Unit 4 Review Red Sea Crossing

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1 Unit 4 BEAR HUG18 Unit 4 Review Red Sea Crossing Memory Seed: Psalm 147:5: Great is our Lord, and abundant in power The Big Apple: God is mighty. He showed His power to Abraham s family, the Israelites. Our strength is small, but God is mightier than we can imagine! SOW THE SEEDS Read: Genesis 15, Exodus 1, Psalm 147:5 Review: Psalm 147:5 The theme of this unit has been the mighty power of our great God. The story of the Israelites is, in a way, our story. They were slaves to the Egyptians. We were slaves to sin. The lamb s blood saved them from the deadly destroyer. The Lamb s (Christ s) blood saved us from the wages of sin (death). Because of God s provision they were taken out of slavery and given freedom. Because of God s provision (sending His Son to be our sacrifi ce) we are saved out of the slavery of sin and given freedom in Christ. God continued to show His love toward the Israelites as He does us. He guided them by a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fi re. He guides us through His Word. But like all humans, how quickly the Israelites forgot all God had done. They found themselves on the shore of the Red Sea the water in front of them, Pharaoh s army behind them. Why did you bring us here? they complained to Moses (and this was not the last of their complaints). We fi nd it easy to be scornful, Come on, people, don t you see what God s done for you? But again we are no different. We need to remind the Cubbies (and ourselves) to be thankful for all our great and powerful God has done for us. We need to rely on Him during good times and tough times. We can teach this by allowing the preschoolers to hear our prayers of gratitude and to teach them to pray prayers of gratitude. We can teach this by living lives as God s children, refl ecting His love. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work through this lesson so Cubbies: 1. Remember the powerful things God did for the Israelites: He made them grow into a great nation, sent mighty plagues to bring them out of Egypt, split open the Red Sea, etc. 2. Imagine the Red Sea crossing and the defeat of Pharaoh s army through various activities. 3. Name mighty things that only God can do. 4. Realize that our strength is small, but God s strength is more awesome than we know! 5. Learn to trust in our mighty God, especially when they feel weak or afraid (Add the goals the Holy Spirit brings to your mind and heart as you pray for Cubbies.) 2013 Awana Clubs International This page may be reproduced only by churches registered with Awana. 164

2 COMING IN (10-15 minutes before club officially starts) Did Cubbies seem to especially enjoy any of the Coming In activities from prior lessons in this unit? Repeat them this week as a review or try one of the new ideas below. IDEA 1: Red Sea Bags Blue tempera paint Resealable sandwich bags Tape Optional white paper, fi sh stickers Place about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of paint in each sandwich bag. Release all excess air before sealing the bag and tape it shut. Lay the bags fl at on a table, setting a bag in front of each Cubbie. Cubbies can use their fi ngers to press on the bag and part the water, make designs or practice writing letters. (White paper under each bag will help designs to show up better. Add fi sh stickers to the paper and tell children to rub the bag to reveal the stickers.) Talk about God parting the Red Sea with a mighty wind. Ask Cubbies if they think they could part a real sea. Emphasize God s mighty power; only HE could part a sea! IDEA 2: Red Sea Fish Fish patterns copied on card stock (resource CD) Pairs of child-sized scissors Crayons or markers Glue sticks Decorations for fi sh (e.g., paper scraps, large sequins, tissue paper, foam shapes, foil, sticker dots or eyes) Optional safety pins, large blue towels or sheets Cubbies choose a fi sh to cut out, color and decorate. A leader can use safety pins to attach fi sh to towels or sheets for use during Lesson Time. Keep safety pins out of reach of children. IDEA 3: Finger Puppets Crossing Red Sea Brown and blue construction paper Pairs of child-sized scissors Pencils (unsharpened) Stapler Card stock copies of the Israelite Finger Puppets page (resource CD) Crayons For each Cubbie you will need two sheets of construction paper: one brown sheet kept whole, and one blue sheet cut in half length-wise. Leaders staple the blue paper halves onto each side of the brown paper. Show Cubbies how to cut fringe along the edges of each blue paper half. (See craft sample pictures on the Israelite Finger Puppets page.) Let Cubbies curl the fringes by rolling them around a pencil so the blue papers look like waves rolling back and a brown path is visible between them. (Leaders may need to help curl the paper.) Give each child a puppet pattern page. Cubbies can choose one puppet to cut out and color at club and take the rest home. (Leaders help cut the leg holes.) Cubbies slip two fi ngers into the leg holes and walk the puppet through the paper sea. These puppets can be used during the lesson. STARTING TIME (3-5 minutes) Continue your starting routine. Include the Cubbies Song, Cubbies key verse, Cubbies motto, unit and the A and C verses along with your favorite visuals, songs and motions. 165

