Week 6: The Messiah Who Reveals Isaiah 42:1 17; 43:1 14 Hook

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1 Week 6: The Messiah Who Reveals Isaiah 42:1 17; 43:1 14 Hook Main Point: God s chosen servant walks in obedience to fulfill God s promises and free God s people to sing with joy and testify of redemption in Christ. According to Wikipedia, several people have been nicknamed The Chosen One. 1 Drew McIntyre, Scottish wrestler Jeff Jarrett, American wrestler LeBron James, American basketball player David Moyes, Scottish football manager Josh Rosen, American football quarterback Tyron Woodley, American mixed martial artist Mustafa, Arabic for the Chosen One, an epithet of Muhammad While this is indeed a great list of names and people who accomplished great feats in their own right, people who come from all walks of life, many different nations, and diverse perspectives, they aren t the first to hold this title. In fact, there is One who held the title The Chosen One 1 WIKIPEDIA, s.v. The Chosen One.

2 long before these. And this chosen one has accomplished and will accomplish mighty deeds unlike the world has ever seen. Can you guess who it is? Jesus. Our passage today talks a lot about a chosen servant or chosen one to continue this illustration. We get a glimpse at just how majestic, glorious, and beautiful Jesus, God s Chosen One is. How many of these people have you heard of before? Can anyone tell me anything about these famous figures? Why do you think these people were added to this list? Would you add anyone else?

3 Week 6: The Messiah Who Reveals Isaiah 42:1 17; 43:1 14 Book Main Point: God s chosen servant walks in obedience to fulfill God s promises and free God s people to sing with joy and testify of redemption in Christ. Text Summary: Isaiah 42:1 17; 43:1 14 God has a plan and a chosen servant who fulfills that plan. Through His great love, God opens our hearts to sing for joy and live out the good news of redemption. We look on God s promises and see how He faithfully keeps His word even when our life seems so difficult. Even in the trials of life, God s chosen servant frees us to testify of God s goodness to the entire world. Isaiah 42:1 9 [Read] Sub-Point: God s chosen servant walks with God s favor and meekly fulfills God s will. Isaiah begins chapter 42 with a reference to a servant. While Isaiah has used this term before to reference the Lord s people (Isaiah 41:8), the prophet s use here points to a specific individual. 2 As the passage progresses, we begin to realize there is something different and unique about this servant to come. This singular servant holds a special place in God s heart and God s plan. Verse 1 uses a beautiful description that lays the firm foundation for this servant s uniqueness. This coming servant is upheld by God s hand as one chosen deliberately. The servant delights the very heart of God! Living as one chosen and upheld requires a special work of the Spirit. Isaiah reveals the Spirit of God rests in favor upon this one in whom God delights (v. 1). Surely the people of Judah who heard Isaiah s message recalled how God s Spirit only dwelt upon those who not simply held great favor in God s sight but those who accomplished great things for God s people (cf. 1 Samuel 11:6; 16:13; 2 Chronicles 20:14). Because of this favor, this servant would bring justice to all people. Isaiah confirms the place of this Messiah as the hope not simply of Israel and Judah but of all the world (v. 1). And this Messiah s ministry would have very distinct features. This Messiah would walk in humility and grace, living an unassuming life dedicated to gently ministering and bringing God s justice into the world (v. 2 3). As Isaiah puts it, he will be so gentle and meek that he won t shout and yell about his efforts in order to prove his power. His ministry is so calming and peaceful that he cannot even harm a weak, broken reed or snuff out a barely burning candlewick (v. 3). Isaiah reminds that true strength is the most gentle and true power is often the most patient. 2 Bryan E. Beyer, Encountering the Book of Isaiah: A Historical and Theological Survey (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), 176.

