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2 AGREEMENT ON DIVISION OF TERRITORY BETWEEN THE NORTHERN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMEKICA. I. The Methodist Mission shall have exclusive occupation of all South Cluing Chong Province which they hold by comity agreement with the Southern Presbyterian Mission, with the exception of the County of Mok Chun S. ( which shall be territory of the Presbyterian Mission. II. The Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the eight counties of Cheen Chun ^ Eum Sung Choong Ju 4f> Chei Chun q[ Chung Poong ^ Yung Choon Tan Yang tt Kwe San V] except ji of which shall be the territory of the Presbyterian Mission. The Presbyterian Mission shall have exclusive rights in all the remaining counties, namely; Ynn Poong ^5 -y, Chong Ju ^ Moon Eui j, Yung Tong «g W he In $] t i, Chong San Pó E 1111, Chong An ^ Ok Chun, W hang Kan H I. In the Kang W on Province the Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the counties of W on Ju f t, Wheng Snng, Pyung Changó Yung W ol Chung Sun ^ * i, Kang Neung # Sam Chuk 'S' ^, Ool Chin, Pyung Hai ig *1. IV. In Kyung Kui Province the territory of Han Seung Poo ^ -2f- (Seoul City) shall be regarded as common territory. The Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the counties of Su W on An San &, Nam Yang # $=, Kio Tong IL Kang W ha & ÍK Poo Pyung -SJ- ^, Ryu Ju 2^ f t, i of Kwang Ju ^ TT> Ri Chun e] Eum Jook -g- Yang Keun ^ Yang Chun ty 'Q, In Chun The Presbyterian Mission shall have exclusive rights in the remaining counties, namely; Ko Yang j i Pa Ju 3f- f t, Kio Ha M t}, Yang Kevin ^ -2-! 2 of Kwang Ju sg f t y Kwa Chun 3^ -Q, Yong In % * 1, Yang Ji *$ *1, Chin W i ^1 $ ], Yang Sung ^, An Sung, Si Hung Af Kim Po U Chook San -jj- -, Tong Jin ^, Chi Pyung *1 sg, i of Yang Ju ^ f t except that near Seoul the territory as far as the Methodist Episcopal East Gate Church has worked shall be common territory, this territory to be more clearly delimited as soon as possible, this limit to be approximately 25 li from East Gate.

3 V. In W hang Hai Province the Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the counties of Ong Jin Kang Nyung ^ *, Hai Ju tl Yun An ^ xt. Paik Chun 8} in Pyung San all territory east o f the railroad not already by previous comity agreement held by the Southern Methodist Mission; all of Sin Ke County ^ ; all of Pong San east of the railroad ; the Northeast half of Suh Hung Country M the dividing line in general to be 15 li from the Eub > (which is to be held in the Presbyterian Mission) and from the Presbyterian Church at Pong San W on changkuri ^ 7] 2] ; and $ of Soo An The Presbyterian shall have exclusive rights in the regaining territory of Whang Hai Province, namely, the counties of Kok San ^ W hang Ju Eun Y u l Moon W h a g- Chang Ryun Seen Chun -y Song W ha = $J-, Poong Chun Chang Yun ^ An Ak it Chai Ryong ^ ; and Pyung San Jg and Pong San -3; west of the railroad, and the balance of Suh Hung ^ and Soo An ^ as specified above- V I. In South Pyng An Province the Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the counties of Yang Tuk ^ "=}, Ham Chong ^ (except one group) Sam W ha S $} (except 4000 population in and arouud Chingnampo ^ i ), of Maing San V, J of Sung Chun *1, and under condition of previous delimitation of Kai Chun 7lJ ^}, J of Eun San -3;, of Soon Chun ^ *i and estimated \ of Kang Suh M, i of Pyeng Yang ig c<]r, f of Cheung San % -*, also one group in Kang Tong ^ %, and their present groups in Ryong Kang ^}. The Presbyterian Mission shall have exclusive rights in the remaining counties, namely; An Ju Sook Chun ^ 35, Yung Y u #-, Soon An or it. Kang Tong except one group, Cha San Sam Teung Choong W ha \, Sang W on Yung Won ^ $), Tuk Chun Sj Ryong Kang ^ except the Methodist groups. Also the remaining portions of Kai Chun 15, Soon Chun ^ Eun San &, Maing San *8 Sung Chun ^ 3$, Kang Suh # -*4, and Cheung San &, and f of Pyeng Yang County. A ll of the d eliminations are subject to such exchange of groups as may be made in order to secure block territory. In Pyeng Yang Jg Kan^ Suh, Ryong Kang -g- and Cheung San Counties the present churches remain subject to advance half ( ) the distance to the adjoining churches of the other Mission until exchange can be made in order to secure block territory. V I I. In North Pyung An Province the agreement already made shall stand, v iz.; the Methodist Mission shall have exclusive rights in the counties of Tai Chun ifl Oon San -*, Heui Chun 3 3H, and Young Byun * H - The Presbyterian Mission shall have exclusive rights in the remaining

4 counties, namely; $ if, %, % -4, tl ^ ^ t?-, Tf- ^ ^ 3 1-, 3L, fl «, 7J- -HI, ^ #. Y ITI. The Presbyterian Mission shall have exclusive rights in the North Kyung Sang Province and the South Kyung Sang Province subject to comity agreement with the Australian Presbyterian Mission. I X. The Presbyterian property at W on Ju ^ Hong Ju H ai Ju *1 Tf-, Paik Chun J reasonable valuation. shall be purchased by the Methodist Mission at a X. The agreement shall be ratified by all the authorities concerned on both sides, and committees shall be appointed to make adjustments if necessary, so that in the eventuality an inequality of approximately not more than 500 adherents on either side shall exist in the developed constituency transferred. For the Presbyterian Mission: A. J. Brown, with power for the Board. S. A. Moffett, Graham Lee, N. C. Whittemore, J. E. Adams, C. A. Clark, H. G. Underwood, Committee with power. For the Methodist Conference and Mission: Bishop Harris, with power for the Board. W. A. Noble, W. C. Swearer, C. D. Morris, E. M. Cable, G. M. Burdick, Committee with power.


6 SEOUL: The Seoul Press Office.

7 OFFICERS R ev. W. E. S m i t h... Chairman. R ev. G eo. S. M cc u n e... Secretary. Miss B la n c h e L. E ssick... Assistant Secretary. Mr. J o h n F. G en so... Treasurer. COMMITTEES FOR A r r a n g e m e n t s f o r N e x t A n n u a l, M e e t in g. Mr. Greenfield, (Clim.) Mr. Reiner. Mr. Genso. PERMANENT COMMITTEES. 1. E x e c u t iv e C o m m ittee : 1910 Dr. Moffett, (Chm.) 1911 Mr. Smith Dr. Underwood. Mr. Whittemore. Mr. Lee, (Secy.) 2. F in a n c e : 1910 Dr. Underwood Mr. Pieters Mr. F. S. Miller. 3. L a n g u a g e : 1910 Mrs. Pieters Mr. Ross Dr. Gale, (Chm.) Mr. Bruen, (Secy.) Mr. Pieters. Mr. Lee.

8 MINUTES OF THE [August E v a n g e l istic : 1910 Mr. F. S. Miller, (Secy.) Mr. Bruen, (Chm.) 1911 Dr. Moffett Miss Samuel. Mr. Hunt. E d u c a t io n a l, : 1910 Mr. Adams, (Secy.) Miss Chase Dr. Underwood (Chm.) Mr. McCune Dr. Baird. M e d ic a l : 1910 Mr. Pieters. Dr. Whiting Dr. Purviance, (Chm.) 1912 Dr. Hirst. Mr. Rhodes, (Secy). P r o p e r t y : 1910 Mr. Lee Mr. Hunt Mr. Welbon, (Secy.) Mr. McFarland. Dr. Sharrocks, (Chm.) Mr. Clark. G e n e r a l F isc a l : 1910 Mr. Koons, (Secy.) Dr. Wells Mr. Smith. Mr. Pieters, (Chm.) Mr. Kagin Mr. Sawtell. Dr. Mills. E d it o r ia l : 1910 Mr. Swallen Dr. Gale, (Chm.) 1912 Dr. Avison, (Secy.) R u l e s a n d B y - L a w s : 1910 Dr. Wells, (Chm.) 1911 Mr. Koons, (Secy.) 1912 Mr. Reiner.

9 1909] KOREA MISSION B ib le C o m m itte e : Mr. Swallen, (Chm.) Mr. Clark, (Secy.) Mr. Bruen. Mr. E. H. Miller. 12. P u b l ish in g F u n d : 1910 Dr. Gale Dr. Underwood, (Secy.) 1912 Dr. Moffett, (Chm.) SPECIAL COMMITTEES. W o r k fo r L epees : Messrs. Smith, Irvin and Johnson. E x e c u t iv e C o m m ittee of G e n e r a l C o u n c il : Dr. Gale. M ission H ist o r y : Mr. Koons. D e l e g a t e to G e n e r a l A ssem b l y : Mr. Smith ; Mr. W. N. Blair, alternate. M ission s R e p r e s e n t a t iv e on G e n e r a l C ouncil E d u c a t io n a l C om m ittee : Dr. Underwood. St a tistic ia n : Mr. Koons.

10 4 MINUTES OF THE [August SUCCESSION OF CHAIRMEN fh - N. Allen, M.D.,...of Seoul Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D... of Seoul *J. W. Heron, M.D... of Seoul Rev. S. A. Moffett, D.D.,... of Pyeng Yang *Rev. D. L. Gifford,...of Seoul Rev. W. M. Baird, Ph. D.,... of Pveng Yang. 1893, Jan... Rev. W. M. Baird, Ph. D.,... of Pyeng Yang. 1893, Oct.... Rev. S. A. Moffett, D.D.,... ofpyeng Yang Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D... of Seoul Rev. Graham L e e,... ofpyeng Yang Rev. W. L. Swallen,... of Pyeng Yang Rev. F. S. Miller,...of Chung Ju Rev. J. S. Gale, D.D.,... of Seoul "fc. C. Vinton, M.D., of Seoul Rev. J. E. Adams,... of Taiku Rev. X. C. Whittemore,... of Syen Chyun Rev. W. B. H u n t,...of Chai Ryung O. R. A vison, M.D.,... of Seoul Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D... of Seoul Rev. H. M. Bruen,... of Taiku A. M. Sharrocks, M.D., of Syen Chyun J. Hunter Wells, M.D., ofpyeng Yang Rev. E. H. M ille r,...of Seoul Rev. AV. E. Smith,... of Fusan. SUCCESSION OF SECRETARIES Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D. I 1892 fc. C. Vinton, M.D *J. W. Heron, M.D Eev. J. S. Gale, D.D *Rev. D. L. Gifford *Rev. R. H. Sidebotham Rev. W. M. Baird, Ph. D Rev. E. H. Miller Rev. G. S. MeCune. SUCCESSION OF ASSISTANT SECRETARIES *Rev. R. H. Sidebotham Rev. Edwin Kagin Rev. E. H. Miller Miss Blanche L. Esaick Rev. G. S. MeCune Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D *Rev. D. L. Gifford Rev. F. S. Miller tc. C. Vinton, M.D. SUCCESSION OF TREASURERS *Rev. D. L. Gifford Mrs. E. F. Pieters, M.D fc. C. Vinton, M.D Rev. A. A. Pieters Mr. John F. Genso. * Deceased. t No longer connected with Mission.

11 1909] KOREA MISSION. CH A N G E S I N PERSO NNEL. ARRIVED IN KOREA. Dr. R. G. Mills and wife...oct. 9, Rev. m. C. K err...oct. 9, Mr. R. O. Reiner and wife Oct. 10, Miss B. L. Essick...Nov. 18, Rev. J. U. S. Toms and wife Nov. 18, Rev. W. T. Cook and wife Nov. 19, Miss A. S. Doriss...Nov. 19, Mr. J. F. Genso...Nov. 19, Miss Mable Rittgers... Nov. 27, Miss H. I. T a y lo r...nov. 30, Miss A. R. Mills...Dec. 3, Rev. Geo. H. Winn... Jan. 16, Mrs. W. M. Baird and two children. Dec. 4, Rev. W. M. B a ird...june 23, Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Welbon and three children...aug. 14, Miss Velma Lee S n ook...aug. 14, Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Underwood... Aug. 20, Dr. A. G. Fletcher... Aug. 28, Miss Mary McKenzie...Aug. 28, Miss Lucile Campbell...Aug. 28, Miss Grace L. Davis...Aug. 28, Miss Eva Florence Plummer.. Aug. 28, Miss Hilda S. Helstrom...Aug. 28, Miss Anna M ck ee...aug. 28, Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Sharp and three children... Aug. 28, Rev. F. S. Miller and one child... Aug. 28, 1909.

12 MINUTES OF THE [August LEFT KOREA. Mrs. S. A. Moffett, M.D., and children. Nov. 17, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Miller and one child Dec. 9, Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Miller... June 18, Rev. and Mrs. W - N. Blair and three children... June 30, Miss Olivet Swallen... June 30, DEATH. Rev. R. H. Sidebotham... Dec. 3, RESIGNATIONS. Miss M. B. Barrett... Sept., Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Barrett... January, Rev. and Mrs. Ernest F. Hall... August, Mies Christine H. Cameron... Feb. 1, 1909.

13 1909] KOREA MISSION. i AD INTERIM ACTIONS Dr. Moffett presented a request that Mrs. Moffett be given permission to go to America in the fall to be absent from the field a year, more or less, as might be necessary, and that Dr. Moffett be permitted to accompany her as far as Kobe. This was approved by the Mission Nov. 1, Taiku Station requested that in concurrence with the Board s action of date Oct. 8, 1908, the date at which Miss Cameron s resignation should take effect, should be on or before Jan. 30, Taiku Station requested the Mission to ask the Board to authorize the addition of a porch to the Taiku Hospital; the money for this being the gift of Miss Henrietta M. Speer of Washington, Penna., and the estimated cost about yen 400. The request was accompanied by a letter of explanation, and was approved on the receipt of a letter from Miss Wright, the donor of the Hospital, about Feb. 1, Fusan Station requested the Mission to sanction the special gift of $150 by the Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church of Montclair, N. J., for use in the Junkin Memorial Hospital, the same having been paid to the New York Treasurer and appropriated bv the Board for this purpose, as shown in Dr. Brown s letter of Dec. 23, This was approved Feb. 20, Pyeng Yang Station asked for approval of the request for $ more for the Theological Seminary plant, making a total of $4,000 ($3,500 having been approved at Annual Meeting) it being desired to install a heating plant estimated to cost $400 (including freight and installation) and to use $100 in extra grading and ornamentation of the grounds with sod and trees, bringing the total amount asked for up to $4,000. This was approved Feb. 20, With the concurrence of Taiku Station, Seoul Station

14 8 MINUTES OF THE [August requested that the assignment of Misses Rittgers and Mills be reconsidered, and that Miss Rittgers be assigned to Seoul for school work and Miss Mills to Taiku. This was approved Feb. 29, Seoul Station requested approval for the securing of a rest house at Yang Ivun Oop on the road between Seoul and Wonju, 120 li from each, at a cost not to exceed yen 200. This was approved Mar. 13, The following recommendations of the Executive Committee dated Feb , 1909, were approved by the Mission Feb. 28, W e recommend that Mission approval for the use of yen sent as an extra special appropriation for hospital work at Pyeng Yang, be granted. 2. W e recommend that Mr. McFarland be appointed to edit the Annual Report, and that a historical note be prefixed, noting the 25th Anniversary of Mission Work in this country. Five negative votes. 3. W e recommend 1hat the statistical year be made to close on May 31st instead of on June 30th. 4. W e recommend that one session of our coming Annual Meeting shall be commemorative of the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Missions in Korea, and that the Committee on program be instructed to arrange for a suitable program. 5. W e recommend that Mr. Clark be appointed statistician for the coming year, in advance, with the special view of preparing statistics covering the 25 years of our Mission s work. One negative vote. 6. W e recommend that the transfer of Miss Rittgers from Taiku, though irregularly effected, be endorsed, and that Miss Mills and Miss Essick be appointed to Taiku. 7. W e recommend to the Mission that Mrs. Logan first take up work in Taiku, but suggesting that there are also two posts in Seoul offering positions of usefulness; the ultimate decision as to her location to be left until after her arrival. S. Relating to the cabled appropriation of the Board of $ for the Girls School Building at Fusan, made subject to the approval of the Mission, we would recommend that the Mission refer the Board to the action of the Mission (Minutes 1908, p. 68), and to the Board action of Nov. ICth, as recorded in the Board letter of Nov J7th, p. 8, and ask the Board that it take the responsibility

15 1909] KOREA MISSION. 9 for whatever action it sees fit in the matter. One negative vote. 9. W e recommend that the requests for rest house and class building at M il Yang be reaffirmed, irrespective of what may be the final action of the Board with regard to division of territory and reinforcements for the province, and that Mr. Smith be instructed to write the Board on the subject. One negative vote. 10. That in the apportionment of balances from the Mission Ave recommend that yen be set aside and committed to Fusan Station for payment of travelling expenses of outside members of Mission assisting in the Station s work. 11. That in view of the increased use of opium, and the morphine needle, among the Koreans, a committee of three, consisting of A. M. Sharrocks, M.D., Chairman, H. C. Whiting, M.D., and W. C. Erdman, be appointed to gather data. 12. That we recommend that Dr. Dunlop be assigned to W un Ju, and Dr. Fletcher s assignment be deferred until the summer meeting of the Executive Committee. 13. Whereas the Mission (Minutes p. 9) ordered the Finance Committee to get audits of all buildings completed within two years, and it is evident that the report on p. 55 is very incomplete, we recommend that the Mission instruct the Finance Committee to secure a complete report and present the same at the next Annual Meeting. 14. W e recommend that No. 17 on the Property Bequest schedule shall read House for Single Ladies at Taiku, instead of House for Mr. Toms. (Appropriation already granted.) 15. W e recommend that whereas, in Nos. 23 and 24 of the Property Bequests Docket W un Ju was inserted by clerical error, they having been left blank, we now insert in No. 23 House for Chai Ryung, and in No. 24 House for Mr. Toms, not to be built before Annual Meeting W e recommend that, subject to Board approval, permission be granted to Chai Rvung Station to sell the Korean house used for temporary quarters in opening the station, the proceeds of the sale to be first used in meeting the cost of altering the same for occupation, which sum is No. 18 (yen ) on the Mission s requests for appropriations, and which has heretofore been carried by the members of the station. 17. W e recommend that the stations discuss, preparatory to Annual Meeting, the following subjects: (1) The paying of travelling expenses of voting members to the Meeting of Presbytery.

16 10 MINUTES OF THE [August (2) The paying of expenses of the wives and children to Annual Meeting. 18. W e recommend that Mr. Koons supply at Chung Ju be changed from one month to two weeks. 19. W e recommend that the Board be asked to permit the use of the extra yen 100 for fencing Station site at Chung Ju as already appropriated (by mistake) as it is now evident that the entire amount of yen 600 will be necessary for the purpose. 20. W e recommend that the Committee now known as the Treasurer s Advisory Committee shall hereafter be called the Finance Committee, as per instructions from the Board in letter of recent date and that the Committee hitherto known as the Finance Committee shall be known as the General Fiscal Committee. One negative vote. 21. W e recommend that M r. W inn be assigned to South Kyeng Sang Province, to be located in Taiku temporarily, pending negotiations by the Mission with the Board concerning work in that province. (Three negative votes, Syen Chyun Station not voting.) 22. W e recommend that the Mission reply to the Board s letter of June 15, relative to the Sunday School Association W ork as follows: W e consider that the best way to approach the need is that which the Board was pursuing in connection with M r. Sidebotham, viz., that a regular member of our Mission force, while on furlough, should be put in touch with the Sunday School Association, and thoroughly acquaint himself with its methods and ends; and give such portion of his time on the field to this work as would seem desirable. 23. W e recommend that in case of appeal for help by teaching staff of Theological Seminary to meet an emergency the stations to whom appeal is made give special consideration to the same. 24. W e recommend that Dr. Moffett and Mr. W. N. Blair be appointed a committee to concert measures for the care of Korean Christians outside of Korea. The following recommendations of the Executive Committee, dated June 18, 1909, were approved by the Mission July 3, 1909 : 1. W e recommend for the Mission s consideration the sending of Mr. Koons to work among the Korean Students in Tokyo for one month this Fall and three months next Spring; the placing of a competent Korean helper in the work, and that final action on the matter be deferred till Annual Meeting.

17 1909] KOREA MISSION W e recommend that the Mission authorize an expenditure of not more than yen by M r. Swallen while in Vladivostock for expenses of visiting and caring for Christians in that district this summer; that if possible this money be provided for from the Pyeng Yang Station appropriations and if this is not possible from Mission balances appearing in January. W e recommend that Dr. Gale and M r. McCune be appointed a committee to investigate the character and conditions of professional and technical schools in the country and report to next Executive Committee meeting concerning the desirability of counselling our young men to enter them. 4. Passed that the Chai Byung apportionment of Mr«. Hunt s gift authorized in Board letter of date of Feb. 17th, 1909, viz: Temporary house yen ; yen deficit on W hiting house ; yen to reimburse Dr. W hiting on yen spent by him on finishing his dwelling. 5. W e recommend that the Mission instruct the Finance Committee in connection with the Treasurer to get a statement from each Station as to the name in which its real estate is held and the character of the deeds by which they are held. Also to report this to the Mission at its Annual Meeting with recommendations as to the securing of proper deeds. 6. W e recommend that leave of absence be granted Dr. Moffett from about Sept. 20, 1909, for 4 months to return to America on private business on the understanding that liis leave of absence of 6 months for Edinburgh Conference in 1910 be reduced to three months. 7. W e recommend that the house to be occupied by M r. Herbert Blair in Kang Kai be known as the Kate Gamble Cottage in honour of the great services of Mrs. Kate Gamble of Haywood, California, for the opening of that Station. 8. In accordance with the Minutes 1908, page 46, Art. 24, sec. 2, we recommend that the Mission consider for action at Annual Meeting the opening of a Station at M il Yang, subject to approval of the Board, and for the manning of the province in addition to Dr. Irvin, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Winn, already assigned, another clergyman and one single woman now, a second to be sent later on. 9. W e recommend to the Mission that in case the West Japan Mission accede to the request of the Japanese Christians in Seoul that Miss Luther be appointed to work among Japanese in Korea, we would welcome the appointment. 10. W e recommend the following itinerary for Dr. Brown s visit:

18 12 MINUTES OF THE [August 1. Presbyterian Council, Pveng Yang Station and Mission Meeting... Sept Chai R yung Sat.-Mon. 3. Seoul* General Council Tues.-Sat. 4. Taiku Sat.-Tues. 5. M il Y a n g... 21st Tuesday. 6. Fusan Tues.-Thurs. 7. Chung Ju Fri.-M on. 8. Seoul Mon.- Thurs. 9. Pyeng Yang ct. 2 Thurs.-Sat. 10. Sven Chyun... Oct. 2-5 Sat.-Tues. The circular letter of May 15, 1909, Chung Ju Station, received by Mission Secretary August 18,1909, and reported to the Mission at the first session of its Annual Meeting was adopted, four voting in negative. It was as follows : Chung Ju Station requests the approval of the Mission to a request to the Board for appropriation of $2, gold for the equipment for the Duncan Hospital at Chung Ju. W e have good reason to believe that this amount can be speedily raised as we have parties already interested in the work who have expressed their willingness to raise a good part of the money.

