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1 The 7 Keys to Belief Transformation: How Healing the Wounds of Your Chakras Will Free Your Passion, Purpose, Power, and Prosperity Tomar Levine, MFA Intuitive Life Purpose & Career Guide Certified Belief-Change Facilitator Tomar Levine,

2 Copyright 2012 Tomar Levine All rights reserved This is a free report. If you like it and want to share it with friends and colleagues, we ask that you please direct them to to receive their own copy. This publication may not be sold for profit or used for teaching or presentation without the permission of the author, other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles, reviews, or other communications when the author is properly credited. Thank you! Published by Tomar Levine, New York, NY Tomar Levine,

3 The 7 Keys to Belief Transformation: How Healing the Wounds of Your Chakras Will Free Your Passion, Purpose, Power, and Prosperity Welcome to the world of energy. And welcome to the world of beliefs. In this report I will begin with a discussion of beliefs and the subconscious mind. In Part Two I will take an unorthodox view of the seven main chakras of the human energy field, and will explore some limiting beliefs that pertain to Career Success and Prosperity - and how those beliefs can be turned around. I hope you enjoy taking this trip with me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part One Beliefs It s probably fair to say that you have an infinite number of beliefs - both positive ones and limiting ones - that swirl in your conscious and subconscious mind. The number is infinite because you keep creating new ones all the time. And because you are infinite. Some of the positive ones are just factual - like believing that the sun will rise in the morning. Some are personal. You may have a belief that you are a responsible person, someone who loves animals, or are talented in a particular way. And some of your beliefs are doubtless not so positive, what we call limiting beliefs. They tell stories about you, the world, and other people that make you feel less than okay. And the more not okay you feel - even if it s way in the background of your awareness, not a thought you ever dwell on - the more something in you shuts down. Tomar Levine,

4 For instance, you may believe that you re too old to learn to play an instrument. You may believe that you re not good at handling money. You may believe that you re just not enough in some specific way, or even in some very vague way that you can t explain. If you really pay attention while reading those words, you might notice a subtle shift in your energy that is a kind of shutting down, just from reading the words too old, not good, and not enough. Do it now and see if you can tell what I m talking about. Almost every person has limiting beliefs about being not enough. Those beliefs are formed in early childhood when we don t have any defenses, often when we re too young to even think or form words. They may have been formed when a caretaker yelled at you or shouted NO! too loud, even if it was for your own good. Some of our limiting beliefs have innocent origins. Others are reflections of the genuine pain or limitations of those who raised us. Once formed, these beliefs form a subtle filter over your mind and experience. It s like a gray pane of glass on a window that doesn t let in all of the sunlight. These filters also place barriers over your own energy centers, that prevent your energy from flowing as freely, naturally, and healthily as it should. That s the feeling of shut down I mentioned. We often don t even realize we re doing it, because it feels so normal and natural. Most people have probably never experienced the fullout joy and aliveness of having all their energy flowing freely without barriers. The Subconscious Mind All of this belief-forming activity took place unconsciously, starting when you were very, very young. And these beliefs or impressions got stored in your subconscious mind. As an infant, your awareness was very open and porous, sponge-like, absorbing everything. You didn t have a choice. All you knew is what you were presented with. That is how your personality started to develop, how you learned who you were, what family and culture you belonged to, and what people like you were supposed to believe (otherwise known as reality ). Consensual reality is actually a set of beliefs implanted early. And it differs from group to group. Tomar Levine,