3 PUPPET SHOW (3-5 minutes) Cubbie Bear puppet LEADER: Last week Cubbie Bear was worried about all the beetles on the farm. I wonder if he and his friends found some help. Let s call him together. One two three. CUBBIE! (Bring the Cubbie puppet into view, hopping around excitedly.) LEADER: Hi, Cubbie! I see you re back to your hopping and jumping self. Does that mean the beetles are gone? CUBBIE (still hopping slightly): Yes, most of them! LEADER: Wow! That s great news. What happened to the beetles? CUBBIE: We don t know for sure. Timothy helped his dad set some big beetle traps. The traps worked much better than my jar. Each trap caught over a hundred beetles. LEADER: That s a lot of beetles. CUBBIE: We also had help from some animal friends. LEADER: Animal friends? Like who? CUBBIE: Let s play a guessing game. I ll tell you when you guess the right animal. LEADER (to Cubbies): Sounds fun. Let s play! We can ask Cubbie yes or no questions. Here we go! (If any Cubbies know the right animal from the handbook, tell them not to reveal it yet.) Does the animal meow like a cat? (Invite Cubbies to make a meowing sound with you.) CUBBIE: No. LEADER: Does the animal hop like a rabbit or like Cubbie Bear? (Cubbies can hop in place.) CUBBIE: No Awana Clubs International This page may be reproduced only by churches registered with Awana. 166 LEADER: Does the animal buzz like a bee? (Cubbies can make buzzing sounds.) CUBBIE: Nope. (Depending on time, ask a few more questions like these. Let Cubbies think of some questions too.) LEADER: Does the animal fl y like a bird? (You and Cubbies can fl ap your arms.) CUBBIE: Yes! LEADER: Does that bird squawk like this? (Make squawking sounds with Cubbies.) CUBBIE: Yes! LEADER (to Cubbies): Does anyone know what kind of bird helped stop the beetles? (Cubbies may remember from the handbook.) CUBBIE: The starlings helped us! Starlings have yellow beaks and black wings. We saw their nests in the oak trees. LEADER: How did they get rid of the beetles? CUBBIE: The starlings like to eat beetles for lunch. They also feed them to their babies. LEADER (to Cubbies): Eww! Cubbies, would you like to eat a beetle? (Allow reaction.) CUBBIE: Timothy s dad said that sometimes starlings can be pests on the farm, but this time, I think the starlings were the STARS of the day. LEADER: That s wonderful, Cubbie. You and you friends would never have caught all those beetles. I m glad you got the help you needed. CUBBIE: Yes, and I m glad all the apple trees are safe and sound. I don t know what I d do without my favorite, juicy apples. LEADER (chuckling): Without apples, I think you d be one sad little bear! Goodbye, Cubbie Bear. We ll see you next time. CUBBIE: Bye-bye! (Children wave goodbye as the puppet is put away.)

