If you register and pay in full prior to the beginning the program, you will receive a 10% discount of $250 reducing your tuition to just $2245.

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1 Dear Student, Thank you for your interest in the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course. We currently offer this program every spring and fall. If you are seeking a way to make your work in the world something which aligns deeply with your values, if you want to experience the joy of helping others, this program is for you. To help familiarize you with the program, I have enclosed a course brochure and excerpts from our printed lessons, including an introductory overview and syllabus for the entire course. Teacher Training and Certification is taught by a team of highly qualified instructors led by Goswami Kriyananda. It is a 12-month, in-depth, self-paced home study program that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to take the rewarding step from student to teacher. The course provides over 250 hours of instruction in hatha yoga, teaching skills, anatomy, physiology, and yoga philosophy. The course also includes two 4-day retreats which are required for certification and two optional 4-day retreats. The retreats are held at a serene, beautiful retreat center located near Chicago. Travel expenses, room and board are not included in the course tuition. Tuition for the entire course is $2495 and includes your personal advisor, required retreat instruction, all CDs, printed lessons, study guides, lesson plans, and books. If you register and pay in full prior to the beginning the program, you will receive a 10% discount of $250 reducing your tuition to just $2245. To ensure your place in the program, please complete the application and return it to the Temple with your tuition. To take advantage of our preferred registration discount, return your application and full tuition of $2245 by April 1st for the spring session or September 1st for the fall session. If you would prefer to submit your tuition on a quarterly basis and not take advantage of our prepayment discount, you can register by sending us your application and a tuition deposit of $995. The balance of your tuition will be three payments of $500 each, due at the beginning of each of the last three quarters of the course.

2 I look forward to the opportunity of assisting you in fulfilling your personal and professional goals. I know you will find Hatha Yoga Teacher Training to be a rewarding and meaningful experience. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact us by phone, fax, or . Deepest Shanti, David Lipschutz (Swami Enoch Dasa Giri) Program Director P.S. There are additional shipping charges to send materials outside of the continental United States. Please contact the Temple for details.

3 HATHA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING HOME STUDY PROGRAM Course Syllabus -MONTH ONE- The Difference Between Effort and Intensity in Yoga Practice How to Determine the Proper Intensity of Practice How to Determine the Duration of Practice The Importance of Repetition Choosing the Best Asanas For Your Practice and Food The Five Parts of a Pose Repetition in Yoga Practice Warm-Ups: Vajrasana (Lightning Bolt Pose), Salamba Matsyasana (Supported Fish Pose), Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose), Phalakasana (Plank Pose), Lunge, Lunge with External Rotation, Horse, Bidalasana (Cat Pose), Dandasana (Staff Pose), Purvottanasana (Intense Front Body Extension), Savasana (Corpse Pose) Theory and Philosophy An Overview of Yoga Patanjali s Yoga Sutras The First Four Limbs of Yoga Benefits of Pranayama Values of Teaching Hatha Yoga Teaching Skills Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers Four Principles of Communication Understanding Your Students Anatomy and Physiology Identifying Bones and Muscles Definitions of Terms and Actions -MONTH TWO- Structuring Your Practice Movement, Action, and Stillness Alternate Nasal Breathing Technique Asana Pronunciation Guide Isometric Movement Syllabus 1

4 Standing Poses: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Urdva Hastasana (Upward Hand Pose), Utkatasana (Powerful Fierce Pose), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose I), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose), Salamba Supta Baddhakonasana (With Support Dormant Bound Angle Pose) Theory and Philosophy Yama: Ahimsa (Non violence), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Non-sensuality), Aparigraha (Non-greed) Asana as a Symbol of Life s Transformations Visualization and Yoga as a Mental Posture Teaching Skills Basics of Teaching Fundamentals of Group Dynamics How to Hold Students Attention Conviction and Emotion in Teaching Responding to Questions Anatomy and Physiology Benefits of the Standing Postures 2 Syllabus -MONTH THREE- Achieving Range of Motion Through The Importance of Proper Alignment How to Lengthen Muscles Without Force Working with Students Alignment and Prana Range of Motion as a Metaphor Standing Poses with rotation of the hip: Vrksasana (Tree Pose), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II), Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose), Trikonasana (Three Angle Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose), Vasisthasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Vasistha), Salamba Bharadvajasana (With Support Bharadvaja Pose), Tadpole Theory and Philosophy Niyama: Saucha (Purity), Santosha (Contentment), Tapas (Austerity), Svadhyaya (Selfstudy), Isvara Pranidhana (Attunement to Life) Teaching Skills The Function of a Yoga Teacher Being Yourself The Goal of Yoga Living Your Yoga

