Lesson Five. Course Summary Scripts Glossary Recommended Reading Past Life Therapists Association Public Liability Insurance

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1 Lesson Five Course Summary Scripts Glossary Recommended Reading Past Life Therapists Association Public Liability Insurance

2 LESSON FIVE 1 Overview 4 Advertising 5 Appointments 6 Scripts 9 Garden Script - Initial Induction 11 Garden Script - The Return 15 Garden Script - Second Induction 16 Garden Script - Past Life Journey 17 Garden Script - Return from Past Life Journey 19 Building Script - Initial Induction 20 Building Script - The Return 22 Building Script - Second Induction 23 Building Script - Past Life Journey 24 Building Script - Return from Past Life Journey 26 Colours 27 Date Regression 29 The Library 31 The Golden Light Induction 35 Glossary 39 Recommended Reading 40 Professional Liability Insurance 51 Past Life Therapists Association 52

3 Other Courses Available 53 Final Examination 56 3

4 Overview We have now got to the stage where you are competent enou gh to be able to take the final examination. There is a requ est bu tton for the exam on you r navigation page. It will not be long now before you r phone rings and you find you rself talking to you r first potential new client. This is the opportunity to pu t all you r newly acquired skills to the ultimate test so I feel it is very important to make su re you know exactly what to do and when. You r first Past Life Regression client may have complicated issu es which will seem dau nting bu t in reality they are not, just abou t all the problems that people bring to you can be addressed with either what you know already or the tools that you have been given in this cou rse. From Start to Finish To get the whole process into perspective I feel it is a usefu l exercise to present a su mmary. This will show how and when the variou s subjects discu ssed in these lessons play their part. Knowledge First of all we have stu died ou r su bject and become knowledgeable in the u nderstanding of reincarnation, karma and all the other alternative concepts pu t forward by those with 4

5 differing beliefs. A clear u nderstanding of these ideas form th e very foundation of everything you will have to deal with once in practice. Advertising Finally you are ready to add the w onderfu l u se of Past Life Regression to you r existing portfolio of skills. To begin with this can be done by advertising in suitable magazines, shop notice boards and on the Internet an d The Past Life Therapists Association will be of great benefit here. Later if you feel confident, perhaps an approach to some alternative grou ps to do a small talk or workshop wou ld be beneficial. Any business requires a good foundation on which to bu ild and you must expect things to be slow at first. Some people will pick up a brochu re and not make contact for many months, so when you see the pile of brochu res that you have left in a shop somewhere diminishes at an alarming rate you needn't be undu ly worried that the appointments do not au tomatically follow. The good news is that the brochu res are being picked up so there is interest. As with many enterprises concerning the pu blic it is a nu mbers game. For every 10 brochu res you distribu te 2 may get lost, 2 may get forgotten, 2 may be passed on to a friend who isn't interested, 2 may be sat on for 6 months and the remaining 2 may resu lt in a phone call, 1 of which you may convert into an appointment. So by these simple mathematics, if you distribu te more brochu res you will end up with more clients. 5

6 Appointments Once you go live the phone will ring, have no dou bt and you will soon get that satisfying feeling that people are tu rning to you for help and are happy to pay a good rate fo r the privilege. Also remember that the rate per hou r when counselling someone over the phone is zero! Your Client Arrives When you r first few clients arrive you will natu rally be a little apprehensive becau se this is a new area for you and you r new clientele will differ from you r more conventional Hypnotherapy ones, bu t always remember they are a lot more apprehensive than you. They see you on you r own territo ry and are ready to entru st you with the deepest secrets of their inner mind. Invite them into you r therapy room and offer them a seat. When you sit down make su re you sit back in a really relaxed position, being aware of you r body langu age. If you physically feel relaxed you will look relaxed and this will help you r clients. Remember the swan. The Interview The initial interview follows and this needs to have a structu re as there are many things to explain. A check list discreetly 6

7 placed on the inside cover of you r folder wou ld help you to remember everything that has to be done. To gain rapport it is best to start with a chat abou t something totally u nrelated to the therapy, like the weather fo r example. Follow this by explaining what you intend to do mentioning the interview form, a chat abou t why they are seeing you, how hypnosis feels and how you will proceed i.e. an initial indu ction to get them used to the feeling followed by a jou rney taking them fu rther or whatever you intend to do. By this time they will be listening intensely to everything you are telling them and therefore you will have fu ll control of the situ ation. I find that this focu s is enhanced if you rabbit on a bit which sort of nu mbs their brain and starts off the trance process. Now you do just what you promised you wou ld and start by filling in the basic details on the interview form asking you r clients name, address, date of birth etc. That part done you can then ask them why they are here and let them talk withou t interru ption while making a few notes. Allow them no more than a couple of minu tes before you retake control otherwise you will lose half of this session before you get to the hypnosis. You now have all you need to move on so you tell you r client what you intend to do next and as soon as you can, get them into hypnosis. 7

