Biblical Discipleship Questions taken from the works of Rev. Adrian Rosa

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1 Biblical Discipleship Questions taken from the works of Rev. Adrian Rosa Once a person asks God to forgive them for the sins that they have committed and purposes to forsake those sinful choices, there will be a desire to know more about God and how to please Him with our life choices in order to develop a personal relationship with Him. The following questions and answers can be used as a means to help a person learn more about what God likes and dislikes and be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Due to the number of many lists of answers in this material, the Quiz Master may choose to require fewer answers than what are listed. For example: What are 3 of the 6 evidences of salvation? This should not discourage you from studying all of the answers, but it will give the opportunity for more questions to be answered correctly. The Bible references do not need to be memorized. Section 1: Beginning the Christian Life 1.What are the results of salvation? - A growing relationship in which we become more and more conscious of God s words and ways by obedience to the prompting of His Holy Spirit. 2. What are the 6 evidences of salvation? 1. A new love for scripture 2. A new awareness of right and wrong 3. A new desire to be like Christ 4. A new social pressure from those convicted by your changed life 5. A new desire to proclaim Christ to others 6. A new love for other Christians 3. What are the 3 R s of beginning your Christian life? 1. Realize what has happened to you 2. Recognize the resources of God 3. Remember to maintain this saving relationship 4. What is the definition of rebirth? - The communication of life by the Spirit to a soul dead in trespasses and sin. 5. List the three ways that new birth gives life to our spiritual capacity and quote the supporting verses, with references: 1. Taste - O taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 2. Sight - having the eyes of your heart enlightened. Ephesians 1:18 3. Touch - We have looked upon and touched the word of life. I John 1:1

2 6. List the three ways that new birth gives us characteristics like our Father: 1. Righteousness (Philippians 3:9) 2. Love (I John 4:7-8) 3. Holiness (I Peter 1:16 7. What are the 5 results of the new birth? 1. New understanding of spiritual matters (Colossians 1:9) 2. New life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) 3. New purpose for living (Ephesians 2:10) 4. Release from the old way of life (Ephesians 2:1-5) 5. Peace with God (Romans 5:1) 8. What are the four evidences of forgiveness in a new Christian? 1. God has removed your transgressions (Psalms 103:12) 2. God made your sins as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18) 3. God placed your sins behind His back (Isaiah 53) 4. God remembers your sin no more (Hebrews 8:12) 9. What is the definition of justification? - Justification means that God accepts me just as I am. Christ has paid my penalty, and his death has fully satisfied the demands of justice. (Romans 5:9) 10. By what three things is a new Christian justified? 1. Faith (Romans 5:1) 2. God s free gift (Romans 3:24) 3. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:9, 4:25) 11. What are the three parts of being adopted into God s family? 1. God planned your adoption from the beginning (Ephesians 1:4-5) 2. Christ died to make your redemption possible (Galatians 4:4-7) 3. You can now call God, Father (Romans 8:15) 12. What four parts make up the assurance of eternal life for a new Christian? 1. Salvation (John 10:27-29, Romans 1:16, Hebrews 5:9) 2. Victory over sin (I John 5:3-5) 3. Answered prayer (John 16:24) 4. The assurance of the Spirit that you are a child of God (Romans 8:16) 13. What four resources does God have for a new Christian? 1. Christ has been victorious over the world (John 16:33) 2. Christ in you is a winning combination (I John 4:4, Philippians 4:13) 3. Christ s resources are adequate for your every need (2 Peter 1:3-4) 4. Through Christ you can survive all opposition (Romans 8:35-39)

