The First Free dom. Iran helps Gaza re build Page 9. The con tin u ing war against the South. Traficant. Tribute to. It s here to stay.

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1 There is noth ing more pow er ful than an idea whose time has come. Vic tor Hugo It s here to stay. Y all have a nice day. The First Free dom P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Al a bama Self-government begins at home Volume 16 Num ber 11 November 2014 In vit ing the Zi on ist-con trolled me dia cracy to meet a ris ing free South Perversophobia de fined Page 24 Page 6 Tribute to Traficant War is a racket Page 8 Boycotting Page 13 the boycotters Con sti tu tional money must be backed by sil ver or gold Page 19 Federal Reserve Notes ruled unconstitutional, null and void Page 19 Europe needs Rus sia Page 13 newspaper of them all by or U.S. For 12 issues send Silverhill, Alabama the hardest-hitting rebel anywhere in the C.S.A. to TFF, P. O. Box 385, Get mail $25 Greg Kay on the Scots vote His death re shaped des ti nies Page 18 Page 22 Ger many s mis takes in Afghan war Page 9 What hap pened to Al Qaeda? Page 4 Page 16 America s enigma Louis Mar shall The Lobby boasts hav ing bagged a fresh man Page 12 Lebanon welcomes Iran s military aid Page 9 A Ransdell on Na tion al ism Page 10 My Life and Work Page 15 Henry Ford SURGEON GENERAL S WARNING: First-time read ers of al ter nate news, es pe cially boob tube ba bies, may ex pe ri ence se vere loss of con fi dence in the Es tab lish ment press and TV. $2.00 The con tin u ing war against the South How Amer ica brought Democracy to Egypt Page 13 Huck ster s quest for Per fec tion Page 12 The coun ter feit ers at the Fed Page 7 Iran helps Gaza re build Page 9 Page 14 It s le gal to Trea son doth never pros per: what s the rea son? For, if it pros per, none dare call it trea son. Sir John Har ring ton ( ) By Dr. Mi chael Hill A war is still be ing waged against the South, not by bul lets and bay o nets but by a cam paign of demonization. As a po lit i cal and so cial strat a gem, demonization is a ploy as old as civilization itself. The objective of the game is to de hu man ize an op po nent, in di vid ual or a group in or der to gain pub lic sup port for di min ish ing his power and in flu ence in one or more spheres: po lit i cal, so cial, eco nomic or cul tural. Mod ern Amer ica over the past two de cades abounds with ex am ples of the demonization pro cess, most of them per pet u ated by the Left (which in cludes many on the Re pub li can Right ) against the tra di tional Right. The Oklahoma City bomb ing, Black church burn ings and the At lanta Olym pics pipe-bomb ing in the 1990s; the 9-11 Truther move ment, the Obama birth cer tif i cate Birther move ment and the anti-obamacare move ment thus far this cen tury have all been used by the gov ern ment and its lap dog me dia to por tray any one to the right of the main stream GOP as dan ger ous to the pub lic weal. But the boo gie-man sin gled out to re ceive the lion s share of this lib eral/neocon hos til ity is the tra di tional South erner, who is uni formly pre sented by the me dia, the academy and popular culture as Beelzebub in car nate. Un for tu nately, the demonization of South ern ers and their re gion is not of re cent or i gin. The or i gins of con flict South ern ers of both high and low es tate con trib uted might ily to the found ing and advancement of the American Republic. De spite that, they have been sub jected to a long-run ning cam paign of demonization that has turned them into na tional whip ping boys in this post-mod ern, post-chris tian era. The demonization of the South did not be gin, as some may think, with the Civil Rights Move ment of the 1950s and 1960s, though it did take on a par tic u larly hos tile tone dur ing those de cades. Rather, the cam paign to por tray the South as the sole blot on an oth er wise pure and shin ing City on a Hill be gan in ear nest in the 1830s with the rise of the Yan kee re form ist im pulse (i.e., Ab o li tion ist, women s rights, tem per ance and other like-minded move ments) and fears that the so-called Slave Power of South ern aris to crats threatened American democracy. The three de cades from the pub li ca tion of Wil liam Lloyd Gar ri son s Lib er a tor in 1831 to the out break of The War for South ern In de pend ence in 1861 wit nessed a vir u lent cru sade to vil ify not only the South s cul ture and in sti tu tions but South ern ers themselves. To un der stand why the Yan kee thought it nec es sary and prof it able to demonize the South, we must trace briefly the di chot omy be tween a rap idly-chang ing an te bel lum North and a sta ble, con ser va tive South. South ern men-of-af fairs, es pe cially South Carolina s John C. Calhoun, un der stood that un checked con sol i da tion and the cam paign against slav ery would re sult in ei ther the de struc tion of the South or in the dis so lu tion of the Un ion. The gath er ing forces against which the South had to con tend were fore bod ing. (See South ern cul ture, page 3)

2 2 South ern Pov erty Truth Cen ter HERE S WHAT WAS IGNORED OR MISREPORTED ELSEWHERE: Both Bill and Hil lary were once anti-ashkenazis MONICA JEWINSKY, whose sex role as a White House in tern in 1998 brought then-pres i dent Bill Clinton to heel for that lit tle rogue State of Is rael, recited a much dif fer ent story on Oc to ber 20 at Forbes Un der 30 Sum mit in Phil a del phia. No, it was n t a vol un tary setup, let ting her self be wired so that the Jew ish mediacracy could black mail Slick. The FBI made her do it. ANSCHLUSS. On Oc to ber 22 Naftali Bennett, leader of the Jew ish Home party, warned Prime Min is ter Benjamin Netanyahu that his party will destabilize the co ali tion gov ern ment if the pre mier doesn t expedite settlement construction in the West Bank. OCTOBER was a juicy month: Arms sales soared amid war against ISIS. It was ex actly one month since the U. S. started its bomb ing cam paign on the Is lamic State in Syria, and quite a prof it able op er a tion for the arms in dus try of course. On the first day, 47 Tom a hawk mis siles worth over 65 mil lion dol lars were dropped. One month on and the jihadists were still in place, but the war had pro duced new con tracts for American weapons makers. MOSCOW will re duce gas sup plies if Kiev starts siphoning deliveries destined for Eu rope, warned Rus sia s Pres i dent Vladi mir Putin dur ing a visit to Ser bia last month. FOR FEAR of the Ebola vi rus, North Ko rea has an nounced that it will not ac cept any for eign tour ists, three agen cies that take tour ists to the iso lated State said on Oc to ber 23. The news came as the coun try said it was step ping up in spec tions and quar an tine mea sures at its air port, bor ders and ports to guard against the spread of the deadly vi rus, which has killed thou sands of peo ple in the latest outbreak. SKY NEWS reveals that pass ports be long ing to for eign mil i tants serv ing in the Is lamic State (IS, a.k.a. ISIL or ISIS) all dis play of fi cial exit stamps from the Turk ish bor der con trol. I thor oughly en joy read ing your ex cel lent pa per. In the spirit of Christ, White sur vival, Na tion al ism and White pride world wide, keep up the good work! PETER MALLEN Kent, Eng land I re cently re ceived my third is sue of your pub li ca tion and like it very much. I was n t born in the South but sure am glad I m here now! KAREN POST Dickinson, TX SUBSCRIBE TODAY! NEW READERS $5 for 6 issues RENEWAL $25 for 1 year $50 for 2 years $75 for 3 years $100 for 4 years SOUTH MIAMI passed a res o lu tion last month in fa vor of split ting the State in half. Vice Mayor Wal ter Har ris felt Tal la has see was not pro vid ing South Florida with proper rep re sen ta tion. Tal la has see does n t re ally, I m sorry to say, care too much about South Florida, Har ris said dur ing the city s com mis sion meet ing. Mayor Philip K. Stoddard agreed. South Florida would be better off mak ing its own rules, Stoddard told Lo cal 10 News. HIT and kicked by po lice af ter lead ing them on a high-speed chase, an Al a bama man who sued will now re ceive $1,000 in a set tle ment with the city of Bir ming ham, while his at tor neys get $459,000, of fi cials said on Oc to ber 22. AMONG those go ing into bat tle from the Ukrai nian side are some 500 trained fight ers in a self-de clared Azov bat tal ion backed by Jew ish en ergy mag nate and Dnipropetrovsk re gion gov er nor, Igor Kolomoisky, ac cord ing to an ar ti cle in Is rael s Ma ariv daily. THE UKRAINIAN Army has fired clus ter mu ni tions on sev eral oc ca sions into the heart of Donetsk, weapons banned in much of the world, upon a re bel-held city with a peace time pop u la tion of more than one million, according to physical evidence and in ter views with wit nesses and vic tims. ISIL ter ror ist group leader Ibrahim Samarrai, known by the alias Abu Bakr al-baghdadi, works for the U. S. Cen tral In tel li gence Agency and is sup ported by west ern se cret ser vices, ac cord ing to Chechen Pres i dent Ramzan Kadyrov. BRAZEN C.I.A. agents im per son ated Sen ate staff ers in or der to gain ac cess to Sen ate com mu ni ca tions and drafts of the Intelligence Committee s investigation. If peo ple knew what they ac tu ally did, to hack into the Sen ate com put ers and search for the tor ture doc u ment, jaws would drop. It s straight out of a movie, said one Sen ate source fa mil iar with the doc u ment. The First Free dom NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE CHURCH/SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION CLIP AND MAIL TO THE FIRST FREEDOM P. O. BOX 385, SILVERHILL, ALABAMA Chal leng ing a Zi on ist-con trolled mediacracy to tol er ate the truth COLOR of rev o lu tion: The umbrellas for Hong Kong s are made in Wash ing ton, as proven not only by the ob scenely-rapid White House open sup port just hours af ter it be gan, but the model is no dif fer ent from what they used in Ukraine. The First Freedom Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Speech and re li gion were al ready ours back when FDR named four free doms. But he would whip hun ger, fear and op pres sion, ab stain ing for ever from Eu rope s wars. When pol i ti cians lie, the State bites off what only individuals can chew. It s time we re cov ered those pow ers not del e gated. Ed i tor: Olaf Childress Ed i to rial fac ulty: Nancy Hitt, Chris tine Miller, Don ald Sullivan, Valerie Protopapas and Ing rid Rimland Zündel. Correspondents: Mark An der son, Bill Ebb, Lloyd Caperton, Chris DeHuff, Ja son Gerhard, Bill Ivy, John Kaminski, John Peeples and Car o lyn Yeager. Tele phone: ed i Website: Cor re spon dence about sub scrip tions or changes of ad dress should be ad dressed to The First Free dom,. Be as sured that if this new pro vi sion [the 14th Amend ment] be en grafted in the Con sti tu tion, it will, in time, change the en tire struc ture and tex ture of our gov ern ment, and sweep away all the guar an tees of safety de vised and pro vided by our pa tri otic Sires of the Rev o lu tion. Orville Brown ing Sec. of the In te rior (1867) Scalawag of the Month Larry Mar tin Open carry law killed in S. C. South Carolina is a shall-is sue State. Au thor i ties are re quired by law to is sue a carry per mit to ev ery ap pli cant at least 21 years old and not barred from pos sess ing a gun un der State or fed eral law. By Herschel Smith A while back, open carry was de feated in South Carolina. A bill al lowing South Car o lin ians to carry guns openly or con cealed with out first re ceiv ing the State s sanc tion through a per mit was killed by Re pub li cans. It failed to get out of the State s Ju di ciary Committee despite a large Republican ma jor ity un der strong op po si tion from Republican Senator Larry Martin. The bill was called Con sti tu tional Carry. Back ers had its prem ise based on the fact that the 2nd Amend ment is the only per mit needed to carry a weapon. Un der stand ing the Re pub li can stat ist po si tion against that bill re quired fol low ing tor tured logic. It was best de scribed by Mar tin him self in re sponse to a con stit u ent who asked him to vote to ad vance the bill, as re ported by If the 2nd amend ment has been as you in ter pret it, why has n t S. C. law re flected that for the last 140 years? I m sorry but you are de scrib ing an un lim ited right that has never been the case with the 2nd Amend ment. My view of the 2nd Amend ment has al ways been the right to own guns and keep them in our homes, busi ness, and prop erty and not to wear a gun when ever to wher ever I pleased. He just thinks that be cause he is a Com mu nist. Com ments at Mike s place seem to in di cate that it was the tour ism lobby in Charleston that de feated the bill. I make no claims to know ing the real story be hind the bill s de mise. But one thing is cer tain Sen a tor Larry Mar tin of Pickens is ei ther the ring leader or a stooge and tool. In any case, he is now the tar get. Greg ory Smith ob serves South Carolina has a pro-gun gov er nor and an anti-gun Sen ate. This de feat is shame ful, this is the work of self-hat ing South ern ers, scalawags that would rather kiss the car pet bag gers than pass pro-gun laws I be lieve there s gonna be po lit i cal hell in South Carolina. I want to know who are the 17 bastards that voted against the 2nd Amend ment; are any of them Re pub li can? If so then it s time to ex com mu ni cate them from pub lic of fice. I think the ret ri bu tion needs to be greater than that. Mr. Mar tin needs to feel un com - fort able even be ing out in pub lic. He has now de clared him self to be an en emy of the peo ple. And oh, by the way, as to the LEOs who helped to kill the bill, you are also an en emy of the people. Seriously, now A man who sees his dog in the back yard shak ing and toss ing some thing into the air rushes out to find that it was the neigh bors rab bit, now a very dead Mr. Bun Bun. The corpse is filthy with dog drool and mud, but thank fully no blood, its back no doubt bro ken at the first shake. Feel ing he can t pos si bly ex plain to the neigh bors how his dog got into their yard, entered the rab bit cage and killed Mr. Bun Bun while they were away, he bathes Mr. Bun Bun un til com pletely clean and dry, places him back in his cage, re-latches the door and hopes they ll think their rab bit died peace fully. Days later, the man no tices his neigh bor mow ing the lawn, walks over and asks how things are go ing. Not so well, the neigh bor says. We lost Mr. Bun Bun last week, and are still very up set about it all. Oh, I m sorry to hear that. Yes, we found him one day on coming home, probably died in his sleep be cause he looked so peace ful. (Whew!) Well, that doesn t sound too bad. No, we were not sur prised. I mean, he was very old, re ally starting to show his age the last few months. I guess I m a bit con fused then, as to why your fam ily is still up set. Well, we bur ied the lit tle guy out by the back fence and thought that was it. But You re not gonna be lieve this! some jerk dug him up, cleaned and put his body back into the cage as a mean and nasty prac ti cal joke. Periodicals postage paid at Foley, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send ad dress changes to The First Free dom,. SUBSCRIPTIONS: C. S. A. and U. S: For one year (12 is sues) send $25 to above ad dress. Do mes tic sub scrip tions: Send $25 check, money or der, (Fed eral Re serve Notes or one sil ver dol lar at own risk) for next 12 monthly is sues any where in C. S. A. and U. S. by bulk mail or $48 in a first class en ve lope. In mates may pay with post age stamps. For eign sub scrip tions: Can ada $53, other for eign des ti na tions $77. Pay able in U. S. dol lars or other in stru ments readily con vert ible thereto. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home. Let pa tri o tism, in obe di ence to God, eman ci pate our im pris oned her i tage! Join this non profit news pa per and help de-pro gram the brain washed pop u la tion. Ex cept for copy righted ar ti cles, any one may re print or quote The First Free dom in whole or part; just give full credit and ad dress. We may care fully edit sub mit ted manu scripts to fit space and style sheet with out chang ing mean ing; pre fer ; pub lish only the writer s name, city and State but need ad dress and phone ver i fi ca tion. Signed ar ti cles by con tri bu tors do not nec es sar ily represent The First Free dom s views. These are ex pressed in ed i to ri als.

3 What would Jef fer son say? By Clyde Wil son No won der Jef fer son arouses a neg a tive reaction among today s prevailing intelligentsia. It is im pos si ble to imag ine an Amer i can so ci ety that is more unjeffersonian than the re gime we live un der to day. Jef fer son ab horred en tan gling al li ances and hoped to pre serve the great gulf be tween the New World and the Old. The U. S. to day has a mil i tary pres ence in over a hun dred places around the globe. Jef fer son en vi sioned a con ti nent filled with the de scen dants of Amer i cans, a few Eu ro pe ans with valu able skills in vited in. To day the de scen dants of the orig i nal Americans are an ever diminishing minority in an in ter na tional un melt ing pot. Jef fer son s ed u ca tional sys tem was de signed to nur ture nat u ral aris to crats who might be born into the unprivileged ranks of so ci ety, so that their tal ents and vir tues would not be lost to the com mon wealth. In stead, Amer ica early adopted the Mas sa chu setts/prus sian sys tem of pub lic ed u ca tion de signed to cul ti vate mass con for mity and obe di ence. Jef fer son be lieved in the free dom of the (Con tin ued from page 1) The sweep of prog ress was al ready grip ping the North (es pe cially New Eng land), urg ing it to ward fi nance and in dus trial cap i tal ism and the ex ploi ta tion of free la bor. Wil liam H. Seward warned the South that un less it vol un tarily dis carded its old ways par tic u - larly an out moded ad her ence to States Rights and the pe cu liar in sti tu tion it would later yield them amidst a sea of blood. Such threats to the well be ing of their re gion caused thought ful South ern lead ers to con sider what sort of checks might be im posed against an increasingly hostile North. But pro gres sive North ern lead ers were in no mood to be checked by a nu mer i cal mi nor ity in the slaveholding South. Un der min ing the South ern way of life would be the first step in the tri umph of the Yan kee worldview, and to ac com plish this the South had to be demonized in the eyes of a ma jor ity of North ern ers be fore the rad i cals could hope for its ac tual phys i cal de struc tion. Yankee revolution Rev o lu tion ary change in the North s eco nomic and po lit i cal sys tems had been ac com pa nied by Eu ro pean-style re form move ments of ev ery stripe. In deed, New Eng land and parts of the Mid west now pro duced a breed of per pet ual re form ers in whom emo tion trumped common sense and hard ex pe ri ence. Even tu ally, all the re form ist strands were wo ven to gether into the rope of Ab o li tion ism, and by the 1830s the anti-slav ery move ment had be come a mes si anic, apos tate re li gious cru sade. Rad i cal ab o li tion ist pro pa ganda found its way not only into lit er a ture and pub lic or a tory, but into ju ve nile story books, church hym nals and even al ma nacs as well. Boston in the mid-nine teenth cen tury was the center of a Unitarian-Universalist revolt against traditional Christianity in which sin ful man kind was trans formed into a crea ture of in nate good ness and light. If man kind was in her ently good, then all so cial prob lems were ex ter nal ones that could be erad i cated by one sort of re form or an other. Per haps even the South ern slave-driver could be re deemed if only he could be made over in the im age of the sturdy, dem o cratic New Eng lander and his cousin in the Mid west who knew the proper in ter pre ta tion of the Dec la ra tion of Independence. To these abstract idealists the South seemed woe fully out of step with First things PUT IT BACK Your rep re sen ta tives for bid den by the South ern Pu berty Lech ery Cen ter, a fed eral Af fir ma tive Ac tion Ap pa rat chik and those new vot ing ma chines to dis play such re mind ers in a build ing full of judges, law yers and pol i ti cians have ban ished the Ten Com mand ments from Al a bama s Su preme Court now for months. 134 South ern cul ture is worth saving Dr. Mi chael Hill mind to seek the truth and did not fear any gen u ine truth. We live in a so ci ety vir tu ally the idea that all men are cre ated equal. While New Eng land ers called down the wrath of God s ter ri ble swift sword against the South, west ern men in Ohio, In di ana, Il li nois and Mich i gan, writes his to rian A. O. Cra ven, had a way of view ing evil as some thing there ought to be a law against. This com bi na tion of sanctimony and the ap peal to laws that surely would be en acted by John Randolph of Roanoke s King Num bers served to unite the dis pa rate el e ments of the White South and gird them for the im pend ing conflict. Bloody solution The war waged from was pre cip i tated in no small part by those Ab o li tion ists who had for thirty years fanned their flames of ha tred against the South. When the fight ing broke out in April 1861, they all re joiced, some at fi nally be ing rid of the South and oth ers at the op por tu nity of de stroy ing her. One of their own, Julia Ward Howe, while in Wash ing ton dur ing the early days of the war, penned the lyr ics to what be came the Unitarian-Abolitionist anthem The Bat tle Hymn of the Re pub lic. Her words hailed the ad vent of a holy war against an evil South and equated the cru ci fix ion of Christ with the pres ent cru sade against slav ery. The South Carolina Pres by te rian di vine, Rev. James Henley Thornwell, well un der stood the na ture of the ir re press ible con flict waged against his home land. He wrote: The par ties in this con flict are not merely Ab o li tion ists and slave hold ers, they are Atheists, Socialists, Communists, Red Re pub li cans, Jac o bins on the one side and the friends of or der and reg u lated free dom on the other. In one word, the world is the bat tle ground, Chris tian ity and Athe ism the com bat ants, and the prog ress of hu man ity the stake. Four years of Jac o bin-in spired war fare dev as tated the South. In ad di tion to some 450,000 Con fed er ate sol diers killed and wounded, the re gion s ci vil ian pop u la tion suf fered hor ren dously, es pe cially dur ing the fi nal cam paigns of the con flict. The last months of the Con fed er acy were filled with ar son, rob bery, rape and mur der, crimes per pe trated more of ten than not with the ap proval of Un ion mil i tary officers and civilian officials. Much of the de struc tion was pure van dal ism di rected against de fense less women and chil dren and represented a deliberate policy to strike ter ror in the hearts of the South ern with out any real de bate, dom i nated by Political Correctness. peo ple. What Gen eral Wil liam T. Sherman called the ho li est fight ever fought on God s earth made lit tle dis tinc tion be tween Black and White. A re porter for the New York Her ald, who wit nessed the sack of Co lum bia, South Carolina, in 1865, noted that Ne gro women were for the most part vic tims of the [Un ion] sol diers lust. A num ber of them were woe fully mis treated and rav ished. War s af ter math In the wake of this car nage, North ern business interests began a systematic and whole sale eco nomic plun der ing of the South that would con tinue through Re con struc tion. Op pres sive taxes were lev ied on cot ton, and in just three years ( ) over $70 mil lion was ex pro pri - ated from the South ern econ omy. As late as 1880 the value of South ern ag ri cul tural lands was only two-thirds of what it had been in Gross farm in come did not rise above 1859 lev els un til the early 1880s, though the South s pop u la tion rose nearly fifty per cent dur ing that pe riod. In the de cades fol low ing the war, the South be came an eco nomic col ony at the mercy of North east ern plu to crats who ex acted enor mous sums of cap i tal through usu ri ous in ter est rates, stole lands and re sources through tax fore clo sures and rigged lo cal elec tions at the point of a bay o net. Fam ine and pes ti lence stalked the land, and it was com mon to see home less wid ows and or phans beg ging bread from door to door and once-proud vet er ans re duced to des ti tu tion. In deed, ab o li tion ist Wendell Phillips summed up the sit u a tion well when he re marked af ter the war: This [the North s vic tory] is the new dis pen sa tion. This is the New Tes ta ment is the blank leaf be tween the old and the new.... We have con quered not the geo graph ical but the ideal South... and we have a right to tram ple it un der the heel of our boots. This is the mean ing of the war. So it was. American Empire The South s de feat in 1865, as Thornwell pre dicted, cleared the way for the tri umph of a Jac o bin/marx ist worldview in a consolidated American Empire. Wasted by war and mil i tary oc cu pa tion and swin dled by crooked Car pet bag and Scalawag en tre pre neurs, the South ern peo ple could do noth ing to halt the cen tral iz ers jug ger naut. One would think the demonizers work done at this point. But, af ter a truce of sorts pre vailed for sev eral de cades, es pe cially dur ing times of war when Amer ica needed the ser vices of South ern man hood, the demonization of Jef fer son ab horred ju di cial oli gar chy that thwarted the will of the peo ple. To day the Su preme Court, not the peo ple of the States, has sov er eign power. Jef fer son feared banks and pa per money. Our so ci ety is now dom i nated by banks that are Too Big to Jail. Jef fer son hated pub lic debt. It placed a tax bur den on the pro duc tive in or der to profit the priv i leged unproductive, John Taylor s paper aristocracy. Not only that, Jef fer son s con stant theme through out his life was that the earth be longs to the liv ing. For the cur rent gen er a tion to bind down fu ture gen er a tions with debt was deeply im moral and antidem o cratic. What would he make of our cat a strophic na tional debt? That much of it is owed to for eign gov ern ments he would un doubt edly la bel as trea son able. Jef fer son was a pa triot. He was not an advocate of one nation indivisible. During and af ter his time, na tion al ism was be com ing a dom i nant force in the West ern world, in clud ing the plu ral States United. For Jef fer son one could be an Amer i can pa triot with out re quir ing to tal and un re served obe di ence to the cen tral gov ern ment or believing that the people were spiritually in sep a ra ble from that gov ern ment. all things traditionally Southern resumed apace in the 1950s and 1960s dur ing the Civil Rights Move ment and the age of leftist revolution. And it continues to this day, the per pe tra tors show ing no signs of letting up. The pre vail ing ques tion for tra di tional South ern ers is this: How long will you pa tiently re main as a sec ond-class cit i zen in this cur rent po lit i cal ar range ment, hop ing it can be re formed? If you do choose to re main on the flimsy hope of re form, you likely will lose ev ery thing dear to you, in clud ing your chil dren s and grand - chil dren s fu ture. You must rec og nize that the war against you con tin ues and will not end un til ev ery thing you cher ish has been de stroyed. Such was and is the def i ni tion of war by the forces of evil in this con flict. And the pre vail ing evil is the USA. Dead end The demonization and de struc tion of the tra di tional South has re moved a coun ter - weight from the po lit i cal en tity known as The United States of Amer ica. With out that coun ter weight of South ern con ser va tism and tra di tion, Amer ica de scended into the pit of Enlightenment-inspired left liberalism from which it has not, will not, and can not re turn. Here are some con crete ex am ples. Since the South s de feat in 1865, Amer ica has: 1) fought a war for em pire (the Span ish- Amer i can War); 2) helped de stroy the old Eu ro pean or der (World War One); 3) pro vided aid to the com mu nists in Spain (the Span ish Civil War which saw Amer i can vol un teers in the Abra ham Lin coln Bri gade fight against Franco); 4) al lied it self with the Com mu nist USSR un der Sta lin (World War Two); 5) pro vided po lit i cal and eco nomic sup port for Black Com mu nist-backed re gimes in Rho de sia and South Af rica (in the Bush Wars and anti-apart heid cam paign); 6) sup ported the pro-mus lim forces against Chris tian Ser bia in the 1990s; and 7) cur rently sup ports anti-chris tian Mus lim re bels against the Syr ian gov ern ment, in clud ing per haps ISIS it self. With out a vi tal and vi a ble old South ern con ser va tism that old time re li gion that theo log i cally de fined the South to pro vide bal ance, the USA has con sis tently pushed a left ist/ god less ide ol ogy world wide. Thus, with out the South to reel her in, Amer ica has be come an un holy ter ror to the whole world. Per haps a re vi tal ized and in de pend ent South will be the nec es sary an ti dote to such hu bris. And per haps this is why the pow ers-that-be in the USA still demonize her. 3

