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2 REFLECTIN on CHURCH SEASN ADVENT The celebration season Advent (which begs on fourth Sunday before Christmas day) dates back fourth century. It is a time that focuses our attention on Jesus Christ s birth mistry as well as his Second Comg when he will return redeem all creation rule with all power authority. Sce we can t anticipate day or hour Christ s return, we are filled with both a sense joyful expectation somber reflection on current brokenness this world, with our spiritual focus beg on lives waitg prayer preparation with community faith. The church has seen season Advent (which means comg or arrival ) as a means help God s people focus reflect on particular mes gr redemptive drama unfolded through Bible (Creation, Rebellion, Redemption, Resration), John Baptist s preparation for mistry Christ, announcement Mary that she would be mor Jesus, Christ s entry Jerusalem, fal judgment, promise God s resration his people his world. Throughout season we are consistently remded that Triune God is on mission world brg glory himself through resration this world, that this mission has been accomplished through mistry Jesus Christ now contued by Holy Spirit through his people, church. Why do we focus so much our attention on ld Testament Scriptures? For several reasons. First, lookg at promises prophecies ld Testament n seeg ir fulfillment through God s gift Christ New Testament, we see God s trend workg pattern PromiseFulfillment. This encourages our faith promises that have yet be fulfilled ( return Christ, fal judgment, renewal God s people creation life world come), helps us test teachgs many who claim speak for Lord, yet are not ologically or morally consistent with Scriptures. Second, we see contuity God s sry as he builds covenant upon covenant, fally climaxg New Covenant sealed through sacrifice Christ s body blood Christians see that our faith is fulfilled expectation ld Testament Jewish Sats. Third, we see purpose all Scriptures God s mystery revealed proclamation person work Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27). Hisrically, primary colors adorng church sanctuaries durg this Advent season is purple, color royalty, laud comg Kg. This pots important connection between Jesus birth death y both serve as signposts highlightg mission Jesus proclaimed gospel: that he made him who had no s become s for us so that him we might become righteousness God, (2 Cor 5:21). The Nativity Incarnation cannot be separated from Crucifixion Anement. ne way that many mark time this season is with Advent wreath. The evergreens serve symbolize new everlastg life brought through grace Jesus Christ. The wreath consists five cles: four cles around wreath one white cle center. ne cle is lit first Sunday Advent, two are lit second Sunday, so on. The light progressively remds us that Jesus is light that pierces darkness this world our own lives order brg light truth so we can see our brokenness God s grace clearly, so we can know renewal, life, hope Christ. Each cles has a special me color. The first cle is Cle Hope focusg us on pattern PromiseFulfillment we see God s ld Testament prophecies fulfilled Christ. The second is Cle Preparation focusg us on anticipation God s Redeemer comg from a specific place through a specific means a virg. The third is Cle Joy potg us many responses joy praise which erupted at birth Lord. The fourth is Cle Love remdg us God Son s mission save his people from ir ss by makg anement by his own blood. And, at center is Christ Cle, lit on Christmas Eve. As we move through weeks Advent we will more deeply explore sries connected each cle, which remd us light Christ dawng upon deep darkness this world brgg eternal joy renewal God s lavish grace. 2

