VtÅuÉw tç VÉÅÅâÇ àç axãáäxààxü 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, Alberta T2C 1B5, Canada Tel:(403) ,

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1 VtÅuÉw tç VÉÅÅâÇ àç axãáäxààxü 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, Alberta T2C 1B5, Canada Tel:(403) , Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

2 esckþir)arb >>> RBwtþibR½tshKmn_enHCasMelgmYybBa ak; R)ab;BIskmµPaBrbs;shKmn_ExµreyIgenAkñúgTIRkug kal;háari nigtmbn;citxag edaymanekalbmng smxan;²ducteta ³ 1> pþl;cadmnwgnuvskmµpabepsg²rbs;shkmn_ duccabifibunütan karrbcum nigr)aykarn_epsg² CaedIm. 2> )ancarbpbnigcaxøamgbbaøadl;smacikshkmn_tamggs; duccarbhfm EdlCaRtIvis½yCIvit GkSr sarsþ GkSrsil,_ RbvtþisaRsþ nigvb,fm Exµr. 3> RbmUlpþúMBt mansmxan;²edltak;tgnwgrbets km<úca RbeTskaNadab sßanpabcumvijbipbelak Acknowledgement Cambodian Community Newsletter is a voice informing the activities of Cambodian community in Calgary and the vicinity. The objectives of this newsletter are: 1. To provide current and upcoming information and news involving our various activities such as functions, meeting and some monthly or annual reports. 2. To provide resources for community members to learn the Dhamma which is the life direction; language, literature, history and culture. 3. To gather and disseminate important news involving Cambodia, Canada and the rest of the world. Bt manxøi²bishkmn_>>>>>>>> Brief news from Khmer-Canadian Buddhist Cultural Centre - kalbiéf esar_-gatitü TI1-2 Exemsa 2006 mankarr)arb efivbunü]btßmödl;smakmcas;² ehiy jatimitþmanst archføacab;culcabc ½y)ansrubTaMgGs; 284duløakaNada. - kalbiéf surk-esar_ TI14-15 Exemsa 2006 mankarr)arb efivbunüculqñamtamrbébniexµreyig. man jatimitþ BuT bris½t sb,úrscnbiticittiq ayya:gercinkuhkr)angeba IjcUlrYmbuNü nwgcab;culbc ½y)ansrub TaMgGs; 3/037duløakaNada ehiycmnaygs; 600duløakaNada. - kalbiéf esar_-gatitü TI mankarr)arb efivbunübisaxbucaenavtþexµrsamkáikal;háari edaymanjatimitþ BuT bris½t sb,úrscn culrymya:gercinkuhkr RBmTaMgcab;cUlCabc ½y)ansrubTaMggs; 455duløakaNada. - éf esar_-gatitü TI enavtþexµrsamkáikal;háarimanr)arb efivbunüculrbhvssa edaymanjati mitþ safucnculrym nwgcab;mkáplkuslbunü)anbc ½ysrubTaMggs; 220duløakaNada. - kalbiéf esar_ nigéf GaTitü TI24-25 Exkkáda 2006 )anr)arb efivbifibitsmraksmrab;qmastimyy2006. salaeronpasaexµrnwgebiksacafµieligvijsmrab;qmasti2 qñamsiksa2006. enhca»kasd¾l EdlmankUnExµreyIgCMnan; erkayrbmtamgexµreyigedlcab;garmµn_ kñúgkarsiksaeronsurt PasaxøÜn kñúgkarniyay karsresrnigkarsþab;[ )ansþat;cmnaj niggacetaerbienasalaeronetotpg. sumgeba IjbBa ÚnkUnecAmkeron[)aneRcInkuHkr. PasarlM Catirlay Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

3 taragrcnasm<½n RKb;RKg smakmrbcacnexµr-kanada Administrative Chart of Cambodian Canadian Association of Alberta ( ) elakmum supl RbFan MR.SOPHAL MOM (President) taragrcnasm<½n RKb;RKg BuT iksmakmvb,fm Exµr-kaNada Administrative Chart of Khmer-Canadian Buddhist Cultural Society ( ) elakesg b unyun RbFan MR.BUN YOAN SENG (President) elakeqam Xun GnuRbFan MR.KHUN CHHOM (Vice President) yuvcnersg eyon ehrbaøik MR.SRENG YOEUN(Treasurer) elakdn egom CMnYykarehrBaØik MR.EAM DON (Treasurer s Assistance) yuvcnehl saemon elxafikar MR.SAMOEUN HEAL (Secretary) RBHPikçúevaTaena s> sup½n CMnYykarelxaFikar VEN.VODANO S. SOPHAN (Secretary s Assistance) elakeb:n sugli GnuRbFanTI1 MR.SONGLY PEN (1 st Vice President) elakeg:t eron GnuRbFanTI2 MR.ROEUN NGETH (2 nd Vice President) kbaøatamg etog ehrbaøik MISS TEANG TANG (Treasurer) yuvcnehm cnßa elxafikar MR.CHANTHA HEM (Secretary) RBHPikçúevaTaena s> sup½n CMnYykarelxaFikar VEN.VODANO S. SOPHAN (Secretary s Assistance) Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

