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1 SPIRITUALITY MODULE 4! WHAT WE WILL COVER IN THIS SECTION! Prayer! Meditation! Creative visualization! Mindfulness/being! Emotional freedom technique!!!! Rapidly integrated transformation technique! Energy work! Reconnecting with nature! Dance & movement! SPIRITUAL RITUALS & HOLISTIC HEALTH MODALITIES - PART 1! 1

2 PRAYER! Forms! Dancing! Whirling! Prostration! Meditation! Chanting! Mantras! Silence! Yoga! HISTORY OF PRAYER! Recorded as early as 5000 years ago! Sir Edward Burnett Tylor and Sir James George Frazer! The earliest intelligent modern humans practiced something that we would classify as prayer! PRAYER DEFINED! Often considered communication with the spiritual! Consciously communicating with the source! If we are divine beings then anything we do to honor ourselves can be considered a form of prayer! 2

3 HEALTH CONTRIBUTION! Research is contradictory about whether it affects health! But many people feel it affects health! HEALTH CONTRIBUTION! Benefit of prayer may not be due to spiritual intervention! Benefits of mindfulness and meditation may develop with prayer! Prayer can increase hope and optimism! Someone who knows others are praying for them may feel more immediate boosts to a feelings of connectedness and unity with others! HEALTH CONTRIBUTION! Prayer can be seen as an attempt to impact vibrational frequency! When vibrations increase health and well-being also increase! 3

4 PRAYER AND FLOW! Realizing the beneficial intentions of the universe! Not about overcoming the negative! But acceptance of life s goodness! PRAYER AND FLOW! Allows us closer contact with the wisdom! Every good thought is a prayer! Having a good attitude is paying reverence to the divine! In the universe! In yourself! PRAYER AND FLOW! Prayer keeps us in the divine flow of life! Mental or verbal affirmation of everything we want to manifest in our lives! Go deeply inside and find the part of us with intimate knowledge of the spiritual! The power of prayer may be through acceptance and belief! 4

5 PRAYER AND FLOW! Pray without ceasing! Not about repetition! About keeping our mind constantly! On the good! On our spiritual connection to the source! MEDITATION! WHAT IS MEDITATION?! A practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself! A state of deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent! 5

6 HISTORY OF MEDITATION! Rooted in ancient times! Researchers believe that primitive hunter-gatherer societies may have discovered meditation and its altered states of consciousness while staring at the flames of their fires! Buddha s teachings have been around since 500BC! HISTORY OF MEDITATION! Remained confined almost exclusively within Asia until the middle of the 20th Century! Western history of meditation began in the 1960s and 1970s! Currently taught at medical settings such as the VA clinics and Kaiser Permanente where it is prescribed as a technique for relaxing the body and calming the mind! ELEMENTS OF MEDITATION! Quiet place! Comfortable posture! Visible object where the person can turn his or her attention to! Breathing! Open heart and attitude! 6

7 Sitting! Supine! Standing! POSTURES OF MEDITATION! TECHNIQUES AND TYPES OF MEDITATION! Zen meditation! Taoist meditation! Chakra meditation! Mindfulness meditation! Prayer! Transcendental meditation! Music meditation!! Vipassana meditation! Breathing meditation! Sitting meditation! Walking meditation! Writing meditation! Standing meditation! Eating meditation! TECHNIQUES AND TYPES OF MEDITATION! Bowing meditation! Body scanning/awareness meditation! Chanting meditation! Kneeling meditation! Art meditation! Tantric meditation! Life as meditation! 7

8 TAOIST MEDITATION! Two main guidelines:! 1. Jing (quiet, stillness or calm)! 2. Ding (concentration and focus)! Action without aim! Meandering meditation with no preconceived notion! No specific technique or posture! Based on simple observations! Main tool is the quest for inner peace! ZEN MEDITATION! Sitting in prescribed positions! Opening up to insight of your being! Present moment focused! CHAKRA MEDITATION! Focused on opening up the chakras! 7 chakras! 1. Crown Chakra! 2. Third Eye Chakra! 3. Throat Chakra! 4. Heart Chakra! 5. Solar Plexus Chakra! 6. Sacral Chakra! 7. Root Chakra! 8