3 PRELUDE this DEVTINAL When multitude heavenly host begs sg Glory God Highest, we d better listen. Christ s arrival was a slow dawng upon horizon ancient hisry. For 400 years, words prophet Malachi had echoed hearts communal consciousness God s people Israel promisg purifyg fire Lord upon evildoers, risg sun righteousness with healg its wgs for those who feared His Name (Mal. 4:13). At closg this book prophecy, voice Lord s prophets were silent, re were no additional chapters unfoldg sry redemption some, it appeared that song hope God had died out alger. Wave after wave pagan nations vaded crushed God s people Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans. In 1 st Century, although Israel dwelled its own l once aga, although Temple sacrifices were once aga practiced Jerusalem, Israel had lost her glory glory Lord had departed, nation still remaed spiritual exile under domion Rome, a cruel foreign people. nce aga, as days Exodus, God s people cried out longg for rescue (Ex. 2:2325). The Magi from East (Matt. 2), upon first seeg star promise take its place heavens, made ir way Israel order pay homage Kg new creation; this was fulfill word Lord Isaiah that foreigners would jo mselves Lord, mister him love his name (Is. 56:6). These representatives nations, would be among first witness dawng rays sun New Covenant. The birth Jesus, God Son carnate (or, enfleshed), is most glorious sunrises creation has ever witnessed. In Jesus, God Son, eternally begotten Far, became what he previously was not eternal Word, Flesh became (this is more dramatic Greek word order John 1:14). The proximity se two words sidebyside is asundg how, why should God enter his creation such a way? Why would eternal God, maker heaven earth, limit himself beg born a stable, placed a manger? Flesh means weakness, smallness, gloriousness, limitedness; 1 st century world this concept was seen as a lesser form existence one sought escape from, while heavenly realm was one which those on earth sought escape. And, yet here is how Triune God entered brg redemption: God Son emptied himself ok on very nature a servant, beg born likeness men he humbled himself by becomg obedient pot death, even death on a cross (Phil. 2:511). For Hamlet meet his Maker, it s not as easy as him takg itiative arrange a meetg with his author, Shakespeare. Shakespeare must come him, author must write himself sry. This is what Lord has done through work God Son. In comg weeks, we ll move through sweep this narrative God s redemption as it centers us on comg Son God. First, we ll look at me Hope me symbolized by lightg first Advent cle. ur focus will be on promises God ld Testament fulfilled work Christ described New Testament. Second, we ll focus on next me Advent, that Preparation. ur focus will be on some specific details Savior s birth characteristics anticipated by God s ancient people. Third, we ll explore me Joy, focus on poetry songs written anticipation response Lord s birth. We ll ask how se songs can form our own songs praise at this time year. Fourth, we ll look at me Love, specifically lavish costly love God poured out anement mistry Jesus. Long before Jesus pilgrimage sufferg cross, his sry was filled with sorrow grief, deed Isaiah calls him a man sorrows, acquated with grief, (Is. 53:3). This serves as a remder us that seasonal glow twkle lights, new movie releases, consumerdriven impulses more stuff, sweet or difficult memories with family friends, Christians are called wait longg prayer for that day glory return ur Lord Jesus. 3

4 HW USE this DEVTINAL We ve designed this devotional as a way guide you, Christ s worshippg community, thkg about mes Advent throughout entire month not just on Sundays leadg up Christmas, although se gared times are vital our identity practice as a community. We ve grouped devotional based on mes represented Advent cles, all Scripture readgs center around mes Hope, Preparation, Joy, God s Love, arrival Jesus Christ. Each devotion contas a passage Scripture, a brief reflection on that passage, sample prayers guide prayers children adults. Because some your children may not be able read, you can still use se prayers as a guide for thgs pray with your child about, thus teachg m process prayer by your example. Each day has a Christmas hymn matched that day s Scripture me. We encourage you learn se hymns if y re new you, if you have a hard time readg music, you can fd audio onle. This devotional was designed be moved through community. So, wher you have family or you live alone, seek jo with two or more ors regularly worship with. This can look like family devotions, times ger over lunch, or scheduled times on FaceTime. And, if you are a family, consider vitg a sgle person or young couple with no kids some your family times this is how body Christ actually lives ger one accord (Acts 1:14). Read Scripture aloud. Sg ger. Pray ger. If you need help with tunes, try googlg titles. Each devotional can be moved through 20 mutes, but you can always crease your time if you add some space for silence, discussion, or journalg. Some ideas written here may be ugh walk through with young kids without makg effort translate se truths language y can easily access. We encourage you try providg short summaries your children, or we will have PDFs on The City direct you more accessible devotional material. If that work translation your kids is o ugh right now, y will still benefit from watchg you open your Bible read Word Lord aloud as a family this is precisely what families with God s covenant community are called (Deut 6, especially vv49, 2021; Ps 78:17), how we trust Lord extend grace children families with new community Church (Deut 5:810; 7:611; Ps 100; 23:3031; Acts 2:3839; 1 Cor 7:1216). And, if you re not able get all five devotionals each week it s okay. Seek corporate se your life, exercise personal disciple, ske a desire for closeness Jesus, but don t allow this resource be your gauge for spiritual success or failure, if you re a Christian, you re already fully accepted delighted through Beloved. So, allow this Advent season be a space brea with this busy month, so you can more deeply enjoy ur Lord Jesus Christ. 4

