Liturgy at. Lutheran Church. The Holy Trinity

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Help Us Create SACRED SPACE by powering down Please do not use cell phones and other electronic devices. GATHERING The ringing of the meditation bowl calls us to silence, centering and reflection as we prepare for worship. Prelude Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr Georg Böhm (1661-1733) ( All glory be to God on high ) Stand and turn to face the cross as it enters; you may bow as the cross passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. Incense, used in Christian and Jewish worship since ancient times, is part of our multi-sensory liturgy. The assembly, gospel book, and table all signs of Christ's presence among us are honored with incense, representing the rising of our prayers and praise. Gathering Hymn #413 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Greeting Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! Stanza 3 sung in harmony The presiding minister bows toward the assembly which is the body of Christ and the primary symbol of God s presence in the liturgy. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you. / 2 /

Canticle of Praise Glory to God / 3 /

Prayer of the Day Let us pray Amen Be seated WORD First Reading Genesis 1:1--2:4a Composed by Priestly sources perhaps as a liturgical text during the Babylonian exile, Genesis 1 presents God s ordering of the earth as an entirely good thing. The chapter specifically counters Babylonian values and its creation myths by giving to God all power on earth and by claiming a positive relationship between humans and God.. Word of God, word of Life Thanks be to God. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Perhaps a compilation of several of Paul s letters written between 55 and 57, 2 Corinthians indicates that the relationship between Paul and the Corinthian community had deteriorated. Paul defended his own ministry, warned against rival leaders and their styles, and urged a collection for the Jerusalem poor. The present text concludes with a rhetorically authoritative trinitarian benediction. Word of God, word of Life Thanks be to God. / 4 /

Stand to welcome the gospel and turn to face the book as the gospel is read in the midst of the assembly. Gospel Acclamation Holy Father, Great Creator stanzas 1 & 2 before the Gospel stanzas 3 & 4 after the Gospel / 5 /

Gospel Matthew 28:16-20 As the gospel is announced, you may trace a small cross on your forehead, lips and breast, a prayer that the Word may dwell in our minds, on our lips and in our hearts. The holy gospel according to Matthew. Glory to you, O Lord. The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. Following the Gospel, stanza 3 & 4 is sung, previous page. Called the Great Commission, the church proclaims this text on Trinity Sunday, affirming that even after the observance of the Ascension, the triune God is always present in the church. The conclusion of the Gospel of Matthew includes the trinitarian words that most Christians use at baptism: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.. Sermon Following the sermon there is a time of silence for reflection and quiet meditation. Our liturgy is not only made up of words, gestures and music, but also moments of silence. Silence Baptism After each baptism the song is sung twice / 6 /

Clothing with a White Robe Laying on of Hands Signing with the Cross Presentation of a Candle Welcome Let us welcome the newly baptized. We welcome you into the body of Christ and the mission we share; join us in giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God s creative and redeeming word to all the world. Prayers of Intercession After each petition: Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Peace The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you. The assembly is invited to share God s peace with one another saying, Peace be with you, or similar words. Be seated. MEAL Gathering of Gifts and Setting of Table If this is your first time, or if you have been attending awhile and would like to get to know us better, please fill out the welcome slip in the pew and place it in the offering plate. Today s loose offering is designated for the Refugee One. Checks and envelope offerings support Holy Trinity s overall ministry unless designated otherwise. / 7 /

Offertory Hymn #735 Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth Great Thanksgiving It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ. You reveal your glory as the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: equal in majesty, undivided in splendor, one Lord, one God, ever to be adored in your eternal glory. And so, with all the choirs of angels, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: / 8 /

Please repeat responses after the presiding minister. The Lord s Prayer As a sign of openness to the divine presence, you may join the presider in praying the Our Father with the ancient gesture of extended hands. / 9 /

Lamb of God Be seated. Communion All are welcome at Christ's table, including children. Bread is received in the hands. Wine is received either by drinking from the (silver) common cup, or by saving the bread and dipping it in the second (glass) cup. Those not communing may come forward for a blessing, keeping your hands folded or extended over your chest. For those unable to consume either wine or bread, communion is received fully in either element alone. / 10 /

Communion Anthem Te Deum Laudamus in C Major Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) We praise thee, O God: we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship Thee, the Father everlasting. To Thee all Angels cry aloud: the Heavens and all the powers therein. To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy: Lord God of Sabaoth; Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Thy Glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee. The godly fellowship of the Prophets praise Thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise Thee. The holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge Thee; The Father of an infinite Majesty; Thine honourable, true, and only Son; Also the Holy Ghost: the Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ. Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. When Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man: Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb. When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, Thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father. We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge. We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious blood. Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints in glory everlasting. O Lord, save Thy people: and bless Thine heritage. Govern them and lift them up for ever. Day by day we magnify Thee; and we worship Thy Name, ever world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin. O Lord, have mercy upon us. O Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us: as our trust is in Thee. O Lord, in Thee have I trusted: let me never be confounded. Silence Please stand. Prayer Blessing / 11 /

SENDING Having heard the word and shared the eucharist, we are sent to live our baptism through words and deeds, making known the love of Christ, and working for justice and peace in our families, communities, and world. Turn to face the cross as it recesses, you may bow as it passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. Sending Hymn #414 Holy God, We Praise Your Name Sending Go in peace. Thanks be to God. Postlude Nicaea ( Holy, holy, holy ) Piet Post (1919-1979) Following the liturgy, several things happen simultaneously: some folks greet one another and converse; others listen to the organ postlude; and others move to the garden to the east of the church for a time of refreshments and social time. Today s Altar Flowers are sponsored by Tom & Laura Spalla In honor of their son, Parker s birthday Baptized Today James Terrence Morris Parents: Greg & Elizabeth Morris Sponsors: John Winterkorn, Katherine Wirth, James Wirth John Kevin Castan Parents: Kevin & Ingrid Castan Sponsors: Karen Castan, Ken Castan, Mark Manhart, Peter Manhart Francesca Nora Pirotte Parents: Carolyn & Chris Pirotte Sponsors: Carole Morgan, Chris LeFevere / 12 /

