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1 DI-201 THE COVENANT IN L ARCHE: AN EXPRESSION OF OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY 1 may-99 DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN IMC May 1999 FR Version Date Guidelines Place and date of approval O.V.

2 April 1999 My dear brother and sister, I am so pleased to send you this new up-to-date covenant booklet which modifies the one written in The essential remains the same however new aspects have been added which were brought to light during the International Covenant Committee meetings in 1997 and You received a resume of these meetings in my letters of October 1997 and December Louise Cummings who has been the chairperson of this Group, wrote the first draft of this booklet. Then it was worked on by Jean Vanier, members of the International Council and the International Committee and by people who have given talks during covenant retreats. I hope that this new booklet will help you to discover and live and deepen the essential of l'arche which is these bonds with God and with all our brothers and sisters in l'arche, in our community, especially the poorest and the weakest. This booklet has been written from a Christian and Western perspective. We hope that in countries where our communities are interreligious this booklet will serve as a basis from which a text can be developed which is more appropriate to the reality of our communities in that culture and dominant religious tradition; a text that will help each one to grow and deepen in their sacred relationship with God and with all their brothers and sisters. The International Covenant Commission will continue to reflect and work on this evolving reality. As we enter the 21st century, let us all be faithful to our call to be a people of mercy, of compassion, of forgiveness, and of unity. Let us continually give thanks for God's great love. Jo Lenon International Coordinator DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 2 / 12

3 "In a divided world, l'arche wants to be a sign of hope. Its communities, founded on covenant relationships between people of differing intellectual capacity, social origin, religion and culture, seek to be a sign of unity, faithfulness and reconciliation." (Charter of l'arche I, 4) A COVENANT IN L'ARCHE an expression of our spiritual journey I What do we mean when we talk about covenant in l'arche? Covenant in l'arche is a "way of the heart". It is a relationship of love, of trust, of mutuality that we discover and live in l'arche with all the members of our communities, woven between our hearts by God. Covenant is lived out in the concrete reality of each day. The people with disabilities are at the heart of this reality living their covenant in L Arche. We can and do frequently enter into the discovery of a covenant through a relationship with one particular person. But covenant in l'arche is much larger. It is not just a call to belong to some people in our own community but to people in l'arche in a much wider sense and to serve the mission of l'arche as expressed in the Charter. Every faith community, every spiritual family in the Church, every group of people seeking the ways of God, every place of belonging has a spirituality which binds people together, shapes their lives and gives the group its special characteristics. The spirituality of L Arche defines our priorities and shapes our way of life. This spirituality becomes covenant when we become conscious through relationships in community that we are in l'arche because God has called us there; it is a gift of God, a call to fidelity, a sacred reality; it defines our mission. A sense of covenant flows from the spirituality that we are living day by day. So we cannot really share about covenant until we have lived the spirituality for a certain amount of time, verbalized it and been helped to understand it. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 3 / 12

