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1 THE MEADOWS MESSENGER Yvonne M. Thurmond, Publisher December 2017, Issue / 1

2 October and November Financial Reports We hope that you find this information helpful as you pray for this congregation and evaluate your giving and participation in the worship, work and mission of this part of the Body of Christ. Sincerely, the Session and Pastor. Tithes and Offerings needed for each week of this year = $1, This figure is based on a total 2017 budget of $90, which was approved by the Session. OCTOBER Total Tithes and Offerings needed (4 weeks) $8, Actual Tithes and Offerings received (4 weeks) $7, This results in a budget shortage for this month ($880.08) Total Expenses (4 weeks) $8, resulting in a shortage for the month ($1,010.57) NOVEMBER Total Tithes and Offerings needed (4 weeks) $5, Actual Tithes and Offerings received (4 weeks) $5, This results in a budget overage for this month $ Total Expenses (4 weeks) $4, resulting in a overage for the month $1, YEAR-TO-DATE Total Tithes and Offerings needed (43 weeks) $80, Actual Tithes and Offerings (43 weeks) received $73, This results in a budget shortage to this point ($6,490.75) Total Expenses (43 weeks) $67, This results in an overage to expenses for the year $6, For those of you who understand a chart better than a bunch of numbers, below is the picture of our YTD finances for November 2017 (through week 3 of 4): $12, $10, $8, $6, $4, $2, $0.00 Jan Feb 2016 Expenses VS Giving Mar Apr May Expenses Jun Jul Aug Giving Sep Oct Session Highlights Stated Meeting November 19 th The Session: Reviewed and approved the October financial report. Approved the minutes for October 22 nd, October 30 th, November 05 th and the congregational meeting, November 12 th. Discussed increasing security during worship. We will now lock the front door at 11:15 each Sunday morning. Approved the use of the fellowship hall for a potato/vegetable soup fellowship lunch following worship on December 10 th. Approved Gladys Ross and Heather Kramer to serve as worship leaders/preacher for November 26 th in the pastor s absence. Changed the December Session meeting to the 31 st. Updated the Elder Shepherds Listing which will be published soon Heard a report on the last presbytery meeting Called Meeting November 05 th Nov Dec Avg The Session approved hiring On the Level (the company we have hired to repair our water leak and remove mold for our old fellowship hall) to 2

3 bury the existing gutter drain line between the new fellowship hall and the sanctuary while they are in that area digging to seal the foundation leak(s) on the sanctuary building. The cost will be $ Two Elders Elected On Sunday, November 12 th, Judy Galey was reelected and Anita Woods was elected to serve on the Session for the next three years. Anita will be ordained as a ruling elder sometime in January. ************************************** Some Bible Trivia 1. What king had the first birthday party in the Bible? 2. Where was the first beauty contest in the Bible, and who won? 3. Who was the first Christian martyr? 4. Where was the first piggy bank? 5. What is the first commandment in the Bible? 6. Who built the first city? ************************************** The Pastor s Ponderings In the last newsletter I talked about the confusion surrounding some of the language of that creed. The Presbyterian Church USA recognizes two creed, six confessions, one catechism and one declaration in our Book of Confessions. The creeds, confessions and declaration arose in response to particular circumstances within the history of God s people. They claim the truth of the Gospel at those points where their authors perceived that truth to be at risk. The catechism is a series of questions and answers designed to teach children and new believers the basics of our Christian faith. They are the result of prayer, thought, and experience within a living tradition. You could think of them as a snapshot into the life and faith of those who wrote them. They identify the church as a community of people known by its convictions as well as by its actions. As such these documents: guide the church in its study and interpretation of the Scriptures; summarize the essence of Reformed Christian tradition; direct the church in maintaining sound doctrines; equip the church for its work of proclamation; and serve to strengthen personal commitment and the life and witness of the community of believers. These confessional statements are subordinate standards in the church, subject to the authority of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, as the Scriptures bear witness to him. They were not lightly drawn up or subscribed to in the past and we should not take them lightly in our present day. Over the next few months I will give you an overview of the various documents in our Book of Confessions as a way to help you have a better understanding of the richness of our faith journey as Presbyterians. Each of the documents (except the most recent one) is represented by a banner. I will include the banner and an explanation of the symbols. Since I already began this conversation with the Apostle s Creed, I will begin there. The Apostles Creed (around AD ) final version in the Ninth Century I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; he third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. 3