19 1909] KOREA MISSION. 13 MINUTES OF T H E T W E N T Y -F IF T H A N N U A L M EETIN G OF TH E MISSION. The Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America held its Annual Prayer and Praise service on Sunday, August 22nd, in the Women s Bible Institute Building at Pyeng Yang. Dr. Moffett conducted a short baptismal service and the rite of baptism was administered by Mr. Bruen to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sawtell, and by Dr. Moffett to Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, and to Reuben Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pieters. The general topic was Service, Rom. 12. The sub topic, Preparation for Service was led by Mr. Swallen; the second, Inspiration for Service, was led by Mr. Ross ; and the third, ReAvard of Service, by Mr. Kerr. The Kang Kai Quartette sang and Dr. Mills rendered a solo. The Sacrament of the Lord s Supper was administered by Mr. Smith, assisted by Dr. Mills, Messrs. Reiner, Bruen, Bernheisel, McMurtrie, and Welbon. At the close of the service Mr. Smith pronounced the benediction. The Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America assembled for the opening business session of its Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting in the W omen s

20 14 MINUTES OF THE [August Bible Institute Building, Pyeng Yang, Monday morning August 23rd, Dr. Wells, the last Ex-Chairman present led the devotional exercises and called the meeting to order, presiding until the election of the new Chairman. The Minutes being in print the reading was dispensed with and only the record of ad interim actions was read and on motion approved. Language Committee. The Language Committee submitted the following as a preliminary report on the results of the examinations: Dr. H. C. W hiting has passed his final examination; the following persons have passed in the second year: Miss Butts, M r. Kagin, M r. Roberts, Mr. Sawtell; the following, the first year examination: Mr. and Mrs. Toms, Miss Essick, Dr. and Mrs. Purviance, Miss Doriss, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, M r. and Mw. Reiner, Miss Taylor ind Miss Rittgers, Mr. Lampe, Miss McCune, Mr. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, and Dr. and Mrs. Mills. Respectfully submitted, Election of Officers. The Mission C. F. Ber nh eisel, Chairman Cy r il R oss, Secretary. proceeded to the election of officers, Messrs. Cook, Kerr and Mills acting as tellers. The following is the result of the election: R e v. W E. Sm ith, Chairman. R e v. G. S. M cc u n e, Secretary. M iss B la n c h e L. E ssick, Assistant Secretary. M e. Jo h n F. G en so, Treasurer. Committee on Arrangements. The Committee on Arrangements, through Mr. McCune, reported the program and social features of the week. Bruen. Adopted. After recess Devotional Exercises were conducted by Mr. The new Chairman took the chair and the Secretaries elect assumed their duties. Dr. Wells, on behalf of the Committee on Arrangements,

21 1909] KOREA MISSION. 15 made a fitting speech in presenting the gavel, which had been prepared by the retiring Chairman. Dr. Underwood. Although out of the order of the program Dr. Underwood was called upon to give a report of the the Propaganda Committee. Prolonged applause greeted him as he arose, and his thrilling account of the many direct answers to prayer and -God s marvellous leading through the entire campaign stirred the Mission to profound gratitude and to a deeper sense of the responsibilities resting upon it. Executive Committee Annual Report. The Executive Committee then rendered its annual report, which was adopted and is as follows: Your Committee has met in regular session twice during the year since the last Annual Meeting, once at Taiku, and once at Syen Chyun. It has also met twice in Seoul in special meeting, once to confer with the Aus tralian Mission on comity, and once to confer with a committee from the Methodist Episcopal Mission concerning disproportion of territory between the two Missions and division of territory. Altogether there have been sixty-four formal actions of the committee. O f these, twenty-nine have been references to the Mission for formal action. Among the more important of these actions have been the providing of supplies from other stations for the proper caring for the work in the Chung Chung and South Kyeng Sang fields; initiating action looking forward to a visit from the Chapman-Alexander party ; the pushing to a eompletion of the plan for securing an audit of all building accounts, which was inaugurated last year; preliminary steps toward the perfecting of the Mission s land titles throughout Korea, and the securing of sufficiency as to matter and uniformity as to form of all financial reports. W e would report that at the special meeting in Seoul shortly after the last Annual Meeting the matter of additional comity arrangement over that formerly in force, in connection with the Australian Mission in South Kyeng Sang was taken up with the members of the Australian Mission and a reply made to their request for more territory, defining what the Mission would be willing to do, ana the conditions which it would attach to the concession, if its proposition were approved by the New York Board. decision is still incomplete. This A t the meeting in Syen Chyun the members of the Committee on Comity Arrangements asked the Executive Committee to assume further negotiations with the Methodist Episcopal Mission on that subject, and a

22 16 MINUTES OF THE [August meeting was arranged with their representatives. This was held in Seoul last week and its sessions covered three days. Much ground was cleared. The whole situation, on both sides, was thoroughly canvassed, and mutual data exchanged. The questions at issue were reduced to their essential factors, and a subsequent meeting arranged for. A special report will be rendered later on this subject. Respectfully submitted, S. A. M o ffe tt, Chairman. J'. E. A d am s, Secretary. Moved and carried that the matter of absences from Annual Meeting and excuses for the same be in charge of the Rules and By-Laws Committee. The Secretary reported found, the Report of the Special Committee to examine Seoul Station property accounts from the sale of Chung Dong Property to date, which report was lost previous to last Annual Meeting. The report, on motion, was ordered filed. Moved and carried that the Nominating Committee, to be appointed, bring in nominations for the filling of vacancies on the Property and General Fiscal Committees, at the afternoon session. On motion the privileges of the floor were given to the following: Mr. H. O. T. Burk wall, Secretary of British and Foreign Bible Society, Miss Mary Kelly, of Nanking, China, and to the resident members in Pyeng Yang of the M. E. Mission. Moved and carried that Committees be appointed to prepare resolutions on the death of Mr. Sidebotham of our Mission and Dr. Owen of the Southern Presbyterian Mission. Messrs. Smith, Adams, and Bruen were appointed on the former, and Messrs. Gale and Swallen on the latter. After a motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Chairman.

23 1909] KOREA MISSION P.M. Session. The Mission again assembled and devotional exercises were conducted by the Chairman. General Report of Seoul Station: Mrs. Pieters read the introductory statement to the General Report of all the stations and followed it with reading the Seoul Station General Report, which, on motion, was referred to the appropriate Committees. Fusan Station General R e p o r t Mr. Toms read the General Report of Fusan Station. It was, on motion, referred to the appropriate committees. Pyeng Yang Station General Report: Mr. presented the report of Pyeng Yang Station. it was referred to the appropriate Committees. Lee After discussion Theological Seminary: The report of the Presbyterial Theological Seminary of Korea was also read and accepted. Moved and carried that the reading of Station Reports be postponed until to-morrow. Treasurer s Report: The Treasurer rendered the following report in two parts: Part I. I arrived in Korea and in Seoul November 19, 1908, and, as the Mission immediately assigned me the duties of Treasurer, I took charge of the books from November 1st, Familiarizing myself with the various accounts, answering numerous letters which necessitated looking up ancient transactions and having charge of the regular routine work, practically occupied all my time. You can easily understand this, by referring to the Treasurer s report, Minutes 1908, page 21, where he states that, assisted by his wife the duties of Treasurer occupied one third of his time, since then it must be remembered the Mission force has increased 25?. I have been greatly handicapped in my language work but as I am determined to master the same, I will not permit the above duties to be an excuse. Herewith in condensed form is the annual report for as rendered to the Board:

24 18 MINUTES OF THE [August D r. Bills of Exchange and Cash on hand May 1, , Charges outstanding M ay 1, 1908 (collected)... 5, Received from New York Treasurer , Charges made by New York Ti'easurer... 60, Certificates of Credit issued... 13, Miscellaneous... 3, Yen 292, Cr. Disbursements under Appropriation , New Property... 82, Miscellaneous... 42, Bills of Exchange and Cash on hand April 30, , Yen 292, items: Part II. I would request the Mission to kindly consider the following 1. That a committee be authorized to examine and tabulate all Mission papers in the Treasurer s safe. 2. That one yen (yen 1.00) be a minimum amount for the issuing of Certificates of Credit. 3. That the votes on property plans be sent to the Section of the Property Committee, the Secretary notifying the Mission Treasurer when a plan has been passed. That all criticisms of plans be sent direct to the architect of same. 4. That as far as is practical, all items outside of salary and allowance be drawn the first month of each quarter. 5. That station Secretary notify the Treasurer the date of the arrival in the station of furloughed and new missionaries, also the departure of any member from the Mission. 6. That each station notify the Treasurer promptly the first part of February as to the final transfer from class to class (Manual page 26 Sec. 48) and to see that when an amount is transferred from a class, said amount does not exceed the balance remaining in that class before the transfer was made.

25 1909] KOREA MISSION That no regular appropriations be paid unless an order is signed by some authorized person in the station. 8. That before monthly orders are sent to the Treasurer each member see that the total of his order agrees with the total of his order stub. 9. That the Financial Sec. of each station send in an audited statement of expenses, of members of the station, to Annual Meeting, the total amount of such statement being sent him for disbursement. 10. That as all Dai Ichi Ginko checks are honored in Seoul members of the Mission refrain from requesting the Treasurer to pay personal obligations. 11. That steps be taken to secure a safe that will hold all of the Mission s books, papers and other documents that rightly belong there. Respectfully submitted, J ohn F. Genso. Treasurer. A letter from the Board to the Treasurer regardiug Outfit Money and Outfit List for new missionaries, on motion was referred to the Medical Committee. The Meeting adjourned, led in prayer by Mr. Rhodes. August 24, The Mission assembled for its second day s session at 8:45 a.m. and after devotional exercises led by Mr. Bernheisel the minutes of the first sessions were read and approved. Mr. Frank M. Brockman, Secretary of Y.M.C.A., Seoul, was, on motion, given the privileges of the floor. Taiku Station General Report: Mr. Sawtell read the General Report of Taiku Station. After discussion and the suggestion that the expression from the North on page of the report, being ambiguous, be stricken out, it was referred to the appropriate Committees.

26 2 0 MINUTES OF THE [August Syen Chyun Station General Report: The General Report of Syen Chyun Station was read by Mr. Roberts after which it was referred to the appropriate Committees. Chai Ryung Station General Report: Chai Ryung Station s General Report was read by Mr. Kerr and referred to the appropriate Committees. Bible Study: The Committee on Arrangements announced that Dr. Gale had consented to lead a Bible Study Class for a few evenings, having been requested to do so by those who have not the burden of Committee work. The Committee urged specially that this time of assembling be considered one of spiritual feasting as well as one of transacting business. H. 0. T. Burkwall: After a recess Mr. H. O. T. Bur Inwall, Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society led the devotional half-hour. throne of grace. His text was, u Come boldly to the Chung Ju Station General Report: Mr. Kagin read the report of Chung Ju Station. It was adopted and referred to the Appropriate Committees. Kang Kai Station General Report: This report was read by Dr. Mills and referred to appropriate Committees. Apportioning the Grant: The General Fiscal Committee reported the following on apportioning the grant, Section 1, which report was adopted as read : Sec. I. The Apportioning the Grant, in the cuttable Classes (IV, V, V I, V I I, I X ). By circular vote of the Committee, with no dissenting voice, the increase of Yen 1, given by the Board was divided among the Stations according to the new missionaries in each Station. Later the appropriation of each Station was reduced 1/12 according to the Board action changing the end of the Fiscal Year from April 30 to March 31. table: The whole process and the final result are shown in the following

27 1909]' KOREA MISSION. 21 Station. Asked Estimates. Increase. Total. Decrease 1/12 Net. Seoul , Pyeng Yang ,08 6, S Fusan , Taiku , Syen Chyun , Chai Eyung , Chong Ju..., , Kang K ai , M ission , T o ta l , Uncuttable , , E. W. K oon s, Secretary. N o t e. See Action of Committee after Conference with Dr. Brown on last page of Minutes. Bible Committee. The following report of the Bible Committee after reading was accepted and referred to the proper Committees for action: The Bible Committee of Korea has held but two meetings this year, one in November and one in March. At these meetings after much discussion the following rules were adopted, supplementary to the rules passed last year and reported to the Mission : 1. The maximum salaries and travelling expenses for Colporteurs working from the stations named shall be as follows : Wages. Travel Exp. Total. Fusan... yen yen 2.00 yen Chinju T a ik u Kunsan Seoul ) Chem ulpo

28 2 2 MINUTES OF THE [August Pyeng Y a n g... Songdo... Wonsan to the North Wonsan to the South Central Kang W o n... Wages. Travel Ex. Total. yen yen 2.00 yen Or three fourths of the above and 3 0% commission on sales. 2. For men who draw no salary, but who wish to do colportage 5 0% commission on sales. 3. In exceptional cases, Depot keepers in new territory may be allowed up to 8 yen a month, or up to 4 yen a month and 30% of their sales, provided, that the sale of other books be allowed, and that in each case, such agreement is made by the Missionary superintending such depot and the Agent of the Bible Society providing for the same; and provided further that such subsidy be not allowed for a longer period than 12 months. 4. Mission helpers up to one half of the salary recommended for Colporteurs working from the same Station, or 30% discount on sales. 5. Biblewomen: W e recommend that not more than 10 yen per month or yen 8.00 and 30% on sales be paid to Biblewomen. Also No. 3 of the rules adopted last year was amended according to the suggestion made by this Mission to the Bible Committee, and now reads Natives must either pay cash the Agents. or give a guarantee satisfactory to It was decided that No. 6 type Kookmoon New Testaments should be issued only in the following bindings and at prices as follows: Cloth Board sen H a lf Leather Leather limp gilt edges Leather tuck flush gilt edges Leather Circuit gilt edges A report received from the Board of Translators states that there have been only two foreigners engaged actively in Bible Translation this year, Dr. Reynolds giving his full time to it and Dr. Gale part time. The old trained native members of the Board, however, have continued in the work so that much has been accomplished. During this report year the following books have been completed; Num., Deut., Josh., Judg., I and I I Chron. These with Lev. completed last year, are in the hands of the printer and matrices are being prepared. Ezra, Neh., Ruth, Esther, Song of Solomon and Daniel are completed and being verified by the

29 1909] KOREA MISSION. 23 Board preparatory to printing. Job and Hosea are nearly completed and individual versions of several other books are ready. The Translators expect that unless something very unforseen occurs the entire Old Testament will be in the press by the end of Bible Sunday this year was a success. To date Yen has come in as offerings from the churches. The British and Foreign Bible Society reports its work for the year as follows: Vols. printed: copies of No. 5 type Mixed Script New Testament Vols. printed: ,, Kookmoon Gospels and Acts. The reason for the small amount of printing is that last year in preparation for his furlough Mr. Miller printed an advance supply. Because of the scarcity of money in the country fewer volumes than usual have been circulated. The total is as follows: Bibles & O. T. New Tests. Portions. Total. Issues Circulation The B. and F. Society now carries over 100 colporteurs and 30 Bible women on its list of workers under missionary supervision. It has made a number of grants this year of books to the various hospitals. In June the Agent gave to each of the graduating Theological students a nicely bound New Testament. The Society is looking forward with pleasure to the securing of a permanent home in their own building soon to be erected on Chong No Street near the K.R.T.S. site. The American Bible Society reports as follows: (No report received at time the Minutes went to press. G.S.M.) W e would recommend that Dr. Gale and Dr. Underwood be assigned to Bible Translation this coming year, they to give as much time as possible to the work until the Old Testament is completed. Respectfully submitted, Ch a s. A l l e x Cl a u k, Secretary. Publishing Fund. The Publishing Fund Committee presented the following report, which after discussion, on motion, was referred to the General Fiscal Committee. The following books have been printed and put on sale; 20,000 copies of Discourse on Salvation. 4,970 copies of what the Bible Teaches.

30 24 MINUTES OP THE [August copies of Analysis of Matthew s Gospel copies of Analysis of Mark s Gospel copies of Analysis of Luke s Gospel copies of Analysis of John s Gospel copies of Commentary on 1st Corinthians. 10,000 copies of Manual for Catechumens copies of Chart of the Life of Christ copies of Outline of Joshua and Judges. In addition to the above we have now in the press Studies in the Life of Christ by Mr. Swallen, of which 3,000 copies have been ordered printed. The committee has also before it the manuscript of a translation of Scofields Rightly Dividing the W ord of Truth, a Manual of Church Government and the manuscript of Pilgrim s Progress which is to be put to press at once. Also The Christian s Secret of a Happy Life. Other books reported lust year will be put to press as soon as the copies for the printer are prepared or the present edition is exhausted. Over 50,000 copies have been published and the only reason that the other books are not yet published is that the lack of time has prevented the preparation of manuscripts for the press. W e would call attention of those who have manuscripts ready or who can prepare them that the fund on hand is sufficient to publish many more books and we ask for volunteers to examine manuscripts which are presented. The books as published have been put on sale with the Korean Religious Tract Society which handles them at a discount of 3 5 % off of retail price, enabling them to sell to dealers at 25% off, pay freights and expenses and retain a very small profit. This rate will enable us to keep our fund in tact. The financial report is as follows for the year July 1, 1908 to June 30, R e c e ip t s. Balance on deposit in Bank reported July 1, Y en 12, Interest on deposits to June 30, Total... 12, E x p e n d i t u r e s. Publishing and Freight...Yen 1, P ostage Total 1,315.17

31 1909] ZOEEA MISSION. 25 (Carried forward) 1, Balance on hand July 1, *Deposited in Banks...Yen 11, , *Deposited in Banks as follows: Fixed deposit receipts Dai Ichi Ginko, Seoul... 3, Fixed deposit receipts Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Yokohama... 7, Fixed current deposit with Dai Ichi Ginko, Seoul Fixed current deposit with Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Yokohama , A ssets P jr e s b y t e k ia n P u b l is h in g F u n d, J u l y 1, Cash on deposit in Banks... 11, Credit Notes K. E. T. S. for Books deposited 1, , There are no liabilities except that contracts for publishing certain books have been made, bills for which will be due when the books are delivered. S a m u e l A. M o f f e t t, Chairman. August 24th, 1909, audited by S t a c t L. R o b e r t s. West India Mission Communication. The Secretary read a communication from the American Presbyterion Mission of Western India in regard to the Board s consulting the Missions before making changes in the Manual. The communication on motion was referred to the Executive Committee for report at this Annual Meeting. Andong Station Site Committee. The Committee on Andong Station Site read the following report, which was accepted and referred to the Evangelistic Committee for further report :

32 26 MINUTES OF THE [August The following is the action taken at last Annual Meeting regarding the opening of Andong: Resolved, that preliminary steps be taken towards the opening of a station at Andong, that Taiku purchase the rest house at Andong for which appropriation has already been made, that a member of Taiku be appointed to the work of this district with Andong as a centre, and that a committee consisting of Messrs. Adams, Kagin, and the man appointed to the Andong district, be appointed to report further plans for the development of this work to the Mission at the next Annual Meeting. Acting upon these instructions the station took up the matter and appointed Rev. C. C. S. nr tell to have in charge the opening of the work. Mr. Adams finding that his other duties prevented his getting away requested the station to appoint another member of the station in his place upon the Committee appointed by the Mission. The station therefore appointed Mr. Bruen. After some correspondence with Mr. Kagin endeavoring to find a time when we could go together, a date was settled upon. Later, however, owing to Mr. Miller s imminent departure upon furlough Mr. Kagin notified us that he would be unable to go. Mr. Sawtell and Mr. Bruen, therefore, set out the first of December, visited Andong and went over the city as thoroughly as possible with the help of the two helpers on this circuit, who according to our instructions had arrived some days in advance and secured such information as might assist us in the selection of a rest house and in data to report to the Mission relative to the opening of a station. W e selected and subsequently purchased a rest house directly in front of and a part of the site which we considered the most favorable for a future station site with the Yen 200. W e were able to purchase the building and also to secure a lean upon some fields adjoining. This site is in the North-western end of the city on a hill some 60 feet above the plain and with a South-easterly exposure. Being directly behind the Confucian temple there are no graves on this hill and it is in a retired part of the city. Below it and :'n this section are many tileroofed buildings of the better class. There is also a small spring near, which might be of value to the community. Andong is the geographical centre of the Northern end of the province and the home of many of the oldest and most conservative of the gentry of the country. It is 210 li north of Taiku, this being the nearest point on the railway. There is, however, a good highway now, having been widened and graded so that cars can run upon it. Directly in front of the city runs one of the branches of the Naktong river down which timber may be floated. In fact when we were there we found a great stack of timber so brought down by the Japanese, who have been crowding in there since last year. Leaving the city we circled through three counties north of and bordering Andong and established four or five groups never before visited by a missionary. Enroute to Andong we were struck, upon visiting

33 1909] KOREA MISSION. 27 several good sized groups to find how lovingly they still regarded Mr. Barrett the lather of the work in this field. it in its present awakening. How he would rejoice to see Taiku station recommends the following: 1. The setting aside of 18 and a.half counties of the 41 counties of the Taiku field as the territory of the new station. census report. This has a population of 395,625, according to the last Mr. Erdman, who has been in charge of most of this territory for the past two years reports this year, 20 groups and 1650 Christians already in this territory. During the past spring there have been a number of delegations from this region coming to Taiku beseeching a visit from a pastor, several of them being men of the scholar class. The colporteurs working in this territory have visited these seedling groups and their reports are most encouraging. 2. For the coming year Mr. Sawtell be placed in charge of the work, with the exception of the two and a half North-western counties which are in Mr. Bruen s present territory, it being thought best for him to keep the work there until the station is definitely set aside. One further point remains to be- noted with respect to the proper working of this field and that is the rate of development which makes it increasingly difficult to work properly from so distant a point as Taiku. Last year Mr. Erdman reported for the whole Northern circuit an increase of 100% while this year for the same territory he reports a growth over last year of over 200%. It will readily be seen that with this rate of development it will be impossible to work the territory for any length of time from the present centre. The helper in charge of this territory from the beginning, Mr. K im Sung Sam a theological student, now in his second year, is moving to Andong in order to be more closely in touch with the work. The Taiku book-room has also decided to put a colporteur in Andong in charge of a branch book-room there, defraying expenses from its receipts over expenditures this year. Respectfully submitted,. H e n r y M. Bjrurn. C. C. S a w t e l l. Committee on Arrangement. This Committee announced that, at the meeting for the women of the Mission to be held at 2.30 p.m. a printed program would be carried out. Committee Elections and Appointments- The Chairman announced the following Committees : Nomination: Dr. Sharrocks, Dr. Underwood and Mr. Hunt.

34 28 MINUTES OF THE [August Buies and By-Law s: G. S. McCune in vacancy caused by absence of E. H. M iller; Miss Shields and Mr. Cook appointed to help examine Mission and Station records. Medical: Dr. Purviance in vacancy caused by absence of Dr. Johnson. Editorial: Dr. H. G. Underwood in vacancy caused by absence of E. H. Miller. Bible: A. G. Welbon in vacancy caused by absence of E. H. Miller. Executive Committee of General Council: Dr. Gale in vacancy caused by absence of E. H. Miller. Mission H istory: E. W. Koons in vacancy caused by death of R. H. Sidebotham. Comity: J. E. Adams in vacancy caused by absence of E. H. Miller. Language: W. L. Swallen in vacancy caused by death of R. H. Sidebotham. Evangelistic: Mr. Welbon in Mr. W. N. Blair s place. Statistician: Mr. Clark. Apportionment: M r. H u n t; Dr. Sharrocks; Mr. Adam s; Mr. Bem - heisel; Mr. F. S. M iller; Mr. Sm ith; Dr. Underwood. Elected: Property: Mr. Welbon in place of Mr. W. N. Blair, on furlough; Mr. Cook in place of Mr. McFarland, absent. General Fiscal: Mr. Sawtell in place o f Dr. Johnson, absent; Dr. Mills in place of Mr. H. E. Blair, absent; Mr. Roberts to represent Syen Chyun; Dr. Wells in place of Mr. W. N. Blair, on furlough. ASSOCIATE M E M B E R S : Property: Messrs. Toms and Reiner. Evangelistic: Mr. Rhodes, Misses. McCune and Doriss. M edical: Dr. Mills and Miss Heron. Editorial: Mr. Lampe and Miss Taylor. General Fiscal: Mr. Kerr. Educational: Miss Rittgers. On motion the session adjourned, Dr. Purviance leading in prayer P.M. T h e W o m e n o f t h e M ission. The Women of the Korea Mission feeling the need of getting in closer touch with each other and each other s work, a few years ago planned a special meeting for women and this has become an interesting feature of the Annual Meeting program.

35 1909] KOREA MISSION. 29 This year there were two meetings held. On Tuesday afternoon a printed program entitled Women for Women in Winning Korea for Christ was successfully followed. The subjects of the papers and addresses were as follows: A Woman s Work in Syen Chyun Mrs. Ross; Reaching Women in Taiku Mrs. Adams; What a Nurse Does Miss Shields; The Women About Seoul Miss Wambold ; A Pastor s Wife Mrs. Swallen; What Bible Institute Means Miss Best; The Women about Syen Chyun Miss Samuel; The Findings of a Doctor s Wife Mrs. M ills; Girls in Training Mrs. Greenfield; A Junior Missionary at W ork Mrs. Purviance; A Twelfth Year in Pyeng Yang Mrs. Lee; Some Work for Chai Ryung Mrs. Whiting. Pyeng Yang, Korea, August 25,1909. The Mission met at 8.45 a.m. and Mr. Lampe led devotional exercises. GovemmentalEducationalMatters. A written report of the Committee on Government Educational Matters was read by Dr. Moffett, Chairman, followed by a verbal statement by Dr. Gale. The substance of the latter was that the attitude of the Government authorities is to assist the missionaries in their educational work. On motion the former was referred to the Educational Committee and is as follows: The General Councils Committee has had no meeting but the Presbyterian Council Committee has several times had interviews with the Government authorities, and a delegation of foreigners and Koreans from Syen Chyun, Pyeng Yang, Seoul and Chai Ryung were accorded two prolonged interviews by the Minister of Education. It was decided that, in accord with the wish of the Government, our schools should apply for Government permits. Mr. Sammons, the American Consul-General, in our behalf receiving from the Government assurances that in so registering there should be:

36 30 MINUTES OF THE [August First Freedom of Christian religious teaching in schools thus registered ; Second Mutual co-operation in continuing established Christian school work; Third That Christian schools and Christian school graduates are to receive the recognition and benefits enjoyed by Government schools, thus avoiding discrimination. In registering, the School Association of the South Pyeng An Presbyterial Committee prepared a registration blank which was printed and a sample sent to all stations. It materially added in facilitating registration A great many schools have received their permits. In many cases the missionary was entered as the Ivyo Chang, or patron of the school where there is as yet no Korean pastor or ordained elder, who it was thought might better act as patron. In granting the permits the Government has taken exception to certain books, which were in the curriculum and made some suggestions as to rules. It is not yet clearly defined as to what is the attitude of the Government towards the management of Christian schools but there seems to be good reason to infer that there is no intention to interfere in the details of management and that in the matter of text books we shall be given a hearing on the question of the suitability or non-suitability of books which we may wish to use. S a m u e l A. M o f f e t t, Chairman. Auditing Treasurer s Reports- The report of the Finance Committee on auditing the Treasurer s books was read and adopted as follows : The Mission Finance Committee begs to report that the Treasurer s books were audited twice; the first time with the assistance oi Mrs. Hirst and the second time with the assistance of Mr. Greenfield, in November and May. In both instances the accounts were found correct, the disbursements had been made in accordance with the Board s appropriations and the cash in hand as well as the bills of exchange were in accord with the balances shown in the ledger. advised the Treasurer as to questionable procedures. In several instances the Committee has From the First of May of this year a new journal, in which the various classes of expenditures are tabulated in different columns, has been opened. This will facilitate the entries as well as the examination of the accounts. A. A. P i e t e e s, Chairman.

