reluctant to acknowledge them to others.

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13 Sources of Curses 7 Indications of Curses Derek Prince compiled a list of problems that indicate presence of curses.only one or two would not be sufficient, but when several of them are present, or when one of them recurs repeatedly, the probability of a curse increases proportionately.however, only the H.S. can give an accurate diagnosis. 1. Mental and/or emotional breakdown o 28 耶和華必用癲狂 眼瞎 心亂打擊你 ;34 你因親眼看見的, 必要瘋狂 65 耶和華卻必使你在那裡心中發顫, 眼目憔悴, 精神頹廢 ( 申命記 28:28, 34, 65) o the heart, soul or mind breached by hostile forces, losing control over own thoughts, emotions and reactions. [E.g. you re losing control. No hope for you you mother ended in a mental institution, and so would you. o Many Christians go through these inner struggles, and often they are reluctant to acknowledge them to others. o Confusion and depression ; very often rooted in occult involvement that need to be dealt with before curse is revoked 2. Repeated or Chronic sickness (especially by hereditary) o 耶和華必使瘟疫隨著你, 直到他把你從你進去得為業的地上滅絕了 22 耶和華必用癆病 熱病 炎症 瘧疾 乾旱 旱風和霉爛打擊你 ; 它們必追趕你, 直到你滅亡 27 耶和華必用埃及人的瘡 痔漏 牛皮癬 紅疹打擊你, 這是你不能醫治的 28 耶和華必用癲狂 眼瞎 心亂打擊你 ;59 耶和華就必使你和你的後裔遭受奇災, 就是大而長久的災, 毒而長久的病 61 又把這律法書上沒有記載的各樣災病, 都降在你身上, 直到你被消滅 ( 申命記 28:21, 22, 27, 28, 35, 59, 61) o note the underlined keywords: warning signs showing atmosphere of curses. Evil, malevolent forces at work o malignancy (Collins English Dictionary): having or showing desire to harm others, describing a condition, suggesting that not just physical, but evil, malevolent intelligence at work. This word is not in Deu, but is similar in meaning o hereditary from generation to generation; every time I pray for hereditary sickness, I always think there may be a curse

o [E.g. at 60, a pastor friend of Prince, developed a condition hemochromatosis, that causes patient to produce too much Fe in blood, storing in the liver and heart. His father died of the same at 67. The doctor pronounced it hereditary, incurable.every week, he had to have phlebotomy (letting blood). After much prayer, esp. by one of the prayer groups, he stood before Sunday congregation and declared: in the name of Jesus, I release myself form every evil inheritance from my father. He was immediately and completely cured.] 3. Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry or related female problems o 你身所生的 土地所出的 牛生殖的和羊所產的, 都必受咒詛 ( 申命記 28:18) o this curse affects various organs or functions involved in procreation o all female problems, barrenness, miscarriage, menstruation upsets, PMS, frigidity, cysts, tumors, very often happens to all female of the same family o [E.g. Ruth and Derek Prince always minister to these by first instructing them about curses and pray for release. In many cases, this has produced healing and wholeness.sometimes just revoking the curse is sufficient, without any prayer for healing.] o [My husband and I had been married for 12 years and barren. Medical tests revealed nothing wrong. 7.7.1985. We attended your meeting in Amsterdam. He taught on healing and curses. The Lord spoke to her heart that I have a family problem. You led everyone in a prayer for deliverance from any curse, I felt a sense of release.when I came to the platform, you asked me to fetch my husband. Then you pronounced that the curse over my life had been broken and Ruth laid hands on my womb, she said I would be neither barren nor unfruitful. The whole congregation was asked to stand and join in prayer for us. We felt strongly that the Lord had heard our prayer. ] 2.5 years later, in another meeting in the U. K. this couple came up to show us the beautiful baby boy.] o Menstruation and curse[22.12.1987 from a lady in her 30s serving the Lord in SE Asia.In 1985, I borrowed a tape recorded in Singapore on blessings or curses. After listening one night in my room I stood in the darkness to say the prayer but was unaware of any problem I have. I thought I would play safe by saying it. No change was obvious. The Lord prompted me to start making notes in my diary about my periods. I have never done that before as I had not had regular periods since 13. There was no point in keeping a diary. I have missed periods for 6, 8 or 10 months at a time. Doctors gave me medication without results. Since I was single, I

