2019 Bible Bowl Competition

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1 2019 Bible Bowl Competition Mid-South Region Top 300 Trivia Questions (Senior Division) BIBLE CATEGORIES: OT Old Testament History & Geography PM Prophecy & Miracles N Names LNS Letters, Numbers and Sequence NT New Testament W Wisdom NOTE: The contestant will only be tested on the answer portion of the trivia question and will NOT be tested on the related Bible reference nor the Bible category. The Bible reference and Bible category are provided solely for informational and studying purposes! 1. What sign did God give us that he promised to never destroy the earth again with a flood? A rainbow (Gen 9:11-13) OT 2. What name, meaning Three in One, is given to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? The Trinity (N) 3. What did God make the first man out of? Dust (Gen 2:7) PM 4. To what kind of animals did Rebekah offer water showing that she was the bride God had picked for Isaac? Camels (Gen 24:20) PM 5. Who was the mother of Ishmael? Hagar (or Sarah s maid) (Gen 16:1, 15-16) N 6. To whom did God speak from a burning bush? Moses (Ex 3:4) OT 7. In what town was Jesus born? Bethlehem (Matt 2:1) 8. In Joseph s dream, how many stars bowed down to him 3, 7, 10, 11, or 12? 11 (Gen 37:9) LNS 9. In Jesus parable of the ten virgins, what did the five foolish ones forget to bring? Oil (Matt 25:1-3) NT 10. What did Jesus say a good tree shows? Good fruit (Matt 7:17) W 11. What were the people trying to do when they built the Tower of Babel? Reach Heaven (Gen 11:4) OT 12. Name one of the two books in the Bible named after women. Ruth or Esther () 13. How did the sailors in the story of Jonah calm the sea? Threw Jonah overboard (Jonah 1:11-12) PM 14. Who was the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth? Noah (Gen 10:1) N 15. What does the word Rabbi mean? Teacher (John 1:38) LNS 16. Who in the NT wrote about his thorn in the flesh? Paul (2 Cor 12:7) NT 17. How old was Noah when he died 400, 500, 750, or 950 years? 950 years (Gen 9:29) LNS 18. Where was Jesus when he said the following: My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me.? On the cross (Matt 27:46) NT 19. What insect was the writer of Proverbs talking about when he said: Consider her ways and be wise.? An ant (Prov 6:6) W 20. Who became famous for explaining the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon? Daniel (Dan Chp 2) PM 21. What is the name of the OT book that begins with the letter O? Obadiah (LNS) 22. Why did Joseph and Mary travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem when Mary was expecting the baby Jesus? For taxation (or a census). (Luke 2:1-5) NT 23. What was Abel s occupation? Shepherd (Gen 4:2) OT

2 24. After Jesus fed the 5,000 people, how did he get across the first portion of the sea of Galilee? He walked on the water. (John 6:19) PM 25. Name Adam and Eve s oldest son? Cain (Gen 4:1) N 26. Where in the Bible is the book Titus found, the OT or NT? NT (LNS) 27. What did those attending the Last Supper eat and drink? Bread and wine (Luke 22:14-20) NT 28. What are the first three words in the Bible? In the beginning (Gen 1:1) OT 29. In what land did Jacob ask his sons to bury him? Canaan (Gen 49:30) 30. After the magicians and wise men were unable to explain Pharaoh s dreams of cows and corn, for who did he send to explain them? Joseph (Gen 41:14-15) PM 31. When Jacob fled to his uncle Laban, who did he fall in love with and want to marry? Rachel (Gen 29:18) N 32. On which number of the seven days of Creation did God create day and night? 