5 WEEK NE ADVENT Hope #1 The promise Seed Eve crush Serpent s Head The Good News God s rescue his people from s begs thouss years ago Garden Eden. The Lord had created all thgs from nothg, cludg shapg humanity, man woman, after his own image. In creatg splendor creation, God sculpted capsne humanity care for, rule, protect his creation. We were be like him as we obeyed this mate. Yet, tragedy human rebellion s fallg prey evil one s twistg God s Word, caused creation fall darkness, evil death entered God s world brought its shadow everythg. As covenant representatives for entire human race, Adam Eve s departure from God s true Word, led ir moral decision, which brought this fate upon creation y were mated care for. This calamity n fell upon full le humanity that would come from m cludg you me. Yet, even here, because God s steadfast love faithfulness, he did not leave his beloved creatures without hope. God looked for Adam Eve while y were hidg shame, he revealed ir shame, he proclaimed promise eventual vicry over evil one through a Seed (or child woman), he clod Adam Eve coverg anor (Gen. 3:20). This proclamation, called by ologians as first gospel, brgs redemptive hope very begng biblical sry, pots us trajecry longg waitg for this promised hope be fulfilled. Readgs Genesis 3:615 Hebrews 2:1415 Colossians 2:1315 Some Illumation The sry hope promised, anticipated, fulfilled Jesus Christ resonates throughout entire Bible. This longg for hope midst brokenness shame is woven fabric all people wher we believe God or not because we have been created his image. Many long for ir whole lives fd this ultimate hope, which can only come through Jesus. In what ways are you confronted with brokenness world around you day? Today, how do you need know trust God s hope vicry over s through Jesus Christ? What are areas your life where you are hidg bushes, seekg clo yourself, or strivg pull yourself up by your own bootstraps dependent from Jesus? He became like you fully empathize save you. Children s Prayer Far, help me trust your great love for me, even when I do wrong thgs, even when I m sad at myself want hide my heart. Thank you, Jesus, for beatg evil through your cross resurrection, for promisg come aga make everythg new. 5

6 Hope #1 Contued Adult s Prayer Heavenly Far, you are faithful. Your love is steadfast. Unlike you, this is not way our own lives. We flee at site difficulty, we hide from evil, especially s our own hearts. Thank you for sendg Jesus crush head s death, thank you for seekg me out, thank you for clothg me Christ by your grace. Advent Song: Come, Come Immanuel 6

7 & # a ?# 4 & # Is might Si res?# come, come, come, come, ra i nai's cue Come, Come, Immanuel come, Im man u el, Wis dom come great from Lord on high, who might, who Branch Jes se's stem, un el ly height m! b that From mourns us an depths cient lone path times hell ly ex did your ran or som dered your your cap all tribes own # n knowl give peo ile edge ple tive thgs on here show law save, & # un?# til teach cloud give us m Son maj vic its es ry God ways ty o'er ap pear. go. awe. grave. Refra Re joice! Re & # joice! Im man u el shall come you, Is ra el?# Text: Lat, 12th cent.; composite Tune: Processionale, 15th cent.; adapt. Thomas Helmore, 1854 LM with refra VENI IMMANUEL ransom This hymn is public doma. You may freely use this score for personal congregational worship. If you reproduce score, please credit as source. 7

