New Codex in the Feminine Paradigm New Garden of Life

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1 New Codex in the Feminine Paradigm New Garden of Life Malachi continues to channel incredible information about our New World reality that we are exploring. He reminds us that we have been cultivating the New Garden Of Life already set into motion by Divine Right Action and the Divine Plan for the New World reality. Everything is ready for the influx of Perfect Peace through all who claim their Master Within by December 2012 and beyond. Only us, the human nature can place a shield of consciousness around us to avoid the experience. Earth Mother, Plant, Animal and Mineral realms are holding the light in this new world without the need to avoid it. During our recent workshop, Sacred Silence/Sacred Contemplation, much was channeled by Malachi. Most important was the continuing work in the field of Light and the New Frequencies of light and color that have been pouring in for the last three years (and through the Pearl Children who began making their appearance revealing the New Conscious State of Christed Beings). As Malachi shared last year and through this year (2012), these Shimmering Pearlized Lights have been laid down for each of us to use and we are all soaking them up. We are claiming our Oneness and, thus, our Christed Being. At this particular workshop he shared the wisdom of the energy fully engaged in the Physical Realm. The Divine Plan has passed through the veils of transformation, transmutation and now entered the realm of Transfiguration (Light Body Expression of the New Conscious). This Transfiguration of Spirit has entered through the Agency of Matter...of which each one of us represent. We are no longer a consciousness of separation (unless of course we choose to be). Our body, the Earth s planetary Body, and the Ethereal Body has taken on a great change of energy, vibration and color. These vibrational color changes are now activated within our Center Points of

2 Light in 9 vortices we use daily to mix the ethereal energy into the Earthly existence thus the caldron of alchemy (Great Change and Release of Higher Wisdom) is providing the perfect elixir of the New World, the New state of awareness that releases Enlightenment. Many of you have followed the study of the Master and know I speak of thirteen chakras...our 7 personal chakras and 6 transpersonal chakras. The coloration of Chakras 1-9 have changed and are taken in by both our human field of energetic vortices as well as the chakras of the Earth. Below are the descriptions of these changes, and the places on Earth that are Centers of Consciousness we can Call Spiritual Vortices (Chakras) that are part of the Reordering of Consciousness in the New Garden of Life. Each area that releases the Light are Center Points of Ancient Wisdom that reveals more of the Sacred Union of Spirit and Matter. Earth Chakras and Your Sacred Contemplation Alignment New Earth Alignment Chakras are occurring and New Colors to our Human Chakras correspond. These places on the Earth, Malachi indicates, has held the Most Ancient Wisdom of Oneness, the Most Ancient Wisdom of Harmony, and Most Ancient Wisdom of the Holy of Holies. These ancient messengers are ready to release the knowledge, because the human conscious state has evolved and ready to emerge as Enlightened Beings. Chakra Shimmering Pearl Color Spectrum Earth Chakra Correspondence Root Chakra Rainbow Kachina Peaks Wilderness, Arizona 2 nd Chakra Pastel Green Plaza De Mayo, Argentina 3 rd Chakra Soft Yellow Sefa Utaki, Okinawa 4 th Chakra Ultra Violet Island of the Sun, Peru 5 th Chakra Ruby Red Three Sisters Blue Mtn. Australia 6 th Chakra Turquoise Mt. Kailas - Tibet 7 th Chakra Electric Blue South Africa 8 th Chakra Coral Great Pyramid - Egypt 9 th Chakra Gold Glastonbury - England

