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C O N T E N T S PAGE Introductory CHAP I. I I. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Oral and writtn litratur Th bginnings of writtn litratur Th monumnts of th twlfth cntury Th monumnts of th thirtnth cntury monumnts of th fourtnth cntury Th Th modrn priod Th poch of rconstruction Sumarokov and th litrary writrs undr Cathrin II Von Visin Th first Russian priodicals N. Y. Karamzin Zhukévski Krylov and th j ournalism of th Romantic poch A. S. Pushkin and his followrs Griboidov Go g ol Lrmontov Modrn Litratur Th Sch llin g is t s Slavophils and Wstrn izrs Latr pots and th grat novlists Grigorovich an d othr novlists Russian Litratur from Lo Tolstoy to prsnt dat t h (Writtn. by Sr g Tomk y ff.

IN TRODUCTORY. Th history of litratur prsnts a progrssiv dvlo p mnt of th art of writing in vry country and is corr latd with th cultur of t h Thrfor a historical popl. tratis on litratur must b a rviw of th productions of a popl in chronological ordr so as to illustrat th achivmnts in cultur in which th spiritual ndavours hav found xprssion and influncd its lif and charactr. This litratur at th outst may b oral i. transmittd. by word of mouth but ultimatly and gnrally it is writtn and hnc call d litratur ql Th Russian languag is Slavonic on of th branchs of Indo - Othr grat branchs ar Grk Europan. som Indian languags Latin Tutonic but th tc. narst to th Slavonic ar Lithuanian and aflinitis possibl y th arlist form of Cltic and Tutonic. Th Russian languag is th dialct spokn in th principality of Moscow and aros in its prsnt structur aftr th Tatar arlist Russian litratur Th invasion. is in mdiaval Russian and originatd at Kiv whr th first Russian Stat was foundd by Hous of Rurik. th Th first princs of Kiv wr Scandinavians who consoli datd a Russian Th languag was calld Russian Stat. from th tim whn th Slavs of Kiv undr th rul of ths Scandinavian princs ( cal l d Varin g s or in Russian Variag ) bcam unitd into this singl Stat which was calld Rus. I t is supposd that Rus was th appllation originall y givn to th Variag princs. In prhistoric tims al l th Slavs must hav spokn what was ssntially on Thr ar now two main spch. ( I n R ussia n th r ar th r words for litratur ach mph asizing an aspct slovésn ost ( th a t it is languag) p is mn n ost ' ( it is writtn) Iitrat ura ( th at it conforms t o canons of art). th at

2 INTRODUCTORY sctions of t h Slavonic languags th Eastrn branch : compriss Bulgarian and Church Slavonic Srbian and - its dialcts ; and Russian with its dialcts ; th Wstrn includs Cch Polish and th Slav languags onc spokn in Prussia and Saxony. Th oldst monumnts of Slavonic spch ar th ' Ostromz r Gos p l th Cch pom Sud Liubus y ( th trial of Lj ubusa ) and th Croat ( in th Carpathians) or Slovn fragmnts of th Vth cntury all of ths show how vry similar th Slav dialcts thn As to Russian litra wr. tur : its first apparanc as a sparat litrary languag diffrnt from what t h popl spok may b assignd to th XIII and XIV cnturis.

CHAPTER I. ORAL AN D WRITTEN LITERATURE. Russian litratur falls undr two hads oral and popular or larnd and artistic. Th larnd litratur is dividd into thr priods of dvlopmnt th ancint th nw and th modrn. ancint xtnds from th b Th g inning of Russian litratur to th ightnth cntury ; th nw from th ightnth cntur y toth fortis of th nintnth cntury th modm to our own Th Russian rnaissanc tims. cam two cnturis latr than th Wstrn. THE ORAL LITERATURE Th oral litratur compriss th spontanous pro of ductions th min d and th imagination of th popl transmittd orally from gnration to gnration. in pr Man THE historic tims distinguishing him slf from th outr world prc ivd to th M YTHI C EPI C full his fblnss and hlplssnss fac to fac with unconqurabl forcs th which mad h im t h haplss victim of light and dark hat and cold hungr and thirst misfortun and Placd in uttr dpndnc on th grif. xtrnal powrs of Natur h acknowldgd Natur as th suprm will as somthing divin and prostr atd himslf in a spirit of rsignation and childlik H vnration. accptd as a grat miracl N atur s mystrious phnomna whthr th calm of triumph or th trror of h in r angr. His obsrvant mind was spcially struck with th opposi tion of light and dark hat and cold th growth in spring tim and th autumnal In this wis th ditis dcay. 3

4 ORAL AND WRITTEN LITERATURE of our ancstors vidntly aros out of th gradual x p lana tion of th import of havn and its portnts according as thy wr kindly or harmful manifstations of Natur. At first h worshippd th and th Moon nxt th Dawn Sun and gloaming thundr rain th wintry cold and th th rnwal in th Spring and so Latr th arly Slavs forth. as othr popls bgan noticing ths obj cts and half unconsciously comparing thm with othr bings with which thy wr surroundd such as anim als ; and thn thy bgan worshipping thm in fantastic forms and intrchanging th attributs of natural phnomna with thos of man and th animal s. Th first phas is cal ld anthropomorphism th scond zoomorphism.1 Th adoration of th forcs of Natur found xprssion in many fstivals spcially at th bginning of Spring and On ths occasions thr was a crmonial autumn. accompanid with Furthrmor man in his dpnd songs. nc on th actions of Natur was constraind at many momnts in his lif to implor th assistanc of havn and p ut his dsirs into mystrious acts and words to which h ascribd magical Th principal agnts in this powr. struggl wr th hros or in Russian bo g ut ' y n who rprsntd th national pow Thir fats ar a vry r. rich sourc for th history of th national potry in viw of th pic myths thy But thr ar still mbody. xtant only a fw fragmnts which now nabl us to lucidat this stag of th blifs of th Such popl. rlics ar ( I ) Rid dl s (.g th dawn. th maidn th bau tious damsl walkd in th woods and droppd hr kys th moon saw hr and did not btray hr : th sun saw hr and rvald hr) or again th two sistrs on bright th othr dark sh flis without wings runs without ft ails without ( 2 ) P rovrbs and Ada g s which wounds. x mpl i fy th oral national styl and srv to rcord an aspct of lif and condition long past and th ch a ractr 1 So far as Sh akh n ovski ; but oth r l at r writrs. such as R ambaud h av p r ov d t h at th Sl avs h ad advan c d vr y li ttl from th vag u w orsh ip of th natural powrs b for th y w r c onv rtd t o Ch rist I amt y. Th y nv r v olvd an y thin g lik an Ol y mp us.