4 The servant Messiah does not lose heart, does not grow weary, but fills the entire earth with God s justice (v. 4). God, the creator of heaven and earth, chooses this servant to fulfill His promised plan of redemption (v. 5 6). The Messiah bears a covenant intended to bring light to the nations and open eyes that are blind (v. 6). This servant would mediate a special covenant relationship between God and His people. Isaiah s statements here lump Judah in with other nations in a way that was uncomfortable to the people. Judah expected to maintain the unique place they felt was deserved yet Isaiah was proclaiming a covenant for the nations, not just one nation. 3 The Messiah comes not for the rich, powerful, and prestigious, but for those who are in bondage, enslaved to sin and darkness (v. 7). Verses 8 9 reaffirm the Lord s favor to this servant and the true conflict this servant will work to resolve. God s glory will not be shared with anything or anyone else (v. 8). Indeed, God is worthy of all praise because He sends his own, unique Son to fulfill Isaiah s words and make all things new (vv. 8 9; cf. Matthew 12:15 21; Revelation 21:5). Through Christ s suffering, his people receive the righteousness and new life promised here (vv. 6, 9). Jesus stands in our place, bears the New Covenant in His body and blood, and offers forgiveness to all who will believe (Luke 12:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25). If you asked people what kind of person makes a good Messiah, what kinds of descriptions might they give? How is Jesus an unexpected Messiah when we consider all He has done for us? What difference does it make in your life that Jesus is a gentle, strong Messiah? Isaiah 42:10-17 [Read] Sub-Point: God s chosen servant destroys sin and fills our hearts with songs. Isaiah moves from describing the coming servant and the Lord s favor on this servant to a declaration of praise for God and all He has done. Verses call the whole earth to praise God for His might acts. In these verses, Isaiah uses language that encapsulates every possible place on the earth, the totality of the earth must rejoice in God and all His works. 4 Whether you live in a beachside villa or cruise on a boat on the ocean, praise the Lord (v. 10)! Whether you live in an arid desert or a thriving city, praise God (v. 11)! Cry out with all your might; shout it from the mountaintops, God is great (v. 12)! In fact, Isaiah draws this section together around a compelling point. If God is able to rescue and redeem one people (Judah), He is fully capable of guarding and protecting all other people He chooses. Isaiah points out that God goes out like a mighty man. He is pointing to God s active nature; He fulfills all His holy will in acts of triumph and sovereign might (v. 13). None can 3 John N. Oswalt, Isaiah (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), Oswalt, Isaiah, 479.

5 stand against Him. God overwhelms His enemies with the mighty cries and shouts of His powerful word (v. 13). The mighty acts of God are not simply joyful, restorative acts but there is also judgment upon the wicked and unrepentant. In verses 14 17, Isaiah unmasks idolatry and reaffirms God s intent to fully punish and destroy those who stand against His holiness and restore those who now walk in the darkness of sin. Isaiah returns to his illustration of a pregnant woman in order to indicate the inevitability of God s judgment. Just as childbirth is inevitable for the pregnant, so God s sure judgment is certain for those who rebel against Him (v. 14). Nothing can stand in the way of God s wrath; no mountain can shield, no resource can outlast, and no human planning can prevent his coming judgment on the wicked (v. 15). The idol worship and idol worshiper alike will be destroyed (v. 17). Satan and those who follow after his ways will be overcome by God s power. Yet, God remains faithful to the weak, blind, and broken (v. 16). There is freedom and healing offered by God to His people. Isaiah again reminds the remnant who are to experience the pain of exile of God s enduring love. While they may experience physical loss, personal pain, and national shame, God has not forsaken His chosen faithful (v. 16). God s plan often takes unexpected twists and turns down paths we fear. We often walk through painful circumstances, unsure of God s presence. We feel blind. In verse 17, Isaiah calls the people to trust God s leading down paths they cannot know. Trust God s light in dark places that feel overwhelming. Trust God s covenant promises when we feel all alone. What gifts has God given you that cause you to sing out in praise to Him? What challenges are you facing that make you feel that Satan has won and God is nowhere to be found? What should we do when we feel alone and overwhelmed in life? How does the world react to human suffering? How does the Gospel change the way we view our own suffering? Isaiah 43:1-7 [Read] Sub-Point: God s chosen servant confirms and fulfills God s loving promises. While Isaiah 42 ends with yet another promise of punishment on the wicked (Isaiah 42:18 25), Isaiah 43 begins with a strong promise of restoration. In verses 1 4, Isaiah draws connections between the splendor of creation and the grace in redemption, the comfort of our election and the reliability of God s character. In verses 1 2, Isaiah reminds the people that God formed and created them as a nation. It was God who called Abraham out of Ur to Canaan. It was God who protected and preserved the nation through Joseph s rule over Egypt during terrible famine. It was God who called Israel out of Egypt when they were in bondage to slavery. And it would be God who would again claim them back from exile to a place of favor.