3 Additionally, Malachi spoke of the Codex, the ancient scriptures within that are being released. These scriptures are recognizable in symbolic form and can be deciphered through the symbols as well as the ancient use of Numerology. Of course, I must admit that though the symbol below is a representation of what is seen through the Divine Eye, it comes quite close to what is seen psychically. However, visualize it as a multi-dimensional field of energy. It is not one-sided, two-sided or three-sided. It is 6 and 12 sided, at least. 6 = Law of Union (nothing separate) 1 = Law of Expression (Divine expressing through all) 5 = Law of Life Mastery (All are Masters) This is increased in its multiple dimensions to: It carries a visual energy of a hexagon, six pointed star, oval and five pointed star. They represented to Container of Union (Hexagon and six pointed star), the womb of all life (oval) and the Perfect Human (five pointed star) in Oneness. These also reveal the numbers that give us the Law of the Universe that are a constant: 12 = Law of Reversal and Law of Reflection (Consciousness reverses itself to Reflect the Divine) 2 = Law of Wisdom (the power to know and utilize Cosmic Mind) 10 = Law of Contraction and Expansion (the power to come within, gather the energy of Source and expand in the outer region of matter using the sacred energy to cycle through all experiences with the gifts of Source intact). Do take time to contemplate this Codex of the New World. How are you using it to cultivate your new Garden of Life? Below is further explanation of the Colors of Light that have been brought through Galactic Gateways, the Pearl Children and now useable by all in the Realm of Matter (most specifically Earth, but all through the realms of Matter).

4 Five Gateways First Gateway - Portal of Spirit This Gateway Reveals the Power of Source in Motion releasing, from the Depth of ourselves, the New Vibrations of Consciousness. It is stirring our Souls into evolutionary awareness of the New Consciousness we can all experience. And mostly, of course, calling us, at our personal level, to remember our Oneness. The Pearl Children that are seen as the Gatekeepers and stirring the vibration of this energy are carrying the Ultra Violet Ray of Light. They are shimmering the wisdom of Source and creating a spark of light within us calling us to KNOW. Calling us to Shimmer. This vibration of the Ultra Violet Ray is uploading from within our Collective Conscious and within each of us at very personal levels of our being. This is the Vibration of Union. It is the vibration within ourselves that Knows our human field of matter can balance, come into a harmony, and heal the imbalances. It is the level of awareness within us that we have always been encoded with: Love, Oneness, Compassion, Sanctity. It is our responsibility to embrace Unconditional Love and truly express it in all that we do. To Live the Power of this Portal of Consciousness we need use our ability to let go of angers, losses, fears of our abilities and concerns that others are in our way. We need but live the power of Compassion, honor the Love for All, and Hold All Life Sacred with every fiber of our being: through our thoughts, emotions and actions. Living this power we discover the use of words in a new way and uncover a new jargon, a new language, and new words that strike the cord of Spiritual Awareness and Enlightenment. In truth, we need to release and live our Christed-Self, which is Source Personified in our Body and the Field of Matter. Living this power we will know the words of Jesus: When a Master sees the Master within another, all healing occurs. When we live our Mastery we realize that everyone is a Master and able to be in the vibration of Perfect Healing. Living the Power of the Portal of the Ultra Violet vibration, we live without fear, we know nothing is impossible and we radiate Grace. Compassion, Sanctity, Love and Oneness are the true interwoven expression through our Inner Self and Outer Reality. The Gate opened on Feb 8 20ll and flooded us with the vibrations of the new cosmic rhythm and destiny. The Pearl Children of the Ultra Violet Rays were revealing more of the Spirit of Grace, Compassion, Love and Oneness. Were you feeling this more so than before? Second Gateway - 2 Portals of Fire As the Gateway of Source uploaded the new level of the Evolution of Change into the Evolution of Oneness, Fire blazed within each person. From the Soul Level of Oneness, individual beings began their new journey on the Earth. The Pearl Children of Gold and Coral opened the gate of this vibrant, fiery energy. Releasing the power and drive of Source, the souls released the rays of energy that would shimmer into our personal and collective consciousness and begin to shape-shift the realm of Earth and our Galaxy. In fact, the pattern of stars known as Sirius are the entrance-way of the Portals of Fire. This