5 Creating a Non-Competitive Environment Ambition and Motivation in Teaching Blocks to Learning Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Becoming an Effective Teacher Anatomy and Physiology Respiratory and Nervous Systems The Pelvic and Vocal Diaphragms The Function of the Respiratory System The Function of the Nervous System The Three Divisions of the Nervous System Qualities of Alignment in Muscle and Joint Alignment Visceral Alignment Pranic Alignment The Definition and Purpose of Asana The First Quality of Asana is Stability The Second Quality of Asana is Comfort The Purpose of Asana -MONTH FOUR- Standing Poses with internal rotation of the hips: Parsvottanasana (Lateral Intense Extension Pose), Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Pose III), Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose), Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Lateral Angle Pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (To Expand Leg Intensely Extended Pose), Uttanasana (Deliberate Lengthened Pose), Balasana (Child Pose) 1 Theory and Philosophy The Philosophy of Yoga - Part I Time, Space, and the Concept of Maya The Difference Between Eternity and Infinity Samskaras: Predispositions from the Past The Five Primary Functions Necessary for Human Life Patanjali s Definition of Yoga The Importance of the Breath Hatha: The Integration of Opposites Perceiving the Biases of our Body and Mind Prana and Hatha Yoga -MONTH FIVE- Asana, Nadis, and the Movement of Prana Syllabus 3

6 The Chakras Asana as a Method of Pranic Balance Forward Bends: Maha Mudrasana (Noble Closure Pose), Janu Sirshasana (Knee Head Pose), Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Bound Lotus West-side Intense Extension Pose), Trianga Mukhipada Paschimottanasana (Three Limb Face to One Leg Extend the Back Body Pose), Paschimottanasana (Posterior Extension Pose), Upavistha Konasana (Seated Angle Pose), Supta Hasta Padangusthasana (Resting Hand to Big Toe Pose) Theory and Philosophy The Philosophy of Yoga - Part II The Five Vrittis: Pramana (Accurate Perception), Viparyaya (Inaccurate Perception), Vikalpa (Imagination), Nidra (Sleep), Smitrh (Memory) The Second Four Limbs of Yoga Teaching Skills Inspiring Others to Learn Anatomy and Physiology Bones, Joints, and Muscles Benefits of Forward Bends Bandhas - Part I Mula Bandha Asana and Apana Vayu Cultivating Mula Bandha The Practice of Mula Bandha -MONTH SIX- Back Bends: Ardha Salabhasana (Half Locust Pose), Paripurna Salabhasana (Full Locust Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Urdva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose), Purvottanasana (Front Body Extension), Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose), Urdva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose), Chair Supported Backbend Theory and Philosophy Philosophy of Yoga - Part III The Five Klesas The Method and Goals of Kriya Yoga Samskaras, Klesas, and Karma Removing the Klesas Prana and the Subtle Body Breathing Techniques and their Spiritual Value 4 Syllabus

7 Teaching Skills Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers - Part II Anatomy and Physiology The Endocrine System Benefits of Back Bends -MONTH SEVEN- Bandhas - Part II Uddiyana & Uddiyana Bandha The Practice of Uddiyana Uddiyana Bandha in The Value of Uddiyana and Uddiyana Bandha Jalandhara Bandha The Practice of Jalandhara Bandha Inversions: Viparita Karani (Unusual Practice), Sarvangasana (All Limb Pose - Shoulderstand), Eka-Pada Sarvangasana (One Leg Shoulderstand), Halasana (Plough Pose), Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Theory and Philosophy The Philosophy of Karma Understanding Cause and Effect Physical Karma Our Mind and the Subjective Nature of Karma Spirit and Matter (Purusha and Prakriti) How Karma is Activated How Karma Can Be Softened Gunas - The Qualities of Action Dharma Teaching Skills Making Your Words Come Alive Anatomy and Physiology The Digestive System Benefits of Inversions -MONTH EIGHT- Integrating Meditation into Your Practice The Building Blocks of Meditation Practice Choosing the Right Time to Meditate Choosing the Right Diet Choosing the Right Place to Meditate Syllabus 5

