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2 Category: Book of Shadows Subcategory: Amulets Tip: Snow Mojo Try a snow mojo for a protective amulet! Gather symbols of winter snow (silver confetti shaped like snowflakes, white plastic snow, white crystals) in a white silk bag. During a snow, if possible, gather your materials and see the new snow streaming white light into your symbols - visualize their cold pure energy lighting your fire within with the power of ice! Carry the new mojo near your center and see snow falling gently about you, shielding you from harm. Tip: Yule Talisman Tie a sprig of holly to a red ribbon for an appropriate Yule talisman - hold in your power hand (the one you write with) and project green light into the bag from your center. Hang the holly in your house or car. Great protection, and not obvious for those still in the Broom Closet! Subcategory: Cooking Tip: Glorious Garlic If you want the protective qualities of garlic without the smell, try using the "odorless" garlic oil capsules used for physical well-being. It's not quite the same as raw garlic, but properly prepared (powered up, NOT broken) it is an acceptable subsititute - you have the essence of the garlic, but not the tell-tale odor. Good for use in your car or office space. Subcategory: Crystals Tip: Hold it! If possible, always hold a stone before deciding upon purchase! There are some good books on what crystals and stones are preported to do what, but on the other hand, don't be frightened away from a stone because some book says "bad luck", example, opals or pearls. Touching the stone to read it before you get it will tell you if the stone is right for you! Tip: Hot Rocks When buying crystals, be sure to handle them to feel the vibrations of the stone. Crystals have a "personality" of their own (especially quartz) and need to be held to

3 assess their value to your current needs. A "hostile" stone may not be able to be reprogrammed(like a contrary child), but you cannot tell a stone's "feel" from a catalog and the seller may not take it back on your word of "it doesn't feel right". Subcategory: Herbs Tip: Abundance at Yule Take advantage of the abundance of specialty oils and herb mixes available at Yuletide. Those "pinetree" incenses are made of real pine needles (not the cheapie ones, read the label) and can be crumbled over charcoal for purification rituals. These incenses are also good for those in the broom closet - they come in a cabin box and are carried by most "dollar stores"... nice and innocent. As always, read labels, check ingredients, and stay away from fake perfumey "fragrance oils"... these are nearly useless for ritual and only serve to give you a powerful headache. Tip: An organized Witch is a happy Witch! Keep track of your herb shelf in a small notebook. If your cupboard is anything like mine, boxes and bottles are stacked to the rafters and you can only see the "front layer" of your current inventory - and, of course, the rue jar is in the back. If you are keeping a notebook with your "stock" listed, you will know if you need to visit the store, or if you just need to dig. Tip: Cautions with Herbs and Oils Herbs are wonderful things given by our Mother Earth, but certain cautions MUST be observed! White Willow is used as a "substitute" for aspirin, but CANNOT be used by folks allergic to aspirin, since it is the SAME substance! Likewise, Chamomile is in the Ragweed family... if you have a ragweed allergy, avoid chamomile! Other herbs used in magick, such as Belladonna and Wolfbane, are poisonous and should only be used with extreme cauton. Clove and cinnamon essential oils are irritants - many oils cannot be used "straight" for the same reason. Do not assume "just because my herb book says so" that your source is correct or that the absence of warning labels means that a product is safe for consumption or use on the body. Please, investigate any herb/oil thoroughly before use. Tip: Kitchen Witch Out of bats wings? Look no further than your cupboard! Many of the ingredients used in spell work are common herbs found on your kitchen spice rack - sweet basil for prosperity (money, cash flow), cinnamon for love, salt for purification, black pepper for protection. This is also useful to those still in the "broom closet" - the neighbors may raise an eyebrow if they see you coming out of the local occult shop - but everyone

