Conversations. Crossroads Family. 7th Grade PARENT EDITION

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1 Crossroads Family Conversations n 7th Grade PARENT EDITION Welcome to Family Conversations This in-home faith curriculum, for Trinity s Crossroads Ministry, is designed to encourage time for parents and students to converse, study Scripture, read the Small Catechism, and pray together. Each year, students and parents in 5 th through 8 th grade will receive a new set of Crossroads Family Conversations to deepen their faith and prepare for Confirmation, a public affirmation of faith in Jesus Christ. An exciting aspect of Family Conversations is that they actively involve parents in the spiritual lives of their youth at home. Parents have the opportunity to learn alongside their son/daughter, answer questions about spiritual topics, and help develop spiritual habits in their youth. How Do These Conversations Work Best? Trinity provides parents and students with a set of Conversation Guides that tie directly to short videos available through Trinity s website. These guides are self-explanatory to work through; however, the following tips may be helpful: Commit minutes, at a regular time, each week to Family Conversations. Having a designated time in your schedule will help you not feel overwhelmed. Complete the Family Conversations in a relaxed, comfortable environment. This isn t school work. This is a chance for your family to learn, pray, and talk about your faith together. It s a chance to live out Deuteronomy 6. At first the lessons may seem a bit awkward, but once you get started they will become easier. When having a Family Conversation, be sure to have access to the Crossroads YouTube Channel (the link is accessible from the Crossroads Ministry page of Trinity s website), Student Guide, Parent Guide, a Bible, and Luther s Small Catechism. Parents, take a moment to read through the lesson before discussing it with your student. You are the primary spiritual role model for your student so be open and honest in sharing your thoughts and struggles. Teaching the faith to your youth doesn t mean you need to know it all! If you do not know an answer to a tough question, tell your student you don t know and discover the answer together. Questions about Family Conversations or lessons? Troubles accessing materials? Contact Pastor Anders at x205 or

2 The Basics of Each Lesson Every lesson consists of five sections. Below is information on each of the sections that you will make your way through: Notes: 1. Parent s Prayer: This is a chance for the parent to pray with his/her student. A guided prayer is provided, but you are encouraged to create your own, if you feel comfortable. These prayers should invite God to work through your time together. 2. Video: Access Trinity s YouTube channel on the Crossroads page of Trinity s website ( Each video title will match the number and name in the lesson (i.e. 5.1 Abraham ). 3. Scripture Search: You will want to have your Bible and Luther s Small Catechism available. Read through the section of Scripture and/or the text from the Small Catechism. Students are encouraged to do the reading. 4. Family Conversation: This is an opportunity to talk together about the lesson. This is not a time for parents to quiz students. There are a list of questions for you to work through as a family. Some guided answers and discussion points are also provided to help, if needed. Feel free to venture beyond the topic as the conversation unfolds. 5. Student s Prayer: This is a chance for students to pray. A guided prayer is available; however, students are encouraged to create their own.

3 Lesson 7.1 ~ Lord s Prayer (Our Father) Dear Father, help us as we learn about the prayer you taught us to pray. Help us to understand the words you have given us and see the importance of spending time talking to you. Thank you, for this incredible gift and that we have the opportunity to come to you whenever we want. Amen. 2. Video 7.1 Lord s Prayer (Our Father) 3. Scripture Search Read through Luke 11:1-4. Read through the following sections of the Small Catechism: Section 1 The Lord s Prayer and Introduction and Explanation of the Small Catechism questions Who is somebody in your life that you feel like you can talk to about anything? What makes him/her so easy to talk to? Share the people in your life that you feel like you can talk to about anything. Ask your student if he/she feels like he/she can talk to God the same way he/she talks to a close friends or family member. 2. What are some ways that prayer should be like talking to a close friend? What are some ways it should be different? In some ways,we should be able talk to God as comfortably and naturally as we talk to close friends and family. In other ways, talking to God is different. He knows our every thought and action. We can have confidence in talking to God because he is perfect and offers grace and mercy. 3. How should you pray? What are some ways you shouldn t pray? When we pray, it is us talking to God. We should pray confidently and humbly. We can be confident knowing that God always loves us, but we should also be humble knowing that we are sinful people. Consider reading Matthew 6:5 and discuss what it means to be a hypocrite only concerned with what people see. 4. What are different ways that God answers prayers? God always answers our prayers. It may not always be the answer we are looking for, but God always hears and always answers. Sometimes he tells us yes, sometimes no, and sometimes not yet. Heaven The place where God lives and He promises all believers will one day join Him. Father A term used to describe God. Petition A request to God. Father, thank you for being someone that I can talk to. Thank you for always listening and hearing my prayers. Help me to always remember to spend time talking with you so we can continue to grow closer and closer. Amen.

