Genesis and Evolution. Tom Larkin

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1 Genesis and Evolution Tom Larkin

2 Copyright 2017 Tom Larkin All rights reserved. ISBN:


4 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 Evolution and the Scientific Method 3 3 Rules for Studying and Understanding the Bible 7 4 Evaluation of the Book of Genesis 13 5 Current Scientific Data 20 6 Conclusions 22


6 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 1 John 4:20

7 1 INTRODUCTION What is presented here is a logical, simple and straightforward biblical argument that the theory of evolution and Genesis are not contradictory. Will this impact our understanding of great Biblical truths? How can we have fellowship with God? How can we know God s will for our lives? How should we treat our fellow man? How can we achieve eternal life? Why are we here? No, this discussion has no impact on any of these topics. In fact, in terms of Biblical and theological context, it is relatively insignificant. What is presented here is simply speculation on the mechanisms by which God created man. Will this impact of understanding of science? No. Data and theory based on the current state of scientific knowledge is discussed, but this has no impact on science now or in the future. 1

8 Tom Larkin So why is this important? An artificial chasm has been developed between science and the Bible, where many now believe that science and the Bible are mutually exclusive studies. If you pursue knowledge in the area of science or the Bible, you must become distrustful of the other study, which I feel is incorrect and results of misapplication of either study. 2

9 2 EVOLUTION AND THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Science is not a faith based system. Science does not reveal the nature of God; how we can have fellowship with God, how does God influences our lives or how should we treat each other? Some have tried to apply evolutionary principles to sociological application with disastrous results. Science is always changing. What we will know in the future will modify currently accepted theories. Science is continually moving forward. Scientific Method There are clear, but simple rules that must be followed when conducting science called the Scientific Method. This is what separates scientific information from other types of information, such as information used for propaganda or entertainment purposes. 3

10 Tom Larkin Scientific journals, such as Science and Nature, are held to the high standards of applying the scientific method regarding their data and conclusions. Magazines, such as Scientific American, present summaries of recent scientific advancements, but their conclusions are not held to the same level of scrutiny. The same is true of museum exhibits and movies, such as An Inconvenient Truth, where the intent was not to purely present scientific data, but to alert the populous to the potential impact of carbon dioxide on climate change. Therefore, you cannot argue that because something said in a movie is proven to be false that climate change does not exist or is not being impacted by human activities that produce carbon dioxide emissions, you need to go back to the science to disprove a theory. As in Biblical studies where you cannot ignore sections of scripture when presenting an argument, scientific data cannot be ignored. Discovery of new data by observation or experimentation may challenge the existing scientific knowledge base and call into question widely accepted scientific theory. Any new theory must take all data into account, or at least challenge the means by which the disconfirming data was generated. My experience is that Christian arguments against evolution are often based on non- science. I have not heard one argument that had reference current scientific data and scientific conclusions, but all have referenced exhibits, movies, entertainment or antiquated theories. The scientific method is a continuous process. Hypotheses 4

11 Genesis and Evolution are developed that can be tested in various ways, including making further observations about nature. In general, the strongest tests of hypotheses come from carefully controlled and replicated experiments that gather empirical data. These observations are evaluated using statistical principles to separate data that may be coincidental from that which is significant. The design of experiments that produce the data is evaluated to ensure the experiment is well designed. Depending on how well the tests match the predictions, the original hypothesis may require refinement, alteration, expansion or even rejection. If a particular hypothesis becomes very well supported a general theory may be developed. Even after a theory has been developed and accepted, new information obtained through observation or experimentation will lead to new hypotheses and even substantially modified future accepted theories. Theory of Evolution The theory of evolution is simply based on the observation that individuals best adapted for their environment will be more likely to pass on their genetic information. Changes in genetic information are produced through reproduction and mutation. Changes which produce traits that give a competitive advantage for an individual in its current environment will lead to a higher likelihood that that individual will live long enough to reproduce and pass on its genetic material to the next generation. Those who are at a competitive disadvantage in the current environment will 5

