The Funeral Service For Elsie Pun Cheng Wai Ki

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The Funeral For Elsie Cheng 潘程慧姬安息禮拜 Service Pun Wai Ki

二零一三年四月廿七日 ( 星期六 ) 上午十時正 27 th April 2013 (Saturday) 10 a.m. 聖公會聖保羅堂 St. Paul s Church, Hong Kong Biography of Elsie Pun Cheng Wai-Ki Elsie Pun Cheng was born Cheng Wai-Ki on 4 th November 1917 in Hong Kong, the third of six siblings: YT, YY, Wai-Man, Rosalind and Margaret. She passed away at home in her sleep on 7th April 2013. Elsie s father TT Cheng, a graduate of the University of Chicago, founded the Industrial and Commercial Bank in Hong Kong and served in various positions in the then Nationalist Chinese Government. Her mother Cheung Sau-Ping was also a highly educated lady at her time. Like her mother, Elsie was educated at St. Stephen s Girls College and had served as the school s head prefect. Upon graduation in 1938, she was admitted to the Arts Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. Her studies were sadly terminated on the closure of the university due to the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong in World War II, and like many others, she took refuge in the interior parts of China. 2

She was married during the War to Donald Pun Yuk-Pui, an aeronautics graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They returned to Hong Kong after the War and had since then lived here. Their union of true love was in full accord with the then modern Western concept of freedom of choice in marriage < 自由戀愛 > and also with the traditional Chinese and Western cultural and religious practice of sharing one life together until death < 白頭偕老 >. Donald passed away on 16th June 1994. On her passing, Elsie and Donald are now again united in Heaven. Elsie had four children, two sons and two daughters: Andrew, Rita, Peggy and Sherman. She was very strict on her children s conduct and education. Through her loving guidance, they have all grown to be pillars of the community. Her love, her spirit and her wisdom will live on in her descendants for generations. In the early 1960 s, Elsie took employment as a primary school teacher, first at the Rhenish Mission Church Primary School and later at Kei Yan Primary School. At the same time, she advanced herself by completing a teacher s certificate course at the Northcote College of Education (now Hong Kong Institute of Education) and became fully qualified. She retired in 1977 at the age of 60. To live out a full life after retirement, aside from travelling and in-and-out of stocks and shares, she was also very active in church and voluntary work, particularly in St Paul s Church where she was baptized in 1965. She had for a long time been a committee member of the church and been actively involved in its Ladies Section in which she still held an advisory position prior to her passing. In recognition of her involvement with the Red Cross, she was awarded a 20-Year Service Badge in 2007. 3

Friends and relatives remember Elsie for her grace and integrity. Her kindness and warmth had earned her love and respect from her siblings and friends, children and past pupils, and all. Elsie, we will miss you. 4

主禮 : 林壽楓法政牧師 經課 :The Revd Didi Wong Dr. James Fu 潘程慧姬安息禮禮文 司琴 : 蘇信恩先生 詩班 : 聖保羅堂詩班 經句 眾立 主禮耶穌說 : 復活在我, 生命也在我, 信我的人, 雖然死了, 也必復活 凡活著信我的人, 必永遠不死 ( 約翰福音 11:25-26) 無論是死, 是生, 是天使, 是掌權的, 是有能的, 是現在的事, 是將來的事, 是高處的, 是低處的, 是別的受造之物, 都不能叫我們與上帝的愛隔絕 ; 這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裏的 ( 羅馬書 8:35-36) 賞賜的是耶和華, 收取的也是耶和華 耶和華的名是應當稱頌的 ( 約伯記 1:21b) 聖詩 We Build Our School 眾立 We Build Our School On Thee, O Lord, To Thee we bring our common need The loving heart, the helpful word, The tender thought, the kindly deed. With these we pray Thy Spirit may, Enrich and bless our school always. We work together in Thy sight, We live together in Thy love: Guide Thou our faltering steps aright, And lift our thoughts to heaven above. Dear Lord, we pray, Thy Spirit may Be present in our school alway. Hold Thou each hand to keep it just, Touch Thou our lips and make them pure; If Thou art with us, Lord, we must Be faithful friends and comrades sure. Dear Lord, we pray, Thy Spirit may Be present in our school alway. We change but Thou art still the same, The same good Master, Teacher, Friend; We change, but, Lord, we bear Thy Name, To journey with it to the end. And so we pray Thy Spirit may, Be present in our school alway. 5