4 SNACKS (5-10 minutes) Snacks are optional and can be done at any time during club. IDEA 1: Snack Theater Cups of blue or red juice to represent the Red Sea Fish-shaped crackers Many movies for children and adults have been made about Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. Play the scene of the Red Sea crossing from one of these movies while Cubbies eat the snack. Be careful to choose a movie that accurately represents the Bible rather than one that is largely fi ctional. IDEA 2: Jell-O Sea Blue Jell-O Jigglers Teddy Grahams Paper plates Serve blue Jell-O Jigglers and Teddy Grahams on paper plates. Tell Cubbies to pretend the Teddy Grahams are Israelites. Cubbies can break their Jell-O in half and spread the halves apart on the plate to make a path for the Teddy Grahams to walk through the Jell-O sea. Encourage them to retell the story of the Red Sea crossing to a leader or friend sitting near them. IDEA 3: Leader s or Parent s Choice Let the person in charge of snacks bring in his or her favorite healthy snack. Provide safe snack guidelines for preschoolers. SONGS (3-5 minutes) Songs can be done before or after Lesson Time. SING: Psalm 147:5 and Psalm 124:8 to the tune of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (from Bear Hugs 15 and 16) My God Is So Big or the chorus of Our God Is an Awesome God by Rich Mullins What a Mighty God We Serve PRAYER (1-2 minutes) Cubbies, when do you feel afraid? (Allow response. Give examples of when preschoolers feel afraid or share a not-too-scary example of when you were afraid as a child.) What do you do when you re afraid? (Allow response.) When we re afraid, we should remember that our mighty God is with us. We can ask Him to help us be strong and not afraid, even if something bad happens. We can ask Him to help us make good choices. Close your eyes and say a prayer to God by thinking it inside your head. God can still hear you! You can tell God anything. Maybe you can say, God, you are mighty. Or God, help me remember you when I feel afraid. (Allow silence for about a minute while Cubbies pray individually. Some may grasp this method of prayer. Others may need more direction.) IDEA 4: Cubbies Birthday Snacks On review weeks, you could serve cupcakes to celebrate all the birthdays of Cubbies in the current month. 167

5 LESSON TIME (15-20 minutes) Teaching Cards (TC) 53-54, 56-64, Bible with markers placed at Genesis 15, Exodus 1, Psalm 147:5 Optional game buzzer or bell; rectangular piece of blue felt; plastic toy people and army men, wooden slotted clothespin people or fi nger puppets made during Coming In; two to four large blue towels or sheets; object for staff; fi sh shapes to attach to the blue towels (resource CD) (Adapt the words of this lesson to best fi t you and your Cubbies. Open with prayer.) Cubbie sure was happy and hopping today, wasn t he? I m glad the starlings helped to save the apple trees from the beetles. Cubbies, who made the starlings? (Allow response.) God created everything, and He s in charge of everything He created. He is the strongest helper of all. God is mighty! (Flex your arm muscles with Cubbies and say the Core Truth together.) (Display TC53.) Our mighty God showed His power to Abraham and his family, the Israelites. (Open your Bible to Genesis 15.) We re going to remember all God did for them, but, Cubbies, I need your help. Whenever you hear this sound (press a game buzzer, ring a bell or make a beeping sound with your mouth), you need to shout out the right word for me. Let s practice with this fi rst picture. (Keep displaying TC53.) One night, God took Abraham outside and said, Look up at the sky and count the. (Make the sound on the blank and let Cubbies shout the word stars.) Cubbies, do you see all the stars? There are too many stars to count. God made a promise to. (Point to Abraham and make the sound.) He said Abraham s children would be too many to count like the stars! God keeps His. (On your sound, Cubbies shout the word promises.) God added children and grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren to Abraham s family until it fi lled up with people. (Display TC56.) Abraham s family became a great nation, called the. (Cubbies shout the word Israelites. They may need a hint.) (Display TC54.) God promised to give the Israelites the wonderful land of Canaan as their home. (Display TC58.) But fi rst, they had to live in the faraway land of. (Cubbies shout Egypt on your sound. Open your Bible to Exodus 1.) Egypt belonged to a cruel king, called. (Cubbies shout Pharaoh.) Pharaoh thought there were too many Israelites in his land. I will make them my slaves! he growled. The Israelites needed help, so they cried out to. (Cubbies shout God.) (Display TC59-64 and continue in the pattern above. Replace key words with your sound. Choose simple words that Cubbies should know. If time or Cubbies attention is limited, don t review each individual plague.) After the 10th plague, Pharaoh fi nally said, GO! (Display TC66.) Hooray! The Israelites left Egypt in a big hurry. They were so happy to be free from Pharaoh! God led them through the desert to a place near the Red Sea (which looked like a large lake). (Display TC67.) Suddenly, they looked up. Uhoh! Pharaoh was coming with his army and chariots to take them back to Egypt. Don t be afraid, said Moses to the people. You will see the Lord save you today. He will fi ght Pharaoh s army for you. (Choose one of the two options to teach the next part.) Option 1: Beforehand, cut a rectangular piece of blue felt in half across the width. Gather toy army men (as Pharaoh s army) and plastic toy people (as the Israelites) or instead, kids could use the fi nger puppets made during Coming In for Israelites. You could also make fi gures by drawing faces on the heads of wooden slotted clothespins. Lay the felt halves together on the continued on next page 168