4 goes to the grocery store! Tip: Lovely Lavender Need a calming soother? Lavender has been known to relax and soothe a spirit; the purple color is associated with royalty. Fill a bottle with lavender flowers for your office - open it and inhale deeply when you need a "calm fix"... and the beautiful blooms will please your eye as well. Subcategory: Oils Tip: Caution with Clary Sage Clary Sage essential oil is used as a stimulant, but some sources also call it a calmative. One thing is for certain - this oil can be psychologically addictive and is damaging in large doses. Use Clary Sage for a pick-me-up on occasion, but for regular use, peppermint (to name one) is much safer and gives the same or better effect. Subcategory: Pentagrams Tip: Appropriate Symbols Pentagrams are a preferred symbol of the Wiccan society, but (especially for those in the Broom Closet) the "star" is not always practical. Try a plain 5-pointed star pendant... or a locket with a picture of your familiar or totem animal... or a symbol of a power place - a special mountain or something that calls to you. I've seen the pictograph of Water on a pendant - if you are a Water Sign, this could be a powerful protector for you. Tip: Those Pentagrams... Want to keep your symbol around your neck, but are concerned about nosy neighbors and "unenlightened" relatives? A pentagram may raise eyebrows and stir chants of "satanist", but a five pointed star necklace is available anywhere - serves the same purpose (properly purified and prepared)... but is much more benign in common eyes. Subcategory: Spells Tip: For Money Find a piece of *OAKMOSS* to keep in your wallet. Oakmoss smells like a new dollar bill - "power it up" with an appropriate chant - example, "money fine, money mine" -keep it simple, the rhyme helps, it doesn't have to be high art poetry. The scent will remind you of cash, and the aura created by the herb combined with your projection will attract money to your purse!

5 Tip: Looking for Love? Here's a quick love spell to create "good vibrations" for you! Ingredients: Pink Candle Rose Petals(fresh or dried) Rose Incense Small piece of Rose Quartz Light your incense and candle. Place the rose petals in a container or vase next to the rose quartz. Meditating on the candle flame, picture yourself happy and ready to receive love into your life. Breathe the scent of the incense and flowers - remember the aroma. Then, take the rose quartz in your "power hand" (the one you write with, your dominant hand) and "push" these good feelings and sensations into the stone. Carry the quartz with you to maintain the spell - the love surrounding you should attract love to you! Tip: Protection Sachet A good protective sachet can be made from some common kitchen herbs and spices. Combine black pepper, sea (or table) salt, sweet basil, and caraway seed - garlic is also good, but if you're using the sachet in a car or office, the close quarters (in a car) or others (in your office) could make using garlic less than desirable. Wrap in a white hanky or cloth bag and tie with a red cord (or red yarn). Hang in a high corner of the area to be protected. Picture the scent/vibrations of the herbs enclosing the area. Tip: Quick Incense from the kitchen If you keep common spices in your kitchen cupboard, you have the makings of quick incense! Cinnamon can be smoldered on charcoal (the incense kind available at health food and metaphysical stores, not the barbecue kind) for protection or cashflow, as well as dry basil leaves. For a quick money spell, combine kitchen basil and oregano and "think green" as you burn it - a green candle on the side will add power to your visualization. Tip: Simple Protection A very simple protection sachet can be made with sea salt from your local health food store. Put a few teaspoons in a white cloth bag and tie with a white cord. Hang in a window, high corner, or carry in your pocket! Tip: Spellwork Timeframes Q: When should I expect results from a spell? A: "Standard" spell time frames are a moon - which means that in general you should expect to see manifestation of your spell work in about a month. Some workings may take longer, but a month is a general rule-of-thumb. Spells are like people, they are all different and have their own unique time frames. Many spells will produce immediate results, a well thought out and carefully crafted spell promises to show results within the cycle of the moon. Be on the

6 lookout for little "signs" that your spell is working from the moment you cast it and give thanks and praise and honor to all deities who assisted you as you see these little signs take form. Tip: Wonderful Salt Need to clear an area of negative energy? Reach for the salt shaker. Ordinary table salt will work wonders.. hold the shaker in your dominant ("power") hand and picture it glowing, green to purple to blue to bright white. Shake this blessed salt around the area that seems "heavy" and see the nasty negative energy dissolve. Note: Be careful using this one outside of the home -- salt will kill grass and plants. Subcategory: Traditions Tip: What's My Tradition? There are many "denominations" in Paganism, Witchcraft being one of them and Wicca being a form of Witchcraft. These are called traditions. One way to explore different traditions is to explore your ethnic background. You may find that a tradition you find yourself drawn to originated with your ancestors. Read up on Celtic lore, find a good book on Greek mythology, research your family tree and you may discover yourself, your roots, and your path. You can also look at places that you are drawn to. Love Hawaii? Look up the traditions and lore of the Hawaiian culture. Category: Deities Subcategory: Goddesses Tip: Finding Your Own God/Goddess Wiccan belief is that there is one deity in the Universe, with the God aspect representing physical manifestation and Goddess aspect representing the spiritual. Deity is like a diamond -- we cannot comprehend all of its facets, so there are as many ways of viewing Deity as there are people seeking Deity. You are free to view Deity in any form that works for you -- or no particular form at all. You may choose a personal form of Deity based on traits that you find desirable (e.g., Aphrodite for beauty, Ganesha for success), local custom (e.g., Pele in Hawaii), heritage, or even just because you feel drawn to a particular form of Deity. You can have one or many personal forms of Deity. What matters is finding a form of Deity that you are comfortable with. Finding your own Deity is a highly personal journey. They form of Deity that you choose doesn't have to be the same form of Deity that works for your husband, mother, your Catholic neighbor, Jewish co-worker, or anyone else. All that matters is that YOU feel comfortable and happy with your choice.

