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1 - - - Script for LucidDream AFTERHOUR Sychronotron, WortKraftSchwinung, Portal- Cinema Pics + pdf Books are collected here: Media- All- in.zip #Keys- to- Synchronotron- 441 quoted from 260- Keys- to- Synchronotron.pdf ebook of lawoftime.org GOD = Galactic Ordering Dynamic whose Name is Beyond Knowing. Source of all Creation Matrices. All is a number, God is a number, God is in all. Dynamics of Time The Unity of GOD is one in the simultaneity of the radial matrix. Everything that is, ever was, or will be is happening NOW, this present moment within the radial matrix. its a language teaching from Sirius that is a binary star: Sirius A and Sirius B - they binary switch in a 52 years cycle Synchronotron refers to the compendium of the practices of the 441 (21 x 21) cube matrix system. This mathematical system represents the minimum fractal of totality cubed: 21 x 21 being the prime statement of totality (20) + 1 (unity) = 21 (unity of totality). José Argüelles discovered that this 441 cube matrix is a living system of information transmission that is always occurring; the cube is being transmitted to the larger mental field of the solar system and then into the planet. was found through a dream where number 441 occured + lawoftime was already known + a crop circle appearing in 2007 depicting exactly the system of the synchronotron - matching with the day it appeared This system consists four primary matrices (and a fifth master matrix) that are coordinated by the moving patterns of the synchronic order and can be accessed daily through the 13 Moon calendar date and galactic signature. The four basic matrices include: time matrix, space matrix, synchronic matrix and base matrix (plus a fifth master matrix: holomind perceiver). The time, space, and synchronic matrices are the three coordinating matrices. The base matrix is the anchor that overlays into the holomind perceiver, which is a synthesis and map of the new brain of the galactic mind. Working with these matrices is an exercise in mind expansion and conscious evolution. Through study of these matrices as well as the Cosmic History Chronicles, we break the mental limitations and penetrate into other worlds and dimensions. Once engaged, the cube system becomes a living system within the unity of timespace totality, yesterday and tomorrow no longer exist prime numbers = consonants factorials = vowels numbers are to mind, what atoms are to matter 441 is table of elements of mind (=Memes Terence McKenna calls 'the smallest unit of an idea') all of reality is unified by sychronocity everything corresponds to a number and is registered in telepathic frequency codes of creation all number = communication frequency

2 the meaning of frequency is timed to the moment it enters your awareness! synchronotron = master code index, universal frequency of synchronization nine dimensions of time: lightening up 3D, 4D, 5D bodies 9D, each with 49 units (7x7) 441 is at the center of the 9th time dimension Dimensions = whole circuits number is the dimension that integrates mind, time, space &consciousness, it evolves biology space=mattter (+) time=energy (- ) number = measure cube = consciousness (telepathy between space & number and time & cube) Time, space and mind are interwoven number matrices that equalize with each other. Together these matrices constitute a language, a grammar, a vocabulary of telepathic frequencies that are constantly occurring, evolving the universe moment to moment through various ever- shifting patterns of synchronicity. Cosmic Cube is beta- beta hyperplasma of waking conscious mediumship number is telepathic frequency cores + musical tonalities of a discret paranormal octave frequency range, encoding universal order telepathy is not that you know what the other is thinking, but that the meaning is transported instantaneously... To accelerate the direct experience of parallel universes, memory retrieval and interdimensional travel, telepathically imprint the Holomind Perceiver onto your corpus callosum and absorb it through meditative samadhi. Cosmic Creation is first time dimension and a function of the first mental sphere: preconscious, alpha- alpha hyperplasma of profound samadhi. 2nd time dimension = cosmic ascention, beta- alpha hyperplasma of higher mind control, 3rd time dimension=cosmic synchronization, governs the first three time dimensions, activates the unconscious. law of time makes conscious, what was previously unconscious. The third time dimension is a function of the second mental sphere: unconscious, alpha- beta hyperplasma of informative samadhi. #law- of- time lawoftime: there is a natural timing frequency, that governs the universal order - it is 13:20 The Law of Time states that: Energy factored by time equals art. In this equation, (E) refers to all phenomena in their processes of unfoldment; (T) is the present moment functioning according to the ratio constant 13:20. Everything shaped by time is art. T(E)=ART In the 12:60 frequency, time is money. In the 13:20 frequency, time is art. The 13:20 ratio of the natural timing frequency coded into the Tzolkin the 260- unit harmonic matrix. The 13:20 frequency can also be found in our body: we have 13 main articulations and 20 fingers and toes #Galactic- being 5D = electric body 4d= holon / etheric body 3D = physical body 5D maps 3D and 4D