1 st Day (Gen 1:5) LNS 33. What did the soldiers do to the bodies of the two thieves on the crosses which they did not do to Jesus on the cross? Broke their legs (John 19:32-33) NT 34. In Jesus parable, what animals did Jesus separate the sheep from? Goats (Matt 25:33) W 35. Whose coat was dipped in blood by his brothers? Joseph (Gen 37:29-31) OT 36. Where did the following sign appear: This is Jesus King of the Jews? Above Jesus head on the cross. (Matt 27:37) 37. After Jesus resurrection he miraculously provided the disciples with 153 of something. One hundred and fiftythree of what? Fish (John 21:11) PM 38. Which book of the Bible comes right before Acts? John (LNS) 39. What relative of John the Baptist was Jesus? Cousin (Luke 1:36) NT 40. What is the name of the tradition where a believer in Jesus is lowered under water and raised again? Baptism (NT) 41. What land did Cain go to live in which was east of Eden? Nod (Gen 4:16) 42. The woman who was bleeding for 12 years was healed when she touched what? Jesus clothing (Matt 9:20-21) PM 43. Who was the best friend of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Daniel (Dan 1:7) N 44. Name one of the OT books that begins with the letter Z? Zephaniah or Zechariah (LNS) 45. The wise men brought three kinds of gifts to baby Jesus: gold, myrrh, and what else? Frankincense (or incense) (Matt 2:11) NT 46. What kind of water did Jesus offer the woman at Jacob s well? Living water (John 4:10) W 47. What was Cain s occupation? Farmer (Gen 4:2) OT 48. What was the most important event in the Bible to take place at Golgotha? Jesus crucifixion (John 19:17-18) 49. Who was called a dreamer by his brothers? Joseph (Gen 37:19) N 50. Where in the Bible is the book of Jude found the OT or NT? NT (LNS) 51. Jesus gave Peter the keys to what kingdom? Heaven (Matt 16:19) NT 52. What kind of gate did Jesus say a Christian has to go through? Straight or narrow (Matt 7:13-14) W 53. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered his subjects to fall down and worship him whenever they heard what? Music (Dan 3:15) OT 54. What kind of tree did Jesus cause to wither because it had no fruit? A fig tree (Matt 21:9) PM 55. What was the name of Moses s sister? Miriam (Num 26:59) N 56. How many days was it dark during the plague of darkness over the land of Egypt in Exodus 1, 3, 7, 10, or 40? 3 days (Ex 10:22) LNS 57. What did the serpent talk Eve into doing in the Garden of Eden? Eating the forbidden fruit (Gen 3:6) OT 58. What was the name of the garden where Jesus often went to pray? Gethsemane (Matt 26:36) 59. What was the first supernatural act of Moses and Aaron which the Egyptian magicians could not imitate? Producing lice or gnats (Ex 8:18) PM 60. Who was Jonathan s best friend? David (1 Sam 18:1) N 61. How many books are there in the OT? 39 (LNS) 62. What does the word gospel mean? Good news (NT)

3 63. What did the people use to build the tower of Babel? Bricks or stones (Gen 11:3) OT 64. Who destroyed the tower of Babel? God (Gen 11:5-9) 65. Where did Samson miraculously find honey to eat? Inside the dead body of a lion (Judges 14:8-9) PM 66. Who cried after hearing a rooster (or cock) crow? Peter (Matt 26:75) N 67. How many brothers did Adam have? None (LNS) 68. When Jesus came back from praying his last time in the garden, what were the disciples doing? Sleeping (Matt 26:40) NT 69. Which book of the Bible contains the line: The Lord is my shepherd. Psalms (Ps 23:1) W 70. Put the following in the order in which they lived Jacob, Abraham, and Isaac. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (OT) 71. What are all of the following Mediterranean, Galilee, Red, and Dead? All seas. () 72. What name did Zechariah write and immediately have his ability to speak return: John, Jesus, or Jehovah? John (Luke 1) PM 73. To whom was Jesus speaking when he said: Unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God.? Nicodemus (John 3) NT 74. What caused Cain to become angry and kill his brother Abel? Because God liked Abel s offering better. (Gen 4:3-4) OT 75. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, from where did God drive them out? The Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24) 76. When Jacob had a dream of a ladder going up to heaven, what did he see going up and down on it? Angels (Gen 28:10-12) PM 77. Name Abraham s nephew who was saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot (Gen 12:5; 19:15-16) N 78. How many times each day did the ravens bring food to Elijah? Twice (1 Kings 17:6) LNS 79. What did Jesus say cannot add one hour to your life? Worry (Matt 6:27) W 80. When God saved baby Moses from the wicked Pharaoh, what was the most important plan God had for Moses when he became an adult? To help the Israelites flee from Egypt (Ex 3:10) OT 81. Which of the following ladies was married to King David: Bathsheba, Esther, Jezebel, or Ruth? Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:27) 82. What disease is mentioned in the Bible more than any other? Leprosy (PM) 83. How many disciples did Jesus have in the early days of his ministry? 12 (Matt 10:1-4) LNS 84. What nickname did the disciple Thomas earn for not believing Jesus had risen from the dead? Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-29) NT 85. According to Luke 10:27, we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind and what else? Strength (Luke 10:27) W 86. Who ate the holy temple bread when he was hungry? David (1 Sam 21:6; Mark 2:25-26) OT 87. Who was the next leader of the Israelites after Moses died? Joshua (Josh 1:1-2) 88. Which of the following was a prophet of God: Ebenezer, Enoch, Ezekiel, or Emmaus? Ezekiel (PM) 89. What was so special about the NT writers James and Jude that wasn t true of any other NT writers? They were brothers of Jesus. (N) 90. What did God make out of Adam s rib? Eve (or woman) (Gen 2:22) OT 91. What are palsy, dropsy, and leprosy, all mentioned in the NT? Diseases (PM) 92. What was the name of Abraham before God changed it? Abram (Gen 11:27) N 93. Which book of the Bible comes right after Malachi? Matthew (LNS) 94. What did Jesus write on the only time the Bible mentions him writing? The ground (John 8:6) NT 95. What did Solomon once order to be cut in half to settle an argument between two women, knowing it wouldn t be done? A baby (1 Kings 3:16-28) OT 96. What did God use to drive back the waters of the Red Sea to let the Israelites go through? Wind (Ex 14:21) OT 97. Where was Jesus tempted by Satan for 40 days? In the desert or wilderness (Matt 4:1-11) 98. How was the birth of John the Baptist a miracle? His mother was very old. (Luke 1:36) PM 99. How many baskets were used to pick up the leftover food after Jesus fed the 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few fish? 7 baskets (Matt 15:37) LNS

4 100. Who was the other friend of Daniel, Shadrach, and Meshach? Abednego (Dan 1:7) N 101. What had happened to Jesus just before a dove perched on his shoulder? He was baptized (Matt 3:16) NT 102. Who adopted Moses? Pharaoh s daughter (Ex 2:10) OT 103. Into what country did an angel tell Joseph to take Mary and baby Jesus from Bethlehem? Egypt (Matt 2:13) 104. Who did Jesus tell the disciples would come after he had gone to Heaven and who would help them remember all the things Jesus had told them? The Holy Spirit or Ghost (John 14:26) PM 105. On which number of the 7 days of Creation did God create the birds, fish, and sea creatures? The 5 th day (Gen 1:20-23) LNS 106. How did God guide the Israelites through the desert by day when fleeing from Egypt? With a cloud (Ex 13:21) OT 107. Which mountain did Noah s ark rest on after the water receded? Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4) 108. Who took Lot and his family by their hands and led them out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed? Angels (Gen 19:15-16) PM 109. Who were the only people saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Lot and his family (Gen 19:15-16) N 110. How many brothers did Jesus have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6? Four (Mark 6:3) LNS 111. To whom did Jesus say: It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God.? Satan (Matt 4:7) NT 112. What has become the traditional name for the meal which Jesus had with his disciples just before he was arrested? The Last Supper () 113. Did Jesus ever spit in a man s eyes? Yes (to cure blindness) (Mark 8:23) PM 114. Who fell down laughing when God told him his old wife would have a baby? Abraham (Gen 17:17) N 115. Fill in the blank of Jesus sentence with one word: I am the vine; you are the. Branches (John 15:5) W 116. What was the name of the food that God provided for the Israelites while they were wandering in the desert? Manna (or bread). (Ex 16:15) OT 117. In what river did John the Baptist do most of his baptizing? The Jordon River (Matt 3:6) 118. Who told Joseph to marry Mary? An angel (Matt 1:20) PM 119. What did God ask Abraham to do with Isaac on Mt. Moriah? Sacrifice him (Gen 22:2) 120. How old was Jesus when he stayed behind in the temple while his parents thought he was lost? 12 years (Luke 2:42) LNS 121. Who had a dream of seven fat and seven lean cows? Pharaoh (Gen 41:1-4) PM 122. Who was Isaac s favorite son? Esau (Gen 25:28) N 123. How many days did the waters remain on the earth after the flood 7, 10, 40, 150, or 365? 150 days (Gen 7:24) LNS 124. Who in the NT is recorded to have walked on water (other than Jesus)? Peter (Matt 14:24-29) NT 125. Who named all the living creatures? Adam (Gen 2:19) OT 126. In what city did Daniel serve the king: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Babylon, Rome, or Galilee? Babylon (Dan 1) 127. Which prophet was fed by ravens in the wilderness? Elijah (1 Kings 17:4-7) PM 128. Who pushed down the pillars of a temple killing thousands of Philistines and himself? Samson (Judges 16:29-30) N 129. Is the Book of Ecclesiastes in the OT or the NT? OT 130. What are the first two words of each of the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew? Blessed are (Matt 5) NT 131. Who looked after or ministered to Jesus after his temptation by Satan in the desert? Angels (Matt 4:11) PM 132. What was the name of the prisoner freed instead of Jesus just before Jesus crucifixion? Barabbas (Matt 27:16-26) NT 133. In the story recorded in Genesis of the sacrifice on Mt. Moriah, which father and son do we read about? Abraham and Isaac (Gen 22) OT 134. In what city was Jesus put to trial and crucified on the cross? Jerusalem ()

5 135. Which writer of the NT was healed of blindness? Paul or Saul (Acts 9) PM 136. Which disciple s mother-in-law did Jesus heal from a fever: James, John, Peter, or Thomas? Peter (Matt 8:14-15) N 137. Who s picture was on the coin which Jesus discussed with the Pharisees? Caesar s (Matt 22:19-21) 138. Jesus said that it was more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than for what kind of animal to go through the eye of a needle? Camel (Matt 19:24) W 139. Put the following in the order in which they lived: Moses, Abraham, and Noah. Noah, Abraham, and Moses (OT) 140. Which of the following was not a queen: Ruth, Esther, Cleopatra, or Jezebel? Ruth () 141. Who s head was brought to Herod s niece on a platter? John the Baptist s (Matt 14:3-12) NT 142. In which book did Moses prophesy the many terrible things that would happen to the Jewish people throughout history: Genesis, Exodus, or Deuteronomy? Deuteronomy (Deut 28) PM 143. What does Golgotha mean? The place of the skull (Matt 27:33) 144. Who was chosen as queen from a beauty contest: Ruth, Esther, Cleopatra, or Jezebel? Esther (Est 2) N 145. What part of the body does James say can be a restless evil, full of deadly poison? The tongue (James 3:8) W 146. Where did Joseph s brothers get the blood in which they dipped his coat of many colors? They killed a goat. (Gen 37:31) OT 147. Name the mother of John the Baptist? Elizabeth (Luke 1:57-60) N 148. How many soldiers cast lots for Jesus clothing when he was crucified? 