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2 356 M dean@cosis.edu.pk makramrana.minhaj@gmail.com , ,

3 iii -

4 - iv

5 v

6 Abstract APA 6th Edition Format Hard CD vi 2.0"1.0" 1.0" 2.5"

7 -

8 356 M dean@cosis.edu.pk makramrana.minhaj@gmail.com , ,

9 1

10 2 Three Grades of Islam & Necessity of Taswwuf in the Contemprary World

11 Absract :God the almighty has sent the prophet (PBUH) as an illustrater.he has explained the all kinds of commands and the prohibited matters as such as the Almighty God has explained them in the Holy Quran, wich are preserved in The shape of Hadith.This was all to show the account of jurisprudentic authorities of the prophet (PBUH) which were authorised him by God, the almighty.thus all these are a part of our jurisprudence and they are applicable and practicable as like as the Holy Quran.It is collective faith of Muhammaden Ummah that He(PBUH) is at the designation of illustrater.the Holy Quran and Hadith,The jurists of Ummah of the ancient ages and those who came after them, are to follow the illustrations of the Prophet (PBUH) 3 Keyw ords: Illustrater, Prohibited Matters, Jurisprudentic Athorities, Practicable, Aplplicabl, Muhammaden Ummah, designation of illustrater,

12 4

13 5

14 6

15 o! 7

16 8

17 9

18 ! 10

19 11

20 : " : : ":. 12

21 - - : - - ". : :. : : 13

22 : : : : : : : :. : : : 14

23 :?

24 16

25 17

26 18

27 19 -


29 21 -i - -ii -iii -iv -v -vi - -ii -iii -iv - -i -ii -iii

30 ? -i -ii -v -iv - - -i - - -iii ii -iii - 22

31 23

32 24

33 Absract Because of some incompetent people who call themselves Sufi, {Tasawwuf} is blamed of Ignorance and refraining from struggle in social terminology. But when we glance at the history of Sufis we see that where the Sufis remain busy in prayers citations and conception on the other side they not only raise slogan of truth against the Muslim rulers, but also take part strongly in the movements of independence against the non-muslims dominations in their countries. They accepted martyrdom and faced the hurdles of captivity but did not accepted the domination of infiltrators on their lands. Noor-ud-Din Zangi, Sultan Zahir Babras and Ottoman Emperor Sultan Muhammad Fateh Struggle in the freedom movement against the colonization's systems. All of them were trained by Sufis. Apart them the sufi personalities and movements of North Africa wrote a golden history of struggle and hard working against the modern colonization's systems The Egyptian Sufis stood up against Tarters in the leadership of imam Ezza- ud- Din Ibno Abdus Salam. Ahmad Urabi. Shaykh Hassan Adawi Shaykh Muhammad Aleesh and Shaykh Sharqawi resisted against Nepolian. In Sudan, Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad and Shaykh Abdullah Hassan resisted in Libya, Umar Mukhatar Struggled for emancipation 25 Keyword:Tasawwuf, Struggle,History of Sufis, Hurdles of CaptivityDomination of Infiltrators, Ottoman Emperor, Colonization's Systems :

34 26 The Preaching of Islam A.R.Gibb

35 (Mediterranean Sea) 27

36 (Alber Shandor) Salahuddin the purest heor in Islam" (Easter Church) 28

37 29

38 30

39 (Museede Homme) 31

40 32

41 33

42 34

43 35

44 36

45 37

46 38 (1)T.W. Arnold,(1990) The Preaching of Islam, Delhi low printed bublication II ed, p265 () () () () () ()

47 () () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Alber Shandor ( ) ( ) ( ) 39 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

48 ( ) ) ( ( ) 40 ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

49 ( ) () (1)T.W. Arnold,(1990) The Preaching of Islam, Delhi low printed (Reprinted) bublication II ed 41