8 Therapy Begins Once they have their eyes closed you can open you r folder to you r scripts and follow them to the letter. I believe strongly in the u se of these and they can be used u ntil you are so accu stomed to them that they can then be ignored. It is only when you choose to experiment with other inductions of Past Life Regression explorations that you will need to refer to you r scripts again. No one will know you are reading anyway so don't worry. Do the initial slow induction then bring them back for a chat abou t how they have got on. If all is ok with the feelings of relaxation and the ability to imagine you can then take them on fu rther into their past lives. Be ready to tu rn on you r recorder if you are using one and start to take a few notes. Always take you r time. There is never any u rgency in this sort of therapy and patience has to be exercised at all times. Once back to normality allow a few minu tes before the end of the session to discuss the regression then try to secu re a fu tu re appointment and collect you r fee. Nothing to it! The whole process is really quite straight forward and once you have done it a few times it will be so easy that you will probably wonder how you can ju stify that su bstantial hou rly rate to sit there in a room with someone that looks asleep. 8

9 Family and Close Friends Becau se of transference I wish to reiterate that it is not recommended that you practise therapy with close family or friends. You can get away with a cu riosity based Past Life Regression bu t any therapy will create problems. Scripts Reproduced here are the most common scripts you will need. You are welcome to copy, modify and use as you wish. The first two main scripts, The Garden and The Bu ilding are presented as individu al sections to be u tilised in combinations as required. Any instru ctions offered within the body of the scripts will be shown in grey italics to make su re they are not read ou t. Su ggested pau ses in you r speech are shown as a row of dots. The first five are sections of the main indu ction and can be u sed in variou s combinations to help you navigate. These five sections are 1. Initial indu ction. This goes as far as the chair or whatever safe place you choose. 9

10 2. The retu rn. From the chair to normality. 3. Second induction. Same jou rney as initial induction bu t with short cu ts. This goes as far as the foot of the steps. 4. Past life jou rney. From the foot of the steps to entering a past life door. 5. Retu rn from past life jou rney. From within a past life to the foot of the steps. As an alternative all the scripts can be provided on a CD ROM. If you wou ld prefer this, please requ est it. There is no charge. The next five scripts cover the elements of The Garden theme. The following five are the elements of The Building theme. The pages beyond show other scripts and an introdu ction is given with each one. If you wou ld prefer these scripts in.pdf format, please visit this web page: k/cpdscripts.pdf (Adobe Reader requ ired) 10

11 Garden Script - Initial Induction Close you r eyes (Client s Name) and the first thing we are going to do is to relax the body and then we will go on to relax the mind. So... to relax the body... the first thing to do is take a deep breath... now ju st concentrate on you r breathing for a few moments... slow... steady... deep breaths... becau se breathing is all-important to help you r body relax... and it also helps you to focu s on you r body and become aware of you r body more and more... and the tensions held there in the muscles. Now allow you r breathing to become normal and relaxed... slow... steady... normal... gentle... rhythmic breaths... and as you r breathing becomes slow and gentle... the next thing I wou ld like you to do... to help relax the body fu rther... is to look inside you r forehead as if it was a screen and I want you to imagine on that screen the word relax... ju st see the word relax... Concentrate on the word relax and become aware of those tiny little mu scles in you r forehead... and the little bits of tension they hold onto... and I want you to ju st let that tension go. Feel those tiny little muscles release... We carry a lot of tension in the muscles from the everyday stresses and strains of life... bu t by being aware of this tension... w e can let it go and allow the body to relax more and more. So now bring this awareness down to you r jaw... feeling how tightly it is held together... how clenched the teeth are... and I want you to feel you r jaw loosen... allowing it to drop slightly as it reaches its most natu ral comfortable position... free of stress and tension. 11

12 And as you r jaw relaxes more... take you r awareness down onto you r shou lders... another area where we carry a lot of tension... feel the shou lders loosen... feel that tension just melting away. Now... as you r shou lders relax more and more... concentrate on the mu scles on either side of you r spine... letting those muscles soften... allowing that tension to leave you r body now. And as you do this exercise (Client s Name) you become aware of how heavy and relaxed you r body is feeling as you just let the tension go. You feel you r body ju st sinking down into the chair you are sitting in... let the chair do all the work o f su pporting you r body... give you r body up to the chair as it rests completely. And now to the chest... and down to the stomach... feeling more relaxed all the time... fu rther down to the pelvic area now... and feel this wonderfu l wave of relaxation flowing down fu rther... to the thighs... the knees... calves and shins... and onto the ankles and feet. A wonderfu l feeling of relaxation passing down throu gh you r body... feel this feeling at you r shou lders once more... and bring it down you r arms... wrists... and hands. You are now beau tifu lly calm and relaxed... and from now on (Client s Name) every time you hear the words calm and relaxed... you will drift deeper and deeper i nto this wonderfu l feeling of relaxation... every time you hear the words calm and relaxed... you will drift deeper... and deeper. 12

13 It is a lovely feeling being warm... comfortable... calm and relaxed... and now as you allow your body to relax completely... fu lly supported by the chair you are in... just let it rest there... as you now go on a jou rney in you r imagination. Just u se you r imagination for me (Client s Name) and find you rself in a beau tifu l garden on a warm su mmer s day... ju st imagine you rself standing here in this beau tifu l place... the air is warm and still and the sun is shining... imagine a b eau tifu l clear blu e sky... and all arou nd you here are wonderfu l flowers... trees and shru bs... become aware of the beau tifu l colou rs of the flowers... smell the fragrance of the blossoms on that warm su mmer air... watch little bu tterflies as they dance around... their lovely colou red wings catching the sunlight... and you can hear birds singing in the trees... and in the backgrou nd... there s a gentle hum of insects. And the feeling you get in this beau tifu l place is one of peace... and tranqu illity... and this wonderfu l feeling allows you to drift deeper and deeper... becoming more calm and relaxed as each moment passes. And now... as you stroll throu gh this beau tifu l place... taking in the sights and sou nds of natu re... I want you to discover some steps... ten steps which will lead you down to a lower level in the garden... Just imagine you rself standing at the top of these ten steps... you can choose what they look like... what they are made of... how they feel beneath you r feet... In a moment I will ask you to walk down these steps... and you will find that with each step you take... you will drift deeper and deeper into this wonderfu l relaxing feeling... with each step you take... you will drift deeper and deeper... and as you walk down the steps I will cou nt them down for you. 13