4 eyig CaKN³kmµkarsmaKmTaMgGs;RBmTaMgRBHefra nuefr³rkb;rbhggá mankitþyssumekarbgeba Ijbgb ÚnBuT bris½t sb,úrscn nigepjóvkitþiystamggs;culrymbunükan;binð nig P úmbinð. bunükan;binðnwgcab;epþieligbiéf TI8 ExkBaØa rhut dl;éf TI22 ExkBaØa cmenkbunüp úmbinðfm CabuNü smxan;edlrbcacnexµreyigrkb;kñatamggs; RKb;TIkEnøgnigRKb; RcklðkRtUvEtmkcUlrYmbuNüenHkuMbIxan. duecñhsumekarbgeba Ijelak elakrsi bgb Únsb,úrs CnTaMgGs;cUlrYm[)aneRcInkuHkr tamkmµvifiducxagerkamenh ³ éf surk 7ekIt ExGsSúC qñamcgdæs½kb>s>2550 RtUvnwgéf TI29 ExkBaØa K>s> em:ag6³00l ac CYbCuMBuT bris½t epþimnmsáarrbh rtnrt½y smatansil cmerinrbhbritþ nigsmedgrbhfmµviess etsnaenaévtþexµrsamkáikal;háari. éf GaesAr_ 8ekIt ExGsSúC qñamcgdæs½k B>s>2550 RtUvnwgéf TI30 ExkBaØa K>s> em:ag9³30rbwk CYbCuMBuT bris½t epþimnmsáarrbh rtnrt½y smatansil rab;)artbgsúkul evcgðan;nigerkog etyütanrbekndl;rbhsgç niggnuematnaykpløanisgset erog²xøün Cakic begðiybunü enaéma:bur:uhl. Marlborough Community Association, 636 Marlborough Way N.E., Tel: (403) The Khmer Association Committees and the Venerable Monks have the honor to invite all members and guests to come and join our Bon Kan Ben and Bon P chum Ben (Feast Festival for Ancestors) which is very important for us to pay gratitude to our parents and ancestors by cultivating various good deeds. So please come and enjoy the meritorious deed with us following the below schedule: Friday, September 29, :00 PM = Arrival of participants and guests at the Cambodian Buddhist Temple 7011 Ogden Rd. SE., Calgary, AB, T2C 1B5: Worship Triple Gem, Observe Five Precepts, Chanting Parita Blessing and Delivering Dhammadesna Preaching. Saturday, September 30, :30 AM= arrival of all guests and participants: worship Triple Gem, Observe Five Precepts, offering alms-food and four necessities to monks, monks chant the blessing prayer to those dead people and all participants to fulfill their happiness, prosperity and wellness at: Marlborough Community Association, 636 Marlborough Way N.E., Tel: (403) :00 PM 2:00 AM Entertainment - Traditional dance, live band, Reamvong Dance and Khmer delicious food. Entrance Admission is 8 dollars for adults, free for seniors and children. SEE YOU ALL THERE. For more information, please contact: Temple , Sophal Mom , Khun Chhom , Eam Don , Yoeun Sreng , Mon Moeun , Bun Yoan Seng , Song Ly Pen , Roeun Ngeth, , Miss Teang Tang , Chantha Hem Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

5 CUncMeBaHb Ún² kµüy² kumarakumari matabita nigganabüa)alekµgtamggs; salaeronpasaexµr salaeronrbhbut sasnaéf esar_nigéf GaTitü )andmenirkarebikbergon rbs;xøüngs;ryheblbirqñamknøhehiy. eblenhnwgrbkaslt plkarsiksarbs;sissrbcamqñamsiksa TIbI B>s>2550 K>s>2006 qmasti1 cab;biexmkra dl; Exmifuna. xagerkamenhca kalvipaksiksasmrab;karculsiksafµienaqmasfµiqµam2006 ductetaenh. ATTN: Khmer youth, Khmer children/kids, students, parents and guardians. Khmer language school (Buddhist Saturday School and Buddhist Sunday School) has been teaching for two years and half now. We shall issue the results of students middle term examination for the 2006, session of the first semester (January to June). The below chart is the schedule for next Khmer language semester session of 2006: Month Week I Week II Week III Week IV August Summer Holiday Saturday 12 Sunday 13 Saturday 19 Sunday 20 Saturday 26 Sunday 27 September Saturday 2 Saturday 9 Saturday 16 Saturday 23 October Sunday 3 Pchum Ben Day Sunday 1 November Saturday 4 Sunday 5 December Saturday 2 Sunday 3 Sunday 10 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Saturday 9 Sunday 10 Sunday 17 Saturday 21 Kathin Ceremony Saturday 18 Sunday 19 Saturday 16 Sunday 17 Sunday 24 Saturday 28 Sunday 29 Saturday 25 Sunday 26 Christmas Holiday Day duecñhtamry³smburtenh sumcmrabcuncadmnwgl dl;b Ún² kumarakumari nigmatabitagana Büa)alekµgTaMgGs; emtþabba ÚnkUnrbs;xøÜnmkcuHeQµaHeronPasaExµrtamkalviPaK ducxageli[)an ercinkuhkr. cab;ttylbaküéf TI1 Exkkáda qñam2006 enhteta. P ab;mkcamyy³ 1> taragkarsiksaenh 2>sikçaKariksÞg;kMritcMeNHdwgnigGakb,kiriya Through this letter, I would like to release the good news and encourage all Khmer youth, Khmer children, students, parents and guardians come or send those students/attendances to study Khmer language, following the above schedule. Attached Letters: 1. Schedule for next session 2. Evaluation Report Paper June 24, 2006 Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

