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1 DPUK MEMBERS JFK ASSASSINATION SURVEY RESULTS All the results are listed below. Some editing has been done to answers but in general answers are as answered. Question 1 What s your main reason for the study of the Assassination 1. Initially my interest was curiosity about the event. Now it is more focused on uncovering the precise sequence the shots that were fired that day. 2. I find it very interesting. 3. I find it fascinating when the official versions of events are so obviously utter lies, not just the JFK Assassination - I'm also passionately interested in the events of September 11th and the 7th of July. 4. Fascination of the case 5. It is fascinating. When I started I thought that I knew quite a lot but now know that my knowledge is very sketchy but compared to most people it is tremendous. However I feel I am, no nearer knowing for sure who did it. But I am sure new evidence will come to light, which is why I remain interested. 6. I worked for the AP in November 1963 and was the Busiest Time of my Life. 7. What might have been and the truth 8. Interest in 1960s history 9. To satisfy my curiosity about what happened, and to carry out unbiased 'historical' research which might add to the knowledge base, which already exists. 10. Interest in 1960 s history 11. As a case study in mid 20th century US/organized crime history. 12. If it were demonstrated that JFK had been killed as a result of a right-wing conspiracy this would have important results for how people view his presidency. 13. I remember the day (and the following weekend) vividly 14. Because of the controversy, supposed cover up, unsolved nature of it. It's a mystery why Oswald would want to kill the president, so did he do it, or do it alone, or was a patsy, etc. 15. To understand one of the major unsolved political crimes of the Twentieth Century 16. I have a fascination for the hidden history of this event. I love all the mystery and intrigue associated with the subject. 17. General interest in the subject. Question 2 Will we ever get the full truth about the Assassination of JFK? 1. If you are referring to all who were involved, their motive etc., then it is unlikely that will ever be known. However my study on the shooting sequence may well so seriously undermine the established sequence of shots, that when 1

2 it is released in 2013 revision may well be forced onto the authorities. Where that will lead to I have no idea. 2. Yes when all the responsible and their close family members have died. 3. I doubt it. Power, once taken, tends to remain in the same hands until violent overthrow - I see no real evidence of practical revolution, yet! 4. Yes 5. I don't think so. The main suspects are mostly dead and the crime was never investigated properly. 6. I think we know about 90% of what happened. 7. No 8. No 9. Unlikely. 10. Not whilst the current power structures exist in the world, and there is no reason to expect a change on that front in the near future. I also believe there are still too many powerful people alive with knowledge and/or connections to the case 'Full' unlikely, but a solid refutation of the lone gunman theory probably. 13. Yes -but will we recognize or accept it? 14. No 15. Unsure - I think that most people will come to understand it was a conspiracy but whether the US Government will formerly admit to the truth of what happened, is unlikely. The release of the final documents from both the Warren Commission and the HSCA will help. 16. Probably not the full truth but we may get 90% of the truth in time. 17. Probably not, at least not officially. Though the truth is probably already out there amongst the clutter. Question 3 After nearly 50 years who do you think was behind the killing of JFK? 1. This is not a focus of my work. That said the group had to include elements within the government: though not the government per se. 2. The Mafia and the CIA. 3. Take your pick - so many choices! But, for me, the most plausible coordinator of the killing remains the CIA - whether that was internally generated or Johnson-driven. 4. LBJ and Hoover had a huge involvement, without them it could of never of happened. 5. LBJ, rogue intelligence officers, oil men - the usual suspects. 6. Elements of the U.S. Government, Military, FBI, Intel agency s and Industrial complex and covered up by President LBJ and the Warren Commission. 7. Rogue Govt. agents. 8. Military-Industrial Complex. 9. Probably organized crime, with help from anti-castro Cubans on the ground. 10. I believe LBJ was a prime conspirator. I'm sure there was others involved with more than just foreknowledge, probably with CIA ties. 11. Anti-Castro Cubans working out of JM/Wave, David Morales, Johnny Roselli etc. 2