6 Isaiah calls the people to lean on the sure promises revealed to them rather than be defined by fear and doubt. Indeed, the call to rest in God s promises points to a life lived in grace. Nothing Judah had done led up to the strong promises of verse 1. Rather, Isaiah had just finished outlining the people s blindness, deafness, and ignorance (Isaiah 42:18 25). Isaiah points to God s gracious favor as a grounding reality for the people s hope, even in the midst of fear and exile. 5 As Creator, God has freedom to do as He wills in this world and Isaiah confirms God s sovereign decision to save, redeem, and restore His people out of His love, not their goodness. The people could be encouraged because God had indeed chosen them as a nation and had determined to care for them even in the midst of trials. God promised to be near them and protect them through every circumstance (v. 2). God does not promise to remove hardships or to take us out of difficult circumstances. Isaiah points to waters, rivers, fire, and flame to encompass the harshest of life s circumstances. Instead, God promises His presence as sufficient strength to endure through trials. Even more, Jesus has passed through the final trial of death and hell to secure salvation for His people (1 Corinthians 15:55 57). God promises His children will never be separated from His love (Romans 8:31 39). On these sure and faithful promises, God s people can endure and faithfully look to God for peace through every moment of every day. Isaiah references the nations of Egypt, Cush, and Seba as a way to communicate just how far God would be willing to go for His people (v. 3). 6 There is no price too high. Jesus came to earth to buy back His people, fulfilling His promise to love and redeem His people (John 3:16). Because the people have been chosen, God willing to pay anything to get them back. The love of God truly knows no bounds! God redeems not because of our goodness or worth but because of His grace and love (v. 4). Knowing God s love erases all fears (v. 5 7; cf. 1 John 4:18). No matter the distance, no matter the barriers, no matter the cost, God will call His people home to a place of abundance and joy (v. 6). God s sovereign word confirms His people s sure inheritance (v. 7). As we live in the light of God s presence, we gain confidence to face all life s challenges. Even when it appears the world is crashing down around our ears, the promise of God s Word can assure our hearts of His steadfast commitment. Even when we stray away from His love and sin against Him, the power of Christ s finished work can cleanse us through His grace and peace. What circumstances in life seem to challenge us the most to trust in God? What reminders in Scripture help us endure trials? When has God shown His faithfulness in your life and how can you use this story to encourage others to trust in Him? 5 Oswalt, Isaiah, Oswalt, Isaiah, 481.

