Kehilat Etz Hayim Building Jewish community space

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1 Kehilat Etz Hayim Building Jewish community space OUR COMMUNITY VALUES Peace and Blessings to you dear friend. I would like to address an issues of our community values. I hope you will find this paper helpful to understand who we are, what we believe and what we treasure dearly, how we walk with G-d in our communal Jewish space and daily life. Take time to read and think about this, talk to us, and maybe see to take this values to your heart. So often this question in this form or another coming to the surface or coming to stand. It showing it's importance for our individual lives, our community lives, (which is the same, for there is no such a thing, our own individual life and separate from it our community life) our future. Its coming in the form of our believes or differences of our believes, where we stand on faith, doctrinal, theological, social, political and individual issues. In what we want to have and what we want to give, our relations to others outside of our faith, inside of our faith, with each other, and ultimately with our G-d, not us we would like to see Him, but us He is. This required multiple addressing, and I attempted to do so, long time in multiple papers and will continue to do so from different angles for one reason: we need to grow, we need to develop ourselves, develop in relations to our community, if indeed we want this community to be our community, with cry and with joy, with blood and tears. What do we build here, what is our community values, and do we value and treasure this values or we are merely attendees. Are we dragging our church mentality with all it's clishes and fraziology, philosophies, believes and doctrines. 1

2 Are we see ourselves came out from old church and going to new church? G-d forbid. Our values, spiritual, Scriptural concepts and traditions, the way we walk, our Halakha. We have more papers, very helpful in this issue and this first of all our Kehilah brochure; Messianic Judaism and it's core Values ; Esseys on Judaism and beyond. Some other materials available. This is a complex issue and may no one think of easy going. This is an issue of yours and my identity individually and us a people, our identity and our values us community, do you like it or not. So to say, I like to see people of G-d of Israel loving and cherishing what we have and what we building but not an attendees. Over the years we have plenty of example of such an attendees who will come on their conditions and want to remake everything to their taste. There is no place in us for such an attitude. You also need to know something about me. Im a Jew, and a Pharisee, not christian or gentile and there is no way or place for any gentalisation in our community. It is no coincidence that everywhere, beginning from our website and in our Kkehilat brochure I have this unnoticed fraze: Our community/website and all what we do is Assimilation Free Zone No one ever asked me: What is this about? And I doubt you even noticed and understand this. Because this issue never being raised or sad reality and part of your life. I'm who I'm, raw nerve, what you see, what you get. You will ether love me or hate me. No middle ground of lovely attendance. We have huge imbalance, I'm only one and there is many of you. So we have much to do to correct it. There is danger to christianise or gentalise our work. I have enaugth in my life as believer and follower of my Messiayh, attempts consistent and rude to gentalise/christianise me. This is not to say that I put myself goal to judaise you. G-d forbid ether way. What it is then before us? There is certain plan under heaven, plan designed and implemented by our G-d, like it or not. Plan of relations between Shem and Japheth. No less that Japheth must come to the tent of Shem, bow down, enter and ask permission to dwell there together with 2

3 Shem. This largely not happened. I hope, not yet but very soon. I cannot describe this phenomenal message and plan of G-d, and only can recommend one thing: listen to Art Katz The Tent of Shem ; Shem and Japheth Our identity in Christ and other messages. I will, despite difficulties, broadcast it and broadcast it till we have some results. What will do it to you? It will help you to avoid misconceptions, misunderstanding, falls messianisms, christianisms and other lunatics in the church or else. Many will say: O... but there is no Jew nor Gentile, or this middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile have being broken and now we all the same, free Nothing of this theological nonsense Scripturaly exist. Gross misconceptions of christian/messianic forms. Even to mension about this middle wall of partition. If we ever know what about this very partition Shaul talking about. This is all nonsense. We have our functions to perform as much as husband and wife. When after marriage husband and wife becoming one, they not becoming the same, (are we who is married become transsexuals now?) G-d forbid. They have different functions to do, and much disaster happening when this functions mixt up. May be even your families is example of such mixtup? I'm a man, and will dye a man. I'm a Jew and will dye a Jew, do you like it or not. You have being grafted into Israel's very own Jewish Olive Tree, not to Gentile Christmas tree. By a matter of this grafting you must produce Olives full of olive Oil. So, show me your Oil. O... and please remember that only, only by producing olive Oil, you will be witness to Israel, witness to the world. Mere have a Bible in your hands. May HaShem keep us in conditions and state He created us, be this male or female, Jew or Gentile, slave or Master. So after this Introduction I will summarise at list some of our values. Please read it, take it to your heart or reject it. So to say love it or hate it. Let me start with our Kehilah brochure and bring forward some comments. PART 1 We are Jews. And rightly so. That who we are. We are natural borne into it by our parents and grandparents. We are naturally experienced joy and sufferings being borne to Jewish parents with all good and bad, more or less that its coming 3