ORA L AND WRITTEN LITERATURE 5 istics of th habits of th huntrs and shphrds (.g th. gry wolf in th sky catchs th stars ; h livd in th woods and worshippd th trunks ; from th hollow of th tr thr flw th brown owl th whit - owl or Satan himslf.) Vows and omns ar found associatd with th provrbs of th most ancint priod as alsointrprtations of drams and mdical prscriptions : and (3) thr ar in connction with ths last I m utations which ar rlics of th ancint hathn prayrs and imprcations. Th most important of th rmains of th mythical priod ar th ( I ) th Crmonial Son g s wh ich accompan id th family and communal holidays ; ( 2 ) th M y thical Son g s in which th popl adors th powrs of Natur and (3) th H rot o Son g s of th bo g ut y n which ar intimatly allid with th popular traditions and lgnds and con stitut th transition from suprnatural to ordinary bings. From th mythical songs w know that Pri ' m was th god of thundr Volos or Vls th god of cattl Dazhbo g or Khors th god of th Sun and St ribo g th god of th winds. Whn th popl bgan In th cours THE HEROIC of its historic dvl opmnt to undr EPIC. stand its strngth it rsolvd to combat th hostil own powrs of Ths natural forcs wr mblma Natur. tizd as th of darknss gods and th champions of th protctors wr adord as bright and kindly gods with th attributs of human qualitis and Ths shaps. kindl y and gntl gods ar th hros or bo g at ' y r z. hroic songs of th Princ Vladimir Th and thos of th poch of th Tatar invasion rprsnt actual vnts and ar thrfor calld Th mmory of th Tatars historic. is consrvd in such songs as thos of Dudl t Shchlkan vich Mikhailo Kozarinov Tsar Kalin Princ Roman Dmitrivich an d wif his M aria Yfir vna. THE ELDER AND THE YOUNGER BOGATYRI. Th cycl of th hroic pics falls into two p r iods : ( I ) th Eldr Bogatyri and ( 2 ) th Youngr or th Kivit bo g at y n ' th tals of whom ar cntrd round Princ

6 THE ELDER B OGATYRI Vlad i mir th rd sun. Th formr rsmbl ra thr supr natur al bi'ngs : thy ar charactrisd by th powr of transform g in thmslvs into animals and possss such xtraord i nary str n g th that it bcoms a burdn vn to Th lattr ar mor lik mn do not trans thmslvs. form thir human statur : thir strngth al bit not to th sam dgr as with t h formr is mployd usfully in combating nmis in th prsons of th popls hostil to th S lav nations and to ths fos popular fancy has transfrrd many of th G th l mrit s {attributs r ar st il l xtant of t i) s th ELDER THE of BOGATYRI' lgnds Sv y ato g or of Volga and Miki il a Slianinovich i.. Nicholas th Vil lagr s son. Sv y ato g o is a r bo g at y r of titanic siz a giant of marvl l ous strn gth which is a burdn to His inability to himslf. us it has mad him immir himslf in th arth to his kns whn h mrly wantd to lift a doubl shoul dr - bag. Sv y ato g or in du cours handd to Ilia Mfirom t s his strngth and his stl H is a symbol of th forcs sword. of Natur. VolgaBusl avich has mor human qualitis. H typifis th habits of th huntr. Popular fantasy idntifid him with a historical prsonag Olg th Wis ( 88 3 9 1 2 Volga collcts tribut from th subj ct popls an d is occupid with catching wil d basts fish and birds for which purpos h transforms himslf into animals. H wins a victory outsid Constantinopl in a miraculous way ovr th Turkish Saltan. Miki il a Slianinovich typifis th agricultural man whom th arly Russians honourd abov th warrior and th This can b xmplifid from this story : huntsman. that Volgais stting out to collct tribut and mts Mikula on th way and proposs to him thy should j ourny forth Miki ' ila agrs but on th way rmmbrs that togthr. h has lft a plough in th Th companions of ground. Volgaar first snt to ftch it and thn Volgahimsl f but non of thm can p ull it At last Miki il himslf drags a up. It out and hrin shows th quality of his strngth his dxtrity patinc car and Mikula Slianinovich skill. _

THE YOUNGER B OGATYRI 7 ma y b considrd to b transitional to th Youngr Bo g at y ri th contmporaris of Anothr mdiat Vladimir. typ is th prson of th pasant Uia Muromts th cham pion of th p opl. Th Youngr b0 at l ar much GER THE YOUN BOGATYRI mor numrous g ag; th ' Eldr. Thy ar al so call d p ol m c y a word which has bn drivd from p ol (fild). Th y constitut in thmslvs almost a popl scattrd locall y th ough subsquntly th wr cntrd at Kiv around th gntl Princ Vladimir an thn rprsntd not only thir original homs (.g. Aliosh a Popovich of Rostovj D obrynia Nikitich of Riazan but also ty p ifid classs of socity sons of prists th ( in Russia parish prists ar not clibat) th bo y ars (nobls) th druzh ' ln y (th rtainrs of noblmn) and th pasants. Princ Vladimir who taks Th th part of King Arthur in this Russian cycl is a historical charactr but is a con tamination of two princs of Kiv Vladimir I and Vl adi mir II who rignd 97 0-1 0 1 5 and 1 0 53-1 1 26 rspctivly. Th principal of th Youngr bo g at y ri ar Dobrynia Nikitich Alyosha Popovich Ch uril o Pol nkovich and abov all th popl s favourit Ilia Muromts th bau idéal of th bo g at y r i. Th ir charactrs ar wll and consistntly dvlopd in th is cycl of lgnd and : th varity and livlinss of dscription constituts this pic cycl on of th most rmarkabl p roducts of any popular litratur. Th various dds of th bo g at y ri hav com down to us in th hroic cycl of Kiv of th Rpublic of Novgorod and som indpndnt Th N ovgorod cycl springs poms. from th sparat history of that city - stat and is quit distinct from th Kiv B ut in gnral ths pic cycl. poms consist of short sparat pisods writtn in th unrhymd accntual mtr of th at Ths poms fall tim. undr two hads th b y lin ( b allad ) and th songs. ( I ) Th b y l in is a nam givn by th popl itslf ( drivd probably from b y lé th past) and signifis a story of an vnt that rally happnd as opposd to a lgnd ( skaz ka) which is concivd of as a composition or invntion.