50 (29)www. djelfa.info 42 30www.etmoureclion.com

51 43 Abstract Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini ( ) was an eminent scholar and thinker of the subcontinent. His thoughts and services in the domain of Islamic jurisprudence were immense. He was completely aware of the demands of the modern world and helped reinterpret Islamic teachings in accordance with them. A profound man of letters, he considered ijtihad the need of the contemporary world. He possessed prophetic vision where the solution of new issues - usury, speculative transactions, stock exchange, insurance, women's rights, the ownership of the land and education - in the ever-changing world was concerned. This is the most significant aspect of his thoughts which inspired me to write on the remarkable achievements of Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini. Keywords: jurisprudence, ijtihad, usury, stock exchange, insurance, women's rights

52 44

53 45

54 46

55 47

56 48

57 (Shares) (Bond) 49

58 50

59 51

60 52

61 53

62 54 3 2

63 55 +

64 56

65 57

66 58

67 59

68 60

69 61

70 62

71 Abstract 63 The legal status of seeking blessings (barakat) Lexically, barakat and tabarruk mean increase, blessedness and goodness. Technically, the words connot inward benefit and increase even if they are not outwardly apparent. At times something is short in quantity but it seems greater in amount due to baraka - The divine blessing, from the time of the Prophet(SAW) of Allah to date, the Muslims have been benefiting from the blessings of the righteous. Scores of verses from the Qur'an and traditions of the Holy Prophet(SAW) established the permissibility of seeking benefit from the pious. Traditions tell us that the Companions used to seek divine blessings through the perspiration of the Proghet(SAW) and anything associated with his person. The lives of the Muslim saints also enlighten us on the validity of seeking blessings from the relics of the pious predecessors. Keywords: barakat, tabarruk, divine blessing, blessings of the righteous. /

72 64

73 65

74 66

75 67

76 68

77 69

78 70

79 71

80 72

81 73

82 74

83 75

84 76 Abstract The holy Quran is the book of revelation. Its each verse explicates its cohesion to the other. The perusal of the verses verifies manifestly that each verse is a composition of many sentences and in the formation of each sentence veritable factors are perceived. These factors are either figurative or lexical. When the constituents of the Quranic sentence are juxtaposed, certain lucidity is found for its coherence which not only pledges the apparent constituents but transforms them into perceptible enlightenment. If these links lack, the explanation becomes intangible. This significant figurative coherent includes relativity, specialty, fixity, spatiality, clarity and interpretation. This paper throws light on the application of these relatives in Quranic sentences with instances. Keywords: sentence, formation, figurative, juxtaposed, explanation, " "

85 77.

86 "

87 : : :

88 . :.. 80 :

89 . ". 81.

90 ... :. 82. :

91 83 : :. :. :. : )

92 84 ". :

93 85.. : :.... :.

94 : 86

95 ( : : 87

96 . : : : : : :.. 88 :

97 . :. 89

98 .. ) " :. : 90 :.

99 91 :..







106 98

107 99

108 100 Abstract There is no doubt that initially words of language were used to convey the meanings, feelings and figures directly about the facts and realities, but change occurred and words were moulded accordingly to the human needs and metaphorical forms progressed rapidly to achieve the goals like wideness, affirmation and likening etc. So the change is in direct relation with the metaphor. If there is no need of the above mentioned goals and characteristics, then it is related to the reality. Due to that, linguistics expert understood the importance of metaphor very well, which gives literary texts a technical aspect and creates a decisive partition between a "literary text" and a"general script". So, in this article, we wanted to discuss the following aspacts of following points: 1. Evolutionary change in the meaning of linguistic word; 2. Usage of word "Majaz" as titles of the Arabic books. 3. Understanding that "Majaz" is more communicative then reality". 4. The probability of "Majaz" to be associated with the lie. 5. The presence of "Majaz" in the Holy Qur'an. the topic in the 6. At the end of the article, there is a short summary of "majaz" and its vital role to enrich the "literary text" and to create decisive partition between it and the "general script", in which there is a direct expression of realities. Keywords: Metaphor, Language, Sentence, Script, Arabic, Islam, Heritance.

