Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

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1 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

2 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka Priest or Bishop: Reader: Bess, Master. Bessed is our God, aways, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. O Heaveny King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth who art everywhere present and fiest a things. Treasury of Bessings, and Giver of Life. Come and abide in us, and ceanse us from every impurity, and save our sous, O Good One. Hoy God, Hoy Mighty, Hoy Immorta, have mercy on us. (3x) Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. O Most Hoy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, ceanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Hoy One, visit and hea our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, haowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy wi be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daiy bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and ead us not into temptation but deiver us from the evi one. Priest or Bishop: For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the gory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Hoy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. God Is the Lord In the 4th Tone: God is the Lord and has reveaed Himsef to us: Bessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. O give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His mercy endures forever. God is the Lord and has reveaed Himsef to us: Bessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. 2 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

3 A nations surrounded me, but in the Name of the Lord I destroyed them. God is the Lord and has reveaed Himsef to us: Bessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. I sha not die but ive and recount the works of the Lord. God is the Lord and has reveaed Himsef to us: Bessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. The stone which the buiders rejected has become the cornerstone; this is the Lord's doing, and it is wonderfu in our eyes. God is the Lord and has reveaed Himsef to us: Bessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. 3 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

4 O Heaveny King #Tone 6 ============================== & # O HEA - VEN - LY KING, THE COMFORTER, THE SPIR - IT OF TRUTH WHO ART L==============================? # ˆ_ «ˆ_ «============================== & # œ # # EVERYWHERE AND FILL - EST ALL THINGS. TREA -SU- RY OF BLESS - INGS, AND L==============================? # ˆ_ «============================== & # # GIV - ER OF LIFE: COME AND A - BIDE IN US, AND CLEANSE US FROM L==============================? # ============================== & # U # w # EV - 'RY IM - PUR - I - TY, AND SAVE OUR SOULS O GOOD ONE. L==============================? # œ w ẇ uw_ 4 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

5 God is the Lord Tone 4 ============================ & b W œ # GOD IS THE LORD AND HAS REVEALED HIM - SELF TO US BLESSED IS L============================? b W W_ ===================== & b œ nww { HE THAT COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, ˆ_ «L=====================? b w w_ w { Troparion ============================ & b œ # TODAY, LIKE THE MORNING SUN RIS - ING O - VER US, YOUR ALL - HONORED L============================? b ˆ_ «============================ & b œ W n ICON ENLIGHTENS THE WORLD WITH RAYS OF MER - CY. AND OUR L============================? b W _ ============================ & b œ n # LAND REVERENTLY RE - CEIVES IT AS A DI - VINE GIFT FROM ON HIGH, L============================? b 5 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

6 ============================ & b œ W œ # GLORIFYING YOU, O BIRTHGIVER OF GOD, OUR LADY OF SIT - KA, L============================? b W W_ ============================ & b W œ n WITH JOY MAGNIFYING CHRIST OUR GOD WHO WAS BORN OF YOU. L============================? b W _ ============================ & b W œ # PRAY TO HIM O LADY MARY, QUEEN AND THE - O - TO - KOS W_ L============================? b W ============================ & b œ W œ n THAT ALL CITIES AND LANDS BE PROTECTED FROM OUR EN - E- MIES, L============================? b œ W W_ œ ============================ & b œ W œ AND THAT THEY WILL BE SAVED WHO IN FAITH VENERATE YOUR MOST L============================? b W W_ 6 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

7 ============================ & b W œ # n PURE I - CON THAT HAS COME TO DWELL WITH US, O VIR - GIN MO - THER W W_ L============================? b =================== & b U w WHO SHOW US THE WAY TO CHRIST. L===================? b ˆ_ «w w_ u w Kontakion 1 ============================ & b œ W œ œ O MOTHER OF GOD CHOSEN FROM ALL GEN - ER - A - TIONS W_ L============================? b W w_ ============================ & b œ W œ TO BE THE PROTECTRESS OF THE CHRIST - IAN PEO - PLE; WE OFFER L============================? b W W_. œ ============================ & b YOU SONGS OF THANKS - GIV - ING FOR YOUR WONDERWORKING ICON w_ L============================? b 7 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