8 THE YOUNGER B OGATYRI Almost all b y l in y bgin with a dscri p tion of a f ast in th capital city of Kiv followd by storis of th fats of th bo g at y m whthr visiting th Princ from afar or ' j ournying away from Kiv at th bhst of th Princ. ( 2 ) Th songs gnrally contain non of ths dta i ls not vn th nam of th bo g at y r nor of th nmy With whom h h fought nor as th dtails of th In combat. fact th song givs a condnsd and trs pictur of th bo g at y r lif and may b classd as lyrical potry or as th s pic styl of th b y l in a which is B oth b narrativ. y l ī n y and th lyrical songs in th mattr of xposition bar th tracs of popular Bsids th prvalnc of composition. miraculous lmnt th y ar charactrisd with a vast th mass of xaggratd vrsions of facts of positiv and ngativ simils and standing pithts. Th mtr prsnts vn to a It diflicultis Russian. was ssntial ly basd on th musical accompanimnt on th on hand and on th oldr Russian accntuation on th othr so that th ft of th vrss might within rason consist of varying numbr of In English a syllabls. similar fatur xists to a limitd xtnt in what is known as th Christabl mtr Th charactristic mtr is a lin of four or fiv chorics al ways trminating in a It dactyl. is howvr impossibl to illustrat this in English and : vn th modrn Russian imitations f a il for thy ar infctd with th spokn rgularity of modrn lyrical vrs. It may b addd that thr prhaps hardly xists any so bautiful and continuous folk litratur of th - Russian. But it was not litratur in th full sns it had no form or ida and was not Whn xposd to highr writtn. forms such folk - songs prish of for thy ar inanition ssntiall v non - adaptabl.

CHAPTER II. THE BEGIN NINGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE. Christianit y was introducd into Russia at th nd of th X cntury by Princ Vladimir I and a dlgation was snt from Constantinopl th sat of th Eastrn Empir and of t h Orthodox Church to convrt Russia. Ths missionaris brought with thm th Bibl and cclsiastical books which had alrady bn translatd into a Slav spch closly akin to Russian. Thus th Russians had from th first on grat advantag that from th arlist days of th introduction of Christianity its mssag was dlivrd not in Grk or Latin which w ould hav bn unintlligibl but in a. form comprhnsibl to th popl. Thrby a scur foundation was laid for litracy and litratur and a first stp mad towards th cultural training of Russia in lttrs. But bfor coming to th cours of dvlopmnt of Russian litratur som rfrnc must b mad to th authors of Russian lttrs. Amongst othrs Saint Cyril and Mthodius had normous influnc on th fostring of Russian writing and litratur. SAINTS om AN D METHODIUS. Saints G y mand Mth Od wr th sons of a Grk govrnor Ld and wr born at Salonica in Macdonia. Mthodius was th ldr brothr : th dat of his birth is not kn own but h did in 8 55 A D.. H srvd in' th army was th administrator of a Grk district in which thr dwlt many Slavs. In th midst of his prosprity Mthod ius sacrificd vrything bcam a monk in on of th monastris on Mount Olympus. Cyril th youngr brothr who was calld Constantin 9

i o BEGINN INGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE until h ntrd a monastry was born in 82 7 and in did. 86 9 H rcivd a. th orough ducation at th Byzantin court with th Emp r or H too thrw ovr th Michal. Court and bcam a monk and ultimatly librarian in th Cath dral of Saint Sophia. H lovd solitud and lft th capital but rturnd to Constantinopl at his fr nds i rqust and bcam a lcturr on Evn In h is philosophy. twnty fourth yar - h had bn an ardnt vanglist dfnding Christianity against t h Mahomtans amongst th Grks of Littl Asia and against th Jws amongst th Kh in ozars th Crima. His brothr Mthodius took a dp intrst in th travls of his brothr and shard with him in all his slf - abngations in th caus of th Faith and proslytism. Cyril on day hard that th Slavs living in Grc wr aftr baptism rvrting to hathndom as thy could not undrstand t h Church srvic and thr for h st himslf to compos an alphabt to mt all th rquirmnts of th Slavonic spch with its many sounds. His lttrs h took principally from th Grk al phabt som from Hbrw som Armnian and som from Coptic. Having mad his alphabt Cyril with th assistanc of his brothr Mth odius translatd into Slavonic th ncssary books of ritual and ths wr usd amongst th Byzantin Slavs and thnc probably sprad to th B ol g ars (thn a Finnish trib) wh o wr convrtd in th yar 861. Th priod of th gratst activity of th two brothrs was during thir rsidnc in Moravian Th Moravia. princs sing that th popl wr unabl to apprhnd vn th lmntary truths of Christianity addrssd thm slvs to th Byzantin Empror Michal ; who slctd Cyril for th Th succss of th Slavonic mission purpos. in Moravia arousd and alarmd th Grman Hirarchy which drading th loss of its influnc on th Moravians impugnd ths first missionrs bfor Pop Nicholas I. Pop Th summond th brothrs to Rom for trial but it was his succssor Adrian II who hard thm and so far from ltting thm b trid mad Mthodius a Bishop and snt him to Moravia whr h livd for sixtn yars mor. Cyril worn out with toil did at Rom.

BEGINNINGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE 1 1 Th first ndavours to s rad THE SPREAD or LITERACY. litracy in Russia ar i) b tracd immdiatly aftr th convrsion of Saint Vladimir (97 0 Th ancint Chronicls tll us how Vladimir built schools attachd to th churchs at which h dirctd childrn wr to b Yaroslav I th Wis 7 taught. 8-1 054) himsl? continud his fathr s work an d furthr bought rad copid and transcribd such books as wr thn con sidrd pious an action which was thn considrd pious and a stp towards salvation. It was th n that th ancint library at th Cathdral of Saint Sophia at Novgorod was foundd. It was a frtil soil for litratur and as arly as th first half of th XI cntury th first litrary productions But as Byzantium influncd Russia ithr appard. dirctly or indirctly th rough th Bulgarian Slavs it followd that th first Russian modls wr mrly Grk originals or translations and adaptations from th Bulgar Th principal obj ct of sprading th knowldg of ian. lttrs in th first priod was th dsir to giv th popl litrat prists and thrfor th litrats in Russia wr mostly th clrgy and th rligious Thir aims in houss. litrary production wr confind to th copying transla tion and rwriting of th prcpts srmons and th pistls. Th first authors in Russia wr th Mtropolitan of Ki v Hilarion and th Bishop of Novgorod Zhidiata Luka. Zhidiéta th Bishop of Novgorod (did in 1 060) is known by his admonition to th diocs of Novgorod th Prcpt to brthrn which contains an xposition of th Our o b ligations of Christianity th Christian to God to his nighbour and This adm onition is rmarkabl for himslf. his l a nguag which is most pur colloquial Russian and is th first xampl of prcpts fr from Byzantin rhtoric. Hilarion th mtropolitan of Kiv was th first Russian author on th Law g ivn b y M oss an d on bn volnc and truth which p rocd f rom j s us Christ h incl udd in his book a laudation of Saint Vladimir and forms of prayr. Hil arion manifsts much knowldg of thology and dis p lays oratorical art.

