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2 2 The book, Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible to say the least is quite an exhaustive work. It is obvious to this writer that the author, John Haley spent many hours and engaged in much meticulous detail as he prepared this work for the benefit of those who seek to serve Christ, and reply to the opponents of the Bible. The contribution by John Haley to fields of Bibliology and apologetics will be for a long time appreciated by those who read and use this work. Although an exhaustive four hundred and fifty one page work, including the acknowledgements and introduction, the book is laid out with a simple structure, featuring two main parts and ends with a scripture index and a subject index. Part one contains three chapters; chapter one: Origin of the Discrepancies, chapter two: Design of the Discrepancies, chapter three: Results of the Discrepancies. Part two of the book contains three chapters as well; chapter four: Doctrinal Discrepancies, chapter five: Ethical Discrepancies, and chapter six: Historical Discrepancies. Each chapter contains multiple subsections which relate to the chapter as a whole, this writer will attempt to give an overview of the two parts of the book, and the chapters. Part I Chapter 1 Origin of the Discrepancies Here the author deals with discrepancies as such, what is a discrepancy? What are the criteria for a passage (s) to be considered a discrepancy? To what causes are they to be referred? From what sources do they arise? These and other questions are treated by the author in part one as a whole and what ensues is a patient and impartial examination of alleged falsehoods and contradictions, in order to see if the theory of inspiration stands. Differences of Dates of Passages Here Haley deals with the alleged discrepancies concerning the dates of inharmonious passages but as Haley points out these discrepancies only appear to be discordant if the reader

3 3 does not consider the individual perspective that the writer is writing from. Haley states on pg 19, Therefore, previous to pronouncing upon the moral character of a man or an act, we must take into consideration the date of the act, or the time when the man lived, that we may judge the man or act by the proper standard. This simple principle will remove otherwise formidable difficulties. Differences in Authorship In this small section the author merely points out the fact that the same scriptures are quoted by different writers and they may vary somewhat but yet say the same thing, or how different styles and genre come about. Simply put, the author here is pointing out what Warfield called concursive operation, that is, Holy Spirit used the personality, social background, education level and other characteristics to work with and through the writers of scripture. Differences of Standpoint or of Object This seeming discrepancy writes Haley, is nothing more than the author s perspective in terms of the theological truth that one is dealing with. Paul writes of justification by faith while James writes that works verify justification by faith. Here is an example of two complimentary views of the same thing, hardly a discrepancy. Different Methods of Arrangement Other apparent discrepancies are found in the manner in which the Biblical materials are arranged. Some writers wrote from a strict chronological procedure, while others arranged their material thematically, still others arranged their material according to the principles associated with the ideas that they were conveying. In short, the writers employed the use of selectivity; this technique is hardly a real discrepancy. Different methods of Computation This section primarily treats the reckoning of time. Yet different methods of

4 4 computation are still used today. The alleged time discrepancies in the Bible depends largely on who is doing the computing and what method they are using, was a particular writer writing from the perspective of a civil year or a sacred year, or depending on the circumstances and one s audience, did the author alternate? This should be thoroughly investigated before charging the Bible with an alleged discrepancy. Peculiarities of Oriental Idiom Discrepancies show up in contradiction in terms of God being referred to as a Rock and then as loving protector with wings. This is how the writers of the orient primarily communicated, with idiom and hyperbole, when this is considered in its proper context; one is hard pressed to find a discrepancy. Plurality of Names or Synonyms It is an eastern custom Haley writes, that a person or object may have a plurality of names, therefore when a writer selects to use one name and another writer selects another name that identifies the same person, there is no discrepancy. The same can be said of objects as well, there are pluralities of words that describe certain objects, given this fact, it is not unusual that different writers employ different words for the same object. Diverse Meanings of the Same Word Haley reveals that in Semitic dialects a word can have a meaning and an opposite meaning. The practice of employing these words as such does not prove a discrepancy, for within the use of words there is the semantic range and semantic field of a word. Thus the context in which the word is used will determine its meaning when a single word can have two opposite meanings. Errors in the Manuscripts There are discrepancies that arise from scribal errors, however, as Haley is quick to