14 Just to let me know that you are aware of the steps in front of you now (Client s Name) please indicate that to me by slightly lifting a hand... (wait for a response. Repeat if no response)... good, thank you... now make you r way down the steps feel a wonderfu l sinking down feeling with each step you take drifting deeper and deeper drifting down and down (pace numbers with client s breathing) deeper now and onto a lower level. You are now in an even more beau tiful part of the garden... and over to you r right is a comfortable... reclining garden chair... please make you r way over to this chair and settle you rself down... and as you settle, feeling so warm... comfortable... calm and relaxed... you close you r eyes... feel the warmth of the su n on you r face... and drift away... ju st drift away... drift deeper... drift deeper and deeper... into a wonderfu l deep... deep feeling of relaxation (continue to deepen if you feel it is appropriate) And now in this beau tifu l state of relaxation... we have access to you r su bconscious mind... and that part of you is willing and able to allow you to continu e this jou rney to that part of you where you r past life memories can be discovered. 14

15 Garden Script - The Return Ok (Client s Name) Now it is time to retu rn... It is important to always retu rn the same way... I want you to leave the chair now and make you r way back to the foot of the steps again... The ten steps which will lead you back to normality, back to the present. I will cou nt you up as you climb. Make you r climb now mind and body slowly retu rning to normality now mind and body fu lly refreshed and retu rned to normality. 15

16 Garden Script - Second Induction Make su re you are comfortable and relaxed once more and close you r eyes. Once again (Client s Name), take a few deep breaths and blow away any tension that you are aware of in you r body... Ju st feel all those mu scles relax once more as you r body starts to feel calm and relaxed once again... feel all that tension going... This beau tifu l feeling of calmness is passing all throu gh you r body again... Now you are beau tifu lly calm and relaxed... calm and relaxed. Imagine again that beau tifu l terraced garden. That warm su mmer s day in this tranqu il place... Stroll throu gh the garden to the steps which lead down to the lower terrace. In a moment, once more, I will ask you to walk down these steps, and with each step you take, you will feel more and more calm and relaxed... with each step you take you will feel mo re calm and relaxed and as before, as you walk down these steps, I will cou nt you down. Now, make you r way down the steps getting calmer and calmer you are now in that part of the garden where you find the chair. 16

17 Garden Script - Past Life Journey From the foot of the steps: You needn t go to the chair now. Just know that it is there as a place of safety to retu rn to, shou ld you get lost or confused when exploring you r past lives. Just find you rself on a pathway which now stretches away in front of you. As you look down the path, on one side you will see a row of trees and on the other side you will see a high wall. All along this wall you can see many, many doors. Each door is an access to you r past... each door represents a year... As you go down th e path, the fu rther you go, the fu rther back in time you go. Each door has a nu mber written above it, showing you the year. Now I want you to make you r way down the path, back in time... Look at the nu mbers above the doors counting down as you go fu rther down the path... Go past the nineteen-nineties... the eighties... the seventies... ever on ward. (Depending on their year of birth in this life) Go past the year you were born in this present life and go fu rther and fu rther. Now I want you to look for a door... a door which stands ou t... a door which has a past life behind it... look for a door which stands ou t from the others... one you are drawn to. I will give you a few moments to find one... Give them a short while to home in on a door. If they go quiet for more than a couple of minutes, prompt them by repeating the above section. 17

18 Once they indicate they have found one: See if you can see a nu mber written above this door. Now I want you to enter this door and once on the other side, close it behind you, bu t know it will be right behind you at any time shou ld you wish to leave and retu rn to the pathway. Now guide them through the experience starting with the feet etc. 18

19 Garden Script - Return from Past Life Journey Whilst still in past life: Let those images fade now and I want you to be aware of the door that is behind you that you used to come into this life... tu rn and face it... open it... an d step back ou t onto the pathway there in the garden... closing the door tightly behind you making su re it is properly closed. You can do one of two things now. You can get your client to look for another door, another life, or if you have finished exploring continue with this: Make you r way back up the path in the direction of the chair and the steps and as you walk up the path bring back with you only those memories which you wish to keep and thank you r su bconsciou s for providing you with this insight into you r past... make you r way up throu gh the years into the 1900's now (depending on the date of the life you have just left)... u p to the 1950's now... the 60's... 70's... past the 1980's now and into the 1990's and finally past the last door (present year) and make you r way over to the foot of the steps. 19