37 1909] KOREA MISSION. 31 Estimates The General Fiscal Committee reported as follows on estimates being sections 2 and 3 of their report; Section 2 was adopted and Section 3 re-referred : Section 2. Recommended that the sum of Yen 230 reserved for the use of Mr. Sidebotham, deceased, be given to Fusan station to be used in paying the expense of outside help coming to the station, (v Minutes, p. 71). Property Committee- The Property Committee reports sections 4, 5, 6 and 7. Sections 4 and 6 were adopted ; Section 5 was referred to the General Fiscal Committee. Their report is as follows: Section I V. As to the 100 Yen set aside last year for taxes (Minutes page 50, Art. II. a) we recommend that the following amounts which have actually been used be paid and the balance be distributed to the stations as per last years percentages of Class VIT. Syen Chyun...yen Chai Ryung Kang K a i T a ik u The Board having cut all Mission appropriations one twelfth, the total for this item is but Yen Deducting from this the above amount leaves a balance of Yen 8.66 or Yen 2.08 for Seoul, Yen 2.24 for Pyeng Yang, Yen 1.28 for Taiku, Yen 1.12 for Syen Chyun, 96 sen for Fusan, 80 sen for Chai Ryung, and IS sen for Chung Ju. Sec. V. (Passed.) As to taxes for next year the Government has given notice that each of our houses is to be taxed the maximum of 8 Yen making a total of Yen for the whole Mission, and we therefore recommend Yen 320 be set aside and left in the hands of the Mission Treasurer until next Annual Meeting when it shall be divided according to the amount of taxes actually paid. Sec. V I. (Referred to Finance Committee). As to the balance of money in Class V II, we' recommend that it be divided among the stations as follows: Seoul 25%, Pyeng Yang 21%, Taiku 15%, Syen Chyun 15%, Fusan 10%, Chai Ryung 8 1 /3 %, Kang Kai 3 1 /3 %, and Chung Ju 1 2 /3 %. Sec. VIT. (Passed). W e would call the attention of the Mission to the fact that the number o f units in the Mission has rapidly increased in the last few years while the total in Class V I I has remained practically stationary. W e believe that Class V I I must be increased this year and we feel that Yen per building is the least that should be given for repairs alone. This amount will mean a total of Yen in the Class or an increase

38 32 MINUTES o p t h e [August over this year of Yen W e would recommend that this increase be made this year the money to come from the Mission s \h% increase, or from whatever source the General Fiscal Committee feels can spare it. (Referred to General Fiscal Committee). Treasurer s Report Reviewed- Section 3 of the General Fiscal Committee s Report on the Treasurer s Report, which was referred to it yesterday, is as follows : W e recommend that Sections 1, 2 and 11 of the Treasurer s Report be referred to the Finance Committee ; (Passed) That Sections o, 4, 5 and 9 be referred to the Rules and By-Laws Committee; (Passed) That Sections 6, 7, 8 and 10 be adopted. (Passed). Estimates- Moved and carried that the estimates from the Permanent Committees be made the first order of the day to-morrow. Rules and By-Laws- Tile Committee on Rules and By- Laws called attention to proposed changes in the Rules and By-Laws which changes were posted on the bulletin board for inspection, action to be deferred until a later session. Language Committee- The Language Committee read its report, but time for recess having arrived, discussion was deferred until after recess. After recess devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. Rhodes, his topic being, Service. Business resumed, the privileges of the floor were, on motion, extended to Dr. and Mrs. Russell and Misses Scott and Scherffenberg. Language Committee Report- The Language Committee s report was taken up for discussion by sections as follows: Your committee begs leave to submit the following recommendations: Section 1. In view of the letter of Dr. Brown dated Feb. 8, 1909, we would report our last year s recommendation that a language school be organized for the first and second year students. a. As to time: December and May. b. As to place: Seoul and Pyeng Yang. c. As to instructors: Dr. Underwood and Mrs. Baird.

39 1909] KOREA MISSION. 33 d. As to students: Attendance required unless excused by the Committee. e. As to expense: To be provided from itinerating fund or from balances at close of fiscal year in hands of station or Mission. (Re-referred to report on matter of expense to be involved.) Section 2. That the Apportionment Committee assign one individual in each station to give to the new students one hour at least per week of instruction in the language and nominate the following: Messrs. H. E. Blair, Ross, Lee, Sharp, Pieters, Miller, Bruen and Smith. In case of absence or inability of the appointee to serve the station shall be responsible to provide a substitute. (Re-referred). Section 3. In view of the difficulty of securing text books on the Korean language on account of their being largely out of print and at best unsatisfactory, we recommend that Dr. Underwood be assigned to prepare a comprehensive manual of the Korean language. (Adopted). Section 4. W e recommend that the course in Chinese be hereafter required, v iz.: 1st year. Y u Hak Cho Kei 1st vol. 2nd year. John 1-15 in Mixed Script. 3rd year. Finish John and read Luke. 4th year. Optional. Finish N. T. It may be stated by way of information that the committee proposes to drop the work in the French Grammar as the book is no longer obtainable and also the O Ryun Haing Sil. (Re-referred). Respectfully submitted, C. F. B e r n h e i s e l, Chairman. Cy r ll R oss, Secretary. Special Privilege to General Fiscal Committee. The hour for adjournment having arrived the Committee s report was discontinued and the General Fiscal Committee, by special privilege, was given the floor to present sections 4 and 5 of its report, in order to facilitate business in the afternoon sessions of Committees. Adopted as follows : Sec. 4. That the Estimates for be made out on the basis of the money already granted this year plus additional grant promised by the Board (see Dr. Brown s letter of June 8 to the Secretary of the Committee) for the new missionaries arriving on the field during the past fiscal year' i.e. up to April 30, 1909.

40 34 MINUTES OF THE [August This total is as follows: Original Grant... Extra for Mr. Erdman... Total Grant language teachers at Itineration for 11 at , , , Sec. 5. Grand Total , That while the Estimates are made out on a basis including only Yen 2, for these new missionaries, yet the added expenses of the new missionaries make it absolutely necessary that the Mission should receive for the current year and for subsequent years the full amount given for the use of the new missionaries on the field as apportioned by the Board from the amount of 1, gold received for each new missionary. Motion made and carried to adjourn. Dr. Whiting closed with prayer P.M. M eeting of th e W omen of th e M ission. On Wednesday afternoon the ladies met informally to hear some of the first impressions as experienced by Misses Doriss, Essick, Taylor, McCune and Mrs. Cook, Toms, Reiner Logan, some of those who had just completed their first year in Korea, we also discussed some of our domestic problems. The discussion took the form of a question box. Miss Chase responded to the question, What are some of the best methods in dealing with Koreans as servants? ; M iss Samuel gave suggestions as to how one may travel comfortably, yet lightly, while itinerating ; Mrs. Bruen described a satisfactory itinerating box and its contents; Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Curtis gave helpful suggestions as to how native products may be made palatable for our tables. A ll ladies freely joined in discussing the various questions. After refreshments, shared with the gentlemen in Committee meetings below stairs, Mrs. Baird led a discussion on How shall we take time to be Holy?, especially for the help of the mothers in our number who find the quiet moments rare.

41 1909] KOREA MISSION. 35 August 26, The Fourth Day s session of Annual Meeting opened at 8:45 a.m. with Devotional Exercises led by Mr. Hunt. After Scripture reading, Mr. McCune led in prayer. approved. The Minutes of Wednesday s sessions were read and Estimates- Reports on estimates by the various Committees ; Evangelistic Committee, Class I V ; Educational Committee, Class V ; Medical Committee, Class V I ; (Property Committee, Class V II, reported yesterday); and the General Fiscal Committee, Class I X. These reports were all adopted and referred to the General Fiscal Committee. For table of the above see Appendix I. Gift for Publishing Literature in Regard to Christ s Imminent Coming- Dr. Underwood reported that a gift had been placed in his hands for the distribution of the facts concerning Bible truths, concerning Christ as a Redeemer, and the Imminence ef His coming. The matter on motion was referred to the Publishing Fund Committee. Propaganda Committee- The following report of the Propaganda Committee was read and adopted : The Korea Propaganda being finished, we ought to be able to render a full and complete report, but we are not able to give all details. following facts are however at hand: First as to missionaries: The number that came out last year w a s At the last June Conference there were to come out this year. 16 And to come out a year later... 2 In addition to this, funds were in hand to send out as soon as the men and women were found Making a total of There had developed a shortage in the case of funds for two of the married couples, but we hope that this has since been made up. The A careful survey will show that we lack two men of the original twenty asked for when all are found, unless some of the twelve above spoken of should come out unmarried, the reckoning here taking it for granted that six only will be men.

42 36 MINUTES OP THE [August If. then, some should come out unmarried, the above fund may provide the whole original twenty asked for. W e would note, however, that in the matter of single ladies the results have exceeded the first expectations of the Committee. W e would at this time call attention to the fact that in the above cases (with the exception of two) for each individual missionary the Board receives not the single salary, but the sum of gold to cover, in addition to salary, travelling and outfit, the added expenses on the field, and the Board will allow this additional sum for these new missionaries. Second, as to Buildings, etc. A large number of smaller items not originally in the list have been provided. Of the residences asked (29) money has been provided for twenty-one, but it should be noted that six of these are for the twelve new men above spoken of, and will be available only when these men are sent to be used for them. It behooves this Annual Meeting, then, to note carefully the added houses needed by the Mission for those on the field or those now on the way and ask the Board for these. On May 1st, 1909, Mr. Hall carefully went over the books and found the following yet to be provided: Eight Residences at $3,000 24,000 One Hospital... 5,000 E d u c a t io n a l B u il d in g s. Boys Academy at S e o u l... 14,500 Girls Academy at S e o u l... 5,000 College at Pyeng Yang... 13,500 Girls Academy at Pyeng Yang... 5,000 Girls Academy at Syen Chyun... 4,000 L a n d. To complete Taiku Station site... 2,750 House site at Seoul... 1,000 M is c e l l a n e o u s. Bible Class Building at Taiku Installing city water at Seoul S ta tio n Maintenance of buildings, less cash and pledges on hand 4,325 Total amount still needed May 1st, $80,000

43 1909] KOREA MISSION. 37 As we said, we regret much that the whole has not been raised, but we feel confident that in so far as it shall be for the good of the work it will be received. Respectfully submitted, H. G-. Underwood, Chairman. Evangelistic Committee- The Evangelistic Committee then presented Sections 2 and 3 of its report. Sec. A. W e recommend that whenever possible stations far from the Railroad shall have provision made for a visit from a senior missionary of another station, at least once a year. (Adopted). Sec. 3. W e recommend that, with the approval of the Board the Mission take steps to the opening of Andong Station, and that Mr. Sawtell be assigned to this work, that an additional clerical worker be appointed there, and a physician be requested. After a discussion as to the whole matter of opening new stations, a statement from Dr. Underwood as to the Board s position and the position of the Propaganda Committee, and the reading of a Board letter by the Secretary on this subject, recess was taken. The devotional half hour was led by Mr. Cook, his subject being Lovest thou Me. After further discussion on Sec. 3 of the report of the Evangelistic Committee in regard to opening of Andong Station, time for adjournment having arrived, it was moved and carried that, contrary to the order of the day, we hold an afternoon session from 2 to 4 p.m. The session adjourned with prayer by Mr. Billings of the M. E. Mission. 2 P.M. Devotional exercises were conducted by the Chairman, Dr. Johnson leading in prayer. Evangelistic Committee- The Evangelistic Committee continued its report from Section 3 in regard to the opening of Andong Station. By consent, after two hours

44 38 MINUTES OF THE [August discussion, it was re-referred for action later, and was finally adopted with the amendment: As soon as consistent with the needs of the Stations already opened. (Adopted after the other sections were passed and inserted here by consent.) Sec. 4. W e recommend that the recommendation of the Andong Committee for 1000 for site and $3000 each for residences be approved. Adopted. Sec. 5. W e recommend that requests for the following Bible Women be approved: Taiku, 4 ; Pyeng Yang, 2 ; Syen Chyun, 2 ; Chung Ju, 1 ; Fusan, 2 ; Seoul, 1. Adopted. Sec. 6. W e recommend the approval of Taiku s request to use Yen additional in Mr. Erdman s hands appropriated by the Board for a Class Building for men. Adopted. Sec. 7. W e recommend that we reapprove items 13, 14, 15, in last year s report: i.e. Kang Kei s request for a Rest House at Chosan, Yen 400. Adopted. Sec. 8. W e recommend the approval of Chung Ju s request for Yen 2,800 for two class buildings. Adopted. Sec. 9. W e recommend the approval of Seoul Station s request for Y en 450 for a site for a church in the northern part of the city. Postponed. Sec. 10. Schedule of help in Men s Bible Classes. Postponed. Sec. 11. W e recommend the approval of request for two more native helpers for Fusan. Adopted. Sec. 12. W e recommend the approval of request for one more native helper for Taiku. Adopted. Sec. 13. W e recommend that, with the approval of the Board, for the better working of South Kyung Sang province we locate some of the missionaries at M il Yang and that we assign to Mil Yang Mr. George W inn and another clerical missionary and his wife and one single woman. And that these, together with our missionaries in Fusan, constitute one station. Adopted. Sec. 14. W e recommend that Messrs. Koons, Clark and Erdman be assigned two months each to give assistance to South Kyung Sang province. Adopted. Sec. 15. Assistance in Women s Classes. (Action postponed.) Sec. 16. Passed previously under consideration of Estimates, Class IV. (See Appendix I.). Sec. 17. Preferred list of Clerical Workers. Action postponed.

45 1909] KOREA MISSION. 39 Sec. IS. W e recommend the approval of the following order of preference for single women: 1. M il Yang. 7. W un Ju. 2. Chai Byung. 8. Andong. 3. Syen Chyun. 9. W un Ju. 4. Pyeng Yang. 10. Andong. 5. Chung Ju. 11. Taiku. 6. M il Yang. Adopted. Sec Whereas, at our Annual Meeting in we stated that with twenty men (including three physicians) and seventeen single women, in addition to the mission force at that time under appointment we could probably meet our responsibility for the evangelization of Korea and the education of the church, and whereas, last year we repeated our request for the remainder of the twenty men and seventeen women, we would call the attention of the Board to the fact that in addition to all now under appointment we still need seven men for evangelistic and educational work, one physician and eight single women, in order to bring our force up to the mark set in 190 7, which we reaffirm are needed to meet our responsibility. In explanation of this we present the following: V a c a n c i e s i n M i s s i o n f o r c e s i n c e t h e r e q u e s t w a s m a d e. C. C. Vinton... M. M. N u l l... B. H. Sidebotham Miss Field... Miss Barrett... Miss Cameron... offset by arrival of J. F. G-enso.... offset by arrival of W.C. Purviance.... offset bv arrival of George Winn.... offset by arrival of Miss Taylor.... offset by arrival of Miss Rittgers.... offset by arrival of Miss McKenzie. In addition to these we have received the following: 1. Mr. Lampe 1. Dr. Mills 1. Miss McCune 2. Mr. Bhodes 2. Dr. Fletcher 2. Miss Doriss 3. Mr. Kerr 3. Miss Essick 4. Mr. Seiner 4. Miss Mills 5. Mr. Cook 5. Miss Helstrom 6. Mr. Toms 6. Miss Campbell 7. Mr. Crothers 7. Miss Davis 8. Mr. W inn, E. G. 8. Miss McKee 9. Mr. Mowry 9. Miss Plummer 10. Mr. Holdcroft

46 40 MINUTES OF THE [August This leaves seven clerical men, one physician and eight single women needed to make up the number requested in 1907, and we earnestly urge the Board to send this full number. Adopted. Educational Committee- The Educational Committee reported as follows: Sec. 1. (See Appendix I.) Sec. 2. Already passed under consideration of Estimates, Class V W e recommend the approval of the opening of a department in the Syen Chyun Girls Academy for the instruction of young married women, Yen 75 being needed. Sec. 3. (Adopted). W e recommend the approval of an increase from Yen 200 to Yen 350 for the Syen Chyun Girls Academy. Class. Sec. 4. (Adopted). Sec. 5. (Adopted). W e recommend the increase of Yen 20 for Syen Chyun Norma W e recommend the increase of Yen 450 for Pyeng Yang College and Academy and Yen 1-50 for Girls Academy. Sec. 6. (Adopted). W e recommend the increase of Yen 200, for John D. W ells Training School for Christian Workers and Yen 300 for the Women s Academy, Seoul. Sec. 7. (Adopted). W e recommend that no increase over last year be granted to the Boys School in Chung Ju. Sec. 8. Yen 150. Sec. 9. (Adopted). W e recommend an increase for the Taiku Boys Academy of (Adopted). W e recommend that no increase over last year be granted to the Fusan Girls School (see Minutes 1908, page 87) as we do not think that large appropriations should be granted schools of lower than Academic grade. Sec. 10. (Adopted). the local boys school. Sec. 11. W e recommend that Fusan be permitted to use Yen 100 on (Adopted). W hile the committee approves the general plan of buildings for the John D. W ells Training School for Christian Workers, we recommend that the request for Yen 20,000 for the college building be not granted. (Lost). Next Annual Meeting- Moved and carried that the time, date and place of the next Annual Meeting be referred to the Apportionment Committee. After announcement and on motion to adjourn the session closed with prayer by Mr. Greenfield.

47 1909] KOREA MISSION. 41 QUARTO CENTENNIAL. AUGUST 27, The morning session of the exercises held in commemoration of the Quarto Centennial of Korean Missions was preceded by a devotional service conducted by Mr. Whittemore. The leader called upon the Mission to look upon the work of the past years not only with great thanksgiving but with humility, and to look with trust into the future. At the close of the devotional exercises the Chairman of Annual Meeting turned over the gavel to Dr. Underwood, Chairman for the day. As we have been singing, 1to be living is sublime, said Dr. Underwood. 11In "New York City as I was leaving on one of my trips an old man with his feet on the edge of the grave turned to me and, grasping my hand, said Oh, Underwood, to think that we are permitted to live in such an age as this. God grant that as we look over the twenty-five years that have passed we may be influenced not so much by the remembrance of what has been as by the thought that God has granted to you and to me the opportunity to live in this time in Korea. The first order of the day was the reading of Greetings from Dr. Allen by Mr. Bernheisel. A solo, Just for To-day, was rendered by Miss Taylor. Dr. Underwood in introducing Dr. Moffett, who Mas to speak on Evangelistic Work, said :

48 42 MINUTES OP THE [August The class foremost in the work in Korea is the Evangelistic Work, and we have always aimed to make every part of our work evangelistic. We will now hear from Dr. Moffett, the foremost of our evangelists. Dr. Moffett gave the history of the growth of the church as a self-,supporting, self-propogating and self-governing body. Moved and carried to appoint a Committee to inquire into the matter of marking the grave of Mr. Thomas, of whose coming in the early days Dr. Moffett had spoken. The Committee later appointed, were Dr. Moffett, F. S. Miller and Mr. McCune. Dr. Underwood called attention to the fact that the first Bible Training Class in Korea was composed of seven men, the first class of communicants seven, the first graduated doctors seven, the first ordained ministers seven, and that it has seemed God s desire to make perfect, to take poor little despised Korea and make it show forth His glory, and his power to change life. The preaching of the Koreans in Yucatan was spoken of and Mr. Lee was requested to bring to the afternoon session a letter relating to the matter which he had recently received. Dr. Baird read a paper on Educational Work. In the discussion as to what the graduates do when they go out, testimony from all sides was given as to their efficiency and their help to the church. After singing, a paper written by Dr. Avison on the History of Medical Work in Korea was read by Mr. F. S. Miller. The session closed with prayer by Mr. Lee. The Afternoon Session opened with Devotional Exercises conducted by Dr. Irvin, his subject being, The Giving Christ. A letter from Miss Armstrong, formerly teacher in the Pyeng Yang School, as to the work of the Koreans in Yucatan was read by Mr. Lee.

49 1909] KOREA MISSION. 43 Dr. Sharrocks and Mrs. Rhodes sang, Because He Loves Me So. A paper on the History and Present Status of Work for Korean Women was read by Miss Best. Mr. Adams read a paper on The Roll of the Mission s Dead. Dr. Mills sang Abide with Me. The Statistician, Mr. Clark, read a report of statistics which he had compiled, making comparisons which were extremely interesting. Following are some striking items : 25 years ago, not one Christian N O W 100,000 in our church alone, of whom 25,057 are full communicant members. Last year in eleven months, 6,522 were baptized being a net increase of 2 7 ^. In eleven months of last year the church raised for all purposes Yen 162, Last year in our 591 church Primary Schools 10,916 boys and 2511 girls were studying. 307 Helpers on salary, 246 or 80 % of whom are paid by the church. Including school teachers, of the 1152 employees of the church, 9 4 ^ are supported without any foreign funds. Bible Study Classes were held at 800 different places with a total enrollment of 50,000, making one half of our adherentage attending such classes. Dr. Underwood read a Story of Reminiscences. The exercises closed with singing the Long Metre Doxology and with prayer by Mr. Swallen. August 28, Devotional Exercises were conducted by Mr. Toms, after which Saturday s session of the 25th Annual Meeting was called to order by the Chairman.

50 4 4 MINUTES OF THE [August The Minutes of the previous day s session were read and approved. Educational Committee- The Educational Committee reported as follows: Reconsideration: Thursday s session, be reconsidered. D. Sec. 11. Moved and carried that Sec. 11 lost, by motion, in While the committee approves the general plan for the John W ells Training School for Christian Workers, we recommend that the request for Yen 20,000 for the College building be not granted. Adopted. Sec, 12. W e recommend that Seoul Station s request for Gymnasium for John D. W ells Training School be not granted. Adopted. Sec. 13. Docket. (See Appendix, Educational Committee Report)# Adopted. Property Committee- The Property Committee then rendered a report. Sec. I. W e would report ad interim actions as follows: (a). Approval of plans for the following buildings: Houses for Dr. Hirst, H. E. Blair, Mr. Rhodes, Dr. Mills, and the Single Ladies of Taiku. The Ann Jamieson Building of the Syen Chyun Girls Academy. The Main Building of the Hugh O Neill, Jr., Academy, Syen Chyun. ( >). Approval of alterat ions on the houses of Messrs. Lee, W. X. Blair, Sec. II. McCune, and W e lls ; also the plan of a porch to be added to the Taiku Hospital. W e recommend the approval of the following items that come within the jurisdiction of the Committee: (a). An additional room to be added to Mr. Whittemore s yen house (b). Gate quarters and fence for the Girls Academy, Seoul (c). Deepening the well on Dr. Gale s compound, Seoul (d). Roofing two porches and putting in stone steps to houses, Seoul (e). Additional room for Mr. Adams house, Taiku ( /). Additional room for Mr. Bruen s house, Taiku (;g). W ell for the compound, Taiku (A). Special repairs for Syen Chyun Station (i). Completion of Mr. Bernheisel s site, Pyeng Yang

51 1909] KOREA MISSION. 45 (j). Raising of item No. 25 of last year s docket (addition yen to the Ladies House, Pyeng Y a n g ) (,k). Part house for Mr. Kerr, Chai Ryung (Z). House for Mr. Kagin, Chung Ju Sec. I I I. W e recommend that hereafter a footnote be appended to the Property Docket in the printed Minutes giving the value of yen as related to U. S. Gold. Adopted. It was moved and carried that the first order of the day after recess be the special report of the Executive Committee. Evangelistic Committee- The Evangelistic Committee reported on the following sections re-referred. follows: Sec. 6 on motion was reconsidered and again adopted. It is as W e recommend the approval of Taiku s request to use Yen additional in Mr. Erdman s hands appropriated by the Board for a class building for men. Sec. 13 was adopted and is as follows: W e recommend that, with the approval of the Board, for the better working of South Kyeng Sang Province we locate some of the missionaries at Mil Yang and that we assign to M il Yang Mr. W inn and another clerical missionary and his wife and one single woman. with our missionaries in Fusan constitute one station. And that these together Sec. 17 after discussion was adopted and referred lo Apportionment Committee as follows: W e approve the following order of preference for clerical workers. 1. M il Yang. 2. Andong. 3. Syen Chyun. 4. Pyeng Yang. 5. Chung Ju. 6. Kang Kai. 7. W on Ju. 8. Andong. 9. Chai Ryung. After intermission, Dr. Underwood led devotional exercises, his subject being Filled with all the Fullness of God. The whole Mission was moved with a spirit of prayer, continuing in prayer for twenty minutes beyond the time assigned. Christ s presence was manifestly with us.