4 4 Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See cou pon at bot tom of page 24 Me dia by pass op er a tion Mean while, what ever hap pened to Al Qaeda? By Bernie Suarez Watching world events lately one can not help but to won der: what ever hap pened to the war in Af ghan i stan? Are U. S. sol diers sup pos edly still ex chang ing fire with Al Qaeda as (sup posed) pay back for 9/11? For a cou ple years I had been of fer ing cash re wards for any one who can prove the war in Af ghan i stan to be a real war sce nario; you know, the one with the video proof of the op po si tion ac tu ally fir ing back at our po si tions. That s right, for years I of fered a cash re ward for any one who can prove that there is a real con ven tional war (like the Viet nam foot age) go ing on in Af ghan i stan. Chal leng ers needed only to show ac tual video foot age of U. S. tank and ar til lery po si tions in place and fir ing on the en emy (Al Qaeda), then gather some con crete ev i dence (mean ing video foot age) of the Al Qaeda military resistance. What military re sis tance? The one that jus ti fies the U. S. military s long stay in Afghanistan. To this day I m not aware of any video evidence show ing Al Qaeda s tanks and artillery fir ing back at U. S. po si tions (i.e., proof of an ac tual war). The main stream me dia have never pro duced ev i dence that would make a rea son able per son log i cally de duce that there is an ac tual war go ing on in Af ghan i stan. Not video of U. S. mil i tary blow ing up a build ing or tar get, but an ac tual war with two par tic i pants fir ing on each other. Fra ter nity Even Fox News re ported years ago that the U. S. was help ing grow Opium in Af ghan i stan; all the while no one has ever pro duced ev i dence of any ac tual war. In cred i bly, de spite years of ev i dence prov ing that there has never been any war (but in stead an oc cu pa tion) in Af ghan i stan, main stream-me dia-watch ing Amer i cans have blindly be lieved and ac cepted that some how the world s most pow er ful mil i tary (the U. S.) has been in an equallymatched war against the dan ger ous and pow er ful Al Qaeda mil i tary forces, thus ra tio nal iz ing and jus ti fy ing this long war and oc cu pa tion in Af ghan i stan. As the ri dic u lous ISIS script con tin ues to play out in what I con sider to be a psy cho log i cal op er a tion on Amer i cans and the world, and as we now see ISIS tagged as the new mil i tary might to com pete with the U. S. mil i tary, the ques tion has to be asked: Where is Al Qaeda? What is Al Qaeda do ing? We know that ISIS was orig i nally named Al Qaeda in Iraq ; does that mean that mem bers of Al Qaeda made a deal with the U. S. to fly to Iraq, cre ated an Iraqi move ment then switch their names to ISIL or ISIS? If so, how many Al Qaeda mem bers switched groups? Is there any dif fer ence at all or just the lo ca tion? How about the war in Af ghan i stan which mem bers of Al Qaeda are still fight ing there? Where is Al Qaeda and how come they are no lon ger in the news? The or i gins of ISIS are fully ex posed to any one who is awak ened, but what should we say about the of fi cial sta tus of Al Qaeda? Or should I say, what would the establishment (and its mainstream media) have us be lieve about the 2014 cur rent and of fi cial sta tus of Al Qaeda? Is there room for logic and rea son any more in this crazy geo-po lit i cal new world or der scheme; or should we all just ac cept such cra zi ness with out ask ing sim ple ques tions? No tice I said sim ple ques tions not crit i cal ques tions, be cause the ques tions we are ask ing aren t trick ques tions on fo ren sics or sci ence; they are sim ple straight for ward ques tions. Where is Al Qaeda now? Do they no lon ger ex ist? If so, then when did they cease to ex ist and why is the war in Af ghan i stan still go ing on? As the new ISIS psy cho log i cal operation on humanity rolls along, we have to stop and ask these sim ple ques tions be cause these are the very chal lenges that will con tinue to ex pose the glob al ist crim i nals. Here are some ques tions: 1. Why has Al Qaeda never at tacked Is rael? 2. Why do our pol i ti cians stated goals al ways seem to fit in nicely with Al Qaeda and ISIS? 3. Can any one pres ent a shred of ev i dence prov ing that Al Qaeda is not ISIS? 4. Hey, if ISIS is act ing alone, would it be pos si ble for ISIS to at tack Al Qaeda or vice versa? 5. How does Is rael avoid hav ing to deal with at tacks from both of these groups? Rea son and logic As long as we feel that there s some thing worth fight ing for, we have an ob li ga tion to ex pose all this po lit i cal the ater, the pro pa ganda and mon key busi ness be ing im posed on hu man ity. Sadly, all too many Amer i cans will never at tempt to an swer even one of these ques tions, and in stead la bel such ideas as non sense, con spir acy, even anti-gov ern ment pro pa ganda. Sadly, too many Amer i cans who are now deeply en trenched in the ISIS psy cho log i cal op er a tion won t ever get be yond what CNN or Fox News and Sean Hannity tell them. Ev ery thing else is sim ply con spir acy. No think ing, rea son ing, no ask ing sim ple ques tions, no logic, no true jour nal ism, no real re port ing, noth ing. Dig ging and pok ing at the Al Qaeda psyop is one way to ex pose the ISIS psyop since it came first. Un for tu nately, our gov ern ment has con trol freaks who be lieve in im pos ing mass mind-con trol op er a tions in or der to cor ral the masses with fear and it is up to us to find cre ative and in ter est ing ways to ex pose their lies and de ceit. So to day I want to know what did Al Qaeda do yes ter day, where are they now, and why are they no lon ger be ing men tioned as a threat by the West ern me dia while the war in The prin ci ple for which we con tend is bound to re as sert it self, though it may be at an other time and in an other form. Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis Opium har vest: Is this Al Qaeda? Afghanistan continues year after year. By the way, has any one seen the video ev i dence of ISIS over com ing the Iraqi army? How about the re cent bat tles claimed by main stream me dia: has any one seen ac tual ev i dence of ISIS fir ing U. S. tanks and ar til lery weap ons? Where are these vid eos? And, by the way, who trained ISIS to fire our tanks and How it zers? Re mem ber that hav ing the weap ons is not enough; you must learn how to use the weap ons as well. U. S. mil i tary can non eers train for al most two months to fire How it zers. Who trained ISIS how to fire U. S. mil i tary weap ons? Al ter na tively we should be ask ing: when will Amer i cans as a whole have enough of this non sense? When will we pull to gether to turn jus tice on the glob al ists and their phony patsy ter ror groups that change names all the time and al ways end up with U. S. weap ons? When will hu man ity pull it to gether and see that, co in ci den tally, none of these en gi neered ter ror groups ever at tack Is rael, yet they al ways seem to want to get their hands on U. S. ci vil ians who are not part of their war? There are no ac counts of any di rect full mil i tary bat tles against U. S. mil i tary, and even now that the glob al ists are script ing this re cent mil i tary bat tle against ISIS in Syria (as they did with Al Qaeda and Taliban in Af ghan i stan) we are be ing fed sto ries and re ports from main stream me dia sources with out any real ev i dence of a war go ing on. Our eyes glaze over Al Qaeda has sup pos edly chal lenged the U. S. mil i tary to the tune of a 13-year war (and still count ing) even as naïve and dumbed-down Amer i cans blindly ac cept these bi zarre sta tis tics while con sumed by sports and en ter tain ment. Now ISIS is sup pos edly with stand ing air strikes with ease, yet we are not told how they are Will ISIS soon have fly ing sau cers? By Brandon Turbeville So ISIS has de vel oped an air force and NATO wants its no-fly zone over Syria? If Wile E. Coy ote were a ter ror ist, his name would be ISIS. Or at least that is what the main stream me dia and West ern gov ern ments in tent on over throw ing the secular government of Bashar al-assad would have you be lieve. Ac cord ing to the main stream press, in spite of be ing highly-trained su per men who are ten feet tall and in vin ci ble, ISIS con tin ues to make ev ery pub lic re la tions step it takes in the wrong di rec tion. The re cent an nounce ment that ISIS pos sesses an air force now is a case in point. On Oc to ber 17, FOX News told us that ISIS could be soon tak ing its ter ror fight to the sky, af ter a re port that for mer Iraqi pi lots are train ing Is lamic mil i tants to fly captured Syrian warplanes. Ac cord ing to the death squad friendly pro pa ganda or ga ni za tion known as the Syr ian Ob ser va tory For Hu man Rights, a num ber of for mer Iraqi air force pi lots are now train ing ISIS fight ers to fly three war planes cap tured in Syria MIG 21 and do ing it. ISIS has the abil ity to em bar rass the U. S. by show ing up on the bat tle field with suf fi cient am mu ni tion; all the while, the U. S. runs out of bul lets. Imag ine that, re mem ber we re talk ing the worlds greatest military here. Mass the ater The fact of the mat ter here is that many of us have per son ally had enough of this hyped ISIS psy cho log i cal op er a tion and we are re minded (lit er ally by an Al Qaeda com mander here) that Al Qaeda is (was?) no dif fer ent. The dif fer ence is that much more of hu man ity is awak ened to the glob al ist plans and de ter mined to fight back against these de struc tive psy cho log i cal ter ror scripts im posed on us. Life is too pre cious to have to deal with ISIS or Al Qaeda or any In tel li gence syn thetic ter ror groups. We can t af ford to have a staged elim i na tion of ter ror ism (Bin Laden death hoax) only to sud denly find a brand new ter ror or ga ni za tion, and again con ve niently funded and armed by the U. S., Is rael and its Mid dle East bud dies to wreak havoc on hu man ity while giv ing a free pass to its cre ators. Keep at it I say let us roll with the ISIS op er a tion like a good mar tial art ist and use their ISIS psyop against them. Let s all keep push ing to ex pose this ISIS agenda and hope for some thing to crack. The glob al ist agenda must crack, and it will crack. It is up to each and ev ery one of us to see to it that the plan cracks. One way to help crack this plan is by shar ing this mes sage with some one, stay ing strong, keep ing your mind clear, your eyes wide open and con tinue to view our cur rent-day nar ra tives in the con text of his tory and known facts in stead of the con text of CIA-con trolled main stream me dia-guided emo tion and pro pa ganda. Bernie Suarez is an ac tiv ist, crit i cal thinker, ra dio host, mu si cian, M.D, Vet eran, lover of free dom and the Con sti tu tion, and cre ator of the Truth and Art TV pro ject. Amer i can Free Press is the weekly news pa per out of Wash ing ton, DC, that rose from its ashes when they shut down The Spot light. Tired of wait ing a whole month for TFF to ar rive? Sub scribe to this also-truth ful tab loid, 52 is sues crammed into 47 weeks of the year plus six free is sues of Whole Body Health for $59. Whew, that was a close one. Amer i can Free Press, Ste Pennsylvania Ave SE Wash ing ton DC MIG 23 jets in ap par ent prep a ra tion to launch air at tacks in the Mid dle East. Observatory director Rami Abdurrahman says the planes are fly ing at low al ti tudes, ap par ently to avoid be ing de tected. Fear ing the lo cal deer pop u la tion might sud denly turn tyrannical, the Founding Fathers hastily drafted the 2nd Amend ment.

5 Big bash in Memphis By Hunter Wallace James Ed wards hosted The Po lit i cal Cesspool s con fer ence in Mem phis last month for friends, fam ily and sup port ers in cel e brat ing the 10th an ni ver sary of that phe nom e nal ra dio program. For un der stand able rea sons, this was not open to the pub lic. When the League of the South pub li cized our dem on stra tions in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, a group call ing itself the Tennessee Anti-Rac ist Net work suc ceeded twice in get ting our hotel reservations cancelled. That same group ha rassed the South ern Na tional Con gress at its an nual con fer ence in Fall Creek Falls State Park. They pro tested and ha rassed the last two Amren con fer ences in Mont gom ery Bell State Park near Dick son, Tennessee. Fi nally, a EURO con fer ence was cancelled near Mem phis in Had this con fer ence been pub li cized on the internet like the re cent NPI con fer ence in Hun gary, the ho tel would have been ha rassed by that usual co te rie of anti-fa slacktivists who would have made phone calls, a small hand ful of whom would have prob a bly showed up to pro vide us with some en ter tain ment. Rather than in vite unnecessary harassment, the decision was made to keep this con fer ence in-house at a nice, up scale pri vate lo ca tion where we could re lax and en joy a week end of fel low - ship and ca ma ra de rie with out any last min ute dis rup tion of any one s travel plans. The con fer ence be gan on Fri day eve ning and cul mi nated on Sunday morn ing at the Na than Bed ford For rest me mo rial in Mag nif i cent! By James Ed wards I have emerged from what was eas ily the most mem o ra ble week end of my po lit i cal career. Af ter nearly a year of plan ning, The Po lit i cal Cess pool s ten year anniversary celebration and fam ily re union was executed flawlessly! It quite lit er ally could not have been any better. Fans from all over the coun try packed a sold-out ball room in Mem phis to help us celebrate a decade of radio excellence. The feelings of family and camaraderie were pal pa ble. I don t think I ve ever been in a room where spir its were so high. It started off on Fri day eve ning, when the ball room opened and we were treated to a per for mance from a pro fes sional en ter tainer who tick led the ivory keys of a beau ti ful grand pi ano. Af ter an hour of in spi ra tional mu sic our first din ner ban quet was served, which was fol lowed by wel com ing re marks de liv ered by yours truly. On Sat ur day we were treated to one phenomenal speaker after another, each touching on vitally important issues: Faith, fam ily, the South, the me dia, con tem po rary pol i tics, prac ti cal ap pli ca tions for daily life and much more. The di verse lineup of pre sent ers guar an teed that there would be some thing for ev ery one. Came Sat ur day af ter noon, we once again were gath ered to gether for a won der ful re cep tion fea tur ing the mu sic of our mae stro, who con tin ued to play for the crowd dur ing the breaks of our live re mote broad cast that eve ning! That show was one I ll never for get, es pe cially the end when we en gaged in a group sing ing of Dixie that came straight from the heart. I no ticed the glis ten ing eyes of more peo ple than just my self dur ing that emo tional mo ment. I hope those who could not be there with us in per son were able to draw in spi ra tion from this very spe cial pre sen ta tion of TPC. On Sunday morn ing those who did not For rest Park. Be cause Renee and I were so late leav ing St. Louis, we missed the events on Fri day, and were too ex hausted to do any thing on Sunday. On Sat ur day, there were five speak ers who ad dressed a range of top ics which in cluded Na than Bed ford For rest and the myth of the Fort Pil low Massacre, Christianity, ethnonationalism, and race re al ism in Amer ica, the Jew ish Ques tion, the prob lem of Amer i can ism and prac ti cal tips for our peo ple on how to safe guard their so cial and fi nan cial well be ing (jobs, house, chil dren) while liv ing in the con text of an anti-white so ci ety. This was fol lowed by a ban quet and a live broad cast of the The Po lit i cal Cess pool in which we sung Dixie at the end. There was a flurry of can cel la tions in the weeks be fore the con fer ence, but the ball room was packed for an event that was in vite only. Had more peo ple been pri vately in vited, I have no doubt that many more would ve come, but we would have needed a larger venue. A sched ul ing con flict meant that lots of peo ple who were at the League dem on stra tion in Cartersville, Geor gia, could n t be in Mem phis on this week end and vice versa. The attendees were predominantly South ern ers, but peo ple from New York, Cal i for nia, Can ada, Ver mont and Il li nois were also there. Unsurprisingly, there was no in fight ing on dis play any where this week end, as most of us are al ready known to each other from pre vi ous events, and we con tinue to co alesce around com mon ground. The dys func tion that is al ways on have to catch early flights home trav eled from our venue to the Na than Bed ford For rest me mo rial where we had the op por tu nity to sa lute a true Amer i can hero and learn more about a man whose real life ri vals the ex ploits of any myth o - log i cal god. It was a fit ting end to a truly magnificent fellowship. This is just a tiny re view of what was ex pe ri enced over the course of those three days, though we have asked an at ten dee to pen an of fi cial re port. We joined to gether not just to dis cuss the things in which we be lieve, but to cel e brate who we are, and that s some thing that cuts to the very fi ber of our be ings. As I shared with one gen tle man, it is dif fi cult for me to put into words the amount of re spect and ad mi ra tion that I have for our au di ence. Though I was full of these feel ings be fore we gath ered on that Fri day, Oc to ber 17, they seem to have grown ex po nen tially since then. My big gest sup porter, who is 38 weeks preg nant, lets our daugh ter take a nap on her lap dur ing the din ner ban quet. In ad di tion to my wife, there was no short age of gor geous young la dies in at ten dance. South ern Culturalism dis play on the internet is a prod uct of low trust/low so cial cap i tal within the sphere that we call the move ment which it self is a symp tom of an o nym ity and overreliance on the internet. Gen er ally speak ing, on line re la tion ships are more frag ile than real View from the cen ter of the ball room world re la tion ships. The internet is a par a dise for trolls, cranks, mis fits, and los ers who don t last long in real life. It is a great com mu ni ca tions and net work ing tool, but also a place where para noia and mis un der stand ings tend to flour ish. Though most folks had to get on the road or get to the air port on Sunday morn ing, a small con tin gent met for the fi nal event of our week end at the Na than Bed ford For rest mon u ment. A lo cal his to rian pro vided us with in for ma tion about Gen eral For rest s life. This beau ti ful flag, which was pre sented to me by a gen tle man from Ar kan sas, was on full dis play at For rest Park. 5

6 6 Duty well met A trib ute to James An thony Traficant, Jr., By Lt. Col o nel Don ald Sullivan (Ret) Former Con gress man James ( Jim ) An thony Traficant, Jr., died on Sep tem ber 27, 2014, at St. Elis a beth Health Cen ter in Youngs town, Ohio, af ter suf fer ing an ap par ent heart at tack while mov ing his vin tage 1943 Ford trac tor in side a 140-foot pole barn on the fam ily farm. He was 73. At 7:50 PM on Sep tem ber 23rd, An drew Thomson of Mer cer, Penn syl va nia, was look ing at farm equip ment with Traficant and talk ing with him as The Vin di ca tor drove his trac tor into the barn. When Thomson did n t get a re sponse from the Con gress man, he checked the barn, saw him un der the trac tor and called 911. Ap par ently, the trac tor had struck a large steel blade on the ground rolling for ward with the un con scious driver on board, which caused it to flip with Con gress man Traficant still trapped in the ve hi cle s seat and the trac tor on top of him. Emer gency re spond ers were there in min utes, lifted the trac tor off Con gress man Traficant and ad min is tered CPR to him. They also got him out of the barn be cause gas was leak ing from the trac tor. He was ini tially trans ported to Sa lem Re gional Hospital, then relocated to St. Elisabeth s where he was pro nounced brain dead. The fam ily de cided to dis con nect him from life sup port at 2:00 PM on Fri day, Sep tem ber 26th. He sur vived an other 21 hours be fore slid ing away. He had been in a med i cally in duced coma since the ac ci dent. My brush with Jim Traficant I wrote the fol low ing ar ti cle about Jim Traficant for the May edi tion of TFF, but space limitations prevented its publication. Here it is, slightly mod i fied to re flect Con gress man Traficant s un timely death: On April 4-6, I at tended the an nual Free dom Rally pre sented by the Free dom Law School in Or lando, Florida, at the Hol i day Inn near Or lando In ter na tional Air port. There were many out stand ing pre sent ers at the sem i nar, but the most mem o ra ble was for mer Ohio Con gress man Jim Traficant (Dem o crat), son of a truck driver, lo cal foot ball star from Youngs town, Ohio, who was once elected sher iff of his home county and a man on a mis sion. He had ev ery one in the room stand ing and ap plaud ing through out his first speech on Sat ur day (You can catch the en tire speech at At 73 years old, he was a pow er house. He de scribed to us how, by amend ing the IRS Re struc tur ing and Re form Act of 1998 while in Con gress, he had suc ceeded in mov ing the bur den of proof from the tax payer to the IRS in crim i nal lit i ga tion as part of the tax payer s dec la ra tion of rights, Item B022 Did Six Mil lion Re ally Die? By Rich ard Har wood The most con tro ver sial and ex pen sive lit tle Eng lish lan guage pub li ca tion printed in mod ern times; mil lions of words have con demned and praised this book let. More mil lions of dol lars have been spent on both sides in lit i ga tion as the re sult of the two ma jor Zündel Ho lo caust Tri als. Any body who wants to study the fun da men tal ar gu ments of Re vi sion ism should start here! Large-for mat, 30 page sad dle-stitched book let $12.00 Post age and han dling U. S. Cus tom ers only: You are on the hon ors sys tem; please be gen er ous. For eign Coun tries: Please add $3 to get air mail de liv ery. Send to: Ing rid Rimland Zündel, Ed.D Park way, Pi geon Forge, TN also add ing the re quire ment that the IRS fol low due pro cess pro ce dures or face a hear ing be fore a judge if timely re quested by the tax payer. That ef fort re sulted in the Col lec tion Due Pro cess Hear ing, and we have Con gress man Traficant to thank for it, among oth ers. In the year be fore his due pro cess amend ment passed, there were 3.6 mil lion wage gar nish ments by the IRS, 677,000 prop erty liens and 10,073 sei zures of fam ily-owned homes; in the year af ter the bill 560,000 wage gar nish ments, 161,000 prop erty liens and only 57 sei zures of fam ily-owned homes by the IRS! We can thank him for that as well. His re ward? He was wrongly ac cused and pros e cuted for tak ing bribes while in Con gress. Jim spent seven years in fed eral prison, and not any low se cu rity prison, mind you, but max i mum se cu rity. He said he was asked ev ery year by the DOJ to con fess to his crime in ex change for his free dom; and he de clined, six times, when serv ing his full sen tence and grad u at ing with honor. Mahoning Val ley s most fa mous, and infamous, politician of the last half-century was in dicted by a fed eral grand jury on May 4, The fam ily farm where he was later in jured was a key lo ca tion in his po lit i cal cor rup tion trial of Among his con vic tions was hav ing con trac tors do work at the farm for po lit i cal fa vors, and hav ing con gres sio nal staff mem bers work there while on fed eral time. Jim main tained to me that he had been con victed with ab so lutely no ev i dence pre sented against him. He had beaten his ac cus ers once be fore in court rep re sent ing him self, but this sec ond time was over whelmed. They not only took his Con gres sio nal pen sion but also his wife s. Traficant ve he mently main tained his in no cence for the rest of his life. I can t help but won der how many other mem bers of Con gress have been found guilty of stuff and never had their pen sions snatched away. He blamed the Dem o crats (his party) mostly for the fix we re in, say ing they get elected by cam paigns which di vide the rich and the poor, prom ise to stop wars and tax the rich; then, once in of fice, they pass laws which cut deals for the rich and in crease fund ing for their wars. The Fair Jus tice Act he was try ing to pass when he was taken out would have cre ated a new agency whose sole mis sion would have been to investigate crimes committed by the DOJ and IRS. In his sec ond pre sen ta tion on Sunday, he said, We have the 16th amend ment be cause the Found ers did n t want the per sonal in dus try of the peo ple to be taxed. It s no lon ger a prob lem of tax a tion, it s a prob lem of free dom. The Con gress had no pro gram for free dom. Jim Traficant had a pro gram for free dom, and he called it Pro ject Free dom USA (see de tails at 1.html). This grass roots pro ject calls for eliminating the income tax; eliminate the Federal Reserve; repudiate and discharge all U. S. debt to the banksters (his word) in clud ing the fed eral re serve, but pay legitimate debt, i.e., bond debt; re turn to Con gress the power to is sue debt-free money backed by our gold, sil ver, na tional as sets and the full faith and con fi dence of our powerful American economy; eliminate the De part ments of En ergy, Ed u ca tion, Health and Wel fare, send ing re spon si bil ity for those pro grams back to the States where it be longs; end with hold ing taxes on wages and sal a ries; end all taxes on sav ings; elim i nate cor po rate, cap i tal gains and inheritance taxes; eliminate tax on social security payments; eliminate all record keep ing by cit i zens pre vi ously needed to satisfy their perceived income tax liability; and put an end to the Medicare tax. Al though he would like to re peal the 16th and 17th amend ments and re strict the 14th to those truly un der the ju ris dic tion of the United States, he does not in clude these goals in his Pro ject Free dom be cause he does not trust a con sti tu tional con ven tion. Rec og niz ing that the ex penses of gov ern ment must come from some where, Pro ject Free dom USA would add a 15% flat tax on all new goods and ser vices at fi nal re tail sale along with a 35% re duc tion in gov ern ment spend ing, to start. (I would per son ally also sup port en force ment of the In ter nal Rev e nue Code only against those to whom it ap plies: Amer i cans re ceiv ing in come over seas or from U. S. pos ses sions, foreign corporations and non-resident aliens, le gal or oth er wise.) Any sur plus rev e nues would be re funded to each house hold an nu ally. Traficant sus pected the trade def i cit, cur rently around three quar ters of a tril lion dol lars a year, would be re versed very quickly. Ev ery one pay ing the tax, our un der ground econ omy would dis ap pear. The mech a nism for col lect ing the tax is al ready in place. It would piggy back on the State ex cise tax in States hav ing such a tax. In the four States which have no ex cise tax, a new fed eral tax mech a nism would have to be added. The en tire bur den of in come tax re port ing and col lec tion would be gone. The in dus try cre ated to sup port the in come tax would be gone. With the Fed eral Re serve gone, there would be no fiat money. Amer i cans would at last be freer than they have been in over a hun dred years. While I per son ally do not sup port any leg is la tion which would give the Con gress a new power to tax, Pro ject Free dom USA would work if it spe cif i cally took out en force ment of the in come tax as we now know it and di rected it at only those with the li a bil ity as stated in the IRC: Amer i cans re ceiv ing in come over seas or from U. S. pos ses sions, for eign cor po ra tions and nonresident aliens, legal or otherwise. Con gress man Traficant quoted an IRS com mis sioner as hav ing stated un der oath: With out the el e ment of fear, we would not be able to col lect our taxes. Which brought Traficant to ob serve, We need to elim i nate this fear of gov ern ment. If we move Con gress to im ple ment Pro ject Free dom, it would save Amer ica. With en tre pre neurs tak ing risks, you will see jobs cre ated the old way. The Free dom Bill will pro tect so cial se cu rity and Medicare with suf fi cient money com ing in con sti tu tion ally to pay for them. Any item sold as used will not be taxed. Ga rage sales, lawn sales no tax. Only new goods and ser vices will be taxed. The trade def i cit will kill us be fore the bud get def i cit does, if the econ omy does n t kill us first. If any of these hap pens, our econ omy will im plode within a year I in tro duced a bill to put 10,000 fed eral sol diers on the bor der to stop il le gal im mi gra tion. In stead, we got DHS and open bor ders Medicare, So cial Se cu rity and the debt are not in cluded in bud get au dits be cause they are at the whim and con trol of Con gress and can be elim i nated at any time. As Traficant said, Pro ject Free dom USA is a grass roots move ment. It is not a sprint but a mar a thon. It starts with lo cal meet ings in ev ery State, in tended to gen er ate sup port for the pro gram while it builds mo men tum as the word gets out. Each State is to have a coordinator who will attend national update meet ings and spread the in for ma tion. It was to be a mostly internet pro ject, of course, al though Con gress man Traficant had aimed to visit as many lo cal meet ings as pos si ble to ex plain the plan. He was at the time de vel op ing a video pre sen ta tion to help pro mote Pro ject Free dom. It is hoped that a main stream pres i den tial can di date will pick up on this idea for his cam paign, if Pro ject Free dom USA can get legs in time for There is also sup port for an as yet un named free dom-minded in di vid ual to run as a third party can di date us ing the Pro ject Free dom plat form. Those at this ini tial con fer ence tried to in sist that Con gress man Traficant run as his or her vice-pres i dent, but no com mit ments were made. When Con gress man Traficant an nounced Free dom Pro ject USA as es tab lished, he also in formed us that Free dom Law School had agreed to sup port his na tion wide tour pro mot ing the pro ject, whose prog ress was to be re ported weekly in the American Free Press news pa per, co spon sor of the move ment. Con gress man Traficant was con vinced, as am I, that Amer ica is run ning out of time. Pro ject Free dom USA looks like the quick est way to throw the bums out and get the Amer i can econ omy back on the free dom road. At the very least, it pro vides the mech a nism to undo the dam age which has been done over the past 150 years. Jim asked me to di rect the pro ject for North Carolina; but, due to my over whelm ing chal lenges with the le gal sys tem and the IRS, I told him I could not ac cept be cause I would not do the po si tion jus tice, and rec om mended an other for the job. Jim closed his pre sen ta tion with this un re lated com ment: Snowden should be brought back in a char iot as a hero in his own pa rade. I agree com pletely, only Jim Traficant says it louder than I can. Smart men lis tened when Jim Traficant spoke, for he had been there and done that. Some say Jim Traficant was mur dered to abort his ef forts to save the re pub lic, that he was framed and con victed with out ev i dence against him by those who were sworn to pro tect and serve him as an American, one more disgraceful example of the crim i nals in gov ern ment. His death also trum pets to his col leagues the mes sage of Be care ful of what you say and do around here, lest the same hap pen to you. In an in ter view done six months ago just after launching Project Freedom USA, Traficant re peats a warn ing from a friend: They ve al ready de stroyed you. They ve taken away your name. Be care ful you don t get in too much of the pub lic eye again be cause they ll kill you. Check and see a list of oth ers silenced under questionable circumstances for pro testing the ques tion able prac tices of our cur rent fed eral gov ern ment on line at In any event, U. S. Con gress man Jim Traficant will be greatly missed and fondly re mem bered, both as a friend and as one of the great est Amer i can pa tri ots of our gen er a tion. May he rest in peace. Become a distributor Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See cou pon on page 24 Let s roll!

7 Be hind the scenes Top cleric: Saudi re gime source of all Mid east prob lems A se nior Ira nian cleric has dis missed as false re cent al le ga tions by the Saudi for eign min is ter that Iran med dles in the internal affairs of regional countries, saying the Per sian Gulf mon ar chy is the source of all prob lems as it spon sors ter ror ists in the re gion. Ad dress ing wor ship pers at the weekly Fri day Prayers in the Ira nian cap i tal, Teh ran, Aya tol lah Ahmad Khatami ex pressed sur prise over the al le ga tion by Saud al-faisal, say ing the Saudi re gime is at tempt ing to shift the blame for fuel ing ten sion in the Mid dle East to Iran. Saudi-Israeli axis He went on to ask, Does n t ev ery body know that your petro dollars cre ated the ISIL? To whom is it un known that ev ery act of ter ror in the Is lamic world is car ried out with your petro dollars? Ad dress ing the Saudi of fi cials, the cleric added, If you want to know the truth, it is that you are not part of the prob lem but the whole prob lem [in the Mid dle East]. Of course, we to tally un der stand why you are up set, Khatami said, not ing that Saudi Ara bia has spent bil lions of dol lars to top ple the Syr ian gov ern ment and to achieve its ob jec tives in Iraq, but all its plots have failed. Speak ing in a joint press con fer ence No body stops this private print ing press Over 100 of fi cials at the Wash ing ton head quar ters of the U. S. cen tral bank the Fed eral Re serve get an av er age of a quar ter of a mil lion dol lars per year, which is more than what Fed Chair Janet Yellen receives. Yellen earns $201,700 a year, but her 113 staff ers make $246,506 an nu ally, ex clud ing bo nuses and other ben e fits, the Reuters news agency re ported on Oc to ber 17. Reuters ob tained these de tails un der a Free dom of In for ma tion Act ap pli ca tion for data on all mem bers of the Fed s board whose sal a ries are over $130,810, which is the top of the ad min is tra tion s pay scale in most areas. Sup port ers of higher sal a ries at the U. S. cen tral bank say that the Fed needs top tal ent, and claim that its ex penses are not ISIL Takfiri ter ror ists with his Ger man coun ter part, Frank-Wal ter Steinmeier, in the Saudi city of Jeddah on Oc to ber 13, Faisal had claimed Iran was part of the prob lem, not the so lu tion in the Mid dle East, al leg ing that Teh ran can not play any role in the re gion if its pol i cies re main un changed. U. S. is sues un dis guised threats against Hun gary After Wash ing ton had im posed travel restrictions on several Hungarian citizens accusing them of corruption, the Hungarian min is try of for eign af fairs sum moned U. S. Em bassy sec re tary André Goodfriend on Oc to ber 16 to ex plain, since it might be due to the fact that Hun gary s Tax De part ment is in ves ti gat ing sev eral U. S. com pa nies and in sti tu tions in Hun gary, re ports Napi Gazdaság. By threat en ing Hun gar ian of fi cials with pu ni tive mea sures, it may be that the Amer i can side wants to in flu ence the out come of those in ves ti ga tions. Hun gar i ans sus pect that the pu ni tive mea sures are part of a co vert op er a tion to un der mine the Hun gar ian gov ern ment s rep u ta tion in do mes tic and in ter na tional Ebola and the wicked West ern con science Eng lish trans la tion ex clu sively for TFF by Rich ard Noegel, By Charles Demassieux Never at a loss for eu phe misms, the French me dia these days are cov er ing the psy cho sis that has gripped the United States over the spread of the Ebola vi rus fol low ing the death of a man on Amer i can soil which was linked to the vi rus. Ob vi ously, I am not go ing to con test the fact of the fre quent and ex ces sive alarmism of the Amer i cans, be cause they are fed a steady diet of alarmism by their tele vi sion sets, but what is all the talk about? What we are talk ing about is a vi rus for which, at pres ent, we know of no cer tain treat ment that is ca pa ble of pro tect ing us de fin i tively; about a deadly vi rus that can be transmitted with disconcerting ease. But what is hid den be hind these jour nal ists con de scend ing de tach ment with re gard to the Americans fears? Our [French] tele vi sion net works gave us the be gin nings of an an swer to that ques tion when they brought us the poi gnant tes ti mony of the mother of a fam ily that springs from our di ver sity, and who lives in Boulogne-Billancourt, and one of whose chil dren re cently made a trip to West Af rica (Guinea), a re gion that has been rav aged by the vi rus, as ev ery body already knew. What did this new drama of in tol er ance re veal? It re vealed that some French fam i lies had cho sen to take their chil dren out of the school at tended by the im mi grant child, as a safety mea sure. Af ter her mis for tune was put on dis play for the whole of the French peo ple, the im mi grant mother chose to file a com plaint. But on what grounds? The fear of French par ents, whether ir ra tio nal or not, is this now a crime? In other words, and to pur sue re la tions and even tu ally re place it with an atlanticist pup pet re gime. These hos tile acts by the Amer i cans can only in crease anti-amer i can sen ti ments in Hun gar ian so ci ety. One of the signs of this Amer i can ef fort was seen in Hun gar ian For eign Min is ter Péter Szijjártó s visit to the U, S., where he was to be re ceived only by a lower-rank ing ministry official Victoria Nuland in Wash ing ton rather than the U. S. Sec re tary of State. A U. S. Em bassy of fi cial claimed the United States from time to time im poses these sorts of pu ni tive mea sures against its al lies, but, asked to give a spe cific ex am ple when was this pu ni tive mea sure used the last time and name the coun try that was the rea son ing to its log i cal con clu sion, are or di nary French men now to face [le gal] con dem na tion just for say ing that they are not go ing to do their Christ mas shop ping in large de part ment stores for fear of an Islamist at tack, which has been prom ised by cer tain jihadists at tacks, ac cord ing to them, us ing the vi rus, and other ca lam i ties of the same sort? The fear is un avoid able; it is a pres ent reality: Some thousands of individuals have al ready made round-trips be tween West Af rica and Eu rope, Air France hav ing, for the pres ent, main tained their con nec tion with Conakry (Guinea), even as the ep i demic is gain ing ground. The in cu ba tion pe riod of the vi rus var ies from two to 21 days, more of ten from four to nine days (source: Wikipedia). How, un der these con di tions, can we be cer tain of the ef fi cacy of the tar geted by it, he could n t give any. For eign Min is ter Péter Szijjártó called on the Amer i can gov ern ment to pro vide spe cific in for ma tion about the cor rup tion case. Otherwise, these allegations raise a sus pi cion that the U. S. wants to in ter fere in Hungary s in ter nal af fairs. The for eign min is ter said the United States Em bassy in Bu da pest so far has n t dis closed the names of those Hun gar ian cit i zens banned from en ter ing the United States, nor has it dis closed any ev i dence or cred i ble in for ma tion regarding the al leged corruption case. The Parliament s National Security Com mit tee has held a spe cial meet ing in this case to in form fac tion lead ers. Foreign Ministry Press Officer Judit health mea sures be lat edly put in place here in France, and thus avoid the psy cho sis? Some ca gey an a lysts are even putt ing for ward the idea that the spread of the ep i demic in Af rica can be blamed solely on West ern ers, whom jour nal ists have shown once again are rac ists! Read this quote from the LCR website [Trans la tor s note: LCR is the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnnaire, the Com mu nist Rev o lu tion ary League): If we con sider the way in which the in ter na tional com mu nity has re acted to the cur rent Ebola ep i demic, one can t help but think that rac ism had a big part in it. The for eign ers [mean ing Whites trans la tor] af fected by the ill ness have not been treated in the same way as those in the orig i nal coun tries hit by the ep i demic. The lat ter have been kept in un der-equipped At least 113 staff ers at the U. S. Fed eral Re serve get more than Fed Chair Janet Yellen. paid by Amer i can tax pay ers. Oth ers, how ever, do not agree with these claims. It cer tainly bol sters the case for more over sight, said Mag gie Seidel, a spokes - woman for New Jer sey Re pub li can Scott Garrett, a co-spon sor of a bill in the U. S. House of Rep re sen ta tives that would re quire the cen tral bank to pub lish that in for ma tion. This is while, ac cord ing to the U. S. The Saudi for eign min is ter also ac cused Iran of hav ing oc cu py ing forces in Syria de spite the fact that Iran has firmly dis missed re ports about its mil i tary in volve ment in Syria and Iraq, stress ing that Teh ran s sup port for the two Arab na tions is in the form of hu man i tar ian aid and mil i tary con sul ta tion. The al le ga tions against Iran come as the Iraqi and Syrian authorities repeatedly have crit i cized Ri yadh and its Per sian Gulf Arab al lies for fo ment ing ter ror ism in their coun tries. Bankrollers Saudi Ara bia and other Per sian Gulf king doms are widely known as be ing the ma jor spon sors of Takfiri ter ror ist groups, in clud ing ISIL and al-nusra Front, which are op er at ing in Iraq and Syria. Fülöp an nounced that Pe ter Szijjártó has in formed the op po si tion on gov ern ment ef forts to make the United States Chargé d Affaires in Bu da pest re lease cred i ble in for ma tion about the al leged cor rup tion case and pub lish the names of Hun gar ian cit i zens af fected by the travel re stric tions. Péter Szijjártó noted that the Hun gar ian Gov ern ment fully agrees with the op po si tion in this case and de mands full dis clo sure of all rel e vant in for ma tion con cern ing the cor rup tion al le ga tions. Zionism is Communism By Sen a tor Jack Tenney, once head of Cal i for nia Un-Amer i can Ac tiv i ties Com mit tee. Stud ies Zi on ism and finds that it is an other form of Com mu nism. 82 pages, $8 PPD Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA in stal la tions and have not been evac u ated to spe cial ized units in Eu rope and North Amer ica. As for the re cently de vel oped ex per i men tal ther a pies, they are not avail able ex cept in small quan ti ties, which poses the prob lem of jus tice in their dis po si tion, if they re ally work (source of quote: In ci den tally, read ers [of ripostelaïque] will ap pre ci ate the LCR s logo, which shows a veiled woman seated on a throne, right next to Karl Marx, the sym bol, as ev ery body knows, of lib erty and so cial jus tice! Which will it be? Phi los o phy teaches us to doubt that which seems ob vi ous to us. Pro pa ganda, on the other hand, teaches us to ac cept as ob vi ous that which it would be rea son able to doubt. (Aldous Huxley) Cen sus Bu reau, half of Amer i cans are now con sid ered poor and the coun try s in come in equal ity is the worst in the de vel oped world. Ac cord ing to a Gal lup sur vey, twenty per cent of Amer i cans said in May that un em ploy ment or jobs were the most im por tant prob lems they faced. The Fed 7