8 ============================ & b THAT HAS COME TO A - LAS - KA. YOU ARE A FOUN - TAIN OF. L============================? b œ ============================ & b MER - CY AND HELP OF ALL WHO SEEK RE - FUGE IN YOU. L============================? b w_ ============================ & b DEFEND US IN ALL AFFLICTIONS, NECESSITIES AND TRIB - U - LA - TIONS L============================? b ˆ_ «w_ ============================ & b THAT WE MAY CRY TO YOU: REJOICE, ZEAL - OUS DE - FEN - DER L============================? b œ œ w_ ===================== & b U w = OF THE ORTHODOX FAITHFUL IN A - MER - I - CA. w_ L=====================? b œ uw ww_ = 8 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

9 Kontakion 1 Tone 8 (Aternate Meody) ============================ & b œ W œ O MO - THER OF GOD, CHO - SEN FROM ALL GENERATIONS TO BE THE L============================? b œ ============================ & b W œ PROTECTRESS OF THE CHRIST - IAN PEO - PLE; WE OF - FER YOU SONGS OF L============================? b œ ============================ & b œ W œ THANKSGIVING FOR YOUR WONDERWORKING ICON THAT HAS COME TO A - LAS - KA. L============================? b W W_ ============================ & b W œ YOU ARE A FOUN - TAIN OF MER - CY AND HELP ALL WHO SEEK RE - ˆ_ «L============================? b W W_ ============================ & b œ FUGE IN YOU. DE - FEND US IN ALL AF - FLIC - TIONS, NECESSITIES AND L============================? b 9 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

10 œ ============================ & b TRIBULATIONS THAT WE MAY CRY TO YOU: RE - JOICE, ZEAL - OUS DE - FEN - L============================? b ==================== & b w = DER OF THE ORTHODOX FAITHFUL IN A - MER - I - CA. ˆ_ «L====================? b w w_ w = 10 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

11 Ikos 1 An Archange was sent to greet the Hoy Virgin: Rejoice, for God the Word sha be made fesh in your womb. And we sinners give gory to the wonderworking icon of the Hoy Virgin and the divine Infant, our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we cry to her, who is fu of grace, from the depths of our hearts. ============================ & b W œ REJOICE, DIVINELY CHOSEN MAIDEN OF GOD, MOTHER OF OUR SAV - IOR. L============================? b W W_ w_ ============================ & b œ W œ REJOICE, YOU WHO ARE HONORED BY THE ANGELS AND HYMNED BY THE SER - A-PHIM. L============================? b ˆ_ «W W_ ============================ & b œ REJOICE, BRIGHT FULFILL - MENT OF PRO - PHE - SY REJOICE, BOAST OF THE. L============================? b œ œ ============================ & b œ A- POS - TLES. REJOICE, CROWN OF MAR - TYRS. REJOICE, GLORY. L============================? b w_ œ œ ============================ & b OF ALL MO - NAS - TICS. REJOICE, JOY OF THE RIGHT - EOUS.. L============================? b œ w_ 11 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

12 ============================ & b œ REJOICE, HOPE OF SIN - ERS. REJOICE, ZEAL - OUS DE - FEN - DER. w_ L============================? b œ ======================= & b U w OF THE ORTHODOX FAITHFUL IN A- MER - I - CA. L=======================? b w w_ w_ uw Kontakion 2 We recognize you as the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ony true God. Your a pure face ooks down from your hoy icon on the gorious town of Sitka; and worshipping your Son with ove and joy, we sing to God: Aeuia ============================ & b œ U w ALLELUIA, AL - LE - LU - IA, AL - LE - LU - IA. w_ L============================? b œ w_ w_ w uw 12 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