9 CHAKRAS! 1. Root Chakra our foundation; feeling grounded! Located at base of spine! 2. Sacral Chakra our connection! Two inches below navel and two inches in! 3. Solar Plexus Chakra our ability to be confident and in control! Upper abdomen! CHAKRAS! 4. Heart Chakra our ability to love! Center of chest just above the heart! 5. Throat Chakra our ability to communicate! Throat! 6. Third Eye Chakra ability to focus on the big picture! Forehead between eyes! 7. Crown Chakra our ability to connect spiritually! Very top of head! MINDFULNESS MEDITATION! Not directed toward getting us to be different from how we already are! Instead, it helps us become aware of our truth in every single moment! Helps us be unconditionally present, no matter what! Many different techniques for practicing! Three basic aspects: body, breath and thoughts! 9

10 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION! Introduced in the 1950 s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi! Became popular in the 1960 s and 1970 s! A specific form of mantra meditation! Twice a day for 20 minutes! Eyes closed and sitting position is comfortable! Taught by TM instructors! MUSIC MEDITATION! Focusing on music while meditating! Any type of music is fine! Can also be creating music while meditating or as a form of meditation! VIPASSANA (INSIGHT) MEDITATION! One of India s most ancient forms of meditation! To see things as they really are moment to moment! Established by Buddha! Observation-based! Way of purifying or cleansing! Impulses! Impurities! Toxins! Uses many different techniques or movements! 10

11 BREATHING MEDITATION! Paying attention to the breath! Counting breaths! Timing breaths! Paying attention to temperature of breath! SITTING MEDITATION! Meditation while sitting! Often the lotus or half-lotus position! Sit upright! Focus our attention on what s inside and around us! Realize that you can be with whatever is inside or around you! WALKING MEDITATION! Meditation while slowly walking! Focus on each step! Many different types and techniques! Present in the body and the moment! Best done outdoors!! 11

12 WRITING MEDITATION! Meditative writing! Stream of consciousness! Not self-editing! Can ask self a question and see what comes from the unconscious mind when free writing! Mindful writing! Focusing on the act of writing itself! Can begin immediately following your meditation practice! Notice the strokes, curves, etc.! STANDING MEDITATION! Form of Taoist meditation! Meditation while standing! Particularly useful for things like grounding! Energy of the earth moves up through your feet and through the meridians in your body! Best done outside! Increases life force energy and encourages deep relaxation! EATING MEDITATION! Becoming fully immersed in the act of eating! Contemplating different aspects of eating! Like hunger in the world! Waste! Factory farming! The sun feeding plants! Done in silence! 12

13 BOWING MEDITATION! Meditation while bowing! Not bowing down to anything external but in humble acceptance of yourself! Repetitive full-body movement that includes concentration, balance, and strength! Invigorates and strengthens the body, reduces stress, and may benefit the immune system! BODY AWARENESS/SCANNING MEDITATION! Scanning the body and becoming aware of how each part of the body feels! Can perform as many times a day as needed! May promote mindfulness, relaxation, and body awareness! Uses breath and mindfulness to access current state of the body! CHANTING MEDITATION! Meditation through chanting! Can choose mantra or have it given to you! Meaning doesn t matter! May be done in groups! Combines sound, breath, and rhythm! Can aid in overcoming fear and neurotic habits! Helps to boost clarity and peace of mind! Can choose mantra or have it given to you! Meaning doesn t matter! 13

14 KNEELING MEDITATION! Meditation in a kneeling position! Can be difficult and uncomfortable! Which becomes the challenge! Keeping meditative attention while uncomfortable! ART MEDITATION! Art meditation! Meditate on art and aesthetic beauty! Object meditation! Bring your complete focus and attention to an object! Push everything else out! LIFE AS MEDITATION! Carrying a constantly meditative attitude! Realizing that each moment is divine! Remembering to be here now! Notice and appreciate the details of everything! 14