5 5 point out, there are books that have been carefully produced by the modern printing press that is not entirely free from typographical errors, and yet that does not change the meaning or subject matter of the content of such a book. Such errors have not changed or altered that factual content of the scriptures. Imagination Critic Haley notes that a mass of alleged discrepancies are the product of the imagination critic, particularly in terms of events, such as the cleansing of the Temple or the resurrection of Christ. These critics assume there are irreconcilable differences in similar accounts. However, the practice of the author s selectivity is applied once more, and the imagination critic s position will not stand. Part I Chapter 2 Design of the Discrepancies If God is sovereign or acts providentially, why were the discrepancies permitted to exist? What good end do they contemplate? These two questions are posed by Haley, and this writer appreciates the following chapter as much as the previous. To Stimulate the Intellect The discrepancies were intended to stimulate the intellect, there is great spiritual reward for those who are willing to make their brain sweat and seek to resolve such alleged discrepancies. When a deep detailed investigation of the scripture ensues, the student of scripture becomes more versed in multiple areas of his person walk with the Lord and reaps a great intellectual benefit. Illustrate Analogy of Bible and Nature Here Haley draws attention to the contradiction between the Bible and man s view of general revelation and how such view of general revelation presents a discrepancy. The student

6 6 of the Bible will seek to understand the Bible s use of phenomenological language in terms of the Bible and creation. Disprove Collusion of Sacred Writers The differences in accounts of the sacred writers show that there was no collusion with the writers and in fact, show great creditability to the writers in terms of their honesty. Many scholars such as Wordsworth believe that the discrepancies prove to be of great value to the validity of the historical accounts. The disagreements of the sacred writers, says Haley, effectually bar the charge of conspiracy on their part. Lead to Value the Spirit above the Letter of the Bible Another reason why alleged discrepancies were allowed according to Haley is to lead Christians to value the spirit beyond the letter of the scriptures, and to prize the essentials of Christianity rather than its form and accidents. Haley presents a brilliant point, suppose that a copy of an original autograph was discovered, perfect in every sense; men would have worshipped the letter in flagrant opposition to the spirit of the sacred book. Serve as a Test of Moral Character Haley states, When difficulties of scripture are approached with a docile and reverent mind, they may tend to our establishment in the faith; but, when they are dealt with in a querulous and disingenuous manner, they may become judicial agencies in linking to caviling skepticism its appropriate penalty, even to the loss of the soul. Part I Chapter 3 Results of the Discrepancies What is the effect of the discrepancies, in relation to the integrity of the text, and to the moral influence of the Bible? This question posed by Haley introduces the next chapter. This is the final chapter in which this writer will review in detail; part 2 of this work will be reviewed

7 7 from more of a Birdseye view. Text of the Bible Not Unsettled A great note of truthful observation is brought forth here when Haley states that discrepancies neither unsettle the text, nor essentially impair its integrity. Haley affirms the conclusion reached by eminent scholars and critics alike; after a protracted and thorough investigation, the sacred text has been transmitted to us virtually unaltered. Moral Influence of the Bible Not Impaired Basically, this section takes the position that alleged contradictions and discrepancies do not change the content and theological facts in terms of morality, and moral influence. Haley cites a list of people who were convicted to the core of their heart, and turned to Christ in repentance due to the teaching of the Bible. Three major features of the Bible deal directly or indirectly on the heart which affect morality, these three features are doctrinal, ethical, and historical. These three features of the Bible will be dealt with by Haley in Part two of his work. As stated earlier, this writer will now take more of an abbreviated approach in the summary of part two, for two reasons, 1) The material in part one was arranged in a manner that is more conducive to a more detailed summary. 2) Part two lends itself to a more abbreviated summary due to its arrangement. Part II Chapter 4 Doctrinal Discrepancies This section deals with alleged discrepancies on a doctrinal level, first in this line up are alleged discrepancies concerning the attributes of God. First Haley presents alleged discrepancies concerning God s omnipotence, and His omniscience. Here logic comes into play, for those who are alleging doctrinal errors or discrepancies either lack training in systematic theology or lack common sense or both.

8 8 The alleged discrepancies in terms of God s omnipotence and omniscience assumes that God is not a logical God, therefore given the fact that God is omnipotent and omniscient within the frame work of logic and reason, the alleged discrepancies will not stand. The unity of God is the next issue in this section dealing with doctrinal discrepancies, here again; those who challenge the accuracy of the theological doctrine of the Bible lack an understanding of the nature of God and particularly the Godhead. Opponents of the Bible and its doctrine lack the understanding, or perhaps refuse to understand, that the Godhead is the same in essence but distinct and different in function. The average student of the Bible would perhaps be surprised at the number of doctrinal issues that are brought forward in chapter four; the next two issues treat the immateriality of God and His immutability. Those who seek a discrepancy with the scriptures concerning God s immaterial person need a lesson on Biblical hermeneutics, for we see again, that which is literal, God is Spirit, and that which written in Hebrew idiom, such as God s finger. There are no authentic discrepancies here. The immutability of God deals with man s relation to God, God changes from a manward perspective but not from a God-ward perspective. Also one s view of exhaustive divine foreknowledge comes into play, such as determinism, libertarian free will, or compatibilism and so on. However, Haley makes a good and in this writers view, a solid case that God only changes from a man-ward perspective. The above mentioned are examples of the alleged doctrinal discrepancies. Haley reveals a theme with the opponents who purport the alleged discrepancies; they are uneducated in theology, principles of interpretation, and the cultural setting and context of the Biblical writers. Thus they are unaware of the historical and cultural setting and context of the recipients of the Biblical writing. Haley s treat of the imagination critic in part one rightly describes the