13 Ikos 2 Burdened by many affictions and sins, we have no other hep or hope but you, O Lady. Therefore faing before your hoy icon with hearths fu of ove we sing: Rejoice, perfection of praise to God through the mouths of chid-ren. Rejoice, reveaer of the mysteries of Divine grace to the meek. Rejoice, conversion of unbeiev-ers. Rejoice, you, who, by the gory of your miraces, iumine the minds of the faith-fu. Rejoice, rebuker of those faen into her-esy. Rejoice, confirmation of the Christ-ian Faith. Rejoice, changer of our sor-row into joy. Rejoice, for you make us joyfu with unfai-ing hope. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 3 When the stormy seas enguf us and the rough waters fi our sous with fear, the does our hoy Father Herman ca from heaven upon your a powerfu intercession, O ady, and a deep cam enveops us a. Therefore, as we now gaze at your hoy icon, we cry to God: Aeu-ia. Ikos 3 With compassionate forethought for your Aaskan peope, you have sent forth your icon in the Cathedra of Sitka a stream of wonders enightening the minds and sous of those ying in ignorance of God. Granting a safe haven and good fishing to those on the seas you protect a on their paths, and for this, in ove we cry to you: Rejoice, iumination of a men with the shining rays of your won-ders. Rejoice, sight of the bind. Rejoice, gory of Aas-ka. Rejoice, cam haven of those seeking sava-tion. Rejoice, pure Theoto-kos Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

14 Rejoice, sheter and defender of chid-ren. Rejoice, queer of the o-cean s fierce waves. Rejoice, joy of a the poor and the affict-ed. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 4 A storm of passions and sins rages against us and now we know not where to turn. It is then that the hoy Mother of God gives us her peace; and gazing at the icon she has sent us, we cry with thanksgiving to God: Aeu-ia. Ikos 4 Beset by hardships in this far northern and, we are ifted up by the faith our Father Herman instied in us, and by the prayer of Our Lady of Sitka we take upon ourseves, with hope and fortitude, the Cross our Lord has given to each one of us and sing to her: Rejoice, mother of the most high God. Rejoice, queen of hea-ven and earth. Rejoice, intercessor of your Son Jesus Christ for a of us. Rejoice, protectress of those who run to you. Rejoice, giver of what is needfu to a who pray before your wonderworking i-con. Rejoice, for you are swift to hep. Rejoice, for you pour upon us unfaiing mer-cy. Rejoice, deiverer from peri on and and on sea. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

15 Kontakion 5 Your icon shines in our Cathedra ike a bright star enightening the whoe and with its radiance. It guides a the Orthodox in America gone astray on the sea of ife and overwhemed by the waves of sorrow, tribuations and sickness, giving them peace and happiness as they take refuge in you and sing to God: Aeu-ia. Ikos 5 Dark are the winters, and cod are the winds; but cheered by the beauty of your face, we find warmth of sou and body as we raise our prayers to you, singing: Rejoice, abode of Christ our God. Rejoice, dweing pace of His ineffabe go-ry. Rejoice, joy of towns and har-bors. Rejoice, guardian and buwark of Christians in affic-tion. Rejoice, treasure of the Or-thodox Church. Rejoice, heper of those who fight for Christ. Rejoice, for you drive away the en-emy. Rejoice, visitation of a men with your mer-cies. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 6 Standing before your a pure icon the assemby of bishops, priests and faithfu peope procaims your great mercy, O Mother of God, for you protect our cities and ands against foods and storms, and we truy know you to be our heper. We offer you our ove and tears, begging you to stretch out your hand to your Son asking Him to deiver us from a evi that we may thankfuy sing to God: Aeu-ia. Ikos 6 Who can worthiy praise you and thank you for sending us your wonderworking icon? Our tongues fai before this mirace and we beg you to hep us sing to you: Rejoice, unfaiing source of ho-iness. Rejoice, river of divine grace fowing in ma-ny streams Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