3 12. Right-wing elements within the USA, Texas oil, anti-castro Cubans, possibly some members of the military who regarded JFK as too left wing and unwilling to initiate military conflict with Cuba and/or the USSR. 13. A small tightly controlled operation by someone who wanted JFK dead A small cabal of like-minded individuals across the US Government (mainly CIA), Mafia and Anti-Castro Cuban community. 16. Men at the highest level of the C.I.A were responsible. They probably had help from other groups and individuals. 17. Offshoot of the CIA-Mafia Castro Assassination plots. Question 4 Have you been to Dallas? 8 Yes 9 No Question 5 Did you admire JFK? 1. Yes. He was the first truly modern politician of the twentieth century. He gave people a reason to believe that politics and serving others was a worthy cause. He was the first modern politician to truly inspire others. That said, as Nigel Hamilton discovered, his social life was reprehensible and the cause for Hamilton to pull out of the second volume of his biography. Were he alive today, JFK would be humiliated to learn how much his legacy has been tarnished by his behaviour. JFK's standing in 1964 was leap years ahead of his standing today. And, unfortunately that s is his own fault. 2. Yes, He had his principles, even though I may not have agreed on everything he stood for or said, I believe that he was sincere and not fake, I believe he never pandered to certain groups in society just to gets votes. I believe he said what he believed to be true and not what he thought would get him votes. 3. No, not particularly, politically naive and open to corruption, certainly with regard to vote rigging. As a man there's little to recommend him - in thrall to an obviously corrupt father, all the arrogance of wealth, sex addict etc. But he did know how to deliver a speech (written for him much like Profiles in Courage) 4. Yes He truly inspired me; he brought hope to millions. His courage was there for all to see. His 5. I did not idolize him but I believe that he was generally striving for peace. The victors write history. You cannot believe all the bad things that are said about him. 6. As a school boy in 1960 followed his Presidency through Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile crisis on Movitone news and national newspapers and radio. 7. Yes. 8. Sometimes. 9. Not particularly as a politician, but when I saw him in person in Dublin in 1963, I thought he was a very charismatic person. 10. Yes. I believe he and his brother would have changed many of the things that were and still are blighting the world. 11. I was born 3 years after the Assassination. From what I have read, although I feel JFK was a flawed character (marital infidelity being a flaw) I admire his charisma, and thirst for knowledge. 3

4 12. Yes, though not unconditionally. He had many faults, but on balance his influence in the world was for the good. 13. I have never admired politicians but he would be in the top half if I did. 14. I dislike his father, a very manipulative man, and this affects how I see his sons. I think JFK was a breakthrough for American politics and that his death set this back somewhat. 15. Yes. 16. Yes. 17. Yes. He wasn't perfect but such is the way of being a human being. Question 6 Did you believe had he not been killed the world would have been a lot different today? 1. It is difficult to say. For instance much has been claimed about JFK's intention to pull out of Vietnam. I have little doubt that in September 1963 he was intending to pull out of Vietnam. But were he actually in office in 1964/5 he might well have not pulled out. History is quick to point the finger at LBJ and blame him for the fiasco that became the Vietnam War. Faced with the reality of 1964/65 it is not certain JFK would have done any different. 2. Yes. I think we would have advanced faster than we are doing now. Advanced in medicine, peace, and disarming of weapons. 3. I doubt it. On the basis of those 1000 days he'd achieved very little of substance. Would the world have changed for the better with a 2nd term? Who knows? Will a second term Obama achieve that much vaunted "Change and Hope"? 4. Yes. 5. I do not believe that JFK would have escalated the Vietnam War like LBJ did. He was trying to avoid a war of any kind. Many people became rich because of the war. The younger, educated generation ceased to trust their government % yes 7. Totally, although today's politicians would indicate not 8. No. 9. Not as sure now as I might have been in the past. Had JFK served his two terms, followed by Bobby for two terms, and then Ted Kennedy for two more, it might have had a greater influence on the USA. 10. Very much so. Although the 'establishment' would have no doubt found another way to ultimately destroy him. 11. I believe that the world would have been different by 1968 in that the US war in Vietnam would never have escalated. Beyond that, who knows? 12. Yes, providing that his reputation had survived intact during his second term and if he had been able to avoid Vietnam and get more bills passed. 13. No. 14. Yes. 15. To a degree - the US wouldn't have become entangled in Vietnam and the Cold War would have been less intense but given the interests of the US militaryindustrial-intelligence complex (and its Soviet counterpart) there would still been some form of rivalry, but perhaps greater cooperation in outer space. 16. It might have been very different. 17. Definitely. 4

