. There is the Word spoken to us: the conversation beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures (Luke 24:27). Then there is the Holy Communion, the breaking of the bread: when he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them (Luke 24:30). The service of Holy Eucharist is similarly balanced between Word and Sacrament. Neither takes precedence over the other. The Liturgy of the Word, also called in the Prayer Book The Word of God, includes readings from the Hebrew Scriptures, Psalms, the Epistles, and the Gospels all the scriptures. A relatively brief homily follows to interpret and shed light on the readings. Then the gathered community responds to the truths given in the Word with the Nicene Creed in which we profess our faith, the Prayers of the People, the Confession with its absolution, and finally, The peace of the Lord be always with you. In the story in Luke, the three people share their stories and then arrive at Emmaus and share a meal. In the same way in worship, after the lessons, the gathered community arrives at the altar of the Lord

3 3 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 and shares a meal. We pray, Risen Lord, be known to us in the breaking of the bread. And then we, like Cleopas and his friend, recognize Jesus in the sacramental act, and our eyes are opened. Then we, like them, go out into the world and proclaim to all that Jesus has risen and is among us. Gathering As the children enter the room, engage them in a simple activity that relates to today s lesson. On page 11, you ll find a Gathering Activity handout to use if you wish. Below are other suggestions. For younger children, you might have crayons and paper available, and invite them to draw a picture of their home. For older children, you might simply allow a few minutes for them to reconnect with one another and share what they have been doing during the past week. This social time is important for building relationships and community. After all the children have arrived and had a few minutes of activity or fellowship time, gather them together and say a simple opening prayer, such as this one: O God, here we are. We come to hear the story of your Son Jesus Christ, risen from the dead. Bless this time that we have together, and bless us all. Amen. Telling the Story Read aloud today s story from a children s Bible, showing the pictures, tell the story in your own words, or read from the version of the story we provide, found on pages When you tell the story, set this stage. This is a drama that begins with tragedy and fear and ends with astounding news: Jesus is alive after all! How did this happen? There are two ways that you can set the stage for the story. In one stage, begin the story while standing together in a corner of the room, and end it at one of your classroom tables, as you read or say, So he went to stay with them. Then have everybody sit down as you tell about Jesus breaking bread. For a second option, set the stage like a liturgy in church, with two stations: one, with the Bible representing the Word of God, and the other with bread representing the Holy Communion. Tell the story, leading the children from one station to the other, making the connection between the movement of the two people in the story and the movement of the Church in the Eucharist. Let the children hear the story without analyzing it for them or discussing it. For now, simply let the story sink into their minds and hearts. Later, while having snacks, you can bring up the story again and invite the children to talk about it and explore its message.

4 4 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 Prayer Set up a small worship center in your room. Materials: small table with a cloth to cover it two candles or a single large Christ candle matches Bible cross optional: flowers (real, artificial or handmade by the children) Have the children set up a simple altar with the materials listed above. Invite them to place on the altar any drawings or crafts that they created during Gathering time. Then light the candles. Read a verse or two of today s scripture from a Bible so that the children connect the story they heard with the Bible, which is the word of God. If working mainly with older children, you might expand the reading to several verses. Suggestions for the reading: For younger children: Luke 24:30-31 For older children: Luke 24:30-35 Help the children become familiar with our liturgy by doing the reading as it is done in church. Read as follows: Reader: A reading from the Gospel of Luke: (Read the selected passage.) Reader: The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Invite the children to sit in a circle and join in prayer. Say a brief prayer yourself, then invite prayers from each child in the circle: Invite prayers of thanks for God s work in our lives during the past week. Ask children to remember when they have been aware of God s love and blessings, whether in school or at home, with friends or family or strangers. Welcome any prayers of concern or petition. Children may offer prayers for themselves or for others in need or trouble, including community needs such as food and shelter for the poor. Ask if anyone has had a birthday or celebrated a special day during the past week and give thanks for these special times. End the prayer time by praying together the Lord s Prayer. Carefully extinguish the candles.