5 It is widely accepted now that the beliefs in your subconscious mind are responsible, to a large degree, for creating the out-picturing of your reality. Many of us have read about the power of the mind to control our experience. That especially pertains to the subconscious mind, which is way more active and powerful than the conscious mind, and responsible for 95% of your thoughts. The problem is that, hidden from view, the powerful subconscious may have an agenda very different from the one you consciously hold for yourself. That agenda was adopted early, starting with infancy. It was based on what seemed to be true, what seemed to insure your safety, and what those in your environment believed. You have continued to add more impressions - and more validation for your beliefs - unconsciously throughout your life. In fact, beliefs perpetuate and reinforce themselves by selecting for view only those bits of information and experience that mirror them, giving you all the more reason to believe they re really true. Thus we all get trapped within the hall of mirrors of our conscious and unconscious beliefs about reality. Your world view got formed at a very early age. Your impressionable child mind recorded and imprinted every word and experience it heard and received from the environment it found itself in. Those impressions then got stamped into the malleable substance of your subconscious mind, which created that filter for reality, only letting you see certain things - the things your subconscious mind believes. It started to suppress your own natural aliveness at the same time. You may have heard that the subconscious mind is many thousands of times more powerful than your conscious mind. It is responsible for the running of your body. And it also is like a copying machine, listening to every word and thought you speak and think even now, and imprinting those ideas in its memory bank. It then sends out a signal to the energetic universe, broadcasting those thoughts and images it has imprinted and magnetizing them back into your experience through the law of vibrational resonance. That is how we create circumstances that mirror our beliefs and vibratory level - be they positive or negative, high or low frequency. The Law of Attraction This is why the Law of Attraction is not as easy as merely stating what you want from the universe and then sitting back and waiting for the universe to deliver, like a cosmic slot machine. If only it were that easy! Many people get frustrated and confused because they ve been led to believe that the conscious mind by itself has some magic power to command reality to do its bidding. Tomar Levine,

6 Actually, there is a magic power, but it lies in the subconscious mind. The subconscious is what s doing the ordering. What the subconscious believes is what determines the signals being sent out to the energies around us, hugely over-riding the effects of saying a few affirmations. It determines the images and feelings you hold as real, and determines the whole energetic field you live in, the reality you seem to dwell in, and who you think you are. What the subconscious mind believes determines what aspects of reality you will notice and attract to you. Its limiting beliefs also shuts down different aspects of your own energy field, so that you don t get to experience your full range of potentials. And it does that through the energy centers known as the chakras. If you want to change your circumstances and your experience, you have to change the contents of your subconscious mind - starting with your beliefs! How Do We Change Our Limiting Beliefs? If mere affirmations won t make that big a difference, what will? Rolling up our sleeves and going right into the subconscious, to dig out those limiting beliefs and turn them around - that s what will change them. But first we have to find them! Some of our limiting beliefs we know well, but many are hiding in plain sight. Hiding because we think they re simply The Truth. We don t recognize something as a belief if we think it s the truth about ourself, others, or reality, especially if we have never challenged our assumptions about life. Some beliefs are hiding even deeper. We may not see them because we consciously are so sure we believe the opposite. You can hold a belief in your conscious mind - a self-image of competency, for instance - which is contradicted by what your subconscious really thinks! (We call that a defense mechanism.) Some beliefs we can t see because we may think we healed that long ago - we ve all done so much work on ourselves! But beliefs taken on in our most vulnerable early years are tenacious. Consciously you may have decided to let something go, and thought you moved beyond it. But there may still be a child part inside of you that, if questioned, will let you know that he/she still clings to that old version of reality. In fact, there may be a very good reason, to your child-mind, why it doesn t feel safe to let that belief go. So we have to look and be curious, to find our limiting beliefs. Tomar Levine,

7 The Chakras Now I m going to introduce a way of finding and exploring limiting beliefs that I think holds much promise, and which has a certain beauty at the same time. Chakra is a sanskrit term, used to describe a central part of the anatomy structure of the human energy field. This system of knowledge was first developed by yogis in ancient India, and has become widely accepted today throughout the West (even if Western medicine has not yet caught up). Our bodies exist in many dimensions, including the dense physical level that Western allopathic medicine excels at. It also exists on a more subtle energetic level. In fact, one could say that our life itself depends on that energetic level, that what characterizes life is the presence of subtle energy. The human energy field is also where body-mind healing takes place. Our subtle energy interpenetrates our physical body, and extends out beyond it into the field some observers call the aura. But our energy field is not just a super-subtle aspect of our physical body. It actually corresponds to every system we possess - our emotions, our thoughts, and our spirituality. It reflects them and is influenced by them, through different layers of the energy field itself. As our energy circulates through our physical body and into and through the auric field, there are natural points where we take in and give out energy. The best known of these are the seven major chakras (Sanskrit for wheel or disk), located vertically along the central axis of our body, from the base of our spine to the top of our head. When an energy healer works on you, she will pay close attention to each of your chakras. She may sense them by holding her hands at a distance from your body. She may sense if there is activity in them, how freely the energy is flowing, or if they are shut down. She may receive impressions from them, having to do with emotions or even memories. She may ask you questions about your life, as a result. That s how much information is stored in your chakras. The descriptions of each of the chakras and their functions make it clear how your energy field corresponds to every aspect of your life. And this is also where we can look for limiting beliefs. Tomar Levine,