6 cmenhdwgxøhedleyigkyresvgyl;nigkyrdwg edayrbhpikçúevataena s> sup½n GIVKWsasna? sasna tamrbpbediménbaküenhmann½yfa BaküeRbonRbedA. EttamTsSn³ rbs;bykbc wmrbetsekehafarilicin(religion) Edlmann½yedaybJsénBaküfa karbuca xøüncmebahgatietbü(god or creator). duecñheyiggacdwgfa\tþibléngatietbüenhmanpabxøamgkøanas;smrab;mnusscatieyig cab;tamgbigtitcatimktl;bc úb,nñ. ehiybykguwr:ubmanmuldæanecoetaeligatietbedayman karvivdæn_mkercinyukercinsm½y. ExµreyIgmanTsSn³tfPaBniym(empiricism)fa CMenOelIGaTieTBKWCaCMenOGrUbIy_ dwknammnussetarkpabqáütvegvgvgvan;. tamgbiburankalmkexµreyigminecoetaeligatietbet BYkeKeCOeTAelIxøÜnÉg edaymanrbmuxl ducca dun nig ta CaGñkdwknaM. Cak;EsþgExµr eyigmansasnarbs;xøünedlekehafa sasnadunta. sbvéf enhbykbc wmrbetsk¾ RtLb;mkeCOelIxøÜnÉgEbbtfPaBniymenHEdr. smrab;rbhbut sasna KWmann½yfakarxitxMRbRBwtþnigeCOtamBaküeRbonRbedArbs; GñkRtas;dwgRTg;RBHnamfa RBHBuT. karrbrbwtþnigecotamenhmann½yfa ekaledacivit manesckþisux zansyk a nigrbhnibvankwmanbitr)akd. b:uenþesckþisux zansyk a nig RBHniBVanenHminEdlmkGUsTajédeyIgeT maneteyigpþal;edlcagñkxitxmrbwgerbgtamrti vis½ymyyedlrtwmrtuv duccaepntiedlgñkefivdmenirrtuverbir)as;edim,ietadl;ekaleda. RBHBuT Cam as;kwcagataxaera mann½yfacagñkrkexijekaledakwesckþisux zansyk a nigrbhnibvan rycrbhggá)ankusvasepntituk[eyigtamglayerbir)as;rbkbedaykaryk citþtukdak; nigkarbüayam. ekaledarbs;sasnarkb;sasna ebiniyaytampasarbs;bufuc n b sambaøcnfmµta ekaledarbs;sasnacatueta KWedIm,IEsVgrkesckþIsáb;sál;enAkñúgcitþ(Emotional comfort). duecñhehiy)ancaeyig exijmnusstamglayekarbecoetaelisasnaepsg²rbs;xøünducca RBhµBaØsasna RBH BuT sasna yiv GuIsøam RKwsþsasna sasnasiuk b sasnasur:ugaesþircaedim. Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

7 ebimnusskµanesckþisáb;sál;citþ(emotional comfort)et ekminetaecoelisasna et. sbvéf esckþisáb;sál;citþk¾gacekitmancmebahgñkminecosasnaedr edaybykektamg Gs;enaHmanesckþIsuxcMeBaHGMeBIl EdleKeFIV RBmTaMgsmaFicitþEdleKman. esckþisáb;sál;citþenhgacmaneligtamryhcmenos ubkñúgxyrk,al(faith or extreme faith)rbs;bykek kargfidæanbygsyg(praying) nigkarefivgmebil (good deed). bukáledlekbüayametabygsygerogral;éf esar_b éf GaTitüenAkñúgviharRKwsþb k¾vihar GuIsøam erbahetnaykgvalrbs;ekechniyaylygelam nigtak;taj[rkumcmunmtamgenah TTYl)annUvesckþIs b; nigkarsáb;sál;kñúgcitþ. sasnanak¾eday ebimingacesvgrk b pþl;[nuvesckþisáb;sál;kñúgcitþ[dl;rkum CuMnMrbs;xøÜneT sav½krbs;ekgacnwgrtuvfycuh. duecñhetirbhsgçexµreyigenarkb;vtþv:agaram manesckþiyl;dwgxagcitþvitüa nigvifi sarsþvitüakñúgkarbnül; etsna b karennam[but bris½t)anttylnuvesckþis b; esckþi sáb;sál;kñúgcitþ nigbbaøa)anxøhehiyena? RBHBuT sasna manxøwmfm RCaleRCACagsasnadéTq aynas;. RBHBuT GgÁ Rtas;fa ntßi snþi brm suxm nibvanm brmm suxm mann½yfa KµanesckþIsuxNaesµI nwgesckþis b; RBHniBVanCabrmsux. esckþisáb;sál;citþ(emotional comfort) KWesckþIs b;enahégehiy. esckþis b; enakñúgrbhbut sasnaenh minemns b;edlekitecjetbikarbygsyg GgVrkr b kareco Cak;enaHeT. karedljatiejammkvtþ fvaybgámrbh GucFUbeTon fvaypáapji nam[citþs b; karedljatiejamsurtfm nmsáarrbhrtnrt½ycarbcam nam[citþs b; karedljatiejamcybrbhsgç ehiy)ansmenhsmnalfm Gaf nam[citþs b; karedljatiejamefivtan RbeKncgðan;dl;RBHsgÇ nam[citþs b; karedljatiejamrksasil srgymkay vaca nam[citþs b; karedljatiejamcmerinpavnav Gb;rMcitþ nam[citþs b; eyigexijfa skmµpabtamggs;edlmnussyksasnacatibwgenh KWedIm,I[man PaBsáb;sál;nigTIBwgpøÚvcitþenaHÉg. Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