3 14. How do we maintain a saving relationship? 1. Keep our responsibilities 2. Acknowledge the important part that our will plays 3. Avail ourselves of the means of spiritual growth which God provides 15. What are our three responsibilities to the saving relationship? 1. Continue in the faith (Acts 14:22, Colossians 1:23, 2 Timothy 3:14-15) 2. Build yourself up in the faith (Jude 20-21) 3. Work out your salvation with God s help (Philippians 2:12) 16. By what 6 ways may we avail ourselves of the means of spiritual growth which God provides? 1. Witnessing (Matthew 10:32-33) 2. Baptism (Acts 2:38) 3. Prayer (James 5:16, I Thessalonians 5:17) 4. The Bible (I Peter 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17) 5. Sharing in the life of the church (Hebrews 10:52, Acts 2:43-47) 6. The Lord s Supper (I Corinthians 11:23-26) Section 2: How to Pray 1.What is essential to all good relationships? - Communication 2. How does Christ speak to us in our relationship with Him? 1. The Bible 2. The Holy Spirit 3. Preaching 4. Creation 5. Our conscience 6. The testimony of others. 3. How do we speak to Christ? - Through prayer 4. What are the three R s of learning to pray? 1. Remember Christ s instructions for prayer. 2. Recognize the conditions for answered prayer.

4 3. Remove any hindrances to prayer. 5. What are the six guidelines on how to pray, as given to us by Christ? (Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 6:5-13) 1. Address God with respect and honor 2. Pray for His kingly reign over all the earth 3. Pray for his will to be done in our lives 4. Trust him for daily needs 5. Seek forgiveness for our sins, while being willing to forgive others 6. Ask for his help in times of temptation 6. What are 5 of the 10 conditions for answered prayer? 1. Privacy (Matthew 6:6) 2. Forgiveness for others (Matthew 6:14, Mark 11:26) 3. Believe God will answer your prayers (Mark 11:24) 4. Others praying with you (Matthew 18:19) 5. Persistence in prayer (Matthew 7:7) 6. Abiding in Christ (John 15:7) 7. Continuing in prayer (Ephesians 6:18) 8. Righteous living (James 5:16) 9. Obedience (I John 3:22) 10. Never stop praying (I Thessalonians 5:17) 7. What are the four things we must remove from our lives that would hinder our prayers? 1. Sin (Psalm 66:18) 2. Failure to obey (Proverbs 1:28-30) 3. Doubt (James 1:6-8) 4. Selfishness (James 4:3) 8. What will happen to our prayers if we willingly commit a known sin? - God will not hear our prayers. 9. For what reason did James say that the people s prayers would not be answered, according to James 4:3? - The people were praying selfishly. 10. List the 5 suggested steps to help format our prayers: 1. Praise to God 2. Confession of sins 3. Intercession for others needs

5 4. Petition for our needs 5. Thanksgiving to God 11. What three things should we remember from the format of the Lord s Prayer? 1. Prayer is not a formal language. 2. Prayer is the honest desires of your heart reaching out to God 3. God loves honesty and unselfishness. Section 3: How to Resist Temptation 1.Who engages the Christian in spiritual battle? -The devil 2. How is the victory of a Christian made possible? - Through faith (I John 5:4) 3. When do people fail spiritually? 1. When they are caught off guard 2. when they do not draw upon available spiritual resources by faith 4. List 7 of the 11 descriptions of the devil, as listed in Scripture: 1. The accuser (Revelation 12:10) 2. Adversary and roaring lion (I Peter 5:8) 3. The ruler of this world (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11) 4. The god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) 5. A murderer and a liar (John 8:44) 6. An angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) 7. The tempter (I Thessalonians 3:5, Matthew 4:1, 4:3 & 4:7) 8: The wicked or evil one (Matthew 13:19, 13:38, I John 5:18) 9. The angel of the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:11) 10. The dragon (Revelation 12:7) 11. The beast (Revelation 19:19) 5. What is the first lie recorded in the Bible? - When Satan lied to Eve (Genesis 3:4) 6. How does Satan try to trick the believer? - He makes sin attractive. 7. What is the devil s most clever tool? - He makes people believe that he does not exist, even though he is constantly busy (Job 2:2) 8. What are the 7 ways that the Christian can be victorious in temptation?