I 2 BEGINNINGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE Thr is still xtant a Manuscript THE OSTROM I R GOSPEL. of about 1 0 5 0 a transcript of th gospl mad by Dacon Grgory for th g ovrnor of N o vgorod Ost romir. Th MS was finishd In. 1 057 Is writtn on a magnificnt parchmnt in a larg hand writing with gildd illuminations dcoratd ca p it als and four larg paintings of th Th Manuscript Evanglists. is now prsrvd in th Imprial Public Library at Ptro grad and is th oldst monumnt in Slavonic and all Slav popls look with rvrnc at this priclss xampl of th of writing of arly Russia art all th mor as th Russians alon of th Slavs hav bn abl to kp such a trasur of th ancint Th Ost romir Gospl manuscript. is all th mor important as it is writtn in th ancint Slav lan g uag almost uncontaminatd in its most ancint styl vn : th dparturs from t h ncssitis of this languag ar rmarkabl as thy indicat th pculiaritis of two dialcts th southrn or Danubian and trans- th northrn of Russia. NESTOR Th tradition is that Nstor livd at th nd of th XI and bginning of th XI I H is cntury. considrd th most ancint chroniclr of His Russia. compilation of Chronicls is hadd Th s ar th tals of th yars in thir sasons whnc cam th Russian Land wh o in Kiv ruld in Kiv and whnc th Russian land hath arisn. Thr is vry littl known about th history of Nstor. This much is rliabl that h ntrd monastic lif at th ag of svntn about th yar 1 0 73 and thrfor must hav bn born in or about th yar 1 0. 56 In 1 0 9 1 h was dputd to find th rlics of Saint Thodosia Tliodosius of th Pchchora (a sacrd rtrat nar Kiv ) and h carrid out his Modrn savants hav com to th mission. conclusion that th author of th Tal of th y ars in thir sason Nstor s is a rathr lgndary bing j ust lik th I g urnn [had of a monastry th Grk fiy ofi p vosfl Sylvstr whos nam is found in t h rgistrs furthr th nam of th author says on of th latst authoritis is of no consqunc what is of much :

A SECULAR LITERATURE. THE PRECEPTS or VLADIMIR II. 1 4 BEGINNINGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE charactr of CHARACTER OF Th THE THE CHRON th chronicls d ICLES. pnds on th condition of cultur and rank of standing of th chroniclrs who utilizd many sourcs without x r cising much critic i sm and vn confusd facts and dlibrat invntions or fantasis. Th chroniclrs wr ntirly cclsiastics and gnrally monks : hnc th chronicls ar prmatd with a pro found rligious Th first ags fling. p ar d v otd to a dscription of th progrss of Christianity in Russm Much : spac is givn up to th quipmnt of th Chronicls to spcification of th th immrsion of th Cross and icons also to conscration for th copying of books. is markd THE EXPOSITION OF EVENTS S h j éfigzg n yir s idth absnc I N THE of CHRONICLE. cohrnc or connction vnts ar narratd in strict chronological ordr and th succssion of th yars is obsrvd so strictly that th yars ar in som cass blanks whol pags in th Chronicl ar takn up with a list of th yars. Th languag is Church Slavonic and 01d Russian. Church - Slavonic is prsrvd in xprssions with rligious import or borrowd from Holy I n th currnt writ. chronicl th languag is Russian which owing to th pic ton of th Chronicl approximats to th colloquial languag. This languag is spcial ly val uabl for philology which tracs in it th principal marks of Old Russian spch. THE Ex TENT or RUSSIAN c ULTU RE. THE RELIGIOUS TREND I N RUSSIAN LITERATURE. THE FIRST ATTEMPTS To FOUND 1 0 53 1 1 26. As litracy sprad with Christianity it was considrd ncssary not so much for th gnral dvlopm nt of th intllctual and spiritual facultis as for th purpos of satisfying th dman ds of pity : h n c th Rus s ians in th XI and XII cnturis whilst collcting quit con sidrabl libraris and rading and transcribing from Grk or didactic books confind thmslvs xclusivly to r li g ion.

BEGINN INGS OF WRITTEN LITERATURE 1 5 Hnc it may b undrstood that th first attmpts at a scular litratur in th XI and XII cnturis wr bound to bar th imprss of a strong rligious influnc. This may b sn in th Prc p t s o f Vladimir I I on of th first ssays to crat scular litratur. Vladimir II was on of th most culturd and clar sightd princs of his tim. H was too wis not to s th srious position of th Russian priod. H was always obsssd with th anxity for th Land of Russia torn and wrackd with dissnsions and abov all with far for hi s own sons who would inhrit from him. H introducs his prcpts with an account of th rasons for which h is In 1 0 99 h had onl y just trminatd writing. th brothrs ' fuds and conciliatd th othr rivalris and was on his way hom by th Volga whn h was grtd with an mbassy from his cousins calling on him to fight th R ostisl avichi of Galicia. Envoys from my broth rs mt m on th Volga said : Com and j oin us : and. lt us xpl th Rostislavichi and annx thir lands : and if you will not j oin us rmain whr you ar : and w will act for ourslvs. I answrd thm Evn th ough you b angry I cannot com with you and b rak my oath. Th thrat of th brothrs to scd for rfusal his t tak part o in th nw fud bittrly offndd Vladimir. Opnin g his favourit book with which h nvr partd th psaltr his y fll on th psal m whrfor art thou afflictd oh my soul wh y dost thou confound m Th words of th psalm soothd him and h rsolvd to writ an admonition for his sons. As a practical man h strov to rconcil th Christian idal with th obligations which th social and famil y rlations of his tim thrust on th man in th world. This Short manual is dividd into thr parts. In th first h nj oins on sons his to control thir ys to rstrain thir tongu to appas th mind subdu th body and rprss angr and practic purity of thought. h prachs an vanglical gntlnss which was N? q (rit unusual in that rmot poch. H ss all vil in p g an practics and thrfor maks his rligious attitud p irom a