8 RBHBuT Cam as;minemngb;rmeyig[citþs b;s l;fmµta²tamryhkarsurtfm karbyg syg b karefivtanetmüa:gb:uenñahet KWRBHGgÁENnaMeyIg[eFIVsmaFicitþmansmfsmaFi nig vibssnasmafi. karbdibtiþsmafimankmriténkarsmercfm ercinlmdab;ducca ]bcar³ biti sux³ bsst i ÉkktþarmµN_ rhutdl;)ansmercbfmqan TutiyQan ttiyqan nitctutqancaedim. etisasnatamggs;sut Etl duc²kñaedrb et? manbaküniyayt²kñafa RKb;sasnaTaMgGs;suT EtbeRgon[mnusSl. ebi niyaytamkarminkitbicarna BaküenHGacCakarBitRtwmRtUv. EtebIniyaytamBakü BitKWvadUcCasmøm ÚmYyqñaMgdUcKña EtGñksøxusKñanwgminGaceFIV[smøenHmanrsCatidUcKña )aneliy. BitNas;ehIyfavaCasmøm ÚdUcKña EtBitCamanrsCatixusKñadac;xat. TaMg RBHBuT TaMgRBHeys U TaMgRBHm:Uhama:t; b m:uesscaedim sut EtmanRbPBéncMeNHdwg nigkarbegáitsßab½nsasnaxus²kña. RBHBuT Cam as;kwcagñkrtas;dwg EdlkarRtas;dwgenHekItBIkarBiesaFn_rbs;RBHGgÁ nigkarbüayambitr)akd. RBHGgÁ)anBiesaFn_CIvitCakSRtenAkñúgRBHraCvaMg nigbiesafn_ CIvitCaGñkeFIVtb³Fm d¾twgetgcagekbg s;. erkaymkrbhggá)anrkexijnuvpøúvknþaledl CamaK anametarkkarrlt;nuvtukçrkb;ebbya:g. RBHFm TaMg84000RBHFmµkçn rbs;rbhggáman Gayumk2550qñaM enaetgacbiesafn_)an nigbdibtiþ)anrbeyacn_bitcak;esþg. Fm Bitrbs;RBHGgÁEdlmanlkçNHBiessCageK KWGackat;esckþIFm vin½y)antam lkçn³8rbkarkw 1-viraKay³ RbRBwtþeTAedIm,IGs;nUvteRmk/ 2-visMeyaKKay³ Rb RBwtþeTAedIm,IR)ascakTukç/ 3-Gbcyay³ RbRBwtþeTAedIm,IminsnSMkiels/4-Gb,icätay³ RbRBwtþedIm,IR)afñatic/ 5-snþúdæiya RbRBwtþeTAedIm,IesckþIeRtkGrcMeBaHvtßútammantam)an/ 6-brievkay³ RbRBwtþeTAs at;cakrkumkn³/ 7-viniyarmÖay³ RbRBwtþedIm,IR)arB esckþi Büayam/ 8-suPrtay³ RbRBwtþeTAedIm,IeKciBa wmgay. sasnadétc,as;camingacrkekalkarn_énkarkat;esckþibtdæanl GaRkk;sMrab; sasnarbs;ekducenh)aneliy. Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

9 TO UNDERSTAND BUDDHISM Continue from the previous one PART III Buddhism and the God-idea Q. Do Buddhist believe in god? A. No, we do not. There are several reasons for this. The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists, believed that religious ideas and especially the god idea have their origin in fear. The Buddha says: "Gripped by fear men go to the sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines". Dp 188 Primitive man found himself in a dangerous and hostile world, the fear of wild animals, of not being able to find enough food, of injury or disease, and of natural phenomena like thunder, lightning and volcanoes was constantly with him. Finding no security, he created the idea of gods in order to give him comfort in good times, courage in times of danger and consolation when things went wrong. To this day, you will notice that people become more religious at times of crises, you will hear them say that the belief in a god or gods gives them the strength they need to deal with life. You will hear them explain that they believe in a particular god because they prayed in time of need and their prayer was answered. All this seems to support the Buddha s teaching that the PaK 3 RBHBuT sasnacamyynwgkmnitbucagatietb bu> etibut sasnikcnecoeligatietbet? vi> et eyigminecoet.manehtuplercinya:ggmbierogenh. RBHBuT Cam as;rbduccagñksgámvitüanigcitþvitüasm½yfµiedlecofakmnit xagsasna ehiycabiesscmenoeligatietbmanrbpbrbs;vamkbi esckþip½yxøac.rbhbut Cam as;rtas;fa P½ymkdl; mnusstamg LayykPñMCaTIBwgxøH ykdmbukcatibwgxøh ykedimeqi nigyk ectiy_catibwgxøh. TIXnikay 188 mnusscmnan;edimksagxøünégerkambipbelakénerkahfñak; nigkarxøacrga P½yxøacstVéRBkMNacminGacrkGaharhUbcukRKb; RKan; karqwcab;b CMgWepSg² ehiynwggböútehtuxagfmµcatiducca párlan; rnþh)aj;nigpñmepøigpþúh Canic CakalekIt eligdl;bykek. edaybumgacrksuvtßipabgivepsg)an BYkeKk¾)anbegáItKMniteCOelI GaTieTBeLIgkñúgeKalbMNgeGayeK)ansuxsb,ayenAeBlNal bn;rsn;gatietbeblcyberkahfñak;nigkarbmebrgarmµn_bykekeblgiv RKb;ya:gxusBIRbRktI. sbvéf enh GñkGacsegáteXIjfamnusSnwg ecoeligatietbkan;etxøamgenaeblnacybvibtiþ GñknwgB BYkeKniyay faekecoetaeliékatietbb BhuGaTieTBEdlCYyBRgwgtMrUvkarBYkeK edim,iedahrsaybbaðacivit. GñknwgB BYkeKniyayBnül;eyIgfaBYkeK ecoeligatietbetmyyggákt;erbahbykekbygsygeblnaekføak;xøün lm)akehiykarbygsygrbs;ekrtuv)ansmerc. TaMgGs;enHhak;dUcCa KaMRTBaküeRbonRbedArbs;RBHBuT EdlRtas;faTsSnHeCO Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

