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1 Chapter 1 : Sermons & Liturgical Seasons Light of Christ Anglican Church Find Seasons Sermons and Illustrations. Free Access to Sermons on Seasons, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Seasons, and PowerPoints for Preaching on Seasons. A piece of blank paper for each child. If your custom is to keep them in church for the rest of the service, you might give them a pencil or crayon to draw a picture. This is a special season of the year. We call it Fall, because this is the time of year when the leaves fall from the trees. Did anyone here notice leaves turning color this Fall? What were some of the colors that you saw? Trees are so pretty when they have leaves on their branches. But in a few months, trees will start to grow new leaves. At first, those leaves will be smallâ â hard to see. But then the leaves will get largerâ â and larger. By summertime the trees will be full of leaves. But the little tiny leaves tell us something. They tell us that springtime is coming. We need to get ready for springtime. It often rains during the springtime, so we need to get raincoats or umbrellas. Grass grows rapidly during springtime, so your dads and moms need to have their lawnmowers ready. Jesus has promised that he will come again. That will be a great day. Hand out sheets of paperâ â and pencils or crayons if needed Today I want you to think about how you will greet Jesus when he comes again. Will you hold your arms wide open to show him that you are excited to welcome him? When you get home, take this piece of paper and draw a pictureâ â a picture of yourself welcoming Jesus. Page 1

2 Chapter 2 : The Seasons of Life A sermon series designed to go along with the movie "I Can Only Imagine. People simply do not like change. They have their own comfort zones and love to stay in it. They will do anything and everything to stay where they are. They will give every excuse in the books to be able to stay where they are. But the reality is that God works in seasons, in people, in families, in churches and in nations and that involves a change. There is a season to sow, there is a season to cry and then there is a season to reap. When God says, son, daughter, it is time for this season to shift; we fight back, because we do not like changes. Some of us actually flee away in fright. In order to move out of our past, we must shift. Without shifting, we will remain where we are. When we travel by plane or in a train, we sit on the seat that is assigned for us. But there are times we are offered a better seating. No one can get to this better seat without getting up from where they have been and shifting to the new location. A shifting ensures that you get that which has been assigned for you. God must break our nest for anything good to happen Deuteronomy The little eaglets become very comfy and refuse to learn how to fly. The mother eagle has a little trick that always works. She breaks the nest and in turn throws the eaglet in thin air. Oh what a heartless act â right?? So it would seem. But as the baby is quickly hurtling towards the earth flapping its wings, the mother eagle will swoop under it and carry it back to the heights. At times shifting becomes so hard that God has to end up breaking our nests â our comfort zones. Friends if it is God that has shifted or broken your comfort zones please do not be afraid. He will not let your foot to be dashed against the rocks. Nothing wrong is going to happen to you. God has this under control. Just submit and surrender to His will. As a church, we are leaving an old season and shifting into a new season. God desires to give us insight to see our new season; He wants us to be able to see beyond the present circumstances and the present changes that are going on and He wants to enable us to be able to see into the divine future and the divine season that He has already all ready for us. When we are shifting into a new season, we will face doubts, fears, and speculations. We might even end up giving lots of excuses just like Jeremiah did. Jeremiah was born in a priestly family Jeremiah began his work around B. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet and for good reason. Because of the personal anguish he knew in his ministry, witnessed the utter destruction of Jerusalem and of the temple that he, like other godly Jews, loved He underwent great hardships and trials for the message which he delivered. The message he had to deliver was not a popular one. We often see the picture of him weeping because of the fate of Israel. The dominant theme of Jeremiah is that of national sinfulness and looming judgment. Such a demand could be viewed only as treason. As a result he was hated as a traitor to his people, and his life was often threatened. Yet Jeremiah lived to see his words come true. Jeremiah lived and ministered under a succession of kings: Jehoiakim, Jehoahaz, Johoiachin, Zedekiah, and Gedaliah. Although this sounds like a successful ministry, it did not start that easy. The Lord had some convincing to do before he could be launched in to the ministry as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah had a very hard time shifting or accepting a new season of usefulness in his life. When God was trying to take him into his next season, Jeremiah was only trying to figure out excuses: I am only a child â I am too young Lord I am not an orator â I do not know how to speak Jeremiah was concerned that he did not have the eloquence enough so people would take him seriously Lord, you see since my message is kind of hard, can you give me a booming voice so people would take me seriously. When God was pointing to Jeremiah what he should do â Jeremiah was busy pointing out why he cannot do that. When the Lord revealed to Jeremiah his future and his time to shift into a new season, Jeremiah could not see it at first. God was calling him forth as a prophet, and Jeremiah could only focus on his weaknesses. Many a times we do the very same things that Jeremiah did. When God says son, daughter, it is time for you to move to the next level, it is time to move to the next season, we build walls, we build barriers, we make excuses, and we try to bench-press our way out of it. We say Lord, I cannot do it, I am too busy, I am only a child: When did God call Samuel â when he was only a child I am not a good orator â Mosses was not a good orator, God changed him I do not have enough knowledge They will never take me seriously. When God says it is time â we do not see Him eye to eye. We fail to see God eye to eye on matters that count the most. If we could Page 2