16 Rejoice, reconcier of sin-ners with God. Rejoice, teacher of pi-ety. Rejoice, heper and confirmation in good works. Rejoice, receiver of pi-ous vows. Rejoice, destroyer of e-vi intents. Rejoice, you who tear into pieces the snares of the en-emy. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 7 Your icon has come to us as dew upon the feece confirming the power given to you by God. As we praise Him for His boundess mercies, we cry: Aeu-ia. Ikos 7 To your icon we Orthodox run when about to embark on a new enterprise or to set out on a journey by sea, and or air, offering you a prayer of thanksgiving and asking for your bessing and your hep and our deiverance from tribuation and assaut; for we know you to be a strong protectress and defender, and we therefore sing to you: Rejoice, protectress of Aas-ka. Rejoice, confirmation and guardian of Orthodoxy in our and. Rejoice, breastpate that cannot be pierced. Rejoice, reprover of dishon-esty. Rejoice, destroyer of the ser-pent. Rejoice, corrector of those who have gone astray. Rejoice, com-forter of the od. Rejoice, bestower of knowedge good for the sou. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

17 Kontakion 8 Doubters and unbeievers are amazed to hear that streams of divine grace fow through your icon, whie we know that this is so with this icon of Sitka and that God s grace wi abide with it forever. Therefore, standing reverenty before it, we kiss it and venerate it as we woud your very sef; for the honor paid to icons passes to their prototype, and God s grace acts through this icon in wonders and signs for those who run to you with faith and cry to God: Aeu-ia. Ikos 8 We praise you, O burning bush, unhewn mountain, roya throne, daughter of the King, and unwedded bride who has given us God s grace through your icon in Sitka, and raising our voices in songs and hymns, we cry to you: Rejoice, vesse of Him who cannot be contained. Rejoice, bearer of the iv-ing God. Rejoice, earthy brance who brough forth the heav-veny Fruit. Rejoice, for your prayer before your Son and God is of great ben-efit. Rejoice, for from the time of the Crucifixion you have adopted us a as your chid-ren. Rejoice, you who show mothery ove towards us. Rejoice, cause of eterna bess-ings. Rejoice, giver of bessings in this tem-pora ife. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 9 You have shown yoursef above every angeic rank, O Virgin; for you have conceived in the fesh Him Who cannot be circumscribed. And you have carried in your arms Him Who hods the whoe word in the pam of His hand. Therefore, as you are greater in honor than the cherubim and more gorious beyond compare than the seraphim, we gorify you and sing to God on your account: Aeu-ia Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

18 Ikos 9 O Mother of God, we see most eoquent orators sienced before you, for every tongue is at a oss to praise you worthiy. Our minds have not the strength to exto you. Therefore, O you who are gracious, accept from us the sautation of the Archange as we cry to you: Rejoice, you who are fu of grace and bessed among wom-en. Rejoice, for you have found fa-vor with God. Rejoice, for you have brought forth the Sav-ior of the word. Rejoice, mother of the Son of God. Rejoice, for you have given birth to the Eter-na King. Rejoice, for you were overshadowed by the power of the Most High. Rejoice, true hand-maiden of the Lord. Rejoice, for a generations sha ca you bess-ed. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 10 Wishing to save many from the evis, affictions and sicknesses which affict morta men, you have given Sitka this hoy icon before which we pray that the drowning be saved, those possessed of the devi be freed, our boats be fied with fish and our hunting be bessed and our viages and homes be protected from food, fire and earthquake. Therefore, gorifying God, Who has bestowed on us such mercy, we cry to Him: Aeu-ia. Ikos 10 You are the wa of protection guarding the and of Aaska. You are the gory and joy of Sitka and strengthen the Orthodox to withstand their enemies. Therefore in thanksgiving we cry to you: Rejoice, gorifier of those who go-rify you. Rejoice, confounder of those who fai to hon-or you. Rejoice, gory of the Or-thodox. Rejoice, strength of sodiers on the fied of bat-te Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