15 MEDITATION AND WELL-BEING! Emotional well-being! Gaining a broader perspective! Gaining skills to deal with stress! Self-awareness! Present focus! Reduction in negative emotions! Increase in compassion! MEDITATION AND HEALTH! Reduced blood pressure! Control over heart rate and arousal levels! Depression! Anxiety! Fatigue! Allergies! Cancer! Addiction! Sleep issues! Asthma! Heart disease! Pain! MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING! Following your intuition! Like a muscle! Stronger with exercise! Intuition is! That ah ha moment! Internally motivated realization! Available at all times if we chose to use it! Must be quiet to access it! 15

16 MEDITATION AND INTUITION! Become balanced and centered! After the quieting of the mind after a meditation session our mind is quiet enough to hear an answer from intuition! Guidance may come as a sudden realization, a conversation, or even something read! This helps us become aware of what the universe is trying to tell us! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION! There are many different visualization techniques! A specific visualization technique called creative visualization! Used to connect to the wisdom of our own spiritual nature! 16

17 CREATIVE VISUALIZATION! Visualization to create our reality! Reality is created through our thoughts! Creative visualization helps us see that we can create whatever we desire in our lives! In this way we are no longer powerless! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION! We no longer see our lives as happening to us! Instead see ourselves as the creator of our lives! Realize that we have the power in our life to create it as we please! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION PROCESS! Begins with acceptance of spiritual nature! Belief that the universe intends the best for everyone! See what you want in your life in your minds eye! Visualize your ideals! Use extreme detail! Experience even the emotions! 17

18 CREATIVE VISUALIZATION PROCESS! Then release this picture with gratitude! Secure in the knowledge that it will manifest when the time is right! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION PROCESS! Begin to feel that this creative power to create your own reality! That it is not coming from ego or personality! But coming from your spiritual self! Some things won t manifest! But we find later that these were ego driven desires! CREATIVE VISUALIZATION AND WELL-BEING! Reduces stress from worry! Our intuition knows where we need to go and what we need to do! Knows how to create abundance and positive energy in our lives! If only we can quiet down enough to hear it! It s essential to let go of control and let your spirit be in charge! 18

19 MINDFULNESS! MINDFULNESS! Becoming completely aware of the present moment! Observe reality! Describe reality accurately! Without judgment! With acceptance! MINDFULNESS! Fully participate! Get fully immersed in your experience! You won t be thinking about anything else! You re already doing this in someway in your life! Activities where you naturally feel fully immersed in what you re doing and aren t thinking about other things! Sex! Playing music! Playing sports! 19

20 MINDFULNESS AND WELL-BEING! Lowers stress! Helps us discover our authentic selves! Learn more efficiently! Improves troops resilience! Brain protective! MINDFULNESS AND WELL-BEING! More control over emotions and feelings of pain! Cues us into artistic beauty! Helps focus attention! Creates compassion! MINDFULNESS AND WELL-BEING! May make chronic and acute illnesses less stressful! Arthritis! Cancer! Make the elderly feel more connected! Improve immunity! 20

21 MINDFULNESS AND WELL-BEING! Improve depression and anxiety! Lowers depression risk for teens and pregnant women! Supports weight loss! Better sleep! BEING AND LIVING IN THE NOW! BEING! We spend most of our lives doing! Running around trying to accomplish things! All doing is body focused! We are human beings, not human doings! Lost our connection to our divine nature! Constantly feel we need to be improved! 21

22 BEING! Spiritual beings on a human journey! We are the way we were meant to be! Right at this moment! We have all the tools we need to succeed! BEING! Acceptance of who we are is pure peace! Taking moments out of every day to remember who we are! Remember our divine nature! Take just one minute at a time! Sit in peace! Change focus from doing to being! BEING! Stop and smell the roses! The focus is on being just as you are in this moment! And being okay with it! 22