20 Building Script - Initial Induction Now (Client s Name)... make you rself comfortable and relax. Just close you r eyes and take a few deep breaths. Ju st concentrate on you r breathing for a few moments... gentle, steady, rhythmic breaths. Feel warm, comfortable and relaxed. Now I w ant you to look inside your fo rehead as if it were a screen and see the word relax... see the word relax. Concentrate on the word relax and feel the tiny muscles in you r forehead loosen.... feel all that tension going. Now bring that feeling down to you r jaw and feel it relax... and onto the shou lders and down to the muscles on either side of you r spine... ju st feel the tension ju st melting away... Now bring this feeling to the chest and down to the stomach, feeling more relaxed all the time... now down to the pelvic area... the thighs... knees... calves and shins and on to the ankles and feet. A beau tifu l feeling of calmness all throu gh you r body... now bring this feeling up to you r shou lders again and bring it down you r arms, wrists and hands... Now you are beau tifu lly calm and relaxed... calm and relaxed and from now on (Client s Name), every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper into this beau tifu l relaxing feeling. Every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper and deeper. Now I w ant you to use you r imagination... ju st u se you r imagination and find you rself on the flat roo f of a bu ilding. This roof is very large and there is a wall arou nd the edges which makes you feel perfectly safe... beyond the wall you can 20

21 see breathtaking views of the su rrounding cou ntryside... ju st slowly tu rn arou nd and take in this beau tifu l scene. At one corner of this roof is a small squ are raised bu ilding with a door... ju st make you r way over to this door... open it and walk inside... you now walk onto a soft, thick-piled carpet... you can choose the colou r. In front of you there are some stairs... there are ten steps leading down... in a moment I will ask you to walk down these stairs and with each step you take you will feel more and more calm and relaxed... with each step you take you will feel more and more calm and relaxed... and in a moment when I ask you to walk down these stairs I will help you by counting them down for you... ju st to indicate to me that you can see the stairs in front of you now, please raise a hand. Wait for response Thank you... make you r climb down now d rifting deeper and deeper with each step you take and step onto the floor of a beau tifu l hallway... over to you r right is a big comfo rtable armchair beside a roaring log fi re... make you r way over to the chair and settle you rself down... as you sink into the chair... listening to the gentle crackle of the fire... just close you r eyes and drift deeper and deeper... drift deeper and deeper... 21

22 Building Script - The Return Now it is time to retu rn to normality so just leave the chair and make you r way over to the foot of the stairs and I will count you up to the top... and in doing so I will bring you back to normal consciousness... make you r climb now mind and body slowly retu rning back to normality fu lly refreshed... fu lly back to normality... and when you feel ready you can open your eyes. 22

23 Building Script - Second Induction Close you r eyes and take a nice deep breath and start to find you rself retu rning to that wonderfu l feeling of being calm and relaxed... ju st scan you r body to see if there is any tension that you are still aware of and ju st breathe it away... allow you r body to be fu lly su pported by the chair [or couch] you are lying in... and as you r body fu lly relaxes once more, find you rself on the roof once again, making you r way towards the door... open the door and walk throu gh to the stairs... and as before I will cou nt you down... make you r climb down now drifting deeper and deeper with each step you take and step onto the floor of the beau tifu l hallway. 23

24 Building Script - Past Life Journey From the foot of the stairs: Find you rself in the hallway and you will notice that it stretches away in front of you past the chair and into the distance. As you look down the hallway, on one side you will see many, many doors. Each door is an access to you r past... each door represents a year... As you go down the hallway, the fu rther you go, the fu rther back in time you go. Each door has a nu mber written above it, showing you the year. Now I want you to make you r way down the hallway, back in time... Look at the nu mbers above the doors counting down as you go fu rther down the hallway... Go past the nineteen nineties.... the eighties.... the seventies... ever onward. (Depending on their year of birth in this life) Go past the year you were born in this present life and go fu rther and fu rther. Now I want you to look for a door... a door which stands ou t... a door which has a past life behind it... Look fo r a door which stands ou t from the others... one you are drawn to. I will give you a few moments to find one... Give them a short while to home in on a door. If they go quiet for more than a couple of minutes, prompt them by repeating the above section. Once they indicate they have found one: 24

25 See if you can see a nu mber written above this door. Now I want you to enter this door and once on the other side, close it behind you, bu t know it will be right behind you at any time shou ld you wish to leave and retu rn to the hallway. Now guide them through the experience starting with the feet etc. 25

26 Building Script - Return from Past Life Journey Whilst still in past life: Let those images fade now and I want you to be aware of the door that is behind you that you used to come into this life... Tu rn and face it... open it... and step back ou t into the hallway... closing the door tightly behind you making su re it is properly closed. You can do one of two things now. You can get your client to look for another door, another life or if you have finished exploring continue with this: Make you r way back up the hallway in the direction of the chair and the stairs and as you walk u p the hallway bring back with you only those memories which you wish to keep and thank you r su bconsciou s for providing you with this insight into you r past... make you r way up throu gh the years into the 1900's now (depending on the date of the life you have just left)... u p to the 1950's now... the 60's... 70's... past the 1980's now and into the 1990's and finally past the last door (present year) and make you r way over to the foot of the stairs. 26

27 Colours An alternative induction for those having difficulty in visualising. This is just an initial induction which includes a deepener and takes you as far as the chair in the garden, building etc. Now (Client s Name)... make you rself comfortable and relax. Just close you r eyes and take a few deep breaths. Ju st concentrate on you r breathing for a few moments... gentle, steady, rhythmic breaths. Feel warm, comfortable and relaxed. Now I w ant you to look inside your fo rehead as if it were a screen and see the word relax... see the word relax. Concentrate on the word relax and feel the tiny muscles in you r forehead loosen... feel all that tension going. Now bring that feeling down to you r jaw and feel it relax... and onto the shou lders and down to the muscles on either side of you r spine... ju st feel the tension melting away... Now bring this feeling to the chest and down to the stomach, feeling more relaxed all the time... Now down to the pelvic area... the thighs... knees... calves and shins and on to the ankles and feet. A beau tifu l feeling of calmness all throu gh your body... Now bring this feeling up to you r shou lders again and bring it down you r arms, wrists and hands... Now you are beau tifu lly calm and relaxed... calm and relaxed and from now on (Client s Name), every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper into this beau tifu l relaxing feeling. Every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper and deeper. 27