7 Category: Divination Subcategory: Astrology Tip: Astrology is a blend... It is helpful to know the sun signs of those we have contact with, but realize that people are also products of their environment. Our astrological signs are a good start to know one another, but the full impact of the entire chart really can't be known by sun sign alone. Subcategory: Basics Tip: Setting the Mood For acts of divination, the "mood" is very important. Try setting the mood by using a psychic-inducing incense such as frankincense (or a scent that you relate to) and / or candles (yellow candles open the "knowledge center", purple candles encourage spirituality). Silk clothes or scarves on the table will also create a neutral surface to focus your runes, cards, or scrying mirror. Subcategory: Psychic Tip: Food for Thought Q:Are there certain foods that promote psychic ability? A: In general, a vegetarian diet tends to keep one's head in the clouds (not meant in a bad way :) ) and meat keeps you grounded and less sensitive. Salt (and salty foods) also keeps you grounded. So, if you want to be more open, load up on the veggies, and cut the salt (potato chips aren't a vegetable). Conversely, if you are feeling spacey, hit the chips or grab a burger. You should come right down. Tip: Practicing Mental Telepathy... Q: What is a method for developing psychic ability? A: Be a "phone psychic"! Get together with a like minded partner on the opposite end of the phone line and practice "mental telepathy" - have your partner visualize a number or figure - you try to receive the image. When I have practiced this, I have found it helps to have the room darkened. The image the partner projects will sort of "float" in a mist in the shadows. Subcategory: Tarot

8 Tip: Do it yourself A powerful Tarot deck can be made, not bought. There are thousands of finished tarot decks available, but for a truly unique deck find a blank set of cards to "do up" yourself. The energy involved in the making of the deck will boost the result far beyond something you could buy! Tip: Frequent Readings Time your tarot readings. Reading a full cross spread on a daily basis for yourself can give you conflicting information - or no information at all. Spacing readings gives a much better indication of where your path is going - rather than "reading after reading after reading" until you see what you want to hear. A good rule of thumb is no more than once a week -- or on Esbats or Sabbats. Tip: Silk Scarves and the Tarot Q: Are some materials better for tablecloths than others when using tarot or runes? A: Silk is the preferred material for tarot and rune bags, and a silk scarf or spread cloth will keep the reading "clean" for divination. Silk tends to smooth the vibrations of divination tools and not add conflict, as say, a tablecloth (which would pick up all the vibrations of the people who use it at meals) would. Tip: Talking Tarot Q:What makes a good tarot deck? A: The best deck is the one that speaks to you. Most tarot teachers start with the Rider-Waite, but this may not be the ideal deck for you once you have the basics downpacked. Look for tarot that "talks" to you - when you lay the spread, you should be able to see a story concerning your question illustrated by the card pictures. No one card says it all in a spread - the complete reading is a conglomerate of all the cards. Think of a spread as a mosaic - each card is a tile - the part of the "big picture". This concept provides a richer reading for yourself or the client. Tip: Tarot Cleanse Cleansing your tarot is a must if it has been a while since you last used them or if you are using a deck that has been used by someone else. You want to make sure that the tarot is free of "negative" or any other feelings which could inhibit your reading. Charging them under a full moon is a great idea. Tip: The Quick and Dirty If you need a quick and dirty introduction to the Tarot.. find a deck you like - art that speaks to you, pictures that tell YOU a story - and THOROUGHLY READ the little