4 Lesson 7.2 ~ Lord s Prayer (Hallowed) Dear God, you are holy. As we learn about the prayer that you taught us to pray, help us grow closer to you and in our understanding of what it means to pray. Help us to understand who you are and how we can keep your name holy in all that we do. Amen. 2. Video 7.2 Lord s Prayer (Hallowed) 3. Scripture Search Read through Exodus 3:1-15. Read through the Small Catechism Section 1 The First Petition and Under the Explanation of the Small Catechism 1st petition and questions If you saw God face to face, what do you think your first reaction would be? Encourage your student s answers. We know that because of Jesus death, we have an intimate relationship with Him. If your student answers in ways that reflect a close relationship with God, point out how great it is that we can talk to God like that. Also, the Bible is filled with stories of people that meet God and fall face down on the ground. Point out that there is value in remembering that we are talking to a holy God. 2. The first petition uses the word holy to describe God. What are some other words that you could use to describe the character of God? Work with your student to come up with a list of characteristics of God. One way to challenge him/her is to see if he/she came come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet. (Ex: A - awesome, B - beautiful, C - caring, etc.) 3. What are some characteristics that are sometimes true about humans, but never true about God? Try to think of characteristics that could describe sinful people. Some of these characteristics may have even shown up in the video (ex: liar, cheater, gossip, etc.). When we live in a way that is sinful, like these characteristics, we are not keeping God s name holy. 4. Are there any parts of your life that you feel like you have a difficult time keeping God s name holy (ex: family, school, sports, TV, social media, etc.)? Listen to your student s answer. Share with them areas that you have a difficult time honoring God. Pray that God will help you get better in these areas. 5. What are some ways that you can honor God s name with your words or actions in the next week? Accept any answer that your student may give. Share some ideas of things that you can do in the next week also. Holy Describes God s name and character, perfect in every way. Petition A request to God. Honor Valuing and respecting both inwardly and outwardly. Dear God, you are amazing! Thank you, for giving us the words of the Lord s Prayer that can teach us more about who you are. Please help me live in a way that bring honor your name in all I say and do. Amen.

5 Lesson 7.3 ~ Lord s Prayer (Kingdom) Dear God, thank you for being such a loving God. Thank you for always forgiving us no matter what we do. Thank you for the sacrifice you made on the cross for us and grow us in our relationship with you and each other during this time we have together. Amen. 2. Video 7.3 Lord s Prayer (Kingdom) 3. Scripture Search Read through Mark 4: Read through the Small Catechism: Section 1 The Second Petition and read about the second petition and questions What is a kingdom? Why do you think Jesus spends so much time talking about the Kingdom of God? A kingdom is anything that a king is ruling over. Really, we each are tempted to build a kingdom for ourselves in our lives. Jesus spends a lot of time talking about the Kingdom of God because he wants all people to live with Christ as their King. 2. The Kingdom of Power is all around us. It s everything in God s creation. What are some places in the world that you see God s power? Share some people or places that you can see God s power. This isn t necessarily a look at how God is working in Christians, but in all the world. 3. The Kingdom of Grace is all Christians. What do you have to do to get into this kingdom? Nothing. You don t do anything to get into the Kingdom of Grace. It s all about what Christ has done. Because of Jesus death and resurrection, he has freed you from sin. If you have faith in what Jesus did for you, you are a part of the Kingdom of Grace already. 4. What do you think will be the best part about being heaven? Come up with what you think you will enjoy about being in heaven and share your answers. Simply being in the presence of God will be incredible and is beyond imaginable. Read Revelation 7:17. Talk about how great it will be when there is no more sin, no more pain, and no more sadness. 5. Part of what we pray for in this petition is that those who don t know Christ, yet, will become a part of this kingdom. Who in your life can you share God s love with? What are some ways you can share it with them? Try to think of people in your life and your student s life that you need to share Christ s love with. Encourage your student to share his/her faith with friends and invite friends to church. Kingdom of Power Anything and everything that God rules over. Kingdom of Grace The Christian Church, all those who believe in Jesus as their Savior. Kingdom of Glory The heavenly kingdom that God lives in and we will someday see. Dear God, help me to remember that I am a part of your kingdom. Help me to make choices knowing that I am a part of your kingdom. Help me to share my faith with those that do not know you. Thank you for dying for us so that we can live in the Kingdom of Grace today and have the promise of heaven in the future. Amen.