4 It is clear that the covenant as we speak of it in l'arche finds its source in the covenant, the bonding, between God and humanity that is revealed in sacred Scriptures. Throughout all ages, God untiringly reminds humanity of this fundamental covenant, which bonds people to God in love. Each one of our religions, each of our churches, has a specific way of remembering and celebrating this fundamental covenant; each one is a place and a way for us to nourish and live this basic covenant. But God continues to call people to highlight certain aspects of that covenant, to give it a particular light for a particular time in history according to specific cultural and religious contexts. If the covenant in l'arche is an expression of this fundamental covenant, it should be distinguished from it. But in order to find the full meaning of our covenant in l'arche, reference has to be made to this fundamental covenant made incarnate in our religions and churches. That is why when we speak about the covenant in l'arche it is better to speak about "our covenant" rather than "the covenant". Our covenant is not a permanent state of life we are striving to enter, rather it is a journey. This journey has an important corporate and communal aspect but it flows from a personal call from God and union with God. My covenant in l'arche is deeply linked to the covenant journies of my brothers and sisters in l'arche for the mission, but it remains my vocation, my journey. II Covenant as a journey Belonging and relationships evolve. The covenant is a journey where we become more conscious that God is hidden in the most vulnerable people in our own community but also in our neighborhood and in those parts of our own being where we are weak and vulnerable. It is the people with disabilities in our community who show the way, call us to open our hearts and to grow in compassion, wisdom and trust in God; who heal our hardness and lead us to Jesus. There is constant growth in this way of life. Growth implies pruning that we die to our false selves in order to bear more fruit. So covenant is not a destination, but rather a way in which we sense that God is calling us to grow. It is a journey into trust, humility and littleness. This journey leads at the same time to a stronger sense of community and to a greater sense of who I am before God and others. It is important that we have good accompaniment spiritually and in our life in community, to help us put words on to what we experience and to help us live through difficult passages. We need the affirmation and support and challenge of someone who loves l'arche, loves us, and knows our history in l'arche. We need to have someone who knows the ways of God and can remind us of our meetings with God in wounded people and in the wounded places within our communities and ourselves. We need to be loved and challenged in community life by someone who knows its reality, who is also committed to living community. In order to grow in faithfulness to our covenant we need to be accountable to another person in the community, to live a good rhythm of life, to pray and to work through difficult situations. It is important that we take our time, that we allow time for the Holy Spirit and the people in our communities to teach us what we need to know. Our daily life in community, in the home or places of work, is the place where we learn about the reality of covenant. It is a simple reality made up of many little things. In our early years in l'arche we begin to reflect on that reality during retreats and formation sessions in our community or in the region. We must remember that our primary vocation is to respond to a call from God to grow in love, inner freedom and holiness and in faithfulness to the Holy Spirit. It is God's call to become more truly who we are meant to be. It is a commitment to growth within a community. This primary vocation is lived out in a particular way: in marriage, in celibacy, a faith community or in a spiritual family. We are called to l'arche in order to live and deepen this primary vocation and to commit ourselves to growth. It is important to emphasize this point which gives freedom for people to leave l'arche if their primary call urges them to do so: the commitment of love that binds people together in l'arche is there forever if we are faithful to our journey. Some people, when they discover that God has called them to L Arche and that their community has confirmed their commitment, want to articulate this covenant, to announce it before others and before the community. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 4 / 12

5 III Announcing my covenant in l Arche Announcing one's covenant is an important act. It is putting flesh upon an intention to live the spirituality of l'arche. It is giving our word to others, asking them for their prayers. Announcing a covenant is not a specific commitment to an individual; rather it is a "yes" to a way of life, a "yes" to walk with God. It is not a legal but a spiritual reality where we affirm our bonding to God and to all our brothers and sisters. The announcement implies a commitment to prayer, a deepening of our life of faith rooted in our churches; a commitment to accompaniment, personal growth and nourishment, and to faithfulness through service in the community, especially to those who are weak, in need or in pain. If the announcement is not a promise to stay in one community, it expresses an intention to stay in l'arche, to be involved in a community. It implies that even if a person leaves, this spirituality will continue to be his/her way: they will always seek to be close to God by being close to the poorest and the weakest near them. Announcing one's covenant is one step of the covenant journey, a step that many have found helpful in strengthening their commitment covenant relationships in the day to day of community life. People announce their covenant for the first time in the context of an international "fundamental covenant retreat". Only confirmed or associate members who are prepared and sent by their community can make this announcement. However, members who are not yet confirmed or associate members may participate in a retreat beforehand but they cannot announce the covenant during this first retreat. The focus of these fundamental covenant retreats is to examine the call of God in our lives and more particularly the call to covenant relationships with people with disabilities and assistants in l'arche. Married couples are encouraged to announce their covenant in l'arche together, while being aware that a covenant with Jesus and their brothers and sisters in l'arche flows from their marriage covenant and their covenant with their children. In some cases, one of the two is deeply involved in l'arche, while the other is not. Both may not necessarily be called to live the same spirituality. In these cases, one of the two can announce their covenant without the other as long as it is clear that his or her involvement with the community does not hinder or weaken the fundamental marriage covenant. For people who are single, announcing the covenant is not necessarily a commitment to celibacy but an intention, that whatever they are called to live in the future, their relationship to God and to the weak will remain at the heart of their call. Before sending a person to a covenant retreat, the community leader will need to consider the following questions: o To what extent does this person have a sense of commitment to the community and a way of life beyond a relationship with a particular person? o Do they have the ability to see and respond to the needs of others? - Do they have a sense of long term faithfulness? o Do they have the maturity to make personal choices? o Is this a person of prayer and accompanied spiritually? o Is this person rooted in a religious tradition? To respect the freedom of an individual in their spiritual life, the community will need to ensure the following conditions: o there is no coercion by the group or group expectations o the commitment is the desire of the individual o the person is provided with the necessary means to understand and make the decision o the decision is made out of a response to a call from God rather than a desire to please or to be included in an elite group or a celebration. During the retreat there are times for worship, talks, personal testimonies and meetings in small groups. The retreat is lived in silence in order to allow for a deeper communion with God. The retreat should be regarded as a time to help us clarify our sense of mission and our intention to live the spirituality of l'arche. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 5 / 12