祈禱 眾立 主禮會眾主禮會眾 願主與你們同在 願主也與你同在 我們要祈禱 全能的上帝, 生命的主啊, 昔日聖子耶穌基督在十字架上為我們捨命, 救贖人類, 又從死裏復活, 克勝死亡, 將上帝永生的國度啟示給信他的人 今天求你也賜恩典給你的僕人, 我們親愛的程慧姬姊妹, 在天國裏與主同享基督復活的生命, 藉賴我們的主耶穌基督而求 ; 聖子和聖父 聖靈, 三位一體的主, 惟一上帝, 一同永生, 一同掌權, 永世無盡 阿們 經課 (Read by the Revd Didi Wong, grandson of Elsie Cheng) 眾坐 哥林多前書 15:50-57 ( 和合本 ) 50 弟兄們, 我告訴你們說, 血肉之體不能承受神的國, 必朽壞的不能承受不朽壞的 51 我如今把一件奧秘的事告訴你們 : 我們不是都要睡覺, 乃是都要改變, 52 就在一剎那, 眨眼之間, 號筒末次吹響的時候 因號筒要響, 死人要復活成為不朽壞的, 我們也要改變 53 這必朽壞的總要變成 ( 變成 原文是 穿 ; 下同 ) 不朽壞的, 這必死的總要變成不死的 54 這必朽壞的既變成不朽壞的, 這必死的既變成不死的, 那時經上所記 死被得勝吞滅 的話就應驗了 55 死啊! 你得勝的權勢在哪裡? 死啊! 你的毒鉤在哪裡? 56 死的毒鉤就是罪, 罪的權勢就是律法 57 感謝上帝, 使我們藉著我們的主耶穌基督得勝 讀經員這是上主的道 會眾感謝上主 6

1 Corinthians 15:50-57 (NIV) 50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallowed up in victory. [h] 55 Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Reader All This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. 詩篇 詩篇 139:1-10 眾坐 啟 耶和華啊, 你已經鑒察我, 認識我 應 我坐下, 我起來, 你都曉得 ; 你從遠處知道我的意念 啟 我行路, 我躺臥, 你都細察 ; 你也深知我一切所行的 應 耶和華啊, 我舌頭上的話, 你沒有一句不知道的 啟 你在我前後環繞我, 按手在我身上 應 這樣的知識奇妙, 是我不能測的, 至高, 是我不能及的 啟 我往哪裏去躲避你的靈? 我往哪裏逃 躲避你的面? 應 我若升到天上, 你在那裏 ; 我若在陰間下榻, 你也在那裏 啟 我若展開清晨的翅膀, 飛到海極居住 ; 應 就是在那裏, 你的手必引導我 ; 你的右手也必扶持我 7

經課 (Read by Dr.James Fu, grandson of Elsie Cheng) 眾坐 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:13-18 ( 和合本 ) 13 論到睡了的人, 我們不願意弟兄們不知道, 恐怕你們憂傷, 像那些沒有指望的人一樣 14 我們若信耶穌死而復活了, 那已經在耶穌裡睡了的人, 上帝也必將他與耶穌一周帶來 15 我們現在照主的話告訴你們一件事 : 我們這活著還存留到主降臨的人, 斷不能在那已睡了的人之先 16 因為主必親自從天降臨, 有呼叫的聲音和天使長的聲音, 又有上帝的號吹響 ; 那在基督死了的人必先復活 17 以後我們這活著還存留的人必和他們一同被提到雲裡, 在空中與主相遇 這樣, 我們就要和主永遠同在 18 所以, 你們當用這些話彼此勸慰 讀經員這是上主的道 會眾感謝上主 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (KJV) 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Reader All This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. 述史 Mr. Sherman Pun, son of Elsie Cheng, and others 眾坐 8

聖詩愛是不保留眾立 1. 常聽說世界愛沒長久, 哪裡會有愛無盡頭? 塵俗的愛只在乎曾擁有, 一刻燦爛便要走! ( 副歌 ) 誰人受痛苦被懸掛在木頭? 至高的愛盡見於刺穿的手 ; 看! 血在流反映愛沒保留, 持續不死的愛到萬世不休! 惟求奉上生命全歸主所有, 要將一切盡獻於我主的手 ; 我已決定今生再沒所求, 惟望得主稱讚已足夠! 2. 而我卻確信愛是恆久, 碰到了你已無別求 : 無從解釋 不可說明的愛, 千秋過後仍長存不朽! ( 副歌 ) 講道... 眾坐 聖詩善牧恩慈歌眾立 1. 萬愛之王, 乃我善牧, 仁德恩慈永不移 ; 我若歸衪, 衪永屬我, 我將再無窮困時 2. 我靈蒙救, 由衪導引, 來享安息活水邊 ; 到芳草地, 飽嘗靈糧, 十分快樂享天筵 3. 我因愚妄, 屢入歧途, 衪因愛我來追尋 ; 將我輕輕安放肩頭, 歡然携我進家門 4. 我雖經過死亡幽谷, 親愛之主在身旁 ; 主杖主竿, 仍安慰我, 十架引我向前方 5. 主在我前大開筵席, 頒賜慈恩極豐盛 ; 蒙主用油膏我的頭, 使我福杯得充盈 6. 這樣經過生活長途, 主德主恩永不移 ; 但願長住善牧家裡, 虔誠頌讚無盡期 阿們 9

The King of Love My Shepherd Is 1. The King of love my Shpherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His And He is mine for ever. 2. Where streams of living water flow, My ransomed soul He leadeth And where the verdant pastures grow, With food celestial feedeth. 3. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home rejoicing brought me. 4. In death s dark vale I fear no ill, With thee, dear Lord, beside me, Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me. 5. Thou spread a table in my sight, Thy unction grace bestoweth, And O what transport of delight From Thy pure chalice floweth. 6. And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise. Amen. 祈禱... 主禮 求主憐憫我們, 會眾 求基督憐憫我們 ; 眾立 主禮 求主憐憫我們 全體 我們在天上的父, 10