5 Question 7 In your opinion why do you think JFK was assassinated? 1. I have no idea. 2. I believe the Mafia hated the fact that the Kennedy's had waged war on organized crime, even though some say that the Kennedy's had used the Mafia s help to block ballot boxes in states that were a sure win for Nixon. This, I believed was a slap in the face for the Mafia and they vowed revenge. 3. Again take your pick. If all the people that wanted Kennedy dead had turned up in Dallas on the 22nd of November, the queue for ammunition at Ray Brantley's gun store would have stretched around the block. However, Johnson needed Kennedy dead. 4. Because what he was trying to bring to the world, went in contradiction of all the powerful military moneymen who make billions from Wars. 5. The threat to the oil depletion allowance and the fact that he was seen by the military as dangerously liberal. But mainly so that LBJ could become president! 6. To some people he was a threat to there idea of the way the United States should be. 7. He wanted to change too much. 8. To force an invasion of Cuba. 9. I think both Organized Crime and the anti-castro Cubans felt let down by the USA's failure to oust Castro for their own reasons, coupled with the fact the Kennedy's - particularly Bobby and the Justice Department - were trying to crack down on Organized Crime. 10. Two reasons: He had simply made too many enemies and was a threat to too many agenda s and vested interests. Secondly because he had been forced to nominate a vice-president with a strong ambition to become president himself. 11. Either failure to invade Cuba or for Bell Helicopter to escalate the war in Indo China. 12. See 3 above 13. Somebody had a personal dislike of him 14. It depends on who killed him, which is all part of the mystery. He was certainly a threat to the higher echelons of America s politics, but did they authorize his murder? 15. I think the immediate reason for the Assassination centres on Cuba it brings together the CIA, the Mafia and the Anti-Castro Cubans but the broader reasons lie in JFK's move to try and alleviate the Cold War. 16. Firstly, the CIA had very definite views about how they wanted problems in different countries around the world to be dealt with. JFK threatened to deal with those countries in a totally different way. For example, pulling out of Vietnam instead of committing vast numbers of ground troops. They saw him as a threat to their global ambitions. Secondly, they saw him as a direct threat to their organization. He was quoted as saying that he would splinter the CIA to a thousand pieces and scatter the pieces to the wind. They decided to get rid of Kennedy before Kennedy got rid of them. 17. The Jim Douglas thesis. Question 8 How much if at all was Lee Harvey Oswald involved in the Assassination? 5

6 1. I am convinced he was not involved. But he was a very strange man. There is far too much ambiguity in his life to be very clear about him. He is the most complex character in the story. Although not involved, it is very likely he knew who was. I am looking forward to David Lifton's new book, which I believe will be published in I believe Oswald was CIA who played his part as the patsy and Jack ruby fired a blank, it closed the case in the majority of the publics mind. 3. CIA-positioned patsy. 4. Low lying CIA operative who unfortunately was set up as the Patsy. 5. I think he had infiltrated a far right group on instructions. He may have been aware of the threat but thought he had warned the FBI and stopped it. 6. He was in my opinion working for the ONI on contract to the CIA also he was an informant for the FBI in New Orleans, Did he know Yes, Did he try to stop it yes, the plot was reported to Hoover and the FBI. 7. In a small way as a cog. 8. Peripheral 9. I believe Oswald was involved, in that he knew what was going to happen in advance, and I believe he may have been actively involved in events on the sixth floor of the TSBD. 10. Hard to answer, as I subscribe to John Armstrong's theory that there were 'two Oswald s' involved. If we mean the man arrested and then shot by Jack Ruby then I would say he was not involved directly although he must have known some of the people involved. 11. If 'Oswald' was only one person, then he possibly was involved (through Charles Dutz Murret) as a patsy (possibly firing on the motorcade at the fatal moment). 12. He was what he said he was, a patsy. 13. Most likely a patsy - either unknowing or misled/manipulated by someone 14. Definitely involved, but to what degree. He was too calm on arrest to be completely innocent. 15. I think he was involved with the plot but had been misled into believing he was working undercover for US Intelligence in becoming involved with it. 16. He was a man acting under orders. He did not shoot anybody that day. 17. Clearly he was in intelligence and had involvement in some way but he wasn't a shooter and may not have been aware of what was truly going on. Question 9 What s your opinion of Jack Ruby and why he killed Oswald? 1. He was ordered to. By whom I have no idea. 2. I don't believe he did kill Oswald. I believe it was staged. I believe the only way the FBI could protect Ruby from being exposed, as a FBI informant was to have him imprisoned for a staged murder of an alleged assassin. 3. Ah, for that you'll need to go to The Tom Thumb Theatre in Margate for my play You All Know Me I m Jack Ruby! details Here If you can't get to Margate then you'll have to wait till next year when it's going to many of the major arts festivals around the country before touring in the UK and, hopefully, beyond. 4. He belonged to the Mafia and was under orders to kill Oswald to silence him. 5. He was low-level organized crime operative and he was told to kill LHO to shut him up. Ruby was threatened with something if he didn't do it. 6