6 1. Identify its source - the devil (James 1:13) 2. Realize your temptation is not unique (I Corinthians 10:13, Matthew 4:3) 3. Acknowledge there is a way of escape (I Corinthians 10:13) 4. Remember the Bible is your best weapon (Matthew 4:4-10, Hebrews 4:12) 5. Remember Satan is a defeated enemy (Colossians 2:15) 6. Realize that blessing comes after testing (Matthew 4:11, Luke 4:14) 7. Be assured that help is available if you fail (I John 2:1) 9. What are the four ways that we can defeat the devil? 1. Using the Word of God (Matthew 4:4, 4:7, 4:10) 2. Putting on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18) 3. Resisting the devil (James 4:7, I Peter 5:8-9) 4. Testifying and relying on the power of Christ s death (Revelation 12:11) Section 4: How to Study the Bible 1. What are three ways to read and study the Bible? 1. As a love letter 2. As the Word of God 2. As something that will change your life 2. What are 5 ways that studying the Bible can be compared to reading a love letter? 1. God has sent us letters that are very personal 2. We read them over and over again 3. Meditate on them 4. Compare Scripture with Scripture 5. Pray and study when we do not understand a part of it 3. What are the three types of letters God has sent to us? 1. Instruction 2. Encouragement 3. Consolation 4. List 6 reasons that we believe the Bible is inspired by God: 1. It says it is inspired (I Timothy 3:16-17) 2. It has the power to transform (Romans 1:16) 3. It has great unity (I Peter 1:20-21) 4. Prophecies have been fulfilled down to the last detail 5. No other book has inspired people like the Bible. 6. The Bible is indestructible (I Peter 1:23) 5. What three things does the Bible have the power to transform? 1. Nations 2. Cities

7 3. People 6. What are 4 examples of prophecies that have been fulfilled? 1. The birth of Christ 2. Christ s suffering 3. Christ s death 4. The resurrection 7. What did the skeptic, Voltaire, predict? - He predicted that God s Word would be swept into obscurity. 8. Where did the Geneva Bible Society produce Bibles? - In the house of Voltaire, 50 years after his death 9. List 7 things that the Bible can do in the life of a Christian: 1. Discover and convict of sin. 2. Cleanse from sin 3. Impart strength 4. Instruct us what we are to do 5. Provide us a spiritual weapon 6. Make our lives fruitful 7. Help us win our families to Christ 10. How are we to read our Bibles? - Carefully 11. What were not part of the original Biblical manuscripts? - There were no chapter divisions or punctuation. 12. Why were chapter and verse divisions made? - They were created to help locate particular references. 13. What is the promise of the Holy Spirit concerning the Scriptures? - That the Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth. (John 16:13) 14. Where is it recommended that a new Christian begin reading the Bible? - In the New Testament, preferably the Gospel of John 15. What are two tips to help a new Christian study the Bible? 1. Underline or write down notes when you get help or have questions 2. Read with your family or with a Christian friend Section 5: How to have a Christian Home

8 1. Why are marriage and family important to a Christian? 1. Marriage originated with God (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:18-25) 2. Parents responsibilities in the home are crucial. 2. Who officiated the first marriage, and where are we told of it? - God officiated the first marriage in Genesis 2:22 3. What does the Bible begin and end with? 1. It begins with a wedding in Eden 2. it ends with a wedding in Heaven 4. What is the most influential institution in our culture? - The home 5. What three responsibilities does the Bible give to parents? 1. Teach their children God s Word (Deuteronomy 4:9) 2. Train their children how to live (Proverbs 22:6) 3. Live as an example to the children (I Kings 9:4) 6. What is the foundation of a Christian marriage? - The mutual submission of both husband and wife to the lordship of Christ, and therefore, submission to one another. 7. What are the 6 Biblical responsibilities the husband? 1. Love his wife (Ephesians 5:25, 5:33, Colossians 3:19) 2. Be faithful to his wife (Matthew 19:1-9, I Corinthians 6:9) 3. Honor his wife (Proverbs 31:28, I Peter 3:7) 4. Provide for his family (I Timothy 5:8) 5. Be sure that his wife and their children are placed first (Ephesians 5:1) 6. Lead in the religious instruction in the home 8. State the four types of love in the Greek language and give their meanings: 1. Storge - love between mother and child 2. Phileo - friendship 3. Agape - love as measured by sacrifice 4. Eros - passion, desire and sensuality 9. Name four examples in the Old Testament of religious education in the home: 1. Noah (Genesus 8:20) 2. Abraham (Genesis 12:7, 13:4) 3. Jacob (Genesis 35:7) 4. Joshua (Joshua 24:15) 10. What are the two Biblical responsibilities of the wife? 1. Submission to God and her husband