12 Tom Larkin be less likely to pass on their genetic information. The power of this can be demonstrated through artificial selection in the human relationship with dogs. Current data indicates that dogs have only been a separate species from wolves for the last 30,000 years and you can clearly see the diversity developed in the types and attributes of dogs over a relatively short time. Previously dogs have been selected based on working function (e.g. herding, hunting, transport), but more recently they have been selected for their attributes as pets. Looking backward through the fossil record, common ancestors have been evaluated initially by observed common traits, but more recently through genetic data which provides a clearer picture of our ancestral past. The theory of evolution is completely distinct and separate from the theories of how life was created on earth. Some of these theories include the theories of Abiogenesis, Panspermia, and the RNA world hypothesis. There is no widely accepted hypothesis in the scientific world for the creation of life at this time. It is the purpose of the information presented here to evaluate Genesis and the Bible based on the theory of evolution and not on these separate theories of the creation of life. 6

13 3 RULES FOR STUDYING AND UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE What is inspired and what is not Any Biblical argument is meaningless unless it is accepted that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Given that this is accepted, what is inspired and what is not? Separation of the Bible into books, chapters and verses is arbitrary and I feel this is not inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are many passages that would fit better into different chapters, and even chapters that would fit better into different books (for example, the last chapter of Deuteronomy would fit better into Joshua as it describes Moses death, and Moses is the author of Deuteronomy). Translations are a wonderful tool for the vast majority of people to understand the Bible, but these vary in content. I believe that the text in the original language is inspired. Some original manuscripts are considered better than others, which leads to a great deal of debate. 7

14 Tom Larkin During Jesus human life, he often spoke out against the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and the religious traditions that were put in place by man, but he never spoke out against the scriptures. In fact, Jesus often quoted from the Old Testament, especially Deuteronomy and often during trying times. I take this frequent quotation as an endorsement of the content of the scripture at that time. Paul states that All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17) I do not feel that the seven books added to the Roman Catholic Bible after the reformation (Council of Trent) are inspired, as these have been show to be inconsistent with the other text, are excluded from the Jewish text and contain considerable anachronisms. Private Interpretation No part of the Bible can be interpreted independently from the rest of the Bible. Every verse must be put in the context of all the other verses. Lifting a verse out of the context of the surrounding verses or the Bible as a whole can lead to misinterpretation. To understand each verse in the context of the entire Bible, you need to know who is speaking and who is being addressed. Some context is addressed specifically to the nation Israel, some is addressed to the Church, some is 8

15 Genesis and Evolution addressed to non- believers. It is important to understand who is being addressed to understand the meaning. Dispensations The Bible describes different rules for different eras. For example, in the Garden of Eden, there was only one rule (see Genesis 2:17). Even with just one rule, man could not keep it. The nation Israel was under the Law, as God gave it to Moses with the specific moral code, sacrifices, dietary and other restrictions and commands. Jesus came not to condemn the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). Since the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we are under the dispensation of Grace. We are instructed to keep His commandments out of love for Him (John 14:14, 21 and 15:10). There will be different rules during the 1,000- year reign of Jesus and in the kingdom of the New Jerusalem. As you read the Bible, it is important to understand the context of and for whom the rules are intended. Let the Bible say what it says I believe the Bible is to be taken literally. I also believe that every person in the Bible was a real person who existed like you or me. One thing that is amazing to me is how human everyone in the Bible is, we all have are imperfections (to put it mildly) and one preconceived notion that I had going into my initial study of the Bible was that those in the Bible 9