6 Lesson 7.4 ~ Lord s Prayer (Will) Dear God, as we remember the things that you have taught us to pray, help us to especially remember that all that we pray for we ask in your will. Amen. 2. Video 7.4 Lord s Prayer (Will) 3. Scripture Search Read through Acts 9:1-19. Read about the third petition and questions in the Small Catechism: 1. If you could ask God for anything in the world, what would you ask for? There is an infinite amount of things that you could pray for. List anything you can think of. Feel free to include things that you would never think that you d actually receive. 2. What are some things that happen in our world that God wouldn t want happening? There are lots of things you can list in this category, maybe even flip through television channels and ask Is this an example of what God would or would not want in this world? God s will being done is all about God s name being kept holy, the message of Jesus being shared with all people, and us trying to live godly lives. 3. The devil tries to stop God s will from happening in the world. What are some ways that he might do this? The devil tries to stop God s will by tempting us to disobey God, which in turn hurts us and the world around us. Reference Genesis 3 as a great example of the devil misleading people away from God s will. Try to think of specific temptations that the devil might use to pull people away from His will. 4. Read Psalm 119:35. What are some of the ways that God gives us direction? God can give us direction in all types of ways, list any ways that you can think of some might be through our parents and family members, through Christian friends, or through leaders at the church. God gives us direction through His Word, so any place or person that shares God s Word has the potential of being a way God gives direction. 5. Who is someone in your life that you think is a great example of following God s will? Try to think of people in your life that you look to as an example of great character, someone that has a strong faith and lives it out in their daily life. Encourage your student to think of people in his/her life that he/she can look to as a great example of following God s will. God s Will That we keep His name holy, that we share the message of Jesus, and lead godly lives. Faith Firm belief or trust in something or someone regardless of the circumstances. Petition A request to God. Dear God, help me to live according to your will. Sometimes it s difficult to obey your words and live a godly life, so please help me with it. Help me when I m tempted to do what s wrong. Remind me when things are difficult to hold onto the faith that you ve given me. Amen.

7 Lesson 7.5 ~ Lord s Prayer (Bread) Dear God, thank you for giving us this prayer called The Lord s Prayer. Help us as we continue to learn what those words mean for our lives. Help us continue to grow in our relationships with you and with each other. Amen. 2. Video 7.5 Lord s Prayer (Bread) 3. Scripture Search Read through Exodus 16. Read through the Small Catechism Section 1 The Fourth Petition and the Explanation of the Small Catechism the fourth petition and questions What is the difference between a want and a need? A need is something that is necessary in order to live. A want is something that you would enjoy; it may enhance your life, but it is not necessary for you to live. In our culture today, the line between need and want can get awfully blurry. Consider needs/wants from the perspective of others in the U.S. or other nations. It s important to understand that there is nothing wrong with wanting things, as long as the things you want do not become the focus of your life and take the place of God as a priority. 2. What are some of the blessings in your life that are easy to take for granted? Help your student think of things that are important parts of their daily life that they may not often stop and think about as being so important. Perhaps spend some time going through your family s daily schedule and all the things that are needed in order for that schedule to happen; out of those things that are needed, what are some of the things that you don t usually thank God for? 3. Read Matthew 6: What are some things that you worry about? Share your worries with each other. Be honest about the worries in your life; look back to when you were their age and share what you worried about when you were younger too. Affirm that you understand their worries and share the great truth that God will take care of the things that we need. 4. In situations that you don t get what you want, how do you respond? A lot of us complain when we don t get what we want; that s exactly what the Israelites did. Do your responses in these situations help us remember our blessings from God or lead us to forget them? 5. Read John 6: Jesus describes himself as the bread of life. Why does Jesus describe himself in these words? Food is something that we need to live. Jesus is making a simple connection that in the same way we need food (or bread) to live physically, we also need Jesus (the bread of life) to live spiritually. Jesus also is making some very clear references to Communion in this section of scripture. Daily Bread That which we need. Manna Bread given to Moses and his people to survive. Want Something we would like but do not need. Dear Jesus, there are a lot of things in my life that I want and a lot of things in my life that I need. Help me to understand the difference between those things even when it s difficult. Thank you for always providing the things that I need to live; you are a wonderful provider and it s easy to forget how great things are. Amen.