28 And now I wou ld like you to u se you r imagination... use you r imagination and imagine various colou rs... ju st imagine colou rs inside you r head... imagine now the colou r red... a strong vibrant red... ju st fill you r mind with this beau tifu l colou r red... and imagine now inside you r head... imagine now the colou r red gently changing to the colou r orange... a beau tifu l bright orange... ju st fill you r mind now with this beau tifu l orange... and now imagine as that lovely orange gently changes to a brilliant yellow imagine as this orange tu rns into a beau tifu l bright yellow...fill you r mind with this beau tifu l yellow... and now... see that lovely yellow slowly ch ange to the colou r of green... a beau tifu l bright green like the leaves that you get on the trees in the spring... a beau tifu l bright leafy green... and now as you imagine these colou rs you will find that with each change of colou r you will drift deeper... as these colou rs change you will find you rself drifting deeper and deeper... becoming more and more calm and relaxed... now imagine the colou r blu e... a beau tifu l bright blu e like the sky on a su mmers day... and now imagine that blu e becoming deeper in shade a deep... deep shade of blu e... and now watch as that deep, deep blu e changes ever so slowly to the colou r pu rple... watch as this deep, deep blu e slowly changes to a beau tifu l shade of pu rple... fill you r mind with this beau tifu l pu rple colour... bringing with it a deep and calm and peacefu l feeling... allowing you to drift deeper and deeper... deeper and deeper... 28

29 Date Regression Use this as an alternative to the past life journey. It is used when visualisation of the doors becomes blocked by the subconscious. This script operates from the chair in the garden, building etc. Once in the chair: As you relax so comfortably there, I want you r su bconscious now to take you back in time, back throu gh the years... way into you r distant past... back to your previous lifetimes... you are starting off in (present year) and now going back... throu gh the 1990's... back throu gh you r present life as (Client s Name)... the 1980's now... going back throu gh the years... the 1970's... ever onward into you r past... past the year you were born in you r present life now (adjust accordingly)... ever onwards and now as I cou nt you back throu gh the years... you r su bconscious will indicate to you when to stop me cou nting... it will make you r hand rise... the 1960's now... ever onward back in time... the 1950's... the 1940's... raise a hand to stop me when we reach a time you want to explore 's... etc. You will find that sooner than later your Client s hand will start to flinch and then it will rise up to stop you counting back. If you have been going back in decades, ask for confirmation of the exact year within the decade that they stopped you. They will have an inner knowledge as the subconscious communicates. When you are there, continue: 29

30 Allow a scene to form in you r mind now... you have chosen to explore a life here in (chosen year)... the images form strongly arou nd you now... tell me where you find you rself. Proceed as with any other past life exploration and when it is time to leave you may want to return or explore another life. If returning say: Let these images fade now and start to bring you r thou ghts up to date as I count you u p throu gh the years to the present... (start at decade you are in)... now up to the 1900's 's 's... bring you r thou ghts u p to date 's now... the 1940's 's 's... u p throu gh the years... now into you r present life as (Client s Name) as you go, past the year you were born (adjust accordingly) the 1970's now 's 's... and finally u p to (present year)... finding you rself back in the chair here in the garden. Then leave the chair and return as normal. If visiting another life: Let those images fade now as we leave that life and continu e ou r jou rney... which way do you want to go... fu rther back in time or forward in time. Wait for answer then count in whatever direction has been chosen. Wait for arm-lifting response then proceed as before. 30

31 The Library Now (Client s Name)... make you rself comfortable and relax. Just close you r eyes and take a few deep breaths. Just concentrate on you r breathing for a few moments... gentle, steady, rhythmic breaths. Feel warm, comfortable and relaxed. Now I w ant you to look inside your fo rehead as if it were a screen and see the word relax... see the word relax. Concentrate on the word relax and feel the tiny muscles in you r forehead loosen... feel all that tension going. Now bring that feeling down to you r jaw and feel it relax... and onto the shou lders and down to the muscles on either side of you r spine... ju st feel the tension melting away... Now bring this feeling to the chest and down to the stomach... feeling more relaxed all the time... Now down to the pelvic area... the thighs... knees... calves and shins and on to the ankles and feet. A beau tifu l feeling of calmness all throu gh your body... Now bring this feeling up to you r shou lders again and bring it down you r arms, wrists and hands. Now you are beau tifu lly calm and relaxed... calm and relaxed, and from now on (Client s Name), every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper into this beau tifu l relaxing feeling. Every time you hear the words calm and relaxed, you will drift deeper and deeper. Now I w ant you to use you r imagination... ju st u se you r imagination and find you rself on the flat roo f of a bu ilding. This roof is very large and there is a wall arou nd the edges which makes you feel perfectly safe... beyond the wall you can 31