8 8 The awak en ing Smedley But ler and the racket that is war By Shel don Richman From 1898 to 1931, Smedley Dar ling ton But ler was a mem ber of the U. S. Ma rine Corps. By the time he re tired he had achieved what was then the corps s high est rank, ma jor gen eral, and by the time he died in 1940, at 58, he had more dec o ra tions, in clud ing two med als of honor, than any other Ma rine. Dur ing his years in the corps he was sent to the Phil ip pines (at the time of the up ris ing against the Amer i can oc cu pa tion), China, France (dur ing World War I), Mex ico, Cen tral Amer ica and Haiti. In light of this re cord But ler pre sum ably shocked a good many peo ple when in 1935 as a sec ond world war was loom ing he wrote in the mag a zine Com mon Sense: I spent 33 years and four months in ac tive mil i tary ser vice and dur ing that pe riod I spent most of my time as a high class mus cle man for Big Busi ness, for Wall Street and the bank ers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism [corporatism]. I helped make Mex ico and es pe cially Tampico safe for Amer i can oil in ter ests in I helped make Haiti and Cuba a de cent place for the Na tional City Bank boys to col lect rev e nues in. I helped in the rap ing of half a dozen Cen tral Amer i can re pub lics for the ben e fit of Wall Street. I helped pu rify Nic a ra gua for the In ter na tional Bank ing House of Brown Broth ers in I brought light to the Do min i can Re pub lic for the Amer i can sugar in ter ests in I helped make Hon du ras right for the Amer i can fruit com pa nies in In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Stan dard Oil went on its way un mo lested. Look ing back on it, I might have given Al Ca pone a few hints. The best he could do was to op er ate his racket in three dis tricts. I op er ated on three con ti nents. Con fes sions of a hit man That same year he pub lished a short book with the now-fa mous ti tle War Is a Racket, for which he is best known to day. But ler opened the book with these words: War is a racket. It al ways has been. It is pos si bly the old est, eas ily the most prof it able, surely the most vi cious. It is the only one in ter na tional in scope. It is the only one in which the prof its are reck oned in dol lars and the losses in lives. He fol lowed this by not ing: For a great many years, as a sol dier, I had a sus pi cion that war was a racket; not un til I re tired to civil life did I fully re al ize it. Now that I see the in ter na tional war clouds gath er ing, as they are to day, I must face it and speak out. But ler went on to de scribe who bears the costs of war the men who die or re turn home with wrecked lives, and the tax pay ers and who prof its the com pa nies that sell goods and ser vices to the mil i tary. (The term military-industrial complex would not gain prom i nence un til 1961, when Dwight Ei sen hower used it in his pres i den tial fare well ad dress. See Nick Turse s book The Com plex: How the Mil i tary In vades Our Everyday Lives.) Writ ing in the mid-1930s, But ler fore saw a U. S. war with Ja pan to pro tect trade with Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Free dom is spread ing hate! whine those who mis ap pre hend us sur vi vors. It s re ally out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the brain washed. Or der a box of 100 ex tra cop ies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis trib ute the truth. China and in vest ments in the Phil ip pines, and de clared that it would make no sense to the average American: We would be all stirred up to hate Ja pan and go to war a war that might well cost us tens of bil lions of dol lars, hun dreds of thou sands of lives of Amer i cans, and many more hun dreds of thou sands of phys i cally maimed and men tally un bal anced men. Of course, for this loss, there would be a com pen sat ing profit for tunes would be made. Mil lions and bil lions of dol lars would be piled up. By a few. Mu ni tions mak ers. Bank ers. Ship build ers. Man u fac tur ers. Meat packers. Speculators. They would fare well. But what does it profit the men who are killed? What does it profit their moth ers and sis ters, their wives and their sweet - hearts? What does it profit their chil dren? What does it profit any one ex cept the very few to whom war means huge prof its? Empire racket Not ing that un til 1898 [and the Span ish- Amer i can War] we did n t own a bit of ter ri tory out side the main land of North Amer ica, he ob served that af ter be com ing an ex pan sion ist world power, the U. S. gov ern ment s debt swelled 25 times and we for got George Wash ing ton s warn ing about en tan gling al li ances. We went to war. We ac quired out side ter ri tory It would have been far cheaper (not to say safer) for the av er age Amer i can who pays the bills to stay out of for eign en tan gle ments. For a very few this racket, like boot leg ging and other un der world rack ets, brings fancy prof its, but the cost of op er a tions is al ways trans ferred to the peo ple who do not profit. But ler de tailed the huge prof its of com pa nies that sold goods to the gov ern ment dur ing past wars and in ter ven tions and the banks that made money han dling the gov ern ment s bonds. The nor mal prof its of a busi ness con cern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and some times twelve per cent. But war-time prof its ah! that is an other mat ter twenty, sixty, one hun dred, three hun dred, and even eigh teen hun dred per cent the sky is the limit. All that traf fic will bear. Un cle Sam has the money. Let s get it. Of course, it is n t put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about pa tri o tism, love of coun try, and we must all put our shoul ders to the wheel, but the prof its jump and leap and sky rocket and are safely pock eted. And who pro vides these re turns? We all pay them in tax a tion But the sol dier pays the big gest part of the bill. His de scrip tion of con di - tions at vet er ans hos pi tals re minded me of what we re hear ing to day about the dilapidated veterans health care sys tem. But ler ex pressed his out rage at how mem bers of the armed forces are es sen tially tricked into go ing to war at a piti ful wage. Beautiful ideals were painted for our boys who were sent out to die. This was the war to end all wars. This was the war to make the world safe for de moc racy. No one men tioned to them, as they marched away, that their go ing and their dy ing would mean huge war prof its. No one told these Amer i can sol diers that they might be shot down by bul lets made by their own broth ers here. No one told them that the ships on which they were go ing to cross might be tor pe doed by sub ma rines built with United States pat ents. They were just told it was to be a glo ri ous ad ven ture. Thus, hav ing stuffed pa tri o tism down their throats, it was de cided to make them help pay for the war, too. So, we gave them the large sal ary of $30 a month. But ler pro posed ways to make war less likely. Un like oth ers, he had lit tle faith in disarmament conferences and the like. Rather, he sug gested three mea sures: (1) take the profit out of war by con script ing cap i tal and in dus try and la bor at $30 a month be fore sol diers are con scripted; (2) sub mit the ques tion of en try into a pro posed war to a vote only of those who would be called upon to do the fight ing and dy ing ; (3) make cer tain that our mil i tary forces are truly forces for de fense only. Eternal arm chair warriors It s un likely that these mea sures would ever be adopted by Con gress or signed by a pres i dent, and of course con scrip tion is mor ally ob jec tion able, even if the idea of draft ing war prof i teers has a cer tain ap peal. But But ler s heart was in the right place. He was aware that his pro gram would not suc ceed: I am not a fool as to be lieve that war is a thing of the past. Yet in 1936 he for mal ized his op po si tion to war in his pro posed con sti tu tional Amend ment for Peace. It con tained three pro vi sions: The re moval of the mem bers of the land armed forces from within the con ti nen tal lim its of the United States and the Pan ama Ca nal Zone for any cause what so ever is pro hib ited. The ves sels of the United States Navy, or of the other branches of the armed ser vice, are hereby pro hib ited from steam ing, for any rea son what so ever Smedley Butler Voice of san ity falls on deaf ears Putin tells Obama that sow ing dis cord be tween nu clear pow ers can undermine stra te gic se cu rity. By Paul Craig Rob erts In an Oc to ber 15 in ter view with Politika, a Ser bian news pa per, Rus sia s pres i dent, Vladi mir Putin, said that it is fu tile and dan ger ous for the U. S. and its Eu ro pean pup pets to black mail Rus sia and that the Ex cep tional Na tion and its vas sals should con sider the risks that are in her ent in ag gres sive dis putes be tween coun tries heavily armed with nu clear weap ons. Putin noted that Obama took a hos tile at ti tude to ward Rus sia in his U. N. speech to the Gen eral As sem bly on Sep tem ber 24 when Obama de clared Rus sia to be one of the three threats to the world along with the Is lamic State and Ebola. Pres i dent Putin said that uni lat eral and pu ni tive ac tions taken against Rus sia can pro voke a cri sis, and if Wash ing ton s pur pose is to iso late our coun try, it is an ab surd and il lu sory goal. Here are some of Pres i dent Putin s di rect quotes: How can we talk about de-es ca la tion in Ukraine while de ci sions on new sanc tions are in tro duced al most si mul ta neously with the agree ments on the peace process? To gether with sanc tions against en tire sec tors of our econ omy, this ap proach can be called noth ing but hos tile. We hope that our part ners will re al ize the fu til ity of at tempts to black mail Rus sia and remember what consequences discord be tween ma jor nu clear pow ers could bring for strategic stability. If we don t all die from nu clear blasts, ra di a tion, and nu clear win ter, it will be be cause of the hu man ity and com mon ex cept on an er rand of mercy, more than five hun dred miles from our coast. Air craft of the Army, Navy and Ma rine Corps is hereby pro hib ited from fly ing, for any rea son what so ever, more than seven hun dred and fifty miles be yond the coast of the United States. He elab o rated on the amend ment and phi los o phy of de fense in an ar ti cle in Woman s Home Com pan ion, Sep tem ber It s a cliché of course to say, The more things change, the more they stay the same, but on read ing But ler to day, who can re sist think ing it? As we watch Barack Obama unilaterally and illegally reinsert the U. S. mil i tary into the Iraqi di sas ter it helped cause and sink deeper into the vi o lence in Syria, we might all join in the dec la ra tion with which But ler closes his book: To hell with war! Post script: In 1934 But ler pub licly claimed he had been ap proached by a group of busi ness men about lead ing half a mil lion war vet er ans in a coup against President Franklin D. Roosevelt with the aim of establishing a fascist dictatorship. This is known as the Busi ness Plot. A spe cial com mit tee set up by the U. S. House of Rep re sen ta tives, which heard tes ti mony from But ler and oth ers, re port edly is sued a doc u ment con tain ing some con fir ma tion. The al leged plot is the sub ject of at least one book, The Plot to Seize the White House, and many ar ti cles. Shel don Richman is vice pres i dent of The Fu ture of Free dom Foun da tion and ed i tor of FFF s monthly jour nal, Fu ture of Free dom. For 15 years he was ed i tor of The Free man, pub lished by the Foun da tion for Eco nomic Ed u ca tion in Irvington, New York. He is the au thor of FFF s award-win ning book Separating School & State: How to Lib er ate Amer ica s Fam i lies; Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abol ish the In come Tax; and Teth ered Cit i zens: Time to Re peal the Wel fare State. Call ing for the ab o li tion, not the re form, of pub lic school ing. Sep a rat ing School & State has be come a land mark book in both lib er tar ian and ed u ca tional cir cles. In his col umn in the Fi nan cial Times, Mi chael Prowse wrote: I recommend a subversive tract, Sep a rat ing School & State, by Shel don Richman of the Cato In sti tute, a Wash ing ton think tank I also think that Mr. Richman is right to fear that State ed u ca tion un der - mines per sonal re spon si bil ity... Shel don s ar ti cles on economic policy, education, civil liberties, American his tory, for eign pol icy and the Mid dle East have ap peared in the Wash ing ton Post, Wall Street Jour nal, Amer i can Scholar, Chi cago Tri bune, USA To day, Wash ing ton Times, The Amer i can Con ser va tive, In sight, Cato Pol icy Re port, Jour nal of Eco nomic Development, The Free man, The World & I, Rea son, Wash ing ton Re port on Mid dle East Af fairs, Mid dle East Pol icy, Lib erty mag a zine and other pub li ca tions. He is a con trib u tor to the The Concise Encyclopedia of Eco nom ics. A for mer news pa per re porter and se nior ed i tor at the Cato In sti tute and the In sti tute for Hu mane Stud ies, Shel don is a grad u ate of Tem ple Uni ver sity in Phil a del phia. sense both of which are miss ing in Wash ing ton of the Pres i dent of Rus sia. Para noid ZOG Look around you. The econ o mies and stock mar kets of West ern civ i li za tion are in re treat. Stu pid and in com pe tent pub lic au thor i ties have brought Ebola to Amer ica. And what is Wash ing ton do ing? The en er gies of the Ex cep tional Gov ern ment are fo cused on com bat ing the Is lamic State, a crea ture cre ated by Wash ing ton it self, and on demonizing Rus sia. Has any coun try, any where on the fact of the earth, at any pe riod of his tory been so to tally mis ruled as the United States? Amer i cans need to un der stand that their gov ern ment is not merely in com pe tent and im moral, but that it is evil. Wash ing ton hides be hind moral lan guage but is it self de void of moral con science. There is no evil of which Wash ing ton is in ca pa ble. Those who sup port Wash ing ton sup port evil.

9 The tasks be fore us One State can lead the charge By Dave Benner At times, the fed eral gov ern ment seems over whelm ing. Frankly, it of ten ap pears as an un stop pa ble jug ger naut with out any ob sta cle in its path. Un doubt edly, the scale of power as sumed by the fed eral gov ern ment has been im mense. It has morphed from the stated pur pose of a more per fect un ion to an un con strained Na tion al ist State. De spite this per cep tion, Judge An drew Napolitano re cently sug gested that if a sin gle State acted to ob struct fed eral man dates, it would make new fed eral gun laws nearly im pos si ble to en force within that State. Napolitano s words are not based on the ory, they have been de fin i tively proven. One State Wash ing ton re cently stood up to the fed eral gov ern ment s anti-mar i juana man dates in a di rect way. Af ter gath er ing the req ui site amount of sig na tures in 2011, Wash ing ton passed Initiative 502 after a successful referendum on the No vem ber 2012 gen eral bal lot. This ini tia tive is cred ited with spur ring an 81% elec toral turn out in Wash ing ton, the high est in the un ion. While the State re tained reg u la tory power over mar i juana us age, it turned its back on and in ten tion ally dis re garded fed eral re stric tions to ward the sub stance. Af ter ob serv ing Wash ing ton gather enough sig na tures for its ref er en dum, Col o rado fol lowed suit in op pos ing fed eral drug pro hi bi tions. Once started as a pro posal in Jan u ary 2012, the State passed a constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana usage after its own referendum on No vem ber 6, As a con se quence, an other State stood firmly against fed eral pol icy and pro duced an in ten tion ally con flict ing li cense to pos sess and use a sub stance banned by the fed eral gov ern ment. Nullification does it The ac tions of Wash ing ton and Col o rado seem to have forced the hand of the un ion s capitol. At this point, the White House has con ceded the use of its power to prosecute marijuana usage in these States. This de vel op ment can only be at trib uted to the amount of re sources the gov ern ment would have to de vote to this en force ment Iran s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani says his Leb a nese coun ter part, Nabih Berri, sup ports the Is lamic Re pub lic s pro vi sion of mil i tary aid for the Leb a nese army. Speak ing to re port ers in Geneva on Iran s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani Oc to ber 13, Larijani added that or der and se cu rity in the re gion will in crease with the strength en ing of the de fen sive power of the Lebanese army. The Is lamic Re pub lic of Iran aims to sup port the se cu rity of the re gion and Leb a non and has no other in ten tion in this re gard and such is sues will nat u rally be set tled be tween the two gov ern ments, he said. Assisting On Sep tem ber 30, the Sec re tary of Iran s Su preme Na tional Se cu rity Coun cil (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said in Bei rut that Teh ran would pro vide mil i tary equip ment to the Leb a nese army for the fight against ter ror. Judge An drew Napolitano strat egy, and the co op er a tion needed from State of fi cials to pur sue and se cure con vic tions. This phenomenon of successful resistance is not re stricted to sub stance con trol. Grow ing re sis tance In 2007, im me di ate con tro versy arose over the fed eral gov ern ment s de sire to is sue iden ti fi ca tion card stan dards for the States. In do ing so, the fed eral gov ern ment was interested in making identification data uni form, re quir ing the States to adopt the same pro cess to ob tain an iden ti fi ca tion card, and link ing State in for ma tion da ta - bases. The REAL ID Act, as it wanted to be called, im posed a Na tional stan dard by forc ing the States to adopt uni form stan dards for their iden ti fi ca tion cards or did it? Maine re sponded by pass ing a res o lu tion in 2007 that re fused any type of REAL ID adop tion in the State. Surely, Maine s leg is - la ture was warned by op po nents who dreaded the thought of op pos ing the fed eral jug ger naut. Lead ing the charge, Maine showed that one State can stand up against the iron will of the federal State. When Maine stood up, Utah took no tice. Utah passed a sim i lar bill a month later. The re con struc tion of Gaza and the de vel op ment of its de fense ca pa bil i ties in the face of the Zi on ist en tity s crimes are on Iran s agenda, Ali Shamkhani, sec re tary of the Su preme Coun cil of the Ira nian Na tional Se cu rity, has promised. Dur ing a meet ing with Sec re tary- Gen eral of the Is lamic Ji had Move ment of Pal es tine Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Lebanon welcomes Iran s military aid: Larijani Leb a non has been rocked by the spillover of the con flict in Syria, where the Takfiri ISIL ter ror ists are op er at ing. Syria has been gripped by deadly vi o lence since 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east and north. Larijani, who was in Swit zer land at the head of a parliamentary delegation to Iran helps Gaza re build and de fend itself Shalah stressed that the Pal es tin ian peo ple have gained their will and re sis tance from Al lah s will and Is rael no lon ger has any weight be fore our peo ple and the free peo ples of the world. Ger many s ma jor mis takes in Afghan war On Oc to ber 12, the Ger man for eign min is ter ad mit ted that Berlin had made major mistakes in its military engagement in the war-torn coun try, not ing, There is a lot to in di cate that our big gest mis take was to cre ate ex pec ta tions that were too high. He added that Berlin had made ef forts at high speed to guide Af ghan i stan into a fu ture ac cord ing to our own vi sion. But we also need hu mil ity. We must For eign Min is ter Frank Wal ter Steinmeier The Utah law noted that REAL ID is in op po si tion to the Jef fer so nian prin ci ples of in di vid ual lib erty, free mar kets and lim ited gov ern ment. Since that time, 22 States passed sim i lar bills and res o lu tions, cre at ing ad di tional op po si tion to ward the National standard. Similar resolutions are pend ing in over a dozen ad di tional States. Case closed As a re sult, the REAL ID Act has been ef fec tively neu tered in much of the coun try. The fed eral gov ern ment has not elected to de vote its re sources to en force the man date, sue the par tic i pat ing States or send in the tanks as a re sult. From these two ex am ples, we can ob serve that a large part of the fed eral gov ern ment s con tem po rary su prem acy is re li ant on the co op er a tion it re ceives from the States. Ab sent this co op er a tion, the fed eral gov ern ment is not as fierce and im pos ing as it may seem. Po lit i cal phi los o pher and econ o mist Hans-Hermann Hoppe re al ized this, not ing: Without local enforcement, by compliant lo cal au thor i ties, the will of the cen tral gov ern ment is not much more than hot air. Willing tolerance Surely, our con tem po rary per cep tion to ward the fed eral gov ern ment is at least par tially be cause of the built in State Shalah in Teh ran, Shamkhani said: The bril liant vic tory achieved by the re sis tance dur ing the 51-day war was achieved due to their adherence to Palestinian principles and the sac ri fices they made in the face of the Zionist s ambitions. He stressed that Teh ran will con tinue to sup port the Pal es tin ian re sis tance and the Pal es tin ian peo ple and send hu man i tar ian aid to the peo ple of the Gaza Strip. The two sides dis cussed the re gion s de vel op ments and the Is lamic State (ISIS). Shamkhani said: The aim be hind cre at ing ideo log i cal groups is to dis tract peo ple, econ o mies and de fense ca pac i ties of Islamic countries from the Palestinian cause and cre ate di vi sions be tween Mus lims over pro vid ing se cu rity in the par take in the 131st As sem bly of the Inter-Par lia men tary Un ion (IPU), fur ther pointed to his sep a rate meet ings with his Syrian, Lebanese, Serbian and Bangladeshi coun ter parts and said, Many coun tries, particularly European States, are concerned about the vi o lent and sav age ter ror ist move ments in the re gion. He noted that many coun tries sup port ac cept some times how lit tle can be changed from the out side, the Ger man for eign min is ter said. He also warned against a hasty with drawal from Af ghan i stan like the Amer i cans did in Viet nam in 1975, not ing that Kabul is still fight ing a thriv ing drug trade and cor rup tion. This co mes as the newlyelected ad min is tra tion of Afghan Pres i dent Ashraf Ghani signed an agree ment that will al low sol diers from Ger many, It aly and other NATO mem ber States to join the 9,800 re main ing U. S. sol diers. A to tal of 12,500 sol diers are ex pected to stay in Af ghan i stan. co op er a tion that con trib utes to its power apparatus. In The Federalist #46, Madison suggested shat ter ing this type of co op er a tion through State bar ri cades, which could be uti lized to block un con sti tu tional and un pop u lar fed eral law. He wrote that re fusal to cooperate with officers of the union would be a vi a ble strat egy, and said mul ti ple States tak ing this ap proach would cre ate obstructions which the federal government would hardly be will ing to en coun ter. Mad i son did not sug gest wait ing for the fed eral courts to weigh in on con tro ver sial pol icy, ei ther as a fi nal hope or last resort. Self-preservation Re cent his tory sug gests that when States in voke Mad i son s ad vice and re fuse to co op er ate, the am bi tions of the fed eral gov ern ment can be ren dered im po tent and ineffectual. Federal authority is not infallible or im per vi ous. The next time the fed eral gov ern ment seems too pow er ful and im pos ing, or naysayers doubt the anti-com man deer ing doc trine or nul li fi ca tion strat egy, con sider the al ter na tive. In these re cent in stances, States have proven the fed eral gov ern ment sim ply can not en force all it wants to in the face of bla tant op po si tion. The States that stood up first on these mat ters be gan the charge to ward lib erty. occupied Palestinian territories. Saeed Jalili, mem ber of the Ex pe di ency Coun cil, which also met Shalah, said: Gaza has be come a model for the vic tory of the re sis tance and the de feat of Amer ica and Zionism. The Secretary-General of Islamic Jihad de scribed the Ira nian Is lamic rev o lu tion as the big gest po lit i cal earth quake in the 20th Century. He thanked Teh ran for sup port ing the Palestinian resistance, adding that the Palestinian resistance has gained experience in the non-com pli ance of the Zi on ist en tity with the ceasefire agree ments, stress ing the re sis tance s readi ness to face any Israeli aggression. Shalah stressed that the Pal es tin ian peo ple have gained their will and re sis tance from Al lah s will and Is rael no lon ger has any weight be fore our peo ple and the free peo ples of the world. Iran s role in the fight against ter ror ists and are keen to strengthen ties with Teh ran. Iran has been pro vid ing sup port for the Iraqi and Syr ian gov ern ments, in clud ing hu man i tar ian aid and con sul ta tion, in their cam paign against the Takfiri mil i tants and was the first coun try to pro vide mil i tary as sis tance to Iraqi Kurdish forces fight ing ISIL. The United States and its al lies at tacked Af ghan i stan in 2001 as part of Wash ing - ton s so-called war on ter ror. The of fen sive re moved the Taliban from power, but in se - cu rity re mains in the coun try, de spite the pres ence of tens of thou sands of foreign troops. Grave yard of em pires 9