19 Rejoice, ife-giving guardian gaddening the hearts of the faith-fu. Rejoice, defender before whom devis quake and trem-be. Rejoice, unction who soothes the sinfu wounds of those who repent. Rejoice, our fer-vent hope. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 11 Choirs of young maidens offer you, O Lady, hymns of praise and thangsiving. Leading a pure ife under your protection and setting a their hopes on you they cry to your Son: Aeu-ia. Ikos 11 O a hoy Lady, as a candestick that has received the Light, we ook upon your hoy icon, for having taken the spiritua fire of your grace it kindes new amps in its ikeness, and they aso participate in this same grace and shine bright with wonders, guiding upon the path of savation a those who cry to you: Rejoice, unwed-ded bride. Rejoice, chosen Maiden, Mother and Vir-gin. Rejoice, boast of wom-en. Rejoice, defender of widows, protectress of or-phans. Rejoice, nour-isher of the poor. Rejoice, cother of the na-ked. Rejoice, comforter of those in sor-row. Rejoice, joy of the affict-ed. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 12 Wishing to give your grace for those venerating you with ove, you, O Mother of God, have eft in your hoy icons the power of your grace. For this same divine grace remaining with those hoy icons ever bring about sings and wonders, and by your unceasing suppications to God you give 19 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

20 heaing of body and sou to those who approach you with faith and ove and who sing to Him: Aeu-ia. Ikos 12 Singing the praises of your wonders both past and present, we aud you as a ife-bearing fount of grace, as an unfaiing river of miraces, as a fountain of mercy and compassion. Setting a our hope on you after God in both this and in the word to come, we sing to you: Rejoice, unconfounded hope of Christ-ians. Rejoice, refuge of the faith-fu. Rejoice, hope of the hopeess, savation of those in despair. Rejoice, fountain washing the con-science cean. Rejoice, unmercenary physician for your chid-ren. Rejoice, speedy deiverance from a affic-tions. Rejoice, comforter in every tribua-tion. Rejoice, intercessor in the hour of our death. Rejoice, zeaous defend-er of the Orthodox faithfu in Amer-i-ca. Kontakion 13 (Three Times) O most pure Lady, in whom a creation rejoices, and Mother of the Word hoier than a the saints, accept now this suppication of your faithfu servants. And for the sake of your great goodness and the depth of your mercy bring not to mind the mutitude of our sins, but fufi our prayers, giving heath to our bodies and savation to our sous. Deiver us from a sorrow and necessity, and make heirs of the heaveny Kingdom a those who faithfuy sing to God: Aeu-ia. Then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are repeated. THE LITTLE LITANY 20 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

21 œ_ Prokimenon and Gospe Tone ============================== & b 4 U w_w I WILL CALL UPON THY NAME FROM GENERATION TO GEN -ER -A - TION. L==============================? b œ œ w_ uww ========== & b = LORD HAVE MER - CY L==========? b œ = ======================== & b œ_ w_ = œ_ LET EV - ERY BREATH PRAISE THE LORD. L========================? b œ w w_ œ w = ============================== & b # n w LORD HAVE MER - CY, LORD HAVE MERCY, LORD HAVE MER - CY. ˆ_ «L==============================? b w w_ w ============================== & b U w AND TO YOUR SPIR - IT. GLORY TO THEE, O LORD, GLO - RY TO THEE. L==============================? b œ w w_ uw 21 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

22 Priest or Bishop: Priest or Bishop: THE PROKIMENON AND GOSPEL Wisdom! Let us attend. The prokimenon in the 4 th tone: I wi ca upon Thy name from generation to generation. I wi ca upon Thy name from generation to generation. Hearken, O Daughter, and consider, and incine thine ear. I wi ca upon Thy name from generation to generation. I wi ca upon Thy name from generation to generation Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy. For hoy art Thou, O our God, who restest in the saints, and unto Thee we send up gory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Let every breath praise the Lord! Let every breath praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary! Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Let every breath praise the Lord! Let every breath praise the Lord! And that we may be accounted worthy of hearing the Hoy Gospe, et us pray to the Lord God. Lord have mercy. (3 times) Wisdom! Let us attend. Let us isten to the Hoy Gospe. Peace be unto a Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