32 see breathtaking views of the su rrounding cou ntryside... ju st slowly tu rn arou nd and take in this beau tifu l scene. At one corner of this roof is a small squ are raised bu ilding with a door... ju st make you r way over to this door... open it and walk inside... you now walk onto a soft thick piled carpet... you can chose the colou r. In front of you there are some stairs... there are ten steps leading down... in a moment I will ask you to walk down these stairs and with each step you take you will feel more and more calm and relaxed... with each step you take you will feel more and more calm and relaxed... and in a moment when I ask you to walk down these stairs I will help by counting them down for you... ju st to indicate to me that you can see the stairs in front of you now, please raise a hand. Wait for response Thank you... make you r climb down now d rifting deeper and deeper with each step you take and step onto the floor of a beau tifu l hallway... in front of you now is a big heavy wooden door... open the door and walk into a large room which you can now see is a library. All arou nd you are many, many books... all these books represent you r past... volu mes and volu mes showing the story of you r many previou s lifetimes. Every book is clearly marked... some may have a year written on them... others may have a title. Now look along the shelves and choose a book... one which stands ou t from the others... one you are drawn to... tell me when you have chosen one. 32

33 Wait for a response. When your client indicates a book has been found, proceed with: That s very good... now take the book and lay it on a table which you find there in the centre of the room... now look at the book you have chosen and before you open it, describe the ou tside cover to me. You will now get some description which will hopefully have some significance. Try to get them to see a date. Then proceed: Now it is time to open the book... you will see there are many pictu res there to observe... choose a page and describe to me what you see. Wait for description. Now... I want the pictu re to grow... growing bigger... so big now that you can step into that picture... step into that pictu re now... into that life... be part of it... finding you rself in a different body now... looking throu gh the eyes of the person you now are... the scene forms stronger and stronger arou nd you now... tell me what you are experiencing. Now use the normal past life journey guidance techniques until it is time to return from the life being explored. Then continue: Let those images fade now and I want you to be aware that you are stepping ou t of this life... stepping ou t of the book... finding you rself in the library... and now you can look back at 33

34 the book... seeing the scene you have just left as a pictu re in the book... so just close the book and pu t it back on the shelf. Next you can get your subject to choose another book, another life or make a return to normality. If returning say: It is time to leave the library now... so make you r way to the large wooden door... open it... walk throu gh and make su re you close it behind you... now it is time to climb the stairs back to normality... I will cou nt you up... make you r climb now mind and body slowly retu rning back to normality fu lly refreshed... fu lly back to normality... and when you feel ready you can open you r eyes. 34

35 The Golden Light Induction A script to help your client become protected from outside influences such as entities. Just close you r eyes and take a few deep breaths... slow steady deep breaths... and now allow you r breathing to become slow... gentle... and normal... slow, steady, gentle, normal rhythmic breaths... and as you r breathing becomes slow and gentle... I want you to imagine a beau tifu l golden light forming above you r head... like a cloud of golden light... and now as you gently breathe in, I want you to imagine that golden light beginning to be drawn into you... feel that happening now... and as you take another breath in I want you to be aware of the golden light being gently pu lled into you fu rther... illu minating the inside of you r head... imagine it lighting up the inside of you r head... and as it gently tou ches the areas inside you r head... it relaxes... releases tension and heals... feel that happening now... and now as you breathe in again feel that beau tifu l golden light... that healing light being drawn down you r neck... illu minating the top of you r spinal cord... relaxing... healing... releasing tension... now gently breathe in again and feel the beau tifu l golden light flowing down onto you r shou lders... illu minating the shou lders... relaxing... healing making you feel really calm and relaxed... and now breathe in again and feel that golden light passing all the way down you r arms and upper body... feel it glowing inside... relaxing... heali ng... and as you breathe in again the golden light passes down throu gh you r lower body... lighting u p all you r internal organs... healing... releasing tension... cau sing you to drift into a wonderfu l deep, deep feeling of relaxation... the golden light... this healing light 35

36 passes down fu rther now... relaxing the thighs... the knees... calves and shins... and gently flows d own into the ankles... and then the feet... relaxing... releasing tension... healing... Feel this beau tifu l glow all throu gh you r body causing you to drift even deeper and deeper into this wonderfu l feeling of deep relaxation... and now, as you breathe in more of the golden light... this healing energy,... feel it pu sh gently ou t of you r body now... su rrou nding you r body in this beau tifu l relaxing healing light... like a cocoon of energy su rrounding you... protecting you... healing... making you feel safe... and as you feel wonderfu lly relaxed... free of stress and tension so you drift deeper and deeper... deeper and deeper... and you now feel totally calm and relaxed... calm and relaxed. From now on (Client s name) every time you hear the words calm and relaxed... you will drift d eeper and deeper into this wonderfu l deep relaxing feeling... every time you hear the words calm and relaxed... you will drift deeper and deeper. Just u se you r imagination for me (Client s Name) and find you rself in a beau tifu l garden on a warm su mmer s day... ju st imagine you rself standing here in this beau tifu l place... the air is warm and still and the sun is shining... imagine a beau tifu l clear blu e sky... and all arou nd you here are wonderfu l flowers... trees and shru bs... become aware of the beau tifu l colou rs of the flowers... smell the fragrance of the blossoms on that warm su mmer air... watch little bu tterflies as they dance around... their lovely colou red wings catching the sunlight... and you can hear birds singing in the trees... and in the backgrou nd... there s a gentle hum of insects. And the feeling you get in this beau tifu l place is one of peace... and tranqu illity... and this wonderfu l feeling allows you to drift deeper and deeper... becoming more calm and relaxed as each 36