6 Participants meet regularly for accompaniment with an elder and a pastoral minister or a spiritual guide. We are asked to share with them the way we are living covenant today; how we are called to deepen and nourish our growth in this way of life; how we are finding God in those who are at the heart of our communities and in the day to day of community life. They will confirm us in our desire to announce our covenant or encourage us to go on exploring our call without announcing the covenant at this time. In ecumenical and interreligious retreats, people announce their covenant during a celebration of the Washing of the Feet. In the context of Roman Catholic retreats, people announce their covenant during the celebration of the Eucharist. In either of these celebrations, our sense of covenant is linked to a call of God who meets us in the broken places within ourselves and in others, who gives us life in the broken bread and the poured out cup, and who calls us to pour out our lives in mutual service, mercy and thankfulness. We announce our covenant in l'arche during an international fundamental covenant retreat in front of the International Coordinator or his/her representative, with our brothers and sisters at the retreat as witnesses. When possible, a representative of our church will give us a blessing. In the Christian tradition the formula we use for announcing the covenant is: "(name), you are invited to live a covenant in l'arche, with Jesus and with all your brothers and sisters, especially the poorest and the weakest, and to live it according to our Charter. Do you choose this?" And the response is "yes". This is a personal commitment but it has a significant community dimension. It is important that communities and regions find ways to celebrate our covenant in our communities or in our Regions. IV After announcing then what? As each one of us becomes more deeply rooted in l'arche, living and announcing our covenant takes on a wider meaning. We discover not only the beauty and depth of our covenant with Jesus and with our brothers and sisters in l'arche, but also with our own families, with our churches, with the most vulnerable people in our societies and in the world. As we become more aware of our own brokenness, inner divisions and inconsistencies, and of our giftedness, joy, possibilities for growth and the call of God, we feel the need to grow in wholeness. And as we become more one within ourselves we begin to see how our covenant is linked to peace making, to reconciliation, to mercy and to forgiveness. We are called to become men and women of peace in a fragmented and divided world. So, we need to meet with others who have announced their covenant to encourage each other on the way. There are community and regional covenant groups, which meet for times of reflection and sharing. The Zones are developing different forms of retreats, for assistants, for people with disabilities, for all members together. Those who have announced their covenant are encouraged to participate from time to time in fundamental retreats. One important way of growing in our covenant spirituality is by witnessing to new assistants the spirituality of l'arche in and through daily living as well as in formation sessions. Another is in listening to people with disabilities to help them recognize and announce their spiritual path. In order to continue to live our covenant, we need to walk humbly with God and with each other. We need the strength of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus. We need to be transformed by and in God's love. If we are faithful to the people at the heart of our community, and open to their faithfulness, we trust that our hearts and theirs will be healed and that we will be witnesses to God's love for the world. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 6 / 12

