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1 rataae isa mae Ga saicarapna dehbaajaa/ na zaayatae Bagavataae gaitairtyavagamax naanyatvadista BagavaPipa tap Sa / maayaaganavyaitakragad@ivaqbaaisa 1 Lord Brahma said: O my Lord, today, after many, many years of penance, I have come to know abot Yo. Oh, how nfortnate the embodied living entities are that they are nable to know Yor personality My Lord, Yo are the only knowable object becase there is nothing spreme beyond Yo. If there is anything spposedly sperior to Yo, it is not the Absolte. Yo exist as the Spreme by exhibiting the creative energy of yadetadvabaaeyarsaaedyaena SayiPvatatamasa: sadnagahaya AadaE gahitamavataarsataekbaija/ yapaibapambavanaadhmaaivarasamax 2 The form which I see is eternally freed from material contamination and has adverted to show mercy to the devotees as a manifestation of internal potency. This incarnation is the origin of many other incarnations, and I am born from the lots flower grown from Yor navel home. naata: par/ parma yaevata: sva@pamaanandmaapmaivaklpamaivaevacaq: pasyaaima ivaysajamaekmaivaymaatmanax BaUtaeindyaatmakmadsta wpaaimtaae isma ta a qd/ BavanamaDxla madxlaaya Yyaanae sma naae disaqta/ ta wpaasakanaamax tasmae namaae Bagavatae naivayaema tabya/ yaae naa taae narkbaaigmarsatpasade: yae ta tvadiyacarnaambajakaesaganya/ ijagaainta knaqivavare:mitavaatanaitamax Bakyaa gahitacarna: paryaaca taevaa/ naapaeiva naata hdyaamba@hatsvapa/saamaxx taavaeya/ dxivanadehsahxi aimata/ Saaek: spaha pairbavaae ivapalam laaeba: taavanmamaetyasadvagah AaitaQmaUla/ yaava atae DxiGamaBaya/ pavanaita laaek: devaena tae htaiyayaae Bavata: pasadxa tsavaaqsabaaepasamanaai makaeindxyaa yae kvaqinta kamasakalaesalavaaya dinaa laaebaaibabautamanasaae ksalaainasa tax O my Lord, I do not see a form sperior to Yor present form of eternal bless and knowledge. In yor impersonal Brahman efflgence in the spirital sky, there is no occasional change and no deterioration of internal potency. I srrender ntoyo becase whereas I am prod of my material body and senses, Yor Lordship is the case of the cosmic manifestation and yet Yor are ntoched by matter. This present form, or any transcendental form expanded by the Spreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, is eqally aspicios for all the niverses. Since Yo have manifested this eternal personal form pon whom Yor devotees meditate, I therefore offer my respectfl obeisance's nto Yo. These who are destined to be dispatched to the path of hell neglect Yor personal form becase of speclation on material topics. O my Lord, persons who smell the aroma of Yor lots feet, carried by the air of Vedic sond throgh the holes of the ears, accept Yor devotional service. For them Yo are never separated from the lots of their hearts. O my Lord, the people of the world are embarrassed by all material anxieties they are always afraid. They always try to protect wealth, body and friends, they are filled with lamentation and nlawfl desires and paraphernalia, and the avariciosly base their ndertakings on the perishable conceptions of "my" and "mine." As long as they do not take shelter of Yor safe lots feet, they are fll of sch anxieties. O my Lord, persons who are bereft of the all aspicios performance of chanting an hearing abot Yor transcendental activities are certainly nfortnate and are also bereft of good sense, They engage in inaspicios activities, enjoying sense gratification for a very little while.