10 god-idea is a response to fear and frustration. The Buddha taught us to try to understand our fears, to lessen our desires and to calmly and courageously accept the things we cannot change. He replaced fear, not with irrational belief but with rational understanding. The second reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is because there does not seem to be any evidence to support this idea. There are numerous religions, all claiming that they alone have god s words preserved in their holy book, that they alone understand god s nature, that their god exists and that the gods of other religions do not. Some claim that god is masculine, some that she is feminine and others that it is neuter. They are all satisfied that there is ample evidence to prove the existence of their god but they laugh in disbelief at the evidence other religions use to prove the existence of another god. It is not surprising that with so many different religions spending so many centuries trying to prove the existence of their gods that still no real, concrete, substantial or irrefutable evidence has been found. Buddhists suspend judgment until such evidence is forthcoming. The third reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is that the belief is not necessary. CnNamanCatiRBmPasa epøccatigatµapasaxøün ducemgme)aepøcdgáúvk,ün Kab;CYncUlvgStircäanstV Those who have a nationality and language, but forget their nationality and language, are like butterflies that forget they were once larvae, and shall be considered animals. Khmer Proverb GaTieTBKWmkBIesckþIxøacnigesckþIminTukcitþxøÜnÉg. RBHBuT Ca m as;bergoneyigegaybüayamsiksaegayyl;gmbiesckþip½yxøac rbs;xøünég kat;bnßyesckþielapln;nigttylyknuvvtßútamglay EdleyIgminGacpøas;bþÚr)anedayPaBs b;es ómnigkøahan. RBH GgÁbM)at;esckþIxøacminEmnedayCMenOKµanehtupleT Eteday esckþiyl;dwgedlrbkbedayehtupl. ehtuplti2edlrbhbut GgÁminsg,wmelIGaTieTBBIeRBaH hak;duccakµangivedl CaPsþútagKaMRTnUvKMnitenH. mansasna CaeRcInEdlGHGagfasasnarbs;BYkeK EtmYyKt;EdlBakü Bitrbs;RBHCam as;rksa)anl kñúgkm<irskþisit irbs;ekmanetekmñak; Kt;yl;nUvFmµCatirbs;GaTieTBEdlRBHrbs;eKmanBitEtRBHrbs; sasnagñkdétmanminbitet. GñkxøHeBalfaGaTieTB KWCaePT Rbus GñkxøHfaGaTieTBCaePTRsI nig GñkxøHeToteBalfa GaTieTBCaGePT. BYkeKeBjcitþfaenHKWCaPsþútagRKb;RKan; edim,ibba ak;nuvkarmanbiténgatietbrbs;bykek EtBYkeKesIc cmgknuvkarecoxuscmebahpsþútagrbs;sasnadétedlgfib,ay bba ak;nuvpabmanbiténgatietbggáepsgetot. vaminkyregay PJak;ep Il CamYynwgsasnaepSg²KñaCaeRcIncMNayeBlmk ercinstvtsn_kñúgkarbüayambgðajpsþútagvtþmanbiténgatietb TaMgLayrbs;BYkeK EdlenAEtminBit minexijcarubfm rkminexijnuvpsþútagedlkyregayecotukcitþ nigcavic man. BuT bris½tenamnþilsgs½ykarsmerccitþduecñh Tal;EtPsþútagBit R)akd RtUv)aneKykmkbgðajbBa ak;. ehtuplti3 RBHBuT Cam as;minecoeligatietberbahfa CMenOenaHKWmincaM)ac; Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

11 Some claim that the belief in a god is necessary in order to explain the origin on the universe. But this is not so. Science has very convincingly explained how the universe came into being without having to introduce the god-idea. Some claim that belief in god is necessary to have a happy, meaningful life. Again we can see that this is not so. There are millions of atheists and free-thinkers, not to mention many Buddhists, who live useful, happy and meaningful lives without belief in a god. Some claim that belief in god s power is necessary because humans, being weak, do not have the strength to help themselves. Once again, the evidence indicates the opposite. One often hears of people who have overcome great disabilities and handicaps, enormous odds and difficulties, through their own inner resources, through their own efforts and without belief in a god. Some claim that god is necessary in order to give man salvation. But this argument only holds good if you accept the theological concept of salvation and Buddhists do not accept such a concept. Based on his own experience, the Buddha saw that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion and perfect understanding. He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and encouraged us to find solutions to our problems through selfunderstanding. Written by Venerable Dhammika Translated by Venerable Vodano To be continued GñkxøHBnül;faCMenOelIGaTieTBKWcaM)ac;kñúgeKalbMNgedIm,IBnül;Rb PBedIméncRkvaLEtbBaðaenHvaminBitdUecñaHeT.viTüasaRsþ)anBnül; ya:gc,as;nuvvifiedlcrkval)anekitcaspavhedaymincam)ac;mankar TTYlsÁal;BIRTwsþIGaTieTB.GñkxøHGHGagfaCMenOelIGaTieTBKWcaM)ac; efivegaycivitsuxsb,aynigmann½y. duckñaedreyiggacexijfa minemnduecñheliy. mangñkminecogatietbniggñkkit\ssrhrab; lannak; edayminniyaydl;but sasnikcnpgedlrs;enaya:g manrbeyacn_manesckþisuxnigmann½yedaykµancmenoetaeli GaTieTBTal;EtesaH. GñkxøHGHGagfaCMenOelIGMNacGaTieTBKWcaM)ac;BIeRBaH mnusselak CaGñkTn;exSayminmankMLaMgRKb;RKan;edIm,ICYy xøünég. duckñaedr Psþútag)ancg úlr)ab;pþúykñarslh. Cajwk jab;eyigexijmnussedl)ancmnheligsmtßpabnigviklvikar kar Tas;ETgnigplvi)akFM²)antamryHFnFanépÞkñúgpÞal;rbs;BYkeK tamryhesckþibüayampþal;rbs;bykeknigedaykµancmenoeligatietb esah. GñkxøHGHGagfaRBHGaTieTBKWcaM)ac;edIm,InaMmnusSeTArk \ssrpab. EtkarCECkKñadUecñHcat;fal )an RbsinebIGñkTTYl sáal;ykrtwsþi\ssrpabebbetvvitüa ehiybut sasnaminttylyk nuvrtwsþiduecñahet. smgagelibtbiesafn_rbs;rbhggápþal;rbhbut Ca m as;)anemilexijfamnusselakmñak;²mansmtßpabedim,ismgatcitþ GPivDÆn_kruNaFm nigemtþafm \trbmednrbmtamgkarrtas;dwgya:g bribur. RBHGgÁBRgIkkarykcitþTukdak;cab;BIzansYK rhutdl;ebhdug ehiyeliktwkcitþeyigegayesvgrkdmenahrsaytamglayedim,irb QmmuxnwgbBaðaTaMgLaytamryHkarRtas;dwgedayxøÜnÉg. sresreday RBHPikçúFmµik³ bkerbcaexµreday RBHPikçúevaTaena enamant>>> Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