23 BEING! If you keep your thoughts focused on acceptance and joy! That will be what comes from your life! And will be the type of health you enjoy! LIVING IN THE NOW! Physically living in the now is the only possibility! It s the only reality we have! It s all we have period! Keeping focus and attention on what is happening at that moment! LIVING IN THE NOW! Not thinking about! The future! The past! Thoughts! Judgments! Beliefs! Worries! 23

24 LIVING IN THE NOW! Seeing life with a clear filter! Like seeing through a child's eyes! No preconceptions! EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Also called tapping! Psychological acupressure technique! Tap on pressure or acupressure points throughout the body to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians while thinking about your specific problem! Used by highly respected clinicians, psychologists and psychiatrists! 24

25 EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Created by Gary Craig! Popularized by leaders in the field such as Carol Look and Nick Ortner! TAPPING POINTS! Top of Head (TH)! Eyebrow (EB)! Side of the Eye (SE)! Under the Eye (UE)! Under the Nose (UN)! Chin (Ch)! Collar Bone (CB)! Under the Arm (UA)! Wrists (WR)!! EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Chose a problem that s causing distress! Name and summon up the emotion! Lets use sadness as an example! Focus on where you feel the emotion in your body! Rate your distress from 1-10! 25

26 EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Then state:! "Even though I have this sadness, I deeply love and accept myself"! Tap on specific points 5 7 times throughout the body while saying a reminder phrase! This sadness! EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Tapping while exposing the self to emotional trauma! May send deactivating signals to the amygdala, the emotion center of the brain, where fear comes from! Results in quick reduction of irrational fears! EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! May greatly reduce the emotional weight of the trauma immediately after practicing! May make the emotions less painful in the long term! 26

27 EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT)! Research supports that it may be useful to treat! Fear! Post-traumatic stress disorder! Anxiety! Depression! Phobias! Food cravings! RAPIDLY INTEGRATED TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE! (RITT)! Energy psychology! Studies effects of energy systems on behaviors and emotions! Based on Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques and Gary Nims Be Set Free Fast! Hypothesizes that all of our pain and illness is due to blocked energy! By tapping, one opens up the energy meridians, causes the energy to flow, and reduces the intensity of the pain! 27

28 Also called acupuncture without needles! Unblock energy allowing easier flow! Eases pain and discomfort! Tapping has also been hypothesized to rewire the brain! Stress brings on the flight or fight response! Tapping sends calming signals! Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique (RITT)! Adds a spiritual component! To Emotional Freedom Technique and thought field therapy! With a few additional pressure points! Be Set Free Fast script! And Touch and Breathe! 28

29 Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique (RITT)! Works rapidly! Useful for! Clearing the path between the conscious and unconscious mind! Trauma healing! Reducing emotional discomfort! Cut cravings! Improve feelings of well-being and personal energy! Basic directions! Think of an issue, craving, emotion, situation, or phobia that s bothering you! Rate it on a 1-10 scale! Basic directions! Imagine your body as a tree! Top is the conscious mind! Bottom is the unconscious mind! Tap each point using 2-3 fingers! 29

30 Crown! Top of the head! I bring in (God, spirit, light, higher power) into all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue and ask for healing for the highest good! Karate point! Edge of the outside of the hand! I release this problem to (God, spirit, light, higher power) to transform it and my relationship to it, never to take it back or passively receive it back! Heart point! Area above the breast! Gently rub it in a circle moving toward the shoulder! Repeat 3 times! I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself unconditionally even though I have this issue! 30

31 Eyebrow! Inner eyebrow, near the nose! I release all the sadness/craving in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under eye! Cheekbone under middle of eye! I release all the fear/craving in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under nose! I release all the shame and embarrassment/craving in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 31

32 On the chin! I release all the shame and embarrassment/craving in my memory of protection on this issue! Collarbone! Gently thump below the collarbone, on the breast bone, with a fist! I release all the hurt and grief in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under arm! 4 inches under armpit, across from the nipple! I release all the guilt in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 32

