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1 ا ع و ذ ب اہ لل م ن الش ی ط ن الر ج ی م ا ل ح م د ہ ل ل ک م ا ھ و ا ھ ل ہ و الص ل وۃ و الس ل م ع ل ی س ی د و ل د اد م ک م ا ی ح ب و ی ر ض ی ب ا ن ی ص ل ی ع ل ی ہ Allah azza wajal, in Whose Name we begin, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful All Praise is due to Allah azza wajal, Countless Peace and Blessings be upon His Beloved Messenger Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam ع ن ا ب ی ب ک ۃ ن ف ی ع ب ن ال ح ار ث الث ق ف ی ر ض ی اہ لل ت ع ال ی ع ن ہ ا ن الن ب ی ص ل ی اہ لل ع ل ی ہ و س ل م ق ال إ ذ ا ال ت ق ی ال م س ل م ان ب س ی ف ی ہ م ا ف ال ق ات ل و ال م ق ت و ل ف ی الن ار ق ل ت : ب ال ال م ق ت و ل ق ال إ ن ہ ک ان ح ی ص ا ع ل ی ق ت ل ص اح ب ہ ی ا ر س و ل اہ لل ہ ذ ا ال ق ات ل ف م ا )بخاری کتاب العلم باب وان طائفتان من المو منین الخ ا/ ۲۳ حدیث: ۳۱ ) Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakrah bin Nufai i bin Haaris Saqafi Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam has stated that, When two Muslims choose swords to attack each other, then the killer and the one killed will both be in the Fire (of Hell). The narrator further asked, O Prophet of Allah! There is no doubt that the killer is entitled for this, (the Fire of Hell), but what 1 P a g e

2 is the fault of the one that was killed? He replied, He also wished to kill his opponent. (Bukhari Shareef) When will the murderer and the murdered enter Hell? Allama Mulla Ali Qari Alaihir Rahmah explains that, Haraam acts are those acts or deeds in which there will be retribution and punishment. The two people mentioned in this Hadith Shareef are entitled for the Fire of Hell because, in this instance, there was an unjust act performed for which there is retribution and punishment. However, if a person kills another Muslim merely to protect himself and he was not the first to attack, then obviously, in this instance, the killer would not be held accountable in the Court of Allah azza wajal because Islamic Law gives a person the right to protect himself. (Mirqaatul Manaajih) To be killed for wordily purpose or reason Allama Haafiz ibn Hajr Asqalani Alaihir Rahmah explains, Allama Bazzaaz Alaihir Rahmah explains the meaning of this Hadith Shareef, In other words, if you kill each other for the sake of the world or for wordily reasons, then in this instance, both people are going to Hell. As a matter of fact, this is further proven from the Hadith Shareef in Muslim Shareef wherein it is explained that, The Day of Judgement will not appear when such a period will appear that a murderer will not know why he had killed and a murdered person will not know why he was killed. When it was asked how was this possible, it was explained, (this would happen because) of the amount of killing (prevalent at that time) and due to this, both people will enter the Fire of Hell. Allama Qurtabi Alaihir Rahmah also explains that, This Hadith Shareef clearly shows us that whatever fight or war has taken place based on ignorance (Jahaalat) for worldly purpose or for self-purpose (or self-conceit), (in all these instances) both the murderer and the murdered will enter Hell. (Fathul Baari) Unjust murder entitles a person for the Fire of Hell 2 P a g e

3 ہ In Surah Nisa verse 93, Allah azza wajal declares that: ہا ا ل ا ف ی ہن م خ ہ ج ز ا ف ج اؤ د م ع ؤ م ن ا م ت ل م ت ق ن ی و م وا ع د ل ہ و ن ل ع ع ذ اب ا ع ظ ی م ا ۹۳ ض و غ ب ل ی اہلل ع And whosoever kills a Muslim wilfully, then his recompense is Hell, abiding therein for a long time and Allah's wrath is upon him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great torment. In Surah Maidah, verse 32, Allah azza wajal declares that: ن یع ا وم م ل الن اس ج ت ما ق ب غ ی ن ف س ا و ف ساد ف ال ر ض ف ک ا ن ف س ا ل ن ت م ن ق ا ا حی الن اس ج م یع ا ما اہا ف ک ا ن ا ح ی Whosoever killed a soul not to retaliate for a soul, or for creating disorder in the land, then it is as if he has killed all of mankind. Three narrations about the severity of punishment for killing someone unjustly! Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurayah Radi Allahu Anhu explains that, On the Day of Judgement, the murderer will be killed a thousand times. In other words, the person will be killed a thousand times using the same weapon which he had used to kill another person. (Musannif ibn Abi Shaybah). Hadrat Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Amar Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that the Holy Prophet Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam has declared that, The killing of one single Muslim is more than destroying the world. (Tirmidhi Shareef) The first murder in this world! Kaabil and Haabil were the two sons of Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam. In the English world, they are known as Cain and Abil. When Sayyidah Hawa Radi Allahu Anha used 3 P a g e