7 6. The Mafia, which played a small part in the Assassination, forced him to kill Oswald. He also knew Oswald. 7. Ruby knew the plot. 8. None. 9. I think Ruby was a very confused, disturbed man, who may have been easily encouraged to kill Oswald - but whether he was encouraged by crime figures, a rogue element in the Dallas police or others is unclear. He may even have been prompted to act solely out of a belief that Jews would be blamed for JFK's death - but I don't believe he acted out of any concern for Mrs Kennedy. 10. Ruby was tied to many nefarious groups including CIA, FBI and Mafia (and possibly Mossad too). He was easy to manipulate. To me it is clear he killed 'Oswald' to silence him and to prevent a trial ever taking place, which would have exposed the plot. 11. Ruby had access too much of the Dallas Police Station because of his background and activities. His contacts in organized crime put the frighteners on him, and forced him to murder Oswald. 12. Unstable character worked on to get rid of Oswald (and prevent a trial) 13. I have no opinion about Ruby. He killed Oswald on orders to protect the conspiracy. 14. Minor mafia. Later behaviour in prison suggests he was either working under orders or an attention seeker. 15. He was under orders / being pressured to silence Oswald - hence his reaction when he heard Oswald had died. 16. Ruby was a man involved in numerous illegal activities in Dallas such as gambling, prostitution and narcotics. He associated with people in the Mafia and somebody in the Mafia had a strong hold on him, probably a financial hold. Lee Harvey Oswald was meant to be shot dead by the Dallas Police but something went wrong. A damage limitation strategy was adopted and the Mafia gave Ruby orders by to kill Oswald, because they were holding some control over him. He was only able to kill Oswald with the help of others. 17. He did what he was told by the mob. Question 10 If you could go back to 12:25 PM November , and not be seen, where would you position yourself and why? 1. Where Mary Ann Moorman was standing. I would focus on the Grassy Knoll. I would also get an excellent vantage position to the sixth floor windows. It is likely that the sixth floor west window was also used. 2. At the sewer opening on Elm Street, I believe that is where the shot came from and the echo is what people were running too behind the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll because that is where the sewer opening is too. 3. Good question - do you position yourself at the knoll to discover who the shooter was or at the TSBD to find out who it wasn't? Toss a coin. 4. Grassy Knoll. 5. On the railway bridge - the best view 6. On the south Knoll where I think the headshot came from. 7. On the sidewalk or behind the picket fence 8. Bethesda morgue - find out what JFK's body truly looked like and exactly what was done. 7

8 9. On the railway line, on top of the Triple Underpass. I would choose that location, as it would allow me an unobstructed view of the entire Plaza. 10. Great question! I think on the Railroad Bridge with a strong pair of binoculars focused on the storm drains and behind the picket fence. Would it be possible to set up CCTV on the 6th Floor of the Book Depository too? 11. Picket fence, Grassy Knoll. 12. I would rather not. 13. Commerce Street side of the overpass, on the Dealey Plaza side. 14. Grassy knoll, to see if the shot was fired from there and by who, or 6th floor window to see if Oswald fired from there, or who else did. 15. Directly opposite Zapruder on the grassy area in the center - with a high quality color film camera. 16. Probably with the railway workers on the bridge over the underpass. I could see a lot of what was going on from there. 17. TSBD lunchroom because I think Oswald was where he said he was. Question 11 With your research and knowledge over the years studying the Assassination how many shots do you think was fired and where from? 1. I can only speak for the injuries to JFK and John Connally. JFK was struck, at least three times. I have not yet dismissed that idea of two shots to the head. John Connally was shot twice shots. I believe a " look out " shot at the metal sewer top openings on both sides of Elm Street as the President turned on to Elm Street, it was a warning to snipers in the sewers across from each other at road level to say " target will be in your sights soon", this is when James Taugue was hit by shrapnel, then I believe a shot was fired from the opposite side of the Grassy Knoll that when through the windscreen hitting the President in the throat. The next shot came from the sewer opening on the side of the picket fence knoll hitting the President in the FRONT temple area. And one was fired by the " look out " on top of the Courts building hit Connelly. Five shots in total. 3. At least four - certainly an "establishing" shot from the TSBD (possibly a second too), minimum of one from the Daltex, one from the knoll, probably another from the front somewhere to the windscreen of the limo. 4. More than likely six or more shots. 5. At least four - probably several more. A shot to attract attention from the Depository, a shot from the rear which went into JFK's back, a shot from the rear - probably the Dal Tex building which hit Connolly and a shot from the grassy knoll - the head shot. 6. As many as 10 to 12 from TWO Teams, team one was in the TSBD 6th floor, Dal Tex Building 2nd floor, County Records building roof, Team two Grassy Knoll and South Knoll underpass corner of bridge. 7. More than six. 8. Three from behind and three from in front. 9. At least four. 10. Six to eight shots. Book Depository and one other building at the rear (Dallas County Records or Dal-Tex). Certainly there were shots from the front. I am currently doubting if the famous 'grassy knoll/picket fence' area featured a 8

