Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank: Class 8 Paul

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1 Catechism Bible Mega Quiz 2018 Question Bank: Class 8 Paul Prepared by Francis Sam & Philomena Fernandes

2 CHARACTERS & REFERENCES Paul o Acts: Chapters 7 to 28 Page 2 of 60

3 ACTS CHAPTER 7 Multiple Choice 1. Who looked after the coats of the men who stoned Stephen? a. Peter b. Saul c. Gamaliel d. Joseph Single Word answers 2. At what young man's feet were the people's clothes laid while Stephen was being punished? Page 3 of 60

4 CHAPTER-8 Single Word answers 1. Who made havoc of the church after Stephen's death? Page 4 of 60

5 CHAPTER-9 Multiple Choice 1. How long did Saul who later become Paul remain blind in the city? a. Five days b. Three days c. Seven days d. Nine days 2. What was the name of the street Saul was staying on? a. Temple Gate b. Porch Street c. Straight d. Beautiful 3. After being healed, what did Saul do? a. He preached the good news to all b. He travelled around converting people c. He was baptized d. He healed all those who were sick 4. Towards which city was Saul travelling when he encountered a light from heaven? a. Jerusalem b. Damascus c. Tarsus d. Antioch Answer in a sentence 5. While on the road to Damascus, what did Saul see? 6. What question did Saul first hear from the Lord on the road to Damascus? 7. What was Ananias' response to the Lord after the vision to see Saul? Page 5 of 60

6 8. How did Ananias heal Saul's handicap? 9. How did Saul escape from Damascus and the plot to kill him? 10. What was the reaction of the disciples when Saul returned to Jerusalem? Single Word answers 11. What did Saul's men hear? 12. To what disciple did the Lord go, telling him to go to Saul? Fill in the blanks 13. After many days, the conspired to kill Saul? 14. After learning of the plan to kill Saul, the disciples send him to these two places and True / False 15. After his conversion, Saul preached Christ in the synagogues? Page 6 of 60

7 CHAPTER-10 Multiple Choice 1. What was the name of the first Gentile convert to Christianity? a. Paul b. Agabus c. Simon d. Cornelius True / False 2. When Peter came in to see Cornelius, Cornelius' fell down at his feet and worshiped Him. Page 7 of 60

8 CHAPTER-11 Fill in the blanks 1. Saul and the man sent from Jerusalem stayed in Antioch for year? Page 8 of 60

9 CHAPTER-12 Answer in a sentence 1. Who did Barnabas and Saul take with them when they returned to Antioch from Jerusalem? Page 9 of 60

10 CHAPTER-13 Answer in a sentence 1. After leaving from Perga, to what town did Paul and his company go? 2. When the congregation was broken up, who followed Paul and Barnabas to listen to some more of their message? 3. What did Paul and Barnabas shake off after being expelled from the region of Antioch of Pisidia and before they entered Iconium?) 4. Barnabas and Saul met a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet, who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man, who summoned Barnabas and Saul and wanted to hear the word of God. Single Word answers 5. Who returned to Jerusalem when Paul and his company went to Perga? 6. What sinful emotion were the Jews filled with when they saw the reaction Paul and Barnabas were receiving? 7. To whom did Paul and Barnabas preach, since the Jews rejected the message?) Fill in the blanks 8. He was with the proconsul,, an intelligent man, who summoned Barnabas and Saul and wanted to hear the word of God. 9. When the meeting of the synagogue broke up, many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed and, who spoke to them and urged them to continue in the grace of God. 10. But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, and stirred up persecution against and, and drove them out of their region. Page 10 of 60

11 True / False 11. But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with joy; and rejoicing, they agreed with what was spoken by Paul. Who said to whom 12. To whom and who said You Israelites, and others who fear God, listen. a. Paul to Peter and the Apostles b. Peter to the Israelites c. Peter to James and John d. Paul to the Israelites 13. It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you. Since you reject it and judge yourselves to be unworthy of eternal life, we are now turning to the Gentiles a. Paul and Barnabas to the Jews b. Barnabas to Peter and Paul c. The Jews to the Gentiles d. The High Priest to Peter and Paul Page 11 of 60

12 CHAPTER-14 Multiple Choice 1. Which gods did the people of Lystra think Paul and Barnabas were? a. Zeus and Hermes b. Apollo and Mars c. Saturn and Janus d. Pluto and Bacchus Answer in a sentence 2. How did some want to injure Paul and Barnabas? 3. After preaching in Derbe, to what cities did Paul and Barnabas return?) Single Word answers 4. Who told the crippled man in Lystra to stand on his feet? 5. What did the people of Lystra call Paul? 6. How long did Paul and Barnabas stay with the people to whom they reported on their trip? Fill in the blanks 7. Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded the people in Lystra to Paul? 8. The people of Lystra thought was the chief speaker? 9. Paul and Barnabas identified themselves as to the people of Lystra?) 10. were appointed in each church with prayer and fasting, they entrusted themr to the Lord in whom they had come to believe. Page 12 of 60