prayed for the condition but not seriously. After a few months, I listened to the tapes again and was struck by Prince, almost all, if not all, menstrual disorders are a result of a curse. I realized and reached for my diary and check my periods since Aug 1985. I was amazed to realize I had been healed and the Lord prompted me to start the diary. I reflected upon my life and remember my classmate and I referred to our menstruation as the curse.] 4. Breakdown of marriage and family alienation o 41 你必生兒養女, 卻不是屬你的, 因為他們都要被擄去 ( 申命記 28:41) o many parents are experiencing children taken captive by rebellious subculture, drugs, sex, satanic music and occult o 5 看哪! 在耶和華大而可畏的日子來到以先, 我必差派以利亞先知到你們那裡去 6 他要使父親的心轉向兒女, 兒女的心轉向父親, 免得我來擊打這地, 以至完全毀滅 ( 瑪拉基書 4:5-6) Malachi predicted evil forces at work. Unless God intervenes, this curse will be extended to the whole earth. o The most important issue in our society: resulting in alienation of husbands, wives, sons and daughters o There is hope: First we must recognize the curse, then break it.many families have been restored through this way 5. Continuing financial insufficiency o 17 你的籃子和摶麵盆都必受咒詛 29 你的道路必不亨通 ;47 因為你在這樣富足的時候, 沒有以歡樂和高興的心來事奉耶和華你的神,48 所以你必在飢餓 乾渴 赤身露體和缺乏之中, 去事奉耶和華派來攻擊你的仇敵 ; 他必把鐵軛放在你的頸項上, 直到把你消滅 ( 申命記 28:17, 29, 47, 48) o Moses presents 2 opposite alternatives: 47 以歡樂和高興的心來事奉耶和華你的神 o Versus a Picture of absolute poverty o Over history, Christian church thought poverty was a blessing. Though Christians should have compassion on the poor like God does, but Scriptures never says God would inflict poverty as a blessing. o 8 神能把各樣的恩惠多多地加給你們, 使你們凡事常常充足, 多作各樣的善事 ( 哥林多後書 9:8) Paul emphasizes generosity of God s provision for his people.

o Definition of Poverty: having less than all you need to do God s will in your life. The greater the gap between what you need and what you have, the poorer you are. o Definition of Abundance: having all you need to do God s will. Abundant for every good work. o Notice then there is no absolute standard for all Christians. o Now we are sometimes tested for our faith and must live on the barest sufficiency. But only temporarily. When our motives are purified, then his abundance will come o We must also recognize that there is a higher level of wealth than just material. So some Christians renounce material wealth deliberately to serve God by identifying with the poor. 7 有人自充富足, 卻一無所有 ; 有人假裝貧窮, 財物卻極多 ( 箴言 13:7) o Nevertheless, persistent poverty not as direct outcome of commitment to Christ is a marked of a curse 6. Being Accident Prone o 29 你必在中午的時候摸索, 好像瞎子在黑暗中摸索一樣 ; 你的道路必不亨通 ; 你必日日受欺壓 被搶奪, 沒有人拯救你 ( 申命記 28:29) o [E.g. Good drivers but abnormally high number of accidents, in most cases, the fault is with the other driver. They would typically think, why always me? ] o [Random accidents, breaking an ankle through slipping off a curb; breaking a tooth on a soft piece of fruit, shutting a car door on a finger, slipping on a stair, falling down a flight of stairs, multiple injuries, swallowing a fish bone, insect in the eye causing rare infection, being struck by a stone thrown up by a passing car, surgeon s error on the operating table causing permanent disability ] o an invisible, malicious force working against them o a revealing comment, I don t know what made me do that They are aware that they are not in control of their action, nameless influence against which he can t protect himself o like some insurance company determining people of unusually high risk for insurance 7. History of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths o 20 耶和華必在你手所作的一切事上, 使咒詛 紛亂和責備臨到你身上, 直到你被消滅, 速速地滅亡, ( 申命記 28:20) o Often affects not just individuals, but family or tribe

o o Many culture recognized such forces. Greek goddess Nemesis. Well, it happened to my father, and I suppose I m next on the list ; I know I ll never live to see 45. All the men in my family die young. They imply that the fate would probably happen to them too. These seven is not exhaustive, others could be added.