10 10 The prob lem and the solution Cicero interviews White Nationalist Robert Ransdell Marcus Cicero The following transcript relates the con tent of an en light en ing phone in ter view I held with White Na tion al ist Ken tucky Sen ate can di date Rob ert Ransdell. As many al ready know, Ransdell has been vi ciously at tacked by the Jew and other as sorted crit ics for his out spo ken pa tri otic stance against these sub ver sive par a sites and his cam paign slo gan, With Jews, we lose. Dur ing the di a logue, re con structed as ac cu rately as pos si ble from co pi ous and de tailed notes, we cover a va ri ety of top ics in clud ing the or i gin of Mr. Ransdell s beliefs, historical figures that have inspired him, his pol i cies for deal ing with se ri ous is sues plagu ing the West such as Jew ish and non-white prob lems, and the fu ture of our Move ment: what it needs to rise from the ashes of a dy ing so ci ety. Marcus: How did you come into your po lit i cal and so cial worldview? Who or what in spired you, and was there any early family history of racialist ideas? Ransdell: To start with, my fam ily was never overtly ra cial ist in the way we un der - stand it. The only com ment I re mem ber hear ing along those lines as a child was my mother tell ing me to never bring home a Black girl. As for my pol i tics, I had been in ter ested in the sub ject from a very early age, and re al ized the fool ish hy poc risy of the average Conservative by my teenage years. The real start of my fi nal awak en ing fol lowed a chance view ing of the His tory Channel documentary Nazi America: A Se cret His tory, which ex posed me to George Lin coln Rockwell and Dr. Wil liam Pierce for the first time. I dis cov ered Pierce s The Turner Di a ries, and grad u ated into many of his re corded au dio pro grams ex plain ing the logic of White Na tion al ism. Marcus: How did you learn to un der - stand the West s Jew ish Prob lem? Was it an in stan ta neous rev e la tion, or a slow evo lu tion of thought? Ransdell: Again, the re al iza tion came quite early for me when com pared to many peo ple. I was ex posed to the stan dard American educational system, where one is told that the Jews are an ever-op pressed group that has never com mit ted a wrong throughout his tory. I saw that wher ever the Jew en tered, the res i dent pop u la tion even tu ally ei ther raged against, ex pelled, or vi o lently crushed him, and won dered why this was the case. By study ing the phi los o phies of Rockwell, Pierce, and, of course, Adolf Hit ler, as well as the up heav als of Eu ro pean so ci et ies, I be gan to awaken to the idea that the Jew is the eter nal bringer of de struc tion and filth, and has wrought chaos in ev ery coun try that has taken him in. Marcus: For our read ers, would you de scribe your self as a White Na tion al ist, Na tional So cial ist or some com bi na tion of both? Why? Ransdell: As an in di vid ual man, I would consider myself a National Socialist along the lines of George Lin coln Rockwell. How ever, that does not mean I can not reach com mon cause with, and co op er ate with, pro-white or ga ni za tions and groups that do not fol low NS ide ol ogy. Marcus: What do you mean when you say this? Do you be lieve that some type of coalition agreement is necessary in Amer ica, and in other parts of the West? Ransdell: Yes. We as a Peo ple face a slow ex tinc tion if we do not get our act to gether, and to alien ate other White racialists be cause of mi nor po lit i cal dif fer ences is tan ta mount to sui cide. There will be a time to bring oth ers into the Na tional So cial ist fold, but for the time be ing, we must learn to work to gether. If a White in di vid ual un der stands the con cept of race, ac knowl edges ra cial dif fer ences, sees the ab so lute need to The man the Jew ish press has demonized so greatly is in re al ity an ex tremely in tel li gent but hum ble in di vid ual who is do ing all he can to save our race from ex tinc tion. A great ex am ple for us all. es tab lish pure White na tions, and re al izes the na ture of the Jew as a par a sitic and cor rup tive in flu ence, then he or she is fit to be a part of our Move ment. How ever, these is sues are non-ne go tia ble, and can not be com pro mised for any rea son. Marcus: You have men tioned that George Lin coln Rockwell and Dr. Wil liam Pierce have been a great in flu ence in your life. Could you ex plain a bit about each of them for those, es pe cially our youn ger read ers, who may not be well-in formed on these men? Ransdell: George Lin coln Rockwell was one of the first Amer i cans in mod ern times to take the fight di rectly to the Jews. Like my self, he started out as a Con ser va tive, but quickly re al ized they have lit tle chance of suc ceed ing by fight ing with one arm tied be hind their backs. His strat egy, of ten in sulted to day, was in tended to break through the Jew ish me dia bar rier, and was orig i nally de signed for shock value. Like Adolf Hit ler, Rockwell be lieved in the at tack, and be lieved that av er age White Amer i cans could be in spired by his he roic ex am ple. It was Dr. Pierce who said that, If Amer ica had 1,000 men like Rockwell, we would be liv ing in a healthy and clean coun try to day. With Dr. Pierce, you had a man of ex treme in tel li gence who was able to get his mes sage across in a sim ple, easy to un der stand way that could reach av er age Amer i cans who knew noth ing but Jew ish pro pa ganda all their lives. His style was dif fer ent from Rockwell, but it was said that he truly hated our en e mies. There was a rea son the Jews at the SPLC (South ern Pov erty Law Cen ter) la beled him, The most dan ger ous man in Amer ica. Marcus: What made you de cide on a Sen ate cam paign, and how do you in tend to reach out to the av er age White Amer i can voter? Ransdell: The run for the Sen ate al lows our pro gram to reach a wider au di ence than ever be fore, us ing main stream out lets like ra dio shows. It lets those who are dis gusted with the sys tem see that we are a real al ter na tive, and are not just an anon y mous internet phe nom e non. By hav ing the Jews lash out at us even harder than be fore, as is hap pen ing with my sched uled ra dio pro grams, they risk screw ing up mas sively, and ex pose them selves as the hate ful scum that they are. Also, I have to ask the ques tion of what else are we White Na tion al ists do ing? I for one am not go ing to be scared into si lence. Marcus: If the day co mes in which you are in a place of se ri ous au thor ity and power, what would you do to han dle America s Negro situation? Does it involve de por ta tion pro grams, an au ton o mous home land for Blacks, or a type of caste How can you not ad mire Com mander Rockwell? This is a man who was one of the first to bring Na tional So cial ism out of the ashes. sys tem? Ransdell: To start with, we have to un der stand the fact that the in ter ests of Whites has to come be fore any thing else, and this can not be com pro mised. At this stage in time (2014), and in the im me di ate fu ture, we still have the means to de port the sav ages back to their Af ri can lands of or i gin. No amount of Amer i can ter ri tory needs to be con ceded as of now, al though we have to, and this is very im por tant, re main flex i ble in our meth ods. If we don t reach power be fore say, 2044, then by that time we may have to con sider other plans to acquire racial separation. A ge nius in ev ery sense of the word. Dr. Wil liam Pierce turned the Na tional Al li ance into the world s larg est pro-white or ga ni za tion for many years. Marcus: What about the Mes tizo groups, along with the Puerto Ri cans and Do min i cans who are over run ning parts of the coun try? Ransdell: We have to re al ize that the only rea son these peo ple are mi grat ing into Amer ica is be cause there is the op por tu nity for un lim ited hand outs, with no real White op po si tion to worry about. The Jews, since the mid-1960s, have hi jacked the im mi gra tion/de por ta tion pro cess, and have com pli cated things to the point where so lu tions seems a lot harder to im ple ment. If only we had the guts to stand up and act, we could be rid of the prob lem quite quickly, and could eas ily stop the flood by treat ing bor der jump ers like the in vad ers they are. Af ter a few mil i tary shoot ings, even the sim ple, stu pid Mex i cans will realize trying to immigrate is useless. Marcus: How about the mil lions of Muslims currently residing within the United States? Ransdell: We seem to have a pol icy that con sists of lov ing the Mus lims over here, and hat ing them over there (Mid dle East). How can peo ple not re al ize the stu pid ity of bomb ing half the Mid dle East in sup port of the Jews of Is rael, while at the same time in vit ing mil lions of these peo ple into our coun try? Do peo ple not see that this blind sup port of the Jews and Is rael fu els much of the ha tred the av er age Arab has for the West? Al though the plight of many of these groups, especially Palestinians, is sad to hear about, the fact re mains that these Mus lims have no place in White coun tries. Along with a com plete break with Is rael, all of these for eign ers need to be de ported back to where they came from, along with any Whites who have de cided to race mix with them, or have con verted to Islam. Marcus: One of the main ques tions read ers prob a bly want an swered is how would you deal with Amer ica s Jew ish Prob lem if in power? Trea son tri als per haps? Would you han dle the higherrank ing Jews dif fer ently than the com mon gar den va ri ety par a site, or not? Ransdell: There can be ab so lutely no com pro mise with the Jew. They have done so much dam age to our coun try, and oth ers, that we can not risk an other in fil tra tion in We need to pro vide a vi a ble al ter na tive to win the av er age White man and woman to our side. Then we can dis cuss neu tral iz ing the Eter nal Jew. the fu ture. We must not waste time with these par a sites, and can not treat them as merely trai tors, as that im plies that they are, or were, Amer i can in some sort of way. The Jews in our coun try would have to choose what will hap pen to them, and fast. If not, then we would de cide for them, and I don t care what hap pens to them ei ther way, no mat ter how harsh. And we have to re mem ber that there are no good Jews, or are at least incredibly, incredibly rare. Marcus: In your opin ion, what con sti tutes a bi o log i cal Jew? Do you fol low the stan dards set forth by the Third Reich s Nuremberg Laws, or do you dif fer in your def i ni tion? Ransdell: I would say that if some one is at least one-eighth Jew, then he is one of them, maybe even one-six teenth de pend ing on other cir cum stances. Any thing less than that, and we can eval u ate them on some kind of in di vid ual ba sis. The main thing is that they go, and quickly. Marcus: Do you be lieve that a fu ture White Amer ica would need a strong, au thor i tar ian type of gov ern ment, or can we make do with a more loose style of Fed er al ism, along the lines of the early

11 The prob lem and the solution 11 United States? Ransdell: I be lieve that a loose gov ern ment is pos si ble for Whites, al though there would have to be a pe riod of tran si tion while we fix the many prob lems we cur rently have. Only the non-white na tions teem ing with hordes of sav ages need a per ma nent authoritarian system in place to keep them in check. When in power, we will have to act di rectly and force fully to break the grip multi cul tur al ism has placed on so many Whites. Marcus: What would have to be done to crush the de gen er acy and filth so prev a lent among Whites? Can it be done with out drastic measures? Ransdell: Once in power, we have to es tab lish a list of spe cific stan dards, made by good and hon or able White men who would not be afraid to en force them. The new generations especially are filled with com plete de gen er ates who no lon ger have any con cept of right and wrong, and have to be taught to act with dig nity and re straint, by force if nec es sary. Many will re form them selves dur ing this time, but some, even of pure ra cial stock, will be un able to get their act to gether, and will even tu ally be dealt with. We can not The First Freedom isn t for everybody. But you know some one who needs it. al low the spirit of the Jew to con tinue in a White coun try, and the sex ual filth would have to be crushed to bring back some kind of innocence to society, especially for young chil dren. Marcus: So, no more gay pride pa rades and ho mo sex ual flaunt ing in pub lic? Ransdell: Ab so lutely not. That would be the first thing to be done away with. Marcus: Do you be lieve that Amer ica needs a po lit i cal party along the lines of the NSDAP or Golden Dawn, or can less organized, lone-wolf tactics work? Ransdell: We have to start build ing a lead er ship cadre for a fu ture or ga ni za tion, con sist ing of the cream of the crop of our mem bers. The lead ers es pe cially need to be en tirely in cor rupt ible, and have to be to tally ded i cated to the Cause they sup port. Above all, our or ga ni za tion will have to be flex i ble to com bat pos si ble sys tem at tacks upon it. If one group is crushed or frag mented, an other must spring up in its place, un til we fi nally achieve the goals we have set up. Marcus: What would you say to those who think that any or ga nized ef fort is doomed to fail ure, and that the Jews will squash any op po si tion to their agenda? Ransdell: Our peo ple need to stop fear ing the Jew. If some one asks why we need to or ga nize, I ask them, why not? If White Na tion al ists can t show the com mon man and woman that we are a vi a ble al ter na tive that ac tu ally has a chance at fix ing so ci ety, then why do we even talk about these things? Marcus: Do you think that in fil trat ing the cur rent sys tem is a vi a ble idea? Why or why not? Ransdell: I think that when peo ple at tempt to go down that route, they eventually become lovers of the material wealth and pros per ity that co mes along with col lab o ra tors of the Jew. In stead of send ing out in di vid u als, three-quar ters of Rob ert Ransdell vis its City Hall By Nancy Hitt Don t ex pect to re ceive the key to the city of Lou is ville, Ken tucky, from Dem o cratic Mayor Greg Fischer if you are a pro-white Ken tucky can di date for the U. S. Sen ate. On the con trary, you ll be treated with con tempt. The write-in can di date had filed an ap pli ca tion for a meet ing with Mayor Fischer to dis cuss a 2013 Black upon White as sault and rob bery that has failed to go to trial. Our Lou is ville Mayor was fully aware of the date for the pro posed meet ing. When Rob ert Ransdell en tered the Jef fer son County Court House on Mon day, Oc to ber 13, 2014, in ex pect ing speak with the Mayor, his re cep tion ist held up a pa per which con tained pho to graphs of Rob ert. She told Rob ert that he was not al lowed to en ter this pub lic build ing paid for with the earn ings of tax pay ers. Yes, they were well pre pared for his planned visit. Rob ert With Jews We Lose Ransdell vis ited Lou is ville on Mon day, Oc to ber 13 and Tues day, Oc to ber 14, Next on the agenda was a visit to the pros e cu tor s of fice to find out why the vic tim, Danny Rountree, did not have his day in court. Re quir ing hos pi tal iza tion, he had suf fered a vi o lent as sault by four Blacks dur ing a rob bery in a park near where he lives. One of them had even bragged about his in volve ment in that ra cial at tack on so cial me dia. The fe male pros e cu tor did not come out from be hind the locked glass doors in side of the old con verted jail house. Rather than her, two de tec tives emerged and took us into the in ner sanc tum. One of those paid-by-tax pay ers detectives grew combative when Rob ert sug gested that the ap par ent lack of ac tion might be due to its be ing a Black-on-White crime. Rob ert was then ver bally in sulted, be rated and yelled at. So much for South ern hos pi tal ity in River City. Their day outside court Fol low ing those two ex pe ri ences, Rob ert and Danny pro tested with signs in front of the Court House about the in ac tion in this case. Se cu rity watched from the steps as a Black male be moaned the death of he roic Trayvon Mar tin while our White vic tim had only been beaten. I am sure se cu rity would have looked the other way if we had been knocked down by this brute. Rob ert dis cov ered that the Lou is ville Sandiford Air port has a free speech zone. At the last min ute, he re ceived a per mit al low ing him to pro test in that spec i fied free speech area on both Mon day and Tues day. Dur ing Mon day s air port pro test, Rob ert was ver bally abused with typ i cal Jew ish vigor by a sup porter of can di date for Judge Sandy Berman. I was un aware of such ar eas hav ing been set aside at var i ous U. S. air ports. Ac tiv ists should keep this in mind as a plat form for fu ture pro tests. Why should a per mit be re quired to pro test any where in pub lic? This proves that one man alone with a spine of steel can shake up a city with his cour age. Rob ert is an un flinch ing stan dardbearer for our race. His ex am ple is a les son for us. So take a stand, even if you do not ex pect to re ceive the red car pet treat ment! Black-on-White crime vic tim Jo seph Danny Rountree with Mr. Ransdell whom will prob a bly fal ter, we should lis ten to what Dr. Pierce sug gested, and reach out to those main stream folks who have be come dis gusted with the cur rent sit u a tion in our coun tries. Marcus: How long do you think White Amer ica, and the West in gen eral, has left? What is our log i cal win dow of op por tu nity, in your opin ion? Ransdell: Like I have said be fore, we have to re main flex i ble in the de tails of what we wish to ac com plish. Some one in the Na tional Al li ance once said that when some one gives a spe cific timeline of what we have left, they are in re al ity re fer ring to the amount of time they are will ing to put into the fight. In stead of look ing at years or time, we should look to chang ing goals and as pi ra tions. The play ing field in 40 years will look a lot more dif fer ent than it does to day, and we should never con tem plate sur ren der. The White Race has over come mon u men tal odds many times be fore, some times by blind luck, and we can do so again. Above all, we need to rec og nize that the race over rides any sin gle na tion or geo graphic lo ca tion. Just be cause one falls, does n t mean all is lost. Marcus: Are there any in spi ra tional words you would like to con clude this in ter view with? Any clos ing state ments? Ransdell: We have a golden op por tu nity to take ad van tage of the chaos cur rently all over the news. With the ISIS prob lem, Obama s non sense, and the Blacks and Jews bring ing Ebola to Amer ica, there is plenty of ma te rial to use as an out reach plat form. When peo ple start drop ping dead in the streets while bleed ing from their eyes, the av er age White man will no lon ger think about be ing la beled a rac ist or an anti-semite. The Jew and the Black have to be de hu man ized in the eyes of our peo ple, as when this kind of talk be comes main stream, our chances of suc cess rise as well. A few words from Rob ert Mathews (founder of The Or der) speech A Call To Arms will do to end the in ter view. Mr. Smith, to his credit, took a long good look at his prob lem and how he ar rived at so sorry a state. Now take heart, kins men, for what did Mr. Smith say when he came to the root cause of his prob lem? Mr. Smith said, JEW! JEW! JEW! Not only did Mr. Smith say JEW! he yelled JEW! His neigh bors started yell ing JEW! At least this man, and oth ers be fore him, tried. Many have given their lives fight ing for our peo ple, and should be re mem bered as heroes and mar tyrs. Rob ert Ransdell in front of the Court House at Lou is ville af ter Mayor Greg Fischer re fused to see him, con firm ing this U. S. Sen ate can di date s With Jews we lose. Mex ico s con tin u ing drug war Protests turned vi o lent in Guerrero on Oc to ber 22 as dem on stra tors looted shops and smashed win dows, leav ing dev as ta tion and blood stains. An am bu lance and sev eral shops were dam aged. Lo cal po lice made sev eral ar rests. The scenes fol low teach ers set ting the town hall of Iguala ablaze in an ger. The vi o lence is os ten si bly a re sponse to the con tin ued case of the 43 miss ing stu dents, who had gone miss ing over three weeks earlier. The stu dents of Ayotzinapa Teacher Train ing Col lege in Guerrero dis ap peared on Sep tem ber 26 in Iguala, af ter a con fron ta tion with lo cal po lice. The orig i nal con fron ta tion left six peo ple dead and 25 in jured. They have been miss ing ever since. Ar rest war rants have been is sued for the lo cal mayor and his wife in that south west ern State of Guerrero where the stu dents dis ap peared.

12 12 Bluffing weaklings into obedience How the Is rael Lobby set Beto O Rourke right The above head line and boast ing which fol lows ap pear here ex actly as gushed by The For ward in its is sue of Oc to ber 03, What Hap pens When Fresh man Law maker Misses the Memo By Na than Guttman It took only one wrong vote to teach a fresh man Dem o crat from Texas how sen si tive, and even wrath ful, the Jew ish com mu nity can be when it co mes to Is rael. But the real story of what hap pened to Rep. Beto O Rourke did not stop with the an gry re ac tion he got when he cast one of only eight votes in Con gress against spe cial fund ing for Is rael s Iron Dome rocket de fense sys tem dur ing the re cent Gaza war. What is no ta ble is how quickly the car rot fol lowed the stick. It was al most a text book case of how the es tab lish ment pro-is rael lobby works its magic and a story not yet com pleted in early September, when The New Yorker mag a zine took note of what had hap pened to O Rourke. In an in-depth re port on the work of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the large Wash ing ton-based lobby, dur ing the Gaza war, New Yorker writer Con nie Bruck re counted the blasts that rained down on the El Paso con gress man fol low ing his vote. The re ac tions, as Bruck re ported, in cluded a mass blast la bel ing O Rourke as an anti-is rael con gress man and de nounc ing his vote as shame ful. Critical local press coverage included a pub lic com ment by one of his own Jew ish do nors to the El Paso Times that in vot ing as he did, O Rourke chooses to side with the rocket launch ers and ter ror tun nel build ers of Hamas. But since then, be hind the scenes, what By Chris tine Miller The quest for per fec tion never ends well. You shall be like God, per fect, the snake prom ised Adam and Eve, and thus we lost par a dise. Com mu nism prom ises a per fect world, but only af ter all of it has been con verted. From each ac cord ing to his abil ity, to each his needs was a slo gan prac ticed by the early Chris tians. But, de spite the fact that early Chris tian Com mu nism was vol un tary, there were already problems in paradise. Perfectionism That brings me to Pro hi bi tion. A group of Amer i can women in the grip of moral fer vor, en ergy and con vic tion at tempted to de sign their per fect man one who could not be drunk, and was nec es sar ily ever of so ber rec ti tude. The brew er ies had been founded by Ger man im mi grants. They put up a good fight against Pro hi bi tion and, due to the rev e nues the States col lected from them, en joyed tre men dous clout. But in 1920 the newly in sti tuted in come tax un der mined their in flu ence. One as pect of the suc cess those per fec tion ists had in push ing their 18th Amend ment through is sel dom if ever men tioned, namely the hate hys te ria at that time against ev ery thing Ger man in clud ing German breweries. What were the re sults of Pro hi bi tion? A has fol lowed is a long pro cess of mu tual out reach and hours of hash ing out dif fer ences, un til the fi nal act, which is now in the works: an El Al flight to Tel Aviv on the pro-is rael lobby s dime. He s a good guy, but he did n t know how the Jew ish com mu nity would re act, said Daniel Cheifec, executive director of the Jew ish Fed er a tion of El Paso. Now he knows that this com mu nity is not go ing to be very happy if he screws up again. O Rourke, in fact, had no prior re cord of crit i ciz ing or vot ing against Is rael. He did not even op pose more fund ing for the Iron Dome sys tem. He only op posed rush ing through the large ap pro pri a tion with no de bate as mem bers of Con gress were hur ry ing home for the sum mer re cess when a more con sid ered vote to boost the pro gram was com ing in Oc to ber. Is rael, which re ceives more than $3.6 bil lion per year in var i ous forms of aid from Wash ing ton, is al ready the sin gle largest recipient of American largesse. But the Au gust 1 House vote ap pro pri at ing $225 mil lion to Is rael above and be yond its usual aid was meant to al low the Jew ish State to re stock on Iron Dome in ter cep tors that had proved ef fec tive in coun ter ing Hamas rocket at tacks into the coun try. Con gres sio nal lead ers squeezed the whole branch of the econ omy based on a few in no cent beers af ter work, on week ends or in the Turner and Sänger Vereins of the Ger mans was elim i nated. Not only did the em ploy ees of those beer com pa nies lose their jobs, so did distributers, care tak ers of the horses, hoof smiths, the pubs, the bar rel makers, etc. Unintended consequences That stone thrown into the wa ter didn t just de stroy Ger man brew er ies but had a wide rip ple ef fect hurt ing the le gal econ omy which was re placed by an il le gal one. Be fore Pro hi bi tion, Amer i cans were not a Na tion of drunk ards, but, with the lure of the for bid den, be gan drink ing il le gally in count less speak eas ies. And who sup plied that il le gal booze? Newly-cre ated crime syn di cates, some thing the United States had never be fore seen. The Bronfman family made its fortune distilling alcohol le gally in Can ada, then ship ping it il le gally into the United States. These crime syn di cates, more sol idly founded than any trust of Vanderbildt or Mor gan, thrived on ter ror and bribes. Al Ca pone could at any time mur der any body vote into the leg is la tive sched ule just as mem bers were pack ing up to leave for their sum mer re cess. The over whelm ing sup port of 395 rep re sen ta tives with only eight vot ing against was not un usual for a pro- Israel piece of legislation, especially one that deals with mil i tary as sis tance at a time of war. I re ally don t un der stand how he makes his de ci sion, Rabbi Ste phen Leon of Con gre ga tion B Nai Zion, a lo cal syn a gogue, told the El Paso Times even be fore The New Yorker piece picked up on the pushback. It s a great, great dis ap - point ment to the Jew ish com mu nity here. We had meet ings with him prior, to talk to him about the im por tance of Is rael, and the way he voted makes very lit tle sense. EDITOR S NOTE Congressional leaders squeezed the vote into the leg is la tive sched ule just as mem bers were pack ing up to leave for their sum mer re cess. Is n t that re mark ably sim i lar to how the Fed eral Re serve act was made law back at Christ mas 1912, be fore these par a sites be came so chutzpish as to slap all of us, not just Rep. O Rourke? Blue print for suc cess: Turn ing fed eral acts into hot air Without local enforcement, by compliant local authorities, the will of the cen tral gov ern ment is not much more than hot air. Hans-Hermann Hoppe By Mi chael Boldin In what should be seen as a blue print for effective resistance to federal power, the Nash ville Po lice re fused to help the Se cret Ser vice af ter a fran tic call for backup to en ter and search a res i dent s home with out a search war rant. Ac cord ing to News Chan nel 5: A Se cret Ser vice agent made a fran tic call for backup to Nash ville po lice af ter he and an other agent went to the home of a Nashville man, investigating threatening com ments on Facebook about the Pres i dent. The man who posted them had re fused to let the agents into his house. He shoved the door in our face and went around the cor ner. Looks like, we re not sure if he pos si bly he had a gun in his hands, the agent told a 911 op er a tor. Kept his cas tle The res i dent re fused to come out side and shouted back, Show me your war rant, said Nash ville Po lice Chief Steve An der son. While much of the me dia at ten tion fo cused on the fact that the SS agents asked a po lice ser geant to wave a piece of pa per in an ap par ent ef fort to dupe the res i dent into think ing that they in deed had a war rant when they did not, most cov er age missed what might be even more im por tant. Refusal to participate with federal acts on a lo cal level is le gal, con sti tu tional and effective. This is ex actly what James Mad i son, the Fa ther of the Con sti tu tion rec om mended as our way to stop fed eral over reach whether federal acts are unconstitutional or merely un pop u lar. In Fed er al ist #46, Mad i son ad vised a refusal to cooperate with officers of the Un ion as a way to stop such fed eral acts. He also said that should this and three other steps be taken in mul ti ple States si mul ta neously it would pres ent ob struc tions which the fed eral gov ern ment would hardly be will ing to en coun ter. They need help In other words, those fed eral acts would be nearly im pos si ble to en force, as Judge An drew Napolitano put it ear lier this year. While the fed eral pol i ti cians and bu reau crats would like you to be lieve that the fed eral gov ern ment is all-pow er ful and will do what it wants, when it wants, this could n t be fur ther from the truth. The Se cret Ser vice was n t able to carry out its warrantless raid with out help from lo cal po lice. In fact, they were so des per ate for help, they were fran tic. A vast ma jor ity of raids car ried out by the Bu reau of Al co hol, To bacco, Fire arms and Ex plo sives (ATF) only oc cur with significant assistance from State or local re sources. The Drug En force ment Agency (DEA) barely has re sources to shut down just a frac tion of mar i juana busi nesses in just one city out of the 20+ States nul li fy ing the un con sti tu tional fed eral pro hi bi tion on that plant. Hot air When the NSA builds a new fa cil ity to house all your pri vate com mu ni ca tions, it re lies on things like wa ter and elec tric ity pro vided by State or lo cal agen cies, or it won t have the re sources to stay op er a tive. Non-participation The Af ford able Care Act is al ready be ing crip pled by States that have re fused to im ple ment parts of the fed eral pro gram, and fur ther State re sis tance is likely to bring the en tire Act down. Voluntary participation The Na tional Park Ser vice can t shut down a park with out help from States, the FBI s fa cial rec og ni tion pro gram won t go any where with out im ages sup plied by State Departments of Motor Vehicles, and most un con sti tu tional for eign pol icy re lies heavily on State na tional guard troops car ry ing much of the load. Dur ing the par tial fed eral shut down of 2013, the Na tional As so ci a tion of Governors admitted, States are partners with the fed eral gov ern ment im ple ment ing most fed eral pro grams. How to tell when the huck ster is lying Dis trib u tors: Please place your or ders for this is sue early. Let s saturate the neighborhoods and pub lic events in your town where those peo ple who can han dle the truth gather. Part ner ships rarely work when only half the part ners are in volved. I do not ask that you place hands upon the ty rant to top ple him over, but sim ply that you sup port him no lon ger Thus spake Étienne de La Boétie. Like the pro ver bial house of cards, the fed eral gov ern ment can not con tinue on its path with out help. It needs help from State gov ern ments, from lo cal gov ern ments and from you. Ev ery State, ev ery lo cal ity and ev ery individual should refuse to cooperate with of fi cers of the Un ion in ev ery pos si ble sit u a tion, as James Mad i son ad vised. Deflating the bluff With time, dedication and persistence, peo ple can turn fed eral gun con trol, NSA sur veil lance, hemp farm ing bans, na tional health care and so much more into what they should be: Hot air. and noth ing would come of it. Mor gan could not. The judiciary was either terrorized or bribed into si lence. The same held true for the po lice force. Il le gal ity was ac cepted by the pub lic. Count less num bers died in the gang wars and from adul ter ated booze. An other as pect made its ap pear ance in the American character hypocrisy. An Amer i can so cial ite, work ing to have the 18th Amend ment re pealed, com plained bit terly that the staunchest sup port ers of Pro hi bi tion ex pected her to serve them a drink when they were guests in her house. In 1933 Roo se velt fi nally laid the 18th Amend ment ad acta, which he cel e brated with a drink. When deceptions multiply If you imagine this was the end of those crime syn di cates, you think wrong. The gar dener who can t make any more money sell ing roses sim ply switches to car na tions. The crime syn di cates shifted from dealing illegal liquor to selling illegal drugs. Those gangs are still with us, and have be come a per ma nent fix ture not only of Amer i can so ci ety but hold the whole world in their grip. I have this gut feel ing that there was a link be tween all the anti-ger man hys te ria that got the United States into WWI and the vic tory of those drys over the wets. Orig i nal sin starts us upon a long trail of con se quences.

13 In ter na tional developments COUNTERING OFFICIAL Zi on ist historiography, Sand questions whether the Jew ish Peo ple ever ex isted as a na tional group with a com mon or i gin in the Land of Is rael/pal es tine. He con cludes that the Jews should be seen as a re li gious com mu nity com pris ing a mish mash of in di vid u als and groups that had con verted to the an cient mono the is tic re li gion but do not have any his tor i cal right to establish an independent Jewish State in the Holy Land. In short, the Jew ish Peo ple, ac cord ing to Sand, are not re ally a peo ple in the sense of hav ing a com mon eth nic or i gin and na tional her i tage. They cer tainly do not have a po lit i cal claim over the ter ri tory that today constitutes Israel and the occupied Pal es tin ian ter ri to ries, in clud ing Je ru sa lem. Leon T. Hadar Egypt court gives life terms to 25 Morsi sup port ers A court in Egypt has sen tenced 25 sup port ers of ousted pres i dent, Mohamed Morsi, to life in prison over al leged in volve ment in vi o lence fol low ing a coup that re moved the coun try s leader from power. Judicial tyranny A ju di cial source said on Oc to ber 16 that a court in the south ern prov ince of Assiut handed down life sen tences to twenty-five de fen dants, while three re ceived three-year terms, and two oth ers were jailed for two years. A life sen tence in the North Af ri can coun try amounts to 25 years in jail. The court found the de fen dants guilty of set ting po lice sta tions and gov ern ment build ings on fire in the town of al-ghanaim on Au gust 14, 2013, shortly af ter po lice harshly dis persed thou sands of Morsi sup port ers at two squares in the cap i tal, Cairo, kill ing hun dreds of them. An other 141 de fen dants, in clud ing an of fi cial from the Mus lim Broth er hood, were ac quit ted, the source added. Defy ing the dol lar, Rus sia and China have agreed on a cur rency swap worth over $20 bil lion. China fi nance the Rus sian econ omy? The cen tral banks of China and Rus sia have signed a 3-year ru ble-yuan cur rency swap deal of up to $25 bil lion, in or der to boost trade us ing na tional cur ren cies and lessening de pend ence on the dol lar and euro. On Oc to ber 13, China s Cen tral Bank an nounced the 150 bil lion yuan (815 bil lion ru ble) cur rency swap be tween the Rus sian ru ble and Chi nese yuan. In terms of the Chi nese cur rency, that is $24.5 bil lion, in Rus sian rubles $20.1 bil lion. We must ex pand the prac tice of us ing na tional cur ren cies in trade. Cur rently they only ac count for seven per cent of turn over, Prime Min is ter Dmitry Medvedev said at the 18th annual Russian-Chinese Commission, also at tended by Chi nese Pre mier Li Keqiang. The deal is valid for three years, and can be ex tended if both Rus sia and China agree. The draft cur rency swap was set tled in Au gust, but de tails on the size of the deal were sketchy. Us ing more lo cal cur ren cies will speed Or der ex tra cop ies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See cou pon on page 24 Egyp tian de fen dants stand be hind bars dur ing a trial ses sion in Al ex an dria, Egypt, 29 March The de vel op ment co mes as au thor i ties in Egypt have launched a bru tal crack down on sup port ers of Morsi since his ouster in a mil i tary coup led by Abdel Fattah el-sisi, the cur rent pres i dent and for mer head of the armed forces, in July On Oc to ber 11, a Cairo court sen tenced Broth er hood lead ers Mohamed al-beltagy and Safwat Hegazy as well as a jour nal ist and an other de fen dant to 15 years in prison. The court also sen tenced four other de fen dants, in clud ing Osama Yassin, the for mer min is ter of youth un der Morsi, to Egyp tian Pres i dent Mohamed Morsi (R) meets on Sep tem ber 18, 2012, Ira nian For eign Min is ter Ali Akbar Salehi at the pres i den tial pal ace in Cairo. Boycotting the Zionist boycotters up trade be tween the two coun tries who are aim ing to reach $100 bil lion by Trade be tween Rus sia and China is al ready nearly $90 bil lion and is sched uled to hit $200 bil lion in the next six years. Solidarity Co op er a tion be tween Rus sian and Chi nese banks is also on the rise, and China s Im port Ex port Bank, which is 100% State owned, has pledged to help Rus sian banks now cut off from West ern cap i tal mar kets, due to the lat est round of sanc tions. The Ex port-im port Bank (Exim) has agreed to es tab lish a credit line equiv a lent to $2 bil lion for Rus sian State Bank VTB, Get this book any where in C. S. A. or U. S. for $18.79 PPD or FREE with a twoyear NEW $50 sub scrip tion. Send check or money order to: The First Free dom P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Alabama Europe needs part ner ship with Rus sia Europe needs a stra te gic part ner ship with Rus sia to re cover at least part what has been lost since the be gin ning of the 2008 eco nomic cri sis, stated Hun gar ian For eign Min is ter Péter Szijjártó be fore the Hospodárské Noviny Slo vak eco nomic news por tal. This head of Hun gar ian di plo macy pointed out that the Hun gar ian econ omy loses 300 thou sand eu ros per day due to the sanc tions against Rus sia, while there are no signs that the anti-rus sian mea sures helped re solve the Ukrai nian cri ses. But ex actly the op po site has been hap pen ing; hos til i ties have flared up and we are fur ther away from solv ing the cri sis than ever. Eu rope is suf fer ing as its econ o mies suf fer (due to sanc tions) and you can see that the pol icy of sanc tions, in a long term, work against Eu ro pean in ter ests. and has also signed agree ments with VEB (Vnesheconombank) and the Rus sian Agricultural Bank. The credit lines can be used to fi nance im ports from China, from ag ri cul ture to high tech equip ment. Medvedev and Li signed over 40 other agree ments at the meet ing, in clud ing out lin ing plans to add an other pipe line from Rus sia to China. Li was in Mos cow for a three-day visit. Eu rope has lost it com pet i tive edge since the 2008 eco nomic cri sis; stra te gic part ner ship with Rus sia is the only way to re cover at least a part of what has been lost, said Szijjártó. He noted the pos si ble 13 three years in jail. Sisi is ac cused of lead ing the sup pres sion of Broth er hood sup port ers, as hun dreds of them have been killed in clashes with Egyp tian se cu rity forces over the past year. Hu man rights groups say the mil i tary crack down on the sup port ers of Morsi has left over 1,400 peo ple dead and 22,000 ar rested, while some 200 peo ple have been sen tenced to death in mass tri als. EDITOR S NOTE Remember: Democracy was the aim be hind those color rev o lu tions spon sored by Rothschild, Soros & Co. But what if the peo ple don t vote as in structed? Well, in that case, their elected Pres i dent of Egypt has got to go. Hail the once and re in stated coup! Yours for a do na tion of your choice to help us with our out reach. Soar ing Ea gles Stu dios and Gal lery 3152 Park way, Pi geon Forge, TN beneficial ef fects of co op er at ing with Russia, a coun try that is ex tremely rich in nat u ral re sources. Com bin ing this with Eu ro pean high tech nol ogy could pro duce a win-win sit u a tion for all par tic i pat ing coun tries. Events in Ukraine and the sanc tions com bined work against the in ter ests of all Eu ro pean coun tries, said the for eign min is ter. Limited options Re gard ing en ergy se cu rity, Szijjártó stressed that Hun gary is com mit ted to the con struc tion of the South Stream gas pipe line even if this is not a de fin i tive an swer to solve the long term en ergy se cu rity of the coun try. The real so lu tion would have been the Nabucco gas pipe line, but since the Eu ro pean Un ion scrapped the pro ject no other op tion was left but the South Stream gas pipe line.