4 with it. Borne to Orthodox or atheist families with or without bar mitzvas, circumcision or not, kosher and festivals, Jewish birth and burials, machmaking to nice Jewish girl or not. Jewishness is under our skin. We are talk Jewish, we are think Jewish, and we are never to forsake it. And as our Kehilah brochure stated We discovered the Mashiyah. Oy Vey... what a Good News We have problems to fit in traditional Christianity. Who will Bar Mitzva our children? in the church, who will pray for our babies, wives, and who will pray Kaddish for our departure. We longing and we are witness to our roots, traditions and heritage. Our Kehilah become for us a place and a space that we enjoining and able to maintain our Jewish distinctive. In boldness and with courage we proclaiming our Rabbi Yeshua HaNotzri King of kings, King of the Jews. We proclaiming our heritage and our Jewish values. We are non Jews. And ritly so, for we come from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. We new church and baptisms, Sunday school and Christmas and all good and bad things that's come with it. But something inside of us nagging. Is anything even now nagging inside of you? We new nothing about Mashiah and G-d of Israel, the joy of Shabbat, Torah and its laws and regulations, kosher laws and laws of Tzniut (Modesti and humility) Laws of Niddah (sexual separation) and many more. We could not find place. Let me lay out this values in form of Jewish space: 1. Our Kehilah/community is a Jewish space, not a church place. 2. Our space is filled with babies, children and adults growing up as Jews and non Jews in Jewish environment, with our circumcisions, and bar/bat mizvas, our Traditions and our Halakha; 3. Mikvey and Mitzvot; 4. Tzniut and Niddah; 5. Laws of Kashrut and Kosher lifestyle; 6. Jewish life and year cycle, be this birth, growing up, marriage or death; 7. Keeping / observing Torah, commandments of our G-d despite criticism from every direction; 4

5 8. For those of us who is Jewish follow pasterns of individual and communal prayer and service life, and for those who is non Jewish, develop understanding and appreciation of our communal practises and traditions, and join together in this tradition of expression. 9. Taking on burden to be Jewish for those who are Jewish and attaching themselves to G-d of Israel and People of Israel by those who are not Jewish. 10. Maintaining our Jewish space as spiritual home; 11. See ourselves as Mishpoha (Family) with all our distinctives, cries, joy and troubles; Live in this space where G-d and His Mashiyah honoured, and devout our lives to Him and to study of His Word; 12. Devout our lives to following our Rabbi and King Yeshua Meshiheynu and His teachings; 13. Space where we are see ourselves as: - part of Judaism Biblical and Messianic, - part of People of Israel, - longing to Land of Israel, - supporting People of Israel in the Land and Diaspora, - supporting Eretz Israel and Jewish causes on different levels, - join with Israel at large, believing and non believing without exception, for we are by the matter of grafting, are part of Israel. 14. For us non Jews, stand Shema together with us who is Jewish, in one voice. And for us who is Jewish, to know when we stand Shema and Amidah, there is behind us our family but not attendees. 15. Growing in knowledge that one day it will be required for us who of Jewish heritage, to attach yellow Yude Star and knowing that there next to us will be you, our family. 16. Living Jewish life as a calling and burden and a requirement of suffering and martyrdom, and see that now is a time to understand and embrace this calling. 17. Living Jewish community life devoted to our G-d: 5

6 - in humility, daily Jewish life, Sinagogue traditional service, Torah reading and hearing; - standing Shema and Amida; - committing ourselves to daily and weekly prayer services; - remember fast days and join with Israel in sorrow and joy; - committing yourselves to observing all appointed times of G-d together with Jewish believers, not separate, for yourselves or only Pesah and Tabernakles. 18. See people of Israel as G-d's elect, G-d's chosen people and develop understanding and commitment to this very chosen people. 19. Dedicate your lives to purging out Anti-Semitism from other places that you know of, from your families and from yourselves. 20. See yourselves and develop this value, that our community is a Messianic Jewish Synagogue, and we must see ourselves us part of it. Devote ourselves to its growth. 21. Dedicate ourselves to Jewish concept Dor l'dor - From Generation to Generation, passing on to our children and grandchildren all what we have. 22. Dedicate ourselves to Jewish messianic Halakha, and see that this is the only way and context where sights, smells, food, sounds, symbols, history and our Jewish traditions and traditional values will be expressed and reinforced to continue our unique identity from one generation to the next. Now I would like to refer you to the following: 1. Messianic Judaism is an expression of Jewish Faith, part of Judaism; 2. As Jewish Faith, we are part of Messianic Judaism and must be concern with Jewish national survival; 3. As part of Messianic Judaism we must protect ourselves from ethnic pride and elitism, be Jewish or Gentile; 4. Messianic Judaism is Judaism, not Jewish stile church or congregation; 5. Torah is a document where described particular relations and unique covenant of 6