12 éf enh17mifuna vacapñmr:k;ki btbakü 8 SPEECH OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ecjcakyartadegðrkay elidgvifievggnøay BInaydl;GayGal;ebIrta-Ev:nKUevIr > CaelIkTIBIrelIpøÚvenH eliyancmnihdwkgñkdmenir Kat;eRCaHPñMGUrRBwkéRBRbehIr RKb;KñasresIrsMrs;FmµCati > CYrPñMFMeFgx<s;sáwmésá madmamnpal½ytidæpabmhanaf erramcacyrecjculrbercot minq ayrvattamdgvifi > jjwmerramtamcgvak;lan eligcuhtamdantwkmuxrbwmrbiy_ xøhercogcgvak;erogesñh_pkþi xøhekgrsém:twkmuxesaka > PñMtUcPñMFMfµmIredrdas ercingenknas;mingac«bma enacamyykñacakuelaka x<s;tabgs arübtepøgcivit > emilexijetax<s;hyskþirsém FMhYsnisS½yBi)knwgKit EtenAs b;es ómmankþisuxbit KµankarCMritKµankarebotebon> FMtUcya:gNa\tfaGIVeT rymrs;hurehrelitirblan BiPBEpndIRbusRsIRkman minechqøanbansamkiásamkáa> edimeqierttrtuttamrclggur TwkeRCaHf Ücf ÚrRmwKÁIRmwKÁa bksabksieqvlqvat;erra psmcakafaesþahpøúmmnusselak> søwkeqiexovx IenAtamdgpøÚv du MfµBasenARkasERklKeKak rfynþbrelon\tmantukçesak mnussmñaedkerkakg UrEGelILan riérub xmrtwgsmkuk EtgbTTMnuksresIrklüaN Cak/ac;GkçracarCab;ditdan namkþisuxsanþcuncatiexmra > eday RBHPikçúevaTaena s. sup½n esckþigmbavnav>>>>vtþexµrsamkáikalháari sumgmbavnavdl;jatiejambut bris½tsmacik nigsb,úrscntamggs;cyypát;pág;culbc ½yRbcaM ExtamsT archføa. bc ½yTaMgGs;Edljati ejamsb,úrscn bg;rbcamexb RbcaMqñaMenaH xagvtþnwgykmkerbir)as; smrab;pát;pág;bc ½y bynrbhsgçnigkarcmnaycayfaehtuepsg² etot. ebijatiejam sb,úrscn EdlFøab; )anbg;ehiyenaqñam2005 sumbnþbg;rbcamqñam 2006eTot ebijatiejamsb,úrsedlminføab; bg;sumemtþacyykamrttamkmlamgst archføa. kñúgeblenhk¾sumgrkuncagtibrmadl;jati ejam nigsb,úrscnedl)anbg;carbcam sum[esckþir)afñarkb;ya:grbs;gñk)ansmerc CasßaBrkuMbIGak;xaneLIy.c,ab;eRkayeyIgnwg cuheqµahsb,úrscntamggs;.xagvtþnwgefivrisuib [edim,iykcmenjeblefivtak;.cabc ½yb EskGa cepjietakan;eqµahniggas½ydæan agerkam³ x Appeal Note Calgary Cambodian Buddhist Temple would like to appeal to all Buddhists, members and the general public to donate money monthly or yearly. All the money that is donated to the Temple shall be used to provide monks the four necessities and other expenditures. For members who have donated last year, please renew your donation in For those who have never donated, please share your generosity accordingly. Also on this occasion, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the donors and we wish you success and blessings in all your endeavors. We will list all the donors names in the next newsletter. You can send your donation to our Temple. The temple will issue official receipt for Annual Tax Purposes. The address is: Khmer-Canadian Buddhist Cultural Society, 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, AB, T2C 1B5, Canada Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