7 Appendix 1: Biblical references Many texts in the Bible reveal God's love for us and our call to love others. Here are a few texts to help us to discover more fully our covenant with God and with all our brother and sisters. God loves us: John 3: 16-17; John 15: 9-10 Our call to love others: 1John 4:7-11; John 13:34; Acts 4:32 Our call to oneness: John 17: 20-23; John 11:52 Philippians 2:1-4; Ephesians 2: Called to announce a Good News to the poor: Luke 4: Called to become like little children Matthew 18: 1-4; 19: Luke 18:15 Called to serve each other: Luke 22:24; Matthew 20: 25-27; John 13: 1-17 Called to serve the poor: Isaiah 58: 6-12 To welcome a little one is to welcome Jesus: Luke 9: To welcome the stranger is to welcome Jesus: Matthew 25: The blessing of eating at the table of the poor: Luke 14: The weak and the foolish chosen by God: ICor are at the heart of the church: 1Cor 12:22 Luke 10:21; Matthew 11:25 The poor and the invitation to the wedding feast: Matthew 22,:2-10 Luke 14: The Downward path of humility Philippians 2: 5-11 Appendix 2: History of our covenant in l'arche L Arche began in 1964 when in answer to a call from God, Jean welcomed Raphael Simi and Philippe Seux into the first home in Trosly. At that moment he knew that this was not some passing relationship but an irrevocable choice, which would change the course of his life. In welcoming Raphael and Phillipe, he was conscious of being bonded to them; his life and theirs had become intertwined. It was the unfolding of his original covenant with Jesus, which had led Jean to leave the navy in order to follow Jesus more closely. God led Jean to Father Thomas Philippe o.p., and they also were bonded to each other in a covenant relationship. They began l'arche together, Jean as the more public official founder and community leader; Father Thomas as the priest, responsible for the spiritual and sacramental life of the community. There was a sense of covenant present from the very beginning. Over the years l Arche in Trosly grew and communities began in different countries. Assistants came who also felt called to enter into deep and lasting relationships with people in community, especially the poorest and the weakest. For many years the bonds grew quietly. Then little by little people began to seek the meaning of those bonds and to discuss them. At an International Council meeting Robert Larouche, who founded l'arche in Haiti, expressed his desire to name and deepen the meaning of his commitment in l'arche to Jesus and the people he had welcomed. Upon a suggestion from the International Council, he wrote down what he understood of this commitment. In 1977, Sue Mosteller, as International Coordinator sent his text to all the communities of the Federation. Robert asked if there were others who wanted to announce publicly their "yes" to walk together with the people in l Arche given to them by God. Out of this letter came a retreat in France in April 1979,~just before the Federation meeting at Chateauneuf de Galaure (France). Thirty assistants from different communities attended the retreat, preached by Father Marie- Dominique Philippe, brother of Father Thomas and Jean's former philosophy and theology professor. Towards the end of the retreat Father Marie-Dominique asked Jean to explain the nature of the commitment that assistants were living and wanted to express. Jean replied that the word "covenant" DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 7 / 12