37 moment passes. And now... as you stroll throu gh this beau tifu l place... taking in the sights and sou nds of natu re... I want you to discover some steps... ten steps which will lead you down to a lower level in the garden... Just imagine you rself standing at the top of these ten steps... you can choose what they look like... what they are made of... how they feel beneath you r feet... In a moment I will ask you to walk down these steps... and you will find that with each step you take... you will drift deeper and deeper into this wonderfu l relaxing feeling... with each step you take... you will drift deeper and deeper... and as you walk down the steps I will cou nt them down for you. Just to let me know that you are aware of the steps in front of you now (Client s Name) please indicate that to me by slightly lifting a hand... (wait for a response. Repeat if no response)... good, thank you... now make you r way down the steps feel a wonderfu l sinking down feeling with each step you take drifting deeper and deeper drifting down and down (pace numbers with client s breathing) deeper now and onto a lower level. You are now in an even more beau tiful part of the garden... and in front of you is a path, which goes from left to right. On the other side of the path, opposite to where you are standing is a comfortable... reclining garden chair... please make you r way over to this chair and settle you rself down... and as you settle, feeling so warm... comfortable... calm and relaxed... you close you r eyes... feel the warmth of the sun on you r face... and drift away... ju st drift away... drift deeper... drift deeper and deeper... into a wonderfu l deep... deep feeling of relaxation (continue to deepen if you feel it is appropriate) 37

38 And now in this beau tifu l state of relaxation... we have access to you r su bconscious mind... and that part of you is willing and able to allow you to continu e this jou rney to that part of you where you r past life memories can be discovered. 38

39 Glossary Karma - The imbalances we carry from one life to the next caused by ou r actions, both good and bad, towards others. Metempsychosis - The transition of the sou l from one body to the next. Regress - The act of taking the mind back in time. Reincarnation - The cycle of death and rebirth. The belief that we retu rn to the earth over many lifetimes. Sou l mate - One or more sou ls who have a strong bond and often reincarnate together. Transmigration - The transition from one body to the next. Another word for reincarnation.

40 Recommended Reading The Many Faces of You By Andrew Hillsdon. ISBN: Paperback and all e-versions. Everything you need to know before embarking on your own personal past life journey of discovery. Written by the Chairman of the Past Life Therapists Association, having drawn from his own personal experiences as a recognised authority in this field, The Many Faces of You is considered to be the definitive guide to Past Life Regression. Every aspect of this captivating subject is covered in depth with many case studies and explanations to convey the wonderful diversity of experiences available for those who wish to explore their past. You can order this book via our web site where you will also find links to a e-format versions. 40

41 Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss ISBN: "Many Lives, Many Masters" is the true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patient, and the past-life therapy that changed both their lives. Dr. Brian L. Weiss was a scientist and psychotherapist, moulded by years of disciplined study into a conservative professional. He was aware of research programs in parapsychology at major universities, but they seemed too far-fetched to consider seriously. Then he met Catherine. For more than a year he used conventional therapy to help his young and beautiful patient overcome recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. When nothing worked he tried hypnosis. Undergoing an astonishing series of trance states, Catherine recalled past-life memories that proved to be the causes of her problems. Through Time Into Healing by Brian L. Weiss ISBN: The book that sheds new light on the extraordinary healing potential of past life therapy, by the best selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian Weiss made headlines with his ground-breaking research on past life therapy in Many Lives, Many Masters. Now, based on his extensive clinical experience, he builds on time-tested 41

42 techniques of psychotherapy, revealing how regression to past lifetimes provides the necessary breakthrough to healing mind, body, and soul. Using vivid past life case studies, Dr. Weiss shows how regression therapy can heal grief, create more loving relationships, uncover hidden talents, and ultimately shows how near death and out of body experiences help confirm the existence of past lives. Only Love Is Real. A Story of Soul Mates Reunited. by Brian L. Weiss ISBN: A work arguing that we all have a soul mate whom we have loved in past lives and who waits to reunite with us. The book uses the case of two strangers who underwent regression therapy and both seemed to describe the same past lifetimes, leading the author to conclude that they were lovers before. Messages from the Masters by Brian L. Weiss ISBN A leader in the New Age movement, Dr. Brian Weiss is famous for his work on Past Life Regression. Now, after two decades of studying reincarnation, Weiss has discovered the ultimate healing energy love. Not love in a romantic sense, but love as the life force, an actual, 42

43 physical energy that can be measured. In this important work, Weiss addresses such topics as what happens after we die, strategies for healing relationships, means of combating anxiety, and the role of God and self-determination. Drawing on the wisdom of the spirit guides known as the Masters introduced in Many Lives, Many Masters, Weiss presents exercises and meditations that demonstrate how the power of love can utterly transform lives. Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian L. Weiss ISBN Dr. Weiss reveals how our future lives can actually transform us in the present. We all have lived past lives. We all will live future ones. What we do in this life will influence our lives to come as we evolve toward immortality. Dr. Weiss encourages this important recognition because recently he has not only regressed his patients into the past, but has progressed them into the future. And what they have discovered is that our futures are variable, so the choices we make now will determine the quality of life when we return. Using dozens of case histories, Dr. Weiss demonstrates the therapeutic benefits of progression, just as he has proved that journeys into our past lives can alleviate or cure our physical and emotional wounds in the present. 43

