1) The Creator s Lunar-Astro-Line Time VS. Solar-Line Time Comparisons

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1 The Creator s Calendar website is often asked our thoughts on the Book of Enoch as it relates to some particular point of view. Here is a short list of reasons why this website continues not to utilize the Book of Enoch for calendation principles, or any other foundational belief. This article discusses three points. 1) Time measuring; 2) Flat Earth Theory; 3) Demons mating with the women of earth. While these views are not reflected by the popularized Hollywood theories and its present darkness hype, we believe these views to bear the Scriptural and Eternal standard. 1) The Creator s Lunar-Astro-Line Time VS. Solar-Line Time Comparisons For thousands of years the entire world has been spoon-fed artificial time measuring methods that are 180 degrees opposite of the ordained WAY OF THE MOST HIGH, as borne out in Scripture. This is further driven by the egregious changes made in all the translations of Scripture that serve to cover-up the full moon as the original New Moon of Creation and support whatever is fashionable among the Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and even the modern Jews. In spite of this, Yahuah s true followers, those who seek for truth with all their hearts and obey, will be restored and come forth triumphant from earth s dark pit of deception into His Kingdom and marvelous FULL LIGHT OF TRUTH.

2 It is only as the shamayim (heavens) have been taken captive by the supplanting of pagan timemeasuring principles that usurp the original plan of the Creator, that the Mazzaroth (Job 38:32), referring to the Zodiac has become paganized. Add this to the pagan view that the date of one's birth among the twelve signs determines personality or events, and this becomes cause enough for Scripture believers to throw the whole thing out. Shame on us! The time beaconed from the Mazzaroth in the shamayim is the very signature of the Eternal, the Creator of all. His would be followers have only injured the cause of truth, by throwing the baby out with the bath water. Rather, this is our opportunity to reverse this heresy and be a part of rebuilding the wall of truth one time unit upon another, as did Ezra and Nehemiah with the stones. As is often repeated, "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men/women to do nothing." The marching orders for the obedient followers of the Eternal is to set His clock/calendar aright. For all prophecies with an end-time application will be determined only by the true and original calendar model with the predominant focus on the full moon as the original new moon. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12. Lunar-Astro-Line Time is the Creator s standard for marking time that is confirmed by Scripture in multiple places and ways. This is the perspective as viewed from earth by night by an imaginary straight line drawn from earth through the full moon to mark a ruling starry constellation, or vice versa. From earth s perspective on the first night of each lunar-astro year this occurs when the full moon arises closest to the feet of the woman Bethula (Virgo) and no higher than her waist (Revelation 12:1), announcing the New Year will begin the next morning at sunrise. For while the full New Moon rule with the stars by night the new day always begins at sunrise. But additionally, each lunar month the full moon arises in the east and marks the ruling constellation for that specific month. This commences on the night that the brilliant (#G4582 Selene) full moon rules the sky from east to west, announcing that the new day begins at sunrise.

3 Three Scriptural witnesses identify that the Eternal Yahuah ordained the passage of time was to be marked by the movement of the full moon against the backdrop of the twelve starry constellations during the night, while the sun rules alone by day. This means that a changing of the guard, so to speak, for the New Year's Day, New Moon day, and new calendar date was designed to be announced in the night to begin at the next sunrise. In contrast, since the time of Nimrod and the creation of the sun-cult, the pagan nations of earth have in rebellion to their Creator, proactively changed His ordered arrangement to be opposite. They utilize the sun ruling

4 by day as the marker of the stars by day when they are not even visible, announcing the new day to begin at sunset of midnight. But what does Scripture say? Then Alahim made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night with the stars. Genesis 1:16 (The words He made also are translator insertions.) To Him who made the great LIGHTS, for His compassion endures forever; the sun to rule by day, for His compassion endures forever; the moon and stars to rule by night, for His compassion endures forever. Psalms 136:7-9 Thus says Yahuah, Who gives the sun for a light by day, the ordinances [laws] of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who disturbs the sea, and its waves roar... Jeremiah 31:35 Not surprisingly, the Lunar-Astro-Line Time is the exact opposite of Solar-Line Time, as shown below. As a result, the New Moon lunar phase utilized to depict the Scriptural Lunar-Astro-Line Time is strikingly contrasted to all the forms of solar reckoning whether they utilize a New Moon or not, as with the Gregorian and Enoch calendar. In this article, we are only comparing Solar- Line Time with Lunar-Astro-Line Time. If you are interested in comparing each of the four basic forms of time measuring then refer to: Our Beliefs. Also, note that it is impossible to accurately depict the spiral lunar orbit as it changes length from year to year. Some years contain 354 days and other years 384. But even so, the full New Moon holds the key that consistently marks the constellation Bethula (Virgo) as the start of the year in spring following the vernal equinox. Refer to article/study in Revelation 12:1, A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim. It is here that John the Revelator echoes the unwavering ancient foundational truths set forth at creation that ONLY the moon rules together with the stars by night. Note also that there should always be an alignment of four things. Although the sun is not visible at night when the moon and stars rule together for measuring time, the sun is still in perfect alignment. For if the sun were not in perfect alignment the moon could not be full. But the predominant marker for measuring the shamayim (heavens) was assigned by our Creator to the moon, and not to the sun. For Example: "It shall be established forever like the moon, even like the trustworthy witness in the sky." Psalms 89:37 Also refer to: Exodus 12:1-3; Psalms 81:3; Isaiah 66:22-23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Luke 23:44-45; Revelation 12:1-2; etc., etc. In fact, in no place does Scripture mention a day year, but rather illustrates all prophetic time as 360 day years. This alludes to a possibility that time