52 46 MINUTES OF THE [August On motion the privileges of the floor were extended to Miss Pindar who although not under appointment as a missionary is a missionary to missionaries in Bethany Home, Seoul. Dr. Brown s V isit: The Mission by circular letter adopted the suggestion of the Executive Committee (see ad interim actions page 12 of Minutes) that Dr. Brown meet the Mission for conference Sept On motion the Committee on Arrangements were instructed to arrange for the Conference for dates set, the understanding being that all missionaries will be present. Committee on Division of Territory Chyung Chyeng Province: The Committee on Division of Territory in Chyung Chyeng Province rendered its report which was adopted as read and is as follows : The Mission will no doubt remember that at last Annual Meeting this Committee reported that owing to the unwillingness of the M. E. Mission s representatives to consider further any limitation of their field in Korea until the larger question of the whole territorial assignment (in all Korea) be more fully settled, no action was possible at that time (Minutes page 29). From Annual Meeting time until December last the Committee received no further communications from the M. E. Mission and therefore nothing was done. In December Mr. F. S. Miller. Chairman of the Committee went on furlough and the Mission Chairman appointed in his place Rev. S. A. Moffett, D.D. In December a Board letter dated Sept. 28, 1908 was received in which it was stated that Dr. Brown and Bishop Harris had worked out in New York a plan of division which had been approved in its main features by the M. E. Board and our Board in New York. The letter reads as follows: W e reached the following agreement which he (Bishop Harris) said he would send to the Methodist Missionaries in Korea with his approval, and now I, our Board having voted its approval, transmit it to you as follows: W e, the undersigned, in conference to-day regarding the division of territory between the Chung Ju and Kong Ju Stations of our respective Missions agree to the following statement. 1st. The principle shall be that each station shall have a reasonable territory and population for the development of its work: the question of division of this territory and population being determined with reference to these two stations alone, considerations affecting the work of either or both Boards elsewhere in Korea not being relevant.

53 1909] KOREA MISSION. 47 2nd. The territory of the Methodist Kong Ju Station shall extend eastward to the railroad, northward on the western side of the railroad, at least 100 li, southward on the western side of the railroad at least 100 li and westward indefinitely as far as Presbyterians are concerned. Presbyterians shall not conduct any work within this region, and shall turn over to the Methodist any work they already have within that area and endeavour to influence the Korean Christians to acquiesce and to transfer their relations to the Methodists. 3rd. The territory of the Presbyterian Station of Chung Ju shall extend westward to the railroad, northward on the eastern side of the railroad at least 100 li, southward on the eastern side of the railroad at least 100 li and eastward indefinitely as far as the Methodists are concerned. Methodists shall not conduct any work within this region and shall turn over to the Presbyterians any work they already have within that area, and endeavour to influence the Korean Christians to acquiesce and to transfer their relations to the Presbyterians. 4th. The Methodists shall have the right at their discretion to continue to care for the Koreans already connected with their work east of the railroad, and not within the 100 li limit either north or south of Chung Ju ; and the Presbyterians shall have the right at their discretion to continue to care for the Koreans already connected with their work west of the railroad and not within the 100 li limit north or south of Kong J u ; but the Methodists shall not plan an extention of their work east of the railroad, nor shall the Presbyterians plan an extension of their work west o f the railroad, the expectation and hope being that in time the railroad shall come to be the dividing line between the two stations W e agree to submit this basis of adjustment to our respective Missions with our recommendation that it be adopted. Signed by Dr. A. J. E bow n and B is h o p M. C.^ H a r r i s. Upon receipt of this letter your Committee at once opened negotiations with the M. E. Mission for a conference to work out the details of the agreement and after some difficulty a meeting was arranged for Feb. 20 in Seoul. At this conference only Bishop Harris and M r Jones and the three members of your committee were present. Mr. Jones opened the conference by stating that the arrangement made in New York and ratified by the two Boards was not really an arrangement in any sense of the word, but simply a proposition of our Mission to their Mission and upon conference on the field here, they and the Bishop had decided that our proposition was an impossible one for them to consider. After considerable discussion, Mr. Jones stated that they would submit to us in writing a counter proposition, They did so and their proposition is as follows:

54 48 MINUTES OF THE [August T h e P r e s b y t e r i a n M is s io n, K o r e a. D e a r B r e t h r e n : The representatives of our Mission, with Bishop Harris met on the lltli inst. and considered your proposition for a division of territory in the province of Chyung Chyeng and we have come to the conclusion that the division suggested by you to the Secretary of your Board, Dr. A. J. Brown, is impracticable for the following reasons: 1. To make the division on the lines suggested would cost us the loss of over 150 groups of Christians, or about half our following in that section of Korea, with but little compensation. 2. I f a division of the field is made it should include unoccupied territory as well as that occupied by the two Missions, in order that future complications may be avoided. W e would suggest a wholly different proposition. The Presbyterian Mission North has a larger population surrounding its two Stations Taiku and Fusan, than is contiguous to all the Methodist Stations at present in Korea. In other words you have in that region a field greatly in excess of the proportion of workers you have put there. In view of this, if your Mission feels it necessary to continue its work at Chung Ju Station we shall be under the necessity of opening other Stations in these unoccupied fields as soon as practicable, in order that we may be able to discharge our share of duty in the evangelization of Korea. Inasmuch as the Chung Ju Station is a wedge driven right through the centre of our Chyung Chyeng Province work it would seem to us that it would be a much more practicable distribution of the Missionary forces in Korea for you to allow us to take care of the work in that section and place your workers in the regions where you have as yet unoccupied territory. We are, therefore, ready to report favorably to our Board a proposition from your Mission to take over at a fair valuation your Chung Ju property and care for the people of that region, thus giving you a chance to enter an undisputed and confessedly needy field. W e feel sure that such an arrangement would involve a smaller loss to your Mission than would be imposed on us by the division recommended by your Committee to Dr. Brown, while the harmony and economy of effort which both Missions so earnestly seek would be realized. Fraternally yours, (Signed) M. C. Harris. Your Committee considered this counter proposition so utterly revolutionary that they felt that it was useless to submit it ad interim to the Mission and so the matter was allowed to rest. In June, Mr. E. H. Miller also went on furlough and your Committee feeling that something more

55 1909] KOREA MISSION. 49 should be done before Annual Meeting asked that the Mission Executive Committee take over the negotiations. This, as you know, was done and further report on this matter will be made by that committee. W e would respectfully petition that for the further consideration that may be given this matter this committee be merged with that committee. Respectfully submitted, S. A. M o ffe tt, Chm. Chas. A l l e n C l a e k, Secy. It was moved and carried that this Committee be merged with the Executive Committee to meet for further conference with the M. E. Mission s Committee. Executive Committee Special Report: The Executive Committee read the following report which was adopted and referred to the appropriate Committees : Sec. 1. Passed that we inform the Mission that the Executive Committee will need Y en for its expenses for the rest of the fiscal year, and that Mr. Whittemore be directed to lay the matter before the Fiscal Committee. Sec. 2. Passed that we call the attention of the Mission to the Rules and By-Laws Art. 4, Sec. 4, page 79, and the fact that this rule is being repeatedly violated in the Stations. Sec. 3. W e would call the attention of the Mission to the action of the Mission taken ad interim, reopening a station in M il Yang and sending a man to Tokio to care for Korean students there, and the payment of travelling expenses to Presbytery, and of families to Annual Meeting. Sec. 4. W e recommend that the coming Executive Committee with the two retiring members who have been in the negotiations, be delegated authority in connection with Dr. Brown to act for the Mission, in concluding division of territory arrangements with the M. E. Mission. Conference with Committee o f M. E. Mission: The report of conference of the Executive Committee with the Presiding Elders Committee of the M. E. Mission on Division of Territory, Seoul, Aug , 1909, is as follows: The Committee on Comity met the representatives of the M. E. Mission in Seoul early in the spring to seek if possible a division of territory between the two Missions. At that time the M. E. representatives submitted a proposition looking toward our turning over to them the work and property of our Chung Ju station and withdrawing from Chyung

56 50 MINUTES OF THE [August Chyeng Province. A t the June meeting o f the Executive Committee, the members of the Committee on Comity requested the Executive Committee to assume further negotiations, and to this end a meeting was arranged which took place in Seoul, August The personnel of the M. E. Committee was Messrs. Noble, Morris, Burdick, Swearer, and Cable. Dr. Moffett was elected Chairman of the conference and Mr. Noble Secretary. Mr. Adams was spokesman for the Presbyterian side and Mr. Swearer for the Methodist. Both sides expressed themselves as desirous of a thorough division of all territory now worked by the two Missions, and after some discussion it was decided that, in general, the division should be along the proportion of the number of adult foreign missionaries in each Mission, subject to modifying considerations. W ith this understanding the list of missionaries in each Mission was submitted and examined, and it was ascertained that there were at that time in the Presbyterian Mission 101 missionaries, and in the Methodist Mission 59. Question was raised with regard to Messrs. Beck, Chew, and Chritchet in the Methodist Mission but they were finally allowed. On a comparison o f data it was ascertained that the total population worked by the two Missions amounted to 5,586,890; and that on the basis o f the ascertained number of adult missionaries in each Mission this would give to the Presbyterian Mission 3,526,728, and to the Methodist Mission 2,060,162, not taking into account any modifying considerations. The Methodist brethren then made a statement of what they conceived the present state o f occupation to be, which gave to them a population of about 1,750,000, was as follows: P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. North and South Kyeng Sang ,422,667 North and South Chyung Chyeng , ,581 Kang W u n ,733 Kyeng K u i , ,224 W hang liai , ,166 South Pyeng An , ,261 North Pyeng An , ,534 Total ,690,075 1,689,766 On the basis of this they made the following proposition as to territory which should be given to them in order to rectify the disproportion, and secure proper division of territory. P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. South Kyeng S a n g ,676 North Kyeng S a n g , ,539 South Chyung Chyeng ,455

57 1909] KOREA MISSION. 51 P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. North Chyung C h y e n g , ,858 Kang W u n ,733 Kyeng K u i , ,538 W hang H ai , ,977 South Pyeng An , ,261 North Pyeng An , ,534 Total ,490,359 2,060,162 The Presbyterian Committee took this data and proposal and in separate session went carefully through it. Some minor mistakes as to total population were discovered and rectified. A present occupation table was made out as, in the minds of the committee, being a just statement of the existing proportion. It was as follows: P r o v i n c e. T o t a l. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t South Kyeng Sang , ,676 North Kyeng Sang ,062,991 1,062,991 South Chyung Chyeng , ,581 North Chyung Chyeng , ,581 Kang W u n , ,733 Kyeng K u i ,068, , ,641 Whang H ai , , ,150 South Pyeng An , ,262 1 / 3,155 North Pyeng An , , ,534 T o ta l ,361,091 4,197,788 1,356,528 Even though a strict adherence to the proportion of adult members in each Mission was not adhered to, but due allowance given to subsidiary considerations, it was evident that a disproportion existed between the fields 'of the two Missions. The committee set itself therefore to discover what the actual disproportion, in view of all conditions which deserved consideration, would be, and how this disproportion could be most easily rectified, that is, with least sacrifice to established work. The following proposition for division was finally worked out, giving to them what we thought was a reasonable proportion, and submitted to them in the following session: P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. South Kyeng S a n g ,676 North Kyeng S a n g... 1,062,991 South Chyung Chyeng ,455 North Chyung C h y e n g ,892 68,825 Kang W u n ,733

58 52 MINUTES OF THE [August P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. Kyeng Kui , ,641 W hang Hai , ,286 South Pyeng An , ,088 North Pyeng A n , ,538 Total ,781,297 1,805,593 It will be observed that this is an increase of 450,000 over what we had estimated their present occupation to be although only something over 100,000 over what they had estimated it to be. It will be observed that this offer does not equal by about 260,000 the strict proportion per adult member of Mission. In arriving at the estimate of this offer, the committee considered that the following considerations fully, if not more than, eliminated the discrepancy between the offer and the strict proportion: 1. It became evident on an exchange of dati on the subject that there was a difference proportionately in the two native churches as evangelizing organization. This was no reflection upon either the efficiency or the methods of the Methodist Mission. It arose from natural and recognized causes, in that the Presbyterian Board had specialized on Korea while historically the Methodist Board had neglected it in order to put their strength upon other fields, and as a result the Presbyterian Mission had been enabled to form an instrument for handling work which the Methodist had not, and this factor should be given weight in a just proportioning of population. The reality of this consideration was evidenced by the fact that proportionately our native constituency gave 18 % more in contributions; had 11 % more of total evangelistic agents; had twice as many salaried evangelistic agents proportionately; and supported twice as many salaried agents of all kinds proportionately. The data on which this was worked out were as follows : P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. Total adherency... 96,443 46,486 Total contributions... Yen 162,150 66,714 Evang. Agts. Native and Self Support (80 % of total) 143 (69 % of total) Evang. Agts. Native salaried Total native salaried agents including school teachers 1, It was without question that years of service made for efficiency in handling work. Therefore, the average years of service in the Mission force of the two Missions should be given weight. It was ascertained that there was a difference o f 6/10 of a year in favor of the Presbyterians in this respect which itself made a difference of 100,000 in population. It

59 1909] KOKEA MISSION. 53 was also without question that the relative number of men in a Mission was the largest single factor in determining the the capacity of handling work. The number of women in the Methodist Mission was relatively much larger. I f the relative number of men were compared, and especially if average term of service were reckoned in, this one item would reduce the discrepancy 230,000, or within of the strict proportion. 3. The Presbyterian Mission has now under appointment or on the way 15 additional missionaries, all coming this Fall. They have money in hands for a number more, estimated at eleven. The Methodist Mission has four under appointment. I f these are added in to the total number of adult members in the two Missions this one item would entirely eliminate the discrepen cy. 4. The largest and weightiest consideration, however, we felt was that historically the Presbyterian Board had specialized upon Korea. As the work had developed, it had reinforced with men and money as they were needed, and had built up its work. This wa-; not true of the Methodist Board. They had not taken the opportunity when it came. Historically the field had been neglected for other fields. The present situation was but the natural outcome of this fact. It was not proper that at this late date the Presbyterian Board should be asked to sacrifice the legitimate fruits of this aggressive policy, and turn over to the Methodist Boards work, population and territory, which it had acquired by reason of this policy, and which it was simply equipped to work, in order that the Methodist Mission might now have a proportionately equal opportunity for development. On the basis of this offer there was an exchange of data as to what developed work would have to be exchanged, in order that division along this line might lie accomplished. The following was the result : P r o v in c e. P rjl:s b y te r ja.\. M eth o d ist. Groups. ' dhets. Bapt. Groups. Adhts. Bapt. W hang Hai , , W un Ju District , Kyeng K ui ,3S4 709 Chyung Cliyeng , Total , ,976 1,519 This did not include the exchange which would be necessary in order to give the Methodist 190,088 tributary population in South Pyeng An province. This was not estimated. At the next session the Methodist brethren stated that after examining carefully our proposition they had found it impossible to consent to withdrawing from their work in North Chyung Chveng province. The pro-

60 54 MINUTES OF THE [August portion of population granted was perhaps not an insurmountable obstacle, but the proposition would involve giving up too large a proportion of their established work. They, therefore, had a counter proposition to offer, which was as follows: P r o v in c e. P r e s b y t e r i a n. M e t h o d is t. South Kyeng S a n g ,676 North Kyeng Sang ,062,991 South Chyung C hyeng ,455 North Chyung Chyeng , ,746 Kang W un ,733 Kyeng Kui , ,658 Whang Hai , ,988 South Pyeng An , ,261 North Pyeng An , ,534 Total ,958,936 2,057,642 It was pointed out that this was practically identical with their former proposition as to population, and in addition involved the elimination of our Chung Ju Station ; that no abatement whatever was allowed from the strict proportion per adult member in view of the weighty considerations which had been presented. This was admitted. It was then stated that from the Presbyterian side nothing had been held back, but an earnest effort has been made to secure for them all that justice, and even liberality could require, and that the committee did not feel that any further large concessions were incumbent upon us. Further discus-sion elicited that while the M. E. brethren thought that adjustments could be made in other sections, the turning over of the work in N. E. W hang Hai and in N. Chyung Chyeng Provinces on their part would entail such a sacrifice that they could not be warranted in doing it, could not justify the procedure to their superiors, and would have difficulty in purcuading the Korean church to accede. The Presbyterian Committee passed the following resolution: Resolved that this Committee does not see it s way clear to accede to the request of the M. E. Mission that we relinquish our work in North Chyung Chyeng Province. W e consider the request revolutionary to our Mission policy, and ask that they further consider the question of their yielding in that Province, if they can find it possible, and that this conference adjourn to meet at the call of the chairman when Dr. Brown can join the conference. It should be pointed out that the Committee thinks that it made an exceedingly liberal offer and an exceedingly liberal estimate of the proportionate population due them. It allowed six members of their Mission

61 1909] KOREA MISSION. 55 of whom grave question might well be raised, namely, Messrs. Chew, Beck, and Critchet. It advanced only modifying considerations, term of service, present reinforcements, total male strength of Missions, and historical situation, the aggregate of which if given weight, reduced the proportion far below our offer, and it offered two new exclusive station fields to them, one in Whang Hai Province, of the H ai Ju district with a population of 256,286 and one in the Kang W un province, our W un Ju field, with a population of 245,733. The counter consideration which was offered to these was their proposed American propaganda to which their General Conference had given authority, but which is still in project, does not begin until next year, and the fruitage of which cannot begin to materialize for a year or more. The conference was conducted with the best of spirit on both sides throughout. The earnest desire of both sides for general division, as well as the difficulties under which each side labored was mutually understood as never before. Finally the problem was reduced to essentially two factors, North Chyung Chyeng and North-east Whang Hai. It was arranged that another meeting be held in September with Dr. Brown present, and that meanwhile both sides give further earnest and prayerful consideration to the as yet unsolved portions of the problem. Sec. 4 of the Executive Committee s recent actions gives its present recommendation on the subject. Respectfully submitted, S. A. M o ffe tt, Chairman. J. E. A dam s, Secretary. General Fiscal Committee : The General Fiscal Committee reported on section 14 of its report. In the midst of discussion, time for adjournment arrived. prayer. On motion, it was decided to hold an afternoon session. The session was adjourned, the chairman leading in 2 P.M. Mr. McCune opened the afternoon session with Scripture reading, and Mr. Welbon led in prayer. General Fiscal Committee : Discussion was resumed on Section 14 of the General Fiscal Committee s report, which

62 56 MINUTES OP THE [August was before the Mission at time of adjournment of the morning sesssion. It was adopted as follows : Sec. 14. Class IV. V. V I. V II. I X. Station. I X Mission # # # 6.2 # # 7.1 #. Evangelistic Committee: The Evangelistic Committee continued its report as follows : Sec. 10. help in Bible Classes: W e reccomend the adoption of the following schedule of Taiku, Dr. Gale, Feb. 25 to Mar. 6. Mr. Koons and Mi\ Smith, Officers class, Dec. 1 to 4. Seoul, Mr. Hunt, Feb. 10. Chai Rvung, Dr. Underwood, Dec. 10. Pyeng Yang, M r. Roberts, Jan. 1 to 15. Syen Chyun, Mr. Swallen, Feb. Kang Kai, Mr. Pieters, Jan. Chung Ju, Mr. Welbon. W on Ju, Mr. F. S. Miller, Feb. 1. Fusan, M r. Adams, Dec. ("Later Mr. Lee s name was substituted). Sec. 15. As to women s classes, we recommend that the following assistance be given : Pyeng Yang, Miss Samuel. Chai Ryung, Miss Samuel and Miss Best, Nov. Chung Ju, Mrs. Adams, Feb. 15. Taiku, Miss Heron, Mar. Taiku, Mrs. F. S. Miller, May Bible Institute. Mil Yang, Taiku requested to make provision. Sec. 20. W e recommend the approval of the use by Chai Ryung of Yen 5,000 for Bible Institute and Training Class building and Yen 3,000. for site. Sec. 21. W e recommend that Fusan be permitted to use Yen 700 o f foreign funds, already secured, in the construction of a new church building in Fusan upon the understanding that for the site estimated by Mr. Smith at Yen 500 at least Yen 400 in cash be raised by th Koreans. Next Annual Meeting : A request to the Mission from Seoul Station that the Next Annual Meeting be held in June was, on motion, referred to the Apportionment Committee. General Fiscal Committee : The General Fiscal Committee made further report. Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 were adopted and are as follows :

63 1909] KOREA MISSION. 57 Sec. 7. The financial statement of the Publishing Fund Committee has been audited and found correct. (See Appendix II. for the figures.) Sec. 8. The Committee has with the help of the Treasurer made a list of all the new property accounts of the past 3 years and has endeavored to have them audited, with the following result: Audited, 7 4 ; unaudited, 7 i undrawn appropriations, 11. Total, 92 Accounts. Sec. 9. Table of Audits, (see Appendix II). Sec. 10. Notes on Art. 9. (a) Many of the accounts are not reviewed by the station. (By-Laws art I V, 4.) (b) Audits should be made by a committee, not by the station, except in case of the purchase of property for lump sums. (c) In some cases sums not asked for by the Mission have been used. Pyeng Yang, Helen Marquis Chapel Yen ; Seoul, Severance Hospital Isolation W ard Yen 3,500. Severance Hospital Land, 2,200; Chai Ryung, extra for Mr. Koons house 150. Sec. 11. Suggested changes for R. and B. L. (See p. 69 Sec. 11). On motion, the Mission adjourned, Mr. F. S. Miller leading in prayer. Pyeng Yang, Korea, August 30, The Mission assembled at 8.45 a.m., and after Devotional Exercises led by Mr. Kagin the Minutes of yesterday s sessions were read and, after corrections, approved. Arrival of Mew Missionaries: The following were announced as having arrived Saturday : Dr. A. Gr. Fletcher, Eva Florence Plummer, Hilda Helstrom, Anna McKee, Mary McKenzie, Lucile Campbell, Grace L. Davis. Report o f 25th Anniversary C eleb ration Moved and carried that Mr. Lee and Mr. Lampe be a Committee to edit and publish the papers and discussions of the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Mission and take subscriptions for the same. Digest of Station Reports for Board Moved and carried that the Secretary prepare a digest of the reports of the stations for use in the Board s report. On suggestion that this

64 58 MINUTES OF THE [August be a permanent duty of the Secretary the same was referred to the Rules and By-Laws Committee for report. Requests for New Missionaries: M o v e d and carried that, though not put in writing with the printed reports, the stations be requested to present requests for new workers at the time of reading their reports before the Mission. the Rules and By-Laws Committee. Referred to Statistician : Moved that a statistician be elected each year at Annual Meeting to compile statistics for the following year, and that the Rules and By-Laws be amended to allow it. Referred to the Rules and By-Laws Committee. Educational Committee : The Educational Committee presented a further report, as follows : Sec. 18. (a) (b) (c) In regard to the Hugh O Neil, Jr., Academy. W e recommend the approval of the general plan of the Academy both in regard to the buildings to be erected with the funds and the order in which they are to be erected. W e recommend that field purchases from the funds be made within such distance of the institution as that they can be used for school farm lands, but that none be bought primarily with a view to income bearing investment. W c recommend that, as this institution is to have as one of its main features, self-support of the students and industrial training. the expenditures of funds be about as follows: Yen. For Site... 1, For Recitation Hall, including Heating Plant... 10, Domitories and furniture... 3, Headquarters of W ork Department... 3, Equipment... 1, Farm Lands... 11, , (d) W e recommend that the Mission request the Board to pay to the Hugh O Neil Jr. Academy for running expenses the income accruing from such part of the fund as remains in its hands as long as there is any considerable sum unexpended upon the institution. Carried.