9 gunman and am beginning to favor the storm drains as a location for the frontal shots. 11. Two or Three vollies of shots fired from the grassy knoll and the Dal-tex building. 12. Probably about eight from three locations - the Book Depository, the Dal-Tex building and somewhere in front of the car. 13. Three or four shots including a distraction 'firecracker' discharge. One of the buildings on Houston Street and possibly the far side of the overpass (Commerce). 14. Four. At least. Some from the grassy knoll and the depository windows, not necessarily the 6th floor though. 15. Eleven from TSBD, Dal Tex Building, County Records Building, North Grassy Knoll. 16. At least four shots, two from the 6th floor of the TSBD, one from the Dal-Tex building and one from the grassy knoll area as a minimum. 17. Four to six total from behind and in front of the motorcade. Definitely from the Dal-Tex building and probably the roof of County Records. Question 12 Do you believe what James Files says about the Assassination and if not why? 1. I have no opinion. 2. I don't, because there have been reports that he claimed he had a twin Brother that he killed and when people seen him at the time of the Assassination it was really his twin... a little far-fetched to me. 3. He s there for life - whatever he says can do him no harm but it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member of one of the teams put together to do the job (even if it wasn't the team on the day) 4. Yes he seems very plausible but I think he has built himself up. 5. I just do not know. It depends who I am reading at the time. Why would he confess? 6. He seems to change his mind where he was firing from over the years but he does have some information on the act. 7. Not that involved in the case 8. No comment 9. I'm not familiar enough with his story, but from what I've read, I don't believe him. 10. No. I am sure if he had done what he says he did then he would no longer be with us, less still in a position to tell the general public. 11. I gather Files has changed his story several times. I would therefore tend not to believe his claims. 12. I am not aware of Files. 13. No - Don't think a shot came from the position he claims. 14. I don't know who James files is! I'm relatively new to the subject. 15. Unsure - have not really investigated what he has to say. 16. I have no firm opinion about his claims. 17. No. The whole thing was planned in great detail. It wasn't some random incident where somebody gets invited to take part at the last minute. Though there may be some truth to involvement of Nicoletti etc. 9

10 Question 13 Do you believe what Judith Vary Baker says about Lee Harvey Oswald and if not why? 1. I have no opinion. 2. I believe her yes but I believe that Oswald was a CIA operative who's role was to play the "patsy" and was having a relationship with Baker to keep eyes on her and the cancer virus as a side operation. 3. Not an area that I've studied in any real depth beyond TMWKK. No reason to dispute what she says? 4. Yes again but she has properly exaggerated the truth. 5. I am not sure. I don't think she has any evidence to back up her story and she is presumably making money out of it. 6. Yes have spoken to her many times No Comment. 9. As with Files, I'm not familiar enough with her story to say with any certainty, but again - I'm not convinced on the basis of what I've read. 10. I am undecided about JVB. I feel her general story is believable but the lack of photographic evidence is a major problem. I would like to do more research on this aspect of the case before making a further judgment. 11. I understand that there is widely held to be some verification for what Judyth Baker claims. 12. I have an open mind. 13. Have not studied in depth. 14. I don't know who Judyth Baker is! I'm relatively new to the subject. 15. Yes, but have not looked into it fully - need to read her book and Ed Haslam's book. 16. I have no firm opinion about her claims. 17. Don't know enough to comment though I suspect there is something to the monkey virus angle. Question 14 Do you believe Roger Craig s story? 1. There is probably some truth there. 2. That the rifle found was not the one Oswald had ordered? Yes 3. I don't believe that he's deliberately lying but I feel that it's possible that he was mistaken. 4. Yes what is reason to lie? 5. Yes, although I am concerned that there is, apparently, no evidence of the attacks on his life, which he talks about. 6. Yes, but this gets us into a whole new issue Yes, largely. 9. I believe he saw someone getting into a Rambler on Elm, but whether or not it was Oswald or not, I'm not sure. 10. Broadly speaking yes. He has always been consistent about the one event he witnessed I feel is most important: namely his sighting of a man fitting Oswald's 10