6 continued from previous page fl oor to represent the Red Sea. The halves should form a horizontal rectangle in front of you. As you talk about God parting the sea, roll or fold the touching edges away from each other until the edges stand on their own and you create a path through the sea. Let each Cubbie walk an Israelite fi gure across the path. Then let Cubbies walk Pharaoh s men fi gures halfway through the path and you roll the sea back over the fi gures. Explain that Pharaoh s men drowned in the sea. To add texture as Cubbies walk fi gures, lay the felt sea in a box of sand. If you don t have fi gures, Cubbies can walk their fi ngers through the path. Option 2: Beforehand, gather two or four large blue towels or sheets. You may want to decorate the blue materials with fi sh shapes (resource CD). Cubbies can color fi sh shapes during Coming In. During the lesson, tell Cubbies to pretend to be Israelites. Acting as Moses, carrying some sort of staff, lead the Israelites in pairs to another room or hallway where two or four leaders are standing next to each other and holding the blue materials to look like a sea. Explain how God put darkness in front of Pharaoh s army. Then face the sea, raise your staff and stretch out your hand. Explain that God sent a mighty wind all night to blow the sea apart. As you talk, the leaders separate and position the blue materials to look like walls of water on the right and left of Cubbie pairs as they walk between them. As Cubbies walk, they could say the review verse, Psalm 147:5. If desired, choose some Cubbies to act like Pharaoh s army chasing the Israelites. Warn them in advance that leaders will close up the sea (i.e., drop the blue materials on top of them) as they walk through. (Display TC57.) God is mighty. (Make arm muscles with Cubbies.) He sent a big wind to split open the sea, and the Israelites walked through it on dry ground! Cubbies, we ve had fun playing with a make-believe sea, but do you think I could ever split open a real sea? Could you split open a sea? (Allow response.) (Display TC68.) Could you make a mountain as big as the mountains God makes? (Allow response.) What are some other mighty things that only God can do? (As Cubbies respond, also remind them of God s mighty works from past lessons, such as creating humans and the earth, sending a fl ood, rising from the dead, etc.) Our power is small, but God s power is more awesome than we can know! (Open your Bible to Psalm 147:5 and ask Cubbies to shout the verse twice in unison.) Great is our Lord, and abundant in power (Psalm 147:5). God is mighty. (End with prayer. Praise God for His power and pray that the Cubbies learn to trust our mighty God at all times.) HANDBOOK TIME (15-30 minutes) Give each handbook group leader a copy of Bear Hug 18 Handbook Leader Sheet from the resource CD. Bear Hug 18 Activity Sheet Copy of the Bear Hug 18 Activity Sheet for each Cubbie Crayons Optional small paper tent game markers for each handbook table (resource CD) Review the events after the Israelites left Egypt as Cubbies color the sheet. Then use the sheets as game boards. After each Cubbie says a verse, call out a number from one to fi ve and Cubbies move a paper tent marker that number of spaces on their game board. 169