2 Ha k oipyaataibairmaa mahrgaqmaanaa: SItaaeVNavaatavarVaEirtaretaracca ca sadbaqrena sampasyataae mana wrkma saidtae mae 8 O great actor, my Lord, all these poor creatres are constantly perplexed by hnger, thirst, severe cold, secretion and bile, attacked y coghing winter, blasting smmer, rains and many other distrbing elements, and overwhelmed by strong sex rges and indefatigable anger. I take pity on then, and I am very mch aggrieved for them. yaavatpataktvaimad maatmana qindyaataq maayaabala/ Bagavataae jana qqsa pasyaetax taavap sa/saxitarsaae paitasa/kmaeta vyataaqipa d:kainavah/ vahtai ikyaataaq AhTaapataataQkrNaa inaisa ina:sayaanaa naanaamanaaeretaiyayaa HaNaBagainada: devaahtaataqrcanaa RpayaaeDipa deva yavmatpasadivamakaa qh sa/sarinta tva/ BaitkyaaegapairBaaivatahtsaraeja Aassae MtaeiHatapaTaae nana naata pa/saamax yagai eyaa ta w@gaaya ivabaavayainta ta kdpa: panayasae sadnagahaya naaitapasaidita tataaepaicataaepacaare raraiyata: sarganaehqidba ekamae: yatsavaqbautadyayaasadlabyayaekae naanaajanaevvavaihta: sahdntaratmaa pa/saamataae ivaivayakmaqibaryvara ve- daqnaena caaegatapasaa paircayaqyaa ca AaraYana/ Bagavatastava saitkyaataaeq YamaaeQ ipaqta: kihqicadximayatae na yap y Sa tka@pamahsaeva inapaitabaedmaaehaya baaeyaiyavanaaya nama: parsmae y iva aedvaistaitalayaeva inaima klailaa y rasaaya tae nama qd/ cakmae raya yasyaavataarganakmaqivadmbanaaina naamaaina yae saibagamae ivavasaa ganainta tae naekjanmasamala/ sahsaeva ihtvaa sa/yaantyapaavataamata/ tamaja/ papagae O my Lord, the material miseries are withot factal existence for the sol. Yet as long as the conditioned sol sees the body as meant for sense enjoyment, the cannot get ot of the entanglement of material miseries, being inflenced by Yor external energy. Sch no devotees engage their senses in very troblesome and extensive work, and they sffer insomnia at night becase their intelligence constantly breaks their sleep with varios mental speclations. They are frstrated in all their sleep with varios mental speclations. They are frstrated in all their varios plans by spernatral power. Even great sages, if they are against Yortranscendental topics, mst rotate in this material world. O my Lord, Yor devotees can see Yo throgh the ears by the process of bona fide hearing, and ths their hearts become cleansed, and Yo take Yor seat there. Yo are so mercifl to Yor devotees that Yo manifest Yorself in the particlar eternal form of transcendence in which they always think of Yo. My Lord, Yo are not very mch satisfied by the worship of the demigods, who arrange for Yor worship very pomposly, with varios paraphernalia, bt who are fll of material hankerings. Yo are sitated in everyone's heart as the Spersol jst to show Yor caseless mercy, and Yor are the eternal well-wisher, bt Yo are navailable for the nondevotee. Bt the pios activities of the people, sch as performance of Vedic ritals, charity, asterepenances, and transcendental service, performed with a view to worship Yo and satisfy Yo by offering Yo the fritive reslts, are also beneficial. Sch acts of religion never go in vain. Let me offer my obeisance's nto the Spreme Transcendence, who is eternally distingished by His internal potency. His indistingishable impersonal featre is realized by intelligence for self realization. I offer my obeisances nto Him who by His pastimes enjoys the creation, maintenance and dissoltion of the cosmic manifestation. Let me take shelter of the lots feet of Him whose incarnations, qalities and activities are mysterios imitations of worldly affairs. One who invokes His transcendental name, even nconsciosly, at the time he qits this life, is certainly washed immediately of the sins of many, many births and attains Him withot fail.

3 naaibahdaidh sataae mbaisa yasya pa/saae iva r anasai + rhmaasamanantasa + ivaicapimadmasya ivavanvataae mae maa riirvaivo inagamasya igara/ ivasagaq: saae saavadbak@naae Bagavaana ibava e- paemaismataena nayanaamba@h/ ivajammana wttaaya iva yivajayaaya ca naae ivavaad/ maayvyaa igarapanayataatpa@va: parana: svasambava/ inasaamyaeva/ tapaaeivagaasamaaigaiba: yaavanmanaaevaca: statvaa ivarrama sa ika avata ATaaiBapaetamanvaIHya ba 9Naae mayasaudna: ivavannacaetasa/ taena klpavyaitakrambasaa laaeksa/staanaivazaana Aatmana: pairikagata: tamaahagaayayaa vaacaa ksmala/ Samayai ava maa vaedgabaq gaastandi/ sagaq wgamamaavah tanmayaapaaidta/hagae yanmaa/ paataqyatae Bavaana The Lord's potencies are innmerable, As He lies down in the water of devastation, I am born as the total niversal energy from the navel take in which the lots sprots. I am now engaged in manifesting His diverse energies in the form of the cosmic manifestation. I therefore pray that in the corse of my material activities I may not be deviated from the vibration of the Vedic hymns. The Lord, who is spreme and is the oldest of all, is nlimitedly mercifl. I wish that He may smilingly bestow His benediction pon me by opening His lots eyes. He can plift the entire cosmic creation and remove or dejection by kindly speaking His directions. The sage Maitreya said: O Vidra, after observing the sorce of his appearance, namely the Personality of Godhead, Brahma prayed for His mercy as far as his mind and word wold permit him. Ths having prayed, he became silent, as if tired from his activities of penance, knowledge and mental concentration. The Lord saw that Brahma was very anxios abot the planning and constrction of the different planetary systems and was depressed pon seeing the devastation water. He cold nderstand the intention of Brahma, and ths He spoke in deep, thoghtfl words, removing all the illsion that has arisen, The Spreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdown, by neither depressed nor anxios abot the exection of creation. What yo are begging from Me has already been granted before. BaUyastva/ tapa AaitaVO ivagaa/ caeva madamyaamax taabsaamanta = Qid ba 9na laaekandhyasyapaavataana 30 O Brahma, sitate yorself in penance and meditation and follow the principles of knowledge to receive My favor. By these actions yor will be able to nderstand everything from within yor heart. tata Aatmaina laaeke ca Bai + ya ta: samaaihta dvoaisa maa/ tata/ P 9nmaiya laaeka/stvamaatmana: 31 O Brahma, when yo are absorbed in devotional service, in the corse of yor creative activities, yo will see Me in yo and throghot the niverse, and yo will see that yo yorself, the niverse and the living entities are all in Me.