11 description leaving the Book Depository and entering a car around 10 minutes after the Assassination. 11. I don't know enough about Roger Craig's claims to answer either way. 12. Yes. 13. In part - earlier statements etc. are the most credible. 14. I don't know who Roger Craig is! I'm relatively new to the subject. 15. Yes - with some reservations. 16. Yes. 17. Yes. Question 15 Why do you think there is a wide difference of opinion in the research community? 1. It is a strange thing that close to 50 years have passed and there is such stark divergence of opinion. I believe the main reason is because there is still a very powerful body that desires that the status quo to be maintained. The power and the lobby for the Warren Commission/HSCA view of the Assassination so long after the Assassination is startling. It is not a point of accuracy on their behalf, because it is inaccurate, but it is a point of policy. Anyone who seriously undermines this case is going to have a problem with this body. They are going to fight tooth and nail to ensure the status quo is maintained. 2. Because there are too many suspects with reasons to kill the President. 3. People need to believe something - if they do truly believe something then they'll happily distort the facts to fit. Human nature. 4. People have their own personal perception about events and tend to stick by them. Human nature. 5. Too many researchers are protecting their own turf and too ready to insult and denigrate other researchers. 6. Some people have huge egos and some have been planted to fog the facts The evidence can support many conclusions. 9. I think the research community is being destroyed by entrenched ideas and very large egos. There is a huge unwillingness by too many people to listen to any contradictory views, no matter how well researched and presented these views may be. 10. In the world of JFK Assassination research to travel is more exciting than to arrive. There is also a lack of professional research (i.e. trained historians). The community is essentially a widely disparate group with a vast range of agendas and personalities. Also it is human nature to disagree and to promote one's own opinions! 11. Because there were several different groups who would not have been sorry had JFK met the fate he eventually met. 12. There is a lack of objectivity and intellectual rigor. The case has also attracted people who have highly prejudiced outlooks and personalize it. There is a genuine difficulty with the conflicting evidence. 13. People start with a theory and try to prove it rather than studying the evidence first. All the theories cannot be right - a lot of the available evidence is irrelevant. The trouble is that we don't know which bits are irrelevant. 11

12 14. Because people have their own pet theories, and want to disprove those that don't fit with theirs. 15. Different people are always going to have different views; interests and beliefs plus there are disinformation and paid troublemakers. 16. There are so many different powerful groups that had a motive to want Kennedy dead it is no surprising that different people have different ideas. The matter is also complicated because some groups could have used other groups to bring about the Assassination. 17. Human nature. Ego. Long held beliefs are difficult to shake even in the face of contrary evidence. Question 16 Who in your opinion is the most vital witness in the case? 1. The medical evidence. You cannot argue with the laws of anatomy and physiology. Well you can try, but you won't get very far. If this case is to be broken, as I believe it will be, that is how it will be broken. 2. Officer Baker. 3. Oswald, if he'd talked, could have given information on the truth of his CIA, or other, connections. 4. Jack Ruby. 5. Marina Oswald. She alone knows the truth of what she told the Warren Commission and why she felt the need to lie about those things that are untrue. 6. That s a hard one so many, Lee Bowers, Roger Craig, Ed Hoffman to name a few and of course Lee Harvey Oswald, I am Just a Patsy" you better believe him. 7. Lee Harvey Oswald. 8. Dead - James Humes - Alive - Pierre Finck. 9. After 49 years, so many witnesses are dead, and memories have faded or have become confused, I think science and technology may be out best 'witnesses' in the future. 10. Jack Ruby. 11. Lee Harvey Oswald 12. Not Sure 13. DPD Officer JC White. 14. Oswald! Shame he was killed. 15. Victoria Adams. 16. Not sure on this one. Most of them are now dead of course. 17. Parkland medical staff. Question 17 What is the biggest area of interest in the JFK Assassination for you? 1. The Medical evidence. 2. The sewers J.D Tippit Jack Lawrence. 3. For the past 2 years, Jack Ruby. 4. The actual shooting. 5. No particular favourite. 6. Ruth Paine at the moment. 7. How many shots were fired. 8. The Medical evidence. 12

13 9. The authenticity of the Zapruder film, and the acoustics evidence. 10. The Other Film and its whereabouts. 11. Who organized the hit, together with the background of Oswald? 12. The Other Film and its whereabouts. 13. Dallas Police Dept. 14. Lee Harvey Oswald. 15. The rifle and the ballistics 16. At the moment, the medical evidence 17. Still the nuts and bolts of who shot from where. We know the why. Question 18 Are you an active member of Dealey Plaza UK? 1. Yes. 2. No But I will again. 3. I'm a new member - I'd enjoy becoming more active. 4. Not Active in terms of attending meetings. But I am involved in the DPUK Website. 5. I pay the subs and read the magazine. I have recently been to a London meeting and have been twice to Canterbury. 6. I would hope so, joined after the split With Dallas Not really, I go in phases. 8. Yes. 9. Yes. 10. I feel as though I am an active member. 11. Not active. 12. Yes. 13. Yes. 14. I'm a member! Not as active as I should be! 15. Yes - I'm the Membership Secretary. 16. Yes. 17. Yes. I've been to Canterbury four times and presented twice. I've also been to two mini-conferences in London this year. Question 19 After 50 years and if and when all the documents are released would you still continue with the Dealey Plaza UK Group as an active member or not? 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. If is a mighty big word! 4. Yes. 5. Until we really know who did it I shall continue to be interested and remain a member. 6. As long as I am alive and till the truth is known. 7. Yes. 8. Yes. 9. Yes. 10. Yes. 13