9 2. Care of the family and home 11. What is the controlling principle between a husband and wife? - The wife submits to her husband, as the husband acts in deference to the wife s will and well-being. (Ephesians 5:21) 12. How does a Christian husband or wife face the challenge of living with a spouse who is an unbeliever? - Faithfulness to Christ always prevails when submission to the unbelieving mate means to violate the commands of God (Matthew 10:34-39) 13. What two needs should be recognized in a home with children? 1. Security 2. Stability 14. What are the four Biblical responsibilities of parents to children? 1. Love their children (Titus 2:4) 2. Instruct their children in Godly living (Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21) 3. Refrain from provoking their children to anger (Ephesians 6:4) 4. Exercise Godly discipline and control over their children (Ephesians 6:4, I Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6) 15. What are the three Biblical responsibilities of children to parents? 1. Obey your parents (Ephesians 6:1) 2. Honor your parents (Ephesians 6:2-3) 3. Give attention to the instruction of your parents (Proverbs 4:1-4) 16. Christian homes should strive to be places of what three things? 1. Worship 2. Blessing 3. Spiritual growth Section 6: How to Choose a Church 1. What are the four characteristics of a heathy church? 1. It is spiritual 2. It has a world vision 3. It is a servant church 4. It is a friendly church 2. Where can the spirituality of a church be seen? - In it s attention to the basic spiritual disciplines of the faith.

10 3. What four things did the church at Jerusalem focus on immediately after Pentecost? (Acts 2:42) 1. Doctrine 2. Fellowship 3. Breaking of bread 4. Prayer 4. What three things characterize the spiritual church both in the New Testament and in our own world today? 1. Joyful worship 2. Attention to the Scriptures and prayer 3. Fellowship in the Spirit 5. What was God s purpose for his people in the Old Testament? - Israel was to be a missionary people. 6. Where has the church been commissioned to make disciples? - Among all nations or ethnic groups (Matthew 28:19) 7. How far did Jesus promise to his disciples that they would be his witnesses? - To the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) 8. How can the church reflect the model of Jesus? - By maintaining a servant s posture (Matthew 20:58) 9. What did Jesus declare would mark the Christian community? - Servanthood (Matthew 20:58) 10. What two things did the Apostle Paul remind us have been committed to the church? (2 Corinthians 5:18) 1. The message of reconciliation 2. The service of the ministry of reconciliation 11. What temptation must the church resist? - The temptation to serve itself 12. On what must the church focus? - The church must always focus its ministry upon the world for which Christ died. 13. What is the definition of hospitality? - Love of strangers 14. What is the exercise of Christian hospitality? - A practical expression of the love which characterizes the community of believers 15. Where is the ministry of hospitality rooted?