9 booklet that comes with the cards! Tarot is a skill that grows on you, but "I can't understand, I can't do this" is no longer an excuse. Tarot isn't about memorization -- it is about interpreting what the cards say to you. The instructions that come with a deck provide enough basis to understand what the cards initially try to say. Your psychic intuition will take over from there. Category: Getting Started Subcategory: Common Misconceptions Tip: Devil-free Craft - Is devil worship part of the Wicca religion? One of the most common misconceptions about the Wicca religion is that it involves devil worship. On the contrary, there is no satanic form in Wicca, no evil to blame for life's low points. Wiccans believe in balance, not dichotomy, meaning that everything has its place and purpose; nothing is "good" or "bad", per se, except perhaps on a situational basis: for a mundane example, food is neither good nor bad, but it is "good" when you are hungry and "bad" when you are full (or perhaps on a diet). Practicing Wicca involves putting one's life (including the environment) in good order, and the concept of evil or a devil figure does not enter into this way of life at all. Tip: New Wiccans Wicca is an ancient religion of natural beauty and grace. It surpasses the strict conventions of other religions to accept all persons who wish to learn without restraint. At its core, Wicca is more than a set of prayer-spells. It is becoming one with the forces of nature in an honest manner. To truly become Wiccan, one must learn to shed the conventions and constraints of formal religions and accept that we know very little about the forces of life. Formal religions deliver rules on how to live life, where Wiccas simply believe in living your life as a natural force. Tip: Sex and Wicca Sexuality for Wiccans is a sacred thing. Wiccans believe that sex is a gift from Divinity to be shared in love and trust, and to be reveled in as a pleasurable experience. However, Wiccans do not abuse sex. While Wicca allows sex before marriage, its main tenet is that sex (as all things) should be practiced out of love between consenting individuals. Therefore, forced sex (rape, sexual abuse of children or animals, etc.) and other misuses of sex (such as using sex to gain a position of power) are never tolerated. This means that Wiccans do not practice perverse sexual orgies in their rites, nor does any legitimate Wiccan group require sexual acts for membership. Clothing is sometimes optional at Wiccan/Pagan gatherings (you may hear the term "skyclad" to describe nudity in these situations), but this is symbolic of freedom and of connection to nature,

10 and does not take on any sort of sexualized meaning. Subcategory: Practicing Wicca Tip: Books For The Beginning Wiccan Margot Adler's book "Drawing Down The Moon, Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and Other Pagans In America Today" (Penguin 1997) Describes the life of Wiccan and other pagan practitioners in modern America. Scott Cunningham books: "Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practioner" (Lwellyn Publishing 1990), and "Living Wicca:A Furthe Guide For The Solitary Practitioner (Lwellyn Publishing 1993) are a great resource for Wiccan's, with spells and descriptions on how to foster a healthy spirit. Silver Ravenwolf is a respected author in the Wiccan community with four titles that are easily located on Most Wiccan practitioners highly recommend this author. Tip: Wicca: Find Your Familiar There are many spells in Wicca available on the Internet to find your familiar. However, it is better if you create your own prayer-spell to find your familiar. This is part of the Wiccan discipline, the ability to develop your own spells. You may not be ready for this yet, so please proceed with caution. Very often Wiccans find that their familiar-spell leads them to an animal they considered their favorite or they already have as a pet--the most common familiar is a feline. In some cases, your familiar will come to you without you even knowing it, or even casting a spell. This is because familiars are spiritual creatures that know to seek us out. If you have an animal hanging around your home that just won't leave, this may be your familiar. Check out "SpellWeaving" by Sally Morningstar Subcategory: What is Wicca? Tip: The Wiccan Rede Most Wiccans follow a principle called the Wiccan Rede, which states, "An it harm none, do as you will." This means that the religion puts no limitations on the practitioner except for the obligation to not hurt anyone - including the practitioner! Category: Spirit Subcategory: Enviroment Tip: A Little thing Try recycling. Recycling is a little thing - a bottle here, a can there, but even if you only