8 Selecting a Meditation Technique The Resurrection Breath Neti, Neti, Neti Technique Cultivating a Lifestyle that Supports Your Practice What to Expect from Meditation Inversions: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Down Face Tree - Handstand), Elbow Dog, Pinchamayurasana (Peacock Feather Pose), Salamba Sirshasana (With Support of the Head Pose - Headstand, head on floor), Niralamba Sirshasana (Without Support of the Head Pose - Headstand, head off floor), Viloma Pranayama (Breath Going Against the Grain) Theory and Philosophy Sense Withdrawal and Concentration Meditation Techniques for Inner Peace Guided Meditation Practice Teaching Skills Communication Skills for Teaching Hatha Yoga - Part I Verbal Skills Giving Directions Describing Movements The Relationship of Movements and Actions The Intelligence of the Body Describing Actions Guided Pranayama Practice -MONTH NINE- Arm Balances: Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose), Hamsasana (Swan Pose), Kakasana (Crow Pose), Lolasana (Pendant/Earring Pose), Bakasana (Crane Pose), Supta Virasana (Resting Hero Pose) Theory and Philosophy The Cosmology of Yoga Teaching Skills Communication Skills for Teaching Hatha Yoga - Part II The Use of Terms Describing the Stages of Asana Setting up the Pose Entering into the Pose Working in the Pose Releasing the Pose and Transitioning into the Next Using Your Voice 6 Syllabus

9 Living Your Yoga Structuring Yoga Classes -MONTH TEN- Seated Pranayama Practice Twists: Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose), Bharadvajasana I (Pose dedicated to the sage Bharadvaja), Jathara Parivartanasana I (Revolved Stomach Pose), Jathara Parivartanasana II (Revolved Stomach Pose), Maricyasana III (Pose dedicated to the sage Marici), Paripurna Navasana (Full Boat Pose) Teaching Skills Structuring Hatha Yoga Classes - Part I Teaching Beginning Students Teaching Beginners Who are Challenged Teaching Open and Ongoing Classes Structuring a Class Series Workshop-Style Classes Relating Asanas to Gravity Focusing on Standing Poses Focusing on the Spine Balancing Workshop-Style Classes Creating and Using Focus Creating Focus with Verbal Instruction Overview of Sequencing Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Ayurveda Benefits of Twists -MONTH ELEVEN- Seated Poses: Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Siddhasana (Adept s Pose), Virasana (Hero Pose) Theory and Philosophy Vrittis and Klesas - Part I Improving Your Life Through Yoga Practice Teaching Skills Structuring Hatha Yoga Classes - Part II The Four Phases of Yoga Class: Centering, Warm-Ups, Escalation, Resolution Integrating the Four Phases of a Yoga Class Being Adaptable as a Teacher Syllabus 7

10 Introduction to Teaching Meditation Opening and Managing a Yoga School Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Theory and Philosophy Vrittis and Klesas - Part II -MONTH TWELVE- Teaching Skills Qualities of a Yoga Class How to Create a Yoga Class Which Is Enjoyable How to Create a Yoga Class Which Is Accessible How to Create a Yoga Class Which Is Educational How to Create a Yoga Class Which Cultivates Contentment (Santosha) How to Create a Yoga Class Which Is Not Dogmatic or Biased How to Create a Yoga Class Which Is Non-Sectarian How to Create a Yoga Class Which Balances the Three Constitutional Types (Tridosha) How to Create a Yoga Class Which Integrates the Gunas (Triguna) Prenatal Yoga Anatomy and Physiology Anatomical & Physiological Benefits of How Yoga Practice Exercises the Heart and Increases Circulation How Yoga Practice Cultivates Greater Flexibility and Range of Motion How Yoga Practice Strengthens the Tendons, Ligaments, and Muscles The Spinal Column & Skeletal System How Yoga Practice Decompresses the Spine How Yoga Practice Helps Maintain Healthy Joints Effects & Benefits of Savasana 8 Syllabus