5 5 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 Sharing Pass out the snacks and say a simple grace, like this one: Lord, bless this food that is set before us to feed us, and bless us also. Amen. If you are sharing thoughts but not food, you may pray an opening invitational prayer such as: Lord, bless us now as we share these minutes together with you and with each other. Amen. While sharing a snack, begin talking about the story that the children have just heard. Things to wonder about: If you were one of the people walking down the road, and you have been hearing about Jesus death and then the rumors about him being alive again, how would you feel? When have you ever been very, very sad, and then realized that God is with you during this time? How would you feel if you meet Jesus on the street? What would you say to him? What do you wish he would say to you? Think about Jesus breaking bread and giving it to the two friends. How do you think they recognized him in this action? To enhance this sharing time, have pita bread on a plate. Invite the children to share with you in the breaking of the bread, and invite them to find in this action a sacred moment. Pick up the bread, break it in half, then in pieces, and pass it around. Ask: How does it feel to be part of this moment with Jesus?

6 6 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 Activities: Arts, Crafts, Games, Drama, etc. After Sharing, begin an activity to supplement and enhance today s story. While the children are doing an activity, talk about the story so that they make the connection. Suggested story-related activities are provided at the end of this lesson on pages ACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK S SESSION Additional activity ideas can be found on pages 3-6 in the Appendix (also downloadable) where we ve suggested a variety of general activities that can be adapted to any lesson. For example, you can make puppets to use in a dramatic re-telling of this story. Also included are outreach and service projects that can be done at any time. Take-Home Paper At the end of this lesson you will find a two-page take-home paper for families called Threads. Threads provides parents with a briefer version of the information on scripture and Episcopal faith found in the introduction to the lesson, as well as multiple suggestions for household activities and prayer. Parents can use Threads to continue each child s classroom experience at home throughout the week. We suggest duplicating and distributing these two pages to children and/or their parents at the end of each lesson.

7 7 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 Memorization This reference to Luke 24:35 is part of the people s response in Eucharistic Prayer C: Risen Lord, be known to us in the breaking of the bread. This is simple, and can be used as a daily prayer at any time. Suggestions for ways to help the children with their memorization can be found on page 15 in the Appendix (also downloadable). Weaving God s Beloved Community God s beloved community is woven as our own stories connect to the story of God and to the stories of the people around us. Closing Prayer Before the children leave, say a closing prayer to send them into the church worship service or back to their homes with God s love and blessing. The prayer can be very simple, such as this one: Lord Jesus Christ, you always meet us where we are, and you walk with us wherever we go. Be with us this week and help us to see you and meet you every day, and in every person we see. Amen. End with a dismissal used in church, such as: Let us go forth in the name of Christ. The children respond: Thanks be to God! As your time together draws to a close, take a few minutes to help the children summarize the story and say what they learned today by asking questions such as: What was our story about today? Who was the stranger the two people met on the road? What does this story say about Jesus? What in this story reminds you of our church service? To help the children remember today s story, remind them of these key words or phrases: Meeting Jesus on the road Breaking of the bread Eyes were opened

8 Luke 24:13-35 A Sad Day It is three days after Jesus died on the cross. Many people loved Jesus and hoped that he was the one who would help them to get closer to God. But now he s dead. A few people know that this morning, Jesus was just raised from the dead and is alive again. Only Jesus women friends, and Peter, and maybe a few more of Jesus disciples have heard that Jesus is alive. Only the women met an angel at the tomb who told them that Jesus is alive again. Cleopas and her friend have not heard about Jesus. They just know that he was killed three days ago. We do not know whether Cleopas and friend are men or women, so today we will say they are women. They are on their way from Jerusalem to their home. It will take around two days to get there. They have a long time on the road, and they can talk. They are very sad. Last week, they both went to Jerusalem and saw Jesus. When he came into the city, they cheered and waved palm branches and hailed him as a king, as one who comes in the name of the Lord. Then all of a sudden, everything changed. Suddenly Jesus is arrested and brought before a crowd. The crowd gets ugly and they demand that Jesus be put to death. And he is. He is put on a cross to die crucified. He dies and is buried in a stone tomb on the side of a hill. That s it. That s the end of their hope in Jesus. That s the end of them trusting that Jesus, who comes from God, will save them. Where is God now? 8 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 STORY