8 Lesson 7.6 ~ Lord s Prayer (Forgive) Dear God, we are sinful people and constantly are in need of your forgiveness. Forgive us for all the times that we fall short in honoring you. Help us as we live our lives to forgive others just like you have forgiven us. Amen. 2. Video 7.6 Lord s Prayer (Forgive) 3. Scripture Search Read through Matthew 18: Read through the following sections of the Small Catechism: Section 1 The Fifth Petition and the Explanation of the Small Catechism read about the fifth petition and questions Share a story about a time when you forgave someone who hurt you. Listen to your student s answer. Be open and honest and share something that really hurt you and why you forgave them. Share about how difficult it was. 2. When was a time that you did something that you needed to be forgiven for? Affirm your student s answer as they share. Share about a time when you made a mistake and hurt somebody so you had to go to them asking for forgiveness; sharing your failures can be very valuable as you discuss this topic. 3. Read Psalm 51:1-10. List out some of the ways this section of scripture describes forgiveness. There are many metaphors used in this section of scripture; if your student has trouble understanding, help explain them. Some of the metaphors that you might list out are: blot out, wash away, cleanse me, wash me, white as snow, etc. 4. Read Colossians 3: What makes forgiveness such an important part of the relationships we have? Nobody is perfect. Because of that forgiveness has to be a part of the relationships in our lives. There will be times when parents, brothers, sisters, best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, etc. do something that is hurtful. If we don t live our lives being willing to say I m sorry and I forgive you, our relationships will not last very long. 5. Why is God s forgiveness of us so important to our forgiveness of other people? Knowing and understanding how incredible the love of God for us is gives us the ability to forgive others. At times we may feel like certain sins against us are unforgivable, but imagine if God looked at our lives and felt that way. When we see how God loves us and try to love like he loves, we can t help but forgive others. Trespass A sin Sin Doing something that God has told us is wrong; not doing something that God has told us to do Forgive Not holding someone s sins against them Dear God, help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. You continually love and forgive me even though I continually sin against you; help me to continually show love and forgiveness to all those I come in contact with. Amen.

9 Lesson 7.7 ~ Lord s Prayer (Temptation) Dear Jesus, lead us not into temptation. We fight against new temptations every single day; help us as we fight against those. Protect us from temptation and help give us the strength so that we can resist temptation when it comes. Amen. 2. Video 7.7 Lord s Prayer (Temptation) 3. Scripture Search Read through Ephesians 6: Read through the following sections of the Small Catechism: Section 1 The Sixth Petition and the Explanation of the Small Catechism read about the sixth petition and questions What are some items that would be necessary for battle? Share any items that you can think of. Weapons, a base, or bulletproof vest could all be possible answers. It s not very often that people would go into a serious battle unprepared. 2. Have you ever gotten yourself out of doing something you didn t want to do? When it comes to situations like not wanting to do a homework assignment or do the chores that we are asked to do, it s probably pretty easy to find a way out. Encourage your student to think of a time when they came up with ways to avoid doing what was asked. Share a time from your life as well. 3. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. Why are the words of this verse so important to us as we are tempted? There are two great truths in this verse that stand out. First, we know that our temptation is not unique to us. There are other people who have been tempted just like we have and even more importantly we know that Jesus dealt with temptations just like us. Second, we know that there is always a way out. 4. Read Matthew 4:1-11. How does Jesus fight against the temptations of the Devil? For each temptation that Jesus has to fight, He responds by using scripture. The Devil is deceptive and tries to get Jesus to sin, but He holds on to the truth that he knows. Ask your student, how does knowing the Bible help you fight against temptation? 5. Read James 4:7. What are some ways that you can resist the temptations of the Devil? There are lots of possible ways that we could resist temptations; encourage your student s answers. Some possible ways that they might include could be using the Bible like Jesus did, staying away from the things that usually tempt us, or having friends that help us make good choices. Temptation Something that encourages us to sin and pulls us away from God. Armor of God The armor described in Ephesians that God gives us to protect us in our spiritual battles. Battle A combat or conflict between two opposing sides. Dear God, help us as a family to fight against the temptations of life. Thank you for always protecting us and watching over us and giving us the tools that we need so we can resist temptation. Amen.