I 6 ELEVENTH AN D TWELFTH CENTURIES innt all through th Rpntanc tars and alms book. ar th bst virtus whrwith to rdm sin : and th bst prayr in Vl adimir s ys is Lord hav mrcy on m a Th scond part of th instruction touchs sinnr. on th dutis of th princ as a In this part h shows rulr. his fin qualitis which h wishs to s in his childrn. Not to forgt th poor th orphand to assist widows not to slay whthr th just man nor th g uilty and not to bid othrs to slay thm. Knowing th hdlssnss of th Russian h adviss him not to rly on a bailiff nor a hnchman in ordr that non may mock his hous or his rpast. Farthr on h dos not forgt th dutis of a warrior and adviss princs to kp th sntry posts undr thir own scrutiny. Svral tims h rpats t h words b not slothful. In th third part Vladimir numrats his xpditions th thirtn grat ons and 8 3 littl ons and tlls of his toils in war and th chas. Th Manual is curious in this rspct that in th cours of dirctions on th idal dutis of th princ as a Christian and rulr it also givs picturs of th lif of princs of that tim and lif in th Russia of th XIII cntury. Th sympathy with childrn th wish to do thm good th kn intrst in th vnts of th tim giv th injunctions brvity simplicity and naturalnss. A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE PROFAN E LITERATURE OF THE XI CENTURY AN D THE BEGI N NI N G OF THE XI I. Th p r c p ts o f Vladimir I I though blonging to scular litratur bar th immdiat trac of th cclsiastical. And it is vry significant that th authors of ths produc tions wr laymn who probably wr th first to b movd by th conviction that th clrgy bing proccupid with th gnral human aspct and problms xclusivly rligious and dogmatic and bing attractd by idal ndavours a ftr Christianity was ill - adaptd to supply th nds of th contmporary Russian Ths first monumnt s socity. of litratur xposd th nds of th tim and provid a vry\ caustic disclosur of th dficincis o f socity. Th l

ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH CENTURIES 1 7 mass oft h popl undvlopd and to an xtnt of at last hal f practically hathns was scarcly fittd to rgard th problms of lif consciously and was ntirly absorbd in th task of consrving its simpl toilful xistnc from th dangrs which mnacd it from al l In th sids. momnts of lisur and rst popular imagination could not ris abov th lvl of lgnds th lgacis of immmorial tradition and hroic songs in which th prid was in tlling of miraculous physical strngth which srvd to safguard a limitd prosprity whrby a fw rud ncssitis wr Hnc it is comprhnsibl that th first authofs satisfid. of scular litratur in Russia wr princs and noblmn whos matrial position was Thy had a mrry scur. and plntiful xistnc with th princs wh fd and clothd o thm and shard thir booty with This rank of th thm. druzhin y [ th rtainrs ] was in many rspcts privilgd and advantagous and mad thm th lading class and th most important in th old Russian schm of socity and confrrd on thm th possibility of taking a srious and conscious intrst in th vnts of contmporary lif as thy that th bst mmbrs of So th druzhin y occurrd. thn sought thir idals not in th masss of th popl which wr intllctually infrior to thm not in th clrgy which thy dmd suprior to vry - day work but in thir nobl and princly AS a consqunc of midst. this th minstrls of th Druzhina class fairly corrctly ascribd th causs of th fuds to th lack of patriotism to th prfrnc for prsonal slf-intrsts ovr th common intrsts of th whol of Russia and surroundd with an aurol of glory th nam of thos princs who only shd Pagan blood not to inj ur but to prsrv Russia and to rscu hr from forign fos.

CHAPTER I I I. THE MONUMEN TS OF THE TWELFTH CEN TURY. Th principal rcord of th conscious and propr rlati o n of th druzhina in th lif of Russia in th XII cntury I S th Tal of th x p di tion o f I g or This tal is on of th. bst songs composd by th minstr l s of th druzhin y i n honour of th os princs who stand for th idal of t h bst tndncis of th ptty Courts. Th Tal consrvs rmains of hathn blifs and this was why a knowldg of a production so highl y potic was so littl sprad amongst t h writtn litratur in Russia and in tim was compltly forgottn it was only rdis covrd at th nd of th XVII I cntury by th wll known litératur and antiquary Count Musin - It was Pushkin. printd and publishd for th first tim in 1 80 5 but th incorrctnss of th copyist who probably could not rad th ancint handwriting causd man y rrors to crp into th txt and it could not b rvisd with th original as th lattr was burnd in th fir togthr with th whol of Musin - Pushkin library in th grat fir of Moscow of s 1 81 2. Nothing is known of th pot who was th author of th Som larnd ditors hav opind that h was Tal. illitrat and that his pom was writtn down by a scrib from mmory in consqunc of which th mtr was distortd and som Church Slavonic lmnts introducd. Th author of th Tal dscribd th conflict o f th Ol g ovichi and Monomakhovichi (rival familis dscndants of Vladimir II).

THE TWELFTH CE NTURY 1 9 In 1 1 7 6 Vsvolod I iirvich grandson of Vladimir II was Grand Princ : but th sat of govrnmnt had by thn bn rmovd to Vladimir (a city nar Moscow ) to which rgion th political cntr of gravity was thn dfinitly At Kiv th r rignd th ldst of th Ol shiftd. g ovichi Svyatoslav Vsévolodovich who assumd th titl of Grand Th first yars of Vsévolod rign wr occupid s Princ. with savag warfar with princs Two Svyatoslav. Riiirik and Dav y d stand out fr from amongst th Mono makhovichi and on th othr sid Igor and Vsvolod th sons of Th formr of ths distinguishd Svyatoslav. himslf in a brill iant victory ovr th Khans ( rulrs ) of th Polovtsy (savag Turanian nomads who had bn infsting Russia for som fifty yars) Kob y Ak and Konchak in 1 1 7 1 in th rign of th Grand Princ Andrw B o g o liiibski. But th Ol g ovichi had oftn dishonourd thmslvs by availing thmslvs of th assistanc of t h Polovtsy. Thus in 1 1 81 Vsvolod was prominnt in th ranks of th Polovt sy who had bn hird by Svyatoslav to srv against th Grand Igor himsl f actd as th ladr of ths Princ. Polovtsy but was dfatd nar Kiv by a M on omakh ovich Rii irik R ostislavich Thus this appal to th. Pl ovst y h ad cast a slur on th Ol g ovichi in th ys of th popl which was mor attachd to th dscndants of th Mono makhovichi who had always facd th In 1 1 81 th Polovtsy. southrn Russian Princs had armd against th Polovtsy. Th xpdition in which Igor th princ of Novgorod Sévrski. [ a town nar Kursk ] and his brothr Vsvolod of Trubch [ anothr principality in th sam rgion ] rfusd to tak part was succssful. In 1 1 8 5 Igor and Vsvolod thmslvs undrtook an xpdition against th Pl ovots y and thr wnt thm with Igor s son Vl adimir th princ of Putivl and Sif y a t oslav of It this foray was which srvd as th thm for Rylsk. th Th Chronicl rlats that th princs as thy Tal. nard th saw th standing lik th moon Don Sun : and thy took this clips as an vil omn and informd Igor accordingly who howvr paid no rgard to th portnt and crossd th Don At. Oskolk h waitd two