13 11. When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the language, The gods have come down to us in human form! True / False 12. Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. 13. After being threatened in Iconium Paul and Barnabas fled to Lystra and Derbe? Who said to whom 14. The gods have come down to us in human form! a. The crowds when they saw what Paul had done b. The Egyptians to the Israelites c. The High Priest to the Levites and scribes d. The Apostles to Peter and Paul Page 13 of 60

14 CHAPTER-15 Multiple Choice 1. Through whom did God choose for the gospel to go to the Gentiles? a. Peter b. Paul c. James d. Agabus 2. With whom did Paul choose to travel? a. James b. Silas c. Augustus d. Philip Answer in a sentence 3. What caused the division between Paul and Barnabas? Single Word answers 4. To what city were Paul, Barnabas, and other men sent to question leaders about this problem? 5. From what place had John Mark departed from Paul and Barnabas? Fill in the blanks 6. Paul and Barnabas caused great joy in Phoenicia and Samaria when they told of the conversion of. 7. spoke up after Paul and Barnabas told of the miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles. 8. Peter's other name was. 9. Paul and Barnabas risked their in the name of the Lord? Page 14 of 60

15 10. suggested that Paul and Barnabas go back to the cities where they helped established churches on their first journey? Jumbled Words 11. MHAPAILYP Clue: Paul decided not to take with them one who had deserted them in and had not accompanied them in the work. 12. MDEINNCMOG Clue: Paul chose Silas and set out, the believers him to the grace of the Lord. Who said to whom 13. Come, let us return and visit the believers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord and see how they are doing. a. James to John b. Peter to the disciples c. Paul said to Barnabas d. Peter and Paul to the believers Page 15 of 60

16 CHAPTER-16 Multiple Choice 1. Why were the masters of the soothsayer in Acts 16 unhappy with Paul and Silas? a. Paul cursed her with an evil spirit b. Paul took the girl with him on his travels c. Paul commanded the spirit of divination to leave her d. Paul had the girl thrown in prison 2. After leaving Troas, where did Paul and his companions travel before reaching Philippi? a. Tarsus and Damascus b. Samothrace and Neapolis c. Jerusalem and Antioch Answer in a sentence 3. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised? 4. As Paul traveled through the cities, what did he and his companions deliver to the churches? 5. Why didn't Paul and his companions preach in Bithynia? 6. Why is Acts 16:10 a significant verse in the book of Acts? 7. What was wrong with the slave girl brought to Paul in Philippi? 8. What was Paul's reaction to the slave girl following him? 9. Why did the slave girl's masters drag Paul and Silas into the marketplace to the authorities? 10. What punishment did Paul and Silas receive in Philippi? 11. What did Paul and Silas do while they were in prison? 12. What was Paul and Silas response to jailer s question : "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Page 16 of 60

17 13. To whom did Paul and Silas speak the word of the Lord? 14. What did the magistrates order should be done to Paul and Silas? Fill in the blanks 15. Paul was in when he had a vision of a man saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us"? 16. Paul and Silas converted their jailor in? 17. were listening as Paul and Silas prayed and sang? True / False 18. Paul first met Lydia by the riverside 19. Peter stopped the jailer from killing himself? 20. The jailer fed Paul and Silas in his house? 21. The magistrates were afraid of Paul and Silas because they found out they were Jews? Who said to whom 22. These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation. a. The temple crowd to Paul b. The slave girl as she followed Paul around c. The Chief Priests and temple guard to Peter d. The cohort and Sanhedrin to Peter and Paul 23. I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. a. Paul to the spirit of the slave girl b. Peter to Cornelius servant girl c. The apostles to the lame girl d. Peter and Paul to the mute girl Page 17 of 60

18 24. These men are disturbing our city; they are Jews and are advocating customs that are not lawful for us as Romans to adopt or observe. a. King Herod to the crowd around him b. Charges the slave girl's masters made against Paul and Silas c. The elders and high priest against Peter and Paul d. The centurion to Peter and James 25. "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" a. The crowd to Peter and Paul b. The Priest and the Temple Guard c. The Jail keeper to Paul and Silas d. The blind man to the disciples 26. Come over to Macedonia and help us. a. Simon the Magician to Peter b. Cornelius to Peter c. In a vision a man of Macedonia pleading with Paul d. James to Barnabas and Saul 27. If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my home. a. Lydia to Paul and his companions. b. Priscilla to St. Peter c. Dorcas to Peter and Paul d. Aquilla to Paul and Barnabas 28. They have beaten us in public, uncondemned, men who are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and now are they going to discharge us in secret? Certainly not! Let them come and take us out themselves. a. The Magistrate to the Police b. The Magistrate to the Jailer c. Paul to the Jailer d. The Police to the Jailer Page 18 of 60