5 portal of Sirius increases the power of The Great Change we have all been excited to be a part of as the New World - Garden of Life has begun to release its energy. This portal produces the Solar Power of the Spiritual Sun needed to help our garden grow from the depth of Source Within each individual. There was an increase of Energy, stirring our collective soul on August 30, In fact, the Spirit of Change grew more intense in every individual and transmutation was the burning desire within as the Soul took up the Call of Change. First Portal of Second Gateway - Gold: Transmutation is brought forward by the Ray of Golden Light. The metamorphic waves increased within everyone. Soul desires stirred to move all beyond the old patterns of destruction, confusion and upheaval. Mental, emotional transmutation is guided by the Fire of Spirit leading consciousness through Transpersonal Wisdom of the Higher Heart. Truth emerged...the Universal Truth of Source brings the candor, bold and blatant actions of Oneness. Those who will lead the way from this garden of Fire will not hold back their language of Oneness, their Patterns of Living Oneness, and the urging of Sacred Intention to be lived in all areas of life. There are no need to be a victim of life or tolerate the action of victimhood. There are only Victorious Creatures of Humanity living in the Path of Total Truth and Understanding of the New World. They burn away dross thinking, feeling and living at every moment. From this Portal of Universal Energy there is no looking back, no use of old memories and past experiences. Everyday is a new day and filled with new experiences. Second Portal of the Second Gateway - Coral: Taking up this vibration of light, the New Story of Creation can occur...the New Day One. Within this vibration the Words of Source stir the energy of Light that will formulate the Great Cities of Light. First the City within us, the Sacred Rooms of Source will occur. For now, the Gateway says there is no time. Shortly, the New Moment and New Future and the New History is to be released into the hearts and minds of every soul and the plans can be created within this New Time and Space experience of the Coral Light. Courage and strength will be adhered to by every Soul in order to use the inner maturity of Source shimmering in Matter and building a new Holy Living Temple. The Mortal Body will feel the shift and the Central Nervous System will respond as Transfiguration begins to be recognized in the Courtyard of Humanity. Third Gateway - 2 Portals of Air The star patterns of Orion are the gateway for the Portals of Air. The vibration increases the ability for the Human Mind to be one with Source Mind. The Power of Understanding the Light Being, Source, occurs through this Gateway. Celestial Navigation through the Mind of the Enlightened One occurs. One can reach the pattern of thinking as Source Does. One can Recall the Power of Divine Mind that is encoded within each soul and expressed through each individual. Those who radiate well with the Orion Belt (Ruby and Soft Yellow Pearl Children) will also realize the power of following the Soul Light through our personal Galaxy, the Milky way. In fact, for everyone, seeking, hunting for the Light is strengthened through the Portals of Air. This allows one s consciousness to see through the doorway of Light that leads all to the next level of consciousness being uploaded from the Inner Mind of Source. First Portal of Third Gateway - Ruby: The shimmering light of Ruby vibrations instigate a higher mental awareness. The mind turns to Solution Power and creates mental acuity that translates the Intelligence of the Divine Mind into the language of human capacity to comprehend.

6 Clarity is a skill that emerges to direct the words, actions and living in communities of tremendous change. A new order of rules and regulations can easily be constructed that assist humanity to live in the Community of Oneness and Equality that has not been seen before. Leaders emerge not as Lords of others, but as useful managers that are responding to Collective needs and providing the ideas and ideals that others can build upon and create a City of Unity and a Commune of Harmony. Second Portal of the Third Gateway - Soft Yellow: Shimmering in the realm of Soft Yellow, the new Intelligence is spoken with a clarity of an abstract form of Spiritual Wisdom. The Most Ancient Memory Text of the Mind of Source will be developed through this ray of light. It will be communicated in spoken word, written word, designs and symbols that invigorate the Spirit Within and inspire the minds of all. Maturation of the new language will come from the Soft Yellow shimmering light of Source Mind. Captured from beyond our Galaxy, the thought forms will be heard in ranges of the mind not stimulated in the human brain-cells before now. Forth Gateway - 2 Portals of Water The stars of Arcturus open the Gateway to the portals of Water, the Ocean of Consciousness, the Renewing Soul, and the intuitive intelligence to be known by all. Imprinted in this gateway is the memory and archetype of the Future Human who is capable of releasing the soul memory of Source instantly and live it in an embracing warmth of love and harmony. The Pearl Children who bear the aura of Electric Blue and Turquoise release the energy from this Gateway. First Portal of the Fourth Gateway - Electric Blue: The emerging Buddha, the Christ, the Oneness is experienced in the vibration of the shimmering light of Electric Blue. Moving in joy, loving with ease, this vibrant energy, when taken up from our cellular memory, will create true joy of living, laughing and loving. The Intuitive Brain releases the knowledge of the Ancient of Ancients: Source. The Intuitive Heart releases the knowledge of the Enlightened Being, The Christ/Buddha consciousness lived by everyone, expressed by all. Using this vibration, one can fold into the Nothingness of Non Matter and unfold the Everything into Matter. With the vibrations of awareness the Story of Source-Self reality is told in such a way it is felt and understood by all listeners. Second Portal of the Fourth Gateway - Turquoise: The ability to see through all levels of the Dimensions and S.E.M.P.E.S. is increased through the shimmering vibration of turquoise. Those who release this energy from within will experience the psychic capabilities of seeing through all matter. The Eyes of Source, the Compassion of Source, The Mystical Essence of Source is known. The power of each individual is the gift to live the mystical vibration and Know the I AM Presence in all existence. Fifth Gateway - 2 Portals of Earth Once again the Star Patterns of Pleiades activates the key to unlock the gateway to the portals of Earth Consciousness. All other Portals (7 noted above) merge into this one to upload Sprit-inMatter in its new codex. The transcribing of the Ancient Manuscript of Source Embodied occurs in everyone. The Master Light is living in all. The loving intention of the Pearl children of Pastel Green and the Rainbow Children ignited this light and stirs the lock within each person. The keys