20 THE TWELFTH CENTURY day s for his brothr Vsvolod from Th first Kursk. battl with th Polovtsy was favourabl to th s orussran and th Druzhina capturd th whol of th n rms camp _ as thir scond was unfortunat Th an dtrminatd booty. with th ca tur of th p Th rpntanc of Igor as princs. portrayd In th Chronicl finly st forth th fright ful misry which th popl had to ndur from ths fuds. Whilst Igor was in captivity a Polovts Lavor cam to him and advisd him to fl offring his hlp but Igor dclind on th pla that h woul d not sully himslf with an vil But on scond thoughts h foll owd th rput. advic of th mn and rsolvd on flight an d succdd in H rturnd with his son Vladimir (who had scaping. marrid a daughtr of th Khan of th Polovtsy) and with brothr his Vsvolod. A comparison of th story as told in th Chronicl and in th Tal shows that his potic narrativ is much Sh arpr and circumstantial in dpicting th poch Igor s xpdi. tion itslf an unimportant dtail in was chosn by th pot owing to h patriotic fling and is h is rgard for th. intrsts of his Th potry is spcial ly strong in tim. t h Dram of Svyatoslav III and th Plaint of Yaroslavna. In its languag th Tal prsnts som rsmblanc in its pic turns with th modrn Southrn Russian potry. g th simil of th battl as a banqut or as th toil of th husbandman th comparison of a wping woman with a cuckoo (in th Plaint of Y arosl avn a) or with a turtl dov or som othr Ancint forms hav bn con bird. srvd in th lan g uag and for - tokns of th Southrn Russian It has bn translatd into modrn dialct. Russian by Maikovski Mi and Min av.. Our prachrs fostrd THE SERMON OF CYRIL TUROVSKI. on th Bibl and both Tstamnts imbibd th concptions and viws thr con tain d and ducatd thmslvs to th calld univrsal so - Christian spirit whilst on th othr hand thy followd th intrprtations and xplanations of th B y z antin writrs and thus bcam imbud with thir taching a nd idals such as th asctic attitud towards lif vry

CHAPTER IV. THE MONUMENTS OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. DA NIEL THE PRISON ER Th r of Danil th Prisonr ra is nfirl y y mad up of th P arabl s o f Sol and th omon B ooks o f th Wisdom of j s us th son o f Sirach It is aimd at softning th hart of wrath of. th princ of Pr y aslavl ( n Kiv) who was a patron of ar H natly combins xtracts from th b ooks Danil. abov mntiond with Russian provrbs with rproachs at th vnts of th tim in Russia which hav a purly autobio g raphical Wh o Danil th Prisonr was intrst. w do not From his work which vry much plasd know. Russian for th affctdnss of th styl it is littératnrs clar that h was on frindl y trms with th Princ of Pr y ésl av l Yaroslav Vsévol odovich who bcam an g ry with him and banishd him to Lak Lach (in th prsnt provinc of Olonts) It is not known whthr. h rcivd pardon. From al l of th forgoing w s that th soil for cultur in Russia manifstd itslf vry suitabl that litracy which was th first stag had no difficulty in pntrating all th uppr ranks of socity and sprad prtty vnly according to th classs that th lov of collction and transcribing books was th sam in th clrgy amongst th princs and thir druzhin y : but that th Tatar atrocitis with thir trribl rsults almost annihilatd th bginnings of th ancint Russian This was th onl y body civilization. that kpt aliv ths commncmnts of nl ightnmnt on th national soil of Russia bfor th XII I cntury th

THE THIRTEEN TH CENTURY 23 Church : and this was why th nomad Tatars who so swiftly conqurd th gratr portion of th Russian dominions wr not to b attractd and struck by th pictur of th sttld civil lif which th found in xistnc in Russia y But th suprstitious imagination of th hal f - savag Hord was as it wr amazd at th pictur of th rligious lif of old Russia by th multitud of magnificnt churchs and rich monastris th splndour and ordr of th out ward crmonial sid of th divin Thus th ffct srvic. was that a y arl y k [a Tatar word incorporatd into Russian maning somthing btwn chartr or prrogativ ] was grantd to th clrgy and promulgatd th rlas of th Church from tribut and confrrd xmptions whrby th Tatar Khans vidntly ndavour d to curry favour with th Church and to dispos of it to thir advantag. Thus th clr g y scur bhind th monastry walls occupid thir tim not only with transcribing chronicls mis c llanis and translations of th XI XI I and XIII cnturis but also bgan working to rais th rligious spirit and th mora l ity of th masss. Th clrgy rgardd th Tatar invasion as thy told thir congrgation in thir admoni tions as a Divin chastismnt for Sin and obsrvanc of Pagan customs. Srapion th Bishop of Vladimir has lft us som rmarkabl srmons in this arduous priod of Russian history. SERAPION. All that w know from th Chronicls for crtain of this important prsonag of his tim is that h was vry larnd and arnst in divin lor and that in 1 2 74 h was promotd from bing archimandrit of th Kiv Pch rski monastry to b Bishop of Vladimir and in 1 275 that h Svn of his tratiss ha v com did. down to In thm h xhorts his flock to r p n t nc us. to rdmption from punishmnt and wo snt by th dvil as a pnalty for Amongst th misris h includs th sin. Tatar incursion.

CHAPTER V. THE MONUMENTS OF THE FOURTEEN TH CEN TURY. Som facts about th Tatar yok THE ZAn on SHCHI N A stirrd t h minds and imaginations. of contmporaris and ths found xprssion in a whol sris of tals which wr calld prcatory on account of t h imprssion thy producd on th Th most radr. rmarkabl of ths ar th tal of th slaying of Mamai and th Zadén shchina ( drivd from Dan th victory of Dmitri Donskoi ovr th Tatars in Ths composi tions disrgarding thir mor or lss prtntious styl ar markd for thir sincrity thir limitlss hat of th Tatar and thir fllow fling with th Russian popl which was th victim of th lamntabl Spcial intrst opprssion. attachs to th Zadénsh china as an imitation of th Tal of th Expdition of Igor. Th Zadénsh china is only on of th narrativs of th Battl of Kulikovo It found for itslf a worthy minstrl lik th author of th Tal of Igor it procds to find imitators of this pom and truth to say not artistic instanc th For ons. prolix farwll lamnt of Dmitri s wif is a flabby and vacuous plagiarism on Lamnt of Yarosl In th. avna. th plac of Boyan th Zadonsh chin spaks of a wis Boyar a a marvllous fiddlr in Kiv th potical imag of th nightingal of oldn tims 1 3 turnd into a lark a summr bird th j oy of a summr day or a nighting al which is invitd to sing th glory of Dmitri Iv a novich