65 1909] KOREA MISSION. 59 Sec. 19. W e recommend that the Mission approve the appointment of a single lady to Pyeng Yang for Educational W ork. Sec. 20. Carried. W e recommend that the order of preference of new workers for educational work be as follows: 1st and 2nd, Pyeng Yang ; 3rd, Taiku ; 4th, Syen Chyun ; 5th, Seoul. Carried. Sec. 21. W e recommend that the Rules and By-Laws, Art. X, Sec. A, Par. 4, (Mission Minutes 1908 page 82) be amended by adding to Teachers in all schools shall be Christians, the words and except in very extraordinary circumstances communicant church members. Carried. Sec. 22. W e recommend -that those engaged in teaching as well as others who can spare the time, pay special attention to collating their lessons and lectures so as to prepare text books preferably in the mixed scripit. Special reference should be had to the various grades, Primary, Grammar, Middle and Collegiate as decreed by the Educational Department. Re-referred, Dr. Gale to meet with the Committee. Sec. 23. W e recommend that Messrs. Adams, Underwood, and Gale be appointed a sub-committee of the Educational Committee to confer with the Government Educational Department regarding permits for Mission school text books. Carried. Prof. H. B. Hulbert : On motion, the privileges of the floor were extended to Mr. H. B. Hulbert. Evangelistic Committee The Evangelistic Committee reported on Sec. 22 and 23, which after discussion were adopted. Sec. 22. W e recommend that the Executive Committee be requested to take cognizance of the needs of Koreans outside of Korea as they did last year and if 'possible to make pastor to Tokio. provision for the visit of a Korean Sec. 23. W e recommend that the new Executive Committee with the two retiring members be given power with Dr. Brown to conclude a division of territory with the Australian Presbyterian Mission. General Fiscal Committee: A further report of the Fiscal Committee is as follows : 12. W e recommend the following as the uncuttable items in the Estimates for : Rent Mr. Cook 6 months Yen Dr. Purviance 6 months M r. Kagin 12 months

66 60 MENTJTES OF THE [August Dr. Underwood 12 months Mr. Welbon 6 months Theological Seminary Total... Basis for Estimates (See section 4 of this report) Deduct U ncuttable Y e n 32, , Total for cut table classes... 21, Mission Items in Class I X Mission. Printing Minutes and Reports...Yen Treasurer s E xpenses Mission Secretary s Expenses Station Secretary s Expenses S e o u l...yen 8.00 Pyeng Yang Fusan T a ik u Syen Chyun Chai Ryung Chung Ju Kang K a i Travel to Annual Meeting Moving E xpeu ses Executive Committee Expenses Total for Class I X Mission 2, Recommend that Messrs. Pieters and Koons be a committee to distribute the balances for this fiscal year. 16. That such balances be used as follows: a. Rent Mr. Cook , Mr. Welbon... Yen b. Executive Committee Expenses Moving Expenses Recommend that the Board be asked to extend the power of transfer to the end of the current Fiscal Year, on the following grounds: (a) The shortening of the year to 11 months makes necessary many readjustments. (b) The delay in paying the money for teachers and itineration for the missionaries under the Propaganda causes confusion in auditing the amounts as they are paid.

67 1909] KOREA MISSION. 61 (o) 18. Recommend that money to be received on account of the Propaganda missionaries during the current year be used as follows: To supply full teacher s salary for each single missionary or each married man according to the amount in use in the station. (6) To furnish each single missionary or each married man with Yen for itineration. (c) The balance up to Yen shall be distributed among the stations according to the per cent in the 1908-'09 Estimates, thus restoring to the old work the 5 per cent increase promised by the Board. Committee on Work for J a p a n e s e The following report on Work for Japanese was read and adopted: During the year Mr. Curtis has made two trips over the entire country visiting eight new places. It is of interest to know that the evangelist in Masampo, is partially supported by Japanese funds, and that the evangelists in Seoul and W iju are entirely supported by funds supplied by their own countrymen. In Seoul the building used for church purposes is a rented building for which eighty yen per month is paid, half of which is paid by the church, and half by the Japanese Y. M. C. A. Mr. Curtis reports also, that there are a number of places where, although no evangelist is located, yet regular services are held. J. E. Ad am s. N. C. W h i t t e m o r e. G r a h a m L e e. Resolution on Death of Mr. Sidebotham: The following resolutions on the death of Mr. Sidebotham were read and adopted by a rising vote : Again have we been reminded that God s ways are not our ways and are past finding out until we shall know even as we are known. In the death" of thè Rev. Richard H. Sidebotham on Dec. 3, 1908 at Lapeer, Mich, while upon furlough, leaving a wife and two children, our Mission and the whole work of Christ in Korea has suffered severe loss. The son of a minister, graduating from Princeton Seminary 1899, he reached Korea with his bride in Nov. of the same year. H e was station ed first at Taiku and then in Fusan. His varied talents were soon recognized. Enthusiastic in the study of the language, untiring in itinerating, he

68 62 MINUTES OF THE [August soon became the pastor of several score of churches. A skillful teacher of vocal music, his leaders could sing very creditably almost every hymn in the Korean hymn book. In conferences with the Korean church leaders he excelled being, as one has well said, a man bubbling over with ideas. As pastor he was so much beloved that when his parishoners heard that he might be tranferred to Pyeng Yang on his return from furlough for educational work, they sent a cablegram at there own expense and upon their own initiative asking that he might not be removed from Fusan. From its inception he had been associated with the Academy for the two Kyeng Sang Provinces located at Taiku. He hoped to take up this work but his own desire and Taiku s request were overruled by the Mission and he was appointed to Educational work in Pyeng Yang. But God who disposes as seems to H im best overruled that he should not return to Korea. His literary career was just beginning. H e had translated by Mission request the Life of David Brainard as well as compiled some helpful notes in Korean upon the first chapters of Mark designed to explain endings and forms to the student of the language. As Mission Secretary he served with conspicuous ability for several years. Always prompt, a master of detail, he could give without reference to the Minutes almost verbatim any past action of the Mission or quote page and section of the Manual or Rules and By-Laws upon any disputed point. Little did he think that his work on the Propaganda in the homeland would be his last for Korea. Into this work he threw himself most enthusiastically and in the large re-inforcements secured, his work lives on. R esolved : That we, the members of the Mission in Annual Meeting assembled do hereby express our own sense of loss upon his death; That we express to Mrs. Sidebotham, the father and grief-stricken family our sincere sympathy and prayers for God s comfort; That the above be spread upon our Minutes. Respectfully submitted, H e n r y M. B r u e n. W. E. Sm it h. Ja s. E. A dams. After recess devotional exercises were led by Mr. Reiner and a solo was sung by Mr. Kagin.

69 1909] KOREA MISSION. 63 Resolutions on Death of Dr. Owen: Following are the resolutions on the death of Dr. Owen of the Southern Presbyterian Mission. Adopted by a rising vote : W e, the members of the Presbyterian Mission North, would record our deep sense of loss in the calling home from the midst of his labors of Dr.C. C. Owen of the Southern Presbyterian Mission. A good soldier, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, a beloved brother, he was specially attached to us and our Mission because of Mrs. Owen s being of our own company. His devout and earnest Christian life impressed all who came in contact with h im ; his faithful labors in behalf of Korea are a heritage that we who survive enter upon; his laying down his life so early, in the quiet assurance that all would be well with his dear wife and little family, marks him as one o f God s good men whom we shall ever love to think on. May H e who knows how to comfort the broken-hearted, to make sweet amends for life s sorest sorrows, comfort Mrs. Owen, lead her by ways of His own choosing, so that out of her very sorrow there may come proofs of H is love and care such as she has never known before. May H e provide for the little ones and prepare them for beautiful service in H is kingdom. To the Mission and to all his relatives and friends we would send a message of tenderest sympathy. Respectfully submitted, Jas. S. Gale. W. L. SWALLEN. Vote of Thanks: On motion, a vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Cook and Miss E-ittgers for the program given by the children on Saturday. Nominating Committee Reports: The Nominating Committee posted its report of nominations for the elections on Committees for ensuing year. The Roll of Members of the Mission present at this 25th Annual Meeting was read at this time by the Secretary and is as follows;

70 64 MINUTES OF THE [August S e o u l S t a t i o n. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Underwood. Rev. J. S. Gale Miss Katherine C. Wambold. Miss E. L. Shields. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Welbon. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Clark. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Pieters. J. W. Hirst, M. D., Miss Anna Heron. Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Greenfield. Rev. H. W. Lampe. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Reiner. Miss H. I. Taylor. Miss Mabel Rittgers. Miss Jessie Heron. F u s a n S t a t i o n. C. H. Irvin, M. D. Rev. W. E. Smith. T a i k u S t a t i o n. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Adams. W. O. Johnson, M.D. Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Bruen. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Sawtell. Rev. and Mrs. John U. S. Toms. Miss. Blanche L. Essick. P y e n g Y a n g S t a t i o n. Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Moffett. Rev. and Mrs. Graham Lee. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Wells. Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Bernheisei. Rev. and Mrs. G. S. McCune. Mr. Robert McMurtrie. Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Baird. Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Swallen. Miss Margaret Best. Miss Velma Lee Snook. Miss Alice M. Butts. Miss Lucile M. Strang. Mrs. Margaret Webb. S yen C hyun St a t io n. Rev. and Mrs. JST. C. Whittemore. Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Ross. Miss Jennie Samuel. Miss M. Louise Chase. Dr. A. M. and Mrs. Sharrocks. Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Roberts. Ch a i R y t jn g S t a t i o n. Rev. and Mrs. W m. B. Hunt. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Sharp. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Koons. Miss Katharine McCune. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Whiting. Rev. W m. C. Kerr. Ch u n g J u S t a t i o n. Rev. and_mrs. F. S. Miller. Rev. Edwin Kagin. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Purviance. Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cook. Miss Anna S. Doriss. K a n g K a i S t a t i o n. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Rhodes. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Mills.:

71 1909] KOREA MISSION. 65 N E W r M ls S I O N A K I E S. A. G. Fletcher, M. D. Miss Lucile Campbell. Hilda Helstrom. Grace L. Davis. Miss Mary McKenzie. Eva F. Plummer. Anna McKee. Mrs. J. V. Logan. Mr. H. O. T. Burkwall. Miss Pinder. Miss F. M. Brockman. Mrs. M. Matsuyama. V i s i t o r s. Miss Mary Kelly. Miss Ellen Ward. Miss H. B. Hulbert. Mr. H. Murata. Members of M. E. Mission resident in Pyeng Yang. Medical Committee : The Medical Committee rendered the following report, of which section 1 was lost, section 2 was re-referred and section 3 was carried : Sec. 1. In the matter of the payment by the Board of outfit allowances to new missionaries, referred by the Mission to our Committee, we recommend that the Mission give as its opinion, that only half of the outfit allowance be paid to the missionaries before leaving for the field and that the other half be paid through the Mission Treasurer only after two months residence on the field. outfit allowance to doctors. Lost. This does not apply to the special Sec. 2. W e recommend that the professional services of foreign nurses in Mission hospitals be entirely under the direction of the physician in charge, and that the latter shall consider the first duty of the nurse to be to the missionary community of his Mission. Sec. 3. Class V I. : W e recommend the following proportion of appropriations in % Yen. o / /O' Yen. Seoul Pyeng Yang... r I Fusan Taiku Syen Chyun Chai Ryung Chung J u Kang K a i ,514.98

72 66 MINUTES OP THE [August Language Committee : The Language Committee presented the following report: Sec. 1. W e recommend that new missionaries spend not less than a month in the country and that preferably alone and in the spring time. Adopted. Sec. 2. W e recommend that a language school be held in December in Seoul, and in May in Pyeng Yang for missionaries of the first year, expenses to be paid from money coming to the Board for the use of new missionaries. Attendance upon one class shall be required. Minority recommendation: Three classes in three centres, Pyeng Yang, Seoul and Taiku, choice of time and of instructors to be arranged by the stations concerned. Expenses as above. The majority report was adopted, substituting Taiku for Seoul. Sec. 3. W e recommend that the Apportionment Committee assign one member of each station to give to the new students at least one hour a week or its equivalent of instruction in the language. Adopted. Sec. 4. Majority recommendation: That Chinese be made obligatory and count 20# of the entire value o f examination. Minority recommendation: In view of the increasing importance of a knowledge of Chinese, we urge upon new missionaries with all emphasis shortly only o f absolute requirement that they spare no pains to acquire a working acquaintance of the New Testament in mixed script. The minority report was substituted for the majority report and adopted. Sec. 5. Recommend that the course in the French Grammar and the O Ryun Haing Sil be no longer required but we suggest that students who can obtain a copy of the former will do well to study the same. Sec. 6. Adopted. W e recommend that examination papers be marked simply passed or not passed, that is, that they be not graded. Adopted. It was moved and carried to have an afternoon session at three o clock. Announcements were made and the session adjourned with prayer by Mr. McMurtrie.

73 1909] KOREA MISSION JP.M. The Mission again assembled, devotional exercises being conducted by Mr. Koons. Educational Committee : The Educational Committee then rendered the following report: Sec. 22. W e recommend that those engaged in teaching as well as all others who can spare the time give special attention to collating their lessons and lectures so as to prepare text books making the vernacular the basis, with but the slightest departure from the same, where mixed script is considered necessary. Special reference should be paid to the various grades primary, grammar, middle, and collegiate, as decreed by the Educational Department. This section had been re-referred for change as regards use of mixed script and was adopted thus. 14. W e recommend the transfer of Rev. G. S. McCune from Pyeng Yang to Syen Chyun for work in the Hugh O Neil, Jr. Academy. 15. W e recommend that the request that Dr. Sharrocks be transferred from medical work to the Hugh O Neil, Jr. Academy be not granted. 16 W e recommend that during the coming year Mr. Ross and M r. Koons be each assigned to teach one semester in the Pyeng Yang College, and that Mr. Koons assignment for work in Fusan station be referred to Apportionment Committee and that Mr. Roberts be assigned for three months to work in connection with Pyeng Yang station. that the Mission will also have following. And we recognise to make some provision for the year (This section was later reconsidered and amended at the suggestion of the Apportionment Committee. (See that Committee s report Appendix No. 1, Sec. 19 and 20). 17. W e recommend that Pyeng Yang Station be granted the first and second choices of the men coming out this year. Japanese Resident: Intermission was declared by the Chairman to meet Mr. Matsuyama, H.I.J.M. s Resident at Pyeng Yang. Committee on Examining Mission and Station Records : The Committee s report as follows, was adopted : W e have examined the Mission Minutes and those of all the stations. W e have found the Minutes irf general well kept, clearly written and in good books. W e especially commend the indexing on the border in red ink in Chung Ju s Minutes and recommend that all the stations do likewise. W e suggest also that the pages be numbered and the year recorded. AVe note that the dates of the approval of Minutes is not inserted

74 68 MINUTES OF THE [August under the Minutes approved by Fusan and Chung Ju. Syen Chyun, Pyeng Yang and Taiku have failed to note whether or not the letters to the Board have been written as appointed. In Kang Kai no narratives are noted. In Kang Kai and Chai Ryung the name of a Korean appears in Unmun only; Taiku has done better in writing in both Unmuu and English. The requirement is that it be Romanized. The By-Laws Committee failed to inscribe the fact that the Mission Minutes and Fusan Minutes had been approved last year. W e note, as last year, that some stations failed to note that the meetings commenced with Scripture reading. W e question whether the quarterly reports in Taiku properly take the place of the monthly letters required by the By-Laws. W e think the months should be written out. Taiku puts its dates in numbers. In Seoul the dates of Board letters have, in some instances, been left blank. Syen Chyun does not mention whether their meetings had Scripture reading, though they commenced all meetings with prayer. They have no report of letters written to the Board though appointments are made. Nothing is said about narratives. Committee on Excuses : The Rules and By-Laws Committee s report on excuses was adopted as follows : W e have received written excuses from Mr. and Mrs. Erdman, Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Blair and Miss A. R. Mills and recommend that they be excused. None has come from Mr. W inn but we understand that he is detained by sickness. be excused. W e recommend that he Miss Shields, Dr. Hirst, M r. Smith and Miss McKee were excused from the last sessions of Annual Meeting. Rules and By-Laws: The following corrections and changes in the Rules and By-Laws were adopted : 1. Art. 1 Sec. 4, to be added to the end bottom of page These circular letters shall form a part of the Mission Records and, as such, be examined by the proper committee. 2. Art. 2, Sec. 2, to follow Devolve upon the Secretary But the duty of opening the Annual Meeting shall be performed by the last exchairman present. 3. Art. 2, Sec. 3, Treasurer s Advisory Committee changed to Finance Committee, and Art. 3, Sec. 9 Finance Committee changed to General Fiscal Committee. Wherever these terms are used they are to be changed thus.

75 1909] KOREA MISSION Art. 3, Sec. 3, Language Examination Committee drop E x amination. 5. Under Executive Committee before, it shall have power and after next annual meeting insert, it shall consider and report upon any recommendation presented by any station. 6. On the second line from the bottom under Executive Committee following, be reported to insert, be reported to the Mission Secretary for transmission to the Board and for the review and control of the Mission at Annual Meeting. 7. Art. 3, Sec. 8, one paragraph added as follows: This committee shall take cognizance of all absences from Annual Meeting, receive excuses and report the same to the Mission. 8. Art. 2, par. 3, and to prepare and send to the Board for its report, a digest of the actions of the Mission in Annual Meeting. 9. Art. 2-1 put among the officers that of Statistician. The duties of the statistician shall be to gather and tabulate Mission statistics which he shall report before the end of the Annual Meeting. 10. Art. 3, Sec. c. In case the prospective absence of any member of the Executive Committee is known at Annual Meeting and the absence will make it impossible for him to perform his duties on the Committee, it shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to present nominations for a substitute to serve in his absence. 11. (a) To take the place of X I II. 8. Each station shall be required to present at the meeting of the General Fiscal Committee held immediately before each Annual Meeting a report of audits of all building accounts according to the form in use this year. (See Appendix II.) This statement shall be complete to within one month of Annual Meeting. (b). To be X I II, 9 of the By-Laws. Each station shall be required to present as above a report of audits of all institutional accounts, for the previous fiscal year, in the following form : Account, Grant, Received, Used, Disburser, and Auditors. Adopted. (e). To be X I II, 10 of the By-Laws. Each station shall present as above the following figures: ( 1) Amount used in each of the cuttable classes the preceding year; (2) Amount in force in each class for the current year; (3) Amount asked for each class for the coming year on the basis of a total grant to the station of the amount in force for the current year.

76 70 MINUTES OF THE [August (d). To be X I I I, 12. A ll audits shall be made by two people; all accounts shall be itemized and vouchers shall be required when possible. (e). To be X I I I, 13. Carried. A ll accounts of Board funds amounting to more than Yen 150 shall be kept in the bank separate from private funds. cash.) Carried. ('This shall not be construed to forbid holding working balance in 12. Art. 15, Sec. 5. The financial secretary of each station shall send in an audited account of the expenses o f members to Annual and these amounts shall be paid by the Treasurer. Meeting, 13. Art. 4, Sec. 7. The secretary of the station shall notify the Treasurer the date of the arrival in the station of furloughed and new missionaries, also the departure of any member from the Mission. 14. Art. 5, Sec. 1 changed to read: Members of the Mission shall be entitled to vote in the station and Mission only after they have completed one year of service in connection with the Mission and have passed the language examination appointed for the first year; except that married women shall not vote. 15. Art. 3 B 3 put under Art. 3, 12 and changed to read: The Committee on Arrangements for Annual Meeting shall be appointed by the Chairman and it shall prepare, etc. 16. Art. 3 B, 1 dropped out there and put under officers, Art 2, Sec. 2 then becomes 1, and 4 becomes Art. X, Sec. A. Par. 4 added to Teachers in all schools shall be Christians, the words, and except in very extraordinary circumstances communicant church members. Acknowledging Service of Consul General: On motion, Drs. Moffett and Gale were appointed a committee to present our thanks for the services of Consul General Thos. H. Sammons during the year. Dr. Underwood requested, in view of the large amount of Mission work assigned him, that the matter of arranging for a helper in his work be referred to the Evangelistic Committee. Pyeng Yang School for Foreign Children: Dr. Moffett presented the following resolutions: W hereas: There are in Korea to-day, 260 missionaries and 124 missionary children, and W hereas: The only solution of the problem of the education of our children is a good school,

77 1909] KOREA MISSION. 71 Therefore: W e reiterate our request of last year that we be allowed to solicit funds from our friends, for the purpose of developing a school in Pyeng Yang. W e wish to thank the Board for the increase of the children s allowance, but we wish to point out the fact that this increase although a help does not solve the problem of the education of our children, which problem can only be solved by a good school. Motion was made and carried to adjourn, and the session was closed with prayer by Mr. Clark. The Mission assembled at 8:45 a.m. August 31, After devotional exercises led by Dr. Mills, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous day's sessions approved as corrected. Won Ju Station'Site : The report of the Special Committee on Won Ju Station Site, presented as follows, was adopted: Your Committee would report that in accordance with the action of the Mission last year (Minutes p. 43, Sec. 3) they visited W on Ju, selected a station site of»bout 20 acres and the ground has practically all been secured. The site is just on the edge of the town and comprises a whole hillside with an eastern exposure. station will ever require. There is ground enough for all that the C. A. Cl a r k, Chairman. Editorial Committee : The Editorial Committee report was adopted as follows : The year s output of literary work is small. It is far too small compared with the needs and the number of members in our Mission. Dr. Gale s Life of Luther and Mr. Swallen s Life of Christ were published this year. Other completed works are as follows: Sheffield s Universal History and David Star Jordan s Animal Life by Mrs. B aird; Scofield s Bible Course (Yol. I) by Mr. Swallen. press: The following are almost completed and will soon be ready for the Homiletics' (Dr. Johnson s) by Mr. Clark, U. S. History by Mr. Bemheisel and Old Testament History by Mr. Swallen.

78 72 MINUTES OF THE [August. Works reported as underway are: Martyn s Evidences and a Commentary on Matthew by Mr. Clark ; Thomas a Kempis Imitation of Christ by Miss W am bold; and Christian Ethics by Mr. Swallen. Dr. Gale has been steadily at work on Bible Translation and the Dictionary. The Committee would call the attention of the Mission to the lack o f suitable helps for the more advanced development of Christian life, and urge upon the individual members to make special effort to prepare something along this line. W e recommend that Taiku Station be made responsible for the editing of the Mission report for next year. Respectfully submitted for the Committee, W. L. Sw a l l e n, Chairman. Language Committee: The Language Committee reported as follows: Sec. 7. W e recommend that nurses in the first year of study be relieved from professional services in the mornings. Adopted. Medical Committee: The Medical Committee presented its final report as follows, when, on motion, the report was adopted as a whole : Sec. 2. (Re-referred yesterday). W e recommend that the professional services of foreign nurses in Mission Hospitals be entirely under the direction of the physician in charge, and that the latter shall consider the first duty of the nurse to be to the missionary Community of his Mission. Consul General Sammons: A resolution in regard to the services of Mr. Thomas H. Sammons, U. S. Consul General, was presented and adopted by a rising vote. It is as follows : We. the American Presbyterian Mission, North, (one hundred and eight members) assembled in Annual Meeting, take occasion to express our high appreciation of the character and services o f our Consul General, Mr. Thomas II. Sammons. By his occupancy of office, and by the presence of Mrs. Sammons, we have been honored in the eyes of natives and foreigners alike, and have found for our work a sympathetic encouragement that has been most helpful. In these days when East and West are coming closer and closer into contact, and when the highest type of diplomat and consular officer is in demand that America may be correctly interpreted as a people to the inquiring Orient, it is a source of deepest gratification that we have had such representatives. In mentioning services rendered, among many things, the greatest perhaps, is that Mr.

79 1909] KOREA MISSION. 73 Sammons has secured for us freedom for the teaching of the Scriptures in all our Primary and Middle Schools; the terms read: Freedom of religious teaching in Mission schools will not be interfered with in any manner under the proposed registration of these schools in accordance with Korean Government regulations. By a delightfully genial manner and kindly sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Sammons have stood between us and the authorities in such a way as to win for us the full measure of what we required, at the same time encouraging the Government in its confidence toward us as a missionary body. Through a most difficult crisis in the political history of this nation he has acted in the capacity of adviser and guide with most gratifying results. W e would record also our appreciation of them as good host and hostess, who make every caller feel that he is the guest of honor at the Consulate General, and that where the flag flies is the rallying ground of good cheer for all Americans and friends of Americans. W e take this occasion to express our good wishes for them on their furlough, and our hopes for their speedy and safe return. On behalf of the Mission, J. S. G a l e, S. A. M o ffe tt, Committee. Apportionment Committee: The Committee reported as follows : Apportionment Sec. 1. W e recommend that Mr. H. W. Lampe be granted permission to return to America about May 1st., 1910, and return about Sept. 1st, 1910 to be married, he to bear his own expense, his salary continuing. Adopted. Sec. 2. W e recommend that from Feb. 1st, 1910 Mr. Bruen be placed in charge of the work in South Kyeng Sang Province. Adopted. Sec. 3. W e recommend that Miss Doriss be transferred to the South Kyeng Sang Station, residing temporarily in Taiku. Adopted. Sec. 4. Recommend that Mr. George W inn be assigned to live at Fusan to be associated with Mr. Smith till his departure and after that with M r. Bruen. Sec. 5. (In regard to assigning Mr. Koons to assist in South Kyeng Sang Province.) Re-referred. Station. Sec. 6. Sec. 7. W e recomend that Miss Davis be assigned to Chung Ju Station. Adopted. W e recommend that Miss McKee be assigned to Chai Ryung Adopted.