109 .. :

110 : 102 " : " " " :"

111 ... " : " : : :210 : :728

112 : ( ". 3 : " :384 : "

113 105 " : : " " : " :749 " " : : " " 180: : :471 : : :

114 " :255 ): " :392 " " :911 : " "

115 : :. 107 :


117 . :

118 110 (: : : "... : : : " " :


120 :. 112.

121 Abstract The one who glances at the history of world literature comes to realize that the literature produced by various regions and in different languages is closely connected. So the world over literary personalities absorb influence from other authors and also leave influence on their contemporaries as well as later generations. That is why we see that the great poet of East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, too, was affected by the Arabic literature and its poets. And he composed many of his verses which remind one of lofty Arabic poems. It is so because from Iqbal s viewpoint the Arab nation was possessed of so many noble traits of character; one of their most significant features is their ability to lead all the nations of the world because it carried the last divine message of God the message which was cosmopolitan in nature. The above is one aspect of my article. To illustrate this point, I have quoted the verses of Iqbal demonstrating that he was impressed by the thoughts expressed in Arabic literature. And the other aspect of my article deals with Iqbal s endeavours for bringing unity to the Muslim ummah. To exemplify this theme, I expounded the five major binding factors which Iqbal described in his poetry as well as in his prose. Keywords: Absorb influence, Leave influence, Impress by Arabic Poetry, Major binding factors 113

122 114

123 115

124 116

125 117

126 118

127 119!

128 120

129 Bombay Chronicle "But there is another sense in which the word (Pan-Islamism)

130 122 should be used and it does contain the teaching of the Quran In the sense it is not a political project but a social experiment Islam does not recognize caste or race or colour In fact, Islam is the only outlook on life which has really solved the colour question, at least in the Muslim world, a question which modern European civilization with all its achievements in science and philosophy, has not been able to solve Pan-Islamism, thus interpreted, was taught by the Holy Prophet and will live forever"(41)

131 123

132 ! 124

133 125



136 (31) http// read.ph?t=3613 (41) Basheer Ahmad Dar,(1981).Letters & Writings of Iqbal, Iqbal Academy Pakistan, Lahore, p

137 129 website (18) http// English Book (19) B. A. Dar, (1981).Letters & Writings of Iqbal, Lahore, Iqbal Academy Pakistan,

138 130

139 1

140 2 Three Grades of Islam & Necessity of Taswwuf in the Contemprary World

141 Absract :God the almighty has sent the prophet (PBUH) as an illustrater.he has explained the all kinds of commands and the prohibited matters as such as the Almighty God has explained them in the Holy Quran, wich are preserved in The shape of Hadith.This was all to show the account of jurisprudentic authorities of the prophet (PBUH) which were authorised him by God, the almighty.thus all these are a part of our jurisprudence and they are applicable and practicable as like as the Holy Quran.It is collective faith of Muhammaden Ummah that He(PBUH) is at the designation of illustrater.the Holy Quran and Hadith,The jurists of Ummah of the ancient ages and those who came after them, are to follow the illustrations of the Prophet (PBUH) 3 Keyw ords: Illustrater, Prohibited Matters, Jurisprudentic Athorities, Practicable, Aplplicabl, Muhammaden Ummah, designation of illustrater,

142 4

143 5

144 6

145 o! 7

146 8

147 9

148 ! 10

149 11

150 : " : : ":. 12

151 - - : - - ". : :. : : 13

152 : : : : : : : :. : : : 14

153 :?