7 to unlock these portals of consciousness are Intent, Fortitude, use of Right Knowing, and Devotion to Living the Higher Self in a Mortal Body-Temple. As they have provided the shimmering light vibration of these color-codes of the Universe, it is up to every individual to make a choice and capture the light for use in daily living. During every Change in Earth Consciousness, the Pleiades portal is activated. It is the Portal of Ancestors of the Cherokee, Mayan, Hopi, Celts and many more indigenous people. It is likely the gateway that all souls have used to activate an Earthly Body. Pleiades, like Orion, is seen as a Gateway for Souls to Enter the Earth and move from the shadow of death to the Destiny of Light in the New World. First Portal of the Earth Gateway - Pastel Green: This frequency of shimmering light, when ignited within the cells of the human body, will stir the changes of the genetic patterns within. As this occurs, then the vegetation of life-sustaining foods change as well. The DNA and RNA take on a new frequency. The DNA releases additional information of the genome materials of life as scientist see the next two strands fully activated. The RNA reveals the biochemistry of the human body in change and is the key to the phosphorescent light of Source-Self existence. All of these frequency changes will call humanity to change the way they eat and drink, and cultivate the foods that sustain the Light Body. Healers emerging from this field will include Garden Scientists who will uncover the seeds of new plants that will assist the light vibrations of the Mortal Body. Also of note will be the change in the field, vibrations and use of Animals who will also support the foods of the human bodies in change. New Vegetable, Fruit and Life-Source Gardens and Farms will exist that sustain the DNA and RNA of the Source Body. Second Portal of the Earth Gateway - Rainbow: The Final Journey of the New World. All as One, One as All. The Song of the Soul vivifies the Earth. The Light of Spirit is ignited and all see it in the vibrant essence of each individual. The Ideal of the Sacred is the One Point of Light Awareness awakened in all. The Holy Living Temple is Honored. Earth is a known as the Sacred Dwelling Place of Source. Galactic Living is noted as Earth Living. Science Fiction becomes truth. The Earth takes its proper place in the Galactic Alignment of the Court of Consciousness. The Rainbow Light ignites the multi-dimensional body and all who reign in this vibration immediately know they are an Avatar...they are a Christed Being. The Blend of Self- Source opens the doorway of Isness in the Ordinary Reality of the 3 rd dimension. All portals are available to you in the Garden of Eden...the Garden of the New World. You activate it by aligning with your New ways of thinking, feeling and creating. You live it by living in the moment and being the Master who is celebrating your talent of Creating a New World. Love, Respect, Honor of your existence as you crossed the Precipice and honor your Ascension. Climb into the Awareness of who you are: SOURCE. You are the Holy Trinity: Mortal Body Soul Holy Spirit

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