11 APPLICATION FOR THE HOME STUDY HATHA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (Please type or print) Name Address City State Zip Home Phone Work Phone Fax How long have you been practicing Hatha Yoga? How often do you practice Hatha Yoga? How do you foresee this program enhancing your personal and professional goals? How did you learn about our program? Yoga Journal Yoga Chicago Monthly Aspectarian Conscious Choice web search link from another site Temple e-newsletter drove/walked by Temple referral Temple literature website other We would like to know you better. On the back of this application, or typed on a separate sheet of paper, please share with us any information you feel would be meaningful about your family life, career, personal philosophy, educational background, other areas of relevant study, hobbies, interests, and goals. Please enroll me in the downloadable home study course (additional $300 discount). Enclosed is my deposit of $695. I will be sending in quarterly payments. Enclosed is my full tuition of $1945 Please enroll me in the home study course. Enclosed is my deposit of $995. I will be sending in quarterly payments. Enclosed is my full tuition of $2245 (which includes a 10% discount). Check No. Visa/MC No. Exp. Date Card Verification Code (3-4 digit number on back of card)

12 Return to: The Temple of Kriya * 2414 N. Kedzie Blvd. Chicago, IL Fax (773) * Phone (773) * kriya@yogakriya.org

13 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course HOW THE HATHA TEACHER TRAINING IS STRUCTURED This program is composed of six primary areas of study. These areas are: Theory and Philosophy of Yoga 3. Teaching Skills 4. Yoga Techniques 5. Anatomy and Physiology 6. Study Questions and Assignments Each month these six areas will be organized into 12 sections: Lesson Plans This is the first section you will want to turn to. It will give you all the information you need to complete your course work for the month. This section will open with an orientation letter containing an overview of the whole month s curriculum and includes study guides, lesson plans, required reading assignments, section assignments, unit reviews, quarterly exams, interesting information for future reference, and any other material or information which we would like to share with you. This section is devoted specifically to your hatha practice. Each month you will receive a section of your, which includes a complete description of the asanas with detailed photographs so that you can study them while practicing. This will be an extremely important section which you can reference often as you refine and develop your practice. Your personal practice will evolve over the course of the program. We will be asking you to integrate and focus on specific asanas during each month. In addition to the section you will receive audiotapes each month, to support your practice. The tapes will be guided sessions to take you step-by-step through the new asanas you will be practicing. Introduction 1

14 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course Theory and Philosophy This section is devoted to a study of the theory and underlying philosophy of the eight limbs of the classical yoga system of Patanjali and other related topics. It will be comprised of audio tapes, printed lessons, outlines, handouts and selected reading assignments. It will cover how Hatha Yoga relates to the complete yoga system. Teaching Skills This important section will be devoted to developing the skills you will need to become a successful teacher. It includes lesson planning, communication skills, different approaches for organizing and structuring classes, how to teach students on different levels, guidelines for addressing the needs of specific student groups such as older or weaker bodies and students with physical limitations. We will also address business and financial questions, like how to find a teaching position, and how to open and expand your own center. Techniques This section will share information about how to approach practicing the other limbs of yoga in addition to asana. You will find information on techniques and methods which are closely related to hatha, such as pranayama, meditation and restorative practice. The course work in this section will include selected reading assignments (included in your lesson plans), audiotapes, printed lessons, and handouts. Anatomy and Physiology For a hatha teacher the study of anatomy and physiology is essential, especially in light of the changing student population, many of whom are drawn to yoga for therapeutic relief of discomfort or physical limitation. Anatomy is the foundation upon which you will build your understanding of the mechanics of the hatha system. This section will include selected reading assignments (included in your lesson plans), audiotapes, outlines and diagrams. The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga encompasses all eight limbs of the classical yoga system as presented by Patanjali. This illustrated text by Goswami Kriyananda contains complete sections on asana, pranayama, and meditation, with detailed explanations designed to enhance your practice. This section contains extensive chapters on asana which are organized according to the chakric affect of each posture, offering a rare opportunity for those who 2 Introduction