3 sychronotron evolves 3D biology and elevates consciousness to a self transcendent superconscious identification with the whole... which naturally displaces self attachment and emotions = plan of unification new impressions arise when thinking is suspended create space in mind 441 establishes the structure of knowledge and power of the Supreme Order of telepathic knowing; the heart of nine moved by the power of cosmic creation. From this point, the heart chakra of 5D rainbow body in the ninth time dimension is activated, establishing origin point of all star commands and codes. #Circuits- and- Planetary Councils all fuctions of time space and mind can be resolved as musical resonances the 55+1 octaves repent the base fractal frequency range of universe (as a psychomental projection) Cosmic ordinates of the new order of new being and knowledge are passed through the circuits and gates of transmission The totality of interdimensional creation single atomic whole consists of 10 circuits containing 55 octaves. There is a council for each of the 10 circuits, plus the 11th, the Supreme Council of Unification of the Universal Plan 441. Each of the circuits correlates to a planet and two archetypes. An archetype is a primal fourth- dimensional pattern often expressed as a symbol and capable of performing a cosmic function Circuit 1 has 80 units; it is the all- encompassing outer circuit of unity. Coordinates changes in outer form manifestation. Archetypes: Compassionate One and Healer. Enter the Mercurial Council of Purified Heart Circuit 2 has 72 units, the power of 9 (x8). Coordinates karmic/destiny body awakenings. Archetypes: Artist and Magician. Enter the Venusian Council of the Magical Arts Circuit 3 has 64 units, coded to each of the 64 DNA codons. Coordinates the sensory biopsychic energy body and modulates the radialization of human sense organs. Archetypes: Avatar and Sage. Enter the Earth Council of Accomplished Wisdom Circuit 4 has 56 units and is the interdimensional coordinating circuit of the 4 radial times. Unifies and connects fourth- dimensional etheric information. Archetypes: Hierophant and Prophet. Enter the Martian Council of Death(less) Awakenings Circuit 5 has 48 units containing the lost chord and the frequency of harmony of the 6 octaves (48 = 6 x 8). Coordinates sensory/extrasensory fifth dimensional information. Archetypes: Serpent Initiate and Wizard. Enter the Maldekian Council of Timeless Sex (council that conceived garden of Eden) Circuit 6 has 40 units; it is the inner circuit of outer unity. Coordinates cosmic consciousness of the sixth- dimensional light body and ESP information transferences. Archetypes: Innocent and Seer. Enter the Jupiterian Council of Creative Flowering Circuit 7 has 32 units, the crystal map encircling the 9th time dimension. Coordinates transcendental soul/akashic register access. Archetypes: Dreamer and Pathfinder. Enter the Saturnian Council of Dream Intelligence Circuit 8 has 24 units and is the hyperparton electrical circuit. Coordinates the cosmic electricity of any given celestial body. Archetypes: Wind Spirit and Navigator. Enter the Uranian Council of Evolutionary Communications Circuit 9 has 16 units and is the holder of archetypal memories of oceanic consciousness. Coordinates the self- existing inner ninth-

4 dimensional core of radiant heart. Archetypes: Yogi(ni) and Primal Force. Enter the Neptunian Council of Self- Reflective Memory Circuit 10 has 8 units and holds the Stations of the Ark. Coordinates the protector beings who guard the hidden treasure contained within the 11th dimension. Archetypes: Enlightened One and Worldchanger. Enter the Plutonian Council of Catalytic Enlightenment. #Holomind- Perciver The Holomind Perceiver is the organizing chip of the noospheric collective whole mind experience. It is part of an eleventh- dimensional telepathic Cube system released Dimensions are universal frequency progressions and are equivalent of the whole circuits. Thought as a whole is merely a single construct of the Cube. All mystic knowledge is opened by the key of 11. Mystic knowledge is the invisible force and matrix underlying the apparent order of reality Number 441 is located at 11:11, the center of the Cube matrix. It is the mystic gate that creates a central channel opening, connecting directly from the crown chakra to the Earth core, activating the 7th mental sphere (Holomind Perceiver) The ninth time dimension, inner time, is coordinated by the Sirian Star Council whom radializes the orders of time into a single lens of totality. Through this lens multiple reflections are assembled and communicated as telepathic frequencies decoded daily on the 441 matrix and embedded into the Holomind Perceiver The 11th- dimensional system is the living/working mechanism of Galactic Being, the evolving telepathic circuitry of the noosphere. Through the opening of the 11th mystic gate 441 we open our central channel, attracting magnetic flows of photons and electrical forces that inform the stations of the ark, the compact messenger units that surround the 441 core. #H UNA B K U 21 Within the parameter of the 441 telepathic field is inscribed the star template of the Hunab Ku 21, the inner structure of the new body of radiance Radiance is Eternal Presence maintained by intrinsic awareness as uninterrupted mindful presence the Hunab Ku 21, the original template of the solar system and its whole systems restoration program. Hunab Ku is the power of self- creation. 21 is synthesis of primal law of 7 (=creation code) + sacred law of 3 (=basic dynamic by witch all existence unfolds) Application of Hunab Ku 21 reassembles personality into a unified whole by acquiring a new set of archetypes that correspond a conscious totality of the noosphere. Hunab Ku is medium of transfer of galactic culture from HD to less- D The synthesis of the Law of Seven and the Law of Three is 21 (1.1). 12 is the number of space, 13 is the number of time, 20 is the number of totality and 21 is the number of light or emanation from the second universe to the first universe. 144 (12 x 12) is the template of space, 400 (20 x 20) is the template of totality, and 441 (21 x 21) is the root frequency of unity of light, the gateway of the Hunab Ku 21.) #Noosphere 13.8 The 441 cube cosmology contains keys to comprehending the nature of the noosphere as the next stage of human evolution. Noosphere is the cumulative collective aggregate of holograms of