80 74 MINUTES OF THE [August Sec. 8. W e recommend that Miss Plummer be assigned to Pyeng Yang Station. Adopted. Sec. 9. W e recommend that Mr. E. M. Mowry be assigned to Pyeng Yang. Adopted. Sec. 10. W e recommend that Mr. Crothers be assigned to Taiku for Andong. (Adopted after recess.) In the midst of discussion of Section 10 time for recess was called. After recess Mr. H. B. Hulbert led Devotional Exercises, his subject being, Doubt. Discussion on Section 10 of the Apportionment Committee s report was resumed, the discussion being whether Mr. Crothers should be appointed to Taiku for Andong or to Syen Chyun. Adopted as presented. Moved and carried to meet at 2 p.m. Mr. H. O. T. Burkwall gave a word of farewell to the Mission on departure. On motion, the session adjourned, being closed with prayer by Dr. Hirst. 2 P.M. The Mission again assembled, devotional exercises being conducted by Dr. Johnson. Apportionment Committee : The Apportionment Committee continued its report as follows : Yang. Sec. 11. Sec. 12. Kyeng Sang Station. Sec. 13. Sec. 14. follows: W e recommend that Mr. Holdcroft be assigned to Pyeng Adopted. WTe recommend that Mr. E. E. W inn be assigned to South Adopted. W e recommend that Dr. Fletcher be assigned to W on Ju. Adopted. W e recommend that the preferred list of workers be as

81 1909] KOEEA MISSION. 75 a. Men : Sec Syen Chyun. b. Single Ladies: 2. Taiku (Educational). 1. Syen Chyun. 3. Pyeng Yang (Evangelistic). 2. M il Yang. 4. Syen Chyun (Educational). 3. Chai Ryung. 5. M il Yang. 4. Pyeng Yang. 6. Doctor for Andong. 5. W on Ju. 7. Chung Ju. 6. Andong. 8. Kang Kai. 7. Chung Ju. Adopted. W e recommend that Dr. Fletcher be assigned to Chai Ryung for one month from Annual Meeting to relieve Dr. W hiting that he may go on an itinerating trip. Adopted. Sec. 17. Re date Aug. 28 for next Annual Meeting. Passed later, substituting Sept. 4, and inserted here by consent. Sec. 18. W e recommend that we accept the invitation of Seoul Station to hold Annual Meeting there next year. Sec. 19. Committee s report. Adopted. W e recommend a reconsideration of Art. 16 of Educational Sec. 20, W e recommend : (а) (б) Adopted. That Mr. McCune give the latter part of the fall semester to the Pyeng Yang College and Academy. That Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes be assigned to live and work in Pyeng Yang Station till they go to Kang Kai in the spring. Adopted. Paragraphs c and d re-referred, Dr. Baird and Mr. McCune to meet with Committee. General Fiscal Committee : The General Fiscal Committee reported as follows: Sec. 20. Recommend that the Mission ask the Board to allow Taiku Station to apply to the deficit in last year s Medical Work the balances for the past fiscal year, amounting to Yen Adopted. Sec. 21. Recommend that from balances for the current year Yen each be paid to Messrs. Clark and Gale for travelling expenses to Seoul and return while they were teaching in the Theological Seminary. Sgc. 22. Adopted. Recommend that Yen 144 each for teachers and 75 for itineration be put into the Estimates for next year for each new missionary assigned at this Annual Meeting. Adopted. Publishing Fund Committee : Their supplementary report is as follows : 1. W e recommend that this Committee be made a permanent Committee of three, one to be elected each yeaj.

82 76 MINUTES OF THE [August 2. W e recommend that the fund of $5, for publication, given by a friend in America, be expended under the direction of this Committee in accordance with the conditions under which the fund was given. Adopted. Finance Committee : The Finance Committee s report on suggestions in Treasurer s report, referred to it, was adopted as follows : W ith regard to the Mission Treasurer s letter of August 18, 1909, the Committee wishes to say that according to the Board * rule the Mission Treasurer is the custodian of all property and that it is his duty to keep them in order and ready for reference. W ith regard to items in the Mission Treasurer s report we would submit the following recommendations: Sec. 1. That the Treasurer, together with Mr. Clark, who has already acquainted himself with the papers in the safe be a Committee to examine and tabulate them. Sec. 2. of credit. Sec. 3. That one yen be the limit minimum for issuing a certificate That the Board be requested to send out a good safe for the use of the Mission Treasurer and that the Finance Committee o f the Mission write to the Finance Committee of the Board urging the necessity o f it. Sec. 4. W e recommend that each station be ordered to make every effort toward the securing of complete deeds for all Mission property and that the Finance Committee be empowered by the Mission to appoint Committees in the stations for doing this work. N ote: With regard to the Board s property in the various stations, on inquiry, the Committee found that Taiku is the only station which reports complete official deeds for all the property. Pyeng Yang reports the completion of all deeds for all the property except two pieces. nothing done. All the other stations report progress. Respectfully submitted, Fusan reports A. A. P ie t e r s, Chairman. Taxes: Moved and carried that the whole subject of taxation of property be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and that this Committee after conference with Government authorities and the Board make recommendations on the same for the guidance of the Mission and Stations. Extra-Territorial Rights: Moved that the matter of the

83 1909] KOKEA MISSION. 77 possible change of our extra-territorial rights be referred to the Executive Committee with instructions to find out from the authorities the status, and if necessary, correspond with other bodies interested. Scotch Bible Society : On motion, the matter of the Scotch Bible Society s withdrawing from the work in Korea was referred to the Bible Committee. Language Committee: The final report of the Language Committee was made, after which the report was adopted as a whole : Sec. 8. That the instructor in the language school in Pyeng Yang during the month of May, be Mrs. Baird. Sec. 9. That the instruction in the language school in Taiku in the month of December be arranged for by Taiku Station with such assistance as can be secured. Respectfully submitted, C. F. Bernheisel, Chm. Cyril Ross, Sec. Nominating Committee : The report of the Nominating Committee having been accepted at a previous session, the Mission proceeded with the elections. Elections on Committees: The balloting resulted in the following elections on Permanent Committees : Executive : Finance : Dr. Underwood and Mr. Lee. Mr. Bruen as alternate for Mr. Smith when he leaves for furlough. Dr. Sharrocks as alternate for Mr. Whittemore when he leaves for Language: Evangelistic: Educational: M edical: furlough. F. S. Miller. Dr. Gale and Mr. Lee. Mr. Hunt and Miss Samuel. Dr. Baird. Dr. Hirst and Mr. Rhodes. Dr. Purviance elected to take place of Dr. Baird resigned. Property : General Fiscal: Messrs. Welbon and Clark. Messrs. Roberts. Sawtell and Dr. Mills. Dr. Wells was elected in place of W. X. Blair on furlough. Editorial: Dr. Avison.

84 78 MINUTES OF THE [September Rules and By-Laws: M r. Reiner. Publishing Fund: Dr. Moffett for three years. Dr. Underwood for two years. Dr. Gale for one year. Statistician: M r. Koons. SPECIAL COM M ITTEES. W ork for Lepers: Messrs. Smith, Irvin and Bruen. Executive Committee of General Council: Dr. Gale. Mission History: Mr. Koons. Delegate to General Assembly: Mr. Smith; Mr. W. N. Blair, alternate. Mission s Representative on General Council Educational Committee: Dr. Underwood. Motion to adjourn being carried, Dr. Mills closed the session with prayer. After Devotional Exercises led Wednesday, September 1, by Dr. Fletcher, the Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 25th Anniversary Proceedings : The Committee on editing and publishing the proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Celebration reported on the probable cost per copy when issued, suggesting that orders be given in by stations in advance of those who wish copies of the printed report. Educational Committee : The final report of the Educational Committee was read and adopted as follows, after which, on motion, the report was adopted as a whole: Sec. 25. W e recommend that in compliance with a request from the Methodist Mission North that Mr. Bruen and Mrs. Moffett be appointed as our representatives on an inter-mission committee to confer on the best methods of instruction for the deaf and blind. Sec. 26. W e recommend that the request of Pyeng Yang Station, asking that the constitution and by-laws of the Pyeng Yang Union Academy for Women be continued for one year, be approved. Sec. 27. W e would call attention of the workers in the women s acad- emiesto the importance of developing courses in the instruction and practice o f Domestic Science ", and also to the need of instruction in regard to conduct proper for women and girls.

85 1909] KOKEA MISSION. 79 Mrs. W. E. Smith and Children: Moved and carried that Mrs. W - E. Smith and children be permitted to return to the United States, the cause being the illness of their oldest daughter for which medical certificates have been presented. Apportionment Committee : The Apportionment Committee then continued its report. Section 5, which had been re-referred, was adopted as follows : Sec. 5. Recommended that the Mission reconsider its action assigning Mr. Koons to two months work in South Kyeng Sang Province and that Mr. Kagin be assigned to that work. Sec. 20. Recommend : (c) Adopted. That Mr. Pieters give the first half of the fall semester to Pyeng Yang College and Academy. (d) That Mr. Koons be assigned to teach in the Pyeng Yang College and Academy for the spring semester. Sec. 21. Recommend a reconsideration of the action assigning Mr. Pieters to help in the Kang K ai Class and that Mr. Lee go instead. Sec. 22. Recommended that in case people take short furloughs in the midst of their term of service, a proportional adjustment be made at the time of their regular furlough. Sec. 23. Recommended that the Board be asked to grant Miss Best six months leave of absence commencing about July 1st next year. (See Appendix I II. No. 1 Apportionment of W ork in Stations.) Respectfully submitted, II. G. U n d e r w o o d, Chairman. C. F. B e r n h e is e l, Secretary. On motion, the report was adopted as a whole. After recess Mr. Sharpe conducted Devotional Exercises speaking on Humility. Evangelistic Committee: The Evangelistic Committee rendered its final report and on motion this section and the Committee s report as a whole was adopted : Sec. 24. W e recommend that we approve of one extra helper for Dr. Underwood for the balance of the year. (See Appendix for full report.) S. A. M o f fe tt, Chairman. H. M. B rtten, Secretary. General Fiscal Committee: The final report of the General Fiscal Committee was read and adopted, after which the report as a whole was adopted :

86 80 MINUTES OF THE [September 23. Recommend that the General Fiscal Committee be given authority to make such changes in the Estimates in regard to the money for missionaries under the Propaganda as they may deem wise after consultation with Dr. Brown. 24. Recommend that the extra helper for Dr. Underwood, recommended by the Evangelistic Committee for the balance of the current year, be paid up to Yen from any balances remaining in Seoul Station at the end of March, and be the first claim on such balance. Work for Lepers : The report of the Committee on Work for Lepers was read and adopted as amended. follows : It is as Your Committee would report that the main building of the Leper Asylum has been finished and that inmates will be received as soon as the necessary equipment and running expenses are provided by the Society under whose auspices the work was begun, the Mission to Lepers in India and the East. Further, in compliance with the instruction of the Mission to report on the relations between this Society and the Mission we would simply reiterate what was said at the time permission was asked of the Mission to begin the work, that there is no financial obligation of any kind. The Committee simply undertakes to superintend the work begun by the Society as far as consistent with the other assignments of our Mission, though it is of course presumed that this work will be taken into consideration when the assignment of work is made. Respectfully submitted for the Committee, W. E. Sm it h, Secretary. Moved and carried that this Committee be continued with the substitution of Mr. Bruen for Mr. Smith after his leave, and that the Committee be instructed to bring in suggestions to the next Annual Meeting as to the best methods of superintending the institution. Property Committee: The Property Committee then read Sections 10 to 12 of its report. They were adopted as follows : Sec. 10. W e recommend the approval of alterations on the Marquis Chapel, Pyeng Yang, to cost about 200 Yen. Sec. 11. As to the matter of the bathroom for Mr. McFarland's house, Taiku, approval of which was asked in a recent Board letter, wç recommend that it be approved-

87 1909] KOREA MISSION. 81 Sec. 12. W e report approval of (а) Plan for alterations on the Marquis Chapel, Pyeng Yang. (б) the study to be added to Dr. Baird s house, Pyeng Yang. (c) addition to the Single Ladies house, Pyeng Yang. (d) the Kang Kai Hospital. In the midst of discussion of Property Docket time having arrived for adjournment, it was moved and carried that, when wc adjourn, we adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. 2 P.M. Devotional exercises were conducted by Dr. Moffett. The Chairman having been excused from the final session of Annual Meeting, Mr. Lee, who was appointed in his place, called the meeting to order. Executive Committee : The Executive Committee reported as follows on the communication referred to i t : In regard to the communication from the W est India Mission referred to the Executive Committee by the Mission, we recommend that the Mission answer as follows: W hile we sympathize with the idea that the Board should seek the counsel of the Missions in changes in the Manual, we consider that in the past this has been measurably conserved, and that at present no action is called for. Adopted. Property Committee The final report of the Property Committee was read and Section 13 with the Property Docket was adopted. The report as a whole was adopted. (See Appendix II I. 4 the full report.) Sec. 13. W e recommend that in the case of Mr. Welbon s house in W on Ju, since it is the first house in the station, and must be used for a time at least, and perhaps permanently for more than one family, that permission be given for one room than the Mission s maximum of nineteen hundred square feet. Bible Committee Supplementary Report: The following supplementary report of the Bible Committee was adopted as read:

88 82 MINUTES OF THE [September As to the matter of the withdrawal of the Scotch Bible Society from work in Korea, the question referred to this Committee by the Mission, we would report that we are unable to get at the facts with regard to the matter at this time, but we recommend that Mr. Clark be a sub-committee to look up the correspondence and report to the Executive Committee, and if it becomes evident that discourtesy has been shown the Scotch Society we recommend that the Executive Committee be instructed to explain matters and set them right. Respectfully submitted, C h a s. A l l e n C l a r k, Secretary. Statistician s Report : The Statistician rendered a report which, with corrections, was adopted as follows : 1. I would recommend that each year at the top of the Statistical Sheet as printed in the report of the Stations, a note be put stating that while these statistics are essentially correct, the final correct statistics will be found in the printed Minutes. 2. I would recommend that the statistics of the Pyeng Yang Press be added in a note at the bottom of the Statistical Sheet each year. 3. I would recommend that several more columns be added to the Statistical Sheet and that the stations be instructed next year to and report data. collect (1) Three columns for Bible Classes, one giving the total classes of four days or more held, and the other two giving the enrollment respectively of men and women. (2) Three similar columns for Normal Classes. (3) Three financial columns, one giving the sum of the total native contributions and total hospital receipts columns, one giving the Board s total grant and one the Board s grant in the native classes. Respectfully submitted, C h a s. A l l e n C l a r k, Statistician. Executive Committee Alternates Elected: The Secretary was instructed to cast a ballot for Dr. Sharrocks as member of Executive Committee to act in Mr. Wbittemore s place when absent on furlough and for Mr. Hunt to act in Dr. Moffett s place during his absence in attendance at Edinburgh Conference. Next Annual Meeting: On motion, Sec. 17 of Apportionment Committee s report was taken from the table and Sept. 4th was substituted for Aug. 28th of the report. Adopted.

89 1909] KOREA MISSION. 83 Deportment of Girls in Girls Schools : Moved and carried that a committee of ladies, consisting of Mrs. Sharrocks, Miss Best, Miss Wambold and Mrs. Irvin be entrusted with the preparation of a book on general deportment, especially for girls in girls schools. Dr. Gale s Bible Readings: On motion, a special vote of thanks was given to Dr. Gale for his helpful and inspiring Bible Readings each evening during Annual Meeting. Statistic Blanks: Mr. Adams, on motion, was appointed a special committee to see that the blanks for statistics be in the hands of station statisticians in plenty of time next year to prepare statistics for reports. Vote of Thanks to Pyeng Yang Station: A rising vote of thanks was given to the ladies of Pyeng Yang for their kind hospitality during these sessions of Annual Meeting. Conference on Methods : The Committee on Arrangements on motion were instructed to try to plan a special program on conference about methods, policies and principles of Mission work, especially for the help of Junior missionaries. Thanks for Music: A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Lee, precentor, to Messrs. Kerr and Cook, and to all those who assisted in special music during the sessions of Annual Meeting. The Minutes of to-day s sessions were read and approved. Mr. Lee then conducted devotional exercises, giving Phil. 4:19 as a final message. He then declared the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting adjourned, pronouncing the benediction. W. E. Sm ith, Chairman. G eo. S. M ccune, Secretary.

90 84 MINUTES OF THE [September Ad Interim Action : The General Fiscal Committee after Conference with Dr. Brown, September 8, rendered the following report which displaces that on page 21 of Minutes : Station. Grant for Propaganda money for Mission at large. Estimate for Propaganda Total Stations money for Estimates missionaries as by station % Amount, individuals Seoul... 5, , o 7, Pyeng Yang... 6, , , Fusan... 1, , , Taiku... 4, , , Syen Chyun... 3, , , Chai Ryung... 2, , , Chung Ju... 1, , , Kang K ai... 1, , , Mission... 2, , , Total... 28, , , , , Extra for three successors Uncuttable... 1, , , Grand total. 30, , , , , The Committee conferred with Dr. Brown as to the matter of money to be used on the field by the Propaganda missionaries, and a plan was made out by which the Board is to pay to the Mission for this purpose gold $100 for each single man, $200 for each single woman, and $850 for each married man, as an additional appropriation, to be divided by the Mission. W e accordingly asked Dr. Brown to write to the Board on this matter, and he did so, urging that the money be appropriated at once for this fiscal year, and made an annual matter. By his advice we made out the Estimates for the coming year on a basis including this sum, amounting to Yen 9500, according to the above table, making changes only where necessary to cover the case of the new missionaries and the transfers made by the Mission. This changes the total in the class for Mission expenses and we have made a new distribution of this as follows: Mission items in Class I X Mission. (To take the place of Art. 13.) Printing Minutes and Reports Treasurer s Expenses Mission Secretary s E xp en ses

91 1909] KOREA MISSION. 85 Station Secretary s Expenses Yen Seoul Pyeng Yang Fusan Taiku Syen Chyun Chai Ryung Chyung Ju Kang K a i T o t a l Travel to Annual Meeting Moving Expenses Executive Committee Expenses Total for classes...2, Respectfully submitted, E. W. K o on s, Secretary. Announcement: The Committee on Arrangements announce in regard to the matter referred to them that, since a time could not be arranged for a conference on principles and methods of Mission work while all were present, each station plan a conference the leaders of whom shall be: Dr. Underwood, Seoul; Mr. Smith, Fusan ; Dr. Moffett, Pyeng Y a n g ; M r. Adams, T aiku; Mr. Ross, Syen Chyun; Mr. Hunt, Chai R yung; and Mr. Miller, Chung Ju. W. E. S m it h, Chairman. Geo. S. M ccu ne, Secretary.

92 86 MINUTES OF THE [September APPENDIX III. NUMBER l.- A. APPORTIO N M EN T COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. W e recommend that Mr. H. W. Lampe be granted permission to return to America about May 1st., 1910, and return about Sept. 1st, 1910 to be married, he to bear his own expense, his salary continuing. Sec. 2. W e recommend that from Feb. 1st, 1910, Mr. Bruen be placed in charge of the work in South Kyeng Sang Province. Sec. 3. W e recommend that Miss Doriss be transferred to the South Kyeng Sang Station, residing temporarily in Taiku. Sec. 4. Recommend that Mr. George W inn be assigned to live at Fusan to be associated with Mr. Smith till his departure and after that with Mr. Bruen. Sec 5. Recommended that the Mission reconsider its action assigning Mr. Koons to two months work in in South Kyeng Sang Province and that Mr. Kagin be assigned to that work. Sec. 6. Sec. 7. W e recomend that Miss Davis be assigned to Chung Ju Station. W e recommend that Miss McKee be assigned to Chai Ryung. Sec. 8. W e recommend that Miss Plummer be assigned to Pyeng Yang Station. Sec. 9. Yang. Sec. 10. Andong. Sec. 11. Yang. W e recommend that Mr. E. M. Mowry be assigned to Pyeng W e recommend that Mr. Crothers be assigned to Taiku for W e recommend that Mr. Holdcroft be assigned to Pyeng Sec. 12. W e recommend that Mr. R. E. W inn be assigned to South Kyeng Sang Station. Sec. 13. Sec. 14. follows: W e recommend that Dr. Fletcher be assigned to Wun Ju. W e recommend that the preferred list of workers be as a. Men : 1. Syen Chyun. 2. Taiku (Educational). 3. Pyeng Yang (Evangelistic). 4. Syen Chyun (Educational). b. Single Ladies : 1. Syen Chyun. 2. M il Yang. 3. Chai Ryung.

93 1909] KOKEA MISSION M il Yang. 6. Doctor for Andong. 7. Chung Ju. 8. Kang Kai. 4. Pyeng Yang. 5. W an Ju. 6. Andong. 7. Chung Ju. Sec. 16. W e recommend that Dr. Fletcher be assigned to Chai Ryung for one month from Annual Meeting to relieve Dr. W hiting that he may go on an itinerating trip. Sec. 17. Re date Aug. 28 for next Annual Meeting. Passed later* substituting Sept. 4, and inserted here by consent. Sec. 18. W e recommend that we accept the invitation of Seoul Station to hold Annual Meeting there next year. Sec. 19. W e recommend a reconsideration of Art. 16 of Educational Committee s report. Sec. 20. W e recommend : (a) That Mr. McCune give the latter part of the fall semester to the Pyeng Yang College and Academy, (b) That Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes be assigned to live and work in Pyeng Yang Station till they go to Kang Kai in the spring, (c) That Mr. Pieters give the first half of the fall semester to Pyeng Yang College and Academy, (d) That Mr. Koons give the spring semester to Pyeng Yang College and Academy. Sec. 21. Recommended a reconsideration of the action assigning Mr. Pieters to assist in the Kang Kai class, and that Mr. Lee go instead. Sec. 22. Recommended that in case people take short furloughs in the midst of their term of service, a proportional adjustment be made :it the time of their regular furlough. Sec. 23. Recommended that Miss Wambold be given permission to be absent from the field for four months next summer to attend the Edinburgh Conference. Sec. 24. Recommended that the Board be asked to grant Miss Best six months leave of alwence beginning about July 1st, B. Seoul Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. H. G. Underwood, D.D.: Pastoral care of Sai Mun An Church with oversight of helper. Charge of West Circuit with oversight of helpers and one colporteur. Training classes, Bible translation, literary and school work. Charge of South Gate Congregation and evangelistic work in the hospital. Mrs. H. G. Underwood: Evangelistic work in connection with Dr. Underwood s work. Charge of Bible woman. Training class work. Rev. J. S. Gale, D.D.: Pastoral charge of Yun Mot Kol Church with oversight of three helpers and five Bible women. Bible translation, dictionary and other literary work. Training classes and school work. Evange- 1istic work in villages between the East Gatejm d the river O. R. Avison, M.D.: Physician in charge of the Severance Hospital. Charge of Medical College. Literary work. Assistant at South Gate Congregation. Mrs. O. R. Avison: Evangelistic work in connection with the Severance Hospital and South Gate Congregation. Oversight of Bible woman. Miss ^Catherine C. W am bold: Itineration and class work. Teaching in schools. Evangelistic work in connection with Sai MunrAnr.Church. Oversight of Bible woman. Four month s leave of absence in summer. Miss E. L. Shields: Superintendent of nursing in Severance Hospital. Charge of training school for nurses.