15 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course wish to practice hatha on a deeper level. Reading assignments from this text will be included in each month s lesson plan. This edition of The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga contains information that is no longer available in the current volume and will be sent to you in sections over the course of your studies. It is included in its own binder. Study Questions Each month you will receive study questions designed to help you review and assimilate the materials you are studying. These are not tests. They are tools which can help you to build a deeper understanding of yoga and integrate it more fully into your life. The answers to these questions should be sent back to the Temple of Kriya Yoga with your completed assignments for the month. You can use the self-addressed envelope included with your packet. Please be sure to make a copy of your answers so you can keep them with your lessons. They will be an important part of the review process. Assignments The assignments for each month will be found in your Assignments section. These will be divided into two types. The first type, Personal Reflection Questions, will be designed to enhance your involvement in the program and will be purely experiential and personal. The second set of assignments will require written responses and should be returned to the Temple of Kriya Yoga with your Study Questions as noted on your assignments. If you need help in understanding any of your assignments, call your advisor or the Temple Staff. Personal Reflection These questions will be found in your assignment section and do not have to be returned to the Temple. They are designed to assist you to become reflective about the process of your studies. We encourage you to actively reflect on these questions and record your insights and experiences as you move through the program. This material is intended to be a valuable insight into the mind of a yoga student -- YOU. But what is true of the ocean is true of the wave. Your students will also benefit from your experiences. Notes This section is one of the places where you will record some of your personal reflections regarding the asanas. This will be an important resource as you begin to teach and structure classes. Sometimes we forget what it was like to be a beginner. This is a place to record your early experiences for future reference. Introduction 3

16 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course Miscellaneous How do we think a thought we have never thought before? We begin by having a place to put it when the information becomes available! You can be sure that we will always find something creative to include here. 4 Introduction

17 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course COURSE MATERIAL AND ASSIGNMENTS Audiotapes You will receive three to five audiotapes each month: tapes on asana practice, tapes on breath awareness, theory and philosophy of yoga, teaching skills and anatomy and physiology. You should have already received a case to hold your audiotapes. Another one will be sent when needed. Printed Lessons All printed materials will be sent together each month. They will be divided into sections so that when you receive them you can place them in the appropriate section of your binder. Additional binders will be sent to you as needed. Books and Reading All the books that are required reading have been included in your first month s packet. You may receive additional booklets over the course of your studies. Outlining We have included outlines this month for tapes three and four. In the future, outlines will not be included. We recommend that you outline the information discussed on the taped discourses to help you assimilate the information more effectively. You may want to listen to a tape all the way through before beginning your outlining or note taking. The outlines can be placed in your binder. It is not necessary to outline the Asana and Breath Awareness tapes unless you wish to. Journaling There will be some assignments that will require the use of a journal. Journaling is a valuable method for integrating and internalizing what you learn and experience. It is also an excellent way to store your insights for future reference. We recommend that you purchase a new journal this month, just for your reflections and thoughts on yoga and the process of becoming a teacher. Quarterly Exams As stated above, monthly study questions are not tests. They are tools. They will help you to build toward the quarterly exams, which will cover course material from all sections of the previous quarter. We will send you recommendations for reviewing the material prior to the exam. Introduction 5

18 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course Important Information about the Program Retreats There will be two required retreats that will lay the foundation for teaching and correcting the postures. Both will be held at a quiet retreat center located outside Chicago. Hotel rooms are also available in the area. If you choose to stay in a hotel nearby you will need to rent a car. Details, directions, and options for ground transportation will be sent to you so that you can make your travel arrangements. Optional Retreats This program also offers two optional retreats. They are being offered to provide additional hands-on training and to facilitate students who wish more contact hours. Shipping Your monthly lesson packages will be mailed to you on approximately the 5th of each month by U.S. mail. If you have any special request for shipping please contact the Temple at Communications Advisors If you need assistance with your studies, you should contact your advisor through the Temple. If you have questions about the program itself, the Educational Director (Kim Schwartz, Swami Vyaktamananda), and the Program Director (David Lipschutz, Swami Enoch Dasa Giri) are available to help you resolve any educational, administrative, or financial matters that may arise. You can contact them through the Temple. Personal and spiritual questions may be sent to Goswami Kriyananda either through the Temple or directly to his P. O. Box. 6 Introduction