23 Priest or Bishop: Priest or Bishop: And to your spirit. The reading from the Hoy Gospe according to St. Luke. Gory to Thee, O Lord, gory to Thee! Let us attend. (Luke 1:39-49,56) In those days: Mary arose and went into the hi country with haste, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Eizabeth. And it happened, when Eizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe eaped in her womb; and Eizabeth was fied with the Hoy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a oud voice and said, Bessed are you among women, and bessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord shoud come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe eaped in my womb for joy. Bessed is she who beieved, for there wi be a fufiment of those things which were tod her from the Lord. And Mary said: My sou magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the owy state of His maidservant; for behod, henceforth a generations wi ca me bessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and hoy is His name. And Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house. Gory to Thee, O Lord, gory to Thee! 23 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

24 œ_ _ œ _ œ_ CLERGY: Most Hoy Theotokos, save us. CHOIR: ======================== & b w = MOST HO - LY THE - O - TO - KOS SAVE US. L========================? b w w_ w = CLERGY: Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit. CHOIR: ============================== & b w NOW AND EVER AND UN - TO A - GES OF A - GES. A - MEN. L ==============================? b ˆ_ «_ w_ w w Hymn to the Theotokos btone 8 ============================== & _ IT IS TRU - LY MEET TO BLESS YOU O THE -O - TO - KOS EV - ER BLESS - ED L==============================? b œ ˆ_ «============================== & b œ œ_ AND MOST PURE AND THE MO - THER OF OUR GOD. MORE HO - NOR -A - BLE THAN ˆ_ «L==============================? b œ ============================== & b œ œ_ THE CHE - RU - BIM, AND MORE GLO -RI- OUS BE - YOND COM - PARE THAN L==============================? b ˆ_ « 24 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

25 œ_ _ œ_ ============================== & b œ _ THE SER - A- PHIM: WITH - OUT DE - FILE - MENT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO GOD THE WORD, L==============================? b ˆ_ «ˆ_ «============================== & b w TRUE THE - O - TO - KOS WE MAG - NI - FY YOU. ˆ_ L==============================? b œ «w w_ w Augmented Litany ============================== & b w LORD HAVE MER - CY, LORD HAVE MER - CY, LORD HAVE MER - CY. L==============================? b w_ œ w w ========= & b w A - MEN. L=========? b w w_ w DEACON: Again and again on bended knees, et us pray to the Most Hoy Theotokos! CHOIR: =========================== & b œ w MOST HO - LY THE -O - TO - KOS SAVE US. L===========================? b ˆ_ «w w_ w 25 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

26 DEACON: Wisdom! PRIEST or BISHOP: Most Hoy Theotokos, save us. CHOIR: ============================== & b W MORE HONORABLE THAN THE CHERUBIM, AND MORE GLORIOUS BEYOND COMPARE THAN L==============================? b ˆ_ «W W_ ============================== & b œ W œ THE SER - A- PHIM, WITHOUT DEFILEMENT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO GOD THE WORD, L==============================? b ˆ_ «W_ W =============== & b U w = TRUE THEOTOKOS, WE MAG - NI - FY YOU. L===============? b w w_ uw = PRIEST or BISHOP: Gory to Thee, O Christ our God and our hope, gory to Thee! CHOIR: ============================== & b œ W GLORY TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY SPIRIT NOW AND EVER AND L==============================? b ˆ_ «W W_ ============================== & b W œ UNTO AGES OF A - GES. A- MEN. LORD HAVE MERCY, LORD HAVE MERCY, LORD HAVE MER - CY. L==============================? b ˆ_ «W W_ 26 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

27 ============== & b w MAS - TER, BLESS. FA - THER, _ «w_ L==============? b w w PRIEST or BISHOP: May Christ our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the Birthgiver of God; of Saint (of the day), through the prayers of our fathers among the saints, Innocent, Metropoitan of Moscow, Enightener of the Aeuts; Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, Enightener of North America, the Confessor; John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker; Nikoai of South Canaan, Bishop of Zhicha; Raphae, Bishop of Brookyn; the hoy Hieromartyrs, Juvenay of Iiamna, Aexander and John; Peter the Aeut, Martyr of San Francisco; the Venerabe Herman of Aaska and a America, the Wonderworker; the hoy and Righteous Aexis of Wikes-Barre and Minneapois; and Jacob, Enightener of the native peopes of Aaska; of the hoy righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, and of a the saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and oves mankind. ======= & b w = A - MEN. w_ L=======? b w = Then the Poichronian is sung or if not, sing: 27 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