8 seemed to correspond to our reality. He explained that he felt that he had been called into a relationship with Father Thomas, Raphael, Philippe and many others and that these relationships were sacred, given by Jesus. He knew that the love and trust of these relationships nourished him, just as he was certain that he was nourishing others by his friendship. It was Jean s belief that Jesus was truly and mysteriously present in these relationships. Many others at the retreat shared a similar experience. Father Marie-Dominique then focused his reflections in the retreat on covenant as it is revealed in scripture. In the last homily he spoke on Exodus 3 where the Lord says: "I have seen the misery of my people who are in Egypt I have heard their cry in front of those who oppress them. Yes I know their anguish. I have decided to free them from their oppressors and to bring them to a new land." Father Marie-Dominique told those present that Jesus had sent them to bring freedom to those who have been oppressed and rejected because of their handicap. He was beginning to identify an understanding of covenant in l Arche. l'arche. There is also the discovery of the sometimes greater challenge of living covenant with other assistants, and an ongoing exploration of the meaning of membership in l'arche. The community dimension of what began as essentially a private commitment in the context of a retreat leads to questions about celebrating covenant at home in our communities and regions. An International Covenant Commission continues the reflection on the living and changing gift of God's call to live out our faith in covenant relationships in l'arche. At the last Eucharist, just before communion, those who felt called to announce this covenant in l'arche were invited to respond to the formula that had been accepted by all. Father Marie-Dominique called each one by name and said: "You are invited to live a covenant in l'arche with Jesus and with all your brothers and sisters, especially the poorest and the weakest. Do you want this?" And each one answered "Yes". Those who had made the retreat went from there to the Federation meeting. They were full of joy at what they had lived. Those who had not been present at the retreat could not understand; they felt hurt that they had not been able to live this important event. This initial joy and pain at the beginning of the announcing of the covenant obliged us to deepen its meaning. Over the years we have come to see that all members of l'arche, not just assistants, are active participants in living covenant relationships. There is mutuality in living covenant that is more and more evident. There is a desire in some parts of the Federation for people with disabilities to have opportunities to explore and express their sense of commitment to Jesus and their brothers and sisters in DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 8 / 12

9 Appendix 3: Service of the Washing of the Feet Christ is our peace With the celebrants, two people carry in the Bible. Celebrant: "When Jesus had washed their feet and put on his outer garments again he want back to the table. Do you understand', he said, 'what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, so I am. If I then, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you'. Jn 13:12-14 All Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus Celebrant: But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Ep 2:13) All: Christ is our peace Christ makes us one and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility Christ is our peace He emptied himself taking the form of a servant Christ is our peace In a world that empties human life of meaning we are called to a vision of humanity restored to fullness through welcome and covenant Christ is our peace In a world devoured by despair we are called to live and proclaim the good news Christ is our peace In a world where many forces deter us from obeying the voice of Christ we are called to be faithful to our call and our covenant Christ is our peace In a world of division and discord we are called to oneness Silence Prayer of confession: Celebrant: Almighty God we have sinned against you, our neighbours, all humanity and the whole created order. We have let pride, negligence, ignorance and wilful disobedience get in the way of your love. We have closed our hearts to those around us, especially to the weak and the poor. We have allowed our differences to mar our relationship with you and with each other. We have hurt one another in thought, word and deed. We have denied our need for transformation and change. For all the suffering and pain that indifference, resentment and prejudice have caused. All: Kyrie Eleison For the pride which has prevented forgiveness, understanding and openness to each other Kyrie Eleison For the times we were blind and failed to see the beauty in the other, For the times we were deaf and failed to listen to the other For the times we were dumb and failed to talk with the other, For all the times we failed to recognize our covenant in l'arche as a gift from you All: Kyrie Eleison For the violence we do to each other which spills into our world Kyrie Eleison For our greed and selfishness that causes many to face this and every night alone, hopeless, homeless, insecure, hungry, fearful, confused or locked up in institutions, Kyrie Eleison Assurance of Forgiveness DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 9 / 12