9 9 vast majority of Biblical opponents. Part II Chapter 5 Ethical Discrepancies In this chapter Haley deals with ethical topics such as man s duty toward God, man s duty to himself and to his fellow man. It is interesting that the Ten Commandments are divided by these two topics, the first four commandments dealing with man s duty toward God, and the last commandments six deals with man s duty to himself and his fellow man. Also interesting is the coherence and consistency of the Bible made evident by the many scriptures that Haley s cites exhaustively from the Bible, that can ultimately be directly or indirectly related to the ten commandments in terms of ethics. In this exhaustive treatment of alleged ethical discrepancies in the Bible as they relate to man s duty toward God, Haley lists thirty one topics! These topics include: the disposal of blood, the execution of Christ, specific crimes, the judging of David, and many more. Although there does seem to be some legitimate discrepancies, one must consider the gems of truth in part one of this book. Again, those gems of usefulness are the reason why this writer treated the review of part one in the manner in which it was treated. On the surface, as stated above, some ethical discrepancies do seem legitimate. However, the same themes of the Biblical objectors arise, and that theme is a lack of knowledge concerning the social, cultural, and historical context of the Biblical writers and the recipients of their writings. Throughout this book, Haley has offered multiple explanations and reckonings from various sources in answering the critics of the Bible. Most all of these sources offer different and yet very plausible explanations for the alleged discrepancies. These sections also include personal commentary and plausible explanations by Haley himself. Although the book itself does not impart much personal information about Haley, it is evident to the reader that Haley appears to be a very capable theologian. He seems to have a

10 10 good working knowledge of the social and historical customs of the Biblical writers and the recipients of the writings. The second section in this work treats the topic of man s duty to himself, and man s duty to man, as noted earlier this is the subject matter of the last six commandments of the Ten Commandments. Again, Haley does a marvelous work in bringing so many topics and scriptures to light that deal directly or indirectly with the last six commandments, thus, in answering the critics he showcases the coherence and consistency of the Bible. The alleged discrepancies in this section, man s duty to himself present thirteen topics ranging from anger to temptation and wealth, hence, You shall not covet. Space does allow this writer to treat this section the way he would like, however it is worth noting that if the critics were to take the Bible as a whole, one of any intelligence would realize that the Bible has been grossly misrepresented. Next Haley presents and deals with the alleged discrepancies concerning man s duty to his fellow man. Adultery, assassination, capitol punishments, witchcraft, and forty seven other topics are brought to the surface here. This writer has never read such an exhaustive work on so many Biblical topics that are directly or indirectly tied to the last six of the Ten Commandments! This writer has also noticed that a large quantity of these alleged discrepancies have been eliminated by the removal of the language barrier of Hebrew and Aramaic through modern translations which are more literal, such as the NASB and the ESV. However, Haley and his many sources treat the problem of the KJV words with great accuracy, words such as burden in Galatians 6:2 and Galatians 6:5, as Haley rightly points out, the original word for burden is not the same in the two cases. This section is instructive for Christ like living and it is this writer s view that one could benefit greatly by studying this section for personal spiritual gain. Part II Chapter 6

11 11 Historical Discrepancies The last section of the book is grouped into five sections and treats historical discrepancies in relation to: 1) Persons and Names. 2) Places. 3) Numbers. 4) Time. 5) Miscellaneous issues. This last chapter is the most detailed and great work and meticulous detail was involved in putting this section together. This chapter like the rest of the book, in this writers view, is more beneficial as a reference as opposed to mere casual reading. Unless one has a photographic memory, one would never be able to retain the gold mine of apologetical and Bibliographical worth found in this chapter alone. In terms of the alleged discrepancies, Haley and his sources note for the reader that there are some legitimate errors, particularly in the area of numbers and time. Numbers were often recorded with letters, and it would have been easy for copyists to make mistakes, known to some scholars as variants. Variations in the Hebrew letters and characters along with the laborious task of hand copying played a major role in the apparent mistakes. However, this writer concludes from Haley and his sources, and to paraphrase their thinking; what can be classified as a mistake? For none of these scribal errors change the factual content of the original writer s message to his original recipients. The work that Haley and his sources in this section present, gives one the confidence that the scripture is totally inerrant in the autographs, thus confirming the position of Warfield and Hodge.

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