33 Inside wrist! Middle inner wrist! I release all the pain in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Little finger! Next to the ring finger nail! I release all the anger in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Eyebrow! Same as before! I release all the trauma in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 33

34 Index finger! Side of nail near thumb! I forgive myself totally and completely and I intend to forgive everyone else involved! I forgive myself totally and completely and I call back all the energy that I have invested around this issue so I can use the energy for my own healing! I forgive myself totally and completely and I ask for the wisdom to see that everyone involved was acting from a place of unmet needs! Take a deep breath! Reassess discomfort on 1-10 scale! If 0, then continue! If higher than 0 repeat steps! Eyebrow! I bring in (God, spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the sadness/ cravings in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 34

35 Under eye! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the fear in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under nose and chin! Tap both sides at once! Under nose and on chin! Use index finger and thumb! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the shame and embarrassment in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under the chin! I bring in my Higher Power to replace the memory of protection in my body in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 35

36 Collarbone! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the hurt and grief in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Under arm! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the guilt in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Inside wrist! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the pain in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! 36

37 Little finger! Next to the ring finger! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the anger in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Eyebrow! I bring in (God, Spirit, light, higher power) to replace all the trauma in all the branches to the deepest roots of this issue! Karate point! I love myself totally and completely all of the time! I trust I make the right decisions in every situation to the best of my ability! I have all the confidence I need to move forward on my journey! 37

38 Take a deep breath! If distress is higher than 1 repeat the whole process later! ENERGY WORK! ENERGY WORK! Involves the transfer or unblocking of energy! This work affects the energy field present in everything! Can be considered analogous to vibration! The chakras are part of this energy field! 38

39 ENERGY WORK! We have a homeostasis of energy! But sometimes this gets out of wack! Could be environmental! Could be due to a lack of nutrients! Including spiritual nutrition! Can be stress! ENERGY WORK! Energy work helps to restore the balance of energy! Clears imbalances! Facilitating wellness and health! Release energy that isn t serving you! ENERGY WORK AND WELL-BEING! Reduction of! Pain! Stress! Depression! Anxiety! 39

40 ENERGY WORK AND WELL-BEING! Reduction of! Effects from trauma, neglect, and abuse! Grief! Chemotherapy side-effects! ENERGY WORK AND WELL-BEING! Increase in! Mental clarity! Relaxation! Spiritual growth! ENERGY WORK AND WELL-BEING! Increase in! Spiritual connection! Enhanced inner peace! Enhanced well-being! 40

41 ENERGY WORK AND WELL-BEING! Increase in! Immunity! Recovery rate! Release in unwanted and unhealthy patterns! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Qi Gong! Based on Traditional Chinese medicine! Use intent and energy to stimulate acupressure points! Includes aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Reiki! Widely used! Based on Chinese Qi! But more spiritually focused that Qi Gong! Healing technique where therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch! 41

42 ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Tong Ren Therapy! Developed by an acupuncturist and healer! Similar to Qi Gong! Based on a belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body's natural flow of energy! Adds the use of the collective unconscious! Often done over distance using a model and magnetic hammer to tap on points! Has shown usefulness for a wide variety of conditions! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Vibrational medicine! Broad category! Practitioner may use colors, sounds, crystals, magnets, or other things! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Prayer!! Prayer can be considered a type of energy work! We are increasing our connection to the divine! 42

43 ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Polarity therapy! Developed by Dr. Randolph Stone! Muscles or fascia represent energy blockages! Hands serve as energy conductors! 1. Long line! North to south! 2. Transverse! East to west! 3. Spiritual! Navel outward! Energy and consciousness of the practitioner also has an effect! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Shiatsu! Finger-pressure or acupressure! Put pressure on specific points or meridians! ENERGY WORK TECHNIQUES! Matrix energetics! Created by Dr. Richard Bartlett! A complete system of healing, self-care and transformation! Add quantum physics to energy work! Work with vibrations on a quantum level! 43