5 prophecy, when given, comes with a built in average between 354 day Lunar-astro Line Measuring Time years and day Solar-Line-Time years. Stunning historical evidence has accurately documented that indeed when the ancient Israelites were obedient to Yahuah they followed the lunar phases for their New Moon day, and counted each lunar civil calendar date from the New Moon to arrive at each specific qodesh Feast Day. In fact it was an abomination to follow the solar calendar of the neighboring pagan nations. Although, it is the belief of this website, that the modern Jews are now 180 degrees off from the original New Moon, there remains a remnant of truth in their current tradition of measuring time for the Feast Days by the moon. Enoch s Solar-Line Time as Measured through the Sun This astroplot below illustrates the ever-growing in popularity, Enoch solar calendar with its Solar-Line Time entirely independent of the moon. It is similar to the modern Gregorian calendar in that it is based upon the principles of a solar year with a comprehensive rejection of any involvement of the lunar phases. But this is where the similarities end. The Enoch calendar is all about the sun and the vernal equinox with consistent 30 day months. Each quarter, one day is added bringing its total to 91 days. Then an additional day is added on the last day of the year, bringing the total number of days of the year to 365.

6 While this calendar entirely disregards the New Moon of Scripture, it is surprising how many folks claiming solo Scriptura continue choosing to support and teach this form of time-keeping, if for no other reason than the fact that Scripture refers to the New Moon over 300 times. This is twice the number of times that reference is made to the Sabbath. In this model, the sun is the primary time indicator, which continues to mark the ruling constellation of stars on the opposite side of the universe by day, when they are neither visible nor ruling according to Scripture s standards. Remember, according to Scripture the sun was designed to rule alone and never with the stars,

7 while it was the full New Moon that the Creator designed to perpetually rule together with the stars by night. Refer to article/study, New Moon Changed by Formal Decree. So it is that any method that falls short of the Creators template for time-keeping is unlawful within His Kingdom. Anyone continuing to follow a Solar-Line-Time system once they have been shown ample evidence, remains in rebellion to their Creator. Please take the time today to review your options. The Messiah has already made a way of escape and is now restoring His divine truths to those who seek to be obedient. To the Torah and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no LIGHT in them. Isaiah 8:20 The Torah refers to the first five books of the Tanakh (OT), or it can include the entire Tanakh. The Testimony denotes the seven prophetic qodesh Feast Days ordained to tell the Messiah s salvation story every year from beginning to end, and from full New Moon to full New Moon. No doubt the Testimony also includes the entire Renewed Covenant (NT), revealing the life of the Messiah. The Torah and the testimony are like a GPS Unit that pinpoints where the truth may be found. If the Book of Enoch, or any other writings considered to be inspired, come between a person and the TRUTH as found in the Torah and the testimony, then they can no longer claim Scripture as their foundation or guide, and there is NO LIGHT in them. 2) The Book of Enoch Proclaims the "Flat Earth" Theory Today, there is a feeding frenzy associated with the flat earth theory (FET), which may be in-part fueled by a resurgence of the Book of Enoch. Those most likely to be swayed to this line of thinking can be categorized into one of three groups: 1) The HONEST OF HEART, as they zealously defend their view of Scripture; 2) Those who would be KINGS of their own mountain, whether mythical or not; 3) CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, who see a conspiracy in all things. Speaking for myself, I d like to think that I fall into the category of the honest of heart, as I had decided that if this theory proves out I would accept it, whether popular or not. While I do believe conspiracies continue to occur on a grand scale on earth, I have discovered that a spherical earth is one of them.