4 to give birth, she gave birth to one boy and one girl. When Kaabil was born, with him also was born Iqleema and with Haabil was born Liyuza. It was a practise at that time that the person would marry the person of the previous or opposite birth. Hadrat Adam Alayhis Salaam, as per practise, then instructed Haabil to marry Iqleema but Qaabil did not agree to this because Iqleema was much prettier and he became desirable towards her. Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam explained to him that because Iqleema was born with him, therefore she was his sister and as such, he could not marry her. However, Kaabil remained adamant. Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam then ordered that they present their sacrifice in the Court of Allah azza wajal and whichever sacrifice was accepted, he should marry Iqleema. At that time, a fire used to appear from the sky and used to burn the sacrifice. Qaabil then presented a few pieces of wheat and Haabil sacrificed a goat. The fire which appeared from the sky burnt the goat of Haabil and the wheat of Qaabil remained untouched. This created jealousy and hatred in the heart of Qaabil and he secretly plotted from that day to kill his brother. Haabil was killed when he was only 20 years old and this occurred in the valley near the cave of Hira or Thur. Some are of the opinion that he was killed on a Tuesday in Basra where the largest Masjid is found. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayaan) Who taught Qaabil to bury his brother? It is said that the body of Haabil remained for many days above the ground because no one had died before this incident and the rites of burial were unknown to Qaabil. However, one day, he saw two crows fighting and when one crow had killed the other crow, it dug a hole in the ground with its beak and buried the other crow. This gave Qaabil the idea to bury his brother. (Madaa rikut Tanzeel). This incident is also further explained in Surah Maidah from verses 27 until 31. The earth shook for 7 days! 4 P a g e

5 It is reported that Qaabil was also very handsome and fair-skinned. However, when he had killed his brother, his face appeared black and he also appeared very ugly. For seven days the earth shook from major tremors which greatly troubled the animals living at that time. Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam was so over-whelmed and saddened by the death of his son that it is reported that he never smiled for a hundred years. The first person to worship fire on earth! Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam was so furious and angry with Qaabil that he completely banned him from his court. This despicable person then took Iqleema and settled in Yemen at a place called Adan. After a few days, Shaytaan appeared to him and informed him that Haabil used to worship fire which is why his sacrifice was burnt and that Qaabil should also worship fire. He accepted this advice and became the first person on earth to worship fire. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan) The first person to disobey! The first person to disobey the Commands of Allah azza wajal and to kill someone unjustly was Qaabil and he will be first person to enter Hell. In the Hadith Shareef it is mentioned that every unjust murder in the world would be an act that would be shared with Qaabil because he was the individual who started this practise. (Bukhari Shareef) He killed because of his jealousy, his hatred and his dislike for his innocent brother. He created stress for his parents, he created mischief on earth and he will certainly suffer great punishment. How did Qaabil die? It is said that one of the sons of Qaabil was blind and eventually, he was the one that killed his father by throwing a stone at him. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayaan) Hadrat Sayyiduna Sheesh Alayhis Salaam Five years after the death of Haabil, Hadrat Sheesh Alayhis Salaam was born. It is reported that the age of Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam at that time was one hundred and 5 P a g e

6 thirty. Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam kept the name Sheesh which is a Suryani name and in Arabic it would mean Hibatullah of a gift from Allah azza wajal. The fifty pages of Divine Revelation which was revealed to Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam was taught to Hadrat Sheesh Alayhis Salaam and he became the Khalifah and leader after Nabi Adam Alayhis Salaam. Our beloved Prophet Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam is from the offspring of Hadrat Sheesh Alayhis Salaam. (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan) What was the cause of the first murder? It is clear to see from this incident of Haabil and Qaabil that the cause of the first murder was through the fitna of a female. Hence, this also clearly informs us of the dangers that we need to keep in mind when handling such a delicate creature and if not handled properly, what the consequences can be. The effects of envy! This murder was based on the fact that Qaabil was envious of his brother Haabil. This clearly shows us how dangerous such a trait is. Ala Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Radi Allahu Anhu explaining envy declares that, To wish for a good to be taken away from someone is considered as envy. (Fatawah Radawiyyah) Points to bear in mind! 1. To have a firm committment and intention to perform sin is also considered as sin. However, merely the thought of sinning does not make one a sinner. The Ulama also clearly declare that the intention of Kufr is also Kufr. 2. One should be extremely sensitive and cautious when it comes to dealing with female issues and problems because if not handled properly it can lead to many dangers and problems. 3. The dangers of envy cannot be over emphasised and the incidents mentioned clearly gives us an indication of what can be the ultimate results of this if one is not careful. 6 P a g e

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