8 In the following section I will explore the chakras, and how certain limiting beliefs that relate to each of them can affect your life, specifically in an area that is centrally important to me, and probably to you as well. My focus of attention will be: Career Success and Prosperity. Vibration and Frequency In the structure of Part Two you will see a short list of limiting beliefs (just a few culled from a potentially infinite list), followed by a longer list of what appear to be affirmations. Why am I including affirmations if I say they are not effective? Well, for one thing, affirmations can serve as replacement beliefs when you do go into the subconscious to remove the old ones you no longer want. (I am not teaching Belief Change methods here.) Beyond that, affirmative statements are powerful when they paint a vivid wordpicture you can enter into. I find there is a power in being immersed in a flow of language that evokes a positive state, using feeling and imagery. I use this method on a daily basis to raise my own vibration and implant a positive vision. I can feel it palpably throughout my energy field when I simply read such statements silently to myself. Notice if and how it affects you to contemplate the statements in Part Two when you read them. This brings me to what is in my opinion the most powerful means of changing your reality and attracting what you want into your life: Vibration! Your energy field vibrates at different rates according to what you are thinking, believing, visualizing, and feeling. This may be the real reason why working with thoughts and beliefs can change your life! You want the frequency of your energy to be as high as possible, because your vibration will be reflected in what is attracted back to you. Evoking thoughts, feelings, and images related to love, joy, gratitude and appreciation are ways to quickly raise your frequency. Dwell in these vibrations and watch your life change! Tomar Levine,

9 Part Two The Seven Major Chakras #7 - Crown: Spirituality, wisdom, knowledge #6 - Brow: Vision, intuition, imagination #5 - Throat: Communication, clear speech, truth #4 - Heart: Love, acceptance, compassion #3 - Solar Plexus: Power, will, vitality #2 - Sacral: Sexuality, emotions, creativity #1 - Root: Stability, grounding, prosperity From this capsule description of the major chakras, you can immediately see how profound and powerful they are. They pertain to every aspect of your life, from physical survival and well-being, at the root chakra, to your connection to the spiritual cosmos, at the crown. In this section I will visit the seven chakras, and will select specific limiting beliefs relating to each chakra domain, that can severely impede your access to Career Success and Prosperity. And I will provide an example of the opposite view. I will start from the bottom up, beginning with the Root Chakra, which is closest to and pertains to all things having to do with the Earth, the ground, the floor of life. Tomar Levine,

10 The Root Chakra It is easy to see how the first chakra - known as the Root Chakra - pertains to issues of prosperity. All things related to wealth and money are of the Earth. Everything related to survival - including finances, of course - are in the domain of the Root Chakra. There are many, many common limiting beliefs about Money itself. I could write a book about them - in fact, many have. These beliefs include feelings of incapacity, guilt, fear, judgment, how hard it is to earn or to keep, necessity for struggle, there s never enough, rich people are greedy, I don t deserve, and on and on. However, in my opinion it goes even deeper than this. The Root Chakra ultimately has to do with the very right to be here, to exist, to be incarnated on Planet Earth. In my experience, many people, especially those who are spiritually oriented, feel ambivalent about life on Earth. They may feel ill equipped to compete for survival, even as though they don t really belong here. They may feel that it s just too hard to deal with this dense realm and may long for their true home. Can you relate? Some of the limiting beliefs in the Root Chakra might be: I don t belong here, I feel alien. I am not safe here. I don t like it here. The physical world is not a safe place. I don t know how to live here - it s too hard. I m not competent. Here is an alternative vision for healing Root Chakra issues: I was born for a reason. I belong here. I belong on the physical plane. I embrace and accept the material plane of time and space. Earth is home and I love my beautiful home. Mother Earth supports me and nourishes me. I love my wonderful Mother. I recognize that I am welcome here. It is easy to survive and thrive on Earth. I allow myself to fully incarnate and let my roots sink deep into the earth, to receive her sustenance. The energy of the Earth sustains me and gives me life. Physical reality, with all its limits, is a wondrous, magnificent gift. I am part of this miraculous physical world and I embrace it with joy and gratitude. I allow the Earth to completely support and sustain me. The world is filled with overflowing abundance, which fills me too. I decide now that I am safe on Earth. This is my home. Tomar Levine,