SERVING IN THIS LITURGY PRESIDING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Michelle Sevig PREACHING MINISTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr. Craig Mueller MINISTER OF MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Brackley ASSISTING MINISTER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Duckmann CRUCIFER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peder Sevig INCENSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seminarian Josh Menke INTERCESSOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katie Mineck COMMUNION ASSISTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------- Sheldon Kreiger, Marissa Uhrina MEDITATION BELL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katie Mineck READERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Erika Robeck, Mike Fustin TORCHBEARERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ava Duffy, Ellie Stang WELCOME HOSPITALITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly & Michael Johnson ALTAR GUILD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rich Campbell BREAD BAKER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann Sanders SACRISTAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deacon Julie Sevig COFFEE HOSPITALITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe & Marissa Uhrina / 13 / PARISH NOTES Refugee Support Holy Trinity has made an $8,000 financial commitment to co-sponsor Tesfalem and Lewan, Orthodox Christian refugees from Eritrea. The State Department provides just three months of rent, administered through RefugeeOne, but nine months of assistance are required to fully transition to life in the U.S. Your contributions (whether of time, financial, or both) will help make this possible. Local benevolence offerings through June will be designated for refugee support. You can also give online at Select REFUGEE SUPPORT located on the lower portion of the page. Through June 4 we have received and remitted $4,556 of our commitment to RefugeeOne Contact either Scott Kuhagen ( or Katie Bickel ( for information about helping with settlement. We need volunteers to help them practice English, learn their neighborhood, gain confidence with the CTA, etc. Summer Social Time Social time following the service during the summer months is in the garden. Please sign up to host as most dates are still open.

Fair Trade Sales - The 2nd Sunday of Every Month Join us at the back of the church following worship to purchase fair trade coffee, chocolate, and other goods. Volunteers Needed to Help with Yard Work - June 13th The yard work team is looking for volunteers to help spread mulch in the garden beds around the church. There is no Cubs game on June 13th so we will start work at 6:30. Contact Rita Schnell ( ) with questions. Book Group, June 26 Eat, Drink, Read. The next book group meeting will be Monday, June 26 at 7:30 PM at Whole Foods, 3201 N Ashland, downstairs in the coffee bar area. We'll be discussing In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware, a great psychological thriller. If you like to read ahead, we'll be discussing We Were Liars by E. Lockhart in July. Please join us, whether or not you have time to read the book! Commemoration Barnabas, Apostle Sunday, June 11 Barnabas was not numbered among the twelve apostles, but the book of Acts gives him that title. After Paul was converted to Christianity, Barnabas welcomed him to Jerusalem, and later the two traveled together on missionary journeys. Today s Liturgy Though the word trinity is not found in the scriptures, today s second reading includes the apostolic greeting that begins the liturgy: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. In the gospel Jesus sends his disciples forth to baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. More than a doctrine, the Trinity expresses the heart of our faith: we have experienced the God of creation made known in Jesus Christ and with us always through the Holy Spirit. We celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity in word and sacrament, as we profess the creed, and as we are sent into the world to bear witness to our faith. Worship Acknowledgements Text and music for the liturgy is reprinted from Sundays and Copyright 2007 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License # 26481. Unless otherwise noted, all other music and text reprinted under permission of #A-707777. / 14 /

NEWCOMER OR FIRST TIME? WELCOME! + Whoever you are, wherever you're from, whatever the color of your skin, whomever you love or marry, or whatever your feelings about religion or spirituality, you are welcome here. + Please fill out a yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. + More information on Holy Trinity, Lutheranism, worship practices, marriage and baptisms at the welcome table. + To families with small children: We are glad you're here! You're encouraged to sit toward the front where it's easier for children to see and hear. Children learn behavior by copying you, so sing the hymns loudly, pray and voice the responses with enthusiasm. There are activity bags and special children's bulletins in the back of the church for your children to use during worship. If your child needs a break during worship, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church. The nursery is open from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Use the garden door entrance on Addison and the nursery is inside the door. + Offerings: We rely on the generosity of members and friends to support the programs, staff, building, and ministries of Holy Trinity and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A large number of the congregation gives their offerings online. You can also donate online at We still pass the offering plate as well! We appreciate your contributions of time, talent, and financial support! DO YOU CONSIDER HOLY TRINITY YOUR CHURCH HOME? Register by filling out the yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate or register online at You will receive our e-newsletter. / 15 /

Holy Trinity: Lakeview 1218 W. Addison Street Holy Trinity: Loop 637 S. Dearborn Street 773.248.1233 Purpose Statement Open to the Mystery Connect, Strengthen, and Serve with Joy! Guiding Principles Act with courage Be radically inclusive Cultivate empowering relationships Delight in God s beauty Engage With Intention STAFF Lead Pastor Craig Mueller Associate Pastor Michelle Sevig Assistant Pastor HTLoop Ben Adams Interim Administrator Paul Strome Minister of Music David Brackley Music Assistant Ayriole Frost Seminarian Josh Menke Nursery Attendant Kateryna Sati Fisiak / 16 /