3 see as God sees, we would know that most human fears never materialize. Most of the things most of us spend most of our time worrying over are never going to happen anyway. Maybe this is why Jesus said: Each day has enough trouble of its own. If we could see as God sees, we would realize that no problem that cannot be conquered. In our gloomier moments of financial stress, illness, or family problems, we brood over questions without answers. But the promise of Scripture stands: But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. If we could see as God sees, we would understand that no trial comes without a blessing attached. It cannot be seen in advance. In our perplexity, we doubt that anything good can come from a heartache. But the half-brother of Jesus put the divine pledge this way: If we could see as God sees, we would know that pain always signals the possibility for growth. Although we sigh for a world free of stress, we know deep inside that such a world would produce calloused and unfeeling people. To see through his eyes and to live on the basis of his promises is the meaning of a life of faith. His perspective would set us free to really live. It will empower us. In fact His strength is made perfect in our weakness. These days there is great emphasis on looks and eloquence even in ministry. More than eloquence â we need the word from the Lord. The Lord is saying the same thing to you and to me. He is saying, the word of breakthrough for our new season is in our mouth; â in your own mouth, â in your mind â in your heart, so that you can do it. You can do it! The word that can bring about a change in the loves of many around us is in your mouth â Receive it in Jesus Name! Get rid of all the doubts and barriers and excuses. Receive it this day! Jeremiah finally agrees and sees what God sees Jeremiah 1: He starts seeing things through the eyes of God. The Lord is watching that every word that He has spoken will come to past. The only thing we have to do is agree with God and see thing through the eyes of God. There is a shift we are going through â God is taking us somewhere where we have not been. I can feel it very powerfully inside of me. God is calling you for His ministry â it could be fulltime of part-time. Nevertheless, you cannot run away from Him. You cannot run away from the hound of heaven. Jonah found it was futile. There are some in our midst that have been running away from the call of God. We have been making excuses after excuses. We have been trying to run away from God and his holy calling which is so powerful on us. Some are saying, I am only a child, some are saying, Lord, I just bought a field, I am busy, Lord, I just bought a bull, I must try it out. We must train ourselves to see things through the eyes of God â then we will see the potential that He sees in us. The Lord asked him to take his son and sacrifice him. When Jesus was in this world, it was important that He would do exactly what the Father in Heaven instructs Him to do. Page 3