7 G-d with people of Israel; 6. Our Rabbi Yeshua minatzeret is the fullness of Torah and Torah himself; 7. The Jewish people are US not THEM; 8. The richness of rabbinic tradition is a valuable part of our heritage; 9. How we treat others so how we treat G-d. We must maintain true piety with decency and integrity; 10. Devout ourselves to humble openness to study; 11. Building and walking Yeshua centred faith, family and community live in Jewish space; 12. Unity of Jewish and non Jewish believers in Spirit of Truth; 13. Equipment and Discipleship of believers in our Midrasha (school) There perhaps much more I can add to it and I will with time, like if this is not much already. PART 2 Something else I want add to help you with this document. Find yourself in one of this categories! 1. Pro-Israel Christian 2. The Anti-Church Christian 3. The supporter of Jewish Church 4. The Involved Messianic Jewish Congregation/Synagogue Attender 5. The Committed Gentile/Non Jewish believer The Pro-Israel Christian attends a Messianic Synagogue on Shabbat and a Christian Church on Sunday. They support Israel and the Jewish People. They also enjoy the music and dancing that is a part of our Movement. But their theology 7

8 and faith commitment is to Christianity. They may at times comment that we are being too Jewish. These Non-Jews make up a part of our Movement, yet their commitments lie within the Church. The Anti-Church Christian is a Gentile Christian who out of a protest or rejection of the Church attends a Messianic synagogue. They pose a problem to Messianic Judaism because their involvement in our Movement is not for us, but as a protest against their problem with the Church. They are not committed to a Jewish life and over time will find something about Messianic Judaism to turn them against us. These are the most problematic Non-Jews. The Supporter of the Jewish Church is a Gentile Christian that sees Messianic Judaism as the Jewish Church akin to Hispanic and Korean Churches. They support us as a cultural form of Christianity. These Non-Jews support our existence, though their understanding of us is flawed. These Non-Jews make up the bulk of Christians that support the Messianic Jewish Movement. The Involved Messianic Synagogue Attender is the Non-Jew that makes up a large part of the Non-Jews in Messianic Synagogues. They have taken to the synagogue and to aspects of Jewish life. Though much of the expression of Judaism is based in the synagogue. They have a commitment that is more than mere attendance. They observe Shabbat and the Festivals in synagogue life and study Jewish books, but they are content as they are as Non-Jews in a Messianic synagogue. The Committed Non-Jew is the Non-Jew that has been called to Messianic Judaism and has been drawn to a Jewish life. Beyond the commitment of the Involved Synagogue Attender, they seek to follow Torah in all aspects of daily life, including Shabbat and Kashrut. The Committed Non-Jew s commitment to Messianic Judaism and the larger Jewish world marks a clear distinction in their commitment and calling. To cast their lot with Israel and the Jews. They like the Egyptians that left Egypt and with Israel stood at Mt. Sinai have been drawn to the G-d of Israel and to the People of Israel in a unique way. Think about Messianic Judaism and your commitment to Messianic Jewish life and space. This have nothing to do with conversion, religious system or becoming a Jew (spiritual Jew, spiritual Israel, Jew by choice etc.) 8

9 Our stand and place requires deep commitment to G-d of Israel, Messiah of Israel, People of Israel and Land of Israel. And last. Is it much to take to your heart? May be some or all of this is values unacceptable to you, or you don't like all this laws and traditions, prayers and lifestyle. May be all this very unchristian for you. May be it all to Jewish? But with all, rites and wrongs, with all complex look, obligations and traditions, this is who we are, this is where we stand, this is where we are going. I do not call you to accept everything or nothing, but if you have problem even with one of this issues, there will be difficulty for you and for us. I would like to give an advise in regards to it. See you accepting all of this values as way of your growth and development in faith, but not disagreement/argument, or some (all) of our values going to be in contradiction to your understanding. But in the end of the day it's up to you to decide, where you stand. Where you with us or not, where you want to be an observer and sitting on the wall or be an observant, a part of our community. I hope you will made rite decision in peace with G-d. May our G-d, G-d of Israel give you wisdom and Shalom. Elhanan ben Mordekhay (Eugene) 18 November 2010 Etz Hayim messianic Jewish ministry 9

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