11 The Sacral Chakra The second chakra deals with a number of issues that may seem diverse. Sexuality is an obvious choice, since it is located in that region of the body. Similarly, it is about pleasure, relaxation, fluidity, give and take. It is also the seat of emotions, the intensity of those flowing energies. And just as it relates to procreation, so does it also include creativity itself, for they both partake of the generative impulse and the creation of the new. One way I see this pertaining to career success and prosperity has to do with the principle of flow, participation, and energy exchange. Picture an infinity symbol, a figure eight on its side. To me this represents the mutual flow of energy between self and other, self and world, that is necessary if you want to create something and put it out there. You can t keep hiding, you can t keep protecting yourself. And you have to also be willing to receive. In a figure eight, the energy keeps looping back and forth. This principle of energy flow and exchange is fundamental to career success. This is the principle of participation. And it is very hard for some people. ( know from my own experience how daunting this can be.) Some limiting beliefs might be: I am on the sidelines of life. I observe while others do. I hold back from life. I am afraid of being hurt and betrayed. I am afraid to fully participate. I don t know how. I don t deserve to receive. No one would want to give to me anyway. Here is the antidote: I am open to the co-creative, back-and-forth flow of life. I enjoy giving and I receiving vital energy. I am a joyful participant in the dance of life. My energy streams out to others, and other people s energy flows back to me. I allow myself to be touched and excited by the aliveness and joy of creation. I am empowered as a creative partner of life. I have something of value to give. As I give, I receive, and as I receive, I give. I am in a dynamic relationship with others and with the world. I allow contact, relationship, intimacy, and I bloom more and more. I surrender to the joyful, alive pulse of creation and creativity through me, as me. I decide now to become an active part of the never-ending flow of all that is. Tomar Levine,

12 The Solar Plexus Chakra When it comes to the third chakra, we are right in the center of the territory of business, career, and success. We are in the realm of personal power, will, assertion of self, initiating action, projecting oneself into the world, taking a stance, saying Here I am! Those are certainly qualities we associate with successful business moguls. But on a more modest scale the same qualities are needed for any public achievement or effort. To be an entrepreneur, an artist, to create a practice of any kind, one must have the confidence or courage to take a chance and step forward. What if this doesn t come easily? What if this sounds absolutely terrifying, as I know it does to some. (It certainly kept me small for decades!) Here are some limiting beliefs that could be shutting down this chakra: Who do I think I am? I can t do this. I m too small and weak to compete with the big guys. What if I fail? I m afraid I ll be found out as a fraud. Why would anyone buy from me, or hire me, anyway? Here s the switch: I am here and I deserve to be here. I claim my power. I deserve to take up space. I am here for a reason. I can and will do what I came here to do. Nothing can stop me. I affirm my purpose as a being of light with a mission. It s okay to feel fear, so long as I act on my purpose. Aligned with my inner power I step forward confidently into life. By taking inspired action I lift the world a little higher. By taking inspired action I make a difference in the world. By taking inspired action, I evolve and transform myself and others. I enter into life to deliver the gifts I brought. I am powerful when I use my will for the highest good. I am in alignment with Spirit when I take action for my soul s purpose. It is safe for me to act when guided by Spirit, for I have gifts to deliver. I decide now to actively take my seat as a contributor to the world. Tomar Levine,