8 WEEK NE ADVENT Hope #2 The Rescuer Come will be Ultimate Prophet What would this Seed Woman be like? What would this person do? What do God s people need? This question need is far different from questions want that ten rule our culture, our own lives, lives God s ancient people. God s people wanted go ir own way because ir hearts were gripped by ir own darkness s. We see sry Noah that, The Lord saw that wickedness man was great earth, that every tention thoughts his heart was only evil contuously it grieved him his heart, (Gen. 6:58). The creatures shaped by God his own image wanted what y wanted, did not recognize what y truly needed a person among m speak on behalf Lord, help m see ir wickedness ir actions motives, a person declare remd m God s steadfast love faithfulness, a person contually call m back faith obedience ne True God. Throughout Israel s hisry God raised up se spokespeople men women who proclaimed God s rule challenged nation return Lord repentance faith: Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Anna, many who go unnamed. Yet, God s people primarily ignored, resented, even killed se messengers from Lord. God s people needed a prophet, a messenger, who would proclaim live out righteousness ir midst with fal authority, who would display both grace justice God tally, whose very Word would brg life renewal that God s people needed longed for even ir misplaced desires. Readgs Deuteronomy 18:1519 Acts 3:1726; 7:5153 Some Illumation Have you ever been docr heard some bad news? Maybe you ve gotten a bad grade on a test, or a poor work evaluation? r, maybe you ve heard some bad news about your car or needed home repairs. We don t like bad news like a rottg ro, or need replace our transmission. But, without this news we could keep livg oblivious our deep need, fd our ro collapsg on us. r, re may be untrustworthy people who reassure us our health even while we have a lifethreateng illness because y don t want upset us, or because y seek ga somethg from givg us false assurance y say peace, peace, when re is no peace, (Jer. 6:14), or we may even seek out false teachers, tell us what our itchg ears want hear because our own passions, (2 Tim. 4:3). Jesus is ultimate truthteller, God s Word reveals our deep heart sicknesses, directs us remedy gospel. And, this is one reasons Jesus was killed, why his words are ignored or disrted day. Yet, it s through this bad news seeg our own sickness that we come good news hope, healg, forgiveness, renewal through Jesus. In what areas do we need hear God s truth our own lives day? Children s Prayer Far, you know what your people need have healthy hearts I need know truth about ways that I ors s agast you, AND I need know truth that your love for me is so great that Jesus came forgive me, brg me your family, help me grow by power your Holy Spirit. Thank you! 8

9 Hope #2 Contued Adult s Prayer Heavenly Far, when we thk about way you rule over your creation, over your people, we are amazed. You show such patience compassion ward all that you have made. And, you show such commitment purifyg your people world through your gift grace. We confess that this gift grace comes us a way that can ten be uncomfortable, even ugly. The reason why is that it shows us our s deep areas our thoughts desires as well as words actions we do or fail do. Yet, this is prophetic work gospel Jesus Christ who is a good physician, who, like a surgeon, skillfully cuts order heal. Far, please help us cooperate with your Holy Spirit s purifyg work our lives day as he shows us bad news our world s s, order apply good news forgiveness healg by Christ s grace. Amen. Advent Song: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 9

10 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence &b2 w ẇw b 1 Let 2 Kg 3 Rank 4 At 2 w all on his mor kgs, rank feet tal yet flesh born host six ẇ keep wged si Ma hea se lence, ry, ven raph, as spreads che with its ru fear old van bim, on guard with w w ẇ & b # w w trem earth on sleep w blg he less st; sod, way. eye, pon der noth Lord as lords, Light veil ir fa g ces earth hu light w w ly man des ẇ w m ves cend Pre w w ded, ture, eth sence, &b b for from as with with bles sg bo dy realms cease less w w w w end voice his less y h blood, day, cry: Christ he that "A our will ll Lord give powers ẇ w w w w w # el uia, earth all hell al des may le & b w ww w w w cend faith va lu w eth, ful nish ia, w w our his as Aa w full own le ho mage self for dark ness lui a, heaven clears Lord de ly a most m. food. way. high!" w w Text: Liturgy St. James, 4th c.; adapt. Gerard Moultrie ( ) Tune: French meloyd, 17th c.; harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams ( ) PICARDY This hymn is public doma. You may freely use this score for personal congregational worship. If you reproduce score, please credit as source. 10