To THE MIDDLE OF THE XVII CENTURY. THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY 2 5 Don skéi. This tal of th Zadénsh china is ascribd to a Boyar ( no bl) Sofroni. A mongst th productions of th XIV cntu APOCRY PHA ar th so cal ld apocryphal tal s. Tha. bc am part of Russian litratur vry arly and lastd into th XVI Thy wr Spurious storis of cntury. rligious contnt such as Th Commandmn t of Adam Th P ra y r o f Sth En och j a cob ' s Laddr Th Command mnt of th Twlv P atriarchs Th J o urn y o f th M othr of G od throu g h H ll tc. THE LITERATURE FROM THE TIME OF IVAN THE TERRI BLE Th nd of th XVI cntury marks th trmination of th ancint priod of Russian It was a tim whn litratur. in socity thr was no ori g inal lif no positiv intrsts no rspct for prsonal righ ts or public Political opinion. circumstancs aidd in concntrating powr in t h hands of th princs to th most prilous Russian xtnt. socity up to this tim had passd through this xtrmity in dvloping thos principls which had inform its lif d and surroun dd on al l sids with th most unfavourabl conditions for any furthr volution svrd from Europan influnc by hostil and nvious nighbours it had to contnt itsl f with what it had workd out for itslf by its own dvics and scantd Hnc it cam about mans. that in that part of socity which was mor pron to apathy and stagnation anothr disas showd itslf not lss srious namly a fals and prsumptuous notion of th import and valu of vrything Russian as an indisputabl modl not nding any modification : and togthr with this conviction th utmost rvulsion from anything forign a mistrust and drad of any innovation howvr vidntly Howvr in opposi advantagous. tion to ths xtrm connctions thr had also grown u ' p undr th influnc of crtain casual conditions som distant chos of th vast progrssiv movmnt which was guiding all of Europ in th XV and XVI cnturis known as th At this poch on of strif of Rnascnc.

26 THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY various lmnts it was th fat of Russia to possss on of th most notabl of our social and litrary actors of th XVI \ cntury. Th man was M th G k 1 5 axim r a M AX M THE GREEK " monk of Athos who was invitd to Russia to catalogu a larg library of Grk manuscripts that had accumul atd in t h library of th Grand Princ Vasili I oannovich ( 1 479 Fortunatly h livd in Russia th gratr half of his lif and acclimatizd himslf was drawn with an intns longing to nlightn Russia which was so rich in moral and intllctual powrs : and th a nks to his lif of slf - dnial h succdd in ducating a gnration of nw Russians qualifid to divorc thmslvs from th dradful activitis of th XVI cntury to out distanc thm and procd farthr on th road o f a dvlop mnt mor intllctual and thical. Maxim th Grk was invitd to Russia in 1 5 1 8 ; at th ag of 3 8 H had spnt th gratr part of his youth in. Northrn Italy which in th XV cntur was th rfu g of th Grk savants wh o sought safty mm th Turkish In Italy h taught th old classics whom h oftn yok. calld his first tachr : but h was qual ly famil iar with modrn l anguags Italian and famous Th Frnch. Florntin rformr Savonarola th vigorous upholdr of arly Christian idals and morality against th luxury and ' p r ofli g ac y of th mannrs of that day and th arbitrarins s of th clrgy had byond doubt grat in flunc on Maxim. From Italy h rturnd to Grc and at Athos t ook his vows as a On his arrival at Moscow h did not monk. contnt himslf with his modst position as a transl a tor and corrctor of cclsiastical and sacrd books but dirctd his attntion xclusivly to polmics against fals tachings which wr currnt in th Russian C hurch and xposd th principal social in suffic incis. Th civil disordr during th rign of Basil l oan novich ( 1 479 to 1 533) and th minority of Ivan I V ( 1 53 0 to 1 5 8 4) furnishd ampl matrial for th condmnatory work o f Max im. Altogthr h wrot 1 4 0 works in Russia. Most of thm wr writtn to combat th Jud aizin g hrsy in 1

THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY 2 7 Russia as wll as th attmpts to Romaniz and th attacks on orthodoxy as also against th fals intrprtation by th orthodox of rli g ious dogmas Calumnis by h is nmis consignd Maxim as a hrtic to th Volokolam ski Ivan t h IV had him transfrrd to th monastry. Troits - Srgivski convnt whr h did. THE DOM OSTRéI. A dtaild account of th Domostrois ( a translation into Russian of th Grk oin ové p th managmnt of a os hous whnc th modrn notion of conomics ) is of mor importanc to th history of th habits of that tim than to litrary As a litrary product it is an xprssion history. of convictions and opinions prvailing in Th socity. Domostréi ascribd to Pop l s ( prist ) Sylvstr th tutor and advisr morality of Ivan It consists of in 6 3 chap IV. trs and an Th author xpounds th ruls introduction. according to which lay should conduct th th mslvs manag thir houss thir family lif and thir dmanour to thos around Th Dombst réi covrs t h whol thm. fild of th highr and lowr rquisits in social bhaviour and th nds and vn th gracs of Th most mannrs. curious sctions ar th chaptrs dsc r ibing th position of th Russian woman in th XVI cnt u ry both in th uppr and lowr prusal of parts of t h circls. Domostroi is rcommndd to thos who want to gt a clar prsntation of famil y lif in Russia in th XVI cntury. Th scribs and commntators THE I NTRODUCTION OF had grivously mutilatd th PRI NTI N G I NTO RUSSIA Txts of Holy Th Mtro Writ. politan M ac arius prsuadd Tsar Ivan to introduc printd books into Russia as th only mans of providing a g ainst such With this obj ct corruption. th first ty p ographr was summond from Dnmark and was a ssignd as assistants two dacons Ivan Fodorov and Ptr Timofv Mn sh al ovt sv Thus printing was. first brought into Russia almost svntn yars aftr th first Slavonic book had bn printd at Cracow and at last thirty yars aftr thr had bn printing A.