4 (John 19:23) LNS 149. Who offered Jesus all the kingdoms in the world if Jesus would worship him? Satan (Matt 4:8-9) NT 150. Fill in the following blank with one word: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is. Love (1 Cor 13:13) W 151. Where did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God walking in the Garden of Eden? In the trees (Gen 3:8) OT 152. After what ancestor of Jesus was the well named where Jesus offered a Samaritan woman living water? Jacob (John 4:6) 153. What kind of animal spoke to Balaam? Donkey (Numbers 22:21-35) PM 154. Who was Adam and Eve s third son? Seth (Gen 4:25) N 155. Where in the Bible is the book of Philemon found, the OT or the NT? The NT (LNS) 156. What kind of flower did Jesus say was dressed more beautifully than King Solomon? Lilies (Matt 6:28 KJV and many others) NT 157. Where does Jesus say we should store up our treasures? Heaven (Matt 6:20) W 158. What kind of animal s jawbone did Samson use to kill 1,000 Philistines? Donkey (ass) (Judges 15:15) OT 159. According to tradition, what would happen to the first person to enter the troubled or stirred waters of Bethesda? He would be healed (John 5:1-15) 160. What is the English translation of Immanuel, which Isaiah prophesied would be a name used for Jesus? God with us. (Isaiah 7:14 and Matt 1:23) PM 161. What king became jealous of David s success in battle? Saul (1 Sam 18:8-9) N 162. What occupation was Habakkuk? A prophet. (LNS) 163. How did Judas show the chief priests which man was Jesus (just prior to arresting Jesus)? With a kiss (Matt 26:48) NT 164. To whom did the coat of many colors belong? Joseph (Gen 37:3) OT 165. What did Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have in common? They were prophets. (PM) 166. What was the name of the king who tried to get the wise men to lead him to baby Jesus? Herod (Matt 2:7-8) N 167. What were the stories called which Jesus told in order to teach a lesson or a moral? Parables (NT) 168. What old childless couple did God promise would have a son, and their descendants would be as numerous as the stars and sand? Abraham and Sarah (Gen 15, 16) OT 169. Which book of the Bible did John write mostly to reveal the future? Revelation (PM) 170. Name the brother of Martha and Mary, who was raised from the dead. Lazarus (John 11) N

6 171. How many people in the Bible walked on water? Two (Jesus and Peter) (Matt 14:22-36) LNS 172. What did God do to Moses hand briefly in order to show his power? Made it leprous (diseased) (Ex 4:6-7) OT 173. Under OT law, what percentage of a man s wealth, given to God, was called a tithe? 10% (Lev 27:28-34) 174. What is the personal name of God the Father, beginning with J which appears through the OT? Jehovah (N) 175. Who once warned Jesus about the smell of a dead body? Martha (John 11:39) NT 176. In the story of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, what man was appointed by God to lead them out? Moses (Ex 3:10-22) OT 177. Which of the following men was a prophet of God Nicodemus, Nathanael, Nahum, or Nebuchadnezar? Nahum (PM) 178. Name the woman who poured perfume on Jesus at Bethany. Mary (John 11:1-3) N 179. How many stories (levels) did Noah s ark have? 3 (Gen 6:16) LNS 180. What did Jesus wear on his head when he was on the cross? A crown of thorns (Matt 27:29) NT 181. To whom did God give the Ten Commandments? Moses (Ex 20:1-17) OT 182. Which of the following was not a prophet of God: Joel, Jeremiah, Jonah, or Jordan? Jordan (PM) 183. Name the father of John the Baptist? Zacharias (Luke 1:11-13) N 184. Why did Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus have to sleep in a stable? There was no room in the inn. (Luke 2:7) NT 185. What is the first line of the 23 rd Psalm? The Lord is my shepherd. (Psalm 23:1) W 186. As told in the book of Genesis, what rested on Mt. Ararat and is still believed to be there today? Noah s ark (Gen 8:4) OT 187. What country is known as the Holy Land? Israel () 188. From what was Paul healed by Ananias? Blindness (Act 9:17-18) PM 189. To who did Jesus say that we should forgive a person who sins against us 