13 RBHBuT sasna nig sgám PaK 2 edayrbhmhabnðit huk savnñ Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

14 Philanthropic works in a sense of Cambodian Philanthropic work is for the people who love and share their heart to service human beings. They can do either volunteering or contributing materials to humankind. There are many scattering societies in our planet which need our help and sharing. Those are in need of life necessities, loving-kindness, compassion, education and encouragement etc. Some are affected by civil war, by natural disasters, by pandemics and harsh living conditions. For Cambodians, they have ever had the traumatized experiences during the war of Vietcong and genocidal regime of KR. Through this suffering, they have learned a lot about philanthropy. Firstly, we share our heart consisting of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and balancing judgment(equanimity). Love or loving-kindness is very important in the first stage of how we can engage to a broader heartfeltness. There are many levels of love such as love between parents and children, siblings and siblings, friends and friends, or girl friends and boy friends. Or we can further our love toward nature or animals, or always love ourselves. There are many definitions focusing on to whom the people love most?. The accurate answer should be the "self" that people love most. For example, I love myself, you love yourself, they love themselves or we love ourselves etc. Aptitude of self's love is boundless. So individuals have to extend the self's love to others indiscriminately. Further more, love or loving-kindness is like an instinct of human nature. In order to better it, they have to develop their love to become "compassion". Love and compassion have two different aspects. Love is like we see a beautiful picture and begin to like it, but compassion will stamp our mind into it or in a deep memory which we will never change our heart. Third advantage is to increase "sympathetic joy" in our loving-kindness and compassion. Mostly, loving-kindness and compassion will never get into implementation. When we develop "sympathetic joy"; it will become an empirical practice. Finally, our works, practices or implementations will not be biased when we have developed our equanimity. Balancing mind or equanimity means not to be biased by love, fear, hate and ignorance. Secondly, they should volunteer with many other charitable works which focuses on either social or natural issues. For the non-profit social organizations deals with child prostitution, domestic violence, human trafficking, orphanages, poor-conditioned scavengers, child beggars, war-amputees, destitute villagers, remote poor conditioned students or those are in need. Some social issues are concerned in education promotion, ethical outreaching program and public health. For the non-profit natural organizations works to protect deforestation, wild life extinction, global warming, eco system or environment etc. Those fields of charitable tasks require everyone's participation and contribution. Nowadays, there are many volunteers in Cambodia such as monks, students, officials, soldiers and general public have shared their vision and energy to better their society, especially Buddhist monks who have continually accomplished this. Each temple is the symbol of volunteerism. Individually, at least spend two or three hours per week to join volunteering projects in order to engage us with other and to care our social sustainability. Thirdly, beside of using our energy to volunteer we should spend a small piece of our income to earn goodness and merits by contributing to non-profit organizations, poor people, or religious charity. In doing so, it means we understand well the welfare of living together. Life's purposes define as how can we share our goodness with others, it is not selfish greed or stinginess. Up to present, there are many Cambodian people who have contributed some of their income to support neighbors, to improve their society and the whole globe. Especially, Cambodian people who are living in abroad always send their money to help develop Cambodia. Each year, hundred of millions of foreign currency flows into Cambodia from Cambodian people in abroad. Some of them send directly to their relatives. Some of them help through various organizations that interest in building temples, schools, digging well and others. In addition, if they send directly, they have shared with only two people between the giver and receiver. But if they send through a trustful organization, they can establish Khmer unity and sustain it in a wider way. In conclusion, philanthropic works can be called a social work or social participating. Cambodian people are same as other people around the world have taken keen interest in this field. Their vision is to leave the goodness, sacrificing personal greed, selflessness, virtue, compassion and good sample to the young generation. Our life will be ended with empty hands, but only goodness left. I encourage everybody to spend some of our energy and material for the welfare of our neighbors and sustainable, global betterment. by BHIKKHU VODANO S. SOPHAN Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

15 bba IeQµaHGñkmansT abric akcgðan;dl;rbhsgç Donor List for Monks Food Donor/Business Address City Per Month Value Date MAO PHAN & KOL PHAT CALGARY 10 $70 JAN-JULY. SY KOEUN & TRY SAVOEUN CALGARY 10 $80 JAN.-AUG. HEAL MOEUN & SOEU PHAT CALGARY 10 $80 JAN.-AUG. NGOUN SENG & MEAN YIM CALGARY 10 $20 JAN.-FEB. KEO SAREN & YON THA CALGARY 10 $50 JAN.-MAY. CHEAN SOK BANFF 10 $50 JAN.-MAY. SAM CHOEUN BROOKS 5 $60 JAN.-DEC. HANG PHORN BROOKS 5 $60 JAN.-DEC. CHEA TOUCH CALGARY 10 $60 JAN.-JUNE BUN YOAN SENG CALGARY 5 $30 JAN.-JUNE Total $560 bba IeQµaHGñkmansT abric akkñúgkmµvifibunünimyy²b ksagvtþ Donor List for each ceremony Donor/Business Address City Value Date IM SAO BROOKS $200 JAN.20/06 SAM CHOEUN & HANG PHORN BROOKS $120 JAN.19/06 LOK YEAY IV YOK HEAK CALGARY $100 FEB.4/06 ROS RAN'S DEATH CEREMONY CALGARY $1,010 MAR.19/06 YEAY MIT KASAEMSUK BROOKS $250 JULY 9, 06 YEAY SOKHON NONG BROOKS $20 JULY 9, 06 TOL CHEA (YEAY THIN S 100 DAYS) CALGARY $70 JUNE 25, 06 TE LAY SE (NEW HOME CEREMONY) CALGARY $300 JUNE 2, 06 ROS CHAN (100 DAYS OF ROS RAN) CALGARY $150 JULY 1, 06 Total $2,220 mnussstvtamglaynwgjab;j½renacmebahmuxkarkmramkmehg. mnussstvtamglayp½yxøacesckþisøab;. mnussstvtamglayrslaj;civit. cursmlwgemilxøüngñkfaduccagñkdét. ehiynrnaedleyiggacefiv[cukcab;?. karqwpsagivedlgñkgacefivetaeliekekit. nrnamñak;edlesvgrkesckþisuxedayebotebongñkdétedlesvgrkesckþisux EdrenaH nwgmingaccybrbthesckþisuxeliy. smrab;mitþrbs;gñkkwducrybgñk. ekcg;)anttylnuvesckþisuxedr. curkumefiv[ekcukcab;. ehiyeblnagñklacakelakenheta GñknwgGac)annUvesckþIsuxnaelakxagnay. FmµbTkfa All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt?. What harm can you do?. He who seeks happiness by hurting those who seek happiness will never find happiness. For your brother is like you. He wants to be happy. Never harm him. And when you leave this life, you too will find happiness. - Dhammapada KµanePøIgNaekþAdUcCaelaP³ Kµan]RkidækmµNasahavdUcCaeTas³ KµanesckþITukçNaesµInwgkarEbk)ak;RBat; R)as; KµanCMgWQWfáat;NadUcCaCMgWeRskXøannUvesckþIRslaj; ehiykµanesckþisuxnaesµinwgmanesripab. suxmalpab esckþiebjcitþkñúggarmµn_ nigkarecocak;kñúgcitþ KWCaRTBüsm,tiþd¾Gs arü ehiysit iesripabkwca esckþisuxd¾érkelg. cursmlwgemilxøünég. curminjab;jr½. currmedahxøün[ecjputbikarp½yxøac nig])atan/ sáal;nuvesckþisuxéncivitedlekitgmbikarrs;enay:agsambaøfmµta. FmµbTkfa There is no fire like greed, no crime like hatred, no sorrow like separation, no sickness like hunger of heart, and no joy like the joy of freedom. Health, contentment and trust are your greatest possessions and freedom is your greatest joy. Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the joy of living in the way. - Dhammapada Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