44 RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Understanding nature helps us understand ourselves! Connecting with nature helps us connect to our authentic self! Helps us feel unified with the whole of creation! RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Acknowledging the beauty and majesty of nature! Brings us closer to spiritual awakening! Bring us closer to true reality! 44

45 RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Nature is sacred! Nature is an expression of the divine! Can also become associated with our spirituality! Certain sites! Times of year! Through our relationship with nature! RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Being in nature makes us feel! A certain wonder and mystery about the world! A sense of wonder and awe about the world! A sense of connection and oneness with everything! Feelings of transcendence! RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Being in nature makes us feel! Belief in something greater than oneself! Appreciation of beauty! Changes in attitude and behavior! Outward bound programs for struggling youth! 45

46 RECONNECTING WITH NATURE! Nature can be! Healer! Teacher! Leader! HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Deep breathing! Take a deep breath outside! Fully experience the breath! A breath in nature is a lot different than a breath in the city! Feel the full difference of it and appreciate it! HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Further explore your senses! What do you hear?! What do you see?! Touch the trees, grass, bark! 46

47 HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Examine how different natural landscapes make you feel! The dessert might inspire one feeling! Whereas the rainforest may feel different! HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Spend time in nature! Find a favorite spot and spend time there! Just be! HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Find an object in nature! Describe it objectively! Become fully aware of it! Try to imagine what it would be like to be that rock, animal, plant, etc! Feeling empathy for nature! 47

48 HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Look at the night sky! Explore the stars! Contemplate how small we are in comparison to the universe! Consider how everything you see if all made of the same stuff! We are all made of stardust! HOW TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE! Ask nature if it has messages for you! Listen with your whole heart to what nature is telling you! Is it telling you to slow down? Or to pay more attention?! Perform other spiritual rituals in nature! DANCE AND MOVEMENT! 48

49 DANCE & MOVEMENT! Dance can be a spiritual pursuit! Connection between the spirit and the physical dimension! When we believe we are divine! We begin treating our body as a temple! We can express exuberance and pleasure! Affirm the joy in life! DANCE & MOVEMENT! Dance! Can be used to express spiritual consciousness! Opens up new experience! Connects you to others! Expresses emotions! Puts us in touch with universal energy! HISTORY OF DANCE & MOVEMENT! Many cultures have extreme forms of dance associated with their spiritual pursuits.! Shakers! Rome! Islam! 49

50 DANCE & MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES! Praise dance! Dancing out of gratitude to the universe! When words don t feel enough! Put on an upbeat tune! Let yourself go be ecstatic in your praise and appreciation! Doesn t need to be right or good! DANCE & MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES! Ritual dance! Dance as communal prayer! Dance, movement, sound! DANCE & MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES! Meditative dance! Ritual in solitude! Repetition of mantras and actions! Even walking can be a type of meditative dance! 50

51 DANCE & MOVEMENT AND WELL-BEING! By connecting with our inner spiritual being! By moving our bodies physically! Surging joy through our body! Stretching and warming our body through movement! DANCE & MOVEMENT AND WELL-BEING! Changing the inertia of our energy! Amplifies positive energy! The letting go of walls and unnecessary boundaries! Frees our spirit! DANCE & MOVEMENT AND WELL-BEING! Freeing yourself from the ties that bind! To fully let go and dance freely and with your authentic self! Have to free ourselves from! Expectations! Other people s opinions! Our view or our coolness or ridiculousness! 51

52 DANCE & MOVEMENT AND WELL-BEING! Freeing yourself from the ties that bind! To fully let go and dance freely and with your authentic self, have to free ourselves from false beliefs! Means to fall in love with our holistic self! Body, mind, spirit together in one! DANCE & MOVEMENT AND WELL-BEING! Dance can be considered to be! Seduction by a lover that never disappoints! Sensual! Unifying with nature and other people! END OF SPIRITUALITY MODULE 4! Please submit your test questions by the due date on your Session Calendar! 52

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