70 times 7? Peter (Matt 18:21-22) N 190. How many baskets were needed to pick up the left-over food after Jesus fed over 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish? 12 baskets (Matt 14:20) LNS 191. Why did Pilate put a big rock in front of the tomb of Jesus? Because he thought the disciples might steal Jesus body (Matt 27:64) NT 192. Through which sea did God let the Israelites pass by dividing the waters? The Red Sea (Ex 14:21 & 13:18) 193. When Aaron threw his rod down before the Pharoah, what did it change into? A snake or serpent (Ex 7:10) PM 194. Who did Mary Magdalene think Jesus was when he first spoke to her after his resurrection? The gardener (John 20:11-15) NT 195. What is the following list of virtues called: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) W 196. About what did Samson lie to Delilah three times? The secret of his strength (Judges 16) OT 197. Which king of Israel was most known for wisdom? Solomon (1 Kings 3:12) 198. Which prophet was taken to Heaven in a whirlwind? Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) PM 199. What were the first four words Jesus said to the disciples when he first saw them after his resurrection? Peace be with you. (John 20:19) NT 200. What does the Bible say is the beginning of knowledge or wisdom? Fear of the Lord. (Ps 111:10; Prov 1:7) W 201. What town s babies were ordered killed by King Herod? Bethlehem (Matt 2:16) 202. On the Day of Pentecost when the disciples heard the Holy Spirit enter the room what did it sound like? A loud wind (Acts 2:2) PM 203. Name the first book in the NT? Matthew (LNS) 204. Other than the flaming sword, what else did God use to protect the way to the tree of life after Adam and Eve sinned? Angels or cherubim (Gen 3:24) PM

7 205. Who said to her mother-in-law: Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.? Ruth (Ruth 1:16) N 206. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word apostle : epistle, disciple, missionary, or prophet? Disciple (NT) 207. What did the dove have in its beak when it returned to the ark? A leaf (Gen 8:11) OT 208. In which country were Joseph and his father Jacob finally reunited after not seeing each other for years? Egypt (Gen 47:5-6) 209. Who destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? God (Gen 19:24-25) PM 210. Whose wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back? Lot s (Gen 19:26) N 211. How many books are there in the NT? 27 (LNS) 212. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19, a Christian s body is the temple of what? The Holy Spirit or Ghost (1 Cor 6:19) W 213. To whom was God speaking when He first said: All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.? Abraham (Gen 12:3) OT 214. Which king of Israel had 700 wives of royal blood? Solomon (1 Kings 11:3) 215. For how many hours did the sky darken even though it was day time when Jesus was crucified? 3 hours (Matt 27:45) LNS 216. With what two things did John the Baptist say Jesus would baptize? The Holy Spirit (or Ghost) and Fire. (Matt 3:11) NT 217. Fill in the following blank with one word: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his and follow me. Cross (Matt 16:24) W 218. Who made the first clothes of animal skins which Adam and Eve wore? God (Gen 3:21) OT 219. What do you call a person who dies for what he believes, like Stephen and the other apostles? A martyr (LNS) 220. What did Herod s niece do which pleased him? Danced (Matt 14:6) NT 221. Complete with one word the following invitation of Jesus to Peter and Andrew: I will make you fishers of. Men (or people) (Matt 4:19) W 222. What holiday celebrates Jesus rising from the dead so the people who believe in him can live forever? Easter () 223. How many times did God punish the Egyptians before Moses led the people out of Egypt? 