14 14 Lin coln told Orville Brown ing, an old po lit i cal ally from Il li nois, that The plan suc ceeded. They at tacked Sumter; it fell, and thus did more ser vice than it oth er wise could. Abra ham Lin coln could not pos si bly have iden ti fied his true mo tives any more clearly than that. My o pic news then as now The Yan kee news pa pers had a field day with the Fort Sumter bom bard ment: In no cent U. S. sol diers at tacked with out cause by the das tardly re bels (and many so-called his to ri ans to day still take that spin). Now Lin coln had his ex cuse to in vade and con quer the C.S.A. He ig nored Con gress, also the U. S. Con sti tu tion s pro hi bi tion against ex actly such trea son as de fined in Ar ti cle III, Sec tion 3, Clause 1: Trea son against the United States, shall con sist only in levy ing War against them (States); no tice the plu ral them, that is, the State or States. John Brown, the ra bid ab o li tion ist and political extremist, murdered innocent farm fam i lies in Kan sas. Brown led thir teen White men and five Blacks to cap ture the Harp ers Ferry, Vir ginia, ar mory to ac quire more weap ons for his fu ture army of run - away slaves. The lo cal mi li tia re sponded, a fight en sued and men died on both sides. Col o nel Rob ert E. Lee was sent from Wash ing ton, DC, on the 17th of Oc to ber 1859 with 100 U. S. Ma rines to end the siege. Brown re fused to sur ren der. Lee s men broke down the ar se nal doors, en tered into close com bat and, when the smoke had cleared, Brown had lost ten men. John Brown sur vived and was tried for trea son, found guilty and hanged on 2 De cem ber In retrospect Brown s raid is in struc tive to ward the clar i fi ca tion of two con ten tious points that usu ally sur round the War of ) The U. S. Con sti tu tion, at Ar ti cle III, Sec tion 3, Clause 1, de fines trea son (see above). Fed eral troops from Wash ing ton, DC, un der the com mand of Col o nel Rob ert E. Lee, had put an end to that in sur rec tion in Vir ginia. Trea son is a crime against a Nation. John Brown was found guilty of trea son against the Com mon wealth of Virginia, and not the United States. Thus did the fed eral gov ern ment un der U. S. Pres i dent James Bu chanan ad mit Vir ginia was a sov er eign na tion, and in ac cor dance with Ar ti cle I, Sec tion 8, Clause 15, the fed eral gov ern ment had sup pressed a true insurrection. 2.) Cer tain un in formed per sons con tend that Rob ert E. Lee com mit ted trea son when re sign ing from the U. S. Army on 20 April 1861 to even tu ally lead an army de fend ing his home State of Vir ginia. The fed eral gov ern ment had ad mit ted that John Brown com mit ted trea son against the Com mon - wealth of Vir ginia by rais ing arms against that State two years ear lier, from which it can only be con cluded that if Col o nel Lee had re mained in the fed eral army and were rais ing arms against the Com mon wealth of Vir ginia, he too would have been guilty of trea son against his Na tion. Lee was forced to aban don his home, which, con fis cated (sto len) by the U. S. gov ern ment s Un ion army, was made into Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Robert E. Lee sacrificed all; the charges against him will not stand! As the South ern States be gan se ced ing on 20 De cem ber 1860 (South Carolina), they re claimed their sov er eign rights even be fore en ter ing into the Con fed er acy on 8 Feb ru ary My State of Florida on 10 Jan u ary 1861 be came the third South ern State to se cede from the Un ion. I have a copy of Florida s orig i nal Con sti tu tion. The Pre am ble reads: ad mis sion into the Un ion, as one of the United States of Amer ica with the prin ci ples of the Fed eral Con sti tu tion* do mu tu ally agree, each with the other, to form our selves into a Free and In de pend ent State, by the name of Florida. My State of Florida Con sti tu tion s Ar ti cle One says That all po lit i cal power is in her ent in the peo ple, and all free gov ern ments are founded on their au thor ity and established for their ben e fit; and there fore, they have at all times, an inalienable and indefeasible right to al ter or abol ish their form of gov ern ment as they may deem ex pe di ent. In her ent: Es tab lished as an es sen tial part of some thing: uninfringeable, un ques - tion able and un chal lenge able. In alien able and in de fea si ble right: In sep a ra ble, in dis sol u ble; in ca pa ble of be ing sur ren dered or trans ferred (rights); not ca pa ble of be ing an nulled or voided. Ex pe di ent: Adapted for achiev ing a par tic u lar end, marked by con cern with what is ad van ta geous; es pe cially gov erned by self-interest. Thus the peo ple who are the State of Florida re claimed their sov er eign rights even be fore they joined the Con fed er acy on 8 Feb ru ary Arrival of tyr anny The above def i ni tions be hind le git i mate constitutions notwithstanding, the Federal occupation inaugurated for us a new State government at bayonet point. The Sec ond Re con struc tion Act of 23 March 1867 had the U. S. Army over see the registration of eligible voters in each South ern State for the elec tion of ap proved del e gates who would re write for each of our States a new State con sti tu tion. That accomplished, the martial law occupation would end. It did n t. Be sides my copy of Florida s orig i nal Con sti tu tion I have also their re place ment thereof dated 25 Feb ru ary This new ver sion leaves out Free and In de pend ent State, changing Florida s Ar ti cle One to but the par a mount al le giance of ev ery cit i zen is due to the Fed eral Gov ern ment, and no power ex ists with the peo ple of this State to dis solve its con nec tion there with. As noted pre vi ously, af ter the first seven States had se ceded and co alesced into the Con fed er ate States of Amer ica, U. S. Sen a tor James Doolittle, an anti-se ces sion ist, on 2 March 1861 pro posed a Con sti tu tional amend ment which read: No State or any part thereof, here to fore to be ad mit ted into the Un ion, shall have power to with draw from the ju ris dic tion of the United States. Change This at tempted amend ment by Sen a tor Doolittle of Wis con sin to pro hibit future 150 years of subjugation Stat ing the South s case for a much-de layed hearing Again our Con fed er ate States of Amer ica ask the world for be lated rec og ni tion of a sov er eign re pub lic suf fer ing United States oc cu pa tion since 1865, to cen sur e that il le gal in va sion and declare se ces sion as law ful. Part 5 By John Peeples States from hav ing that right to se cede shows the anti-secessionists allowing that it was le gal for the then-existing States to se cede. But it soon be came un nec es sary to amend any thing, for, with that North ern vic tory came the power to en force ev ery unconstitutional mandate by military rule at the point of the Fed eral bay o net. but the par a mount al le giance of ev ery cit i zen is due to the Fed eral Gov ern ment Thus the U. S. Gov ern ment was itch ing to charge C. S. Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis with trea son. On 10 May 1865, the mil i tary oc cu pi ers from the United States of Amer ica cap tured the Pres i dent of the Con fed er ate States of America, Jefferson Davis. The authorities in Wash ing ton, DC, at the very out set of their war, had promised that they would hang Jef fer son Da vis from a sour ap ple tree. And now, af ter four long and bloody years of war, they could de liver Jef fer son Da vis his dues un der Amer i can jus tice. Within a mat ter of weeks in cap tiv ity, the deposed Confederate States President found him self in chains at For tress Mon roe, Vir ginia, a po lit i cal pris oner of the U. S. charged with trea son. From the time of his im pris on ment, Pres i dent Da vis de manded a trial on any charge against him, es pe cially trea son. But, in spite of for mer boast ing, the U. S. au thor i ties care fully side-stepped giv ing Pres i dent Da vis his day in court. C. S. Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis Rob ert E. Lee *In The Fed er al ist Pa per #39, Para graph 7, sec ond sentence, James Madison declares: Fed eral re gards the Un ion as a Con fed er acy of Sov er eign States. The no-show trial Ac cord ing to R. G. Hor ton s 1868 A Youth s His tory of the Great Civil War, the Confederate States President s legal team de manded a speedy trial; but the Fed eral Gov ern ment post poned his day in court for three years. When the lower court fi nally called that case to trial, Su preme Court Chief Jus tice Salmon Chase (Lin coln s for mer Sec re tary of the Trea sury) in ter ceded with an or der of cer tio rari chang ing its venue from the lower court in Rich mond to the Su preme Court s docket. On 13 May 1867 Pres i dent Da vis walked free on bond, his case still on the docket but re maining tact fully never to be heard. Why did the United States Gov ern ment not bring to jus tice this man it branded a 19th Cen tury Ben e dict Ar nold? Why was Con fed er ate States Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis ar rested, im pris oned at For tress Mon roe, Vir ginia, chained and shack led, in dicted for trea son, yet never given that Con sti tu tional pre cept freely granted to the most vul gar of com mon crim i nals, the right of a speedy and fair trial? Did those U. S. authorities fear the the out come of such a ver dict? In pre par ing its later abandoned charges against Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis, the U. S. Government s War Department presented its ev i dence to the em i nent New Eng land ju rist Fran cis Lieber, LLD, who, af ter he had re viewed the case, de clared: Da vis will not be found guilty (of trea son). Thus the re al iza tion dawned on those au thor i ties that giv ing the Con fed er ate Pres i dent a fair trial might pro duce a not guilty ver dict and thereby undo in a court room what per fidy the United States had so cru elly wrought by four years of ag gres sive war fare. Con cise state ment of fact If you bring these lead ers to trial, it will con demn the North, for by the Con sti tu tion se ces sion is not a re bel lion. His [Jef fer son Da vis s] cap ture was a mis take. His trial will be a greater one. We can not con vict him of trea son. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Jus tice of the U. S. Su preme Court, 1867 The U. S. Su preme Court s re al iza tion that it could not con vict Jef fer son Da vis of treason renders Lincoln s War unjustifiable and un con sti tu tional! Mr. Lieber had based his find ings on A View of the Con sti tu tion of the United States of Amer ica, writ ten in 1825 by Judge Wil liam Rawle of Phil a del phia, Penn syl va nia. Since the de feat of the Con fed er acy, many North ern ers have re ferred to Judge Rawle s book as a rad i cal and se di tious view of the Con sti tu tion. Yet, if Rawle s book was laced with rad i cal and se di tious (se ces sion ist) views, they were over looked com pletely by a re view of his book that came out in A year af ter Mr. Rawle s book had ap peared, an em i nently re spected Boston jour nal, The North Amer i can Re view, gave it a full and com plete anal y sis (over 1,900 words), dis clos ing that Mr. Rawle s book was a safe and in tel li gent guide for un der stand ing the Con sti tu tion. In light of the later charge of trea son lev eled against Jef fer son Da vis, the ques tion beg ging to be asked here is, Why did this em i nent New Eng land jour nal not rec og nize trea son in Mr. Rawle s book? Cer tainly this was one of the ques tions that Jef fer son Da vis hoped to bring be fore an Amer i can court when he was tried for trea son. Equally as cer tain, this is why many North ern ers did not wish for Confederate States President Jefferson Da vis to have his day in court. Common acknowledgment Not only was Judge Rawle s book warmly re viewed when it first ap peared in print, but also 28 years later it was still be ing rec om mended. On Civil Lib erty and Self Gov ern ment, Fran cis Lieber, LLD, rec om mended Judge Rawle s book, A View of the Con sti tu tion of the United States of America, among oth ers to his stu dents and for mer stu dents as a guide to Con sti tu tional issues. Mr. Lieber s recommendation was made in 1853, only seven years be fore the se ces sion of South Carolina from the Un ion on 20 De cem ber Un for tu nately for Amer ica, Lin coln did not read and com pre hend this safe and intelligent guide of the Constitution. But surely the great at tor ney for the rail road (before he became President) had heard of The North Amer i can Re view and re nowned scholar Fran cis Lieber? One might think he had dis cussed the se ces sion is sue with out go ing Pres i dent Bu chanan and sought le gal ad vice as well from the U. S. At tor ney General. Strange man Ear lier, on the floor of Con gress in 1847, U. S. Con gress man Lin coln from Il li nois had made this statement: Any peo ple, any where have the right to rise up and shake off the ex ist ing gov ern ment, and form a new one that suits them better. If Hon est Abe were truth ful and meant what he then said, how is it that, four teen years later as Pres i dent, he de nied that the South ern States had that right to shake off the ex ist ing gov ern ment? Could it be that Lin coln had spo ken truly his be lief that he could per son ally shake off the Na tion es tab lished by our Found ing Fa thers? If so, Lin coln was al ready com mit ted in 1847 to destroy the U. S. Constitution s federation of States. In deed, after as sum ing the of fice of Pres i dent, he stated that the Old Un ion could not be saved and that a new Un ion must be es tab lished in its place. So it must be al lowed that the great est usur pa tion of Con sti tu tional law be gan at the White House on 4 March 1861 when, on his first day in of fice, Lin coln claimed in his In au gu ral Ad dress that No State, on its own mere ac tion, can get out of the Un ion.

15 Truth of the matter We see both a gi ant and the vul tures who pick his bones The Jews, still try ing to get Henry Ford, show them selves ever more con tempt ible to those peo ple he has awak ened to the problem. By Lt. Col o nel Don ald Sullivan (Ret) Henry Ford has been my hero since as long as I can re mem ber. It prob a bly started in 1967 when I got my first Mus tang, a white GTA-390 fast back with all the bells and whis tles. It cost $3, out the door, and since then I ve been a Ford man. Through the years I read ev ery thing I could get my hands on about Henry Ford and his mo tor com pany and have most of the books writ ten by him, or for him, and many about him in my li brary. But, for many years I would n t read his book or collection of articles entitled The In ter na tional Jew, con sidering that to be his dark side. It was n t un til I was 50, had been gored by the bull and be came en light ened, that I did go there. It was worth the wait. As TFF read ers know, this news pa per features excerpts from The In ter na tional Jew and other ar ti cles by Mr. Ford (They Never Called Him Henry ) in each issue and has done so for many years. The words and ev i dence pre sented from Mr. Ford s personal experiences and awareness of the times con tained in those writ ings are a source of ex treme wis dom from a man who knew ex actly what he was writ ing about. His counter propaganda Mr. Ford did many great things in his out stand ing ca reer, not the least of which was his per sonal at tempt in 1916 to pre vent Amer ica s en try into the First World War. That ex pe ri ence may have been the cat a lyst which piqued his in ter est in the Jews in the first place, his not be ing un fa mil iar with their draw ing us kick ing and scream ing into that need less war which he rec og nized as none of our busi ness. Mr. Ford s writ ings on the Jews were not well re ceived by the elite mem bers of the tribes, who did ev ery thing pos si ble to put Ford Mo tor Com pany out of busi ness. Ul ti mately, be cause he was try ing to have a suc cess ful launch of the new Model A in the mid-twen ties, a let ter of apol ogy was is sued in his name to self-avowed lead ers of the Jew ish com mu nity in New York, and a brand new Ford Model A went with the deal. Even so, the Jews never for gave Mr. My Life and Work By Henry Ford The work which we de scribe as Stud ies in the Jew ish Ques tion, and which is var i ously de scribed by an tag o nists as the Jew ish cam paign, the at tack on the Jews, the anti-se mitic po grom and so forth, needs no ex pla na tion to those who have fol lowed it. Its mo tives and pur poses must be judged by the work it self. It is of fered as a con tri bu tion to a ques tion which deeply af fects the coun try, a ques tion which is ra cial at its source, and which con cerns in flu ences and ide als rather than per sons. Our state ments must be judged by can did read ers who are in tel li gent enough to lay our words along side life as they are able to ob serve it. If our word and their ob ser va tion agree, the case is made. It is per fectly silly to be gin to damn us be fore it has been shown that our state ments are base less or reck less. The first item to be con sid ered is the truth of what we have set forth. And that is pre cisely the item which our crit ics choose to evade. Read ers of our ar ti cles will see at once that we are not ac tu ated by any kind of prej u dice, ex cept it may be a prej u dice in Ford, and no self-re spect ing Jew un til re cently would own a Ford prod uct. Jews con tin ued to dis par age the achieve ments of Mr. Ford when ever pos si ble, such as the re sponse of the Jew ish own ers of Sears- Roe buck to a re quest to in clude Henry and Clara s first home in their cam paign to paint a Great Amer i can Home Like Yours : Sears is not in ter ested in in clud ing the Ford home in its cam paign. Henry Ford was an en emy of la bor. Noth ing could be fur ther from the truth, though Mr. Ford was an avowed en emy of or ga nized la bor; but the truth never stopped a good Jew from smearing his perceived enemies. That may all change with Mark Fields as the new pres i dent and chief ex ec u tive of Ford Mo tor Com pany since July 1 of this year. He is the first openly Jew ish pres i dent of one of the De troit Three automakers, notes his Wikipedia bio. His fam ily name, un til a gen er a tion ago when his Jew ish grand par ents im mi grated from Rus sia and set tled in New Jer sey, was Finkelman. Iron i cally, Henry Ford s ar ti cle in the Sep tem ber is sue of TFF was all about this Jew ish pro pen sity for chang ing sur names to pro tect iden ti ties and better hide their Jew ish ness from Gen tile hosts. It seems to have worked for Mr. Fields. I learned of Mark Fields me te oric rise at Ford just last month from the quar Ford mag a zine. As soon as I saw his The ex pla na tion is the cure fa vor of the prin ci ples which have made our civ i li za tion. There had been ob served in this coun try cer tain streams of in flu ence which were causing a marked deterioration in our lit er a ture, amuse ments and so cial con duct; busi ness was de part ing from its old-time sub stan tial sound ness; a gen eral let ting down of stan dards was felt ev ery - where. It was not the ro bust coarse ness of the White man, the rude in del i cacy, say, of Shake speare s char ac ters, but a nasty Orientalism which has insidiously affected ev ery chan nel of ex pres sion and to such an ex tent that it was time to chal lenge it. That these in flu ences are all trace able to one ra cial source is a fact to be reck oned with, not by us only, but by the in tel li gent peo ple of the race in ques tion. It is en tirely cred it able to them that steps have been taken by them to re move their pro tec tion from the more fla grant vi o la tors of Amer i can hos pi tal ity, but there is still room to dis card out worn ideas of ra cial su pe ri or ity main tained by eco nomic or in tel lec tu ally sub ver sive war fare upon pic ture with the cap tion tout ing his rise to the helm of Ford, I be came sus pi cious. He was too young to have risen nat u rally to that job. A quick search at Wikipedia con firmed my sus pi cions. Fields joined Ford in 1989, hav ing worked six years at IBM prior, and by 1997 was in charge of Ar gen tina op er a tions. Shortly there af ter he took over as pres i dent of Ford-Mazda in 1998 at the age of 37. Four years later, he s the head of Ford s Pre mier Group which in cludes Lin coln, Land Rover, Aston- Mar tin, Volvo and Jag uar badges. In 2005 he headed Ford of the Amer i cas di vi sion, fol lowed closely in 2006 by be ing named busi ness unit chief of the Amer i cas group. Final takeover He became Chief Operating Officer in 2012 fol lowed by his ap point ment in April of 2014 to CEO. Then, on July 1, 2014, he was se lected Pres i dent and CEO of the com pany by Bill Ford, Jr., great grand son of Henry Ford and cur rent Chair man of the com pany. We will have to see whether or not he be comes the first Jew ish Chair man of the Board of Ford Mo tor Com pany and seals the deal. The Jew ish com mu nity is very pleased with his ap point ment. Quot ing the Detroit Jewish News from an ar ti cle by Bill Carroll in No vem ber 2012: A Jew run ning Ford, the com pany founded by Henry Ford, one of the most notorious anti-semites in American history? Vet eran ob serv ers of the au to mo tive scene thought it could never hap pen. But it s a The only state ment I care to make about the Pro to cols is that they fit in with what is go ing on... [I am] only try ing to awake the Gen tile world to an un der stand ing of what is go ing on. The Jew is a mere huck ster, a trader who does n t want to pro duce, but to make some thing out of what some one else pro duces. Henry Ford, when asked why he pub lished The In ter na tional Jew Christian society. Our work does not pre tend to say the last word on the Jew in Amer ica. It says only the word which de scribes his ob vi ous pres ent im press on the coun try. When that im press is changed, the re port of it can be changed. For the pres ent, then, the ques tion is wholly in the Jews hands. If they are as wise as they claim to be, they will la bor to make Jews Amer i can, in stead of la bor ing to make Amer ica Jew ish. The ge nius of the United States of Amer ica is Chris tian in the broad est sense, and its des tiny is to re main Chris tian. This car ries no sec tar ian mean ing with it, but re lates to a ba sic prin ci ple which dif fers from other prin ci ples in that it pro vides for lib erty with mo ral ity, and pledges so ci ety to a code of re la tions based on fun da men tal Chris tian con cep tions of hu man rights and du ties. As for prej u dice or ha tred against per sons, that is nei ther Amer i can nor Chris tian. Our op po si tion is only to ideas, false ideas, which are sap ping the moral stam ina of the peo ple. These ideas pro ceed from eas ily iden ti fied sources, they are pro mul gated by eas ily discoverable meth ods; and they are con trolled by mere ex po sure. We have sim ply used the method of ex po sure. When peo ple learn to iden tify 15 new era at Ford, an era that ac tu ally started when the el der Ford s grand son, Henry Ford II, took over the com pany in the 1940s and launched his ver sion of af fir ma tive ac tion. Ford II, a friend of phi lan thro pist Max Fisher and other Jew ish lead ers and fre quent con trib u tor to the old United Jew ish Ap peal, hired Jew ish, Af ri can Amer i can and other mi nor ity em ploy ees, and installed minority dealers and suppliers. What s even more im por tant, many of the mi nor ity em ploy ees rose to higher ranks within Ford than did those at GM and Chrysler. The Cres cent City Jew ish News of New Or leans, writ ing of Fields rapid rise to the top in April 2014, is even more spe cific on the anti-sem i tism of Mr. Ford: Founded in 1903 by Henry Ford, the Ford Mo tor Com pany has never had a Jew ish CEO be fore. Ford was a pro nounced anti-sem ite whose deal ings with the Na zis dur ing World War II are well known. Retrogression There s more than a lit tle gloat ing ev i dent here. In ad di tion to be ing cred ited with af fir ma tive ac tion at Ford (The orig i nal Henry Ford was hir ing mi nor i ties and for eign ers long be fore in great num bers, al though not in man age ment. He hosted a big event ev ery July 4th to cel e brate the new citizenship of those foreign employees who swore their al le giance to the United States. He even in cor po rated a town just to house the Ne gro em ploy ees Inkster, Mich i gan.), Henry Ford s grand son, the Deuce, is re spon si ble for the com pany go ing pub lic in 1956, a slap in the face of his grand fa ther who went to great lengths in 1919 to take the com pany pri vate af ter a wrench ing court bat tle with the Dodge broth ers over how prof its should be spent. The Dodge boys wanted the prof its to be dis trib uted as div i dends to stock hold ers, and Mr. Ford wanted to re-in vest them in the com pany. He lost the court bat tle, but spent the next few years buy ing up all the out stand ing stock and pri vat iz ing his com pany to keep that prob lem from ever hap pen ing again. Now that I m aware of the ap point ment of Mark Finkelman to head the Ford Mo tor Com pany, I know not what course oth ers may take, but as for me and my house, we ve bought our last Ford prod uct. Henry Ford, who took great pains to insure his leg acy from en croach ment by the in ter na tional bank ers, must be roll ing over in his grave, his spirit look ing down on his fam ily with dis gust. the source and na ture of the in flu ence swirl ing around them, it is suf fi cient. Let the Amer i can peo ple once un der stand that it is not natural degeneracy, but calculated sub ver sion that af flicts us, and they are safe. The ex pla na tion is the cure. This work was taken up with out per sonal mo tives. When it reached a stage where we be lieved the Amer i can peo ple could grasp the key, we let it rest for the time. Our en e mies say that we be gan it for re venge and that we laid it down in fear. Time will show that our crit ics are merely deal ing in eva sion be cause they dare not tackle the main ques tion. Time will also show that we are better friends to the Jews best in ter ests than are those who praise them to their faces and crit i cize them be hind their backs. Or der ex tra cop ies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See cou pon on page 24 Let s roll!

16 16 Something of an enigma is Louis Mar shall, whose name heads the list of or ga nized Jewry in Amer ica, and who is known as the arch-pro tester against most things non-jew ish. He is head of nearly ev ery Jew ish move ment that amounts to any thing, and he is chief op po nent of practically every non-jewish movement that prom ises to amount to some thing. Yet he is known mostly as a name and not a very Jew ish name at that. Singular exception It would be in ter est ing to know how the name of Mar shall found its way to this Jew ish gen tle man. It is not a com mon name, even among Jews who change their names. Louis Mar shall is the only Mar shall listed in the Jew ish En cy clo pe dia, and the only Jew ish Mar shall in the in dex of the pub li ca tions of the Amer i can Jew ish His tor i cal So ci ety. In the list of the an nual con tri bu tors to the Amer i can Jew ish Com mit tee are to be found such names as Marshutz, Mayer, Massal, Maremort, Mannheimer, Marx, Morse, Mackler, Marcus, Mor ris, Moskowitz, Marks, Margolis, Mareck but only one Mar shall, and that is Louis. Of any other prom i nent Jew it may be asked, Which Straus? Which Untermeyer? Which Kahn? Which Schiff? but never, Which Mar shall? for there is only one. This in it self would in di cate that Mar shall is not a Jew ish name. It is an Amer i can, or an An glo-saxon name trans planted into a Jew ish fam ily. But how and why are ques tions to which the pub lic as yet have no an swer. Louis Mar shall is head of the Amer i can Jew ish Com mit tee, and the Amer i can Jew ish Com mit tee is head of all of fi cial Jew ish ac tiv ity in the United States. As head of the com mit tee, he is also head of the ex ec u tive com mit tee of the New York Kehillah, an or ga ni za tion which is the ac tive front of or ga nized Jewry in New York, and the cen ter of Jew ish pro pa ganda for the United States. The nom i nal head of the Kehillah is Rabbi Ju dah L. Magnes, a brother-in-law of Louis Mar shall. Not only are the Amer i can Jew ish Com mit tee and the Kehillah linked of fi cially (see chap ter 33, Vol ume II, re print of this se ries), but they are linked domestically as well. Targeting Palestine Louis Mar shall was pres i dent of all the Jew ish Com mit tees of the world at the Ver sailles Peace Con fer ence, and it is charged now, as it has been charged be fore, that the Jew ish Pro gram is the only pro gram that went through the Ver sailles con fer ence as it was drawn, and the so-called League of Na tions is busily car ry ing out its terms to day. A de ter mined ef fort is be ing made by Jews to have the Wash ing ton Con fer ence take up the same mat ter. Col o nel House was Louis Mar shall s chief aid at Paris in forc ing the Jew ish Pro gram on an un will ing world. Louis Mar shall has ap peared in all the great Jew ish cases. The im peach ment of Gov er nor Sulzer was a piece of Jew ish re venge, but Louis Mar shall was Sulzer s The In ter na tional Jew Amer ica s Jew ish enigma Louis Mar shall What this in ven tor/writer warned our fore bears about is the greatest prob lem we have today. By Henry Ford The Dear born In de pend ent 26 No vem ber 1921 Or der ex tra cop ies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See cou pon on page 24 at tor ney. Sulzer was re moved from the of fice of gov er nor. The case of Leo Frank, a Jew, charged with the pe cu liarly vi cious mur der of a Geor gia fac tory girl, was de fended by Mr. Mar shall. It was one of those cases where the whole world is whipped into ex cite ment be cause a Jew is in trou ble. It is al most an in di ca tion of the ra cial char ac ter of a cul prit these days to note how much money is spent for him and how much fuss Leo Frank, age 29, was con victed and sen tenced to death for the bru tal rape-mur der of 13-year-old Mary Phagan in Frank came from a wealthy Brook lyn fam ily. He was hired by the New York mil lion aire Jew, Adolph Montag, to run the Na tional Pen cil Fac tory in At lanta. Frank was the pres i dent of the At lanta chap ter of B nai B rith, the secret Jewish businessmen s fraternity. After the sur pris ing com mu ta tion of his death sen tence by Gov er nor John Slaton, a group of lead ing cit i zens of Marietta, Geor gia, took mat ters into their hands and lynched Frank. Be low, his vic tim. is raised con cern ing him. It seems to be a part of Jew ish loy alty to pre vent if pos si ble the Gen tile law be ing en forced against Jews. The Dreyfus case and the Frank case are ex am ples of the endless publicity the Jews se cure in be half of their own peo ple. Frank was re prieved from the death sen tence, and sent to prison, af ter which he was killed. That hor ri ble act can be traced di rectly to the state of pub lic opin ion which was caused by rau cous Jew ish pub lic ity which stopped at noth ing to at tain its ends. To this day the State of Geor gia is, in the av er age mind, part of an as so ci a tion of ideas di rectly trace able to this Jew ish pro pa ganda. Jew ish pub lic ity did to Geor gia what it did to Rus sia grossly mis rep re sented it, and so cease lessly as to cre ate a false im pres sion French artillery officer Alfred Dreyfus, court-martialed in 1894 for sell ing se crets to the Ger man mil i tary attaché in Paris, was de ported to Devil s Is land off the coast of French Gui ana. gen er ally. It is not with out rea son that the Ku Klux Klan was re vived in Geor gia and that Jews were ex cluded from mem ber ship. Conspiracy, not theory Louis Mar shall is chair man of the board and of the ex ec u tive com mit tee of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, whose prin ci pal theo lo gian, Mor de cai M. Kaplan, is the lead ing ex po nent of an ed u ca tional plan by which Ju da ism can be made to supercede Chris tian ity in the United States. Un der cover of syna go gal ac tiv i ties, which he knows that the well known tol er ance of the Amer i can peo ple will never sus pect, Rabbi Kaplan has thought out and sys tem ized and launched a pro gram to that end, cer tainly not with out the ap proval of Mr. Mar shall. Louis Mar shall is not the world leader of Jewry, but he is well ad vanced in Jewry s world coun sel, as is seen by the fact that in ter na tional Jewry re ports to him, and also by the fact that he headed the Jews at the ko sher con fer ence as the Ver sailles as sem blage was known among those on the in side. Strange things hap pened in Paris. Mr. Mar shall and Col o nel House had af fairs very well in hand be tween them. Pres i dent Wil son sent a del e ga tion to Syria to find out just what the con ten tion of the Syr i ans was against the Jews, but that re port has never seen the light of day. But it was the eas i est thing imag in able to keep the Pres i dent in formed as to what the Jews of New York thought (that is, the few who had not taken up their res i dence in Paris). For ex am ple, this prom i nent dis patch in the New York Times of May 27, 1919: Wil son gets Full Re port of Jew ish Pro test Here. Copy right, 1919, by the New York Times Co. By Wire less to The New York Times. Paris, May 26. Louis Mar shall, who has suc ceeded Judge Mack as head of the Jew ish Com mit tee in Paris, was re ceived by Pres i dent Wil son this af ter noon, and gave him a long ca bled ac count of the Jew ish mass meet ing re cently held in Mad i son Square Gar den, in clud ing the full text of the res o lu tions adopted at the meet ing.... and ed i to rial com ment in The Times and other pa pers.... Rev o lu tion made in New York When Rus sia fell, Louis Mar shall hailed it with de light. The New York Times be gins its story on March 19, 1917: Hail ing the Rus sian up heaval as the great est world event since the French Rev o lu tion, Louis Mar shall in an in ter view for the New York Times last night said a num ber of things, among which was the state ment that the events in Rus sia were no sur prise. Of course they were not, the events be ing of Jew ish or i gin, and Mr. Mar shall be ing the re cip i ent of the most intimate international news. Even the new Rus sian rev o lu tion ary gov ern ment made re ports to Louis Mar shall, as is shown by the dis patch printed in the New York Times of April 3, 1917, in which Baron Gunzburg re ports what had been done to as sure to the Jews the full ad van tage of the Rus sian up heaval. This glorification of the Jew ish over throw of Rus sia, it must be re mem bered, oc curred be fore the world knew what Bolshevism was, and be fore it re al ized that the rev o lu tion meant the with drawal of the whole east ern front from the war. Rus sia was sim ply taken out of the war and the Cen tral Pow ers left free to de vote their whole at ten tion to the west ern front. One of the resulting necessities was the immediate en trance of Amer ica into the con flict, and the pro lon ga tion of the hos til i ties for nearly two more years. As the truth be came known, Louis Mar shall first de fended, then ex plained, then de nied his lat est po si tion be ing that the Jews are against Bolshevism. He was brought to this po si tion by the ne ces sity of meet ing the tes ti mony of eye-wit nesses as given to con gres sio nal in ves ti ga tion com mit tees. This tes ti mony came from re spon si ble men whom even Mr. Mar shall could not dis pose of with a wave of his hand, and as time has gone on the tes ti mony has increased to mountainous proportions that Bolshevism is Jew ish in its or i gin, its method, its per son nel and its pur pose. Herman Bernstein, a mem ber of Mr. Marshall s American Jewish Committee, has lately been pre par ing Amer i can pub lic opin ion for a great anti-se mitic move ment in Rus sia. Cer tainly, it will be an anti- Se mitic move ment, be cause it will be anti-bol she vist, and the Rus sian peo ple, hav ing lived with the hy brid for five years, are not mis taken as to its iden tity. Pathological complainer Dur ing the war, Mr. Mar shall was the arch-pro tes tor. While Mr. Baruch was run ning the war from the busi ness end ( I prob a bly had more power than per haps any other man did in the war; doubt less that is true ), Mr. Mar shall was run ning an other side. We find him pro test ing be cause an army of fi cer gave him in struc tions as to his du ties as a reg is tra tion of fi cial. It was Mr. Mar shall who com plained to the Sec re tary of War that a cer tain camp con trac tor, af ter try ing out car pen ters, had ad ver tised for Chris tian car pen ters only. It was to the dis crim i na tion in print that Mr. Mar shall chiefly ob jected, it may be sur mised, since it is the pol icy of his com mit tee to make it im pos si ble, or at least un healthy, to use print to call at ten tion to the Jew. It was Mr. Mar shall who com pelled a change in the in struc tions sent out by the Pro vost Mar shal Gen eral of the United States Army to the ef fect that the for eign-born, es pe cially Jews, are more apt to ma lin ger than the na tive-born. It is said that a Jew ish medical officer afterward confirmed this part of the in struc tion, say ing that ex pe ri ence proved it. Nev er the less, Pres i dent Wil son or dered that the para graph be cut out. It was Mr. Mar shall who com pelled the re vi sion of the Plattsburg Of fi cers Train ing Man ual. That valu able book rightly said that the ideal of fi cer is a Chris tian gen tle man. Mr. Mar shall wrote, wired, de manded, and the edi tion was changed. It now reads that the ideal of fi cer is a cour te ous gen tle man, a big drop in ide al ism. There was noth ing too un im por tant to draw forth Mr. Mar shall s pro test. To take care of pro tests alone, he must have a large or ga ni za tion. And yet with all this high-ten sion pro-jew ish ac tiv ity, Mr. Mar shall is not a self-ad ver tis ing man, as is his law part ner, Sam uel Untermyer, who has been re ferred to as the arch-in quis i tor against the Gen tiles. Mar shall is a name, a power, not so much a pub lic fig ure. Strictly religious As an in formed Jew said about the two men: No, Mar shall does n t ad ver tise him self like Sam, and he has never tried to fea ture him self in the news pa pers for per sonal rea sons. Out side his pro fes sional life he de votes him self ex clu sively to re li gious af fairs. That is the way the Amer i can Jew likes to de scribe the ac tiv i ties re ferred to above re li gious af fairs. We shall soon see that they are po lit i cal af fairs. Mr. Mar shall is short, stocky, and ag gres sive. Like his brother-in-law, Rabbi Magnes, he works on the prin ci ple that the Jew can do no wrong. For many years Mr. Mar shall has lived in a four-story brown stone house, of the old-fash ioned