11 WEEK NE ADVENT Hope #3 The Rescuer come will be Ultimate Priest The promised Seed would be a prophet like Moses, yet is re more? The prophets always called God s people turn from ir s return God. The people were rely on God s promises forgiveness cleansg which came through an ang sacrifice anor on ir behalf. This sacrifice was always made by a priest one who is specially called, set apart, gifted tercede for people before Lord. The priests were mediars God s forgiveness cleansg his people, y structed God s people Law, y were teachers, gobetween for people God, y were ambassadors grace. Yet, beg fallen humans, priests were also need grace mercy for mselves. They could not make God s people righteous for y mselves stumbled at keepg whole law were need grace. Also, ir work ferg sacrifice had be repeated aga aga because blood bulls goats had no power itself work anement all rested on God s promises brg anor who would be fal complete blood sacrifice for his people s ss, who would be ultimate, sless priest who would tercede be ladder between God man for all time, brgg promise blessg Abraham his spiritual descendants. This clothg righteousness through sacrifice anor is what Adam Eve s clothg animal sks poted, this is what bloody covenant sign circumcision poted, this is what Passover meal poted, this is what Temple sacrifices poted complete fal tercession through Jesus Christ. Readgs Genesis 28:1017 John 1:4951 Hebrews 6:197:3 Some Illumation Have you ever sat near a really hot fire? Like, so close that soles your shoes began smell melted rubber? The heat gets pretty tense. It s supposed. Burng meltg stuff is what fire does. The holess God is like a fire, fact Lord is called a consumg fire by biblical writers (Deut 4:24; 9:3; Isa. 33:14; Lam 2:3; Heb. 12:29). God s holess cannot be withsod or melded with unholy, thus sners cannot approach mercy seat Lord we bear impurity with us, rubber soles our hearts beg melt. How can people have any kd relationship with God if this is case? The relationship God tends with his people can only happen through a mediar, one who sts our place before Holy God serves as a conduit for grace. Yet, this person can t be unholy, for y also would need a mediar. As our priest, Jesus fulfills this need: as fully God, he receives heat God s holess because he himself is holy; as fully human, Jesus meets us our weakness need, bearg all this throne Far his flesh. We have only perfect mediar between God man, Jesus Christ. Children s Prayer Far, Jesus has brought us near you by beg ladder that your grace comes down me. Because your great love, you came me. Thank you for sendg Jesus be my priest, please help me follow Jesus be like him so ors can know your great love through my words life. 11

12 Hope #3 Contued Adult s Prayer Heavenly Far, re are so many ways that we strive be our own priest before you: we thk that we have some goodness or some personal sacrifice fer you that could possibly earn your love acceptance. Yet, ourselves, re s nothg we can do climb our way you, ane for our own s, or be a gobetween for ors before you. We are merely asleep like Jacob, who saw foreshadowg Christ his dream a ladder. Yet, your mercy, you have chosen come us through person Jesus Christ, now through ongog work your Holy Spirit. And, because Christ s work we can be true relationship with you, call you Far. And, because Christ s work we, church, can truly serve as a holy nation, a kgdom priests, (Ex 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:910), can live as gospel ambassadors for sake this hurtg world that is far from Jesus. Advent Song: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 12

13 3 & b 4 1. Come, thou 2. Born thy Come, Thou LongExpected Jesus j long peo ex ple pec ted Je de li sus, born ver, born? 3 b 4 j a set child thy & b peo yet? b & b let now j ple free; a Kg, us thy fd gra our cious from born rest kg our dom fears reign e. brg. Is By ss us re for rael's strength the own e lease e con ter us, ver, j so nal & b la tion, spi rit hope rule all all our earth hearts thou a art; lone; dear by de sire the all suf & b ev b fi ery cient na me b n tion, rit, joy raise us ev ery long thy glo g rious heart. throne. Text: Charles Wesley, 1744 Tune: Rowl H. Prichard, 1830; harm. from The English Hymnal, D HYFRYDL This hymn is public doma. You may freely use this score for personal congregational worship. If you reproduce score, please credit as source. 13

