The Necessity of the Sacrifice of Christ

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1 The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ O my Faer, if is cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, y will be done. (Matew 26:42) Introduction And for is cause he is e mediator of a new covenant, at a dea having taken place for e redemption of e transgressions at were under e first covenant, ey at have been called may receive e promise of e eternal inheritance. For where a testament is, ere must of necessity be e dea of him at made it. For a testament is of force where ere ha been dea: for it do never avail while he at made it live (Hebrews 9:15-17). Several ings are necessary to sustain human life. Our blood stream must circulate oxygen roughout our bodies because vital organs at lack oxygen will wier and die unless sufficient oxygen is generated. In e spiritual realm, e sacrifice of Jesus Christ is just as essential to e spiritual life of e soul as blood and air are to e human body (Hebrews 9:15-17, 24-27; 7:26-27). Not all agree. The humanist chooses to believe at Christ s dea was noing more an a few people looking for violence. To em, e Lo s flawless life is e important ing; He should have continued living so mankind could have a better example. Wait a minute shouts e millennialist. Jesus came to e ear to set up a physical kingdom so He could rule and reign over e world from a rone in Jerusalem. In eir minds, Jews warted e afore promised eternal plan of God. The dea of Christ is evidence at He simply failed to overcome e sinfulness of His fellow countrymen. Wait a minute says Hollywood. Christ was noing more an a charlatan, a fake, a phoney, a fraud. His dea simply means He got caught in His chicanery. Such baseless eories demonstrate e foolish overactive imaginations of men who will dream up anying and everying to keep from believing e tru. This lesson looks at five reasons for e necessity of e sacrifice of Christ. To Fulfill Prophecy Jesus and Paul said at it behooved Christ to suffer or Christ must needs have suffered (Luke 24:46, KJV; Acts 17:3, ASV). That means, it is necessary, ere is need of. Though Isaiah 53 outlines e life of e coming Suffering Servant, details make it clear Isaiah has Jesus sacrifice in mind. Not only His sacrifice but His life. Since Isaiah depicted e life of e Lo in such details, one commentator refers to e chapter as e Gospel of Isaiah. Every sacrifice commanded in e Old Testament is a prediction of e lamb of God who would die for e sins of e world. Beginning wi e very first recoed sacrifice of Abel, e sacrifice of e Lo is perfectly portrayed hundreds of years before He died (Genesis 4; Hebrews 11). When Noah exited e ark, he built an altar and offered a blood (sin) sacrifice. It pointed to Jesus. When Moses commanded e slaves of Egypt to offer e passover lamb, he was pointing to Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 1 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