17 type, with a grilled door, in East Sev entysec ond street. This is an old-time swell neighborhood, once almost wholly occupied by wealthy Jews. It was as close as they could crowd to the choice Fifth Av e nue cor ners, which had been pre-empt ed by the Vanderbilts, the Astors and other rich families. Doublespeak That Mr. Mar shall re gards the whole Jew ish pro gram in which he is en gaged, not in its re li gious as pect alone, but in its world-wide po lit i cal as pect, may be judged from his at ti tude on Zi on ism. Mr. Mar shall wrote in 1918 as fol lows: I have never been iden ti fied and am not now in any way con nected with the Zi on ist or ga ni za tion. I have never fa vored the cre ation of a sov er eign Jew ish State. BUT Mr. Mar shall says, Let the Zi on ists go on. Don t in ter fere with them. Why? He writes: Zi on ism is but an in ci dent of a farreach ing plan. It is merely a con ve nient peg on which to hang a pow er ful weapon. All the pro tests that non-zi on ists may make would be fu tile to af fect that pol icy. He says that op po si tion to Zi on ism at that time would be dan ger ous. I could give con crete ex am ples of a most im pres sive na ture in sup port of what I have said. I am not an alarm ist, and even my en e mies will give me credit for not be ing a cow ard, but my love for our peo ple is such that even if I were dis posed to com bat Zi on ism, I would shrink from the re spon si bil i ties that might be en tailed were I to do so. And, in con clud ing this strange pro nounce ment, he says: Give me the credit of be liev ing that I am speak ing ad vis edly. Of course, there is more to Zi on ism than ap pears on the sur face, but this is as close as any one can come to find ing a Jew ish ad mis sion on the sub ject. Busybody If in this coun try there is ap pre hen sion over the Jew ish Prob lem, the ac tiv i ties of Louis Mar shall have been the most pow er ful agents to evoke it. His propagandas have oc ca sioned great re sent ment in many sec tions of the United States. His op po si tion to salutary immigration laws, his dictation to book and pe ri od i cal pub lish ers, as in the re cent case of G. P. Putnam s Sons, who mod i fied their pub lish ing pro gram on his or der; his cam paign against the use of Christological ex pres sions by Fed eral, State and mu nic i pal of fi cers; all have re sulted in alarm ing the na tive pop u la tion and harm ing the very cause he so in dis - creetly advocates. That this de fender of Jew ish rights, and rest less ad vo cate of the Jew ish religious propaganda, should make him self the leader in at tack ing the re li gion of the dom i nant race in this country, in ridiculing Sunday laws and head ing an anti- Christianity campaign, seems, to say the least, in con sis tent. Mr. Mar shall, who is re garded by the Jews as their greatest constitutional lawyer, since the de cline of Ed ward Lauterbach (and that is a tale!) orig i nated, in a se ries of le gal ar gu ments, the con ten tion that this is not a Chris tian coun try nor a Chris tian gov ern ment. This ar gu ment he has ex pounded in many writ ings. He has built up a large host of fol low ers among con ten tious Jews, who have elab o rated on this theme in a va ri ety of ways. It is one of the main ar gu ments of those who are en deav or ing to build up a United Is rael in the United States. Mr. Mar shall main tains that the open ing of de lib er a tive as sem blies and con ven tions with prayer is a hol low mock ery ; he rid i cules the ab surd phrase In the name of God, Amen, as used in the be gin ning of wills. He op poses Sunday ob ser vance leg is la tion as be ing the cloak of hy poc risy. He ad vo cates crush ing out ev ery ag i ta tion which tends to in tro duce into the body pol i tic the vi rus of re li gious con tro versy. But Mr. Mar shall him self has spent the last twenty years of his life in the vi rus of re li gious con tro versy. A few of his more impertinent interferences have been noted above. These are, in the Jew ish phrase, re li gious ac tiv i ties with a de cid edly political tinge. The fol low ing ex tracts are quoted from the con ten tions of Mr. Mar shall, pub lished in the Me no rah Jour nal, the of fi cial or gan of the Jew ish Chautauqua, that the United States is not a Chris tian coun try: Is Ours a Chris tian Gov ern ment? By Louis Mar shall When, in 1892, Mr. Jus tice Brewer, in ren der ing the de ci sion of the Su preme Court of the United States in the case of the Church of the Holy Trin ity against the United States (144 U.S. 457), which in volved an in ter pre ta tion of the Alien La bor Law, in dulged in the obi ter re mark that this is a Chris tian na tion, a sub ject was pre sented for the con sid er ation of thought ful minds which is of no or di nary im por tance. The dic tum of Mr. Jus tice Story in Vidal against Gi rard s Ex ec u tors (2 How. U.S., 198), to the ef fect that Chris tian ity was a part of the com mon law of Penn syl va nia, is also re lied upon, but is not an au thor i ta tive ju di cial de ter mi na tion of that prop o si tion. The re mark was not nec es sary to the de ci sion. The re marks of Mr. Jus tice Brewer, to which ref er ence has al ready been made, were also un nec es sary to the de ci sion ren dered by the court. The fact that oaths are ad min is tered to wit nesses, that the hol low mock ery is pursued of opening deliberative assemblies and con ven tions with prayer, that wills be gin with the ab surd phrase In the name of God, Amen, that gi gan tic mis sion ary as so ci a tions are in op er a tion to es tab lish Chris tian mis sions in ev ery quar ter of the globe, were all instanced. But none of these il lus tra tions af fords any valid proof in sup port of the as ser tion that this is a Christian nation. Our legislation relative to the observance of Sunday is such a mass of ab sur di ties and in con sis ten cies that al most any thing can be pred i cated thereon ex cept the idea that our leg is la tors are im pressed with the no tion that there is any thing sa cred in the day. Ac cord ing to the views of any sec tion of the Chris tian church, the acts which I have enu mer ated as per mit ted would be re garded as sin ful. Their le gal ity in the eye of the law is a dem on stra tion that the pro hib i tory en act ments re lat ing to Sunday are sim ply po lice reg u la tions, and it should be the effort of every good American citizen to lib er al ize our Sunday leg is la tion still more, so that it shall cease to be the cloak of hy poc risy. As a fi nal re sort, we are told by our op - po nents that this is a Chris tian gov ern ment be cause the ma jor ity of our cit i zens are ad her ents of the Chris tian faith; that this is a gov ern ment of ma jor i ties, be cause gov ern ment means force and ma jor i ties rep re sent the pre pon der ance of strength. This is a most dan ger ous doc trine.... Outsiders by choice If the Chris tian ity of the United States is to be ques tioned, the last per son to ini ti ate the in quiry should be a mem ber of that race which had no hand in cre at ing the Con sti tu tion or in the upbuilding of the coun try. If Chris tian prayers in pub lic are a hol low mock ery, and Sunday laws un rea son able, the last per son in the world to op pose them should be a Jew. Mr. Mar shall has the ad van tage of be ing an Amer i can by birth. He was born in Syr a cuse, New York, in 1856, the son of Ja cob and Zilli Mar shall. Af ter prac tic ing law in Syr a cuse, he es tab lished him self in The In ter na tional Jew New York, be came a Wall Street cor po ra tion law yer, and his na tive coun try has af forded him gen er ous means to win a large for tune. Invasion of misfits The ques tion arises whether it is pa tri otic for Mr. Mar shall to im plant into the minds of his for eign-born co-re li gion ists the idea that this is not a Chris tian coun try, that Sunday laws should be op posed, and that the man ners and cus toms of the na tiveborn should be scorned and rid i culed. The ef fect has been that thou sands of im mi grant Jews from East ern Eu rope are per sis tently vi o lat ing Sunday laws in the large in dus trial Louis Mar shall cen ters of the coun try, that they are haled to court, lec tured by judges, and fined. Amer i can Jews who are car ry ing into prac tice the teach ings of Mr. Mar shall and his fol low ers are reap ing the whirl wind of a natural resentment. For ever stir ring up trou ble Mr. Mar shall was the leader of the move ment which led to the ab ro ga tion of the treaty be tween the United States and Rus sia. When ever gov ern ment boards or committees are appointed to investigate the ac tions, con duct or con di tions of for eignborn Jews, great in flu ences are im me di ately ex erted to have Mr. Mar shall made a mem ber of such bod ies to pro tect the Jewish interests. As head of mil lions of or ga nized Jews in the United States, Mr. Mar shall has in vari ably wielded this in flu ence by means of a cam paign of pro tests, to si lence crit i cisms of Jew ish wrong do ing. He thus pro tested when tes ti mony was made be fore the Sen ate Sub-Com mit tee in Wash ing ton, in 1919, that the Jew ish East Side of New York was the hot bed of Bolshevism. Again he pro tested to Nor man Hapgood against the editorial in Harper s Weekly, criticizing the activities of Jewish lobbyists in Wash ing ton. Mr. Mar shall de scribes him self in Who s Who as a leader in the fight for the ab ro ga tion of the treaty with Rus sia. That was a dis tinct in ter fer ence in Amer ica s po lit i cal af fairs and was not a re li gious activity connected with the preservation of Jew ish rights in the United States. The lim it ing ex pres sion in the United States is, of course, our own as sump tion. It is doubt ful if Mr. Mar shall lim its any thing to the United States. He is a Jew and there fore an in ter na tion al ist. He is am bas sa dor of the in ter na tional na tion of Jewry to the Gentile world. The pro-jew ish fights in which Mr. Mar shall has been en gaged in this coun try make a considerable list: He fought the pro posal of the Cen sus Bu reau to enu mer ate Jews as a race. As a re sult, there are no of fi cial fig ures, ex cept those pre pared by the Amer i can Jew ish Com mit tee, as to the Jew ish pop u la tion of the United States. The Cen sus has them listed under a score of different nationalities, which is not only a non-de scrip tive method, but a de cep tive one as well. At a pinch the Jew ish au thor i ties will ad mit of 3,500,000 Jews in the United States. The in crease in the amount of Pass over Bread re quired would in di cate that there are 17 6,000,000 in the United States now! But the Gov ern ment of the United States is en tirely at sea, of fi cially, as to the Jew ish pop u la tion of this coun try, ex cept as the Jew ish gov ern ment in this coun try, as an act of cour tesy, passes over cer tain fig ures to the gov ern ment. The Jews have a for eign of fice through which they deal with the Gov ern ment of the United States. Mr. Mar shall also fought the pro posed nat u ral iza tion laws that would de prive Asiatics of the priv i lege of be com ing naturalized citizens. This was something of a confession! Wherever there were extradition cases to be fought, pre vent ing Jew ish of fend ers from be ing ex tra dited, Mr. Mar shall was fre quently one who as sisted. This also was part of his religious activities, perhaps. Advocated open borders He fought the right of the United States Government to restrict immigration. He has ap peared of tener in Wash ing ton than any other Jew on this ques tion. In con nec tion with this, it may be sug gested to Mr. Mar shall that if he is re ally in ter ested in up hold ing the law of the land and re strain ing his own peo ple from law less acts, he could busy him self with prof it able re sults if he would look into the smug gling of Jews across the Mex i can and Ca na dian bor ders. And when that ser vice is fin ished, he might look into the na tional Jew ish sys tem of boot leg ging which, as a Jew of re li gious ac tiv i ties, he should be con cerned to break up. Louis Mar shall is leader of that move - ment which will force the Jew by law into places where he is not wanted. The law, com pel ling ho tel keep ers to per mit Jews to make their ho tels a place of re sort if they want to, has been steadily pushed. Such a law is prac ti cally a Bolshevik or der to de stroy prop erty, for it is com monly known what Jew ish pa tron age does for pub lic places. Where a few re spect able Jews are per mit ted, oth ers flock. And when one day they dis cover that the place they pa tron ize is be com ing known as a Jew ho tel or a Jew club, then all the Jews aban don it but they can not take the stigma with them. The place is known as a Jew place, but lacks both Jew and Gen tile pa tron age as a re sult. Jews over rule Con gress When Louis Mar shall suc ceeded in com pel ling by Jew ish pres sure and Jew ish threats the Con gress of the United States to break the treaty with Rus sia, he was lay ing a train of causes which re sulted in a pro lon ga tion of the war and the ut ter sub ju ga tion of Rus sia. Rus sia serves the world to day as a liv ing il lus tra tion of the ruthlessness, the stupidity and the reality of Jew ish power end less power, fa nat i cally mo bi lized for a venge ful end, but most stu pidly ad min is tered. Does Mr. Mar shall ever re flect on the gro tesque stu pid ity of Jewish leadership? It is re gret ted that space does not per mit the pub li ca tion here of the cor re spon dence be tween Mr. Mar shall and Ma jor G. H. Putnam, the pub lisher, as set forth in the an nual re port of the Amer i can Jew ish Committee. It illustrates quite vividly the meth ods by which Mr. Mar shall se cures the sup pres sion of books and other pub li ca tions which he does not like. Mr. Mar shall, as sisted by fac tors which are not men tioned in his let ter, pro cured the sup pres sion of the Pro to cols, af ter the house of Putnam had them ready to pub lish, and pro cured later the with drawal of a book on the Jew ish Ques tion which had at tracted wide at ten tion both here and in Eng land. Mr. Mar shall ap par ently has no con fi dence in ab sur di ties ap pear ing ab surd to the reader, nor of lies ap pear ing false; but he would con sti tute him self a cen sor and a guide of pub lic read ing, as well as of international legislation. If one might haz ard a guess Mr. Mar shall s kind of lead er ship is on the wane.

18 18 Where we were and are How Muammar Gaddafi s death re shaped des ti nies By Phillip But ler It is three years since Lib yan dic ta tor Muammar Gaddafi was shot by Na tional Tran si tional Coun cil (NTC) forces. That fate ful day when NATO in tel li gence and mil i tary as sis tance spelled the end of a dic ta tor, the fu ture of our world was also re shaped for ever. Beyond Benghazi Most Amer i cans have for got ten all about Gaddafi these days. As for Libya, Hil lary Clinton s pos si ble mal fea sance over the Benghazi in ci dent is all one hears now. The kill ing of the U. S. am bas sa dor is now a po lit i cal foot ball for op po nents of the Obama White House only. What ever the for mer Sec re tary s role in the Lib yan Civil War may be, Amer ica s role in the so-called Arab Spring is mon u men tal by com par i son. Of the flam boy ant, even no to ri ous, Col o nel Gaddafi, much was writ ten on the an ni ver sary of his de mise. Un der neath the drama of his long stand ing im pact on Libya, and his an tag o nism of the West ern al lies, his re moval needs in tense scru tiny for the fu ture im pacts the event will have. Gaddafi, a sym bol of ex trem ism and some say evil on the one hand, was a sta bi liz ing fac tor across North Af rica. Amer ica s, and the United Na tions in ter ven tion in 2011, as we see now, ex tended far past that desert na tion s bor ders. Be yond the hu man i tar ian di sas ter in Libya, past the cor rup tion, vi o lence, and even the West ern banks interference there, the world community needs to look at how NATO s med dling has and will af fect us all. Muammar Gaddafi (AFP Photo / Jose Luis Roca) An Arab fire ball Re gime change across the Mid dle East was sup posed to be a pos i tive out come, from the West ern per spec tive of the Arab Spring. With the sit u a tion in Syria and Iraq to day though, we have a shin ing ex am ple of how in tended re sults can end as failed foreign policy strategies. Unless the West had in tended to set the world on fire on pur pose, our role in these up heav als just seems in sane. ISIL, as the American administration likes to re fer to it, is a man i fes ta tion of the sec tar ian civil war in Syria, not to men tion shadowy CIA operations worldwide. For all in tents and pur poses, the un rest the U. S. and NATO fos tered across North Af rica has now man i fested into a proxy war be tween the Shia of Iran and the Sunni Such was the dam age in side the burnt U. S. con sul ate build ing in Benghazi on Sep tem ber 13, 2012, fol low ing an at tack on the build ing late on Sep tem ber 11 in which the U. S. am bas sa dor to Libya and three other U. S. na tion als were killed. (AFP Photo / Gianluigi Guercia) in Saudi Ara bia, not to men tion more com plex and haz ard ous con flicts. Make no mis take, this fric tion be tween the two branches of Is lam is key to the causes of ISIL, and to Amer ica s new war in Iraq as well. For those who re mem ber when Rus sian President Vladimir Putin s mediation in late 2013 cut short the Obama ad min is tra tion s Syria in ter ven tion, Arab Spring has now ex panded to in clude Eu rope. In fact, it can be said that the Arab Spring up heaval has be gun a long-term so cial trans for ma tion marked by not only po lit i cal tur bu lence but vast eco nomic prob lems and deadly con flicts across the world. The pos i tive change these up ris ings were sup posed to fos ter have so far not ended well for citizens. The political and economic gains that peo ple in these coun tries fore saw when Gaddafi and oth ers were usurped are far ther off than ever now. But it s worse. What Amer ica and other na tions at that time in sti gated is ap pear ing more like an Arab fire ball set ting aflame ev ery thing in its path than any bea con of free dom. Amer ica is at war still, and on the thresh old of world war some in sist. Bold U. S. pol icy spike When United Na tions Se cu rity Coun cil Res o lu tion 1970 sanc tioned Libya and Gaddafi, a pre ce dent was set which fur ther em bold ened Wash ing ton to es ca late, to in ter vene. In ter est ingly, in the orig i nal res o lu tion Rus sia in sisted on the move not be ing used as a pre text for in ter ven tion. Also, the no-fly zone in sti tuted later, which crip pled Gaddafi s forces, was ini tially re jected by the coun cil. Af ter the no-fly re stric tion was en forced, the civil war in Libya took on a com plex ion that mim ics what we ve seen in Ukraine. Gaddafi never re cov ered; the die was cast. A ceasefire con tin ued back and forth, then shell ing and ci vil ian deaths en sued and a gen eral de grad ing of the sit u a tion in fa vor of what the United States and West ern alliance policy realized. However, we see A re bel fighter keeps watch over the Karm al-jabal neigh bor hood of Syria s north ern city of Alep po. (AFP Photo / AMC / Zein Al-Rifai) now the costs of one Gaddafi gone may equal tens of tril lions in mon e tary dam age, and un told hu man suf fer ing. To day Syria, Libya, Iraq and Ye men are stag gered by con tin ual civil war. In Egypt one au thor i tar ian rule has been re placed by an other. In fact, of all the na tions stricken by up heaval across the re gion, only Tu ni sia seems to have sur vived, how ever ten u ously. As calm as Tu nis seems by com par i son, just last month in Al ge ria po lice made an un prec e dented at tempt to barge into the country s ailing president s offices. President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is a key ally in U. S. ef forts to bat tle ter ror ism in Af rica s larg est coun try. Coun tries to the south bor der ing the North Af rica na tions have been neg a tively af fected as well. The Central African Republic (CAR), Sudan and South Su dan ap pear ready to ex plode. Ac cord ing to global risk ana lyt ics firm Maplecroft, all-out war may be on the horizon now in several sub-saharan nations. So, if United States for eign pol icy un der Bush and Obama has fo cused on world wide up heaval, then the world we live in to day is a sym bol of su pe rior lead er ship think ing and intellect. Otherwise, suggestions we re led by mad men seem more fea si ble. As a con se quence of U. S. in ter fer ence in the world, hun dreds of mil lions are now impacted negatively, Afghanistan to Tehran and Tim buk tu. This an ni ver sary of Muammar Gaddafi s ex e cu tion begs the ques tion; Was Libya and the world better off with him? As crazy as that sounds, what about Amer i can tax pay ers fund ing geno cide in Gaza at the hands of the Is rae lis, or pro mot ing the shell ing of ci vil ians from Da mas cus to Donetsk? It is ut ter mad ness. Whether the Obama ad min is tra tion is ar ro gant and em bold ened, or sim ply me di o cre and in com pe tent, the ef fect on the world is the same. Not many are freer than be fore Gaddafi died; that s for cer tain. Arab Spring turns to Win ter Please don t think for a mo ment the Arab Spring was sim ply about some far off Arabs in un named deserts. An In de pend ent ar ti cle in Feb ru ary of this year com pares Syria and Ukraine as par al lel geo-po lit i cal con flicts. By now, rea son ing in di vid u als un der stand U. S. pol icy is noth ing if not fo cused on ad versarial re la tion ships. Just why the United States to day treats most na tions as ei ther out right en e mies, or at best ri vals, is any one s guess. Where trust in the U. S. is con cerned though, even the E. U. now suf fers from doubt. Sanc tions mim ick ing those im posed on Gaddafi, enacted against Russia over speculation alone, have cost Eu ro pe ans dearly. Add to this the lost op por tu ni ties had the U. S. and E. U. fol lowed through on prom ises to North Af ri can na tions eco nom i cally, and you ve a cha otic rec ipe for world wide eco nomic di sas ter. The E. U. lost a huge op por tu nity not in vest ing in Arab Spring affected countries. Decades of instability will likely fol low. At be hest of the Obama ad min is tra tion, NATO and the U. N. blew it. The Jewnighted States Fi nally, if the Benghazi Se lect Com mit tee investigating Hillary Clinton is for real, then Wash ing ton pol i ti cians had better broaden their de tec tive work to dis cover how this ad min is tra tion has af fected our world pos ture over all. Has the will of the peo ple been served? Was our in volve ment in Arab Spring in the best in ter ests of the peo ple of the United States? When one of the world s most con tro ver sial and highly divisive leaders represents more stability than Amer i can de moc racy does, it s high time peo ple of the world ex am ine our definition of democratic reform. Instigating wars, fund ing fu ture ter ror ists, end lessly at tempt ing po lice ac tions around the world, this in no way re sem bles free re pub lics of any sort. De fend ing free dom is one thing, as sas si nat ing sta bil ity in fa vor of chaos and im pov er ish ment is quite an other. I was taken last week by an in ter view given to CNBC by Rus sian Prime Min is ter Dmitry Medvedev. In the in ter view he was characteristically straightforward in say ing; a re set of re la tions with the United States is im pos si ble. The Prime Min is ter also made a state ment about U. S. Pres i dent Obama s speech be fore the U. N. Gen eral As sem bly in which he la beled Rus sia a key threat, sec ond only to the deadly Ebola vi rus and ahead of the ter ror ist threat posed by Is lamic State. Medvedev called the speech com men tary sad; it s like some kind of men tal ab er ra tion. Let me end by say ing Amer i cans once thought Muammar Gaddafi un sta ble or insane for his peculiar brand of authoritarian rule. Now my coun try makes en e mies faster than friends, in a world dom i nated by news of death, dis ease and chaos. When Gaddafi was alive back in 2010, the Obama White House sought a re la tions re set with Rus sia which was highly pub li cized. It ap pears to me NATO ex pan sion ism has sig naled a be trayal of the trea ties signed there. So who can blame Medvedev for won der ing? Even in san ity has to be con sid ered when the world goes in sane. Phil But ler is a pro lific tech nol ogy, travel in dus try and news jour nal ist and ed i tor. He s also a part ner at one of Eu rope s lead ing PR and dig i tal mar ket ing firms, Pamil Vi sions PR. Phil con trib utes to the Huffington Post, The Ep och Times in print and on line, and is a reg u lar pub lic re la tions an a lyst for Rus sia To day as well as other in ter na tional me dia. Syria wants free trade zone Syria has ap plied to be part of a free trade zone with Rus sia. The pro posal will be dis cussed at a Eur asian Eco nomic Commission s (EEC) session scheduled for December 23. Russian Deputy Economic Development Min is ter Aleksey Likhachyov an nounced on Oc to ber 24 that Syr ian au thor i ties had submitted an application earlier. He said talks on form ing a free trade zone had been held be fore the war erupted in Syria. We have reached agree ments in some sectors that are of particular importance for our coun try. And there are more hid den op por tu ni ties that will let us de velop fur ther co op er a tion, said Syr ian Fi nance Min is ter Ismail Ismail on the same day dur ing a ses sion of the Rus sian-syr ian In ter gov ern men tal Com mis sion in Sochi. The parties discussed bilateral projects in the ar eas of trade, ag ri cul ture and en ergy, TASS re ported. Rus sian Dep uty Prime Min is ter Dmitry Rogozin stressed Rus sia is will ing to as sist Syria. Our gov ern ment has to pro vide per sonal sup port to all the most im por tant pro jects that ex ist in our re la tion ship, he said, not ing that this is the case when eco nomic co op er a tion is vi tal in the strug gle of the Syr ian peo ple.