10 Lesson 7.8 ~ Lord s Prayer (Evil) Dear Father, there is so much evil in the world. Help protect our family from it and give us strength when we encounter it. Thank you for being a loving God who takes care of his people. Amen. 2. Video 7.8 Lord s Prayer (Evil) 3. Scripture Search Read through Daniel 3. Read the Small Catechism: Section 1 The Seventh Petition, Conclusion, and questions What are some ways that God shows us what is good and what is evil? One of the best ways to understand what is good and what is evil is by looking at the 10 Commandments, found in Exodus 20. Something is good if it is loving; if it is not loving it is evil. As we obey the commandments, we love God and love others. If we disobey them, we are not loving and therefore doing evil. The commandments are a great way for us to see the evil in our own lives and brokenness in the world. 2. How does God protect us from evil? God can protect us in spiritual ways like sending an angel to watch over us, but most often the way that God protects us is by using people. God protects us from evil by using parents, our family members, police men and women, and all civil authorities. 3. Read Deuteronomy 31:6. How do these words help us in times that we experience evil? We all have times in our life when things are difficult and we need to be reminded that God promises to be with us always. Encourage your student to memorize this passage. 4. Describe what a life without evil would look like. Read Revelation 21:1-4. This section of scripture has some incredible words describing what Heaven and the new creation will be like. It will be a world without evil. No pain, no sadness, and no death. While this is something we wait for eagerly, we also live our life ready to fight the evil in our world. 5. Review the words of the Lord s Prayer. Which petition has been the most meaningful for you? Why? Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. 6. Re-write the Lord s Prayer using your own words, creating something that is easy for you to understand. Once you re-write these words together, consider praying the new, re-written prayer. If certain phrases are harder to understand, help your student out or look up meanings in the Small Catechism. Deliver To rescue or save Evil Something that is sinful or caused by sin Amen So shall it be Dear God, deliver us from evil. Help protect our family and keep us safe from the evil in the world. And in times where we have to deal with the evil that does affect us, help us to hold onto the truth that you are with us and will help us through the difficult times. Amen.

11 Lesson 7.9 ~ Apostles Creed (1st Article) Dear Father, please be with us during this time as we open your Word and learn what it means to be created and loved by you. Help us understand what it means to be your children and the love that you have for us. Amen. 2. Video 7.9 Apostles Creed (1st Article) 3. Scripture Search Read through Genesis 1:1-2:1. Read the Small Catechism: The First Article of the Apostles Creed, the meaning, and questions What is the most amazing thing in nature that you ve ever seen? Both you and your student should share places in nature that you ve seen. Talk about the last time you were there. What was amazing about what you saw? Is it possible to go visit these places again? 2. How would you answer the question, Where did this all come from? Read Colossians 1:16 together. Discuss how this might be different than what they might hear in other places (evolution). Follow up by asking them why it s important that we know that God made us and all things. 3. What are some characteristics of fathers that you could use to describe God? Write a list together. Take turns going back and forth listing as many characteristics as possible. 4. Read Luke 15: How do you think the father felt throughout this story? Walk through the parts of the story and the father s interactions with his sons. Discuss how the father would have felt when his son told him he just wants his money. How did the father feel when his son wasted everything? How did the father feel when his son returned? Be sure to point out that this is the same relationship that God, our Father, has with us. 5. Read Psalm 139:14. What are some things about yourself that you can praise God for? This verse speaks of praising God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Think of a few things about yourself that you are thankful for and then share with your student what you love about the way God made them. Creed A statement of faith. Apostles Creed A statement of what Christians believe. Creation The idea that God created all life on earth. Dear Father, thank you so much for loving me. Thank you for creating me, my friends, my family, and everyone else. And thank you for being a father that always loves and forgives us no matter what we ve done wrong. Amen.