5 human information fields organized according to the intrinsic mathematical structures of DNA and the Law of Time. Through resonance with the noosphere you can communicate with anyone in the past, future or present. 441 grid is field of Telepathic Unification All space exists as a moment to moment simultaneously of time - > telepathy: self existing frequency structure <- by which the universe remains in resonance with itself #higher- mind- teachings Since the velocity of telepathy is inseparable from the velocity of time which is instantaneously infinite, telepathic time waves cross the universe equally from past to future and from future to past For all thoughts that arise, impressions, and fleeting images, there is no thinker involved at all no one and no thing, only self- existing awareness Meditation on the intrinsic values of the interrelations between different frequencies of the daily 441 cube moving points represent an internal harmony of vibrations that can only be experienced by the mind surrendered to the possibilities of being fully engaged by the Unknown The language of the birds is a function of being in conscious resonance with various laws and principles governed by a telepathic harmonic order of reality cognizable by the self- existing template, Cosmic existence has nothing to do with the phantoms of inherited personality. Cultivate silence and become strong in essence nature. Inhale = certainty of GOD. Exhale = illusory character of world. Mingle your mind with the Masters. of space and time. The cube is the self- existing perfection of mind, number, time and space The holographic projection of the Universe is radially transmitted everywhere simultaneously. Everything is a multiple fractal correspondence of everything else The units in the Cube are primordial adaptations of the One that creates the order and system of the mathematical matrix underlying all reality mind, time, space and the synchronic order of evolved consciousness. All is contained and generated from these numbers: 1, 21, 441, Everything is communicating its information simultaneously, to create the whole universe as a vast cosmic memory plate that weaves together the akashic field or psi bank. All information is always available at any moment. #talking- numbers Observing GOD = dwelling in meditative mind in a fractal free non- conceptual state fully immersed in the Present Moment. From the Present moment are opened gates and channels to other times and dimensions At any given moment, the universe is experiencing six simultaneous scenarios. Cosmocentric consciousnesses can access any of those scenarios. This is the opposite of grasping egocentric consciousness that characterizes most of human existence Unify the central channel of the three bodies, electrify the gateways, tune into the frequencies. Become the dimensional shift. Embody your Superhuman All numbers exist as a simultaneity that encompasses the totality

6 #galactic- tree- of- life To get a basic grasp of the galactic tree of life study the graphic with these four fundamentals. 1. Tree is composed of 20 (+1) solar seals/archetypes with one variable +1 in center (Hunab Ku 21. Hunab Ku is one giver of movement and measure where the tree is radiated from. 2. There are 52 pathways or channels that connect these seals. They are called heptad paths, as there are seven days in a week and 52 weeks in a year 52 x 7 = 364 (+1) Day out of time. 3. The solar seals form themselves into five power cells. The upper cell (north) is the power of knowledge. The lower cell (south) is the power of prophecy. The right hand cell (centripetal) is the power of intelligence, and the left hand cell (centrifugal) is the power of compassion. The Center is the power cell (generator) of the Magus of the Infinite, Hunab Ku The higher one (knowledge) descends into form, the lower one (prophecy) ascends into space. Each power cell command three archetypes that govern one each of four courts of galactic culture. There are many factors to learn and study within this template Each solar seal contains a whole world or microcosmic cycles within cycles. learning the 20+1 path of the tree... It is a method for learning new archetypal roles and a means to universalize them in oneself as we journey to the galactic future.... more pics + pdf books here: Media- All- in.zip

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