19 A 5,000-ton Rus sian cargo ship has docked at the north ern Ira nian port of Astara in the Cas pian Sea, in what has been the first such event in this Ira nian port s history. Rasoul Bahrami, the man ager of Astara Port, said the ship, Pyotr Strelkov, carrying 1,175 packs of raw me dium-den sity fi ber - board (MDF) en tered the port in Gilan Prov ince on Oc to ber 16. He noted that the cargo ves sel had left the Rus sian port of As tra khan three weeks earlier. Bahrami added that 40 cargo ves sels have loaded and un loaded more than Where we were and are His stance on Rus sia puts Obama s san ity in doubt The Rus sian Prime Min is ter has sug gested that Obama s charges against Rus sia were caused by a brain ab er ra tion and added that such rhet o ric sad dened him. I am very up set by the fact that Pres i dent Obama, while speak ing from the United Na tions po dium and list ing the threats and chal lenges hu man ity is cur rently fac ing, put Ebola in first place, the Rus sian Fed er a tion sec ond and the Is lamic State or ga ni za tion was only in the third place. I don t even want to com ment on this; this is some sort of ab er ra tion in the brain, Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with CNBC television. De mands fair play The top Rus sian of fi cial stressed that his coun try was not iso lat ing it self from the rest of the world, but sought mu tu ally beneficial cooperation with foreign nations. We want to com mu ni cate with all civ i lized peo ples on friendly grounds. Of course, this in cludes our part ners from the United States of Amer ica, but for this the sit u a tion must be lev eled, Medvedev said. How ever, the Rus sian Prime Mimister also noted that the West ern sanc tions have in flicted con sid er able dam age to Rus sia s co op er a tion with the U. S., and with out Prime Min is ter Dmitry Medvedev, left, gives in ter view to CNBS in Mos cow. Right: jour nal ist Geoff Cutmore. (RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Shtukina) can cel la tion of this pol icy there can be no re turn to part ner ship. Cooler heads will pre vail Let us be frank; it was not us who in vented these sanc tions. They were in vented by our part ners in the in ter na tional com mu nity. As our say ing goes, let God be their judge. With out any doubt we can sur vive these sanc tions, I am sure that some time later the sanc tions will evap o rate, sim ply cease to ex ist. But there is no doubt that they have dealt some dam age to our re la tions. Medvedev ruled out the pos si bil ity of an im me di ate re set in re la tions be tween Strengthening neighborly trade ties Rus sian ship Pyotr Strelkov 100,000 tons of goods at the port since March Uni lat eral sanc tions im posed on Iran s bank ing sec tor by the United States and the Eu ro pean Un ion over Teh ran s nu clear en ergy pro gram as well as re cent West ern 19 Rus sia and the West, add ing that he ex pected the pro cess to be com posed of at least two stages. What sort of re set can there be un der such con di tions? We must first dis tance from all this and re turn to a nor mal po si tion, at least to the start ing po si tion, and only then can we start elab o rat ing on the de vel op ment of re la tions in the fu ture, he said. If Amer ica must reject trade The Rus sian Prime Min is ter also stressed that Rus sia can and will find new part ners for rou tine trade and nor mal in vest ment pro jects. bans against Rus sia over the cri sis in Ukraine have prompted Teh ran and Mos cow to boost eco nomic co op er a tion. Not ex actly help less Iran and Rus sia also plan to es tab lish a joint bank as an ef fort to boost bi lat eral trade and by pass sanc tions on the Is lamic Re pub lic s bank ing sector. Iran s Pres i dent Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held four meet ings on dif fer ent oc ca sions af ter the Ira nian pres i dent took of fice in In Sep tem ber, Iran and Rus sia agreed to use national currencies in bilateral trade. Con sti tu tional money must be backed by sil ver or gold No State shall make any Thing but gold and sil ver Coin a Ten der in Pay ment of Debts Ar ti cle I, Sec tion 10 MEMORANDUM The is sues in this case were sim ple. There was no ma te rial dis pute of the facts for the Jury to re solve. Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the fed eral Re serve Bank of Minneapolis, which are for all practical pur poses, be cause of their in ter lock ing ac tiv ity and prac tices, and both be ing Bank ing In sti tu tions In cor po rated un der the Laws of the United States, are in the Law to be treated as one and the same Bank, did cre ate the en tire $14, in money or credit upon its own books by book keep ing en try. That this was the Con sid er ation used to sup port the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mort gage of the same date. The money and credit first came into ex is tence when they cre ated it. Mr. Mor gan ad mit ted that no United States Law Stat ute ex isted which gave him the right to do this. A law ful con sid er ation must ex ist and be ten dered to sup port the Note. See Anheuser-Busch Brew ing Com pany v. Emma Ma son, 44 Minn. 318, 46 N.W The Jury found that there was no con sid er ation and I agree. Only God can cre ate some thing of value out of noth ing. Even if De fen dant could be charged with waiver or estoppel as a mat ter of Law this is no de fense to the Plain tiff. The Law leaves wrong do ers where it finds them. See sec tions 50, 51 and 52 of Am Jur 2nd Ac tions on page 584 no ac tion will lie to re cover on a claim based upon, or in any man ner de pend ing upon, a fraud u lent, illegal or immoral transaction or contract to which Plain tiff was a party. Plain tiff s act of cre at ing credit is not Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Free dom is spread ing hate! whine those who mis ap pre hend us sur vi vors. It s re ally out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the brain washed. Or der a box of 100 ex tra cop ies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis trib ute the truth. au tho rized by the Con sti tu tion and Laws of the United States, is un con sti tu tional and void, and is not a law ful con sid er ation in the eyes of the Law to sup port any thing or upon which any law ful right can be built. Noth ing in the Con sti tu tion of the United States lim its the ju ris dic tion of this Court, which is one of orig i nal Ju ris dic tion with right of trial by Jury guar an teed. This is a Com mon Law ac tion. Min ne sota can not limit or im pair the power of this Court to ren der Com plete Jus tice be tween the par ties. Any pro vi sions in the Con sti tu tion and laws of Min ne sota which at tempt to do so is re pug nant to the Con sti tu tion of the United States and void. No ques tion as to the Ju ris dic tion of this Court was raised by ei ther party at the trial. Both par ties were given com plete lib erty to sub mit any and all facts to the Jury, at least in so far as they saw fit. No com plaint was made by Plain tiff that Plain tiff did not re ceive a fair trial. From the ad mis sions made by Mr. Mor gan the path of duty was di rect and clear for the Jury. Their Ver dict could not rea son ably have been oth er wise. Jus tice was ren dered com pletely and with out de nial, promptly and with out de lay, freely and with out pur chase, con form able to the laws in this Court of De cem ber 7, De cem ber 9, 1968 MARTIN V. MAHONEY Jus tice of the Peace Credit River Town ship Scott County, Min ne sota No more debt currency out of thin air The fol low ing com men tary is by De fen dant Jerome Daly approving Jus tice Mahoney s mem o ran dum. The above Judg ment was en tered by the Court on De cem ber 9, The is sue there was sim ple. Noth ing in the law gave the Banks the right to cre ate money on their books. The Bank filed a No tice of Ap peal within 10 days. The Ap peals stat utes must be strictly fol lowed, oth er wise the Dis trict Court does not ac quire Ju ris dic tion upon Ap peal. To ef fect the Ap peal the Bank had to de posit $2.00 with the Clerk within 10 days for pay ment to the Jus tice when he made his re turn to the Dis trict Court. The Bank de pos ited two $1.00 Fed eral Re serve Notes. The Jus tice re fused the Notes and re fused to al low the Ap peal upon the grounds that the Notes were un law ful and void for any pur pose. The De ci sion is ad dressed to the le gal ity of these Notes and the Fed eral Re serve Sys tem. The Cases of Ed wards v. Kearnzey and Craig v. Mis souri set out in the de ci sion should be stud ied very care fully as they bear on the in vi o la bil ity of Con tracts. This is the crux of the whole is sue. Zimbabwean money Special notation Jus tice Mahoney de nied the use of Fed eral Re serve Notes, since they rep re sent debt in stru ments, not true money, from be ing used to pay for the ap peal pro cess it self. In or der to get this over turned, since the bank s ap peal with out the pay ment be ing rec og nized was out of time, it would have re quired that the Bank of Mont gom ery, Min ne sota, bring a Ti tle 42, Sec tion 1983, ac tion against the ju di cial act of Jus tice Mahoney for a vi o la tion of the Con sti tu tion Ebola hits the Big Ap ple? Dr. Craig Spencer, hav ing re turned to New York City from Af rica 10 days ear lier, was rushed in an am bu lance with a po lice es cort from his Har lem home to Belle vue Hos pi tal on Oc to ber 23, sources said. He was suf fer ing from Ebola-like symp toms a 103-de gree fe ver and nau sea. While he was in Af rica, the doc tor had been treat ing Ebola pa tients in Guinea. He s un der go ing test ing at Belle vue to see if he has the deadly vi rus, sources said. I just did a google search for this story. It is be ing car ried in small me dia out lets Busi ness In sider Aus tra lia and WPIX-TV, and even in the Daily Mail in the UK, but not a word in any ma jor Amer i can me dia outlets! of the United States un der color of law or au thor ity, and if suc cess ful, have the case re manded back to him to ei ther re try the case or al low the ap peal to go through. But the cor rupt in di vid u als be hind the bank(s) were un able to ever elicit such a de ci sion from any fed eral court due to the fact that be cause of their vile ha tred for him and what he had done to them and their lit tle Queen s Scheme, had him mur dered (same as them mur der ing him) just about six months later. And so, the case stands, just as it was. Amaz ingly, if they had n t been so ar ro gant about the value of their fed eral re serve notes and paid the Jus tice just two mea sly sil ver dol lars, or else four mea sly half dol lars, or else eight mea sly quar ters, or else twenty mea sly dimes, or else forty mea sly nick els, or else two hun dred mea sly pen nies, they could have had their ap peal and would not have had to get blood on their hands. As it is, they are now known for their bloody ways, and the day will come when the Amer i can peo ple reap ven geance upon them for such a hei nous and vil lain ous act. Amen. Is a one dol lar note backed by a Sil ver Dol lar?

20 20 MLK Bou le vard Whites stay armed; it s unsafe at State capitol Race War! Four Black males open fire on two White State Reps in Pennsylvania! Two White male Penn syl va nia State Reps, both Dem o crats, were leav ing the State capitol when four Blacks males opened fire on them. It was a com pletely un pro voked at tack right down the street from the State capitol. The four Black males saw two White guys in suits and de - cided that it would be fun to try to mur der them. The thugs walked up to them, and one pointed a gun at the head of Rep. Ryan Bizzarro. That is when Rep. Marty Flynn saved both of their lives by pull ing out his own con cealed hand gun. Flynn ex changed fire with the thug. Then Flynn chased the gun man and sacked him. Flynn said he could tell the as sail ants were up to no good as they ap proached him. (The Left calls this ra cial pro fil ing. ) From Four teenagers have been charged with the attempted homicide and rob bery of two State State Rep. Flynn saved both of their lives by re turn ing fire with a con cealed hand gun. representatives late Tuesday night, October 14, in Har ris burg, ac cord ing to po lice. Jamani Ellison, 17; Jyair Leon ard, 15; Derek An der son, 17 and Zha-quan McGhee, 15, have been charged with at tempted ho mi cide, con spir acy, rob bery, ag gra vated as sault, reck lessly en dan ger ing and car ry ing a fire arm with out a license, according to a news re lease is sued by po lice in Har ris burg. House Democratic Cau cus spokes man Bill Patton said State Rep. Marty Flynn, D-Scranton, and State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, were walk ing from the Capitol to the house they stay in when they were ap proached by their assailants. The in ci dent hap pened be tween North Sec ond and Third streets, around 11 PM near the 200 block of Herr Street, po lice said. Good gun con trol Po lice said one of the teens pointed a gun at the head of Bizzarro, mo ments be fore the sus pects and Flynn ex changed gun fire. Shots were ex changed be tween the sus pects and the vic tim and the rob bery sus pects then fled the area. The sus pects were lo cated a few blocks away and were pos i tively iden ti fied by the vic tims. A third sus pect, who was in their com pany, was charged as an ac com plice in the rob bery. A fourth, Zha-Quan McGhee was ar rested at his home, af ter a fol low up in ves ti ga tion, ac cord ing to the news re lease. More hap pen ings on MLK Bou le vard than space for here Black is sus pected of ab duc ting, rap ing and in sep a rate crimes kill ing one of two White women. WTKR As in ves ti ga tors are now de ter min ing whether a skull and bones dis cov ered be hind an aban doned Cen tral Vir ginia home on Oc to ber 18 are those of Hannah Gra ham, a lone sus pect in her dis ap pear ance has been in dicted in an as sault from al most a de cade ago a case that po lice say fo ren si cally links him to an other fe male col lege stu dent who van ished from the same area as Gra ham. Preliminary charges Jesse Mat thew was in dicted by a grand jury in Fairfax, Vir ginia on Oc to ber 20 for the 2005 sex ual as sault on charges that also Her visit to the zoo Sur veil lance cam era cap tures vi cious hate crime mob at tack against a White fe male. If the races had been re versed, this would have been a na tional news story! Crown Heights has been one of the epi cen ters of ra cially mo ti vated Black-on-White mob at tacks for a while now. On Oc to ber 2, a White fe male was walk ing by her self when three Black males at tack and bru tally pum mel her. The sickening racially motivated hate crime left the vic tim hos pi tal ized with a bro ken nose in cluded at tempted mur der and ab duc tion. According to the indictment, Matthew, 32, did feloniously, willfully, deliberately, intentionally and with premeditation attempt to kill (the vic tim) in the com mis sion of or sub se quent to an ab duc tion with the in tent to de file. Jess Mat thew is prime sus pect for the ab duc tion of Hannah Gra ham, whose pos si ble body has re cently been found. Mor gan Har ring ton, an other vic tim of the Black rap ist, was found dead in Jan u ary First clues The then-26-year-old vic tim in that at tack was able to pro vide enough of a de tailed de scrip tion to yield a po lice And the me dia drum beat goes on All-out race War! Black men and woman at tack White peo ple as they leave the Rams game. Many lead ers of the Fer gu son pro test crowd have been call ing for ra cial vi o lence against White peo ple. A panel on MSNBC urged Fer gu son pro test ers to go to White safe ha vens and make White peo ple feel un com fort able. As White peo ple left fol low ing the Rams/Seahawks game, Black men and women screamed pro fan i ties and ra cial slurs. They spit on White peo ple and This White fe male was at tacked by a Black mother/daugh ter team. The perps were ar rested. physically attacked multiple victims. At least two of whom were in jured. Po lice moved in to con tain the vi o lence. sketch, one that years later would link Mat thew to the case of Mor gan Har ring ton, the Vir ginia Tech stu dent who van ished in Char lottes ville in Oc to ber Har ring ton was found dead the fol low ing Jan u ary. Po lice at the time said fo ren sic ev i dence linked the two cases. Fairfax County pros e cu tor Ray Morrogh said on Oc to ber 20 that he could not com ment on how this in ves ti ga tion and indictment relates to the Harrington or Gra ham cases, but said the facts and de tails will be re vealed in the ju di cial pro cess. Jim Camblos, Mat thew s Char lottes ville at tor ney in the Gra ham case, de clined to com ment when reached by CNN. and lacerations. The peo ple of It aly have had enough of this filthy sim ian en rich ment. The ra cial ist right is gain ing sup port at an ex po nen tial rate, as Eu ro pe ans awaken from their slum ber. It ap pears that the me dia com pletely cen sored this hate crime mob at tack. It was n t un til po lice re leased the video on Oc to ber 20th, and some one posted it on line, that this story saw the light of day. Even then, the ma jor me dia out lets cen sored the race of the vic tim and called it a rob bery. Only the went out and in ter viewed the vic tim. The woman is 21- year-old Gwendolyn Reyes who is try ing to make it as a model in NYC. Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Free dom is spread ing hate! whine those who mis ap pre hend us sur vi vors. It s re ally out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the brain washed. Or der a box of 100 ex tra cop ies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis trib ute the truth. Will you SHARE The First Free dom with some one, or just keep all this to your self? Two perps, a mother and daugh ter, were ar rested for spit ting on and punch ing a White fe male. MSNBC urged Blacks to go to White safe ha vens and make White peo ple feel un com fort able. Oth ers in Fer gu son have sim ply called for vi o lent at tacks on White peo ple.

21 More profiling League s Cartersville and Calhoun im mi gra tion pro tests By Mi chael Cushman On Sat ur day, Oc to ber 18, the League of the South held dem on stra tions near Rome, Geor gia, in the towns of Cartersville and Calhoun. This area in par tic u lar, as well as north Geor gia in gen eral, has been flooded with Third World im mi grants, pri mar ily Mex i cans and other His pan ics, re sult ing in pro found so cial, cul tural and de mo graphic change, for merly South ern ar eas be ing re pop u lated by im mi grants. Change One re sult of this in flux of Third World im mi grants is the dra matic rise in pov erty here. An other has been the tide of His panic street gangs and vi o lent crime. Given the ad vent of these so cial prob lems brought on by open-bor ders Third World im mi gra tion, it was un sur pris ing that the sev eral dozen demonstrators were warmly received by the vast ma jor ity of lo cal South ern ers, many of whom sig naled their sup port for the League s mes sage of Im mi gra tion hurts South ern work ers. Very few lo cals It aly: Stop the in va sion! Stop Mare Nos trum! Eng lish trans la tion ex clu sive for TFF By Rich ard Noegel Com piled from re ports by Danielle Borer & Ber nard Migy Ripostelaï On Sat ur day af ter noon, Oc to ber 18, 2014, a crowd of ap prox i mately 100,000 per - sons gath ered in the Pi azza del Duomo (Ca the dral Plaza) in Mi lan, It aly, to Stop the in va sion! The dem on stra tion, or ga nized by the League of the North (Lega Nord), il lus trated the an ger of the Ital ian peo ple over the in va sion of their coun try by il le gal im mi grants from Af rica. Be tween 800 and 1,000 illegals per day ar rive in It aly on impromptu flotillas on the Mediterranean Sea, the an cient Ro man name for which was Mare Nos trum, or our sea. Mare Nos trum, now the name of an Ital ian gov ern ment agency for the Go, Dutch! By Paul Fromm Go, Dutch!... But why wait un til 2015? The Neth er lands, where six per cent of the pop u la tion is now Mus lim, is fi nally about to scrap multiculturalism. The Dutch gov ern ment says it will aban don the long-stand ing model of multiculturalism that has en cour aged so many Mus lim immigrants to create a parallel so ci ety within the Netherlands. A new in te gra tion bill, which Dutch In te rior Min is ter Piet Hein Donner pre sented to par lia ment on June 16, reads: The gov ern ment shares the social dissatisfaction over the multi cul tural so ci ety model and plans to shift pri or ity to the val ues of the Dutch peo ple. In the new in te gra tion sys tem, the val ues of Dutch so ci ety play a cen tral role. voiced any dis agree ment with the mes sage. On the other hand, many of the His panic im mi grants pass ing by the dem on stra tions re acted in an ger. Some used ob scene ges tures while oth ers shouted an grily out of their car win dows at the South ern Nationalists. One immigrant, identifying him self as a gang mem ber (MS-13 is now a prob lem in the area), stopped and in sulted administration of illegal immigrants from Af rica, was also a fo cus of the dem on stra tors an ger. The at mo sphere in the pi azza was con ge nial. There was no vi o lence, no dis tur bances. Doing some thing about it The League of the North, guided by char is matic new leader Matteo Salvini, staged a hugely suc cess ful dem on stra tion showing that the Ital ian peo ple are fed up With this change, the gov ern ment steps away from the model of a multi cul tural so ci ety. The let ter con tin ues: A more obligatory integration is justified be cause the gov ern ment also de mands that from its own cit i zens. It is nec es sary be cause oth er wise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home any more in the Netherlands. The new in te gra tion pol icy will place more de mands on im mi grants. the dem on stra tors. Near the end of these pro tests a Mex i can woman stopped and tried to ar gue with pro test ers. Then a cou ple of cars full of young His panic males pulled in be hind her and be gan in sult ing the lo cal South ern peo ple of the area, call ing them lazy, among other things. The Mex i can woman in sisted it was rac ist to de fend the in ter ests of with this. The sit u a tion in It aly has be come insupportable, with nine million Italians liv ing be low the pov erty level; with a youth un em ploy ment rate of 40%; and with Italian retirees living beneath bridges or in their cars, while il le gal Af ri can and Arab im mi grants are housed and fed at pub lic ex pense and given 40 Eu ros (about U. S. $50) per day pocket money. And this is while un em ployed eth nic Ital ians receive only 240 Euros per month. As space for hous ing them de creases, the ref u gees are more and more of ten be ing housed at pub lic ex pense in threestar ho tels. Nev er the less, they are still not con tent. They fre quently take to the streets of Ital ian cit ies to com plain about the qual ity of the food they are given and to de mand Af ri can food, among other things. The dem on stra tors in Mi lan had some de mands of their own. They de manded the ab o li tion of this gov ern ment s Mare Nostrum agency. Cur rently, it is the pol icy of the Ital ian gov ern ment to send the For ex am ple, im mi grants will be re quired to learn the Dutch lan guage, and the gov ern ment will take a tougher ap proach to im mi grants who ig nore Dutch val ues or dis obey Dutch law. A re turn to what works The gov ern ment will also stop of fer ing special subsidies for Muslim immigrants be cause, ac cord ing to Donner; It is not the gov ern ment s job to in te grate im mi grants. (How bloody true). The gov ern ment will in tro duce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also im pose tougher mea sures against Mus lim im mi grants who lower their chances of em ploy ment by the way they dress. More spe cif i cally, the gov ern ment im posed a ban on face-cov er ing, Is lamic burqas as of Jan u ary 1, Hol land has done that whole lib eral thing, and re al ized maybe too late that cre at ing a Na tion of tribes will kill the Nation itself. The fu ture of Aus tra lia, the U. K., U. S., Can ada and New Zea land may well be read here. 21 South ern ers and op pose their de mo graphic re place ment. She and her fel low im mi grants shouted in an ger and for a short time re fused to move their ve hi cles, blocking in the dem on stra tors who were at tempt ing to leave. While the League mem bers re fused to ar gue with those Mex i cans, at one point the woman asked, What do you want? She heard it from a League or ga nizer: We want you to leave pref er a bly our coun try. Where upon the Mex i can woman be came ex tremely irate, in sulted the South ern Na tion al ists and in sisted, We are not go ing to leave. She and the cars full of His panic males did leave though, and the event ended with out fur ther con flict. Sev eral lo cal South ern ers stopped to in quire about the League and voiced their ap proval for the dem on stra tions. The pic ture of a po lar ized com mu nity emerged: lo cal South ern ers who op pose the Mex i can in flux ver sus His panic im mi grants who op pose any dis play of South ern sol i dar ity. Italian Navy into the Mediterranean in search of the flo til las of illegals, even be yond Ital ian ter ri to rial wa ters. The League of the North points out that the in va sion af fects not It aly alone, but also her neigh bors, mainly France, Swit zer land and Ger many. It is hoped that this strong mo bi li za tion in Mi lan will have some influence on such bewildering policies by the Italian gov ern ment, but, if not, the League s leader, Matteo Salvini, has prom ised to go fur ther. Mus lim im mi grants leave their coun tries of birth be cause of civil and po lit i cal un rest cre ated by the very na ture of that cul ture. Coun tries like Hol land, Can ada, the U. S., U. K., Aus tra lia and New Zea land have an es tab lished way of life that ac tu ally works, so why em brace the un work able? If Mus lims do not wish to ac cept an other cul ture, the an swer is sim ple; Stay where you are! This gives a whole new mean ing to the term, Dutch Cour age... Un for tu nately Aus tra lian, U. K., U. S., Ca na dian, and New Zea land pol i ti cians don t have the guts to do the same. There s a whole lot of truth here! Elections are com ing! A Re pub lic if you can keep it A Na tion of sheep breeds a gov ern ment of wolves! Let s Take a Stand! Borders: Closed! Lan guage: Eng lish! Cul ture: The Con sti tu tion and our Bill of Rights! No free bies to non-cit i zens! We the peo ple are com ing!

22 22 De ci sion time Scotland s vote: what hap pened and why it mat ters By Greg ory Kay gregmkay@ya Many of us in the South ern Na tion al ist Move ment watched the Scot tish ref er en dum on in de pend ence with great in ter est. Part of the rea son is that most of us have at least a few an ces tors who came from there, but the other part is that we knew in stinc tively we could learn from it, and, boy, was it a use ful les son, both in the similarities as well as the differences. Comparatively speaking For start ers, the Scots are the U. K. s South ern ers. Not geo graph i cally, of course, but cul tur ally; they re the first ones to be mocked and ma ligned, to be the butt of ev ery joke, to be ac cused of tak ing more than they give in the so cial safety net, and yet are in ev i ta bly the first to come charg ing to ward the sound of the guns when Brit ain, like the U. S., gets in volved in yet an other end less war of em pire. Scots, no dif fer ent from South ern ers, have tra di tion ally been the back bone of their oc cu pier s ar mies, whether it be from a fight ing spirit or just the con di tioned de sire of a brain washed peo ple wish ing to please their mas ters so they will fi nally be ac cepted. They ve been oc cu pied for 120 years lon ger than we have, so per haps it s not sur pris ing at this point that over twice as many of them want in de pend ence than do South ern ers: 45% (not ex actly, but more on that in a mo ment) com pared to about 20% of South ern ers, ac cord ing to re cent polls. So, in es sence, the Scot tish ref er en dum can teach us some les sons about what to do, which tac tics to use and the obstacles we ll face, along with il lu sions we d better get rid of right now. There have been Scot tish Na tion al ists since Eng land and Scot land joined in the United King dom, es pe cially af ter the ef fort to place Bonnie Prince Char lie Stu art on the joint king dom s throne was drowned in blood on Cul lo den Moor, and par tic u larly fol low ing the High land Pro scrip tions that came af ter ward: Scot land s ver sion of our Reconstruction. Their scarlet history with Eng land cer tainly pro vided ma te rial to base a Na tion al ist move ment on, but its growth was languid, so slow many thought it an empty dream. Part of what kept them go ing was the ex am ple of Ire land, less than fif teen miles away across the wa ter. Some used to say a free Ire land was an empty dream, too, and so it would have been had the Irish not pos sessed a stub born, vi o lent streak that re fused to knuckle un der for 800 years, fi nally proving it could be done if a peo ple wanted freedom badly enough. Less determined Un like the Irish two-pronged model of politics and paramilitary action, the Scots went a purely po lit i cal route, con cen trat ing on work in stead of work ing while fight ing. As a re sult their ac cu mu la tion of power was grad ual, but they man aged be cause, un like the U. S., the U. K. had had its fill of in ter nal vi o lence with the Irish strug gle for in de pend ence and, wish ing no re peat in the Scot tish north lands, be gan throw ing the Scots po lit i cal bones such as ref er en dums and the de vo lu tion of cer tain pow ers from Lon don to Ed in burgh. The lead ing Scot tish Na tion al ist group the Scot tish Na tional Party used it, along with an other strat egy, Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Free dom is spread ing hate! whine those who mis ap pre hend us sur vi vors. It s re ally out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the brain washed. Or der a box of 100 ex tra cop ies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis trib ute the truth. to se cure and ex pand their own power base un til they be came the de facto spokes man for Scot land. Their other strat egy? They un der stood the mood not only of their hard core Na tion al ist base, but of Scots in gen eral, and then tai lored their pol i tics ac cord ingly. Like it or not, the ma jor ity of to day s Scots lean a lit tle more to the left than the Eng lish, de spite the Eng lish them selves be ing to the left of Amer i can Dem o crats, but that s nei ther here nor there. They saw the pub lic mood, tapped into that and ran with it, achiev ing a better re sult un der the cir cum stances than most peo ple could ve imag ined. Al though the Scot tish Na tional Party bound to gether a po lit i cally di verse base rang ing from starry-eyed young sters who were more likely to sup port in de pend ence (and they had al ready used those de volved pow ers in lowering the vot ing age to 16) to right wing Na tion al ists so hard core the Brit ish la beled them Na zis all the way to wild-eyed left ists, they ran on a plat form of nationalistic emotion, pride in Scotland, nuclear disarmament, nationalization of the oil in dus try and the breakup of the big banks, with oil and gas pay ments going to the citizens. There was a lot to like there, but not ev ery body was buy ing, and Lon don, the banksters and big busi ness did their best to see to it that those voting did n t buy it. At home in the com fort zone First they en listed the my o pic Scot tish patriotards, not too un like a com mon spe cies we have in the South. You know the ones I m talk ing about, who rec og nize Dixie as a dis tinct Na tion, but only un der the power and con trol of D. C. Its ver sion across the pond re gards the Un ion Jack the same way ours views the Stars and Stripes: My fa ther/grand fa ther/what ever fought un der that flag! and so on and so forth, stead fastly cling ing to the Un ion with all the des per ate te nac ity of a born serf. Next, they went af ter the cow ards. If Brit ain leaves, Rus sia, China or Al Qaeda will in vade Scot land and take over! This ar gu ment would ob vi ously only con vince a com plete id iot, one hav ing no knowl edge of in ter na tional af fairs; but, un for tu nately, Scot land has its share of those the same as we, and a small but sig nif i cant num ber of Chicken Littles promptly ran in pan icked cir cles fully con vinced that in de pend ence meant wak ing up with Vladi mir Putin shar ing the cov ers. Fol low ing that, de spite an ex cel lent eco nomic plan put forth by the SNP, the Brit ish brought out their big busi ness guns and pulled out all the stops, ap peal ing to the eas i est de mo graphic of all: the greedy. With care fully cooked fig ures they claimed to show that Scot land would be bank rupt within a few years, and that the Scots must lose their gen er ous ben e fits in clud ing free health care and their ver sion of So cial Se cu rity. The el derly and many mid dle aged fe males promptly went ap o plec tic, turning their backs on the very idea of cut ting Mother Eng land s apron strings as too risky. Fi nally, Bri tan nia put to use their se cret weapon, a cer tain class of the Scot tish Na tion al ist. As any one who has hung around the South ern Na tional Move ment for a length of time knows well, some Na tion al ists, while us ing the word, don t have a clue what it means. Those who strive for blood and soil, stand ing for their na tive cul ture, are Na tion al ists. Those whose worldview is hitched ir re vo ca bly to some par tic u lar political philosophy are not Nationalists but pol i ti cians, no mat ter what they call them selves. De spite the glar ingly ob vi ous fact that a yes vote only meant that there would be elec tions in 2017 to de ter mine who and what par ties would lead Scot land, these guys got it into their heads (or, far more likely, were paid to get it into their heads) to haunt the internet, loudly and end lessly pro claim ing to all and sun dry that a suc cess ful bid for in de pend ence would only put the so cial ists in charge. Se ri ously; what does any one think the U. K. is if not a so cial ist coun try? So it was far better to live un der Bri tan nia s heel than un der take such a risk as gov ern ing them selves. In other words, Scots are too stu pid to be trusted in mak ing their own de ci sions. Does n t sound very Na tion al ist to me! Then en tered the Doo-Dah Pa rade of the totally pro-british radical Protestant Or ange Or der march ing and threat en ing vi o lence. These are the equiv a lent of some of our so-called pa triot groups here, who wor ship the Un ion rather than the peo ple and would at tack se ces sion ists who looked like they had any chance of suc cess. Oddly enough, the Or ange pro tests put them squarely in bed with the Pope of Rome, gen er ally their arch en emy, but who also came out against Scot tish in de pend ence. Not to men tion the U. S., of course; Obama had to stick his wide brown nose into the fray in op po si tion as well, which is not sur pris ing, con sid er ing that the U. K. is widely con sid ered Amer ica s poo dle, so maybe he did have a dog in that fight af ter all. Balking points Still, the polls were n t go ing Brit ain s way, so they tried an other old fash ioned method: brib ery. If you just stay within the King dom, we ll give you all these new pow ers so you can rule your selves. In fact, Prime Min is ter Cameron vir tu ally prom ised them the moon and stars, so much so that Par lia ment stood aghast, and sev eral mem bers quickly pointed out there was no way they could fol low through on that, es pe cially when Wales spoke up and de clared that, if the U. K. gave that much to Scot land, they d darned well better give it to the Welsh too, or they just might have a Rus sia tells E. U. to stay out of Moldova Russian Min is ter of For eign Af fairs Sergei Lavrov warned the Eu ro pean Un ion on Oc to ber 20 against try ing to im pose a Ukrai nian style sce nario in Moldova as there would be se ri ous con se quences of such a move; the Rus sian for eign min is ter said this at the rul ing United Rus sia party event in Mos cow. Ac cord ing to Rus sia s for eign min is ter, interference in Moldova s internal affairs by the Eu ro pean Un ion would fur ther damage already tense relations between Rus sia and the West. Lavrov be lieves the west ern pow ers are plan ning to in tro duce a Ukrai nian style sce nario in the Re pub lic of Moldova be cause the Transnistrian re gion is seek ing to sep a rate from Moldova. Lavrov called the E. U. plan to sign an association treaty with the Republic of Moldova con trary to Rus sian in ter ests. Such a move would pre vent the re gion second in de pend ence ref er en dum on their hands. Of course, the Scots would have all of that and more if they went in de pend ent, but it did con vince a few more of those too cow ardly to risk free dom. Still, the elec tion was too close to call, so the Brit ish took a page out of the Amer i can po lit i cal play book. They cheated. Sev eral peo ple were dis cov ered vot ing mul ti ple times, and, in one par tic u larly bla tant case, a vote coun ter was lit er ally caught on film switch ing stacks of YES votes into the NO pile. At first the Brit ish de nied it, then they said that since the source was the Rus sian press and since the video had been taken by a Rus sian film crew, it was n t re li able, fi nally falling back on the as ser tion she was just re mov ing YES votes to the NO pile tem po rarily for some un known rea son. So the Scots lost for now. Their new bat tle cry 45% of Scots voted for in de pend ence; a re mark able num ber, con sid er ing that one of the most im por tant years in Scot tish his tory is The 45, re fer ring to the de feat of the Stu art forces on Cul lo den Moor, and, where Yes! was the for mer SNP slo gan, the new one is 45! its dou ble mean ing ring ing a loud bell and pro vok ing a knee-jerk re ac tion in the heart of ev ery Scot. Then, af ter point ing out the cheat ing, the ly ing and the fact that Brit ain would do lit er ally any thing to pre vent them from an hon est vic tory, they switched to a new strat egy. We re not go ing to de mand a re count; in stead, we de mand you fol low through with everything you prom ised! Secession remains viable Which is some thing im pos si ble for the Lon don li ars to do, and it s al ready in the pre lim i nary plan ning stages for an other ref er en dum when they fail to de liver, thus hand ing the SNP an enor mous pro pa ganda stick to beat them about the head and shoul ders with. Also, fol low ing that failed ref er en dum, within two weeks the SNP s mem ber ship had jumped six-fold. Very likely, when (and not if) there is an other ref er en dum, as sum ing the fraud can be stopped in de pend ence will al most be a given. So, what can we South ern Na tion al ists learn from all this? First, that we re un likely to get any will ing agree ment for a ref er en dum; the U. S. is not as free in that re gard as the U. K. We need to make them be come will ing to al low it, if need be as an al ter na tive to the threat of worse things. Once they al low that opener, they ll have to face oth ers. If noth ing else, a cred i ble threat of un rest or a ris ing de mand for in de pend ence may force Wash ing ton to de volve more pow ers to us. Sec ond, we need to study the meth ods of the Scot tish Na tion al ists and those who op pose them, initially to learn what works and doesn t, also what we will face, so as to have plans ready tai lored to suit our own peo ple. And we should come up with a strat egy to stop vote fraud in its tracks. Third, and fi nally, we need to take heart from this ef fort; free dom is pos si ble, if we want it badly enough. of Transnistria from join ing the Rus sia- Belarus-Kazakhstan cus toms un ion and the Eur asian Eco nomic As so ci a tion. The break away re gion of Transnistria unilaterally declared independence from Moldova in The Dniester Re pub lic has ev ery right to de fine its own fu ture if Moldova s neu tral sta tus changes, as the treaty signed to set tle the sta tus of Transnistria in cludes this op tion ac cord ing to Lavrov.