4 Developed between the Second and Ninth Centuries as a baptismal creed for new Christians this is the most popular creed used in worship by Western Christians. Its central doctrines are the Trinity and God the Creator. The Somber Brown Color The difficulty and rigor of early Christianity under persecution; also, the monastic tradition. The Purple Arches The entrances to caves or catacombs, where early Christians met in secret: also, the shape of Gothic church windows. The Fish An ancient symbol for the Christian faith, perhaps a secret code mark; Letters of the Greek word for fish can be used as first letters in the phrase, Jesus Christ God s Son Savior. The Chalice The Lord's Supper, and thus the earnest and simple fellowship of the early church. The Upside-Down Cross Peter, chief of the apostles, who in legend, is said to have been crucified upside down because he thought himself unworthy of a death like his Master s. The Nicene Creed (around AD ) We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came 4 down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. Written during the Fourth Century A.D. in an attempt to unify the Christian church under Emperor Constantine. It is heavily influenced by the theologian Athanasius and the work of the first two ecumenical councils of Nicaea (325) and Constantinople (381). It was adopted by the council of Chalcedon in A.D Its central doctrines are those of the Person of Jesus Christ and the reality of the Holy Spirit. It is the only creed accepted by all three major branches of Christendom including Protestant, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians. The Cross which is also a sword A symbol for the Emperor Constantine, and his successors, because he called the ecumenical council which began the process of thinking that resulted in this creed, because he was the first Christian emperor

5 and because he began the tradition of imperial Christianity. The cross is central here because the doctrine of Christ is central in the Creed. The Green Triangle and the Three Symbols with it The doctrine of the Trinity formalized in the Nicene Creed. The Hand Reaching Down God the Father. The CHI RHO Monogram the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, used by Constantine on shields and helmets of his army. The Dove The Holy Spirit. The Crowns The rule and glory of God. Most of the statements in these creeds most Christians would agree with. So if anyone asks you what you believe in, these statements would be an excellent place to begin the conversation. Pastor Yvonne What do the Chrismon Ornaments Mean? 1 Each Christmas season our church puts up a tree and decorates it with Chrismon ornaments. Have you ever wondered about the origin of the Chrismon tree and the meaning of the various ornaments? Well here are some of the answers. Chrismons are Christmas decorations with Christian symbols on them. They help Christians to remember that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus's birthday. They are often used on Christmas Trees in Churches and Christians homes. They were first made by Frances Kipps Spencer at the Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, Virginia. She also thought of the word, Chrismon, which is a combination of Christ and monogram (meaning symbol). The idea quickly spread to other churches. Each year a 20ft Christmas Tree is decorated in the Ascension Lutheran Church, as Mrs. Spencer intended, and visitors come and the hear the story of Jesus explained through her original Chrismons and a few gifts from around the world. Chrismons are traditionally colored white and gold. White is the liturgical (or Church) color for Christmas and symbolizes that Jesus was pure and perfect. Gold symbolizes His majesty and glory. Chrismons can be made from nearly anything, but paper and embroidered ones are the most widely used. Below are some symbols that are common Chrismons and what they represent to Christians. The Cross symbolizes that Christians believe Jesus Christ died for everyone on a Cross. The base of the Latin Cross (also called the Roman Cross) has three steps that symbolize faith, hope, and love. The Irish or Celtic Cross is a normal cross with a circle in the middle to symbolize eternity. The Jerusalem Cross was worn by the crusaders going to Jerusalem, in the middle ages. It can symbolize the Four Gospels in the Bible, the spread of the Gospel to the four corners of the earth or the five wounds of Jesus when he died on the cross. The Anchor Cross reminds Christian s that Jesus is the anchor of their faith

6 IHS are the first three letters of Jesus in Greek. Adding them onto a cross makes it looks more interesting. The Fish is one of the oldest Christian symbols. The letters, from the Greek word for fish (ichthus), stand for Jesus (I), Christ (X), God (Q), Son (Y), Savior (S). Some of Jesus disciples were fishermen. Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet. Used together, they are the symbolize that Christians believe Jesus is the beginning and end of all things. The Crown is the symbol that Jesus in King. It shows that Christians believe Jesus is ruler over heaven and the earth. The Shepherd s Crook or Staff remembers that Jesus sometimes called himself a shepherd. It can also represent the shepherds who were the first people told about the birth of Jesus. Both of these symbols represent the Christian Trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Triquerta is made of three loops making a triangle representing the three parts of the trinity. The Trefoil (at the bottom) is three equal circles intertwined to form a whole. The Chi-Rho looks like a P with an X on top of it. These two letters are the first two letters of the Greek word Christos which means Christ. Hands in Prayer help Christians remember that they should be people of prayer. The Star of David, sometimes called the Star of Creation, is a symbol that Jesus was a Jew and a descendant of King David. The Scroll represents the Bible. A Five Pointed Star represents the five wounds of Jesus on the cross. The Dove is the symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit. It is shown pointing down to represent the Holy Spirit that appeared as a dove when Jesus was baptized. The Nativity Star is the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem or Epiphany, when the Wisemen visited Jesus. The Lamp and The Candle both represents that Christians believe Jesus in the Light of the World. 6