16 Tom Larkin would be more saintly, boy was I wrong. Often, all of us mix in preconceived notions into our reading of the Bible. It is important to read the words only in the context of other sections of the Bible and a very different picture starts to emerge. There are several examples below of common misconceptions in the Bible that come from external sources: 1. Most of what is portrayed in our culture regarding Heaven, Hell and Satan comes from medieval literature and art and not from the Bible. 2. Jesus looks nothing like the images of Him we have all seen (Isaiah 53:2). 3. The God of the Old Testament is judgmental and vengeful, where the God of the New Testament is the God of love. In the book of Deuteronomy, the love of God is described 22 times. This example is just one of many in the Old Testament. 4. The Jews or Romans killed Jesus I find it difficult to believe that the God who created the universe could be killed by man against His will. Jesus knew what was required to pay for my sin, and Jesus was in charge the entire time (some examples - Matthew 26:4-5, Mark 14:1-2). Remove preconceived notions as you read the Bible and just let the Bible say what it says. Just read it. 10

17 Genesis and Evolution What the Bible is not The Bible is not science; science should not be extracted from the Bible. Science tells us the how and the processes involved to create an outcome, not simply stating an outcome. Science provides hypothesis and theories on the mechanism by which nature works. It is not considered best practice to use supernatural intervention to explain a natural model, you cannot have a series of equation that use God intervenes here as a bridge to get from one equation to the next. God has revealed to us His awesome power and glory to us through the Bible, but this is also revealed to us in nature. At the time of this writing, we still do not understand the vastness of the Universe or even Multi- verse, or the details of nature s smallest building blocks. Current estimates have greater than 100 billion galaxies in the universe with more than 100 million stars in each galaxy. This speaks to the majesty of God, who transcends space- time, who created space- time. Our current delineation of time is actually an oxymoron, BC (before Christ). There was not a time before Christ and the term goes against the core beliefs of Christians (John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God among other passages). I prefer the "common era of the Incarnation" and before the common era of the Incarnation. The Bible is also not a History book. It is written with the intent of providing examples and instruction for us, not to 11

18 Tom Larkin record specific dates and events or to maintain a disciplined chronological order. The Gospels, for example, were written to communicate a specific message to a specific audience. The activities of Jesus were grouped by subject matter to communicate a message rather than maintain strict adherence to a timeline, this is why the order of events of Jesus life that are presented vary from Gospel to Gospel. The actual order of events is mostly irrelevant to the message of the Gospels. 12

19 4 EVALUATION OF THE BOOK OF GENESIS Evaluation of Genealogies Throughout the Book of Genesis, several genealogies are presented. The line not leading to Jesus is always given first, followed by the line leading to Jesus. The generations of Cain (Genesis 4:17-24) are given before the generations of Seth (Genesis 5). The generations of Japheth (Genesis 10:1-5) and of Ham (Genesis 10:6-20) are given before the generations of Shem (Genesis 10:21-31 and 11:10-32). The generations of Ishmael (Genesis 25:16-18) are given before the generations of Isaac (Genesis 25:19-26). The generations of Esau (Genesis 36:9-43) are given before the generations of Jacob (Genesis 37:2). 13

20 Tom Larkin It is important to note that the creation described in Genesis chapter 1 ends with Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. The Hebrew word used for generations in most of these examples is transliterated toldot which is the same Hebrew word used in Genesis 2:4 describing The generations of the heavens and the earth. I believe this word had the same purpose each time it was used in Genesis. The two exceptions to the use of toldot or generations are with Cain ( And Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bare Enoch and with Ismael ( These are the sons of Ismael ). I believe that the creation described in chapter 1 is providing the information that God is the creator of the universe and the generations of man not leading to Jesus. Chapter two is the generations of Adam leading to Jesus. Men and women described in chapter 1 are part of a general creation, where Adam and Eve were part of a specific Garden of Eden creation. there was not a man to till the ground. (Genesis 2:5) This seems to me to be an odd reason to create man, but this is a reason given before Adam is created. 14

21 Genesis and Evolution The Sons of God and the Daughters of Man Genesis 6:2 states That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they choose. Genesis 6:9 states that Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Why was it important enough to be stated in Genesis that Noah was perfect in his generations? Who are these sons of God and daughters of men? Step 1 check the phase in the context of the rest of the Bible. The phase sons of God is used in other books: Job 1:6, 2:1 and 38:7 Hosea 1:10 John 1:12 Romans 8:14, 19 Philippians 2:15 1 John 3:1-2 Typically, the term sons of God refers to those who love God, are led by the Spirit of God and try to do His will. Paul used the term twice, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God and be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world John wrote, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that 15