4 Chapter 3 : Free Sermons for Pastors and Church Leaders Church Image: Autumn The Changing Seasons. Use this media to help celebrate God's work through the Protestant Reformation as you teach your community about the priceless doctrines of grace set forth in the Scriptures. Each moment in time, each phase of life, must be treated in a manner appropriate to the events - Ecclesiastes 3: So many people create problems for themselves trying to stem the flow of time, attempting to hang on to past season instead of adapting to the current one. The goal is to enjoy each season for what they present, both the good and the bad - Ecclesiastes Youth, spring time, the season of preparation A. Youth is a fleeting time to enjoy life - Ecclesiastes It is a time of innocence - Deuteronomy 1: It is a time of idealism 1. Youth is a time to imagine what life ought to be 2. And teenagers are so disappointed to realize that life is not ideal. Get use to it - Ecclesiastes 9: It is a time for parents to instill good habits - Proverbs Even in youth we need to remember that God will judge us 2. Youth has a tendency to focus solely on the here and now 3. Life revolves around impulses and desires E. Youth can be a time to demonstrate faithfulness - I Timothy 4: Manhood and Womanhood, summer time, the season of production A. The apron strings are cut and now is the time to forge a new life of your own choosing - Genesis 2: Instruction to wives - Ephesians 5: Instruction to husbands - Ephesians 5: It is a time for starting a family - Psalm It is a time of strength - Ecclesiastes 9: Use your ability to profit - Proverbs The excellent wife - Proverbs There is satisfaction in accomplishment - Ecclesiastes 5: But unless God is involved in this season, what you are building is a house of cards - Psalms We must continue in the things we have learned - II Timothy 3: There is a tendency to think that anything you decide to do can be done, and it is often so because you have the strength to overcome obstacles. But the danger comes from pride. Youth begins to think they have the right to anything they conceive of doing - Proverbs Maturity, autumn time, the season of provision A. Strength fades but it is replaced with skill and wisdom - Proverbs We might not be able to work harder, but we can work smarter 2. In many ways maturity is the most fruitful period of our life. It is a time to mature in what we know - Colossians 1: It is a time for passing on what you have learned - Hebrews 5: It is a time to broaden our concerns - Philippians 2: During youth, our view centers on our self 2. During our young life we focus our spouse and family 3. But now is the time to raise our eyes and see that the horizon encompasses more than we previously imagined - Galatians 6: Elderly, winter time, the season of preservation A. True strength is not in the body, but in the spirit - II Corinthians 4: It is a time of loss 1. Friends die, family, and even our beloved spouse 2. For many the time for work comes to an end C. For those who have invested wisely in the Lord, it is a time of honor - Proverbs Wisdom and understanding come to the aged because of the time spent in their younger days - Job It is time to preserve our experiences in the minds of those we must leave behind - Job Now is the time to endure 1. The difficult time in a race is not at the beginning when you are full of energy, but the final few laps when you energy is failing 2. We must hold to the end - Hebrews 3: It must not be a time of complacency but diligence because there are things to accomplish and there is not much time left - Hebrews 6: Enjoy each season of life A. There was, however, one memorable exception: Miss Lucy, a widow lady who lived with her prim and proper sister, Clara. But Miss Lucy was full of charm and sparkle and enthusiasm. One day Miss Lucy â in her 60s â asserted that she could still stand on her head. When we looked doubtful, she clamped her skirt between her knees and did so, beaming at us upside down. The trick is to love your age. Love it in the middle when the challenges come and you can solve some of them, maybe most of them. Think about that, Clara. Life changes, our abilities change, but each is a wonder and a challenge. What if my hair has turned gray? Gray hair is honorable, they say. Another house, not made with hand, Awaits me in the glory land. My hearing may not be as keen As in the past, it may have been; Still, I can hear my Savior say Come faltering child, this is the way. But the inward man the Scriptures say, Ah, the inward man Is growing stronger every day. Then how can I be growing old? Roberts Send mail to minister lavistachurchofchrist. Permission is given in advance to use the material and pictures on this site for non-commercial purposes. We only ask that you give credit to the original creators. A link back to this site is not required, though it is always appreciated. Page 4

5 Chapter 4 : Children's Sermon, Matthew, Seasons Online Community Login.  New Season Church. Chapter 5 : Church Image: Autumn The Changing Seasons - Find The Church Sermons and Illustrations. Free Access to Sermons on The Church, Church Sermons, Illustrations on The Church, and PowerPoints for Preaching on The Church. Chapter 6 : Sermons - New Season Church The Christmas season is a special time for your church to commemorate Christ's birth. Here are some new takes on a Christmas sermon. The Day God Became a Baby. Chapter 7 : » Moving into a New Season of Usefulness (1) â Preparation Sermons for the Church's Seasons: from Advent to Trinity [Edward Bouverie Pusey] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a pre historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Chapter 8 : Sermons - The Roads Church This content is part of a series. Understanding The Seasons Of Life (1 of 7) The Seasons of Life Dr. Stan Coffey Genesis If you want things to grow, you plant in the springtime, and then you cultivate in the early summer, and you reap in the fall. And even the winter, as it comes with its cold. Chapter 9 : Uplifting Christ Through Autumn - Sermons For The Fall Season The seasons of the church year are marked by certain liturgical colors. Found here are the Sundays and seasons in the cycles of the Church's liturgical calendar: Christmas/Epiphany, Good Friday/Easter, and Pentecost, followed by the Time of the Church. Page 5

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