9 The Two Friends Meet a Stranger Cleopas and her friend are walking and talking. Suddenly a man comes up to them. Can I join you? he says. What were you just talking about? Cleopas says, We re talking about what happened in Jerusalem. Everybody knows what happened! Are you a stranger around here? You re the only one who hasn t heard the bad news? Are you the only one in the world who doesn t know about the things that happened last week? The man is Jesus, but he keeps his name secret. He wants to hear more, so he says, Why, what things? Cleopas says, The things about Jesus, of course! He was a man of God who did great deeds and great miracles. Then our leaders put him to death. And we hoped he was the one who would save Israel and save us, but how can he when he s dead? And then we just heard from some women, who knew Jesus, that he s alive again! Jesus says, How is that? Cleopas says, They went to the tomb just this morning, but it was empty. His body is gone. And instead, there was an angel who told them that Jesus is not there because he is alive. Then Jesus says, Oh, you are so foolish! Don t you know what all the prophets have been telling you all these hundreds of years? Haven t you read the Scripture? Remember when the Scripture told you that the Savior, the Messiah, would suffer and then enter into glory? Then Jesus explains. He tells the whole story about God. He begins with the story of Moses, then Elijah and all the prophets, all the way up to today. He tells them what all these things mean, that were written in the Scriptures. He tells them how those things that were written are all about himself, Jesus, the Messiah. 9 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 STORY CONTINUED

10 Jesus and His New Friends Have Dinner Cleopas and her friend listen carefully to Jesus. They still do not recognize him. But they like him, and they like what he is saying. The three new friends come near to the village. Jesus starts to walk on past the village. But Cleopas and her friend say to him, Please stay with us! It is almost dark. You can eat with us and then stay with us until morning. So the three new friends Cleopas, her friend, and Jesus go into the village and into Cleopas s house. It is time for dinner. They sit at the table ready to eat. The table is set with bread, wine and other food. Then Jesus does something very familiar. He takes the bread, blesses it, breaks it and gives it to the other two. Hasn t he done that before? When he fed the five thousand? at his last supper? Suddenly Cleopas and her friend see Jesus. They see that their new friend is not just anybody. It s Jesus. Their eyes are opened, and they recognize him! But as soon as they see Jesus as Jesus, he is gone. Cleopas and her friend say to each other, Yes! Of course it s Jesus! He made our hearts burn inside us when he was talking to us on the road! He made our hearts burn when he was telling us about the Scripture! Yes, it was him! It s Jesus, alive! And he taught us! Cleopas and Friend Share the News The two friends hurry out the door. They run back to Jerusalem as fast as they could run. The eleven disciples are still there, sitting together in a house. Cleopas tells them excitedly, We met somebody on the road to our home, and we didn t know who he was. But he explained everything to us that the Scripture teaches us. And then he broke bread and blessed it and gave it to us and then we recognized him! We recognized him in the breaking of the bread! It was Jesus, alive! 10 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 STORY CONTINUED

11 GATHERING ACTIVITY: WHICH WAY TO EMMAUS? Look at all these footsteps on the road. Which ones lead to a place called Emmaus? 11 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 ACTIVITY

12 GOSPEL EYES Elementary, Intermediate Children make a pop-up card with Gospel eyes that illustrate the bread and wine of Eucharist. When Jesus taught the two people on the road to Emmaus, he talked about the Scriptures in a way that gave them new gospel eyes that see through the lens of the good news, the gospel. Materials: plain white paper, 2 sheets per child markers scissors glue Page 13 illustrates the steps for making this pop-up card. Directions: Invite each child to make a card as follows: 1. Take one sheet of paper and fold it in half crosswise. Unfold it and then fold the top and bottom edges of the paper up to the center fold, so that the two edges meet at the center fold. The paper will have three folds. 2. On the top and the bottom folds, make a cut around 2" deep near the middle of the crease. 3. Fold back the paper on each side of the cut to make two triangle flaps. 4. Open up the paper. Lay it down like a v ( valley folds). 5. For each cut, push one of the triangle flaps up and pinch the edges together above the card. Repeat for the other triangle. 6. Refold the paper along the two outer folds. Push down the triangle folds to make them well creased. When you open the paper, you will have two pop-up eyes that will open and close as you fold and unfold the paper. 7. Place a second sheet of paper on the table and spread glue along the edges. Then press the pop-up sheet on top of it, very carefully. Don t glue near the eyelid area or the eyes won t open. 8. Carefully fold the two sheets together so that the second sheet folds match the two outer folds on the first sheet. 9. Fold the card closed, so that you have a double door in the front. On the doors, draw a picture of an ordinary meal setting. 12 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