22 Tom Larkin believe on his name, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God and, Beloved, now are we the sons of God. However, in Job the phrase appears to apply to angels based on the context. I do not believe the Genesis reference refers to angels based on what is stated in Matthew 22:30 and Mark 12:25: (Matthew 22:30) For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. (Mark 12:25) For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven. It states clearly that angels do not marry. If these were angels that disobeyed God, then they would not love God, are led by the Spirit of God and try to do His will therefore they would not be called sons of God. Another proposed explanation is that the sons of God refer to the offspring of Seth and the daughters of men refer to the offspring of Cain. Many of those in the genealogy of Jesus have done terrible acts, such as that done by Cain. I do not see why it would be critical that Noah not have any of Cain s bloodline, but it appears critical enough to mention. The phrase daughters of men does not appear elsewhere in the Bible outside of Genesis 6. However, the phrase sons of men is used in Genesis chapter 11 to describe those who are following their own 16

23 Genesis and Evolution will apart from God. Women from outside the nation of Israel are actually included in the genealogy of Jesus (e.g. Ruth the Moabite in Matthew 1:5). I believe the sons of God refers to the offspring of Adam and Eve and the daughters of men are the offspring of the men and women created in Chapter 1 of Genesis. This would explain why it was important that Noah be perfect in his generation, as he was of the genealogy of Adam and Eve so this bloodline could be passed down to Jesus and to us. The same sequence of events from a different perspective There are several places in the Bible where the same events are presented from a different perspective, for a different purpose or to a different audience. Some examples include the events in the Books of Chronicles and Kings (one is told from man s perspective and one is told from God s perspective) and the events in the four Gospels (told for different purposes to different audiences). I do not believe the creation events in Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis are describing the same events as they are so very different. In Genesis chapter 1, the events described are very much in alignment with our current understanding of scientific theory has stated has occurred. In Chapter 1, God created the heavens and earth, the firmament, seas and the land. 17

24 Tom Larkin Plant life was then created, followed by sea life, birds and land animals. Man was created last. In Chapter 2, the universe and the earth are already created. Man (Adam) was created and then the garden eastward in Eden, followed by every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. I believe that the event described in Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis are sequential, the intent of Chapter 1 is to present the creation of the universe, the earth, sun moon and stars and life on Earth. I believe the intent of the creation events in Chapter 2 specifically describes the creation of Adam and Eve and the garden. What is described is an eyewitness account as revealed by God to Moses. It is important for us to know the Universe and all things in it are created by the God. (More specifically, created by Jesus (John 1:3)). The details of the creation are not very important to the overall purpose or message of the Bible, or more detail would have been given. There are more pages of scripture dedicated to the prophet Balaam or construction of the Temple than there are to the whole creation of the universe. What is also interesting to note is that our scientific understanding is constantly evolving. An article in the Huffington Post (25May 2011) titled Genesis And Science: More Aligned Than You Think?, describes, with a sense of surprise, how aligned the Genesis account and current scientific understanding are aligned. The article states Isn t 18

25 Genesis and Evolution it incredible that 4000 years ago, ancient man could have conceived that life started in the water? The article states regarding the creation of every winged fowl (Genesis 1:21) According to contemporary science, this is out of sequence. Birds did not appear until later. This may provide a clue as to how the formation of life was revealed to Moses. God may have revealed to Moses how the current forms of life on earth evolved over time, as current scientific understanding follows the approximate and high level sequence below: 1. Sea life 2. Dinosaurs 3. Birds 4. Larger land mammals (such as cattle, specifically mentioned) The current understanding is that birds are of the same genetic line as specific dinosaurs, so Moses may have been shown the evolutionary path of birds on day 5, and then the evolutionary path of land mammals (such as cattle) on day 5 as well. 19