2 The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ Jesus (1 Corinians 5:7). Wi e commands to e priests of Israel to offer a blood or sin sacrifice (daily), God was pointing to Jesus. The sacrifice of e yearly Day of Atonement was a clear prediction of e cross of Calvary (Hebrews 10:1-4). No wonder John e Baptist called Jesus e lamb of God (John 1:29). Peter declares at wiout His blood no man could be redeemed (1 Peter 1:18-19). The Old Testament sacrifices read like a newspaper, detailing e need for Jesus dea on e cross. Okay, says one, but why did God need to predict e sacrificial lamb? To Institute e New Covenant The Old Covenant which was given to Israel on Mt. Sinai could not effect e necessary objective on behalf of sinful man (Romans 8:1-4). It could not remove sin. So God had to establish a new covenant, which necessitated e dea of e testator (Hebrews 9:15-17). Why did God inject e Law of Moses before sending e Messiah? Because of e childish immaturity of mankind, God used e Law of Moses to bring all to e fai (Galatians 3:24). Okay, but why did God need a new covenant? To Atone for Sin The sin of man makes e sacrifice of Christ necessary. Sin has separated us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). An Internet writer gives us an excellent illustration to help us see e dilemma. Imagine a group of people trapped on e roof of a high-rise building engulfed in flames. The only way to safety is to jump to e roof of an adjoining building--30 feet away! In desperation, people begin to attempt e impossible leap. Some jump farer out an oers, but all fall to eir dea (Sper). Though unbelievers want e price for sin to be e cheap cost of a Minnie Pearl hat ($1.98), wickedness has a steep price. The soul at sinne, it shall die (Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 18:20; Isaiah 59:1-2; Genesis 2:17). Furermore, for ose wi a conscience, e burning pain of guilt demands forgiveness. Wiout forgiveness, ere is no forgetting. Ill Forgive Me For Taking Your Life. Richa Lutrell, a Vietnam War veteran, is one who has been punished wi guilt. He killed e first enemy soldier he'd ever seen up close. A photo had been shaken loose from e mortally wounded soldier. Lutrell picked it up. It was a picture of e man and a girl, whom Lutrell assumed to be e man's daughter. He kept e photo and carried it in his wallet for 22 years, ough he can't explain why. In 1989, he decided to move on, so he made a trip to e Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington and left e photo ere. The night before, he wrote is "Dear Sir" note to e man he had killed: "Forgive me for taking your life. I was reacting just e way I was trained to kill V.C. (Viet Cong). So many times over e years I have stared at your picture and your daughter, I suspect. Each time my heart and guts would burn wi e pain of guilt." Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 2 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

3 The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ That, Lutrell ought, was e end of it. But in e fall of 1996, a friend pointed out to him a picture in a book titled "Offerings at e Wall." It was e photo he had left ere seven years earlier, and e past caught up wi him once again. "For years I have carried e guilt of taking his life," he said. "It is always wi me; like a cancer it eats away at my heart and my mind.... It's ha to put into wos, but deep down, somehow I'm looking for some forgiveness somewhere." We may not punish ourselves to is degree, but our anguish can be just as real. That we punish ourselves tells us at we understand at sacrifice is necessary. We too are "looking for some forgiveness somewhere." The writer has established e general necessity of dea and e specific necessity of dea under e Old Covenant. He has done is to demonstrate e necessity of dea under e New Covenant (Grant). Through e Jewish religion, God demonstrated at wiout e shedding of blood ere is no remission: And accoing to e law, I may almost say, all ings are cleansed wi blood, and apart from shedding of blood ere is no remission. It was necessary erefore at e copies of e ings in e heavens should be cleansed wi ese; but e heavenly ings emselves wi better sacrifices an ese. For Christ entered not into a holy place made wi hands, like in pattern to e true; but into heaven itself, now to appear before e face of God for us (Hebrews 9:22-24). The blood of bulls and goats could not and did not take away sin. Else would ey not have ceased to be offered? because e worshippers, having been once cleansed, would have had no more consciousness of sins (Hebrews 10:1-4). To Manifest God s Love Since man s oughts and ways are meager compared to God s oughts and ways, how could God depict His love to mankind (Isaiah 55:8-9)? Giving one s own life is e supreme demonstration of love (John 15:13). Hereby know we love, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for e breren (1 John 3:16, ASV). Hereby perceive we e love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for e breren (KJV). Herein was e love of God manifested in us, at God ha sent his only begotten Son into e world at we might live rough him. Herein is love, not at we loved God, but at he loved us, and sent his Son to be e propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:9-10, 19). Event after event in e Old Testament was designed to help e unloving perceive God s love even for e unlovable. Abraham s sacrifice of his only begotten son displays e Faer s love (Genesis 18; John 3:16; 1 John 4). As a spouse betrayed by his wife, Hosea serves as an analogy of God s love for His people (Hosea 1-3). In addition, we have e analogy of God s love and care as Sovereign (Mark 4:38), as e Good Shephe (John 10), as our Friend when we were His foe (John 15:13; Romans 5:6-8). Similar to e physicians dedication and love, e Great Physician s care is seen in e healing offered rough Jesus (Mark 2:17, 1-9). Jacob s service to Laban Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 3 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