13 The Heart Chakra In the center of the column, the fourth chakra or Heart Chakra is the pivot-point, the turning point. The lower chakras focus on individual survival, personal needs, and assertion. The upper chakras are more about spiritual connection. The heart joins them, the place of ultimate human-ness and vulnerability and at the same time the place of true spiritual love, compassion, and equanimity - and also passion and joy. But all our hearts have been wounded. All our hearts are filled with tears. How can we move forward into the world with our service or product, weighed down with pain, or a history of rejection? How can we trust? How can we trust and forgive ourselves and others enough to trust life with such a huge step? Some of the limiting beliefs that live in the wounded heart that could prevent one from succeeding in a career are: I am too damaged or broken. I need to heal first. I cannot focus on the outside world when I m in pain. I m not tough enough, I m too fragile. I can t bear to be hurt or rejected again, I don t dare take a risk. What if they don t like me? The world is too dangerous for me. Here s another place the heart can take you: There s a light within my heart that can be turned up. When the light in my heart is turned up high, it becomes a blaze. The light within my heart shines out and shows me where to go. The light within my heart creates warmth, for myself and others. My heart is a place of warmth, comfort and shelter. My heart is a place of tenderness, forgiveness, and healing. As I sense the sweetness of my heart, I accept myself more. My heart is the source of guidance I need to make decisions. I find nourishment within myself. As I am self-nourished, I can go into the world, filled from within. As the light in my heart is turned up, I feel it radiating throughout my body. As I turn up the light in my heart, I feel intense joy and aliveness. The light in my heart creates passionate enthusiasm for what I am here to do. As I turn up the light in my heart, I experience greater love for myself and others. I decide now to let my heart be the lantern that guides my way. Tomar Levine,

14 The Throat Chakra With the fifth chakra, the Throat Chakra, we come to the all-important function of communication. Communication has several purposes, pertaining to both giving and receiving, that are very significant for success, career, and prosperity. First of all, anyone with a business has a message. This is sometimes called marketing. Your message could also be central to your work itself. Proclaiming or broadcasting your message can be seen as giving, You are educating and helping your audience, and letting them know how you can serve them. On the opposite end is receiving. That would be about asking. Lots of entrepreneurs have trouble asking for help and try to handle too much themselves. Sometimes there s shame in seeming needy. But there s an even bigger form of asking that lots of us stumble over: asking for money! Some limiting beliefs about speech, both giving and asking might be: I m afraid I ll be judged, ridiculed, or attacked. No one wants to listen to me. Getting attention is dangerous. Asking for help is weak and needy. Asking for money is tacky and greedy. How about rewriting that script? When I am aligned with my soul, my words come easily and clearly. I use my voice for the truth that I am here to speak. My words have energy that goes out into the world and helps others. I love being an instrument of expression of something higher. I have the courage to speak and to express. Expression is joyful for me. At my best I am a messenger for something real and important. At my best I can be a clarion of truth. My words can be a gift to others. When I speak from the highest place, my words are helpful and healing. My words can delight and sparkle. It is safe to ask for help. People love to be asked. When I tell people my fee they can say yes or no - either is okay. When I ask to be paid, that allows the other to receive what she needs in turn. I love the appropriate exchange of energy in business. It feels good to ask for it. I decide now to always communicate my truth, whatever it is. Tomar Levine,

15 The Brow or Third Eye Chakra The sixth chakra is called the Third Eye because its location in the center of the forehead is traditionally associated with psychic perception or clairvoyance. It is also linked to other forms of inner seeing, such as insight, intuition, visualization, and imagination - as well as to physical eyesight. How does this relate to career success and prosperity? In business we often speak of having a vision. The more compelling and clear our vision, the more likely we are to succeed. Successful business owners are known for relying on intuition. If we don t have access to this faculty, we ll have only our rational minds to guide us. Intuition is an inner knowing that can come in different forms, including inner images. Imagining our success is one of the methods for bringing what we want into manifestation. Imagination is also how we get Divine downloads, those inspired ideas that can result in a creative project, product, or breakthrough. If a person is blocked in this center, it s a little like operating blind or in the dark. What could be responsible for blocking this center is often childhood dismissal of what we see, literally or figuratively, or growing up in a household where we were not supposed to see what was happening. It often results from having our imagination challenged or our sensitivity ridiculed. Some limiting beliefs that can continue to block the sixth chakra are: I have no imagination. I m not good at visualizing - I can never see things. I m not intuitive. I don t have access to guidance. One can turn that around to look like this: When I relax Divine ideas naturally flow into my awareness. All I have to do is let go, ask, and wait, and I receive answers. Trusting is the key to opening the storehouse of riches in my inner mind. I love how brilliant ideas flood my mind whenever I open to them. Inner knowing comes to me in many wonderful forms, including subtle ones. I know my inner promptings come from a higher source, and so I trust them. My visions and intuition come from deep within me. When I pose a question and remain open, creative inspiration magically appears. I decide now to allow inspiration to come to me without my seeking it. Tomar Levine,