14 11. There would be aspects of the case that would be worthy of study, even if there were major revelations over who organized the JFK hit. 12. Yes, THEY RE will still many questions that need to be answered. Short of a signed confession, the release of documents won't answer all the questions. 13. Yes - there would be a lot of loose ends to clear up. 14. Yes. 15. Yes, because I'm sure that not all the questions will be satisfactorily answered. 16. Yes, it will still take years to get to the bottom of things. 17. Yes. I've met some interesting and friendly people and there will always be scope for discussion and debate about historical issues like this. Question 20 How often do you visit the website of Dealey Plaza UK? 1. Fairly Often. 2. Very often three or four times a week. 3. Weekly, fortnightly maybe 4. Regularly. 5. Hardly ever. I used to read the JFK forum a lot but it is mired in bickering lately. 6. Not very often. 7. Several times a year. 8. Monthly. 9. At least once a week. 10. I am embarrassed to say I have yet to visit it or 3 times a year. 12. Not often. 13. About once a month 14. Rarely. 15. Once a month. 16. Just occasionally 17. Rarely. 14

15 DPUK MEMBERS JFK ASSASSINATION SURVEY SYNOPSIS Thanks you to everyone who participated in the survey it has yielded some fascinating results. The survey was sent to all DPUK Members plus people on the secretary s mailing list (55). The consideration behind the survey was to try to glean an illustrative interpretation of the group s thoughts about the Assassination and Dealey Plaza UK. Replies to survey 17 This is a synopsis of my own interpretation of results from the survey. Please make your own judgements. Question 1 What s your main reason for the study of the Assassination The overall feeling from the survey to this question is one of pure fascination to the events of November 22nd It intrigue s us, not because it still remains an unsolved murder but because there s a wide difference of opinion to so many aspects of the case. Many answers to this question is one of curiosity into the mystery surrounding the why, how, and who. Many people see it as possibly the biggest crime of the Twentieth Century. I think it was an important question to ask, to clarify our reasons to find the real truth behind the Assassination of John F Kennedy. Question 2 Will we ever get the full truth about the Assassination of JFK? The question is really conjectured but interesting enough to glean a reality check to those of us that hope the truth will be revealed in our lifetime. The main premise of opinion is no, yet we still believe and remain totally focused on finding the truth. Question 3 After nearly 50 years who do you think was behind the killing of JFK? The question asks us now to provide our views on the Who was the perpetrators of the coup tau in Various answers ranging from the Mafia, CIA, right wing elements of the government, the oil and moneymen, and LBJ and James Edgar Hoover. It s intriguing that even out of a relatively small portion of our members we can be so diverse in our opinions. This is a small indication of just how complex the case is. Question 4 Have you been to Dallas? I am sure that all researches, historians and those interested in the JFK Assassination would all like to go to Dallas and see for themselves the picturesque historic 15

16 landmark. But though everybody cannot through various reasons it is an indication of the vocation of Dealey Plaza UK members that in a small selection via this survey, fifty percent of us have or intend to go to Dallas. Question 5 Did you admire JFK? Admiration of anybody is both selective and by preference, but President Kennedy, was admired throughout the world for his charismatic leadership. His greatest accomplishments as president came in the arena of foreign affairs, I doubt that, had he not been in power during the Cuban missile crisis things may not have ended as peacefully as they did. He had to overcome many debacles during his presidency and achieved global recognition for the way he dealt with them all. He could deliver a speech and captivate an audience. He strived for peace throughout the world. He also had his shortcomings of which some say undermined security but I have yet to find any major evidence of this. Let him without sin cast the first stone. The survey results ask the question did we admire JFK; the results speak for themselves although general comments about his morals are noted. Question 6 Did you believe had he not been killed the world would have been a lot different today? I think most of us today would like this to be true but in reality this is a question that we can only answer with what we suspect would have been the case. For instance how the Vietnam War would have intensified. We though hopefully believe had Kennedy survived the war would not of seen millions of people die and that a resolution could have been found. The survey answers suggest that the world today might have been different. This would have been possible given the Kennedy presidency could of gone on perhaps for the next twelve years or so from JFK. There are some people however suggest whatever the outcome, there would not be, or allowed to be, many changes to the world we now live in today. Question 7 In your opinion why do you think JFK was assassinated? Again it s a matter of opinion but given that Kennedy through his policy s and beliefs had many enemies. Disapproval with his stance on the Bay of Pigs fiasco rightly or wrongly antagonised many. Maybe his well-exposed change of attitude towards communism initiated resentment towards him. His brother s vendetta on the mafia was a popular reason. But it s not an argument to say why and then answer the who, its more complex than that. The point I make is it had to be a collation of reasons as to why JFK was assassinated in Question 8 How much if at all was Lee Harvey Oswald involved in the Assassination? We now try to analysis what if any some of the more forthright player s involved in someway with the Assassination. Starting with Lee Harvey Oswald some answers to his personal involvement rendered some noteworthy results all of which interpret his 16