11 recycle your own throwaways, it can add up. If you approach recycling with reverence, it can be spiritually uplifting. Little things mean a lot.. Tip: Looking for Life You can create your own living environment in your house with plants (and animals, if you can care for them), but if you look outside in your urban jungle, look between the cracks in the sidewalk - you will notice grass and "weeds" pushing their way through. Life still exists even where Man has made a point of trying to destroy it. Take heart in the fact that Mother Earth will not let concrete and glass get in Her way forever. Subcategory: Meditation Tip: Guided meditation Q: Any suggestions for a guided meditation on a budget? If getting out to nature is a problem, why not bring nature to you. Buy a picture of a landscape, or other scenes that inspire you (or even print a picture from the internet). Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and sit quietly with your favorite incense and a white or purple candle. Picture yourself walking into the picture - find your power animal or totem, your friend accompanying you on this walk, or even the Gods or Goddesses themselves! Let your spirit soar through the scene and discover new insight. Tip: Hum the Mantra Q: I work in an office with no natural light or windows. How can I find a natural place to meditate briefly? A: Try your lunch room or cafeteria - if you find yourself on a break when the lunch room is empty, save the vending machines, listen to the hum the machines make - it's almost as good as a white noise machine! Hum along quietly, or just lose yourself for that 10 minutes. It's almost like a group hum, and (for you closet mystics) not at all noticeable if your cronies waltz in. Tip: Meditation Places It's nice to have a quiet corner inside, but if at all possible, try to find a significant outdoor spot for meditation. If you live near the ocean, find a secluded lagoon or jetty - mountains offer some great woodland to commune with nature and expand your spiritual horizons. If you're city-bound, a public park during "off-time" could provide a quiet spot under a tree to observe your surroundings and reach for the sky... be sure to secure your belongings first, so that during your rapture in meditation, someone does not make off with your wallet. Tip: The (Wo)Man and the Sea

12 The ocean is one of the best places to meditate. Lucky you, if you live near the beach! Find a quiet spot away from the tourists and sit on the lip of the shore, preferably where the waves will (gently!) wash up on your body (at least your feet). Let the Sea bring you what it will, (and She will).. shells washed to you can be used for wishes or talismans - or just a lovely way to remember the day you spent communing with nature. Evenings are also ideal times to sit on the shore. The moon rising over the ocean is a spectacular sight, as well as a HUGE power boost. Bring your circle! Subcategory: Sacred Tip: A Meaningful Existence... Some would love to go about their daily business in "full regalia", but one has to consider others in their routine; skyclad (nude) doesn't go over really well at the office or supermarket. Instead, keep a meaningful piece of stone in your pocket, or wear a "personal" piece of jewlery - it doesn't have to be religion oriented - for example, one of my "best pieces" of jewelry is a piece of oyster shell the Lady gave me on a beach walk that I had wrapped in silver wire. It glows for me... and apparently others too, since most are so struck by it that they can't resist the urge to touch it. Simple things will keep you focused on your path. Tip: Honoring an Ancestor Plant a tree in honor of a lost loved one. Besides giving back to Mother Nature, this can also help you to release any negative feelings you may have regarding a loved one's death. This is a rebirth for you and your lost loved one. Tip: Sacred Space Having a sacred site to call your own does not have to involve going to a large stone circle in the middle of a field in a country far off. In fact, you can create your own sacred space on your patio, in your backyard, even in your bathroom. If you long for a touch of nature, try buying a bonsai tree (for earth people) to represent the outdoors, a fern for air, a pepper plant for fire, and so on. If you love the ocean, set up a basket or bowl of sand and shells to bring a piece of the seashore into your everyday life. Subcategory: Spirit Animals Tip: Finding Your Familiar Finding a familiar is important - in spite of what Hollywood tells us, a familiar is not a personal slave that runs our errands in animal form. A "familiar" is an animal in which we find a kindred spirit, a spirit we have gotten to know as a friend, one that is familiar to us, hence the name. If you have a special attraction to a particular animal, maybe a pet,

13 or an animal whose strength or qualities you admire, such as an eagle or bear, it's a good bet that this is your familiar animal, and you should take the time to know it better so that you can learn from it. Category: The Wheel of the Year Subcategory: Sabbats Tip: Tune into your world Seasonal changes are a great reason to redecorate your personal space and keep your environment in tune with Mother Earth. Change your ritual space with each major Sabbat - pastels for spring, bold/strong colors for summer, dark/heavy colors and fabrics for the winter months. This will help keep you in rhythm with nature's changes and cycles.

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