19 CHAPTER-17 Multiple Choice 1. When Paul went to the synagogue of the Jews in Thessalonica, he explained and proved that two things were necessary for the Christ to do. Name one of these two things. a. Be proclaimed king by the people b. Rise from the dead c. Ascend into Heaven d. Heal the sick 2. And some of them were persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the joined Paul and Silas. a. Jews b. Leaders of the city c. Leading women d. Gentiles 3. Why was St. Paul s spirit provoked in Athens? a. He saw that the city was given over to idols. b. He saw that the city was given over to philosophers c. He saw that the city was given over to atheism d. He saw that the city was full of robbers 4. Which of these individuals in NOT listed as having believed St. Paul s preaching on the Aeropagus? a. Dionysius the Areopagite b. Damaris c. Cyril the Athenian d. Priscilla Answer in a sentence 5. What did Paul explain and demonstrate to the Jews in Thessalonica? 6. What did the mob accuse Paul and Silas of doing to the world? Page 19 of 60

20 7. What particular altar's inscription caught the eye of Paul? 8. What reactions did Paul receive after preaching about the resurrection of the dead? Single Word answers 9. What did the unpersuaded Jews form to go against Paul and Silas? Fill in the blanks 10. After leaving Philippi, Paul and Silas went to? True / False 11. Silas and Timothy remained in Berea when Paul was sent away? 12. After Paul preached to them about Jesus and his resurrection, some accused him of proclaiming foreign gods? Jumbled Words 13. SEASRCA Clue: The Jews accused Paul and Silas of teaching against decrees? 14. LDSOI Clue: Paul's spirit was provoked in Athens because the city was given over to? 15. BEBLABR Clue: The philosophers called Paul as when they questioned what he said? 16. GOSRAPUEA Clue: The philosophers took Paul to to question him? 17. NSOIDYSU Clue: was the Areopagite that joined Paul and believed? Page 20 of 60

21 Who said to whom 18. I see how extremely religious you are in every way. For as I went through the city and looked carefully at the objects of your worship, I found among them an altar with the inscription, To an unknown god. a. Paul to the Athenians b. Peter to the people gathered around him c. Paul to the High Priest and Levite d. The Jews to the Gentiles Page 21 of 60

22 CHAPTER-18 Multiple Choice 1. In which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul? a. Corinth b. Antioch c. Athens d. Rome 2. What was Paul's profession? a. Tentmaker b. Carpenter c. Fisherman d. Soldier 3. Why did St. Paul leave Ephesus after only a short while? a. He was eager to keep the coming feast in Jerusalem b. He was eager to speak with St. James in Jerusalem c. He was eager to preach in the temple in Jerusalem d. He was longing to meet Peter and James Answer in a sentence 4. At what point did Paul say he would go to the Gentiles? 5. How and when did the Lord speak to Paul while he was in Corinth? 6. What charge did the Corinthian Jews bring against Paul?) 7. What did the proconsul of Achaia do to the Jews in regards to Paul's charges?) 8. When Paul took a vow in Cenchrea, what did he do to his physical appearance? 9. What did Paul do over all the region of Galatia and Phrygia? Page 22 of 60

23 10. Where did Paul begin and end the third missionary journey? Single Word answers 11. What was the occupation of Paul, Aquila and Priscilla? 12. Paul taught and persuaded Jews and Greeks in the synagogue on what day? 13. Whose house, next door to the synagogue, did Paul go to? Who said to whom 14. Who said the following to Paul? Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; 10 for I am with you, and no one will lay a hand on you to harm you, for there are many in this city who are my people a. Peter to Paul b. The High Priest to Paul c. The Lord to Paul d. The Temple Guards to Paul 15. This man is persuading people to worship God in ways that are contrary to the law. who said this to whom? a. The Jews to Gallio who was proconsul of Achaia against Paul b. The Levites to the High Priest c. The High Priest again Paul d. Paul to the unbelievers against the High Priest 16. If it were a matter of crime or serious villainy, I would be justified in accepting the complaint of you Jews; 15 but since it is a matter of questions about words and names and your own law, see to it yourselves; I do not wish to be a judge of these matters. a. The Council to the Jews b. The Magistrate to St. Peter c. Gallio to the Jews d. King Herod to Paul Page 23 of 60