13 10. Open the card. Behind the eyelids (triangle flaps), draw the bread and wine of the Eucharist bread behind one eye and wine or chalice behind the other. 11. Fill in the inside of the card by drawing an eye and eyelid shape around the cut-out eyes. 13 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT CONTINUED

14 WALK TO EMMAUS WALKING FEET Preschool Children play this simple walking game, sung to the tune Waltzin Matilda. Materials: paper favor cups foam sheets, poster board, construction paper or felt squares (depending on how sturdy you want the feet ) glue scissors little trinkets and treats: goldfish or other animal crackers, tiny crosses, simple prayers on fortune-cookie-sized paper, charms (no nuts or gum, however!) Before playing: Invite the children to prepare for the game as follows: Trace one footprint on the paper, foam or felt. Glue a favor cup on the top of the foot. Put little trinkets or treats inside the cup. You can put one of each item, or several of the same item, or whatever you choose. Directions: 1. Invite the children to sit around a table or in a circle on the floor and put their walking feet in front of them. 2. Sing the Walk to Emmaus song and as long as the music continues, pass the shoes to the child on your right. 3. When the singing stops, each child should have a walking foot in front of him or her, but probably not his or hers. Look inside of the cup and see what s there. You can take out the items and keep them. 4. Fill the foot with new things and play again. 5. Take your walking foot home with your holy treasures. Song: Walk to Emmaus, sung to the tune of Waltzin Matilda Walk to Emmaus, walk to Emmaus, Walk to Emmaus, Emmaus today. And if Jesus comes by, to open up our eyes, We ll walk to Emmaus every day. 14 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 ACTIVITY

15 OPEN OUR EYES Primary, Elementary, Intermediate Children layer index cards and color them with eyes and other facial features and symbols of love. In today s story the eyes of the people on their way to Emmaus were kept from recognizing [ Jesus]. Later, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him (Luke 24:16, 31). Materials: 4" x 6" index cards, 3 per child scissors glue or tape markers or crayons Directions: Invite each child to make the opening eyes as follows: 1. Use the cards blank side up (no lines). 2. On one card, cut out two eye shapes. Children may need adult help doing this. 3. Lay this card on top of another card. Glue or tape the two sides and the bottom together, along the edges. Leave the top open. 4. Behind each open eye cutout, on the bottom card, draw a small heart. 5. Cut 1½" off the width of the third card. The third card will go in between the other two cards and will be lifted up with the cut-off part, which will serve as a tab. 6. Tape or glue the cut-off 4" x 1½" tab to the top of the third card, attaching to the back of the card. At least 2" of the tab should stick up from the top. 7. Slide this card in between the other two cards so that the heart pictures are covered up. 8. The front card will look like a partial face with eyes. Fill in the face. You may also fill in eyelids, on the portion of the middle card that is showing. 9. When you use the tab to lift up the middle card, the eyes will open to reveal hearts. Older children may be encouraged to replace the heart picture with a symbol or picture of Jesus, or of something that has demonstrated Jesus presence in their lives. 15 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT


17 HIDDEN HEARTS Primary, Elementary Children make a heart basket out of construction paper and make a Jesus figure with a hidden heart inside. Materials: heart pattern (p. 18), 1 per child Jesus pictures, front and back (p. 19),1 per child red construction paper crayons scissors glue Preparation: Make a copy of the heart and Jesus patterns for each child (pp ). Directions: Invite each child to make a heart as follows: 1. Cut out the heart pattern and trace it onto red construction paper. You will need to mark the folds by looking at the pattern. 2. Assemble the heart, folding where indicated and gluing at the tabs. This will be your heart that holds Jesus. 3. Cut out the two pictures of Jesus and color them. 4. Draw a small heart design on red paper and cut out. 5. Glue the front and back of Jesus together, leaving the bottom open. 6. Carefully slip the small heart inside the Jesus figure, through the bottom unglued edge, leaving it free to wander. 7. Glue the bottom edge shut. 8. Place the Jesus figure inside the heart basket. 17 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT



20 JESUS WITH US PICTURE Preschool, Primary Children create a picture that shows Jesus appearing between them and a friend, as he did with the two people walking toward Emmaus. Jesus is always walking with us, but we don t always see or recognize him. Materials: white paper people patterns, two children and Jesus (p. 21), 1 per child scissors glue optional: tape or stapler crayons Preparation: Make a copy of the people pictures for each child. An adult may need to do the cutting for younger children. Directions: Invite each child to make a picture as follows: 1. Color and cut out the pictures of the children and Jesus. Young children will need adult help in cutting. 2. Place the white paper landscape-style. Cut two parallel vertical slits on the paper, around 3" apart and 4" long. The picture of Jesus will come up from behind the paper through one slit, then down through the other one. 3. Glue one child to the left of the left slit, and the other child to the right of the right slit. This will leave a blank space in between the two slits. 4. Take another piece of white paper and cut it lengthwise, to make a piece 3" x 11½". 5. Insert this paper up, through and then down the first paper, so that a portion shows between the slits, between the two children. 6. On the part that is showing, glue the picture of Jesus. 7. To make Jesus appear and disappear from our sight, move the second paper back and forth. 20 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT


22 WALKING FOOTPRINTS Preschool, Primary Children trace a shoe on paper and make footprints to create a path across the classroom. Materials: shoe paper crayons Directions: Invite each child to make a set of footprints as follows: 1. Place the shoe bottom on the paper and outline the shoe. 2. Draw a picture or the tread pattern of your shoe inside the outline. 3. Cut out the footprint. 4. Make several of feet, turning half of them over to decorate the opposite foot, so that you have pairs of feet. Tape them to the walls of your room. You can make it look as though you climbed right up the side of the room! 22 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

23 HEALING BALM Primary Children combine lotion, food coloring and glitter to make a soothing balm. Like a healing balm, Jesus presence with the two men healed their wounds and mended their broken hearts. Materials: body lotion tiny containers with lids, 1 per child food coloring in different colors superfine glitter or body glitter cotton swabs Directions: Invite each child to make balm as follows: 1. Put body lotion into the small container. 2. Add food coloring to create a beautiful color. 3. Add glitter for a sparkly balm. 4. Dip the cotton swab in the lotion and add to hands or arms. 23 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

24 GPS TO AN EMMAUS LIFE Elementary, Intermediate Children try this scientific activity to explore how a compass an early Global Positioning System points the way. For the two people on the road to Emmaus, Jesus was a compass, showing them how to find the true North God. Materials: needle bar magnet straight pin empty margarine tub cork (around ¼" thick) pitcher of water liquid dish soap Showing: Invite the children to make and test the compass as follows: 1. Magnetize the needle to make the needle attract other metal things. Rub the end of the bar magnet over the needle around 40 times. Always use the same end of the magnet and stroke the needle in the same direction; otherwise, this will not work. 2. Test the magnet by picking up a straight pin with it. If it works, move to the next step. If it doesn t work, continue to stroke the needle with the magnet. 3. Poke the needle into the cork so that the needle will float. Poke it through the cork from side to side, not top to bottom. The needle should stick out at both ends. 4. Fill the margarine tub half full of water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. 5. Put the cork in the water and see it turning to face a single direction north. Turn the tub and watch the needle continue to point in the same direction. 6. Discuss how Jesus is like our compass, and what he did and said (talked about the Scriptures, shared bread and wine) to be the compass pointing to God for Cleopas and his companion. 24 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

25 THE LIGHT OF JESUS: A COLOR CHANGER AND LIFE CHANGER Primary, Elementary, Intermediate Children create bright-colored crosses on a contrasting black background using bleach and construction paper. Materials: black construction paper cotton swabs paper bowls newspaper bleach old shirts to protect clothing Directions: Invite each child to make a picture as follows: 1. Cover a table with newspaper to protect the surface. On the newspaper, set out bowls of bleach, cotton swabs and black paper. If possible, darken the room. 2. Dip a cotton swab into the bleach and draw a cross on the paper. The bleach will color the picture a bright orange. 3. Have children use the swabs to write: Jesus turns darkness to light. 4. Other pictures may be drawn on the paper to embellish the paper. 5. The love, knowledge and light that Jesus gives to us changes our darkness to light! 25 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