44 Addicted To Life by Monica M. Meyer ISBN: Did you ever wonder why you were born? What happens after death? What reincarnation is all about? "Addicted to Life" is a tale that weaves reincarnation, adventure and Past Life Regressions to show that everyone can have access to the wisdom of the inner self and diagnose and heal problems which have ties to the past. Past sins catching up: Addicted to Life is an excellent introduction to reincarnation and karma because the theory is woven into the plot. But the book is also a story about love, friends, family and relationships (Jean Christou, Sunday Mail, 2001)If you like to get an education the easy way, authors of Monica Meyer's breed are perfect. Addicted to life is that certain type of book that presents a virtual compendium of information cleverly disguised as a work of fiction (Devon Cathlin, Rebel Planet Reviews, Across Time and Death: A Mothers Search for Her Past Life Children. by Jenny Cockell ISBN: Jenny grew up with memories of her past life as the Irish woman Mary Sutton. Her spontaneous memories, and later, memories gained through hypnosis, were so specific and lasting that she was able to track down Mary Sutton's children and become reunited with five of them. 44

45 This is one of the most powerful individual cases of reincarnation on record, made more powerful because of the poignancy of the story. Mary Sutton, it appears, had to place her children in orphanages, and as Jenny Cockell, she found them again. In an article in Reincarnation, International article she is quoted as saying: "Now, at the age of 39, I have found most of [my] children and know what happened. If none had been willing to listen to me I could not have found anything out. Yesterdays Children by Jenny Cockell ISBN: This is the story of Jenny Cockell, a woman from Northamptonshire who believed that she had lived before - as an Irishwoman named Mary who died 21 years before Jenny was born, leaving several very young children without a mother or a stable, happy home. The book describes the trauma and worry of a past-life memory, and Jenny's decision to search for "her" lost children. It follows her progress through her dreams and memories, the revelations of hypnotism, her searches through maps, through local groups in Ireland, and her trip to the village where Mary had lived. Finally, it details her painstaking search for the children and the extraordinary "reunions" that took place. 45

46 Journeys Through Time by Jenny Cockell ISBN Jenny Cockell has always had memories of living before. In her first book, 'Yesterday's Children', she described her search for the past life family which had haunted her from her earliest childhood. She remembered living as Mary Sutton, an Irishwoman who had died over 20 years before she was born. She gave an extraordinary account of how she successfully found Mary's surviving children, and was reunited with them in the present. Her new book, 'Journeys Through Time', brings readers up to date with her story. Jenny gives details of the four past lives that she remembers most clearly and explains how she has tried to trace them all. Past Lives Future Lives by Jenny Cockell ISBN X First she wrote Across Time and Death, now she takes us into the future... Jenny Cockell grew up knowing she had lived before. In her first book, the best selling Across Time and Death, she revealed how she had been haunted by the memories of Mary Sutton, a young Irish woman who had died more than twenty years before Jenny was born. She was 46

47 compelled to search for the facts and details that eventually confirmed the existence of her past life and led to an emotional reunion with her family. But Jenny Cockell's extraordinary journey doesn't end there. Past Lives, Future Lives tells the continuing story of the psychic experiences that spurred her to investigate not only other past lives but the future -- as far ahead as the twenty-third century. Life Between Life by Joel L. Whitton & Joe Fisher ISBN: Life between life: scientific explorations into the void separating one incarnation from the next. Past Life Regression by Florence Wagner McClain ISBN: Are you afraid of death? This book presents a simple technique that you can use to obtain past life information today. 47

48 The Search for Bridey Murphy by Morey Bernstein ISBN: This is an account of the famous "Bridey Murphy" case, in which Morey Bernstein hypnotized Virginia Tighe (given the pseudonym of Ruth Simmons) in the early 1950's, and the Irish character of Bridey from 100 years earlier emerged, giving a detailed account of her life and circumstances. Sceptics, using unfair tactics, convinced themselves and the public at large that they had debunked it, but a careful study shows that they did not. This is a landmark work which deserves to be read first-hand, with a thorough knowledge of Dr. Ian Stevenson's work under your belt before you start. Past Life Angels by Jenny Smedley ISBN A brand new concept Jenny Smedley was the first person to discover that there are a special group of entities who are charged with our spiritual development. She calls them Past Life Angels. These angels are with us from the creation of our soul, right through every lifetime. They are the subject of her new signing to O Books. The book explores the signs and hints we get from our Past Life Angels, why we get them, and why it is important to remember who you were, in order to know who you are meant to become. 48

49 My Ever Best Friend by Charles Cane ISBN: and A fascinating read. It was the PLTA s CD that released Charles s previous life which, for 65 years, had walked with him, as fragmented memories, which seemed destined to go with him to the grave. All that he learned from the CD inspired journey was truly mind boggling; such that he has told the entire story in his book. Spirit Release A Practical Handbook By Sue Allen ISBN: Spirit Release covers psychic attack, curses, witchcraft, spirit attachment, haunting, soul rescue, deliverance and exorcism. This comprehensive guide has been developed over many years as course material in the College of Psychic Studies in London. It looks at the symptoms of psychic attack and spiritual attachments, what to do and how to prevent them. 49

50 The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield ISBN: In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially; one insight, then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. Drawing on ancient wisdom, it tells you how to make connections among the events happening in your life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystallize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow. 50

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