154 16

155 17

156 18

157 19 -


159 21 -i - -ii -iii -iv -v -vi - -ii -iii -iv - -i -ii -iii

160 ? -i -ii -v -iv - - -i - - -iii ii -iii - 22

161 23

162 24

163 Absract Because of some incompetent people who call themselves Sufi, {Tasawwuf} is blamed of Ignorance and refraining from struggle in social terminology. But when we glance at the history of Sufis we see that where the Sufis remain busy in prayers citations and conception on the other side they not only raise slogan of truth against the Muslim rulers, but also take part strongly in the movements of independence against the non-muslims dominations in their countries. They accepted martyrdom and faced the hurdles of captivity but did not accepted the domination of infiltrators on their lands. Noor-ud-Din Zangi, Sultan Zahir Babras and Ottoman Emperor Sultan Muhammad Fateh Struggle in the freedom movement against the colonization's systems. All of them were trained by Sufis. Apart them the sufi personalities and movements of North Africa wrote a golden history of struggle and hard working against the modern colonization's systems The Egyptian Sufis stood up against Tarters in the leadership of imam Ezza- ud- Din Ibno Abdus Salam. Ahmad Urabi. Shaykh Hassan Adawi Shaykh Muhammad Aleesh and Shaykh Sharqawi resisted against Nepolian. In Sudan, Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad and Shaykh Abdullah Hassan resisted in Libya, Umar Mukhatar Struggled for emancipation 25 Keyword:Tasawwuf, Struggle,History of Sufis, Hurdles of CaptivityDomination of Infiltrators, Ottoman Emperor, Colonization's Systems :

164 26 The Preaching of Islam A.R.Gibb

165 (Mediterranean Sea) 27

166 (Alber Shandor) Salahuddin the purest heor in Islam" (Easter Church) 28

167 29

168 30

169 (Museede Homme) 31

170 32

171 33

172 34

173 35

174 36

175 37

176 38 (1)T.W. Arnold,(1990) The Preaching of Islam, Delhi low printed bublication II ed, p265 () () () () () ()

177 () () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Alber Shandor ( ) ( ) ( ) 39 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

178 ( ) ) ( ( ) 40 ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

179 ( ) () (1)T.W. Arnold,(1990) The Preaching of Islam, Delhi low printed (Reprinted) bublication II ed 41

180 (29)www. djelfa.info 42 30www.etmoureclion.com

181 43 Abstract Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini ( ) was an eminent scholar and thinker of the subcontinent. His thoughts and services in the domain of Islamic jurisprudence were immense. He was completely aware of the demands of the modern world and helped reinterpret Islamic teachings in accordance with them. A profound man of letters, he considered ijtihad the need of the contemporary world. He possessed prophetic vision where the solution of new issues - usury, speculative transactions, stock exchange, insurance, women's rights, the ownership of the land and education - in the ever-changing world was concerned. This is the most significant aspect of his thoughts which inspired me to write on the remarkable achievements of Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Amini. Keywords: jurisprudence, ijtihad, usury, stock exchange, insurance, women's rights

182 44

183 45

184 46

185 47

186 48

187 (Shares) (Bond) 49

188 50

189 51

190 52

191 53

192 54 3 2

193 55 +

194 56

195 57

196 58

197 59

198 60

199 61

200 62

201 Abstract 63 The legal status of seeking blessings (barakat) Lexically, barakat and tabarruk mean increase, blessedness and goodness. Technically, the words connot inward benefit and increase even if they are not outwardly apparent. At times something is short in quantity but it seems greater in amount due to baraka - The divine blessing, from the time of the Prophet(SAW) of Allah to date, the Muslims have been benefiting from the blessings of the righteous. Scores of verses from the Qur'an and traditions of the Holy Prophet(SAW) established the permissibility of seeking benefit from the pious. Traditions tell us that the Companions used to seek divine blessings through the perspiration of the Proghet(SAW) and anything associated with his person. The lives of the Muslim saints also enlighten us on the validity of seeking blessings from the relics of the pious predecessors. Keywords: barakat, tabarruk, divine blessing, blessings of the righteous. /

202 64

203 65

204 66

205 67

206 68

207 69

208 70

209 71

210 72

211 73

212 74

213 75

214 76 Abstract The holy Quran is the book of revelation. Its each verse explicates its cohesion to the other. The perusal of the verses verifies manifestly that each verse is a composition of many sentences and in the formation of each sentence veritable factors are perceived. These factors are either figurative or lexical. When the constituents of the Quranic sentence are juxtaposed, certain lucidity is found for its coherence which not only pledges the apparent constituents but transforms them into perceptible enlightenment. If these links lack, the explanation becomes intangible. This significant figurative coherent includes relativity, specialty, fixity, spatiality, clarity and interpretation. This paper throws light on the application of these relatives in Quranic sentences with instances. Keywords: sentence, formation, figurative, juxtaposed, explanation, " "

215 77.