26 5 CURRENT SCIENTIFIC DATA Scientific data provides an interesting background to the argument above. Scientific data provides dates and timeframes that I am sure will change in the future, but I feel it is interesting enough to include at the time of this writing. A recent article in Nature (Callaway, Ewen, Genetic Adam and Eve did not live too far apart in time, Nature, 6Aug13) indicates that all men can trace their genetic information through the Y chromosome back to a single male, identified as Y chromosome Adam who lived approximately 120,00 to 156,000 years ago. Similarly, all women can trace their genetic information back through mitochondrial DNA to a single female, identified as mitochondrial Eve, who is estimated to have lived between 99,000 and 148,000 years ago. The publication also indicates that the use of the names Adam and Eve are misnomers, because other men and women existed at the same time. 20

27 Genesis and Evolution This data ties into the premise that men and women of a general creation of the universe, the sun, stars, earth, plant and animal life describe in chapter 1 may have existing prior to the specific creation of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden described in chapter 2. In Genesis 2:5, prior to the creation of Adam, it was stated there was not a man to till the ground. It was also discovered that Wild grains were collected and eaten from at least 105,000 years ago ( Mozambican Grass Seed Consumption During the Middle Stone Age, Science, 18Dec 2009). If part of Adam s purpose was to till the ground (Genesis 2:5), this aligns the timing of the arrival of Y chromosome Adam approximately with the arrival of agriculture. Again, I am sure these dates will change over time with additional discoveries, observations and experiments, but I thought these were both interestingly aligned. 21

28 Tom Larkin 6 CONCLUSIONS Evolution and Genesis The information presented here is designed to support the premise that there is no conflict with the theory of evolution and the Bible. As I simply read through the events in Genesis, placing the text in the context of the scriptures in their entirety, but without preconceived notions, I get a clear picture, that is the events in chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis are sequential. Chapter 1 comes before chapter 2. I believe chapter 1 of Genesis describes a general creation of the universe, the creation of the sun, moon, stars and the earth and then life on earth, lastly men and women on earth. As it is stated in Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth, when they 22

29 Genesis and Evolution were created, in that day of the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. As consistent with the rest of Genesis, chapter 1 describes the lineage of those not leading to Jesus, and the creation of Adam and Eve begins the lineage leading to Jesus. I believe this is what we need to know regarding creation in order to understand the message and intent of the Bible. The creation of Adam and Eve and the garden describes a specific creation limited to the geography of the garden. Noah was perfect in his generations, which I believe indicates he was a direct descendent of Adam and Eve, and so is his line. This is important as it means all living humans are descended from Adam and Eve, which is consistent with current scientific data and the rest of the Bible. As stated earlier, this understanding has no impact on the message of the Bible, but it does impact the erroneous belief that you must choose between the Bible and science. There are many people who discount the Bible as myth because of a perceived conflict with science and there are many people who are distrustful of science because they feel it conflicts with their faith. To those who discount the Bible, I would encourage you to read through the entire Bible and note the consistency from cover to cover, review all the detailed scripture (e.g. the 22 nd Psalm) written regarding Jesus (he is referred in the Old Testament as the angel of the Lord ) and the simple instructions that humans are so bad at trying to follow, including me. 23

30 Tom Larkin To those distrustful of science, try to get to the science by working your way through the artist s renditions, the political propaganda and the movies. The science of medicine uses the same methodologies as the rest of science, but we often trust our doctors when they prescribe medication and treatments, whereas we don t trust other scientific conclusions. This does not mean that what is known today will not change, it will, but it is what is understood at this time. This, however, is much greater than was understood 25, 50 or 100 years ago. The important piece in understanding science is to get through the non- science and to get to the science. 24

31 Genesis and Evolution ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tom Larkin has worked over 25 years in the biotechnology industry and has a Master s Degree in Chemical / Biochemical Engineering from Tufts University and two Bachelor s Degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 25

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