8 Many of these honest of heart Flat Earther s sincerely try to defend exactly what they perceive Scripture teaches. While defending the truth and one s beliefs is always a worthy cause, in this case, it is having the zeal for YAHUAH, but not according to knowledge. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for YAHUAH (God), but not according to knowledge. Romans 10:2 In contrast, I emphatically believe the modern method of measuring time is the grandest conspiracy ever conceived and perpetrated upon mankind, and although attributed to Nimrod (circa 2,300 B.C.) as the sun cult creator, the title should go to ha SATAN. For his grand illusions of becoming like the Eternal, gave rise to his changing earth s method of measuring time by 180 degrees. This was proactively designed to cause earthlings to be out of sync with the worship rhythms of their Creator, Yahuah Alahim, and in step with the great deceiver. For Isaiah 14:12-15 states: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into the shamayim (heaven), I will exalt my throne above the stars of Yahuah: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation [mo`ed], in the sides of the north [place where the sun, moon, and stars arise and set]: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 Although, there are many intriguing arguments supported by the proponents of the Flat Earth theory, there remains THREE UNANSWERABLE OBJECTIONS. These three principles stand as flaming swords at the gate of TRUTH. So what are they? The Three Unanswerable Objections to the flat earth theory are the SUN, the MOON, and the STARS. Flat Earth Model of the Sun Twelve Hour Consistent View of the Sun. The first unanswerable objection to the Flat Earther s is the view of the sun that we see with our own eyes, day in and day out. With the spherical earth model, when the sun arises it is perfectly round. As it rises over head it remains not only perfectly round, but the exact same size and shape as when it was first on the horizon. Thus, from sunrise to sunset it remains consistent in both size and shape. This reality establishes the earth as a sphere.

9 In contrast to this physical and visible phenomena of the sun, the Flat Earth Theory folks must deny their own eyes. They teach that the sun glides along relatively low and just above the clouds. They teach that when it is night and the sun is not visible, this is because it is really like a spotlight that is so far away the angle prohibits it from being visible. Thus, the sun is not visible from the side at a distance, but only when it is much closer the sun spotlight can be seen. But if this is true as they claim, the first views of the sun would be a very tiny slender line of light that would both grow in length and width as at comes closer. Meaning that the only time the sun could possible appear round is when it is directly overhead at noon. But to this day, I have never seen a sun that behaved this way. The Flat Earth Theorists (FET) teach that the sun glides along over the earth in a level circle just above the clouds. The FET, teach that the reason the sun is not visible at night although in a perfect line-of-sight on a flat earth is that in reality the sun is too far away to see and because it behaves as a spotlight. The significant nature of a spotlight is that it shines only in one direction and that its light source cannot be viewed from the side. At night it is so far away from the observer that from a distance the angle prohibits it from being visible. The FET teach that as this giant sun spotlight comes in or out of view, it ends or begins the night where you are as the first rays of light can be seen or disappear. This is how they explain sunrise and sunset. Link to full article, Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse is a visible sky manifestation that all may behold, both young and old alike. Continuously, and without interruption, the sun shines on this spherical shaped earth, which acts like an umbrella, casting a round shadow into space. In a lunar eclipse the full moon passes through this round shadow made by the earth a couple of times a year, either in a partial eclipse (penumbra) or a total eclipse (umbra). The visual effect is of the full moon passing from one edge of the very large round shadow, through the middle as it is completely engulfed in the shadow, and then passing out of the other side. Further, this event is visible only between the hours of sunset

10 and sunrise, when the moon and the sun are in opposition to each other and the earth comes directly between them. The FET simply cannot give an adequate or realistic explanation as to what mammoth obstruction consistently blocks the light of the sun from reaching the full moon during a lunar eclipse, one or more times a year. As a result, I am not able to accept a theory as an eternal truth of the Creator that is so visibly apparent to every eye that observes a full moon lunar eclipse once or twice a year. Refer to 2 minute video: Turning the Moon Blood Red. The Flat Earth Theory Teaches Star Trails Only Occur at the North Pole It has been declared by the Flat Earth Theorists that long exposure/time-lapse photography can only produce star trails at the North Pole nearest the North Star Polaris. This is when we see a distinct pattern of lines of starlight encircling the North Star. They claim that this same phenomena does NOT occur at the South Pole, but rather all the stars simply spread out into the great expanse of the universe at the Antarctic. So, if it can be illustrated using long exposure/time-lapse photography of the South Pole that indeed the star trails circle a single point, the entire FET would fall like a house of cards, for it would establish the earth as a sphere with two opposing poles. An additional point FET s make is that navigators on the high seas have for thousands of years oriented to the North Star only. The Southern Stars are the Flat Earth Theorists Greatest Challenge As the third unanswerable objection to the Flat Earth Theory, there remains extraordinary evidence regarding the star trails of the South Pole near the Southern Cross, as pictured below. This photo was shot from New Zealand by an amateur photographer and not NASA or another government agency. Also, there is much documentation for navigating in the southern hemisphere by orienting to the Southern Cross nearest the South Pole. So when navigating in the northern hemisphere the North Star Polaris continues to be the central point of orientation, but