11 - In the Old Testament s concern for the stranger within the gates of Israel (Exodus 22:2, 23:9) 16. How are strangers to be treated, according to Jewish law? - On a level par with widows and priests (Deuteronomy 14: 29) 17. What is the hospitality responsibility of every believer? - To open one s home and share their resources 18. In what two ways is hospitality to be practiced? 1. Ungrudgingly (I Peter 4:9) 2. With the awareness that even angels may be sent by God in disguise to sample our love of strangers (Hebrews 13:2) 19. What three things happen to the church through the ministry of hospitality? 1. The church family is strengthened 2. The stranger is welcomed 3. The church grows Section 7: How the Holy Spirit Works 1.Who is the Holy Spirit? - The third member of the Trinity 2. What are 6 Biblical examples of times and places that the Holy Spirit was active? 1. Creation (Genesis 1:1-2) 2. The birth of Christ (Luke 1:35) 3. In the ministry of Jesus (Acts 10:38) 4. In the inspiration of Scripture (John 3:5) 5. Calling men to preach the Gospel (Acts 13:2) 6. Directing men where to work (Acts 16:6-10) 3. What are two ways the Holy Spirit works before a person is saved? 1. He convicts you of your sins (I John 5;5-7) 2. He points you to Christ (John 16: 13-15) 4. What three things does the Holy Spirit do while you are being born again? 1. He renews and regenerates the Christian (Titus 3:5-7) 2. He brings life to you (Romans 8:11) 3. He witnesses your salvation (Romans 8:16) 5. After you are born again, what 7 things does the Holy Spirit want to do? 1. Totally fill your heart and life (Ephesians 5:18)

12 2. Sanctify you entirely (I Thessalonians 5:23) 3. Empower you to be a witness (Acts 1:8) 4. Constantly dwell in you (John 14:17) 5. Give you a gift so that you can work for God (I Corinthians 12:11) 6. Show the fruit of the Spirit in your life (Galatians 5:22) 7. He wants you to be free of the nature of sin (Romans 6:11-13) 6. What are three of the ways that you can receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life? 1. Give your total self to God (Romans 12) 2. Let the Holy Spirit fill you (Ephesians 5:18-21) 3. Make love your aim (I Corinthians 13:4-7) 7. List four ways to give your total self to God: 1. As a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2) 2. As an act of worship (Romans 12:1-2) 3. We must be willing to be changed (Romans 12:2) 4. To discover and prove God s will (Romans 12:2) 8. What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? - To give ourselves to God and hold nothing back. 9. True spirituality is a continuation of what? - Our dedication to God in a continual, daily surrender 10. How are we to be transformed by the Holy Spirit? - We are to be changed from the inside until there is a change in every part of our lives. 11. What are five practical reasons why you will be a useful servant when you are filled with the Holy Spirit? 1. You can speak freely (Acts 4:20) 2. You can sing joyfully (Ephesians 5:19) 3. You can submit willingly (Ephesians 5: You can share generously ( Acts 4:34-35) 5. You can see beyond immediate problems (Acts 7:59-60, 11:24) 12. What do we find when we make a total surrender to God? - We find the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2) 13. What happens when you allow God to search your heart? - You can be truly honest with yourself and others

13 14. What is a Christian to pattern their life after? - By what Christ says to you through His Word. Section 8: How to Benefit from Suffering 1. List 5 things that a Christian should realize about suffering: 1. We are not exempt from suffering. 2. Some of God s giants have been men who have suffered. 3. God uses suffering for His own higher purposes. 4. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18) 5. God has promised to destroy all suffering, pain and death. 2. What has been the universal experience of mankind since the fall? - Suffering 3. Why did God create man with free will? - He wanted man to love and worship him by choice 4. What were the results of man choosing evil? - Sin, suffering and shame 5. Why is there pain and suffering in the world? - Because man chose to disobey 6. Name 5 Biblical examples of suffering: 1. Job 2. Joseph 3. St. Paul 4. Jesus 5. The Disciples 7. Who is considered the all-time example of Biblical suffering? - Job 8. How did God describe Job? - As a perfect man who hated evil (Job 1:1) 9. Can we understand why God allowed Satan to test Job? - No, but we can know that God was in control and would not allow Satan to go further than Job could bear. 10. Finish this quote and give the reference: No temptation has overtaken you

14 - That is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. I Corinthians 10: How can a Christian bear misunderstanding and suffering? - We know Jesus is coming back to right all wrongs and to give us a new life and a new glorified body (2 Corinthians 5:1, I John 3:1-3) 12. Finish this quote and give the reference: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, - And death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4 13. How should a Christian view God, even while suffering? - God is loving and wise 14. How can a Christian trust God in suffering? - By realizing that God has a purpose, even when we may not see it Section 9: How to Live a Practical Christian Life 1. What book of the Bible deals with the practicalities of the Christian life? -James 2. What happens to our endurance when our faith is tested? -It grows (James 1:4) 3. Who gives wisdom? -God (James 1:5) 4. Where should our faith be put? -In God alone (James 1:6) 5. What happens to Christians who patiently endure testing and temptation? -God blesses them (James 1:12) 6. Does God tempt anyone? -No (James 1:13) 7. Where does temptation come from? -Our own desires (James 1:14) 8. A Christian should be quick to do what?