4 The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ presents a truelove s suffering on behalf of one s beloved (Genesis 29:20; Song 8:7). What else must God do to show for how much He loves you? We must avoid enticements at take e place of e cross for e cross is e drawing power of God (John 12:32-34; Romans 1:16-17). Do not substitute e cross wi so-called personal testimonies. In denominational evangelism classes ey teach you to give your salvation testimony wiin two minutes. They do is because ey say some times at is all e time you have for some people to listen to a testimony. You tell of your past experience and share a present benefit. Such testimony pales in comparison to e great love of God (1 John 4:19). Not only are personal testimony of no value, but do not be tempted to substitute e cross wi fun and games. Fun, food and fellowship are good for fun, food and fellowship; however, do not be deceived into inking at ey have e power of e cross or e gospel (Romans 1:16). People in sin need to know ey are in sin and at ey have a great need for a Savior (1 Timoy 2:5-6). To Motivate Sinful Man unto a Proper Love of God Some tell us at God s love is not enough. They tell us man needs more an a clear understanding of sin and e price God paid because understanding will not generate e proper love for God. They tell us man needs a divinely-induced injection of spiritual steroids. The doctrine of spiritual steroids cheapens, diminishes and trivializes e love of God. How many husbands or wives base eir loving relationship upon an artificial Love Portion #9"? The very idea sickness ose who desire genuine love: [I]f a man would give all e substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned (Song 8:7). God does not want a chemically induced love, even if at chemical is spiritual (1 Peter 1:22). The following spiritual nourishment details how God motivates sinners to love Him (Romans 5:3, 6-8; 1 John 4:19, 16; John 17:26). And we know and have believed e love which God ha in us. God is love; and he at abide in love abide in God, and God abide in him (1 John 4:16). I made known unto em y name, and will make it known; at e love wherewi ou lovedst me may be in em, and I in em (John 17:26). We love because God loved us (1 John 4:19). The most powerful motive for e overcoming of any problem is love. Aleida Huissen had smoked for 50 years and tried often to quit but just could not do it. Then 79 year old Leo Jansen came into her life and proposed. He refused to set e wedding day, however, until she quit her smoking. Will power had failed her for years, but love was stronger and she was able to quit for e sake of love. Love was e passion at gave her e power to do what she could not do wiout love. A. Z. Conrad said of love, "It furnishes to e world its progress passion. It is storm-defying, energy-conquering, venture-challenging, soul-awakening. It eats up e fires sent to consume it. It swallows e floods sent to drown it" (Pease). If we love God wi all our heart, mind, soul, and streng, sin, not God s commandments, will be buensome (1 John 5:3-4). For is is e love of God, at we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcome e world: and is is e victory at overcome e world, even our fai. If we cannot give up ings at hinder our relationship wi God, we need to strengen our love for God, and e cross of Calvary is e place to begin (Romans 2:4-11). Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 4 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO

5 The Necessity of e Sacrifice of Christ Conclusion The few short years at Jesus lived gives us a great example of His flawless life, yet His dea motives us to be like Him. The dozens of prophecies depicting e Suffering Servant of God also demonstrate at He was suppose to die. The Jews did not wart God s plan; ey effected it. Christ s resurrection gives clear evidence at human eorists do not know what ey are talking about. Jesus is not a liar, nor is He a lunatic. He is Lo. Wiout e dea of Jesus or His resurrection, we would be lost. Each of us needs Christ s sacrifice for sin. Works Cited Grant, Scott The Necessity of Sacrifice (22 August 2005). Pease, Glenn e Celebration of Love (22 August 2005). Sper, David Why Did Christ Have to Die? (22 August 2005). Conditional Christianity 23 Annual Mid-West Lectures Page 5 be be sold. For information contact e 39 Street church of Christ, East 39 Street, Independence, MO


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