4 ^ Q yada ta savaqbautaeva da@vvaigaimava istatamax paitacahaita maa/ laaekae ja 9ata 9eQva ksmalamax yada rihtamaatmaana/ BaUtaeindxyagaNaaSayaE: sva@paena mayaaepaeta/ pasyana svaarajyamaccita naanaakmaqivataanaena pajaa ba ; I: isasahata: naatmaavasaidtyaisma/stae vavaiqyaanmadnagah: RiVamaa v/ na bayaaita paapaiyaa/stvaa/ rjaaegana: yanmanaae maiya inabaq e/ pajaa: sa/sajataae ipa tae zaataae h/ Bavataa tva v divaqzaeyaae ipa deihnaama yanmaa/ tva/ manyasae ya +/ BaUtaeindxyagaNaatmaiBa Yo will see Me in all living entities as well as all over the niverse, Jst as fire is sitated in wood. Only in that state of transcendental vision will yo be able to be free from all kinds of illsion. When yo are fee from the conception of gross and sbtle bodies and when yor senses are fee from all inflences of the modes of material natre, yo will realize yor pre form in My association. At that time yo will be sitated in pre consciosness. Since yo have desired to increase the poplation innmerably and expand yor varieties of service, yo shall never by deprived in this matter becase My caseless mercy pon yo will always increase for all time. Yo are the original rsi, and becase yor mind is always fixed on Me, even thogh yo will be engaged in generation varios progeny, the vicios mode of passion will never encroach pon yo. Althogh I am not easily knowable by the conditioned sol, yo have known Me today becase yo know that My personality is not constitted of anything material, and specifically not of the five gross and three sbtle elements. tabya/ mai gicaiktsaayaamaatmaa mae disa/taae baih: naalaena sailalae maula/ pavkrsya ivaicanvata: 37 When yo were contemplating whether there was a sorce to the stem of the lots of yor birth and yo even entered into that stem, yo cold not trace ot anything. Bt at that time I manifested My form from within. ya ktaaqdx matstaaep/ matktaabyadyaai tama yada tapaisa tae inavoa sa b madnagah: paitaae hmasta Bad/x tae laaekanaa/ ivajayaeccyaa yadstaaevaigaqnamaya/ inagaqna/ maanavanaqyana ya Ftaena pamaai atya/ statvaa staaepena maa/ Bajaeta tasyaasa sampasaideya/ savaqkamavare yr pautaeqna tapasaa yazaedaqnaeyaaeqgasamaaiyanaa ra f/ ina:meyasa/ pa/saa matpaiitasta wvaivanmatamax Ahmaatmaatmanaa/ Yaata:paeVO:sanax paeyasaamaipa Ataae maiya rita/ kyaaq d ehaidyaqtktae ipaya: O Brahma, the prayers that yo have chanted praising the glories of My transcendental activities, the penances yo have ndertaken to nderstand Me, and yor firm faith in Me all these are to be considered My caseless mercy. I am very mch pleased by yor description ofme in terms of My transcendental qalities, which appear mndane to the mndane. I grant yo all benedictions in yor desire to glorify all the planets by yor activities. Any hman being who prays like Brahma, and who ths worships Me, shall very soon be blessed with the flfillment of all his desires, for I am the Lord of all benediction. It is the opinion of expert transcendentalists that the ltimate goal of performing all traditional good works, penances, sacrifices, charities, mystic activities, trances, etc., is to invoke My satisfaction. I am the Sper sol of every individal. I am the spreme director and the dearest. People are wrongly attached to the gross and sbtle bodies, bt they shold be attaches to Me only.