28 Poichronion ================================ & # Traditiona w HIS BEATITUDE, OUR MOST BLESSED JO - NAH, ARCHBISHOP OF WASHINGTON AND L================================? # œ w_ _ ˆ_ ˆ_ ================================ & #. NEW YORK, METROPOLITAN OF ALL AMERICA AND CA - NA - DA; HIS GRACE, EMINENCE,GRACE L================================? # ˆ_ ˆ_. # ================================ & THE RIGHT REV - REND BISHOP OF SITKA, ANCHORAGE AND MOST/RIGHT ARCH/BISHOP _ L================================? # ˆ_ ˆ_ # ================================ & A - LAS - KA THE PRESIDENT OF OUR COUNTRY AND ALL CIVIL L================================? # ˆ_ _ «> > > > > # ================================ &. AU - THOR - I - TIES AND ALL OR - THO - DOX CHRIST - IANS L================================? # œ. _ ˆ_ ˆ_ ˆ_ ˆ_ ˆ_ # ================================ & U w PRE - SERVE THEM O LORD, FOR MA - NY YEARS. L================================? # w_ w uw 28 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

29 Augmented Litany Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great goodness, we pray Thee, hear us and have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Again we pray for His Beatitude, our Metropoitan, and His Eminence/His Grace, our Archbishop/Bishop, for priests, deacons, and a other cergy, and for a our brethren in Christ. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Again we pray for the President of our country (Her Majesty the Queen), for a civi authorities, and for our armed forces everywhere. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Again we pray for mercy, ife, peace, heath, savation, and visitation for the servant(s) of God and for the pardon and remission of their sins. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Furthermore we pray to Thee, O Lord our God, that the voice of our petition and prayer be heard. Have mercy upon Thy servant(s), in Thy grace and goodness, and fufi a their suppications, and pardon them their transgressions both vountary and invountary; that their petitions and ams be acceptabe before the throne of Thy Majesty, and protect their from a visibe and invisibe enemies, from a attacks, misfortune and sorrow, and save their from iness, and grant their heath and ength of days: we pray Thee, O Lord, hear us and have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Look down, O Master, Lover of mankind with Thy mercifu eye upon Thy servant(s), and hear our prayers offered in faith, for Thou Thysef hast said: What things so ever you desire, when you pray, beieve that you wi receive them, and you sha have them, and again: Ask, and it sha be given you. Therefore, though unworthy, but trusting upon Thy mercy, we ask: grant Thy grace to Thy servant(s) and fufi a (his, her, their) good desires, preserve (him, her, them) in peace and tranquiity; in heath and ength of days a their ife, we pray Thee, hear us quicky and graciousy have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (3x) 29 Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

30 Additiona petitions are for specia occasions can be inserted here. Priest: Furthermore we pray for a the peope here present, awaiting from Thee great and bountifu mercies, for a the brethren and for a Christians. Lord, have mercy. (3x) Hear us, O God our Savior, the hope of a the ends of the earth, and to those who are far off upon the sea; and show mercy, show mercy, O Master, upon us sinners, and be mercifu unto us. For Thou art a mercifu God Who ovest mankind, and unto Thee we send up gory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Prayer before the Sitka Icon of the Mother of God Priest or Bishop: Again and again on bended knees et us pray to the Most Hoy Theotokos! Most Hoy Theotokos, save us. O Lady, Mother of God Most High, ook down upon your faithfu servants praying before your hoy icon and serving your Son. Receive our humbe prayer and visit us in our unworthiness. Hep us to keep pure the Orthodox Faith and to wak in the ways of our Savior, Jesus Christ. By your intercessions entreat Him to grant us heath of sou and body and the forgiveness of our sins in this ife, and in the word to come, ife everasting. Amen Akathist Service to Our Lady of Sitka

31 16 Diocese of Aaska The Orthodox Church in America PO Box Anchorage, AK fax

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