14 WEEK NE ADVENT Hope #4 The Rescuer come will be Ultimate Kg In Creation Mate, we see how Adam Eve were shaped by God as his image rule over his creation humanity was made be like God serve God as his representative rulers upon earth (Gen 1:2628). We were made exercise benevolent domion, yet s has corrupted this callg leavg us rulers who abuse power, shapg our hearts desire leaders who do not follow after Lord s lovg merciful pattern kgship. We see this Israel s dem for a kg: re shall be a kg over us, that we also may be like all nations (1 Sam 8:1920). They wanted be like all or nations Yet, this is not God s design for his people be like all or nations, means contue on a path rejectg God s reign over all life so that our passions cravgs can be satisfied as we desire, not as God would have for us. The Savior come would not only be a spokesperson for God, callg people away from s back him; he would not only be a mediar, an ambassador fer anement teach God s people his will; Savior would also be a Kg one who is leage David himself, would exercise authority order, buildg expg Kgdom God among people God, counter pattern rebellious culture, yet remag culture contue God s own purposes recreation begun Creation Mate. Readgs 2 Samuel 7:1117 John 18:3338 Luke 23:3643 Some Illumation The idea kgship is pretty foreign our modern Western ears. We re a democratic people, a people who hold personal aunomy as a primary cultural value. And, while we see God valug people personally, honorg personal uniqueness need, we see Bible contually confrontg this idea Christians contug on as aunomous, decidg truth, ethics, everythg else dependent from Christ his Church. Yet, we also see churches day that exercise authority heavyhedly, removg personal dignity from people process. What is correct path? The gospel pots us Jesus as a Kg who has all authority, power, glory, honor, demg all humanity bow obedience him (Is 45:23; Phil 2:9 11), yet who exercises this humility, patience, compassion, weakness even, enterg Jerusalem on foal a donkey, beg coronated upon his bloody cross. If Jesus truly is Kg, n, There is not one square ch all creation that risen Christ does not declare, Me! (A. Kuyper, Sne Lectures, 1898). And, yet Jesus demonstrates compassion patience dethrong false kgs we have established our own hearts lives, replacg m with himself. What do we tend enthrone as kg our life? Do we see se clearly? These false kgs, cludg our own delusion aunomy, are gruelg taskmasters, only true rest care comes through our benevolent Kg Jesus. Children s Prayer Far, re are so many thgs that act like a kg my life lead me do thgs that are not obedient you: stuff I want can rule me, anger ward my family friends can rule me o. Thank you for brgg Jesus my life as my new Kg. Help me let him lead me by faith. 14

15 Hope #4 Contued Adult s Prayer Lord God, you have been so gracious beg my Kg. When I assert time aga that I have domion over my own life, you lovgly confront me with my lack control, my lack sovereignty, my ability build anythg worth eternal value apart from you. Because your great patience strong, secure grip over my life through faith you ve given me Christ, you even allow me venture away from you serve or thgs false kgs so that you might show me ir worthlessness your worthess. Thank you for beg my Kg Lord Jesus, help me, by your grace, bow before you day faithfulness obedience. Advent Song: nce David s Royal City 15

16 nce Royal David's City &b4 j j 4 & b &b &b 1 nce 2 He came 3 Je sus 4 And our shed, all, grew; love; man cra smiles Lord mild, low sad on ger dle like ly ness, ro down is eyes where he for for was us heaven Je lived yal Da our at earth chil last a his was that his a he a mo shel lit child, vid's from dhood's shall bed: stall: knew: bove: r ter tle, so sus on he Christ earth, shares place ci hea pat see laid was weak, dear Ma with ty sod ven who tern, day him, through her a a is by his j n J ba sta help gen ry he he was poor feels leads her our where lit Sa all he low God day own tle vior our has ly like re cat J J b by ble, less, tle, that for his Lord us deem tears is mo meek all chil child. ho glad gone. tle he g a his our j j J J j J r our dren J ly. ness. Text: Cecil F. Alexer ( ) Tune: Henry J. Gauntlett ( ) IRBY royal_davids_city_sod_a_lowly This hymn is public doma. You may freely use this score for personal congregational worship. If you reproduce score, please credit as source. 16