10 (Ex 7-11) LNS 224. What did Peter do three times before a rooster (or cock) crowed? Denied Jesus, or pretended he didn t know him. (Luke 22:54-62) NT 225. Who wrote more books of the OT than any other person? Moses () 226. How many days had Lazarus been dead in the tomb when Jesus brought him back to life? 4 Days (John 11:39) PM 227. Who was the most sneaky beast in the Garden of Eden? The snake or serpent (Gen 3:1) OT 228. What is the name given to the day when the Holy Spirit first came upon the disciples and tongues of fire appeared over them and they spoke in different languages? The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) PM 229. Who in the NT wore clothing made of camel hair? John the Baptist (Matt 3:1-4) N 230. Name the first four books of the NT? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (LNS) 231. What does the word fasted mean when the Bible says Jesus fasted for 40 days? Didn t eat (Matt 4:2) NT 232. Jesus once healed 10 men at one time of the same disease. What disease? Leprosy (Luke 17:11-14) PM 233. Name the last book of the OT? Malachi (LNS) 234. What did the mother of Jesus and the sister of Martha have in common? Their first name Mary. (N) 235. For how many days was Paul (Saul) blind? 3 Days (Act 9:9) LNS 236. In which book of the Bible do we find the story of the fall of the city of Jericho? Joshua (Josh 6) 237. What did God do with Jacob all night before changing Jacob s name to Israel? Wrestle (Gen 32:28) PM 238. What was the name of the person who betrayed Jesus? Judas (or Judas Iscariot) (Matt 26:14-16) N 239. During the time when man was building the Tower of Babel, how many different languages were there in the world? 1 (Gen 11:1) LNS 240. Name the first two books of the Bible? Genesis and Exodus (LNS)

8 241. What ate all the grass, leaves and fruit in one of Moses plagues upon Egypt? Locusts (Ex 10:13-15) PM 242. Where did Jesus tell the good thief on the cross he would see him that day? In Paradise or Heaven (Luke 23:42-43) NT 243. Fill in the following blank with one word: Faith, by itself, if it does not have works, is. Dead (James 2:17) W 244. What question did Jesus ask Peter three times? Do you love me? (John 21:15-17) NT 245. Which prophet spent three days in a big fish and then miraculously came back alive? Jonah (Jonah 1:17) PM 246. What twin brothers in the Bible are described as being one hairy and one smooth? Jacob and Esau (Gen 27:11) OT 247. What race of people was kept in slavery in Egypt for several hundred years? The Israelites or Hebrews () 248. Moses and the apostle John wrote the same number of books in the Bible. How many did each write? Five (LNS) 249. How was Stephen, the first Christian martyr, killed? He was stoned. (Acts 7:54-60) NT 250. Fill in the following blank: The of money is the root of all evil. Love (1 Tim 6:10) W 251. The Bible has two parts. What are the two parts called? Old Testament and New Testament () 252. What book prophesied hundreds of years in advance that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and the money would later be used to buy a potter s field: Zechariah, Psalms, or Micah? Zechariah (Zech 11:12-13) PM 253. What weapon caused Jesus to bleed from his side while on the cross? A spear (John 19:34) NT 254. What did Satan try to get Jesus to change into bread? Stones (Matt 4:3) NT 255. Who killed Goliath? David (1 Sam 17:51) N 256. What river did God dry up to let the Israelites cross? The Jordan River (Josh 3:13-14) 257. What wicked queen of Israel wanted to kill the prophet Elijah? Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-2) PM 258. Which of these women was the great-grandmother of King David: Sarah, Rachel, Rebekah, or Ruth? Ruth (Matt 1:5-6) N 259. How many times was Paul shipwrecked? 