10 Celebrant: So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trepasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. 2Cor 5: Readings: Isaiah 58: 6-12 Philippians 2: 5-11 Sing: Alleluia Homily Nicene Creed John 13: 1-17 Alleluia Celebrant: And now we will make the profession of Christian faith into which we were baptised and in which we live and grow. Celebrant: Do you believe and trust in God, the Father who made the world? All: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth Celebrant: Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed humankind? All: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, he was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Celebrant: Do you believe and trust in his Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God? All: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen Celebrant: This is the faith of the Church All: This is our faith. We believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Prayer of intercession (lread by different people) Today Christians from different churches cannot eat around the same table of the broken bread, transformed into the body of Christ but we can eat together around the table which welcomes the broken, the poor and the weak. Today Christians from different Churches cannot drink from the same chalice of the blood of Christ but they and all our brothers and sisters in Christ can drink together from the same chalice of suffering, of division, of anguish in our Church, our country and in our world. Together we can pour out the sweet oil of compassion upon the wounds of humanity. We pray that unity will come. All: Amen, come Lord Jesus! Come through the treasure of your holy word, sharper than a two edged sword that pierces into us cleansing us from all shame and deceit. Amen, come Lord Jesus! Come through the treasure of your body broken, risen, strengthening, nurturing that we know in the eucharist. Amen come Lord Jesus! Come through the treasure of our own weakness, vulnerability and pain. Come through all our brothers and sisters in l'arche. Come through our differences and in those we see as an enemy. Amen, come Lord Jesus! Come then as you came among your disciples to wash their feet, send your Holy Spirit upon us that we who seek your grace may live by its power. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 10 / 12

11 Song Amen, come Lord Jesus! Announcing the Covenant The International Coordinator or his/her representative will then call the name of each person who wishes to announce the covenant in l'arche: "(name) you are invited to live a covenant in l'arche with Jesus and with all your brothers and sisters, especially the poorest and the weakest, and to live it according to our Charter. Do you choose this?" And the response is:"yes" After announcing the covenant, each person receives a blessing from an ordained minister of his/her church, when possible. Prayer before the washing of the feet Celebrant: All powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks, through Jesus Christ our Lord. You sent your Son to live among us, so that we might learn from him humility and obedience. His nature was divine, yet he did not cling to his equality with God, but emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave. He became as we are and was humbler yet, accepting death, even death on a cross. But you, Father, raised him high, and gave him a name which is above all names, so that we can acclaim, Jesus is Lord to your honour and glory, and join with the whole company of heaven and earth saying: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Ever-loving God we thank you for the great gift of Jesus your Son,for the example he gave us of love and service, for his promise to be with those who love and follow him. Having loved his own, he loved them to the end. On the night before he gave his life for us, knowing that you had put everything into his hands he met with his disciples and gave them his new commandment: All: "Love one another as I have loved you". Getting up from table, he took a towel and water, washing his disciples' feet and said: "I have given you an example. You are to do for one another what I have done for you". As we remember Jesus, his life, his love even unto death, his desire for our unity in his love, his resurrection, we rejoice that he has given us his Spirit to be his hands and body now in the world. May the Holy Spirit create in us the mind that was in Christ Jesus to enable us to love and live as he did, without counting the cost, to desire a unity in love as he did, without losing heart. Heal the broken body of humanity, the broken body of your Church. Father, we know ourselves to be weak and vulnerable, we too are poor, but it is in our poverty and brokeness that you come to us, and reveal the depths of your love. For all this we give you thanks through Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. Each group leader begins by washing his/her neighbour's feet. The DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 11 / 12

12 one whose feet has been washed then places his/her hand on the head of the person who has washed his/her feet. They pray silently together. Then the one who had his/her feet washed washes the feet of the other person next to him/her. And so on, until the last person washes the feet of the group leader. When all is complete a song is sung. All: Our Father (each one in his/her language) Celebrant: May the Lord bless you and keep you. Amen May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Amen May the Lord God uncover his face to you and bring you peace. Amen Celebrant: Let's give each other a sign of peace. The first Celebration of the Washing of the feet was written by an ecumenical group commissioned by the International Council. It was used later on for an interdenominational retreat in Belfast in 1996 and it served as an inspiration for a Service of the World Council of Churches in Geneva in 1997 and the Lambeth Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion in We in turn have been inspired by their suggestions and modifications, some of which have been incorporated into this new text which has been reviewed and accepted by the original ecumenical group. DI-201-Covenant-Alliance-EN 12 / 12

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