94 88 MINUTES OF THE [September Rev. A. G. W elbon: Opening of W un Ju Station. helpers, five colporteurs. Training class work. Oversight of two Mrs. A. G. W elbon: Evangelistic work in Kang W on Circuit. evangelistic work. Rev. E. H. M iller: On furlough. Mrs. E. H. M iller: On furlough. City Rev. C. A. Clark : Charge of East Circuit with oversight of 3 helpers and 5 colporteurs. Pastoral charge of Sung Dong Church and North Congregation with oversight of one helper and one colporteur. Training class work. Two months work in South Kyeng Sang Province. On furlough from July first. Mrs. C. A. Clark: Evangelistic work in connection with M r. Clark. Oversight of Bible woman. On furlough from July first. Rev. A. A. Pieters: Charge of South Circuit with oversight of two helpers and two colporteurs. Pastoral charge of S. F. Moore Memorial Church with oversight of one helper. Literary and class work. Oversight of the language work of the junior missionaries of the station. Mrs. A. A. Pieters: Evangelistic work in connection with M r. Pieters work. Oversight of Bible woman. Training class and literary work. ' J. W. Hirst, M.D.: Language study. Associate physician in charge of Severance Hospital. Evangelists work in connection with the Hospital and the South Gate Congregation. Teaching in Severance Hospital Medical College. Four months leave of absence in the summer. Mrs. J. W. H irst: Evangelistic work in connection with the Severance Hospital and the South Gate Congregation. Supervision of the Hospital booking. Oversight of a Bible woman. Rev. M. W. Greenfield: Language study. Principal of the J. D. W ells Training School. Assistant in Yun Mot Kol Church. Mrs. M. W. Greenfield: Language study. Teaching in Women s Academy. Evangelistic work in the Yun Mot K ol Church. Miss Anna Heron : Language study. Teaching in Women s Academy- Evangelistic work in Yun Mot K ol Church. Rev. H. W. Lampe: Language study. Assistant in Sai Mun An Church, and in Kang W on Circuit. Mr. R. O. Reiner: Language study. Assistant Principal in the J. D. Wells Training School. Assistant at Tong Mak and East Circuit. Mrs. R. O. Reiner : Language study. Evangelistic work in connection with Mr. Reiner s work. Teaching in Women s Academy. Miss H. I. Taylor: Language study. Evangelistic work in Sung Dong Church. Itineration under direction of station. Miss Mabel Rittgers: Language study. Assistant Principal in Women s Academy. Evangelistic work in Yun Mot K ol Church. Mr. J. F. Genso: Mission Treasurer. Language study. Assistant at Sung Dong Church and South Circuit. Dr. A. G. Fletcher: Assigned to W un Ju. Language study. W ork uuder direction of station. C. Fusan Station. Apportionment of Work. Dr. C. H. Irvin : Charge of Junkin Memorial Hospital and Mary

95 1909] KOREA MISSION. 89 Collins Wliiting Dispensary. Medical work in connection with Leper Asylum. Oversight of hospital evangelist and Bible woman. Mrs. C. H. Irv in : Charge of Women s Model Training School and work in connection with local church. Rev. W. E. Sm ith: Charge of the evangelistic work of the Station; oversight of five helpers, three colporteurs, and two Bible women. Training and Helpers classes. Literary work. Evangelistic work in connection with the Leper Asylum. Furlough from February 1st, Oversight of language work of junior missionaries. Mrs. W. E. Sm ith: Language study and work in connection with local church. Permission to return home Sept. 20th, Rev. George W in n : Language study. Associated with M r. Smith in work of the station till Mr. Smith s departure on furlough, and after that associated with Mr. Bruen. Miss Anna S. Doriss: Language study; work for women under direction of the station. Rev. R. E. W in n : Language study; work under direction of the station. Mrs. R. E. W in n : Language study; work under direction of the station. D. Pyeng Yang Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. S. A. Moffett, D.D.: Teaching in Theological Seminary ; permission to assist in Central Church; co-pastorate with Mr. Lee in the Fifth Church of Pyeng Yang ; charge of Eastern Pyeng Yang, An Ju, Yung Y u and Soon An circuits with oversight of helpers; Men s Bible Institute ; Bible Training classes; literary work and work in College; charge of book store; four month? leave of absence from the field dating from about Oct. 1st, Also permission to attend the Edinburgh Conference returning to the field by Oct. 1st, Mrs. S. A. Moffett, M.D.: Associate with Miss Best in charge of Sabbath Bible School at Central Church ; class for catechumen women ; visiting in homes; medical work among women with oversight of Bible woman ; Bible training classes; literary and school work ; oversight of school for Blind. Rev. W. M. Baird, Ph. D.: Permission to act as President of the College and Principal of the Academy ; pastoral charge of North Church; charge of Western Pyeng Yang circuit with oversight of helper; Normal School w ork; teaching in Theological Seminary; literary work. Mrs. W. M. Baird: Charge of woman s work in North Church ; Bible training classes and school work; charge of Bible woman; literary work. Rev. Graham Lee: Permission to assist in Central Church ; co-pastorate with Dr. Moffett in Fifth Church; charge of Chyung Wlxa, Whang Ju, and Ivok San circuits with oversight of helpers, colporteurs and Bible woman; Bible training classes; Theological instruction; work in College md Academy. Oversight of language work of new missionaries of the station. Mrs. Graham L e e : Charge of Sabbath Bible School of Fifth Church ; charge of Sabbath School teachers class; visiting in homes; Bible training classes and school w ork; oversight of Bible woman. Rev. W. L. Swallen: Teaching in Theological Seminary ; pastoral charge of South Gate Church with one helper; charge of Western circuit

96 90 MINUTES OF THE [September with oversight of helpers and colporteurs ; Men s Bible Institute ; Bible training classes ; literary work and work in College ; permission for furlough in June, 1910, after the close of Theological Seminary. Mrs. W. L. Swallen : Charge of women s work at South Gate Church ; visiting in homes ; Bible training classes ; charge of women s work in Western circuit; permission for furlough in June, 1910 after close of Theological Seminary. J. H. Wells, M.D. : Charge of Caroline A. Ladd Hospital and Dispensary with oversight of helper; literary work; lectures on Hygiene in schools and classes. Mrs. J. H. W ells : Charge of Special School for women ; teaching in Women s Academy; visiting in homes and hospital; Bible training classes; charge of Bible woman. Miss Margaret Best : Charge of Bible Institute for women ; general oversight of women s training classes in city and country ; charge with Mrs. Moffett of Sabbath School for women at Central Church ; charge with Mrs. Bernheisel of Sabbath School teachers class ; oversight of Bible women ; literary work ; six months leave of absence from the field beginning about June 1st 1910, adjustment to be made at time of regular furlough. Bev. C. F. Bernheisel : Pastoral charge of Fourth Church ; charge of Kang Dong circuit with oversight of helpers and colporteurs ; Bible training classes ; teaching in Theological Seminary, College and Academy ; literary work; furlough from May 15th, Mrs. C. F. Bernheisel : Charge of women s work in Fourth Church ; charge with Miss Best of Sabbath School Teachers class; teaching; visiting in homes ; Bible training classes ; charge of Bible women ; furlough from May 15th, Miss Velma Lee Snook : Permission to act as Principal of Pyeng Yang AVomen s Academy ; work in South Grate Sabbath school ; Bible training classes ; Normal class work ; charge of Bible woman ; Superintendent of primary schools for girls. Bev. W. N. Blair : On furlough. Mrs. W. N. Blair : On furlough. Miss Alice M. Butts : Language study ; charge of country classes conducted by missionary women ; associate with Miss Best in Women s Bible Institute, Bible training classes in city and country and in Sabbath school in Central Church ; charge of Bible woman. Mr. Robert McMurtrie : (Associate missionary.) Language study ; charge of Anna Davis Industrial Department in College and Academy. Miss Lucile Campbell : Language study ; work under direction of the station. Bev. J. G. Hoi dcro ft.- Language study; work under direction of the station. Bev. E. M. M ow ry: Language study; work under direction of the station. Mrs. E. M. Mowry.: Language study ; work under direction of the station. Miss Eva F. Plummer: Language study; work under direction of the station. Mrs. M. A. W eb b : (Not under appointment.) Miss Louise M. Strang : (Not under appointment. Ì Teacher of school for missionaries children.

97 1909] KOREA MISSION. 91 E. Taiku Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. J. E. Adams : Principal of Boys Academy. Charge of Taiku City Church. Charge of work in counties of Kyeng San, Cha In, and H ai Yang. Oversight of two helpers. Instruction in Bible classes. Mrs. J. E. Adams: Superintendent of W om en s Sunday School in city. Charge of Bible Woman. Work in Women s Bible class and itineration. Teaching in Academy. Instruction in Bible Women s Normal Class. Woodbridge O. Johnson, M.D. : Charge of Medical work in the station. Oversight of Hospital evangelist, Mrs. W. O. Johnson : Assisting in Evangelistic services in hospital. Teaching in W omen s Bible classes and visitation. Rev. H. M. Bruen : Charge of Western and North-western Circuits and oversight of four helpers. Instruction in classes and charge of one colporteur. From Feb. 1st charge of work in South Kyeng Sang Province. Oversight of the language work of the junior missionaries of the station. In Mrs. H. M. Bruen : Charge of girls day school in Taiku city. struction in W omen s Bible Classes, and Normal Class. Itineration. Rev. E. F. M cfarland: Charge of Eastern and S.-E. Circuit. Oversight of three helpers and one colporteur. Instruction in Bible classes. Charge of A d Interim studies of evangelistic workers. Mrs. E. F. McFarland: Language study. Charge of Women s Tuesday Class in city church. Teaching in Sunday School. Instruction in Bible W omen s Normal Class. Itineration. Rev. W. C. Erdman: -Charge of South West Circuit, and work in counties of Chil Kok, Kun W i, and In Tong. Charge of three helpers and one colporteur. Charge of Sunday School at Tong San. Bible Class work. Mrs. W. C. Erdman : Language study. W ork in City Church and Bible Class. Rev. C. C. Sawtell: Language study. Charge of Northern Circuit and work preparatory to opening Andong Station. Charge of two helpers and one colporteur. Mrs. C. C. Sawtell: Language study. W ork in connection with women s department of city church. Assist in Tuesday Bible Class. Charge of Dorcas Society, and teaching in Winter Bible Class. Rev. John U. S. Tom s: Language study. Associated with Mr. Erdman iii charge of work in K o Ryeng and Hyung Pung counties and in oversight of one helper. Instruction in Boys Acad Mrs. J. U. S. Tom s: Language study. emy. Miss Blanche L. Essick: Language study, and work under the direction of station. Miss Anna R. M ills: Language study and work under the direction of the station. Miss Mary McKenzie : Language study and work under the direction of the station.

98 MINUTES OP THE [September F. Syen Chyun Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. Norman C. Whittemore: Pastoral charge of Syen Chyun county outside of county seat and of Western and Central W iju county; charge o f eight helpers. Mrs. Norman C. W hittemore: Language study, teaching in the Girls Academy and Sunday school; visiting in homes. Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore leave of absence from the field from about March first until Annual Meeting, no extra expense to the Board being involved, and a proportionate adjustment to be made at time of regular furlough. Rev. Cyril R o ss: Charge of Nyong Chyun, Sak Ju, Chang Syung, Pyek Dong and Ku Syung counties; co-pastoral charge of Tel San and Kwak San counties subject to decision of Presbytery. Oversight of ten helpers. Six weeks teaching in the spring in the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy. Oversight of the language work of the new missionaries. Mrs. Cyril R oss: Teaching in Girls Academy and Sunday school ; oversight of Bible woman; teaching in women s classes. Miss M. Louise Chase: Principal of Girls Academy; charge of Women s Normal School; itineration. A. M. Sharrocks, M.D.: Charge of Hospital and Dispensary, with instruction of student assistants. Charge o f building operations. Mrs. Sharrocks: Charge o f Monday and Thursday classes; Girls Sunday school; visiting in homes. charge of Miss Jane Samuel: Charge of Women s Bible training classes in city and country. Oversight of two Bible women. Rev. George S. McCune: Mission Secretary ; Principal of Hugh O Neill Jr. Academ y; Bible training classes and other work under the direction o f the station. Mrs. McCune: Charge of W omen s Sunday school and Young Women s Aoademv. Rev. Stacy L. Roberts : Language study; charge of work in Eastern W iju and, subject to decision of Presbytery, of work in the eastern part of the province. Oversight of three or four helpers. Mrs. Roberts: Language study; charge of Wednesday class for catechumens; teaching in Sunday school. Miss Hilda H elstrom : Language study; work under direction of the station. G. Chai Byung Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. W m. B. H u n t: Co-pastor with Mr. Koons of Chai Ryung City Church, charge of work in Chai Ryuug, Pong San, Sye Hoong, Sin Kei, Pyung San counties with oversight of eleven helpers, three colporteurs and three evangelists. Bible Training class work. Mrs. W m. B. H u n t L a n g u a g e study, work among women. Rev. C. E. Sharp : Charge of work in Anak, Chang Yun, U l Yul, Moon W ha and Sin Chyun counties, with oversight of helpers and two colporteurs; Bible study training class work. Oversight of the language study of the junior missionaries of the station. Mrs. C. E. Sharp: Bible class and other work among women

99 1909] KOREA MISSION. 93 Rev. E. W ade K oons: Co-pastor with M r. Hunt of Chai Ryung City Church, charge of work in Paik Chun, Yun An, H ai Ju, Pong Chun ana Sing W ha counties, co-pastor with Rev. Sye Kyung Jo in Chang Ryun county, book room., training class work. Oversight of helpers and one home missionary. Mrs. E. W. K oons: Language study. among women. Bible class and other work Rev. H. C. Whiting, M.D.: Language study, charge of medical work o f station, medical itineration, charge of the Sabbath school teachers class. Bible study, training class work. Mrs. H. C. W h itin g: Language study, charge of mid-week Bible class for women, Bible class and other work among women. Miss McCune : Language study, Bible class and other work under direction of the station. Rev. W m. C. K err: Language study. Associated with Mr. Hunt in work in Pong San, Sye Hong, Sing K ei and Pyung San counties. Miss Anna M. M ck ee: Language study. H. Chung Ju Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. F. S. M iller: Charge of North and North-western circuits. Oversight of 3 helpers and 3 colporteurs. Charge of City Church. Literary and training class. Building operations. Help in class in W un Ju. Mrs. F. S. M iller: Evangelistic work for women in connection with Mr. Miller s work. Class in City Church Sunday school. Oversight of Bible women s work. W ork among catechumens. Rev. Edwin K a g in : Language study. Charge of Southern circuits. Oversight of one helper, one colporteur and of Boys Primary school. Two months work in South Kyeng Sang Province. Medical work in the after W. C. Purviance, M.D.: Language study. noons only. Building operations. Mrs. W. C. Purviance : Language study. Charge of Girls School. W ork under direction of the station. Rev. W. T. Cook: Language study. Associated with Mr. Miller in North-eastern circuit. Building operations. Mrs. W. T. C ook: Language study. Women s class. W ork under direction of the station. Mrs. J. Y. Logan : (Not under appointment). under direction of the station. Language study. Work I. Kang Kai Station. Apportionment of Work. Rev. Herbert E. B lair: Pastoral charge of Kang Kai City, W ee W on and Chosan circuits. Oversight of 3 helpers, 2 evangelists and 2 colporteurs and charge of Chasung circuit and its helper assisted by Mr. Rhodes; oversight of language work of junior missionaries. Mrs. Blair: Language study; Women s Bible classes. Rev. Harry A. Rhodes: Language study, associated with Mr. B air imcharge of Chasung circuit and oversight of one helper, oversight of building operations.

100 94 MINUTES OF THE [September Mrs. Rhodes: Language study. W ork under direction of the station. Ralph G. Mills, M.D.: Language study; charge of medical work of station ; oversight of building operations. Mrs. M ills: Language study; work under direction of the station. NUMBER 2. E V A N G E L ISTIC COM MITTEE. I. W e recommend the approval of Kang Kai's request for permi&sion to accept from Mr. Gamble for a Bible training class building. W e recommend that whenever possible stations far from the Railroad shall have provision made for a visit from a senior missionary of another station, at least once a year. 3. W e recommend that, with the approval of the Board the Mission take steps to the opening of Andong Station, and that M r. S;»wtell be assigned to this work, that an additional clerical worker be appointed there, and a physician be requested. 4. W e recommend that the recommendation of the Andong Comm it! ee for $1,000 for site and 83,000 each for residences be approved. 5. W e recommend requests for the following Bible women be approved : Taiku, 4 ; Pyeng Yang, 2 ; Syen Chyun, 2 ; Chung Ju, 1; Fusan, 2 ; Seoul, W e recommend the approval of Taiku s request to use Yen additional in Mr. Erdman s hands appropriated by the Board for a class building for men. 7. That we re-approve items 13, 14, 15, in last year s report: i.e. Kang K ai s request for a rest house at Chosan Yen Chyung Ju s request for Yen 2,800 for two class buildings. 9. Seoul Station s request for Yen 450 for a site for a church in the northern part of the city. 10. W e recommend the adoption of the following schedule of help in Bible Classes: Taiku, Dr. Gale, and M r. Koons, Feb. 25 to Mar. 6, and Mr. Smith Officers class, Dec. 1 to 4 ; Seoul, Mr. Hunt, Feb. 10; Chai Ryung, Dr. Underwood, Dec. 10; Pyeng Yang, Mr. Roberts, Jan. 1 to 15; Syen Chyun, Mr. Swallen, Feb.; Kang Kai, Mr. Lee, Jan.; Chung Ju, Mr. W ei bon; W on Ju, Mr. F. S. Miller, Feb. 1 Fusan, Mr. Adams, Dec. II. Approval of requesting two more helpers for Fusan. 12. Approval of request for one more helper for Taiku. 13. W e recommend that, with the approval of the Board, for the better working of South Kyeng Sang Province we locate some of the missionaries nt M il Yang and that we assign to Mil Yang Mr. W inn and another clerical missionary and his wife and one single woman. And that these, together with our missionaries in Fusan constitute one station. 14. W e recommend that Messrs. Koons, Clark and Erdman be assigned two months each to give assistance to South Kyeng Sang Province-

101 1909] KOREA MISSION As to women s classes, we recommend that the following assistance be given : Pyeng Yang, Miss Samuel; Chai Ryung, Miss Samuel and Miss Best, N o v.; Chung Ju, Mrs. Adams, Feb. 15 ; Taiku, Miss Heron, Mar. and Mrs. F. S. Miller, Bible Institute in M a y ; M il Yang, Taiku requested to make provision. 1G. That the following ratio for distribution of Class I V. be adopted on the understanding that all extra expenses for the men sent out under the propaganda are to come from the funds received by the Board for these individual missionaries. Seoul, 2 1.8; Pyeng Yang, 20.2; Taiku, 1 5.; Fusan, 7.5; Chung Ju, 6.9; Syen Chyun, 11.4; Chai Ryung, 1 1.; Kang Kai, 6.2. Propaganda men and money being reckoned in. ] 7. Approve the following order of preference for clerical workers: 1. Mil Yang. 4. Pyeng Yang. 7. W un Ju. 2. Andong. 5. Chung Ju. 8. Andong. 3. Syen Chyun. 6. Kang Kai. 9. Chai Ryung. 18. Approve following order of preference for single women. 1. M il Yang. 5. Chung Ju. 9. W un Ju. 2. Chai Ryung. 6. M il Yang. 10. : Andong. 3. Syen Chyun. 7. W un Ju. 11. Taiku. 4. Pyeng Yang. 8. Andong. 19. Whereas, at our Annual Meeting in 1907 we stated that with 20 men (including 3 physicians) and seventeen single women in addition to the Mission force at that time under appointment we could probably meet our responsibility for the evangelization of Korea and the education of the church and whereas, last year we repeated our request for the remainder of the twenty men and seventeen women, we would call the attention of the Board to the fact that in addition to all now under appointment we still need seven men for evangelistic and educational work, one physician and eight single women, in order to bring our force up to the mark set in 1907, which we re-affirm are needed to meet our responsibilities. In explanation of this we present the following: (1) Vacancies in Mission force since the 1907 request was made: V in to n... Off-set by arrival of Genso. Null... Off-set by arrival of Purviance. Sidebotham... Off-set by arrival of W inn. Dr. Field... Off-set by arrival of Miss Taylor. Mrs. Barrett... Off-set by arrival of Miss Rittgers. Miss Cameron... Off-set by arrival of Miss McKenzie. (2) In addition to these we have received the following: Ten clerical and educational men Lampe, Rhodes, Kerr, Reiner, Cook, Toms, Crothers, Winn, R.G., Mowry and Holdcroft; two physicians, Dr. Mills and Dr. Fletcher; and nine single women Misses McCune, Doriss, Essick, Mills, Helstrom, Campbell, Davis, McKee and Plummer. This leaves 7 men, 1 physician and 8 single women needed to make up the number requested in 1907 and we earnestly urge the Board to send in this full number. 20. W e recommend the approval of the use by Chai Ryung of Yen 5,000 for Bible Institute and Training Class building and Yen 3,000 for site. 21. W e recommend that Fusan be permitted to use Yen 700 o f

102 96 MINUTES OF THE [September foreign funds, already secured, in the construction of a new church building in Fusan upon the understanding that for the site estimated by Mr. Smith at Yen 500 at least Yen 400 in cash be raised by the Koreans. 22. W e recommend that the Executive Committee be requested to take cognizance of the needs of Koreans outside of Korea as they did last year and if possible to make provision for the visit of a Korean pastor to Tokio. 23. W e recommend that the new Executive Committee with the two retiring members be given power with Dr. Brown to conclude a division of territory with the Australian Presbyterian Mission. 24. W e recommend that we approve of one extra helper for Dr. Underwood for the balance of the year. Respectfully submitted, S. A. M o efett, Chairman. H e n r y M. B r u e n, Secretary. NUMBER 3. E D U C A TIO N A L COM MITTEE. 1. Station percentages with Class V : Syen Chyun S)%, Pyeng Yang Seoul?A%, Chai Ryung Q%, Chung Ju 2%, Taiku 16%, Fusan 4 %. 2. W e recommend the approval of the opening of a department in the Syen Chyun Girls Academy for the instruction of young married women Y en 75 being needed. 3. W e recommend the approval of an increase of Yen 250 to Yen 350 for the Syen Chyun Girls' Academy. 4. W e recommend an increase for Syen Chyun Normal Classes Yen For Pyeng Yang College and Academy Yen 450 and for Girls Academy Y en For John D. W ells Training School for Christian workers Yen 200 and for Women s Academy Yen Recommended that no increase over last year be granted to the Boys school in Chung Ju. 8. Recommended an increase for the Taiku Boys Academy of Y Recommended that no increase over last year be granted to the Fusan Girls School (see Min p. 07 I., d.) as we do not think that large appropriations should be granted schools of lower than academic grade. 10. Recommend that Fusan be permitted to use Y100 for the local boys school. 11. W hile the Committee approves the general plan for the JohnD. W ells School for Christian workers, we recommend that the request for Y20,000 for the College building be not granted. 12. W e recommend that Seoul Station s request for gymnasium be not granted.

103 1909] KOREA MISSION Docket. 1. Syen Chyun Girls Academy Site and Fencing... Y l, laboratory equipment and temporary class rooms. 1, John D. Wells Training School for Christian Workers for grading and fencing for John D. Training School Pyeng Yang College building and heating apparatus (B alance) Taiku Academy Dormitory... 9, Seoul, Servants Quarters and fencing Women s Academ y... 1, Heating Plant Theological Seminary... 1, Grading and W all Theological Seminary... 1, Seoul, Additional Site and W all, Women s Academy 8, Pyeng Yang College Dormitory... 10, Syen Chyun Girls Academy B u ild in g... Y.3, Pyeng Yang College apparatus... 1, Pyeng Yang Women s Academy... 14, Seoul Women s Academy Dormitory... 20, Seoul, additions to main building, John D. Wells Training School... 10, Pyeng Yang College, additional land... 5, Theological Seminary dormitory and Keepers Q uarters... 6, Seoul, Enlargement Recitation Hall, Women s Academ y... 10, Seoul, John D. Wells Training School dormitories. 12, Seoul, John D. W ells Training School Science B u ild in g... 15, Seoul, John D. W ells Training School Heating Plant... 3, Endowment, Theological Seminary... 30, Endowment, Seoul Higher Schools , Endowment, Pyeng Yang C o lle g e ,000 Sec. 14. W e recommend the transfer of Rev. G. S. McCune from Pyeng Yang to Syen Chyun for work in the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy. Sec. 15. W e recommend that the request that Dr. Sharrocks be transferred from medical work to the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy be not granted. Sec. 16. Recommend that, during the coming year, Mr. Ross and Mr. Koons be each assigned to teach one semester in the Pyeng Yang College, and that Mr. Koons assignment for work in Fusan station be referred to Apportionment Committee ; That Mr. Roberts be assigned for three months to work in connection with Pyeng Yang Station. And we recognise that the Mission will next year also have to make some provision for the year following. (This section was later reconsidered and amended at the suggestion of the Apportionment Committee. See Sec. 20.) Sec. 17. W e recommend that Pyeng Yang Station be granted the first and second choice of the men coming out this year. Sec. 18. (a) In regard to the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy. W e recommend the approval of the general plan of the Academy both in regard to the buildings to be erected with the funds and the order in which they are to be erected.