17 WEEK NE ADVENT Hope #5 The Rescuer come will be a Branch from Jesse s Roots Will Lord wipe out hisry already beg written with his ancient people Israel, start over aga from nothg with this new Kg? In begng, we see that God created all thgs by Word his power out nothg (ex nihilo). Yet, after this pot, while God contues create throughout Bible, he does not beg from nothg ever aga. The Lord is a resrg God. This is fal hope for Christian not a burned up world, a heaven that s completely removed from what has come before; but, a resration this physical world, a purifyg righteousness for sake eternal joy shapg culture glory God. In promisg a Kg, God does not start over from nothg, he promises a fresh shoot emerge from covenant promises already begun at begng drama, carried forward by his faithfulness throughout ld Testament, fulfilled through fal Kg, Jesus Christ. This new Kg, will also be a new David, a new Israel, a new Adam he will do all that humanity was meant do be on behalf a humanity wracked by s. He will carry this out because he will be no mere human, but fully dive as well fullness Spirit God will be upon him, he will live act all righteousness, this will look like justice for poor, equality for downtrodden, healg for broken. Readgs Isaiah 11:110 Jeremiah 23:56 Luke 4:1621 Some Illumation Mike drop When Jesus sod synagogue at very begng his public mistry, ok scroll Isaiah read from Chapter 61, everyone that room listened him was ready applaud next thg out his mouth, y respected him even. Why? Because Jesus had tentionally left out end his readg. He had not read conclusion: day vengeance for our God. This was favorite part that passage by Jews 1 st Century because y couldn t wait for God s vengeance fall upon Romans order free m from oppression, brg what y thought would be Kgdom God. Yet, what Jesus was effect sayg was that day God s vengeance would deed fall: It has been fulfilled day your hearg only, it would not fall on Romans, it wouldn t even fall on Jews, justice God would fall upon Son God for savg this Kg s people. This is why Jesus listeners were filled with wrath (v28), because Jesus confronted m with ir own unwillgness be forgiven through him, predicted that God s favor would now come upon those pagans just as it had ld Testament sries purely by God s grace, not by ir works lawkeepg. Grace comes unattractive, outsider, poor, refugee, one who isn t careful keep all rules?! God chooses whom he chooses, we don t decide this, he is Kg, not us. How has God s grace come you, an unworthy, poor, spiritual refugee do you remember this, do we contue show gratitude God for this, & what would it look like for you extend this same sort pursuit those outside Kgdom day? Children s Prayer Far, thank you for sendg Jesus fd forgive people outside your Kgdom, so that I can now be your Kgdom. You do this because you delight lovg sners! Your grace is so great. Thank you. 17

18 Hope #5 Contued Adult s Prayer My Lord, how can it be that you sent Jesus come order seek save lost? I lose track this, ten thk that Jesus came seek save those who already have it all ger. This is very thg Jesus audience Luke 4 thought, very thg that Israelites Isaiah s time thought, somethg that is silently pervasive Church day this is reason why Christians ten don t appear attractive outsiders, because we ve lost sight gospel for ourselves! Forgive us, Lord. And, help us live as faithful servants your kd Kgship, always displayg gratitude hospitality ors as an overflow your lavish grace given us. Advent Song: Come, Come Immanuel 18

19 & # a ?# 4 & # Is might Si res?# come, come, come, come, ra i nai's cue Come, Come, Immanuel come, Im man u el, Wis dom come great from Lord on high, who might, who Branch Jes se's stem, un el ly height m! b that From mourns us an depths cient lone path times hell ly ex did your ran or som dered your your cap all tribes own # n knowl give peo ile edge ple tive thgs on here show law save, & # un?# til teach cloud give us m Son maj vic its es ry God ways ty o'er ap pear. go. awe. grave. Refra Re joice! Re & # joice! Im man u el shall come you, Is ra el?# Text: Lat, 12th cent.; composite Tune: Processionale, 15th cent.; adapt. Thomas Helmore, LM with refra VENI IMMANUEL ransom This hymn is public doma. You may freely use this score for personal congregational worship. If you reproduce score, please credit as source.

20 Scripture passages are taken from Holy Bible, English Stard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Music used/reprted by permission from Hope Presbyterian s CCLI # is Compilation, Design, Text Dan Herron Logo Design Kacey Nelson HPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 205 N College Ave Ste 430 Bloomgn, IN

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