19 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course STRUCTURING YOUR PRACTICE The asanas that were given to you for month one comprise a broad collection of primary actions of mobility and stability. They comprise a well-rounded practice. These asanas can provide warm-ups for your practice in the months to come. As you receive the following months lessons, see if you can associate which of the first month s asanas relate to the newly presented asanas. In the coming months, the asanas will be presented to you grouped by their similarities. For example, you will receive groups of asanas focusing on hip external rotation, hip internal rotation, backbends, twists, etc. This is so you will develop a clear understanding of a particular action or movement. Often the asanas will seem very similar, changing mostly in their relationship to gravity. But this is an important change. As the body changes its relationship to gravity, different muscles and perception need to be used in order to create the same movements and actions. The body may be quite comfortable with an asana in one form and quite disoriented with basically the same asana when practiced in a different relationship to gravity. For example, dandasana (seated staff pose) is a relatively passive and stable asana. The same asana is also performed as a head balance with the legs parallel to the earth in urdva dandasana, upward staff pose (Yoga the Iyengar Way, p. 105). Remember that consciousness creates the predisposition of the body. As we change and minimize the bias of our body, our consciousness will also be transformed. From the perspective of teaching and practicing, these groupings will not constitute a complete and balanced practice by themselves. Remember that an asana session should include all of the following actions: primary openings in the hips, shoulders and spine; internal and external rotation of the hips and shoulders; flexion, extension, rotation and lateral extension of the spine. Even if there is a particular focus during an asana session, all of these actions should be covered to some degree, in order to create a balanced feeling in the mind and body by the end of the practice. This concept of a balanced practice applies not only to opening areas of the body, but also to the attitude of the practice. If, for example, the practice is very heating, some cooling asanas may be employed to balance the energy. These choices will vary according to the time of day, as described in last month s Notes on Practice. This is an excerpt... Notes on Practice - Month Two 5

20 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course GUIDELINES FOR STUDY AND PRACTICE The approach to yoga is two-fold, study and practice; both are required for progress. What is the value of a book which is never read, or knowledge, if never used? The following guidelines are recommendations. However, remember that different personalities require different kinds of structure. Find the rhythm and pattern that is right for you. Study You should feel free to study at your own pace. We have formulated this program so that you can do your practice and studies when you choose, at a time that will fit into your schedule. The curriculum has been designed to be covered by devoting four hours a week to your studies, over and above your asana practice, for twelve months. This includes time for review, study questions, and exams. Whatever pace you choose, remember to find a balance. Don t get too rigid, or fall too far behind. The lesson plans and study guides are designed to help you set a comfortable pace. The only time restraint you have is that all the lessons and assignments must be completed by May 2001, so that you will be ready for the certification retreat held at that time. 6 Study Guide - Month One Here are Some Specific Guidelines: We suggest studying four hours each week. To finish the class material comfortably, establish a pattern of three to four hours per week, or whatever time you need to cover the course materials. You may want to divide these hours over a three to five day period of time. Always set aside time to review your material. Additional study is always encouraged. Practice The most vital factor in becoming a good teacher will be the depth and discipline of your own practice. You can only teach what you have truly made your own. In addition to your study we are asking you to commit a minimum of minutes a day, four days a week to your hatha practice (however, six days are recommended). Your own practice is the key to fully embodying the system which you are studying and for be This is an excerpt...

21 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course Trikonasana - Three angle pose tri - three kona - angle asana pose Trikonasana helps to open the hips in external rotation with stability. In this asana, both legs are straight. This necessitates a greater degree of awareness in the legs than in the externally rotated standing asanas, in which the externally rotated leg is bent. In C - Month Three 54

22 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course trikonasana, the torso is a bit more laterally symmetrical than in parsvakonasana. The chest is opened as in virabhadrasana II, but its relationship to gravity is different, so the musculature of the back receives a different complement of work. 1. From tadasana, step or jump the feet apart so that the heels are as far apart as the distant between the wrists with the arms laterally extended. 2. From the left hip socket, turn the left leg out 90 degrees and the right foot in so that it faces the same direction as the right knee. 3. Keeping the length of the left ribs, fold at the outer left hip and place the left hand on a block or on the floor as is appropriate. From tadasana, step or jump the feet apart so that the ankles are below the wrists with the arms laterally extended. If the knees are healthy and you choose to jump, do not let the knees lock. Keep the knee joints springy. Narrow the stance if needed for stability or due to restrictions in range of motion. Then come onto the back of the left heel and from the hip socket, turn the left leg out 90 degrees. Keep the weight on the heel as you press the ball mount of the left big toe to the floor and spread and relax the toes back down to the floor. Turn the right foot in so that it faces the same direction as the knee. The centerline of this asana is the centerline of the left foot extending back to the front of the right heel. Deepen the right groin. Feel how this encourages a slight lift to the sitting bones. This will help to ground the right femur, but may create some hyper lumbar lordosis. Maintain these actions and externally rotate the left thigh and femur as you resist the left shin in internal rotation to keep the weight on the center of the heel. Feel how this can release the buttocks down and soften the lordosis without hardening the right groin or dropping the sitting bones. Then, exhaling, make a deep lateral fold at the left hip. Maintain the length of the left ribs and place the left hand on a block or on the floor as appropriate, in order to sustain the most neutrality for the spine. If the femurs have remained grounded, the belly should feel soft, open, and easily responsive to the breath. Observe whether or not the left kidney area is responding to the breath. If not, see if you can externally rotate the left thigh more, to more deeply open the left lung. At maximum external rotation, the left knee should face the same direction as the foot. If this action does not bring breath to the left kidney area, use a block; or if you are already using one, add height for the left hand. The left side of the torso should end up reasonably neutral and the right side lengthened slightly Month Three This is an excerpt...