16 The Crown Chakra The seventh chakra, situated at the crown of the head, is also the crowning chakra, justly celebrated for opening our awareness directly to spiritual or Divine contact. Although the purpose of such contact would seem more related to meditation than to business, the implications for our career success and prosperity are profound. This chakra concerns wisdom and knowledge as well, and these are both needed in business. But I prefer to focus on the spiritual connection. For when one has it, one feels a support, inner confidence, and sense of guidance that provide courage, direction, and security. And when one lacks it, one can easily feel lost and alone. Setting out on the adventure of creating one s own career is not for the faint of heart. There is no substitute for the profound sense of support and wellness that result from cultivating one s relationship to a Spiritual Source. From that source also spring the ideas for inspired actions that so often lead to business success. But many of us do not spend the time required to deepen this relationship. The limiting beliefs of the ego without spiritual food might be: I am all alone. I can t do it. Life is meaningless and empty. It s scary out there. Who am I kidding? Is it worth it? On the other hand, the view with Spirit might look something like this: I have a Divine partner who always guides and protects me. Spiritual support surrounds me and holds me at every turn. I feel the presence of Divine love and wisdom whenever I pay attention. Love and wisdom fill me from within and from without. My presence is anchored in stillness. There is a deep settled knowing within me. Wherever I go, there is Spirit too. I can just lean back and let the Divine hold me now. No matter what happens, I can feel at peace. When I let Spirit guide me, things always go better. I rely on Infinite Spirit as the source of all the good I need. I now turn over all my concerns and place them in God s hands. I decide now to remember to call on Spirit whenever I m in need. Tomar Levine,

17 I hope you have enjoyed our journey through the chakras and the linking of these sacred energy centers of the body with some of the key limiting beliefs that may interfere with your achieving the success and prosperity that is your Divine right. And I hope you were able to drink in some of the nourishing vibrations of the words that affirm the gifts and strengths that are always within your reach. If you are ready to engage in the deeper work of discovering and then discreating the beliefs that stand in your way, I d love to help you. The methods I employ are extremely easy, enjoyable, and effective. They are ones you can easily learn to use at home by yourself, if you so choose. Get Help Clearing Limiting Beliefs If you would like help identifying and clearing your limiting beliefs on any topics, especially career success and prosperity, please schedule a FREE 30-minute strategy session to explore your needs. Use this link to schedule a session: In my belief-change work I use several modalities. I am a certified practitioner of PSYCH-K and of the BeliefCloset Process, and am a seasoned EFT facilitator. The BeliefCloset Process is an imaginal journey that is as delightful to experience as it is powerful and transformative - I highly recommend it! Get Spiritual Guidance for Clarity on Your Purpose and Business I also offer intuitive Soul Guidance sessions in which I access the Akashic Records, a universal field of love, wisdom, and compassion. This work helps you gain radical clarity and insight about your purpose, lessons, and blocks, and how to release them. It will also help you achieve major breakthroughs in your business or career; these sessions have enabled many people to make huge leaps forward. To learn more about this powerful work and to read what satisfied clients have said about it, go to Tomar Levine,

18 TOMAR LEVINE is an Intuitive Business Guide, a Life Purpose and Career Coach, and a Belief Change facilitator. She is certified in two belief-change modalities, PSYCH-K and The BeliefCloset Process. She also is a long-time practitioner of EFT and Inner Parts work. Tomar s mission is to help people who long to make a difference in the world identify their purpose and passion so they can free their gifts and make the contribution they were born to make. She combines coaching, intuitive guidance, visionary brainstorming, and business and marketing consulting. You can find out more about Tomar and how she can help you by visiting her website: Tomar Levine,

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