23 Bul le tin board 23 SALTY SID of Sil ver Spring sends seven separate sensational scandal spreadsheets for seven dol lars. Sure sat is fac tion! Sid s super-sized sub scrip tion set in cludes The First Free dom, Im pact, Cit i zens In former, The Na tion al ist Times, CofCC News let ter, Her i tage & Des tiny and bo nus es says by pa tri ots. Send check to Sid ney Sec u lar, PO Box 8336, Sil ver Spring, MD JOIN GIDEON S ELITE, PREPARE FOR KINGDOM SERVICE! Hear Pas tor Pe ter J. Pe ters daily on WWCR shortwave ra dio. For a FREE news let ter with com plete broad cast sched ule: Scrip - tures For Amer ica,. POB 766, LaPorte CO hrs daily internet stream HERITAGE AND DESTINY is a 24 page bi monthly pa tri otic mag a zine printed in Eng land. To re ceive a sam ple copy send $5, or for a year s sub scrip tion (6 is sues) send $45 to P. O. box 8336, Sil ver Spring, MD Check out the website at KENTUCKY BLOODLETTING. 2½ hour DVD. Four re bels mur dered in cold blood for each in vader killed by the an gry cit i zenry. $15 PPD in C. S. A. and U. S. Get yours by con tact ing TFF rov ing re porter Nancy Hitt, Letters - DIFFERENT STORY Well, glory be! To day s pa per car ried a pic ture of Rob ert E. Lee s slaves. Here are four women dressed in beau ti ful hoop skirts and ball room clothes, women who were piv otal in pre serv ing the ar chives of George Wash ing ton and the home of Rob ert E. Lee from war ring Un ion sol diers! Where are the chains and dun geons and trees dec o rated with the re mains of slaves! Where are the fan cied shack led ones who es caped from their pris ons to join the un der ground rail way? As the ar ti cle stated, this is some thing for his to ri ans to learn from. As for me, I would rather be a slave of Rob ert E. Lee or Wash ing ton than the So cial Se cu rity Sys tem or the De part ment of Safety. How are their slaves marked? JUNE GRIFFIN Dayton, TN ISLAMOPHOBIA I es pe cially ad mired your ex cel lent com men tary, No body be comes en slaved un will ingly. I also like the full range of opin ions of fered in The First Free dom. I fi nally be lieve that if this coun try con tin ues on its cur rent path, there will be a greater fo cus on the se ces sion ist move ment. I view the threat posed by Is lam as a scourge upon this Na tion. While po lit i cal correctness is prevalent, where Muslims are in volved, it is more than just po lit i cal cor rect ness. I sense a grow ing fear among many, a fear of be ing branded with some form of a de rog a tory la bel Islamophobe, rac ist, bigot, etc., co mes to mind. Many are fear ful of vi o lence from the jihadist strain of militant Islam. This scourge can be soundly de feated by exercising unfettered, politically incorrect and in formed free speech. Again, I thank you for your dil i gent ex er cise of the First Amend ment. ANDREW MAGGARD Port Haywood, VA Our White Na tion must stop the flood Mideasterners, Africans and Mexicans, send them home and be more alert to the Ashkenazis stir ring them up against us. CARETAKER WANTED We hear the prom ises of our can di dates to fix a bank rupt So cial Se cu rity sys tem and re tire ment sys tem. Well, Adolf Hit ler ac tu ally did it! Moth ers and chil dren be came a high pri or ity, free health care for ev ery one, not at the tax pay ers ex pense. I would like to live by ex am ple and al low some one of my kin dred White Ger manic race who be lieves in Prim i tive Chris tian ity to live in my large coun try home on ten acres with spring-fed creek 12 miles from Andalusia, Al a bama, no neigh bor in sight. How does free rent sound? All in qui ries will be an swered. TONY DuPREE SE Cor rec tions Way Lake City, FL FOR ONE free pocket Con sti tu tion send a self ad dressed stamped (70 cents) en ve lope to: NCCS W Ju ni per Rd Malta, ID or, for 100 cop ies, $35 to same ad dress. SICK AND TIRED of the anti-white mass me dia? Then why not join us on line? News 4 White In for ma tion Net work DISPLAY ADVERTISING for pages 6-22: YOUR NAME in TFF makes a dif fer ence to peo ple you can count on, as sur ing those friends you re with them. What World Fa mous Men Said About The Jews. Com piled by Dr. Ed Fields. 100 quotes from Christ to Cicero, Henry Ford, Na po leon, Tru man, Nixon, Rev. Billy Gra ham, many oth ers (our best seller). $6 PPD. Truth at Last Books, P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAGS, 3x5 polyester with metal grom mets, $12 each PPD in C. S. A. and U. S., or free by re quest with any first-time 12-month sub scrip tion to The First Free dom for $25 cash, check or m.o. to TFF, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, AL IN RACIST Marx ist Is rael, by Jack Bernstein. He worked there for six years in security. His experiences prove Israel is no de moc racy but a Marx ist Po lice State. 42 pages, $8 ppd. Truth at Last Books, P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA AMERICAN FREE PRESS. This weekly news pa per of fers an in tro duc tory rate of 16 is sues for $ Penn syl va nia Ave SE #100, Wash ing ton, DC REALITY CHECK 217 pgs pa per back. Join his tory sleuth Ger man-born au thor Chris tine Miller as she ex poses Zi on ist con tra dic tions in their own words against them selves. Noth ing is closer to fresh air and light than Reality Check. $20 PPD in C. S. A. and U. S. TFF, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, AL ORDER the 100+ page book let CONNECT THE DOTS Sec ond Edi tion Help stop the Zi on ist NWO $20 in cludes post age DWA Trust P. O. Box 1947 Payson, Ar i zona ADVERTISE on this bul le tin board. Just $10 per in ser tion, max i mum 50 words, 10 each ad di tional word. Please in di cate any capitalization or italics desired. Your signed let ter with phone num ber and ad dress is wel come, but will be ed ited as nec es sary to fit avail able space. Send to The First Free dom, or ed i SELLOUTS I read with in ter est the ar ti cle writ ten by Sa rah Jean Sea man of in the Oc to ber is sue on the sub ject of ed u cat ing il le gal aliens in our pub lic schools and the bur den it places upon the bud gets of our school sys tems. In stat ing that com mu ni ties are re quired by law to educate illegal immigrants in pub lic school she is mis taken. What the law ac tu ally says, un less it has changed re cently, is that States may lose fed eral fund ing if they don t com ply with the law on ed u cat ing all within their dis tricts. It s the lie that school boards na tion wide have been led to be lieve and, by as so ci a tion, so have we all. It s not un like our pub lic and pri vate hos pi tals which proudly dis play sign age tell ing us the law re quires them to treat and sta bi lize any one who co mes thru the doors re gard less of abil ity to pay. Again, what the law (EMTALA) ac tu ally says is that the hos pi tal may lose fed eral fund ing (read, Medicare/Obamacare) if it fails to treat those who can not pay. I ve per son ally raised these is sues to school boards and hos pi tal ad min is tra tors, but they have all sold out. Lies, lies and more lies. EMIL KURANTOVICH Lumberton, NC FOR FEAR OF THE WORD RACIST Stan Rittenhouse has a sim ple way to re move Obama from the White House di rectly to jail. He s the au thor of For Fear of the Jews, Bot tom line, ly ing on a re sume war rants be ing re moved from any po si tion: Con gress, Sen ate, Judges, etc. Since Obama has com mit ted trea son and nu mer ous crim i nal fel o nies, he and his co horts de serve the death pen alty. For a lon ger route to re move Obama, a man from Geor gia ex plained on the Joyce Riley pro gram, send per ti nent in for ma tion to the At tor ney Gen eral who can de mand Obama step down. Would TFF com pile the info we should submit to the AG? BETTIE SKINNER Wood ford, VA The Ken yan will step down or be shot down only when the Jew ish ca bal or ders it, like wise his AG and en tire cab i net. ONE VOTE ONE TIME Please do not send the pa per to me till I let you know it is OK. The Post Of fice has been closed for weeks now and they talk of not re open ing till mid dle 2015! Yes, you read cor rectly It can be that some mir a cle hap pens; it can be sooner rather than later. There is no money to pay the per son nel so some thing must be sorted out, what ever that may mean. I am up set that I do not get my books and news pa pers, but must tell you hon estly if this sit u a tion can bring the to tal col lapse of this far ci cal gov ern ment I do not mind at all. MONICA STONE South Af rica OUR CELTIC HERITAGE, by Brig. Gen. Sir Standish G. Crauford, 16 page book let cov ers mi gra tions from the Holy Land to Eng land in an cient times. Send $5 to Karl Hand, PO Box 1281, Lockport, NY THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, by Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Mo tor Com pany, ex poses Jews as The World s Fore most Problem. These ar ti cles first ap peared in the pe ri od i cal pub lished by the Ford Mo tor Company, The Dearborn Independent. This is the abridged sin gle vol ume edi tion at 231 pages. $14 postal money or der to Karl Hand, P. O. Box 1281, Lockport, NY FREE DVD cat a log on global con spir acy, le gal sov er eignty, re duce taxes and avoid taxes, land pat ent, allodial ti tle, etc. Over 200 list ings plus dis counted DVDs and books. Call , leave name and address. De clare a new era for the Na tional Al li ance. Af ter many years of mis man age ment and in at ten tion, mem bers are fight ing back to save Dr. Pierce s leg acy. Join Dr. Pierce s brother, Sanders Pierce, and the al li ance s top street ac tiv ist Mi chael Weaver along with many oth ers. To learn more about this project and how any one can get involved, visit us on line at: SENSITIVITY DAI Dep uty Di rec tor De part ment of Cor rec tions 2729 Plaza Drive Jef fer son City, MO Your Correctional Facility at Mineral Point is with hold ing TFF from sub scriber Aus tin Gal lup be cause it poses a dan ger to the institution. The facility quotes Moth ers of Pal es tin ians must be killed, which did not ad vo cate any such action, but only re ported that such killings were called for by an Is raeli news pa per. Did the cen sor not un der stand that? Many call for di ver sity and tol er ance, yet some in po si tions of au thor ity fail to prac tice what they preach. Noth ing in this news pa per ad vo cates in ap pro pri ate ac tion. To the con trary, warn ings of where all the out lawry is com ing from is a valu able part of each is sue. So it s a lit tle di verse right there, and use ful to ev ery one whether they re al ize the value of a sec ond opin ion or not. For ex am ple, Black-on-White crime far ex ceeds the op po site kind. Does that make pub lish ing truths the cap tive lib eral me dia may not touch some thing wor thy of cen sor ship? For bid it, Al mighty God! Please allow this informative alternate news the same pub lic ac cess as granted to day s om ni pres ent lib eral view point, as your ward and my sub scriber would like to read his pa per. OLAF CHILDRESS Silverhill, AL LE PEN I was very in ter ested to see the story on the Front Na tional in TFF. Thanks for run ning it. En cour ag ing news. Funny how Brit ain and Amer ica have turned out to be totally revolutionary and atheistic but that it is France that turns out to have a deep con ser va tive streak a mile wide. Odd, ain t it! Amer i cans and Brit ons will ac cept the court s de ci sion on (fill in the blank) no mat ter how out ra geous it is, but the French might very well take to their cher ished bar ri cades. They do keep threat en ing to bring down Hollande s gov ern ment. We ll see. Any way, in ter est ing story about the Na tional Front. I did n t know it. I don t have much time to read much these days. In fact, for the first time ever, I did n t read the en tire is sue of TFF when I got it out of the mail box be cause I fell asleep while read ing. So I have it to look for ward to for this eve ning. RICHARD NOEGEL Augusta, GA INVASION Amnasty in the cards as govmint prints up muy mucho mil lions of ID cards for soon to be am nes tied em bed ded kookaroaches. It s a hap pen ing thing. The after shocks will be worse than the low blow it self as the now en cour aged hordes wait ing in the wings spill across the bor der like a swarm of lo custs. SIDNEY SECULAR Sil ver Spring, MD David Lee s BIBLE ERRORS REVEALED and Re lated Top ics. Thirty years re search seek ing the Truth. Six pa per back 8½ x 11 vol umes $20 each PPD. Vol. I 179 pages in clud ing Gen e sis chap ter one, Noah s flood & Khazar Em pire. Check or m.o. to SBO 66, Box 05292, Mi ami, FL Con spir acy books, book lets and DVDs for sale in like new con di tion. Sub jects in clude: Illuminati, Free ma sonry, Se cret Societies, Judaism, World War II, Holocaust, Kennedy assassination, War on Drugs, 9-11 and more. Con tact for list. Don ald Bradshaw, Intown Suites #119, 4350 Hwy 78, Lilburn, Geor gia 30047; tele phone (ext. 119); THREE TRUTH TRACTS 1) In ter ra cial Mar riage - Right or Wrong? Mixed race off spring have lower IQ, goes against na ture and Bib li cal law. 2) Mar tin Lu ther King Hol i day Should Be Re pealed. FBI files doc u ment his Communist ties. 3) Ko sher Food Tax Raises Food Prices. Ev ery food item fea tur ing a K or U im print has paid a tax to a Rabbi. All three tracts only $1 from: Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA THE SPEECH I ab so lutely loved the Sep tem ber is sue, the best all year in my opin ion, par tic u larly the Benjamin Freed man speech given at the Wil lard Ho tel in It s a sure way to ed u cate some one who does n t un der stand the Jew ish Ques tion. I know it awak ened me the first time I heard that speech awhile back, af ter a friend took the time to bring me the hid den truths. Any ways, I thought it might be use ful if we let read ers know it s avail able as a 2-CD set for a mere $2 from CSCS or White Cross Min is tries, PO Box 188, Ko dak, TN which is on line as well at So let s get this au dio-re corded speech out there to those who don t read you know the type but they re in ter ested in TV news, etc. I m wait ing on Facts Are Facts right now. You have no idea how ex cited I was and lit er ally jumped around when I got the September TFF and saw it there. And to think out of a Jew s mouth even. I hate to praise one sec tion over an other as, truly, guys, a great, great is sue, but I gotta ap plaud the Ferguson uprising coverage as I m from Missouri. CHRISTOPHER SHULTZ Cameron, MO MORE ON FREEDMAN As an Iden tity Chris tian I am fa mil iar with Benjamin Freed man s writ ings and teach ings, but we as Chris tians should put such things out there for the pub lic to see, especially these Israel supporters, all the main stream pul pit preach ers and ev ery one. I be lieve I m go ing to cus tom ize some of my own fly ers con tain ing that par tic u lar speech. It was a great ar ti cle, A Chris tian view of the Ho lo caust. The main stream churches teach that the Jews are God s cho sen peo ple, and love your neigh bor as your self. Now these are true, yet my doc trine does not teach to go adopt your lo cal Ne gro child, or al low your daugh ter to bring lit tle Tyron home. But Churchianity does teach this. I am not at all for tak ing God out of schools. Ab so lutely not! I m just say ing there s ex treme dan ger to our race by leav ing the main stream s doc trine in there, Johnny and his Niglet friends hav ing the Di ary of Anne Frank and such stuff drilled into their heads. JUSTIN DALTON Terre Haute, IN OLD SOUTH GENERAL STORE AND PAWN SHOP Weogufka, AL CSA (256) Cash Loans $1.75 lb. Pawn Buy Farm Raised Sell Trade You Catch Cat fish Guns Tools Con fed er ate Elec tron ics Shirts, Caps Jew elry Belt Buck les All 6 flags Knives Ammo Bumper Stick ers Beverages Tobacco Build ing erected in 1853 Lloyd Facebook Trea surer, Al a bama League of the South

24 24 The First Free dom FULL NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP REMARKS Here s $25 for a one-year sub scrip tion $48 for same, but in 1st class en ve lope $40 for 100 ex tra cop ies of cur rent is sue $35 for 100 back is sues; pre fer $20 for 22 ex tra cop ies of cur rent is sue $15 for 10 ex tra cop ies of cur rent is sue $ as a pa tron. Keep it go ing! Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Perversophobes de nounce the in cit ing of perversophobia By Olaf Childress ed i Since 1964, our en emy has relentlessly coined words that di vert us from the truths all see, putting White men on the defense. Rac ism is just pride in know ing who we are, so what s wrong with be ing proud? A few find them selves bluffed out by dumb new speak terms like ho mo pho bia, fear of a gay life style sup pos edly, with out both er ing to look up the separate meanings of homo and pho bia. Are they afraid of men? No! It s not fear but ab hor rence, pity for hu mans who have de serted na ture, that alerts perversophobes to the dan gers stalk ing chil dren in to day s pub lic schools. So, with hopes of in duc ing great masses into a sin gle mob condemning man hood, these me dia munch kins are swarm ing like witches all over who ever ques tions their vol a tile new vo cab u lary. Dis agree ing with any of it la bels us hat ers. And that s not com pletely off the mark, for we do detest such false hoods as keep bub bling up from the newspeak caul dron. Na tion, n. [< OFr. < L. natio < pp. of nasci, to be born], 1. a sta ble, his tor i cally de vel oped com mu nity of peo ple with a territory, economic life, culture, and lan guage in com mon. 2. The peo ple of a ter ri tory united un der a sin gle gov ern ment: coun try. 3. a peo ple or tribe. We ob serve Is lamic and Af ri can tribal Na tions, somewhat sta ble un til the worldwan der ing/hun ger ing Jew ish ca bal nags its ve nal Dis trict of Cor rup tion lieutenants to bomb them into sub mis sion un der what George H. W. Bush first named (read ing his lines) a New World Or der. Dif fer ent roadmap But the Pro to cols for get ting there may not go the same route here at home, since we Whites alone among the Na tions are still fully armed and ca pa ble, a his tor i cally de vel oped com mu nity shar ing its ter ri tory, eco nomic life, cul ture and lan guage in com mon. Which means that, fol low ing the les sons Big Blub ber learned at Ruby Ridge and Waco, then fi nally wised up enough to pull out from the Bundy Ranch be fore tea time, we are vul ner a ble now only by way of sen si tiv ity train ing. Occidentally Al though ours is a less pure Na tion than one con sist ing solely of, say, Ger mans or Scots, to day s Eu ro pean ex pa tri ates liv ing in these Jewnighted States have un til lately circled the wagons necessarily against non-whites, a sim ple un der stand ing that re quired no fur ther elab o ra tion. But those 1960s im mi gra tion re forms should ve given no tice that we were be com ing too sen si tive to the cos mo pol i tan worldview while in suf fi ciently look ing af ter or di nary Amer i can in ter ests. What s with all these cau cuses, schol ar ships and post age stamps sud denly hon or ing ev ery other ethnicity in the world ex cept White men? Do our acres con tain greater nat u ral re sources than lie beneath Mexican, African and Asian feet? No! Then this con spir a to rial inpouring of dark races disappointing the mediacracy s gleeful forecasts can not keep pace with us once we stop play ing the No In com pe tent Left Be hind game, there fore any dig ni fied Gua te ma lan slip ping un in vited across the Rio Grande be trays him self by be com ing a self-ac knowl edged sec ond-class grov eler. Elu sive It s easy enough to fall in love (va cate one s better judg ment) with what the me dia munch kins keep croon ing about, but true hap pi ness is that at ti tude which sees ev ery prob lem as an op por tu nity. The Salvadoran living within his means gets an im proved en vi ron ment once all the mal con tents have aban doned that same her i tage. In a com ing age of world wide lib er a tion from drudg ery by way of robotics, such cheaply-im ported hu man la bor, no lon ger mar ket able among the White Na tions, will yearn for those old days back home. The pres ent deadlock Internet re search brings quick re sults, so no need for any com pul sive mis sion ary to wan der afield; he can skip the brow beat ing and state his case. Ours rests on sim ple and in con tro vert ible proofs: With God s help, White men have cre ated the most ad vanced civ i li za tions, con sti tu tions and tech nol ogy to date; yet, given the cur rent sab o tage and re ver sal of that march through his tory, it s em bar rass ing to see mis guided Ger mans mimic these Made-in-Amer ica stu pidi ties that are hold ing both Na tions in pres ent abeyance. Marx ist hec tor ing would mo bi lize many oth ers into for ever playing catch-up, as if we Whites had snatched our trophies from their fin gers, jus ti fy ing what ever means in tak ing them back. But, while mon i tor ing all ven ues for trading phys i cal values and ra tio nal ideas, such kooks don t give a hoot which Na tion ranks third or four teenth, long as they con trol the media of ex change with which to cyn i cally hype equal ity among their lessers. They did not start cor rect ing po lit i cal opin ions over night. First came the Je kyll Is land con spir acy of Christ mas 1912, then the 1913 Fed eral Re serve act by which those crooks us ing printed notes cleaned out all the gold in Jo han nes burg and Fort Knox. The U. S. Con gress had al ready be come cor rupted dur ing its so-called Civil War, which in va sion was illegal. U. S. At tor ney Gen eral Jer e miah Black said so. Pres i dent James Bu chanan knew it. Se ces sion was le gal. Nei ther the North s Un ion nor the Confederate States of America recovered, so it was easy in 1913 for the in ter na tional banksters to bribe that co te rie of scalawag rep re sen ta tives and bluff those re turn ing af ter Christ mas; thus the Jews gained their money-laun der ing ma chine. Meddlesome mobilizing Next un der as sault and fall ing was the once-virulent media resistance to entering that catastrophic-for-frontline-participants Great War, quickly fol lowed by a still more di sas trous sec ond world blood bath, while those sing ing brother against brother loved the gov ern men tal bor row ing, mo bi liz ing, wink ing, del e gat ing and, most es pe cially, their spoils-di vid ing peace con fer ences. Money was the first dom ino, me dia next, un til fi nally to tal dom i na tion by way of a global cur rency? That de ci sion is yours and mine, broth ers and sis ters. And re mem ber: not to de cide where you stand on an idea whose time has come, one that will at tempt al ter ing his tory s course, may be the worst de ci sion you re ca pa ble of. Look to your own Na tion al ism is the an swer. We must now sep a rate our selves from the Jews, Ne groes, Islamists and Asians, all who have no use for our sense of fair play ex cept to turn it against us. Please re tain that sym pa thy for the down trod den but sal vage able White, even while cold-heartedly resolving to quit mak ing ex cuses for and feed ing explosive for eign pop u la tions. Ren der ing this de ci sion in your heart is sufficient at the moment; its confirmation must await certain eventualities. Rome did not fall abruptly, nor can White civ i li za tion re as sert it self in a sea son. First co mes our com mit ment to sep a rate ness, no more than an un der stand ing, a lit tle hello to rat tle the me dia munch kins while con found ing their bosses: our ac tual en e mies who con trol the fed eral re serve notes and mediacracy. Even tu ally this blather against rac ism will fall on deaf ears, real race wars hav ing es tab lished an cient truths the munch kins can no lon ger sit on, at which time we ll be gin con ven ing our gath er ings for Whites only and against which the Chi cano gangs can have no ar gu ment. Con trary to what some prison war dens em ployed by the cor po rate cor rec tions in vest ment sec tor opine for the re cord, we only pre dict and an tic i pate such as would likely be due soon com ing down the pike, and that s not the same as barg ing in on the mediacracy s do min ion which advocates vi o lence. Here the ax iom Past is pro logue ap plies, as an internet search for birth of a na tion and d w grif fith will in tro duce any nov ice to how White men pac i fied the ram pag ing Ne groes in and can do so again. Preaching White guilt and equal ity to the Ne gro s bas er pas sions all these years, our munch kins re ally should take a look at the above video clips in order to prepare for their com ing shock upon first realizing how wrong they ve been regarding al most ev ery thing. We re al ists, hav ing real un der stand ings about cog ni tive dis so nance and an av er age per son s will ing ness to ac cept its pres ence ex cept within him self, must go all the way and con fess that No Child, nei ther you nor I, feels altogether Left Be hind. How much of this ad vanced think ing is valid? As Soc ra tes ad mon ished those who answered truth s beckoning, self-gov ern ment be gins at home. So, if we can t have White com mu ni ties in the mediacracy s wan ing days just now, let us at least meet sep a rately and pray as one for God to re store our vir tue, mo ral ity, integrity, numbers and distinct territories. Priorities By ac knowl edg ing that we ve all tried a bit too hard some times to fit in, yes, even articles appearing in The First Free dom bend ing over back wards toward po lit i cal cor rect ness when call ing for a Con ven tion of States, we here con fess that such a move would prove, as things now stand, not only pre ma ture but sui cidal. First we re take the media. No mat ter how few or many sal vage able Whites un der stand that what we stand for is the sine qua non of their fu ture, let s get our peo ple back in charge of Con sti tu tional coin age, first by know ing who we are and then reasserting ourselves. The separate and sov er eign State of Al a bama must ex ist be fore dis cuss ing any con ven tion with its ter ri to rial neigh bors. Of fore most con cern, then, is the elec tion of sher iffs who will work with us. We need mi li tias, both State and pri vate, whose mem bers are all well versed in Constitutional law. Also re quired are me dia sleuths who can quickly discern the dif fer ences be tween a fully-informed White Nationalist website and its per fectly-si lent-on-the-jews di rect op po site. It were oth er wise well and good to li on ize Hit ler and Fas cism at the same time ig nor ing the Jew ish Question, ex cept that as things now stand this would jump us from a grow ing Po lice State s skil let into Zionism s totalitarian fire. Again, first we ve got to have the me dia back in hon est hands, then a gov ern ment of our own. The in ter na tional socialism these munch kins are pro mot ing is Com mu nism plain and sim ple. State Socialism worked laud ably un der the Nationalsocialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), where all the peo ple and es pe cially their lead ers were of a com mon blood. But the stuff that this Jew ish Na tion or ders its un touch able Ken yan to poop on Amer ica is n t ex actly what the mediacracy claims it s pro mot ing, namely diversity. Where they re headed No, va ri ety is the last thing those rul ing psy cho paths care for. They much pre fer reg i men ta tion, that sci ence which moves moun tains when all lem mings lift as one or, if or dered to com mit sui cide, to gether leap into the sea. Com mu nist feu dal ism speaks of a sin gle Peo ple s Dic ta tor ship, both the dic ta tors and their thralls know ing it s a lie, yet that s the log i cal end sta tion to ward which this di ver sity train is roar ing. For, in forc ing vastly dif fer ent peo ples into a totally integrated Democracy ruled by oligarchs fully sep a rated from any hu man con sen sus, me dia munch kins are punch ing their own tick ets to hell. How does Na tional So cial ism com pare with such chaos? Well, like this tab loid, it is n t for ev ery body. The NSDAP would n t work even in to day s oc cu pied Ger many. The task here is enor mous, yet it be gins with a first step. We con cen trate on living among our kind, cel e brat ing how di verse Whites re main as com pared with the dark races, ed u cat ing our selves on the po lit i cal ex pe di ency of elect ing lead ers who look, act, speak and think like us, so that we do not soon again yield to the wiles of those who, lack ing scru ples, would ma nip u late our in nate sense of fair play against ev ery principle a White Nationalist holds dear. Untouchable? Most peo ple ca pa ble of ra tio nal thought, in clud ing many Blacks, now agree that the sit ting U. S. Pres i dent, un qual i fied to be gin with for such of fice and hav ing com mit ted trea son many times over, should have been im peached long be fore now. There fore the po lit i cal pro cess is n t work ing as planned? Ver ily, it is! Evil ones call ing them selves Neocons who did the plan ning that put a Ne gro nom i nally in charge, twice watch with glee as no one in Con gress, for fear of the Jew, dares be gin the pro ceed ings. Di vide and con quer was the strat egy of Caesar s le gions, and ev ery Ro man shared in that heady glory at first. But then came the de cay. A Cincinnatus wants noth ing to do with rul ing the world, suf fi cient his own back yard. Yet vul tures, flies and Neocons obey their call ing; they turn op por tu ni ties for mind ing one s own busi ness into the prob lems we see about us: dec a dence and to day s dump ing grounds of an im plod ing empire. While there s no ex act path to a White Na tional State nor for mula for keep ing it go ing at pres ent, let us work to ward that end. Ev ery in di vid ual of fi cer serv ing in our gov ern ment of the fu ture should with stand a re newal vote on its birth day each year, stay ing or step ping aside im me di ately. One backup plan were req ui site to tem po rarily con tinue va cated of fices and an other in case the en tire gov ern ment fails, even as signed, ver i fied pe ti tions weigh more than purchased ex po sure for any can di date or party. Lib er tar i ans imagine no gov ern ment at all, but the Na tion al ist knows some form of au thor ity will al ways pre vail, ei ther to main tain or der or tyrannize. Decisiveness and diplomacy With Whites ex clu sively in charge, no more Coca Cola gov ern ment teach ing the world to sing in per fect har mony, fair play as the un der stood be hav ior ex pected only among our selves since Ashkenazis and the mi nor i ties they ma nip u late won t ob serve such rules, we ll ex plain in no un cer tain terms that our ex clud ing them has noth ing to do with hate, just good sense. Let Jews con nive and Blacks jive among their own.

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