7 The Shell is a symbol for baptism. It reminds Christians of the water that they are baptized in. It is also a sign of Pilgrimage, as Pilgrims to the Holy Land (Israel) would use a shell as a drinking vessel. The Keys are a symbol for the Church in all the world. Jesus told his friend Peter that I will give you keys to heaven, so this means that Christians are called to tell other people about Jesus. The Heart is a symbol of love and reminds Christians that God is love. The Lion is a symbol for Jesus who is sometimes called The Lion of Judah. Jesus is also represented as Aslan the Lion in the Chronicle of Narnia books by C. S. Lewis. The Cup or Chalice is a symbol of the Eucharist (Communion or The Lord s Supper). It also represents God's forgiveness. The White Rose is a symbol for purity and can represents Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Angel reminds Christians of the angels who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. It can also represent the second coming of Jesus, which the Bible says will start with an angel blowing a trumpet. The Babe/Manger represents Jesus as a baby at Christmas. The Lamb is a symbol for Jesus who is sometimes called The Lamb of God. The Butterfly is a symbol for transformation and resurrection or the soul. 7 ************************************** Catch Following Christmas dinner, my family was relaxing around the kitchen table. We had all enjoyed traditional turkey, sweet potatoes lightly glazed with brown sugar, and a final wedge of pumpkin pie topped with a dollop of ice cream. The good cooking smells still lingered; the oven remained warm. My sister, our chef, was basking in the compliments Fabulous meal, I really couldn t eat another bite, Everything was wonderful. Dad had risen from his chair and was contentedly standing nearby. My nephew, never one to sit still for too long, began dribbling his new basketball around the table and throughout the kitchen. Upon nearing

8 Dad, he stopped almost uncertainly. With shaking, wrinkled hands, Dad had reached out for the ball. He did not speak, and the boy, confused, looked up and over at us. It took some convincing, but the ball was gingerly passed over. I watched my father closely to see what he would do. A playful smile appeared on his face. The twinkle in his eyes shone brighter than any Christmas lights. Holding the ball and reaching forward, Dad bounced it on the floor then caught it. This action was repeated. Nodding approvingly, he then turned towards our assembled group. Gently tossing the ball away, Dad began a game of catch. The ball continued to be passed through eager pairs of outstretched hands. Cries of Over here! rang through the warm kitchen. Dad s active participation in this game was remarkable to me, since he had advanced Alzheimer s disease. This dementia had robbed him of many memories and the recognition of people, places and points in time. Despite this, Dad clearly recognized the ball and what you could do with it. In my younger years, playing with Dad was rare. To his credit, Dad worked hard and provided for us. He was very private and never showed nor shared much emotion; his game of choice was chess, which he did eventually teach me how to play. As an adult, I had become a caregiver and watched helplessly as Dad declined. Connecting moments between father and son had been few and far between before he took the basketball. I m not sure how long we played catch. Watching the clock was not important. Dad gleefully led us until he began to tire. What I do know is that our game ended all too soon, and it was time to face the reality of dirty dishes piled high on countertops. The moment, though, will certainly last forever. On this Christmas, Dad gave me a special memory one that I will always treasure. Story by Rick Lauber Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing LLC, Let us all look for those moments during the holidays when we unexpectedly connect with the playful spirit of those we love. The Gold Wrapping Paper Once upon a time, there was a man who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his family. This particular year a few days before Christmas, he punished his little five-year-old daughter after learning that she had used up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. As money was tight, he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve he saw that the child had used all of the expensive gold paper to decorate one shoebox she had put under the Christmas tree. He also was concerned about where she had gotten the money to buy what was in the shoebox. Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, This is for you, Daddy! As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, now regretting how he had punished her. But when he opened the shoebox, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. Don t you know, young lady, he said harshly, when you give someone a present, there's supposed to be something inside the package! The little girl looked up at him with sad tears rolling from her eyes and whispered: Daddy, it s not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full. The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger. An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept this little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems, he would open the box, take out an 8

9 imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each of us has been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. There is no more precious possession anyone could ever have. The Doings at QMPC Elders on Call December 03 rd -09 th Kathy Staton December 10 th -16 th Ann Dietz December 17 th -23 rd Judy Galey December 24 th -30 th James Sanford Ministry with the Children December 03 rd Patsy Carswell (Advent wreath with the children), Gladys Ross (downstairs) December 10 th Heather Kramer (sermon), Betty Williams (downstairs) December 17 th Ruth Pershing (sermon), Christine Rose (downstairs) December 24 th Gladys Ross (sermon), Gladys Ross (downstairs) December 31 st Heather Kramer (sermon), Lelia Bruder (downstairs) Upcoming Events Tuesday, December 05 th November/December birthday lunch, Timberwoods at noon. Everyone is welcome to participate but be prepared to pay for your own lunch. Tuesday, December 05 th Christian Education Committee meeting at 6:00 pm Monday, December 11 th Circle # 1, Ruth Preston s home at 10:00 am Tuesday, December 12 th Finance Committee meeting at 6:00 pm Sunday, December 17 th Children s Christmas program at 5:00 pm with a covered-dish meal following Sunday, December 24 th lessons and carols at 11:00 am and the candlelight/communion Christmas Eve service at 6:30 pm Bible Trivia Answers 1. Pharaoh, at the time Joseph was in Egypt Genesis 40:20 2. The one in the court of King Ahasuerus of Persia; Esther was the winner Esther 2 3. Stephen Acts 6:7-8:2 4. In the Temple of Jerusalem. It was a chest ordered by King Joash who had a hole bored in the lid to keep the priest from stealing the funds. Second Kings Be fruitful and multiply Genesis 1:28 6. Cain Genesis 4:17 I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a safe and Happy New Year and remember: 9

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