216 "

217 : : :

218 . :.. 80 :

219 . ". 81.

220 ... :. 82. :

221 83 : :. :. :. : )

222 84 ". :

223 85.. : :.... :.

224 : 86

225 ( : : 87

226 . : : : : : :.. 88 :

227 . :. 89

228 .. ) " :. : 90 :.

229 91 :..







236 98

237 99

238 100 Abstract There is no doubt that initially words of language were used to convey the meanings, feelings and figures directly about the facts and realities, but change occurred and words were moulded accordingly to the human needs and metaphorical forms progressed rapidly to achieve the goals like wideness, affirmation and likening etc. So the change is in direct relation with the metaphor. If there is no need of the above mentioned goals and characteristics, then it is related to the reality. Due to that, linguistics expert understood the importance of metaphor very well, which gives literary texts a technical aspect and creates a decisive partition between a "literary text" and a"general script". So, in this article, we wanted to discuss the following aspacts of following points: 1. Evolutionary change in the meaning of linguistic word; 2. Usage of word "Majaz" as titles of the Arabic books. 3. Understanding that "Majaz" is more communicative then reality". 4. The probability of "Majaz" to be associated with the lie. 5. The presence of "Majaz" in the Holy Qur'an. the topic in the 6. At the end of the article, there is a short summary of "majaz" and its vital role to enrich the "literary text" and to create decisive partition between it and the "general script", in which there is a direct expression of realities. Keywords: Metaphor, Language, Sentence, Script, Arabic, Islam, Heritance.

239 .. :

240 : 102 " : " " " :"

241 ... " : " : : :210 : :728

242 : ( ". 3 : " :384 : "

243 105 " : : " " : " :749 " " : : " " 180: : :471 : : :

244 " :255 ): " :392 " " :911 : " "

245 : :. 107 :


247 . :

248 110 (: : : "... : : : " " :


250 :. 112.

251 Abstract The one who glances at the history of world literature comes to realize that the literature produced by various regions and in different languages is closely connected. So the world over literary personalities absorb influence from other authors and also leave influence on their contemporaries as well as later generations. That is why we see that the great poet of East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, too, was affected by the Arabic literature and its poets. And he composed many of his verses which remind one of lofty Arabic poems. It is so because from Iqbal s viewpoint the Arab nation was possessed of so many noble traits of character; one of their most significant features is their ability to lead all the nations of the world because it carried the last divine message of God the message which was cosmopolitan in nature. The above is one aspect of my article. To illustrate this point, I have quoted the verses of Iqbal demonstrating that he was impressed by the thoughts expressed in Arabic literature. And the other aspect of my article deals with Iqbal s endeavours for bringing unity to the Muslim ummah. To exemplify this theme, I expounded the five major binding factors which Iqbal described in his poetry as well as in his prose. Keywords: Absorb influence, Leave influence, Impress by Arabic Poetry, Major binding factors 113

252 114

253 115

254 116

255 117

256 118

257 119!

258 120

259 Bombay Chronicle "But there is another sense in which the word (Pan-Islamism)

260 122 should be used and it does contain the teaching of the Quran In the sense it is not a political project but a social experiment Islam does not recognize caste or race or colour In fact, Islam is the only outlook on life which has really solved the colour question, at least in the Muslim world, a question which modern European civilization with all its achievements in science and philosophy, has not been able to solve Pan-Islamism, thus interpreted, was taught by the Holy Prophet and will live forever"(41)

261 123

262 ! 124

263 125



266 (31) http// read.ph?t=3613 (41) Basheer Ahmad Dar,(1981).Letters & Writings of Iqbal, Iqbal Academy Pakistan, Lahore, p

267 129 website (18) http// English Book (19) B. A. Dar, (1981).Letters & Writings of Iqbal, Lahore, Iqbal Academy Pakistan,

268 130

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