23 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course NOTES ON PRACTICE Yoga is a mental posture, a state of equilibrium and stillness. It is not a destination to be reached, it is a place where you simply are. Only through practice (abhyasa) are the fruits of yoga obtained. The method is the goal. The Difference Between Effort and Intensity in Yoga Practice The levels of intensity in yoga practice are defined as mild (mrdu), average (madhyama), keen (adhimatra), and vehement (tivra). The intensity of your practice will determine the quality and depth of your results. Although this would seem to indicate that the greater the physical effort you exert, the better, the answer is not that simple. The essence of yoga is balance and integration. In yoga, intensity is not measured by effort. Intensity is measured by the degree of focused awareness you bring to the physical aspects of your practice. This emphasis on focus and awareness, rather then just exerting physical effort, is what distinguishes this program s approach to Hatha Yoga. How to Determine the Proper Intensity of Practice In their enthusiasm for results from hatha practice, many people confuse intensity with effort. Let s use asana as an example. If you work an asana with too much effort, injury or overwork may occur. However, if you work the asana with moderate effort, but with intensity or focus, you will achieve the desired result. Through your practice and reflection on the aftereffects of that practice, you will begin to discern the level of intensity that is comfortable and effective for you. The physical body is an excellent barometer to measure the attitude you bring into your practice. Are you pushing yourself too hard, or are you sustaining the intensity of your practice with balance? Once you gain a clear awareness of your intensity level, you can apply this awareness to other aspects of your practice. How to Determine the Duration of Practice Let s take this understanding of intensity further. We could express intensity as a part of a mathematical formula: intensity multiplied by duration will equal the resulting force (I x D = F). A modest amount of intensity over a long period of time can yield the same results that a great deal of intensity will yield over a shorter period of time. This is an excerpt... Notes on Practice - Month One 1

24 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Home Study Certification Course AN OVERVIEW OF YOGA This is the first in a series of brief articles on yoga theory and practice. Yoga is a living tradition, a path of creativity, health, and happiness. The word yoga is probably best translated as integration. In simple terms, it means to yoke or to unite the body, mind, and spirit into oneness. Bringing the body and mind together in a union induces peace and well-being on every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Yoga practice gathers the energies of our bodies and minds and gently opens our awareness. It reveals the key to establishing and sustaining vitality, contentment and wisdom in our lives. Just as an automobile could be defined as a means of transportation from one destination to another, so yoga could be defined as a means to a destination, a place of balance and joy. Yoga has always been an oral tradition. It is not an orthodoxy. It was not established on scripture, but on an evolving understanding and direct experience of life. This direct experience has been passed on from teacher to student and from master to disciple over generations. It forms the living link of yoga knowledge. The practice of yoga does not require a belief in a specific doctrine or philosophy. Therefore, yoga is compatible with any religious faith. Yoga students are given methods and encouraged to realize this direct and personal experience for themselves through their own practice, self-discipline, and study. Yoga is not really a philosophy, as many people think, but is a series of techniques. It is a wonderful system of psychological and physiological self-disciplines, which lead to a rebalancing of the body and mind. Although not a philosophy, Hatha Yoga methods are often taught in conjunction with one of the six major schools of yogic philosophy. Yet the philosophy remains independent of the techniques, and students do not need to embrace it in order to benefit from Hatha Yoga practice. Though primarily an oral tradition, over the millennia in which yoga has existed, certain aspects of its practices have been committed to writing. One of the primary texts utilized by yogis is the Yoga Sutras, collected by the Indian sage, Patanjali. Patanjali codified, but certainly did not canonize, the oral tradition which preceded him. He took this existing oral tradition and organized it into four short books which presented a pattern for memorizing and studying yoga. 2 Theory and Philosophy - Month One This is an excerpt...

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