16 bba IeQµaHGñkdak;evNRbeKncgðan;RBHsgÇRbcaMéf éf cn½ elakeh l emon niggñkrsieso pat elaksui ekon niggñkrsirti saevon elakesg gyn niggñkrsiywm emon elakem:a pan niggñkrsikul pat elakhug pun niggñkrsiexm suifa éf GgÁar elaklwm ehg niggñkrsieson elakrs; can; nigpriya éf BuF elakg:am qam niggñkrsiemuir s y elaktaqa TUc nigyaysay han éf RBhs,tþi_ elaktaesa j: nigpriya éf surk elakehm nag niggñkrsiehm GUn elaktaetog TIg nigyaysi PaB elakeb:n sugli nigpriya éf esar_ elakpl niggñkrsiswn hugmui elak» FI nigpriya elakkam:ul vnñat nigpriya elakcan; evon nigpriya éf GaTitü elakdn egom niggñkrsiexm suira: elakhyt saeron niggñkrsihyt møis elakhan; xuri niggñkrsiekv saév: elakhuk eqgki niggñkrsipan;ni elakg ug xat; niggñkrsibuin ehg elaktacin hyt nigelakyaysavi elakgyc sarin niggñkrsisi PaB elakh un sara:t; nigpriya smkal; tyrgksrb NexµAKWCaGñkEdlkan;evNRbeKncgðan;RBHsgÇCaRbcaMral;eBlminsUvxakxaneLIy. esckþieføggmnrkun>>>kñúg»kase)ahbum<psayrbwtþibr½tc,ab;enh GatµaPaBCaRBHsgÇ nigknkmµkarsmakmtamggs;sumeføg GMNrKuNd¾RCaleRCAdl;Twkcitþ TwkRBHT½yRbkbedaysT archføanigkarlhbg;tamgkmlamgkay citþnigsmöar³edim,irtrtg;nuvsh Kmn_rbs;eyIg. CaBiesssUmEføgGMNrKuNdl;m as;evntamggs; Edl)andak;evNmkeFIVbuNüRbeKncgðan;Rtg;dl;RBHsgÇCa erogral;éf duccaéf cn½þ-ggáar-buf-rbhs,ti_-surk nigesar_. sum[gñk)ancybrbthetesckþisuxesckþicmerinrkb;rbkar esckþirbkas eyig mankitþiyssumrbkasdl;bgb Ún smacik-smacikatamggs; emtþasresrgtßbtepsg²caerogxøi²/ bt kmnabü nigtssn³eyabl;erog²xøün epjirmkkan;kariyal½yrbwtþib½rteyig edim,icuhpsay)ancafmµtan. GñkGac epjirmktamgas½ydæaneyig b tamsareglicrtunicxagerkam. Announcement! Everybody can send your essays or article to publish in our newsletter. We appreciate to welcome your wisdom contribution. So, please send your essays/articles to us by mail or khmerview@cambodianview.com Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

17 Publisher: C.C.A.A. Editor: Venerable Sophan Seng Volume II Issue 5 Date: May Auguest

For more information, please contact: Temple , Mr.Cham Ngam , Mr.Yim Svay , Mr.Vuthy Chung , Mr.Sophal Mom ,

For more information, please contact: Temple , Mr.Cham Ngam , Mr.Yim Svay , Mr.Vuthy Chung , Mr.Sophal Mom , For more information, please contact: Temple 235-5415, Mr.Cham Ngam 285-0930, Mr.Yim Svay 204-1813, Mr.Vuthy Chung 273-6072, Mr.Sophal Mom 271-5337, Mr.Eam Don 204-8281, Mr.Khun Chom 293-1279, Mr.Veoun

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Cambodian Community Newsletter 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, Alberta T2C 1B5, Canada Tel:(403) ,

Cambodian Community Newsletter 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, Alberta T2C 1B5, Canada Tel:(403) , Cambodian Community Newsletter 7011 Ogden Rd., SE., Calgary, Alberta T2C 1B5, Canada Tel:(403) 235-5415, http://www.cambodianview.com Publisher: K.C.B.C.S. Editor:Venerable Sophan Seng Volume III Issue

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