7 PLAY TIME (15-20 minutes) Play two or three games from prior lessons in the unit as a review. Reinforce lesson truths from the unit with each game. If you still have time, add one new game. IDEA 1: Moses Leads the People Empty cardboard wrapping paper tube or yardstick for a staff A barrier to represent the Red Sea Optional obstacles such as a tunnel to crawl through, a mat to jump over, cones to slalom around, a rope laid on the fl oor to walk like a tightrope Direct Cubbies to stand in a line behind a leader (Moses). He or she holds a staff and says, We re going out of Egypt. God set us free. Come on Israelites, follow me! Moses leads Cubbies around the room and Cubbies mimic Moses. Moses can walk, jog, hop, crawl, march and maneuver around various obstacles. Moses stops the group at the Red Sea barrier. It can be a set of curtains or room dividers, the towels or sheets used during the lesson or even a line of children holding hands. Moses reviews the events at the Red Sea. Then as Moses raises his or her staff and hand, the barrier separates and the Cubbies walk through it. Cubbies cheer to end the game IDEA 2: Red Sea, Red Sea Large, open play area Optional whistle, parachute Divide Cubbies into two groups. One group is the Israelites. The other group is Pharaoh s army. The groups stand separated on the same side of the room. The middle of the room is the Red Sea. The Israelites chant to the leader, Red Sea, Red Sea, can the Israelites come over? The leader says yes. All Cubbies carefully run across to the other side of the room. Pharaoh s army chants to the leader, Red Sea, Red Sea, can Pharaoh s army come over? The leader says yes, but when the group is halfway over, the leader says STOP! or blows a whistle and says, Uh-oh. The sea is closing back up. You all fall down. Cubbies fall to the fl oor. Repeat the game again but have Cubbies switch groups. A variation is to play this game with a parachute. Everyone holds the parachute. This time, the Cubbies call out people by name. Red Sea, Red Sea, can Pedro come over? Everyone raises the parachute high and that child runs under the parachute to cross the sea. Repeat so that everyone gets a turn. You could have a few Cubbies pretend to be Pharaoh s army. When they run under the parachute, you blow the whistle and they fall down or the group drops the parachute on them. IDEA 3: Can You Do It? Game Slips of paper each describing a different action (resource CD) Container for slips One Cubbie chooses a slip of paper from the container and hands it to a leader who says, Can you (leader inserts statement on the slip). If it is something the children can do (like stand on one foot), they say I can do it! and demonstrate. But if it s something that only God can do (like put stars in the sky), they shout, I can t do it, but God can! They fl ex their arm muscles and say, God is mighty! GOING HOME (5-10 minutes) AWARD ALERT! Cubbies will earn a Red Apple emblem for completing Unit 4. Tell parents to arrive early to see their child receive the award. Remind parents to attach this apple emblem to the A on the child s vest. 170

8 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power (Psalm 147:5) NAME: Pharaoh tells the Israelites, GO!! Basic Instructions: God is mighty. He led the Israelites out of Egypt. When Pharaoh s army tried to follow them, God parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk through it on dry ground. Draw a line to complete the maze and then color the sheet. Even More Fun: Ask your leader for a game marker (resource CD). Color and fold the marker to form a tent, and walk it on the path. Ultimate Fun: Use the sheet to play a game with the other Cubbies at your table. Listen to your handbook group leader call out numbers and move your marker the correct number of spaces on your game board. Unit 4: Bear Hug Awana Clubs International This page may be reproduced only by churches registered with Awana.

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