願你的名被尊為聖, 願你的國降臨, 願你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上 我們日用的飲食, 今天賜給我們 饒恕我們的罪, 如同我們饒恕得罪我們的人 不叫我們遇見試探, 拯救我們脫離凶惡 因為國度 權柄 榮耀, 都是你的, 從現在直到永遠 阿們 辭靈禱文... 眾立 主禮 耶穌說 : 清心的人有福了, 會眾 願主也與你同在 主禮 願主的名得讚美, 會眾 從今日直到永遠 主禮 求主垂聽我們的祈禱, 會眾 願我們呼籲的聲音到達上主面前 主禮 會眾 慈悲的上帝, 主耶穌基督的父啊, 聖子耶穌曾說 : 復活在我, 生命也在我 ; 信我的人雖然死了, 也必復活 凡活著信主的人, 必永遠不死 主又藉聖使徒保羅教訓我們 : 不要為信耶穌而死的人悲傷, 像那些沒有指望的人一樣 現在我們懇求天父, 領我們離開罪惡和死亡, 進入公義的新生命裏, 在我們離世的時候, 可以因耶穌得平安, 好像我們所敬愛的程慧姬姊妹得享平安一樣 到復活的時候, 可蒙主悅納, 得聖子所應許的福, 聽見他說 : 蒙我父寵愛的, 可以來承受自創世以來為你們所預備的國 求慈悲的天父, 因我們的中保, 救主耶穌基督, 應允我們的祈禱 阿們 祝福... 眾立 11

主禮願聖父的平安降臨你們 ; 願聖子的仁愛環繞你們 ; 願聖靈的能力充滿你們 ; 又願聖父 聖子 聖靈, 賜福予你們, 與你們同在, 直至永遠 會眾阿們 致謝... 宣佈... 眾坐 眾坐 ~ 安息禮禮畢 ~ 12

火葬禮 主禮林壽楓法政牧師 主禮各位親友及主內兄姊, 程慧姬姊妹之遺體將在這裏火化, 我們把她交託給天父 聖詩 奇妙恩典歌 1. 奇妙恩典何等甘美, 赦我深重罪愆 ; 我曾失喪, 今被尋回, 瞎眼今能看見 2. 就是此恩教我敬畏, 也使我得安慰 ; 初信之時即蒙恩惠, 真是何等寶貴 3. 雖然經過多種災禍, 痛苦危險詭詐 ; 此恩領我平安度過, 更將領我回家 4. 上主應許信實完美, 承諾永不落空 ; 作我盾牌保守安慰, 在我一生之中 5. 當我身心衰弱漸休, 碌碌浮生將竟 ; 身驅之內仍將存有喜樂平安生命 6. 雖然到達光明地方, 經歷萬古千秋 ; 依然好似最初景況, 永遠頌主不休 阿們 交託 主禮耶穌說 : 你們這蒙我父賜福的, 可來承受那創世以來為你們所預備的國 ( 馬太福音 25:34) 全能慈悲的上帝, 既因他的旨意, 召回我們的姊妹程慧姬回到天家, 如今她的遺體將被火化, 我們將她的靈魂交託給主, 願主收納 我們仰望主耶穌基督, 確有復活和永生的盼望, 屆時主必用能力使萬物歸服在他的大權能下, 把我們能朽壞的身軀變化過來, 仿如主光榮的身體, 在末世的日子, 與基督同享復活的生命 13

祈禱 主禮 求主憐憫我們, 會眾 求基督憐憫我們 ; 主禮 求主賜離世者永恆的安息, 會眾 以永遠不滅的光照耀他們 ; 主禮 我們深信日後必見主的慈容, 會眾 在主永恆的國度裏 ; 主禮 求主垂聽我們的禱告, 會眾 願我們呼籲的聲音到達主的面前 主禮會眾主禮會眾主禮會眾 上帝啊, 你的旨意無人能測, 你的工作最為奇妙, 凡受造的, 主皆愛護 ; 求主安慰一切悲哀痛苦的人, 使他們今世能敬愛主 服侍主, 來世與我們的姊妹程慧姬同得主所應許的福;此賴我主耶穌基督而求 阿們 慈悲的主, 你是明白人哀傷的上帝, 求主賜恩惠和平安給程慧姬姊妹的家人, 堅定他們信心, 在世度日, 常懷盼望, 藉主無盡的恩典, 永遠走在永生的路上, 直至在天家再與離去的家人相聚 此賴我主耶穌基督而求 阿們 願尊貴榮耀歸於永生的上帝, 他是賜生命的主, 智慧的根源, 萬物創造者 ; 願聖父的恩惠, 聖子耶穌基督的慈愛, 聖靈的團契, 常與我們同在 阿們 ~ 火葬禮禮畢 ~ 14