2 8 THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY in S lav la n g u ags and Cyrillic Slav t Th y rason p. for this tard i nss in introducing printing is not mrly th mistrust and drad of any innovation but also th spcial circumstancs of socitv of that poch rgarding knowldg of lttrs and writing. Two 0f win I V AND ANDREW 14 1 10 1 11 1 1 0 v KURB SKI th prin. ci p al figurs of th scond half of th XVI cntury wr Ivan IV and Andrw Mikh ailovic h Kurbski. Th scular litratur of this cntury rvals a livly pictur of th actual conditions of th conflict of two opposit principls which obtaind in th socity of ancint Ivan IV Russia. as a writr in many rspcts shows th influnc on himslf of his ag of svr and troubld childhood and his his H litrary work was a corrspondnc with is ducation. Princ Kurbski and a mssag to Kozma th i g wmn of th Monastry of Saint C v ril at Both of ths Bloozro. dsrv spcial attntion. Ivan s writings prov him to hav bn rudit wll acquaintd with t h Scripturs and translations of th Fathrs of th Church t h Russian Ch ronicls and chrono graphs from which b drivd knowldg vn of univrsal history that of Rom and This wid rading is Grc. combind with an astonishing lack of ducation h oftn dos not know how to us and arrang t h stor of informa tion facts and idas which h trasurd in his mmory. Hnc his xposition is confusd h lumbrs up his para graphs with mass of citations apposit or inapposit a : his styl fails of lucidity whrvr h tris to xprss his thoughts in bookish fashion and disdains to us th simpl popular mannr in which h was H wrot two adpt. lttrs to Kurbski of which on is long nough to mak a whol Kurbski wrot Ivan four Th volum. lttrs. corrspondnc rangs from 1 573 to 1. 579 This famo u s corrspondnc startd aftr th btrayal of Ivan by Kurbski and th lattr s flight to Livonia and ntr y into th srvic of th King of Poland. In Kurbski s lttrs to th most powrful of th rulrs of Moscov y on may dtct th voic of a strong pr s on a lit y

CHAPTER VI. THE MODERN PERIOD. Bfor ntring on a rviw of th modrn p riod in Russian litratur it is ncssary to giv som spac to th ris of a nw cultur in South Wstrn Russia in th XVI cntury th progrss of ducation in th XVII to th schools and tachrs of that tim and lastly to th nw litrary principls introducd at Moscow by larnd mn from Kiv. During narly th whol of th sixtnth cntury all t h conditions of hom affairs at Moscow and in th Moscovit Stat continud most unfavourabl for th accptanc and sprad of cultur and consquntly most of North Eastrn Russia still languishd in th dpst gloom of ignoranc Fortunatly th bttr and nlight nd mn of that tim to a gratr xtnt than at any othr bgan to rcognis that ignoranc saps th bst forcs of th popl and is th caus of disordr moral political and conomic such as was crushing Russia of that th priod. Just about that tim on th South Wstrn and Wstrn bordrlands of Russia a spark of cultur was glowing which was dstind to b rfractd to good ffct in th far distant North East Th moving factors in this bordr. land wr t h so - calld Brothrhoods which first took a purly philanthropic charactr but subsquntly towards th nd of th XVI cntury bgan dircting thir fforts towards thc raising of th standard o f litracy in th popl

THE MODERN PERIOD 3 1 to a vry notabl d g Ths brothrhoods at th sam r. tim mad thmslvs prominnt as th saviours of th nation and th faith from th intrigus of th Jsuits. Th parish schools of th Church at first.tau g h t only rading and writing but towards th nd of th XVI cntury bgan taching languags Grk Slavonic Russian Latin and Polish grammar rhtoric potics dialctics thology and many oth r On! Princ Ostrt ski scincs. (so call d aftr Ostrog in Volh y nia) foundd such a school in his propritary villag of Ostrog in 1 5 80 About th. sam tim similar schools wr s t ablishd at Lvov Vilna Brst Minsk Mogilv and ( Most of ths towns Kiv. ar in Poland on th Polish Russian frontir on ithr sid It s should also b statd that whn Guttnbr g poch making invntion of printing was a r ousing th crookdst intrprtations an d vn suprstitious doubts at Moscow th vry cntr of Russian political lif th printing machin was bringing th gratst bnfits to th Russian population. On of th highr schools foundd at Kiv and attachd to th Church of t h Epiphany was in 1 594 calld th School of Hllnic - Slavonic and Latin - Polish larning. Ptr Mogila th son of a Moldavian gnral On ( 1 597 to 1 6 4 8) on of th most rmarkabl and nlightnd prsonalitis of that tim nabld th School of th Epiphany to xpand th sphr of its At his xpns h own work. snt monks and laymn abroad to complt thir ducation and qualify for th taching profssion. I ' n 1 6 3 1 Ptr Mogila rorganizd th brothrhood school into th Kiv Mo g i lianski Collg and at his own xpns built class - rooms and usd his larg inhritanc to ndow th Collg and provid scholarships for th poorst pupils h institutd a library and in pursuanc of his fforts to rais th standard of ducation foundd at Vinnica ( in Podolia ) a lowr pr paratory school to th Furthrmor Ptr Mogila gav up Collg. all his lisur to compil manuals school books and othr similar pro Th tit l Prin c is ambiguous in English. I ). n English it signifis on of th R o y al b lood but it is also usd to tran slat th R ussian km az th Grman Fw d a titl of a l arg landd - propritor.

3 2 THE MODERN PERIOD ductions such as according to contmporary pdagogic concptions would b likly to b distinctly usful in th dvlopmnt and training of t h pupils. In th XVI I cntury th Kiv Collg had bcom th modl of all highr ducational stablish mnts in South Wstrn Russia mting in full th dmands of th tim and rflcting th historical conditions undr which this ducation had dvlopd against which all th workrs had prforc to T h Kiv Mo g ilian ski Coll g contnd. which was rorganizd in 1 7 0 7 into an Acadmy rndrd Russian ducation immns and inval uabl srvics. Aftr th r - annxation of Littl - Russia to Russia ( 1 66 7) t h loqunt and artistic clrical orators wh o procdd to Moscow brought with thm nw idas togthr wit h thir ducatd lov of knowldg and rspct for it and thr thy at last succdd in implanting a consciousnss of th ncssity of ducation and finally through th trrific wapon of thir loqunc managd aftr a long and svr struggl to ovrcom th blaknss of th ignoranc and prjudic of th rli g ious and social schm of old Russia which voicd itslf in cavillings and accusations of hrsy. Th Kiv savants laid th first foundation of Russian classical litratur : th schools whic h mad thir first apparanc in Russia in th first half of th svntnth cntury as also th Acadmy foundd at Moscow towards th nd of that cntury usd th manual s of Lavrnti Zizani Tustan ovski (th first Slavonic grammar ) of Mlti Smotricki (his grammar was usd in th schools down to th tim of Lomonosov) Cyril Simon Trankvilion Polocki and many All of ths mn had rcivd thir othrs. ducation in th South - Wstrn schools and th Kiv Mo g i lianski Acadmy. Th Moscovit Stat was closing IGN ORANCE AN D THE PRESS its account with th past but was - still far from rcognising CORRECTORS. that th tim had com abov all to grappl with th problm of introducing ducation into its dominions alrady vry s p a c1 ous. Th popl was still imprssd with a vivid f ling of