12 Lesson 7.10 ~ Apostles Creed (2nd Article) Dear Jesus, thank you for this time we have together to learn what it means to be a follower of you. Help us understand who you are and what it means when we say the words of the Apostles Creed. Amen. 2. Video 7.10 Apostles Creed (2nd Article) 3. Scripture Search Read through Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 4: Read the Small Catechism: The Second Article of the Apostles Creed, the meaning, and questions How do you think most people would answer the question Who is Jesus? How would you answer? Talk about how people might answer, how you might answer, and how you might share that with someone else. 2. What must you do to be forgiven for your sins? We don t do anything but have faith in what Jesus did for us. 3. Why was it necessary for Jesus to be true man and true God? Jesus had to be truly man because it was humans that sinned, therefore He needed to be a man that fulfilled the law for us. He also had to be man to suffer and die for our sin. Jesus had to be truly God in order that his death could pay the price for our sins. 4. Name a story when people went to Jesus with their problems. Try to think of and share some stories from the Bible, if you both of you have trouble thinking of stories consider looking up some stories. There are several good stories are in Matthew 8-9 if you need some to look at. 5. Why do you think Christ s resurrection is so important for us? Christ s resurrection is important because it proves that Christ is the Son of God and what Jesus said while he was on earth is true. We can take comfort in the teachings of the Bible and the words of Jesus that his sacrifice truly paid the price for our sins and that all who believe in him will have eternal life. Lord Someone who is greater than us, that we will respect and honor. Savior Somebody who rescues somebody from harm or danger. Redemption Delivering us from our sins by the death of Jesus. Dear Jesus, thank you so much for coming to earth and loving me. Thank you for going through the things you went through all because you loved me. Help me as I try to follow and serve you in everything I do. Amen.

13 Lesson 7.11 ~ Apostles Creed (3rd Article) Dear God, please be with us in our time together; bless the discussions that we have and help us understand the things we talk about today. Help us to learn new things and be reminded of things that we have already learned. In your name we pray. Amen. 2. Video 7.11 Apostles Creed (3rd Article) 3. Scripture Search Read through Acts 2:1-41. Read the Small Catechism: The Third Article of the Apostles Creed, the meaning, and questions When was a time you felt guilty about something you had done? Why do people feel guilty when they do things that are wrong? Share times that you ve felt guilty as well. Talk about how the Holy Spirit helps show us our sin in our lives so that he can change our hearts. 2. What would be some ways you would describe how the Holy Spirit works in people s lives? Reflect on some of the things pointed out in the lesson like changing our heart and helping make the right decisions. Jesus uses the description of a counselor in John 14:16, 26 to describe the Holy Spirit. 3. Read Romans 12:4-8. As Christians, the Holy Spirit gives us special gifts. What do you think some of your gifts are? Share some of your gifts and help your student by pointing out gifts you see in them. 4. What are some ways the Holy Spirit works to bring people to faith? What about leading people to live a godly life? The Holy Spirit brings people to faith and empowers believers as they live their faith out. The main way this happens is through God s Word. This can happen as we hear God s Word at church, through conversations, in our homes, or as they are applied in Baptism and Communion. 5. When you look at your own faith and choices, what are some ways that you can see the Holy Spirit working? Encourage your student to think back to how they ve become a Christian, whether it being a recent thing or their whole life. How has the Holy Spirit helped create and grow that faith in their life? Were there certain people, places, or events that the Holy Spirit used? Be sure to share your own experience as well. Sanctification To make holy. Holy Spirit The third person in the Trinity. Empower To help us do something we didn t have the power to do ourselves. Dear God, thank you so much for giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are so many ways He works in my life and I am thankful for that. Continue to guide, empower, and help me make the right decisions and help me to change my heart when I make the wrong decisions. Amen.

14 7 th Grade Conversation Topics Student Name: 7.1 Lord s Prayer (Our Father) 7.2 Lord s Prayer (Hallowed) 7.3 Lord s Prayer (Kingdom) 7.4 Lord s Prayer (Will) 7.5 Lord s Prayer (Bread) 7.6 Lord s Prayer (Forgive) 7.7 Lord s Prayer (Temptation) 7.8 Lord s Prayer (Evil) 7.9 Apostles Creed (1 st Article) 7.10 Apostles Creed (2 nd Article) 7.11 Apostles Creed (3 rd Article) Do you need additional information? Upon completion of each section, please sign and date. At the end of this series, please return this page to Pastor Anders. If you have any questions related to the Family Conversations component of Trinity s Crossroads Ministry, please contact Pastor Anders. Pastor Anders Davidson Family Life Pastor x RJ Grunewald. Content has been modified for use with permission by FLCWORKS publications; Troy, Michigan. 601 EAST SECOND STREET WACONIA MN TRINITYWACONIA.ORG

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