7 Isaiah 43:8 14 [Read] Sub-Point: God s chosen servant frees us to be His witnesses to every nation on the earth. The call to praise in Isaiah 42 and the sure promises in the beginning of Isaiah 43 all build to a final declaration of our life s purposes. God redeems his people for the sake of witness in the world. The people are not redeemed because of their own goodness nor are they redeemed simply for their own benefit. We exist to glorify God and declare His name among every nation of the earth. In verses 8 9, Isaiah draws a picture of nations assembled together and witnesses being called to testify about who God is and what He has done. Into the assembly enters the blind and deaf (v. 8). Isaiah is reiterating the mighty grace granted by God to use what some might consider unlikely witnesses to confirm His glory to all peoples. It is of God that His people know, believe, and understand (v. 10). God makes His people witnesses not because of any internal goodness, external worth, or cultural power but purely out of the abundance of His sovereign work of salvation. Remember, the witnesses brought in to testify are blind and deaf (v. 8). While they lack the ability, God s witnesses still possess the capacity. They are blind who have eyes and deaf who have ears. Thus, by God s sovereign grace, they leave the scene as witnesses who know, believe, and understand God s great love. God makes His people capable of proclaiming His truth to all the world (v. 9). In Acts 1:8, Jesus quotes Isaiah 43:10 to call His disciples to give testimony that indeed Jesus was who He said He was. 7 Jesus would tell His disciples to be His witnesses because these disciples had seen His saving work firsthand. 8 As any good witnesses, God s people are called to testify to something other than themselves (v. 10). Our restoration and redemption is about God and who He is, not us and who we are. Isaiah message is echoed in Paul s letter to Colossians where he calls believers to identify with Christ and the things above rather than getting distracted by things of this life (Colossians 3:1 3). Life is found in God and the content of our message must be of this one true God (v. 10). There is none beside him. There cannot be redemption outside of God s sovereign plan of salvation fulfilled by God s only Son, Jesus (v. 11; cf. John 14:6). While the witnesses testify to the goodness and grace of God s redemption plan, witnesses also provide warnings of God s judgment (v. 13). Nothing can turn back God s hand if it moves against you. God s wrath described in Isaiah 42 and throughout this book of prophecy will not be undone and cannot be resisted by any force or power. God s will is certain; His plans always succeed. 7 Oswalt, Isaiah, Beyer, Encountering the Book of Isaiah, 179.

8 In light of this truth, Isaiah reminds Judah that there will be a day of exile to come (v. 14). There is sure salvation and restoration but only through the judgment yet to come. For Judah, there would be rejoicing in the midst of exile from the land. Judah would be singing as they are carried away from the land in ships (v. 15). For us, we rejoice that Jesus carried away our punishment in his death and grants us life in His Resurrection. He experienced rejection and exile that we might experience life and peace. God delivers His people because He is our Lord, Holy One, Creator, and King (v. 15). What things hinder us the most when it comes to sharing our faith with others? How can we do better at witnessing of God s goodness among the nations? What ways or methods do people use today to try and earn salvation? How do these alternatives compare to Isaiah s message? What does it mean to you that God is your Lord, Holy One, Creator, and King? How does that change the way we talk to others about our lives?

9 Week 6: The Messiah Who Reveals Isaiah 42:1 17; 43:1 14 Took Main Point: God s chosen servant walks in obedience to fulfill God s promises and free God s people to sing with joy and testify of redemption in Christ. Jesus is God s chosen servant. We began the lesson with a brief history of people who have held the title chosen one. However, none of those people obtained that title for being a meek, humble, sacrificial servant like our God and King, Jesus. It turns out none of those people compare to God s chosen servant. Consider these ways we can make more of God s chosen servant in our lives. Challenges Rejoice in God. God has truly done great things for us, His people. We are reminded that our God created us, sustains us, and redeems us. He has conquered sin, death, and the grave through His beloved Son. We are given promises of security and safety even when our life seems to fall apart. Take a chance to praise God in prayer each day. This cultivates a spirit of gratitude for God and recognition that we depend on Him for everything. Sing out in corporate worship or take time to sing songs of praise at home. Songs of praise from hearts filled with joy. Trust in God. Life is filled with sorrow. Each one of us bears burdens, some secret and some public, and we only find true rest and lasting strength in God. Even if it seems as though your life doesn t make sense or someone else has it easier than you do, trust in God s perfect plan. He is a good, kind Father who wants what is best for you. When you doubt God s goodness, run to Him in prayer, read the Scriptures, and listen for His voice of comfort. When you feel overwhelmed, seek out Christian community. God calls us to bear each other s burdens but it s impossible to bear burdens you don t know! Share your struggles and be strengthened for a time when you might uplift someone else. Witness to others. God did not redeem us to stay still and silent. We came to the Cross with nothing and we leave with all we need for life and godliness (1 Peter 1:3). We have been redeemed to testify of God s great love to all peoples. Get to know your neighbors, share a meal with them, and take a chance to display Christ in word and action. Live a life of radical service and joy; others will notice. Follow Jesus by loving your enemies and praying for any who ridicule you. Trust that God loves to redeem His children and chooses to use us as His witnesses to all the nations.

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