3 (2 Cor 11:25) LNS 260. Which book of the Bible does God provide the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites? Exodus (Ex 20) OT 261. Name one of the tax collectors that Jesus knew. Zaccheus or Matthew (Luke 19:10; Matt 9:9) N 262. Who wrote most of the book of Proverbs? Solomon () 263. Where in the Bible is the book of Daniel found OT or NT? OT (LNS) 264. Who took the body of Jesus to be entombed (buried)? Joseph of Arimathea (Matt 27:57-58) NT 265. Why did God decide to destroy all of mankind except for Noah and his family? Because man was so wicked or evil (Gen 6:5-8) OT 266. How did Judas Iscariot die? He hung himself. (Matt 27:5) NT 267. How many sons did Jacob have? 12 (Gen 35:23-27) LNS 268. From where did Jesus chase out merchants and money-changers? The temple (Matt 21:12) NT 269. What was the first thing Adam and Eve noticed about each other once they had eaten the forbidden fruit? They were naked. (Gen 3:7) OT 270. What was David looking after when Samuel called him to be king of Israel? Sheep (1 Sam 16:11) OT 271. What two things do Christians consume in the service of communion? Bread and wine (or grape juice) 272. What is the longest book in the Bible? Psalms (LNS) 273. In Psalm 119, where does it say is the best place to keep God s word? The heart (Ps 119:11) W 274. For how many days, did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection before he ascended to heaven 3, 7, 30, 40, or 50 days? 40 days (Acts 1:3) LNS 275. The Israelites made Moses angry by worshipping a golden idol in the shape of what animal? Calf (Ex 32:1-5) 276. What city did Jesus ride into on a donkey? Jerusalem (Matt 21:6-10) 277. What king used to listen to David play the harp (or lyre)? Saul (1 Sam 16:23) N

9 278. What relative did Abraham tell the Egyptian Pharaoh his wife Sarah was in order to protect himself? His sister (Gen 12:11-13) OT 279. What did Jesus change into wine at a wedding? Water (John 2:1-11) PM 280. Which book in the Bible follows Acts? Romans (LNS) 281. What did Peter do with his sword to a servant of the high priest when Jesus was being arrested? Cut off his ear. (John 18:10) NT 282. Into what kind of animals did Jesus send the demons from the demon-possessed man? Pigs or swine (Matt 8:32) PM 283. Which number of the seven days of Creation did God say should be a day of rest? 7 th day (Gen 2:2-3) LNS 284. Who at first didn t want Jesus to wash his feet at the Last Supper? Peter (John 13:8-9) NT 285. Whom did Laban give to Jacob as his first wife, even though he had promised Rachel to Jacob? Leah (Gen 29:21-25) N 286. What was the name of the governor who placed a sign over Jesus on the cross, saying The King of the Jews? Pilate (John 19:19) 287. How many books of the NT spend most of their time describing the events of Jesus life? Four (NT) 288. Which book of the Bible comes before Proverbs? Psalms (LNS) 289. What object did Jesus ask for just before he said to the people: Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar s, and unto God the things that are God s.? A coin (Matt 22:15-22) NT 290. Jesus promised he will return, but said that we will not know the day nor the what? Hour (Matt 24:36) W 291. Which one of his disciples did Jesus tell to look after his mother just before he died on the cross? John (John 19:26-27) NT 292. Of the ten lepers that Jesus cured, how many did not return to thank him? 9 (Luke 17:15-17) LNS 293. What did God show to Moses just before he died, but did not allow him to enter? The Promised Land or Canaan (Deut 34) 294. What did Moses do in anger when he came down from Mt. Sinai and saw the Israelites dancing and the golden calf they had made? Broke the tablets with the 10 Commandments (Ex 32:19) OT 295. How many thieves were crucified with Jesus? 2 (Matt 27:38) LNS 296. Who persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit? Eve (Gen 3:6) OT 297. Who was the first murderer in the Bible? Cain (Gen 4:8) OT 298. Who wrote more books of the Bible than any other person? Paul () 299. When Jesus saved the lives of all the disciples, they were amazed that even the winds and what else obeyed him? The sea (Matt 8:27) PM 300. How many braids did Samson have in his hair? Seven (Judges 16:19) LNS

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