104 98 MINUTES OE THE [September (6) W e recommend that field purchases from the funds be made within such distance of the institution as that they can be used for school farm lands, but that none be bought primarily with a view to income bearing investment. (c) W c recommend that, as this institution is to have as one of its main features, self-support of the students and industrial training the expenditures of funds be about as follows: Yen. For Site... 1, For Recitation Hall, including Heating Plant... 30, Domitories and furniture... 3, Headquarters of W ork Department... 3, Equipment... 1, Farm Lands... 11, (d) 30, W e recommend that the Mission request the Board to pay to the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy for running expenses the income accruing from such part of the fund as remains in its hands as long as there is any considerable sum unexpended upon the institution. Sec. 19. W e recommend that the Mission approve the appointment of a single lady to Pyeng Yang for Educational Work. Sec. 'Z0. W e recommend that the order of preference of new workers for educational work be as follows: 1st and 2nd, Pyeng Yang ; 3rd, Taiku ; 4th, Syen Chyun ; 5th, Seoul. Sec. 21. W e recommend that the Rules and By-Laws, Art. X, Sec. A, Par. 4, (Mission Minutes 1908 page 82) be amended by adding to Teachers in all schools shall be Christians, the words and except in very extraordinary circumstances communicant church members. Sec. 22. W e recommend that those engaged in teaching as well as others who can spare the time, pay special attention to collating their lessons and lectures so as to prepare text books preferably in the mixed script. Special reference should be had to the various grades, Primary, Grammar, Middle and Collegiate as decreed by the Educational Department. (Re-referred, Dr. Gale to meet with the Committee.) Sec. 23. W e recommend that Messrs. Adams, Underwood, and Gale be appointed a sub-committee of the Educational Committee to confer with the Government Educational Department regarding permits for Mission school text books. Sec. 24. That this same sub-committee be instructed to look into the matter o f the registration of Mission educational institutions and to report through the Educational Committee. Sec. 25. W e recommend that in compliance with a request from the Methodist Mission North, Mr. Bruen and Mrs. Moffett be appointed as our representatives on an inter-mission committee to confer on the best methods of instruction for the deaf and blind. Sec. 26. W e recommend that the request of Pyeng Yang Station, asking that the constitution and by-laws of the Pyeng Yang Union Academy for Women be continued for one year, be approved.

105 1909] KOREA MISSION. 99 Sec. 27. W e would call attention of the workers in the women s academies to the importance of developing courses in the instruction and practice of Domestic Science, and also to the need of instruction in regard to conduct proper for women and girls. Respectfully submitted, N o r m a n C. W h i t t e m o r e, Chm. H o k a c e G. U n d e r w o o d, Secy. NUMBER 4. PR OPERTY COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. W e would report ad interim actions as follows: а. Approval of plans for following buildings : Houses for Dr. Hirst, H. E. Blair, Mr. Rhodes, Dr. Mills, and the Single Ladies of Taiku. The Ann Jamieson Building of the Syen C'hyun Girls Academy. The Main Building of the Hugh O Neill, Jr. Academy, Syen Chyun. б. Approval of alterations on the houses of Messrs Lee, W. N. Blair, McCune, W ells. Also the plan of a porch to be added to the Taiku Hospital. Sec. 2. W e recommend the approval of the. following items that come within the jurisdiction of the Committee: (1) An additional room to be added to Mr. W hittemore s house... Yen (2) Grate quarters and fence for the Women s Academy, Seoul (3) Deepening the well on Dr. Gale s compound, Seoul...,, (4) Roofing two porches and putting in stone steps to houses in Seoul...,, (5) Additional room for Mr. Adams house, Taiku...,, (6) Additional room for Mr. Bruens house, Taiku (7) W ell for the compound, Taiku...,, (8) Special repairs for Syun Chun S ta tio n (9) Completion of Mr. Bernheisel s Site, Pyeng Yang (10) Raising of item No. 25 of last year s docket (Addition to the Ladies House, P. Y.) from Yen 1000 to (11) Part house for Mr. Kerr, Chai Ryung (12) House for Mr. Kagin, Chung J u Sec. 3. W e rccommend that here after a footnote be appended to the Property Docket in the printed Minutes giving the value of yen as related to U. S. Gold. Sec. 4. As to the 100 Yen set aside last year for taxes (Minutes Page 50 I I. a) we recommend that the following amounts which have actually been used, be paid and the balance be distributed to the stations as per last year s percentages of Class V I I : Syen Chyun, Yen 4 0; Chai Ryung Yen 3 2; Kang Kai, Yen 5 ; Taiku, Yen 6.

106 100 MINUTES OF THE [September The Board haying cut all Mission appropriations one twelfth, the total for this item is but Yen Deducting from this the above amounts leaves a balance of Yen 8.66 or Yen 2.08 for Seoul, Yen 2.24 for Pyeng Yang, Yen 1.28 for Taiku, Yen 1.12 for Syen Chyun, 96 sen for Fusan, 80 sen for Chai Ryung, and 18 sen for Cluing Ju. Sec. 5. As to taxes for next year the Government has given notice that each of our houses is to be taxed the maximum of Yen 8 making a total of Yen 320 for the whole Mission, and we therefore recommend that Yen 320 be set aside and left in the hands of the Mission Treasurer until next Annual Meeting when it shall be divided according to the amount of taxes actually paid. (Referred to Finance Committee.) Sec. 6. As to the balance of money in Class V II, we recommend that it be divided among the stations as follows: Seoul, 25?, Pyeng Yang, 21^%, Taiku lo %, Syen Chyun lo %, Fusan 10% Chai Byung 8\%, Kang K ai 3, and Chung Ju Sec. 7. "We would call the attention of the Mission to the fact that the number of units in the Mission has rapidly increased in the last few years while the total in Class V I I. has remained practically stationary. W e believe that Class V II. must be increased this year and we feel that Yen 40 per building is the least that should be given for repairs alone. This amount will mean a total of Yen 2400 in the Class or an increase over this year of Y en W e would recommend that this increase be made this year the money to come from the Missions lb % iecrease, or from whatever source the Fiscal Committee feels can spare it. (Referred to General Fiscal Committee.) Sec. 8. As to the request in the Mission Treasurer s Report that a change be made in Property Committee Rules i and j as found on Page 51 of last year s Minutes, we would report that we believe that the rules are good ones and that the Treasurer should give them one more year s trial and we recommend that the rules be returned (The rules are those which give to the Mission Treasurer the duty of collecting the votes of the Property Committee on plans and declaring the vote on the same). Sec. 9. Concerning the suggestion made in a recent Board letter that an architect be employed to have full charge of all building in Korea this year, we would report that we do not believe that such action would be economical or desirable. In the first place it would require about 500 Yen out of every 6000 Yen house appropriation to pay the architect. Possibly an architect might save a little on buying from America, but lack of knowledge of local conditions would cause extra expense on the field to offset the other saving so that the net saving would do little towards the architect s salary. Then, too, with buildings going up all over Korea, an architect in charge of them all could do little more than travel back and forth between them and there would be practically no saving of missionary time and strength for in each place as in the past, some one mast give the greater part of his time to the continual supervision absolutely' essential where Oriental workmen are used. W e feel, however, that some change should be made in our past procedure and we recommed that a subcommittee, of three members of the Property Committee be appointed to advise with the stations on all matters of construction, to specialize on buying of all import materials in order that it may act as a Purchasing Agent for the stations, and in case of special need to visit the stations and give personal assistance where buildings are being erected, it being understood, of course, that the expenses of the committee on such personal trips are to be paid out of the appropriations of the buildings concerned.

107 1909] KOREA MISSION. 101 Sec. 10. W e recommend the approval of alterations on tlie Marquis Chapel Pyeng Yang to cost about 200 yen. * Sec. 11. As to the matter of the bathroom for M r. McFarland s house Taiku, approval of which was asked in a recent Board letter we recommend that it be approved. See. 12. (a) (b) (c) (d) W e report approval of Plan for alterations on the Marquis Chapel, Pyeng Yang. Plan for the study to be added to Dr. Baird s house, Pyeng Yang. Plan for the addition to the Single Ladies house, Pyeng Yang. Plan for the Kang Kai hospital. Sec. 13. Eecommend that in the case of Mr. Welbon s house in W on Ju since it is the first house in the station and must be used for a time at least and perhaps permanently for more than one family that permission be given for one room more than the Mission s maximum of 1900 sqare feet. P E O P E E T Y DOCKET. 1. House and site for Mr. Kagin, Chung J u...y.6, House and site for Mr. McCune, Syen C hyun... 6, Addition to Ladies House, Pyeng Yang to fit it for three ladies 1, Quarters for Mr. McMurtrie, Pyeng Yang... 1, House for Single Ladies, Chai Eyung... 6, House and site for Mr. Curtis, S e o u l... 10, House and site for Messrs. Lampe and Fletcher, W on Ju... 8, House for Single Ladies, Pyeng Y a n g... 6, Part house for Mr. Kerr, Chai Eyung... 1, Two houses and site, Mil Yang... 14, Two houses, site and hospital, Andong... 24, Syen Chyun Girls Academy site and fen cin g... 1, Laboratory equipment md^dikie-xtioms, John D. Wells School. 1,000 *< 14. Grading and fencing, John D. W ells School Balance '- ' 15. Pyeng Yang College and heating plant, Balance... 11, New property and completion of site, Taiku... 4, Hospital for W on Ju... 10,000 ^ 18. Dormitories for the Taiku Academy, Balance... 9, Gate quarters and fence of Women s Academy, Seoul W ell for T a ik u W ell for Chai Eyung Heating plant for the Theological Seminary Bldg., Pyeng Yang 1, W all and grading for the Theol. Sem. Bldg., Pyeng Yang... 1, Additional site and well for Women s Academy, Seoul 3, Dormitories for the Pyeng Yang Academy... 10, Dispensary, Taiku... 4, Syen Chyun Girls Academy... 8, Pyeng Yang College apparatus... 1, Women s Academy Bldg., Pyeng Yang... 14, W omen s Academy dormitory, S e o u l... 20, Addition to the main building, John D. Wells School 10, Complete the site of the Pyeng Yang C ollege... 5, Addition to the house, Syen C h y u n... 1,000

108 102 MINUTES OF THE [September 34. Addition to the Adams house, T a ik u Addition to the isruen house, Taiku Addition to the Whittemore house, Syen Chyun Special repairs, Syen C h y u n Theological Seminary dormitories and Keepers quarters... 6, Enlarge recitation building of Women s Academy, Seoul... 10, Dormitory of John D. W ells Academy, Seoul... 12, Heating plant of John D. W ells Academy, S e o u l... 3, Science building of John D. W ells Academy, Seoul... 15, Men s Bible Institute building, Chung Ju (sarang)... 1, Women s Bible Institute building, Chnng Ju (sarang)... 1, Women s Bible Institute building, Chai Ryung... 5, Site for Bible Institute building, Chai R yu n g... 3, Additional site, Chung Ju... 1, Servant quarters grading and fencing, Chung Ju F. S. Miller s house Servant quarters for Mr. Smith s house, Fusan Church site in the north part of Seoul, Balance Rest house for Chosan, Kang Kai territory Home for Korean Nurses Severance Hospital, Seoul... 6, Water Installation, Seoul... 2, Fuel room, Fusan Additional site, Chai R y u n g Deepening the well on Mr. Gale s compound, Seoul Porch roofs and stone steps for Seoul houses Completion o f Mr. Bernheisel s site, Pyeng Yang Endowment for the Theological Seminary, Pyeng Yang 30, Endowment for the Taiku A c a d e m y... 30, Endowment for the Seoul Higher Schools , Endowment for the Pyeng Yang C o lle g e ,000 A yen is equal to 50 cents U. S. Gold. Respectfully submitted, C h a s. A l l e n C l a r k, Secretary. NUMBER 5. G E N E R A L FISCAL COMMITTEE. 1. Supplementary report of Committee on page 84 of Minutes to take place of this section. 2. That the sum of Yen reserved for the use of Mr. Sidebotham be given to Fusan station to be used in paying the expenses of outside help coming to the station. (See 1908 Minutes, page 71.) 3. On the part of the Treasurer s report referred to the Committee. That sections 5, 7, 8, and 10 be adopted and put upon the Minutes. That sections 1, 2, and 11 be referred to the Finance Committee. That sections 3, 4, 5, and 9 be referred to the Rules and By-Laws Committee. 4. That the Estimates for be made out on the basis of the

109 1909] KOREA MISSION, 103 money already granted this year plus additional grant promised by the Board (see Dr. Brown s letter of June 8 to the Secretary of the Committee.) for the new missionaries arriving on the field during the past fiscal year, i.e. up to April 30, This totals as follows: Original Grant... 30, Extra for Mr. Erdman Total Grant Language Teachers at 144 Itineration for 11 at , Grand Total That while the Estimates are made out on basis including only Yen 2, for these new missionaries, yet the added expenses of the new missionaries make it absolutely necessary that the Mission. should receive for the current year and for subsequent years the full amount given for the use of the new missionaries on the field as apportioned by the Board from the amount of $ 1, gold received for each new missionary. 6. The following percents are recommended for the items of language teachers and literary assistants in the various stations, this to go into the table as Class I X station. Seoul.2884, Pyeng Yang.1958, Fusan.0425, Taiku.1179, Syen Chyun.0993, Chai Ryung.1132, Chung Ju.0791, Kang Kai Also that Yen 8.00 each for Seoul and Pyeng Yang and Yen 5.00 each for the other stations, making Yen in all, be put into Class I X Mission for station postage, and paid by the Treasurer as drawn. 7. The financial statement of the Publishing Fund Committee has been audited and found correct. (See Ajt. 9 of this report for the figures.) 8. The Committee has with the help of the Treasurer made a list of all the new property accounts of the past 3 years and has endeavored to have them audited, with the following result: Audited, 7 4; unaudited, 7 ; undrawn appropriations, 11. Total, 92 Accounts. 9. For table of Audits see Appendix II. 10. Notes on Art. 9. (а) Many of the accounts are not reviewed by the station. (By-Laws Art. IV, 4.) (б) Audits should be made by a committee, not by the station, except in case of the purchase of property for lump sums. (e) In some cases sums not asked for by the Mission have been used. Pyeng Yang, Helen Marquis Chapel Yen ; Seoul, Severance Hospital Isolation W ard Yen 3,500. Severance Hospital Land, Y en 2,200; Chai Ryung, extra for Mr. Koons house Yen For this section see page 69, Section 11 of Minutes. 12. W e recommend the following as the uncuttable items in the Estimates for : Rent M r. Cook 6 months Yen Dr. Purviance 6 months M r. Kagin 12 months Dr. Underwood 12 months M r. Welbon 6 months ,335.00

110 104 MINUTES OF THE [September Theological Seminary... Total... Basis for Estimates (See section 4 of this report) Deduct U ncuttable , Yen 32, , Total for cuttable classes... 31, Mission Items in Class I X Mission. Printing Minutes and Eeports... Yen Treasurer s E xpenses Mission Secretary s Expenses Station Secretary s Expenses: S e o u l... Yen 8.00 Pyeng Yang F u san T a ik u Syen Chyun Chai Eyung Chung J u Kang K a i Travel to Annual Meeting Moving Expenses Executive Committee Expenses Total for Class IX Mission... 2, Table of Per Cents between classes (see page 56). 15. Becommend that Messrs. Pieters and Koons be a committee to distribute the balances for this fiscal year. 16. That such balances be used as follows: a. Eent Mr. Cook , Mr. Welbon... Yen b. Executive Committee Expenses Moving Expenses Becommend that the Board be asked to extend the power of transfer to the end of the current Fiscal Year, on the following grounds; (a) The shortening of the year to 11 months makes necessary many readjustments. (b) The delay in paying the money for teachers and itineration for the missionaries under the Propaganda causes confusion in auditing the amounts as they are paid. 18. Becommend that money to be received on account of the Propaganda missionaries during the current year be used as follows: (a) (b) To supply full teacher s salary for each single missionary or each married man according to the amount in use in the station. To furnish each single missionary or each married man with Yen for itineration. (c) The balance up to Yen shall be distributed among the stations according to the per cent in the Estimates, thus restoring to the old work the 5 per cent increase promised by the Board. - -

111 1909] KOBEA MISSION Schedule showing amounts and percents for all classes in all the Stations and the Mission. Sec. 20. Recommend that the Mission ask the Board to allow Taiku Station to apply to the deficit in last year s Medical W ork the balances for the past fiscal year, amounting to Yen Sec. 21. Recommend that from balances for the current year Yen each be paid to Messrs. Clark and Gale for travelling expenses to Seoul and return while they were teaching in the Theological Seminary. Sec. 22. Eecommend that Yen 144 each for teachers and 75 for itineration be put into the Estimates for next year for each new missionary assigned at this Annual Meeting. 23. Recommend that the Fiscal Committee be given authority to make such changes in the Estimates in regard to the money for missionaries under the propaganda as they may deem wise after consultation with Dr. Brown. 24. Recommend that the extra helper for Dr. Underwood recommended by the Evangelistic Committee for the balance of the current year be paid up to Yen from any balances remaining in Seoul Station at the end of March, and be the first claim on such balance. A l e x. A. P ieters, E. W. K ooks, Chairman. Secretary.

112 APPENDIX I. The Tabic prepared was made useless by the conference with Dr. Brown. See page 84 the General Fiscal Committee's report after the Conference. G. S. M. APPENDIX II. Accounts. SnotJii. John I). "Wells Equipment... Jolm I). Wells1 Grading... Severance Hospital Isolating Ward. Severance Hospital Land... Yon Mot Kol Site... Yon Mot Kol Site... Yon Mot Kol Site... Yon Mot Kol Site... Won Ju S ite... North Church Site... E. H. Miller s House... Ladies House... Girls School... John 1). Wells School... John I). Wells Site... Reynold s House... Alterat ions on Intermediate School. Alterations on Greenfield House... Yang Kun Rest House... Gale House... Hirst I louse... Jacobson Memorial House... Pyeng Y ang. Caroline A. Ladd Hospital... Theological Seminary... Women s Bible Institute... Blair-Swallen W ell... An Ju Rest House... Alterations on Women s Bible Inst. Study for Dr. Baird... Alterations on six houses... College... Academy Site... Anna I >avis Industrial Department. Helen Marquis Chapel... Bernheisel House... Bernheisel House»Site... F usan. W e l l... Well... Girls School... Kim Ilai Church... Dr. Irvin s servants, quarters.... Women s Sarang... Boys School... Junkin Memorial Hospital Site... Ta ik u. Andong Rest House... Class Building... Class Building... Alternations on Johnson House... Academ y... Erdman House... Ladies House... Academ y... Class Building from Erdman Gift of $ Church... Mary II. Minor Memorial Home. Hospital... Syen Chyun. Alterations Lower House... Alterations Ross House... Oliver Memorial Home... Roberts House... Ross House... Hospital Equipment... Wiju Rest H ou se... Whittemore House... Whittemore Site... Hugh O Neil School... Ann Jamison Building... Ciiai R yung. Hospital... Koons House... Koons House Extra... Syo Hung Rest House... Fencing Station Site... Temporary house... Hunt House... Sharp House... Station Site... Ciiung Ju. W ell F. S. Miller House ,0: , , F. S. Miller Site and Book Room Hospital Site and Fencing F. S. Miller Site and Servant quarters... Fencing Station Site Dispensary II os]) i Lai ,(i() ( Purviance House (5, , Cook House , K ang K at. Opening Kang Kai acct... Kang Kai Site... Kang Kai Site... Boat Fund... Hospital... Kate Gamble Cottage... Mills House... Rhodes House... Total... I yeng Yang and Taiku Hospital Water Supply P u b l is h in g F u n d R e c e ip t s. Balance on deposit to July 1, Interest on deposit to June 30th, 1909 Fiscal Committee 9 Table o f Audits. D a t e. Arror. D r a w n. U sico. C o m. B a l. T e e a s. B a l. Co m m i t t e e , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , z , , , , , , , , (5 21, , , , , , (with int ) , , , , , ( , , , , , ( , , , , , , , , , , ) ) , , , not drawn awaiting full appropriation not drawn awaiting full appropriation '« , , , , , , , , , , , (, , , , , , (, , , , ( ( , , , , , , , , , :5.50 8: ( ( , , , , , ,440.( 5 3, , , , , ,()()().( 0 9, , (5, , S ( ( ( , , ,51( , , , , , , ( , , , , , , ,000.' (, , , (, (i, , , , , , (Pyeng Yang) 1, (Taiku) Y.12, E. II. Miller. E. H. Miller. Avison. Avison. Pieters. E. II. Miller. E. II. Miller. Property Com. Clark. Clark. E. II. Miller. E. II. Miller. E. II. Miller. E. H. Miller. E. II. Miller. Pieters. E. II. Miller. Property Com. Clark. Gale. 6, , , ( A u d it o r. No audit. Station. No audit. No audit. Station. No audit. No audit. Station. Pieters. Pieters. Accounts closed by Exec. Com. Station. Station. Station. Pieters. Greenfield and Pieters. Lee, Koons, / McCune and McMurtrie. and Wells. \ Clark and Welbon. Lee, McMurtrie,") Blair, I W ells. Mofiett. J Best. Bernheisel and Wells. Mofiett. Wells. Blair Station. Best. Bernheisel and Wells. Property Com. Bernheisel, Wells and Station. McCune. Bernheisel and Wells. Baird. Station. Lee, McCune. Bernheisel and W ells. Property Com. Station. Bernheisel. W ells. Irvin. Smith. Smith. Irvin. 1, Bruen , Johnson. Adam?. Adams , Johnson. Adams. Whittemore. Sharrocks. Blair. Sharrocks. Sharrocks. Sharrocks. Whittemore. Whittemore. Whittemore. Sliarrocks. Sharrocks. Station. No audit. Station. Station. Station. Station. Bruen and Miss Essick. Bruen and Miss Essick. Saw tell and Miss Essick. Adams. Erdman. Erdman. Rhodes. Whittemore and Rhodes. Rhodes. Whittemore and Rhodes. Whittemore and Rhodes. Whittemore. Rhodes. Station. Station. Rhodes. Rhodes. Whiting, Koons. Hunt and Kerr. Koons. Hunt and Kerr. Koons. Hunt. Hunt. Koons. Hunt. Koons. Hunt. Station. Hunt. Koons. Whiting, Koons. Hunt and Kerr. Hunt and Koons. Whiting and Koons Miller. Miller. Miller. Kagin , , , , Purviance. Purviance. Mills. Blair. Blair. Blair. Blair. Blair. Blair. Blair Wells. Station. Station. Station. Purviance and Doriss. Kagin and Doriss. Kagin and Doriss. Blair. Mills. Mills. Mills. Mills. Mills. Mills. Mills. Bernheisel. E x p e n d i t u r e s. T o t a l... Publishing and Freight... Postage... T o t a l... Balance on hand July 1st, T o t a l , , , Y.12, A. A. PIETERS, Chamnan. E. W. KOONS, Secretary.

113 APPENDIX IV. TA B L E OP S TA TIS TIC S fo r the Eleven Months Ending May 31, Name of Station. 3 tr (D S3 ET* a: ft Î3 c *-» S Ordained. Unordained (not Physicians). Missionaries. Native Helpers. Church Statistics. Educational Statistics. o O cr = o H cc Pupils. Pupils. ft c I T* d P- <? "Sn en=r r* c * I i n Ë2! O ' Î Ï. o s! o tt %o s.! o 5? c 1 a "Z. CRvT! o C s ^ Physicians (Men). Single Women. Wives. Total Missionaries. Ordai ned Preachers. Unordained Preachers. Teachers (Men). Bible Women. Other Native Helpers. Total Native Helpers. Out-Stations. Places of Regular Meeting. Organized Churches. Children Baptized. Adherents. Average Attendance. Sunday Schools. unday School ilembership. Bible Classes of 4 days or over Total Enrollment Women. Theological School Students in Collegiate Trainings. Boarding and High Schools. Girls. Other Schools; X? i; 2 tc o mal Classes of >days to two months. 2 T* o c* O Total Enrollment Women. Seoul ,740 i s «J ,! Fusan , i Pyeng Yang , S O I S ! Taiku ,062, o ! Syen Chyun , Chai Ryung , ! U , G8j Chung J u ,150, ] o; i Kang Kai , M j i Totals m n o , , ' , Name of Station. < tr. (Z Population of Field. a c c > 2 tí 5 -i 0G % 5! Ö c? c a I f 9 Seoul , i ' ~ Native Contributions TJ. S. Gold. or E d u ca tio n ct ; V- ÍÜ c V CK" Eß* ^ 05 p 3 Total N a tiv e < 'onti'ibut ions! Total Native C on tributions w ith j H ospital R eceip ts! Board s Grant. Medical Statistics. IT. S». Gold. B o a rd s total grant with foreign sa la ries and b u ild in g s B o a r d s grant fo r Native w ork No. of Hospitals 3 Ï B «. O $? 3 No. of O u tp a tien ts Total e x p e n s e s with assistants with fo r e ig n sa la ries a o o" o crjt Medical Receipts.! ' Fusan ,107;, 80! Pyeng Yang , , Taiku ,062, Syen Chyun , ! Chai Ryung , , Chung Ju ,150, Kang Kai Native Gifts Foreign Fees Native Fees Total Receipts Pages printed by the Press in Pyeng Yang this year... 40,090 Pages printed from the beginning in ,105,935 C h a s. A l l e n C l a r k, Statistician. Totals


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