5 yaaevaaah/ ca igairsay ivaba:svaya/ ca istatyadxvapalayahetava AatmamaUlamax iba w vaa ippaa vaya Fk w@paraehstasmae namaae Bagavatae Bavanadmaaya 16 laaekae ivakmaqinarta: ksalaepama k: kmaqnyaya/ tvadidtae BavadcaQnae svae yastaavadsya balavaainah jaiivataasaa/ sa viscna wyainaimavaaya namaae sta tasmae 17 yasmaai Baemyahmaipa i parayaqiyavnyamayyaaisata: saklalaaeknamaskta/ yatax taepae tapaae bahsavaae va@@tsamaana stasmae namaae Bagavatae igamakaaya tabyamax 18 itayaq Da H navyaivabayaaidva jaivayaaeina- VvaatmaecCyaatmaktasaetaparIpsayaa ya: remae inarstaivavayaae pyava@ edeh- stasmae namaae Bagavatae pa@vaae amaaya 19 yaae iva vayaanapahtaae ipa dsaayaqva wyaa inadamavaah jaoriktalaaekyaap: AntajaQlae ihkisapaspasaaqnakulaa/ BaImaaeimaQmaailaina janasya saka/ ivavanvanax 20 ya aaibapa vbavanaadhmaasamai Dya laaekpyaaepakrnaae yadnagahena tasmae namasta wdrstabavaaya yaaegainadavasaanaivaksapilanaehanaaya 21 saae ya/ samastajagataa/ sahdek Aatmaa sa wveana yanmadyatae Bagavaana Bagaena taenaeva mae SamanaspaSataa v Taah/ sphyaaima pauvaqvaidd/ panataipayaae saae 22 papa avardae rmayaatmasa, yaa ya vtkirvyaita gahitaganaavataar: taismanax svaivakmaimad/ sajataae ipa caetaae ya $^ Ita kmaqsamala/ ca yataa ibaja : ama 23 w Yor Lordship is the prime root of the tree of the planetary systems. This tree has grown by first penetrating the material natre in three trnks-as me, Siva and Yo, the Almighty for creation, maintenance and dissoltion, and we three have grown with many branches Therefore I offer my obeisance's nto Yo, t h e tree o f t h e cosmic manifestation. People in general all engage in foolish acts, not in the really beneficial activities ennciated directly by Yo for their gidance. As long as their tendency for foolish work remains powerfl, all their plans in the strggle for existence will be ct to pieces. I therefore offer my obeisance's nto Him who acts as e t e r n a l t i m e. Yor Lordship, I offer my respectfl obeisance's nto Yo who are indefatigable time and the enjoyer of all sacrifices. Althogh I am sitated in an abode which will contine to exist for a time dration of two parardhas, althogh I am the leader of all other planets in the niverse, and althogh I have ndergone many, many years of penance for self - realization, still I offer my r e s p e c t s n t o Y o. O my Lord, by Yor own will Yo appear in the varios species of living entities, among animals lower than hman beings as well as among the demigods, to perform Yor transcendental pastimes. Yo are not affected by material contamination. Yo come jst to flfill the obligations of Yor won principles of religion, and therefore, O Spreme Personality, I offer my obeisance's nto Yo for manifesting sch different forms. My Lord, Yo accept the pleasre of sleeping in the water of devastation, where there are violent waves, and Yo enjoy pleasre on the bed of snakes, showing the happiness of Yor sleep to intelligent persons. At that time, all the niversal planets a r e s t a t i o n e d w i t h i n Y o r a b d o m e n. O object of my worship, I am born from the hose of Yor lots navel for the prpose of creating the niverse by Yor mercy. All these planets of the niverse were stationed within Yor transcend dental abdomen while Yo were enjoying sleep. New, Yor sleep having ended, Yor eyes are open like b l o s s o m i n g l o t s e s i n t h e m o r n i n g. Let the Spreme Lord be mercifl towards me. He is the one friend sand sol of all living entities in the world, and He maintains all, for their ltimate happiness, by His six transcendental oplence's. May He be mercifl towards me so that I, as before, may be empowered with the introspection to create, for I am also one of the srrendered sols who are dear t o t h e L o r d. The Spreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, is always the benefactor of the srrendered sols. His activities are always fortne. I pray only to engage in His service in the creation of the material world, and I pray that I not be materially affected by my works, for ths I may be able to give p the false prestige of being the creator.

6 U savaqvaedmayaenaedmaatmanaatmaatmayaaeinanaa pajaa: saja yataapauvaq yaa z mayyanasaertae 43 By following My instrctions yo can now generate entities as before, by dint of yor complete Vedic wisdom body yo have directly received from Me, the spreme everything. tasmaa Fva/ jagatspvoxe payaanapa@vae yr: vyajyaed/ svaena rpaena k $ naabaistaraedgae 44 The sage Maitreya said: After instrcting Brahma, the the niverse, to expand, the primeval Lord, the Pers Godhead in His personal form as Narayana, disappearance

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