15 -Listen (James 1:19) 9. A Christian should be slow to do what? -Speak (James 1:19) 10. What two things are we to do with God s Word? -Listen and obey (James 1:22) 11. God wants us to control what? -Our tongues (James 1:26) 12. How are we to love our neighbors? -Like ourselves (James 2:8) 13. Breaking one of God s laws is the same as doing what? -Breaking all God s laws (James 2:10) 14. If we have faith, where will it be seen? -Our actions (James 2:14) 15. What is faith without actions? -Dead (James 2:17) 16. What part of the body can no one tame? -The tongue (James 3:7) 17. What cannot come out of the same mouth? -Blessing and cursing (James 3:10) 18. What two things do jealousy and selfishness lead to? (James 3: 16) 1. Disorder 2. Evil of every kind 19. Friendship with the world makes us what to God? -An enemy (James 4:4) 20. What will happen when we draw close to God? -God draws close to us (James 4:8) 21. Who is the only Judge? -God (James 4:12) 22. According to James 4:12, what two things does God have the power to do? -Save and destroy 23. What is it when you know what you should do and choose not to do it?

16 -Sin (James 4:17) 24. What answer should a Christian give instead of swearing or making an oath? -A simple yes or no (James 5:12) 25. Where does the power of a righteous person come from? =Prayer (James 5:16) Section 10: How to be a Good Steward 1.What verse in the Bible illustrates God s plan of salvation? - John 3:16 2. What is the means of salvation? - The death of Christ 3. What is the motive of salvation? - Love 4. What is the proof of God s love? - God so loved that He gave 5. To be a good steward, what must the Christian recognize? - Everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1, I Corinthians 10:26) 6. List 2 reasons why we know that everything belongs to God: 1. By right of Creation - He made everything, so everything is His (Deuteronomy 32:6) 2. By right of redemption - He bought us with the blood of Christ (I Corinthians 6:19-20) 7. What has God made man to be? - Managers of His possessions 8. List three examples of stewardship, as told by Jesus 1. The parable of the talents (Luke 19:11-27) 2. The parable of the pound (Matthew 25:14-30) 3. The vineyard owner who left his vineyard in the care of his servants (Matthew 21:33-46) 9. In Jesus stories, what happened when the Master returned from his journey?

17 - He blessed those who had multiplied their capital and punished those who did nothing 10. What must we answer for when we stand before God? - The way we have managed what He gave us. 11. What are 6 things that the Bible shows we will account for? 1. How we used our time (Ephesians 5:15-16) 2. How we worked (Ephesians 6:7-8) 3. What we talked about (Matthew 12:36) 4. How we spent our money (Malachi 3:10b, 2 Corinthians 8:1-5) 5. How we shared our gifts (I Peter 4:10) 6. How well we witnessed (I Thessalonians 2:4) 12. What are three things that God likes to see in a Christian s finances? 1. God commands that we tithe (Malachi 3:10b) 2. God is pleased with our freewill offerings beyond our tithes (2 Corinthians 8:1-5) 3. God is interested in how we spend the remainder of our money (Luke 15:11-32, Luke 16:1-3) 13. Finish this quote and give the reference: As each has received a gift, - Employ it for one another, as good stewards of God s varied grace. I Peter 4: What does God love? - A cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) 15. Finish this quote and give the reference: But seek ye first - The kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6: What is a Christian assured of in Matthew 6:33? - God will take care of us as we give to Him 17. What is the chief requirement of a steward? - Faithfulness 18. How are Christian stewards rewarded: - By their faithfulness to the task, not by their production


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