11 when navigating in the southern hemisphere it is the Southern Cross that is used to pinpoint the true South Pole. Below is a short MUST WATCH video. This video will illustrate the same circular star trails of the South Pole as observed from three southern continents perspectives: South America, South Africa, and Australia. It is this reality of the circling star trails at the South Pole that makes the Flat Earth Theory an utter impossibility. GAME OVER! Flat Earth s Greatest Challenge: Southern Stars ~ Brandon Cooper (3.5 minutes). So the truth remains that the stars from earth s perspective encircle both the North and the South Poles equally from east to west. Each night as illustrated in the long exposure/time-lapse photography from three separate continents, these starry witnesses arise in the east and make their way up and over, and go down in the west. This occurs in a circular motion that tightens as it gets closer to each of the two pole centers. This testimony of the stars is irrefutable evidence that indeed the earth is a ball shaped sphere. This idea of a flat earth is no laughing matter as the folks jumping on this track are dead serious. Many good hearted folks are being deceived by this issue at a time when the focus should be on the real conspiracy of the changes in Scripture relating to the Names of Yahuah and Yahusha and the entire calendar set forth at creation. Folks wake up, we have been given two eyes to see, and a mind to distinguish truth from error. We must put on our discernment spectacles of Yahuah and pray for continued truth and for His continued compassion upon us all. Link to full article, Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory. 3) The Book of Enoch Teaches Fallen Messengers can Procreate. There are other problems with the Book of Enoch, which directly attack the truths of Scripture. This includes the teaching that Satan and His demonic host of fallen messengers can procreate

12 (with seed) by having relations with the women of earth to produce giants, a unique group of people who have no hope of salvation even if they desired it. Strikingly, not only from the Scripture's, but directly from the mouth of Yahusha our Messiah, He states: "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of Yahuah in the shamayim (heavens)." Matthew 22:30 What this means is that all the host of created messengers, whether obedient to Yahuah or not, including those 1/3 fallen messengers who were removed from the presence of Yahuah the Eternal, were created to be messengers. They were not created to propagate, have families, or populate any worlds of their own in the universe. According to Scripture, they most likely were not created with any reproductive organs at all. The mere fact that skeletal remains of giants have been found does in no way prove they are the product of this fictitious cross-breeding of fallen demon messengers with female earthlings. The following verses are just two of many that identify that the Messiah came to this world to save anyone who calls upon His name. "For Yahuah so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10 For these reasons alone, in order to remain a consistent follower of Yahuah, one must choose between the Scriptures or the Book of Enoch (and the other fictional works) that have been passed down that remain in conflict. With one foot in one belief system and one foot in the other, there can only be compromise. As stated in the book of Joshua (Yahusha) 24:15: "Choose you this day whom you will serve... But for me and my house, we will serve Yahuah." It is our firm belief that if we say we are Scripture followers, then we must remain true to Scripture. In 175 BC, long after Babylonian captivity, a time when Israel was being obedient to Yahuah s eternal laws, and statutes (time-measuring), the chief of the Sanhedrin stated: "All who read and believe the five fictional books that contain the solar time of 365 day years, which included the Book of Enoch and the Book of Angels, will not inherit the world to come." Head of the Sanhedrin, 175 BC, as stated by Rachel Elior, Professor of Hebrew Philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel.

13 So you can see that even before the time of the Messiah there were those teaching the merits of the Book of Enoch. This belief is becoming ever more popular today as well, because of the advancement of Jewish mysticism. For the Book of Enoch is central to the Qabalah (Kabbalah) and the ancient master's studies in Babylonian mysticism. From our research the Book of Enoch appears to have been a fictional work that was based upon the Scriptural narrative, combining elements of truth with error on each subject presented. The mere fact that this fictional book is named after a real person of great standing in Scriptures does not prove it was written by Enoch who was the seventh generation from Adam, and who lived prior to the great flood. To the contrary, this book is believed to have been written between 300 B.C. to A.D. 200, depending on the source. At the end of the day, although there are many intriguing concepts put forth in the Book of Enoch, it is our current belief that each of them not only fall short of Scripture's high standard, but wholly undermine its truths. We don't believe for a minute that this is the final word on this subject, as Yahuah continues to reveal more light. At the end of the day, you are welcome to believe as you choose. May Yahuah have compassion on each of us as we seek the full light of truth.


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