26 IN-YOUR-HEART T-SHIRT Primary, Elementary Children decorate T-shirts for themselves with colorful hearts using a dye is made from drink mix and vinegar. Materials: clean white T-shirts, 1 per child packets of unsweetened drink mix in several colors white vinegar measuring cup small bowls cotton swabs black fabric marker cardboard pieces to fit inside T-shirts plastic garbage bags, or paint shirts scissors rubber bands Directions: Invite each child to make a shirt as follows: 1. Pour each packet of drink mix into a bowl. Add ¼ cup white vinegar. 2. Insert a piece of cardboard into the t-shirt so the color doesn t run to the back. 3. Draw a large heart on the front of the shirt with the fabric marker. 4. Put on a large garbage bag or paint shirt to protect your clothing. 5. Paint the heart with the colors. You may use different colors to add shapes or other decorations inside the heart. 6. Let dry. 7. To adults: When dry, press with a pressing cloth. Then let it sit for 10 hours. Then wash on gentle cycle and tumble dry. 26 LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TOWARD EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S BELOVED COMMUNITY, YEAR 3 CRAFT

27 LESSON 36: JESUS ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS We Believe... Risen Lord, be known to us in the breaking of the bread. This is one of the people s responses in Eucharistic Prayer C (BCP, 372) after the celebrant has prayed that the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit in Christ, that we may worthily serve the world in his name. If we look at the plot line of the journey to Emmaus story, we can see the outline that runs through the Episcopal Church s service of Holy Eucharist. There is the Word spoken to us: the conversation. Then there is the Holy Communion, the breaking of the bread. Today s Story Luke 24:13-35 Many of us would envy Cleopas and his companion who, quite by chance, meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus and invite him to dinner, then receive his first breaking of the bread after his resurrection. Would we be as open as they were to recognize Jesus in that sacramental action? Often the emphasis in this story is on the gradual opening of the eyes of these individuals. They begin with sadness and hopelessness that their Savior has been killed, though we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). They are confused, having heard that this savior, who was condemned to death and crucified, might now be alive. Think of how vulnerable they are, wrestling with their feelings of despair and confusion. Sometimes it is when we are most vulnerable that we are most open to the spirit of God. Former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold once talked about having an undefended heart, a heart open to the Holy Spirit, to being met on our journey by Jesus, to being moved by God s Word. When we go to church, pray, read the Scriptures, share our faith, we practice opening our heart to God. Words to Remember When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him Luke 24:30-31a 2016 by Joanna Leiserson. Published by Morehouse Education Resources, All rights reserved.

28 Sharing Read the story of the journey to (and from) Emmaus from a children s Bible, showing the pictures, or from your family Bible. This is a drama that begins with tragedy and fear and ends with astounding news: Jesus is alive after all! How did this happen? Here is a creative way to set the stage for the story. Begin the story while standing together in a corner of your living or family room, and end it at dining table, as you read or say, So he went to stay with them. Then have everybody sit down as you tell about Jesus breaking bread. You could ask: How would you feel if you meet Jesus on the street? What would you say to him? What do you wish he would say to you? This Week at Home Pretend that Jesus has joined your family for dinner. Have one family member play the part of Jesus. What does Jesus have to say to your family? What questions do you want to ask him? After several minutes of roleplaying, let another member play Jesus. What do you learn about your family? about Jesus? about you faith? Draw pictures of all the places Jesus can and does meet us. We tend to think Jesus joins us at church, at Bible study or when we take time to pray, but Jesus actually meets us anywhere, including in the messiest, most challenging places in our day-to-day lives. He s there when we play football, take an algebra test, play with our Barbies and GI Joes even when we can t figure out what to make for dinner. He is there, caring and offering to guide us. Let each family member draw a picture of Jesus with them in a situation where he s really needed. Share and explain your drawings. Think about God s work in the world around us, and then say a prayer of thanksgiving. At the end of Eucharistic Prayer C (fondly known as the Star Trek Prayer, p. 369), the priest prays to God for us with these words (p. 372): Lord God of our Fathers; God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: Open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us. Talk about the ways in which family members see God s hand at work around them in the joy of having a pet, in good food and friends, as comfort in distressing times. Try to open your eyes to new revelations. Write these down. Then end with a prayer like this: Gracious God, you open our eyes to see your work in the world around us. We thank you for all these works (name what you have listed). Make a picture book of Jesus life. Invite each family member to choose one or two things that Jesus did in his life, as told in the Bible. Draw a picture of each event. Then put these pictures in chronological order, add a cover page with a picture of Jesus, and staple the pages together to make a book. Household Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, you always meet us where we are, and you walk with us wherever we go. Be with us this week and help us to see you and meet you every day, and in every person we see. Amen. LESSON 36 JESUS ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS WEAVING GOD S PROMISES, YEAR by Joanna Leiserson. Published by Morehouse Education Resources, All rights reserved.

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