17 innocence on the shooting of JFK but agreeing on his involvement as a patsy who had inside information of the Assassination through his CIA membership or some kind of intelligence connection. He could be the biggest red herring of all time given that had he stayed with the other workers in the depository after the shooting he may never of rose to his now infamy. Question 9 What s your opinion of Jack Ruby and why he killed Oswald? Another fascinating character deeply immersed in events, again had Oswald done as I suggested you could have never heard his name mentioned. He killed Lee Harvey Oswald in front of millions suggesting he was a desperate man who by the consensus of survey answers was threatened through his ties to the mafia to silence Oswald. Question 10 If you could go back to 12:25 PM November , and not be seen, where would you position yourself and why? Just to break the monotony of filling out surveys, I thought I would indulge in a question I have asked myself over the years. Again depending on your own theory of events the best place would be where you could answer your own individual questions and concepts. On the railway bridge was quite a popular answer as well as the grassy knoll but perhaps the most interesting was the School Book Depositary 2nd floor lunchroom. All researchers should answer this question. Question 11 With your research and knowledge over the years studying the Assassination how many shots do you think was fired and where from? An important yet nevertheless pointless question, but it yields again from our own small survey, a variant of answers. Most people answer with a crossfire type scenario, one I think should alone convince the Lone nut enthusiasts that there was certainly more than one shooter. The number of shots of course will vary, as even the witnesses on the day were perplexed in their assessments of where the shots came from. Question 12 Do you believe what James Files says about the Assassination and if not why? James Files is a self-confessed shooter on the grassy knoll and would appeal to anyone who has not listened to him tell his story about his role in the Assassination should. Even if you do not believe him he tells a fascinating story and you will be surprised at what he reveals. He does answer certain questions from the day on how many would be assassins were present in Dealey Plaza. The survey suggests we are unsure of him with plenty of contradictions in his story, although I personally would very much like a more in-depth investigation into his story. 17

18 Question 13 Do you believe what Judith Vary Baker says about Lee Harvey Oswald and if not why? Having read Judyth Baker s book, I am totally convinced that there is a major element of truth in what she says. But as with all these revelations, that have come to the fore so many years after the event, I can understand anybody disbelieving such a dramatic story as hers. Again there are aspects of her story that answer many questions, unquestionably a worthwhile read of her book. The survey gives an unsure verdict to her authenticity. Question 14 Do you believe Roger Craig s story? Although I personally have been told the contrary he remains a credible witness to some important events on the day of the Assassination. Although I agree his story that followed in his life can be a bit implausible in parts. The survey suggests he was a believable character and most of his story should be believed. The resulting years of his life from 1963 should tell us his importance to those responsible for the Assassination. He was a victim of some terrible mistreatment, which eventually cost him his life. Question 15 Why do you think there is a wide difference of opinion in the research community? This wide difference of opinion is quintessentially a result of the enormous historical consequence surrounding the Assassination of JFK. It has appealed to not only authentic researchers but to millions of us just captivated by its occurrence. It can only be human nature that results in the conflicts that seemed to now blight the reams of evidence gleaned and cultivated. As our survey suggests is it egoistic, professional pride or is it that the evidence can support many conclusions. I suggest a combination of these. Perhaps the question should have been would we ever agree? Question 16 Who in your opinion is the most vital witness in the case? This is a question I believe is asked of all of us that are interested in the Assassination of JFK. It s like most questions concerning JFK it leads to more questions and more intrigue. In regard to our survey once again we see a variance of answers, Oswald, Ruby the medical evidence So we see a consistency to our replies in the fact that we offer a wide range of choices. Question 17 What is the biggest area of interest in the JFK Assassination for you? Our choices undoubtedly relate to our general interest in the case. Once again we see a wide range of answers. 18

19 Question 18 Are you an active member of Dealey Plaza UK? Question 19 After 50 years and if and when all the documents are released would you still continue with the Dealey Plaza UK Group as an active member or not? Question 20 How often do you visit the website of Dealey Plaza UK? The final three questions in the survey relate to membership of Dealey Plaza UK. Again just to emphasis this synopsis of the survey is purely a personal one. I hope you have found this project both worthwhile and interesting and hopefully in the future we can conduct another survey for comparison. Bernard Wilds (Dealey Plaza UK Web Editor) 19

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