24 CHAPTER-19 Multiple Choice 1. After Paul laid hands upon the disciples in Ephesus, what happened to them and what were they able to do? a. They spoke with tongues b. Holy Spirit came upon them c. They prophesied d. All of the above 2. What result did Paul see from the people before withdrawing from them? a. Some were hardened b. Some spoke evil about "the Way" c. Some did not believe d. All of the above 3. By whose name did some itinerant Jewish exorcists expel evil spirits? a. By Paul the Christian b. By the god of the Christians c. By the Jesus whom Paul proclaims d. By the help of the deity 4. In Ephesus, as a result of Paul s preaching, many sorcerers and magicians were converted. As a result of their baptism, what became of their books on the magic arts? a. They sold them for fifty thousand pieces of silver. b. They burned them c. Paul threw them into the sea d. They gave it free to the merchant vendor 5. When these things were accomplished, Paul purposed in the Spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying. After I have been there, I must also see a. Gaul b. Philistia Page 24 of 60

25 c. Rome d. Greece Answer in a sentence 6. How long did Paul teach in the Ephesian synagogue? 7. About what did Paul reason and persuade the Ephesians? 8. After withdrawing from the multitude, where did Paul go to reason? 9. How long did Paul preach in Asia? 10. What two objects touched by Paul helped to heal the sick and those with evil spirits? 11. Which four places did Paul plan to see after leaving Ephesus? 12. What problem did Demetrius see with Paul's preaching and success? 13. What did Paul proclaim are not gods? 14. Of what two crimes did the city clerk say that Paul and his companions were NOT guilty? 15. What did the city clerk tell the rioters in Ephesus to do if they had a complaint against Paul and his companions? Single Word answers 16. After listening to Paul regarding baptism, into what name were the disciples of John baptized? Fill in the blanks 17. Paul sent and to Macedonia while he was still in Ephesus? Jumbled Words 18. HRETATE Clue: The crowd drag Paul's companions to the? Page 25 of 60

26 Who said to whom 19. John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, in Jesus. a. Peter and Paul to the gathered crowd b. Paul to the disciples in Ephesus c. Peter and Paul to Barnabas d. The Levites and High Priest to Peter and his disciples 20. Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? a. The evil spirit to the itinerant Jewish exorcists b. Peter to the High Priest c. The Council member to the Magistrate d. Simon the soccerer to Peter Page 26 of 60

27 CHAPTER-20 Multiple Choice 1. What was the name of the young man who fell out of the window during one of Paul's speeches? a. Philemon b. Tychicus c. Eutychus d. Onesimus Answer in a sentence 2. What did Paul do for the disciples in Ephesus and the brethren in Macedonia? 3. Which group plotted against Paul and caused him to change his travel plans? 4. Who are the seven men who accompanied Paul as he traveled, and eventually went ahead to Troas? 5. From what 3 areas were the 7 men who accompanied Paul? 6. How long did Paul and his group stay in Troas? 7. Where was Eutychus seated while Paul spoke? 8. How much longer did Paul speak after raising the man from the dead? 9. Paul wanted to reach Jerusalem by what day? 10. While in Miletus, who was in Ephesus that Paul wanted to meet with? 11. What 2 groups did Paul say he taught in Ephesus? 12. What 2 things did Paul say were facing him according to the Holy Spirit? 13. What task did Paul want to finish? Page 27 of 60

28 14. How long did Paul stay in Ephesus to warn the brethren about false teachers? 15. What 3 items did Paul say he had not coveted from anyone? 16. In what way did the Ephesian elders show their love for Paul? Single Word answers 17. Where did Paul exhort and farewell the elders from the church at Ephesus Fill in the blanks 18. Paul and his companions tarried seven days in and met with the disciples on the first day of the week to 19. Paul used the term and to describe the elders of the church? 20. Paul told the Ephesian elders that the word of God's grace is able to " you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." True / False 21. Paul said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive"? Jumbled Words 22. SOSAS Clue: Paul went on foot while Luke and others sailed to 23. ULSJEAEMR Clue: Paul was in a hurry to arrive in the City of? 24. CKLFO Clue: Paul used the term to refer to the church that the Ephesian elders served? 25. SCIDLISPE Clue: After the uproar in Ephesus had ceased who did Paul send for? Page 28 of 60

29 26. DCOAINEMA Clue: After leaving Ephesus Paul went to? Page 29 of 60

30 CHAPTER-21 Multiple Choice 1. What was the name of the prophet who prophesied that Paul would be bound at Jerusalem? a. Claudius b. Agabus c. Aquila d. Philip Answer in a sentence 2. What did the disciples in Tyre tell Paul? 3. Who was in the group of people that was with Paul as he left Tyre after praying with him on the shore? 4. The prophet said that Paul would be given over to the Gentiles by what group? 5. What two things did Paul say he was ready for at Jerusalem?) 6. Who did Paul report to upon entering Jerusalem? 7. Why did Paul agree to participate in the purification rites of the four who had taken a vow? 8. What rumor had the Jewish Christians heard concerning what Paul taught about their children? 9. Who began the riot against Paul at the Jerusalem temple? 10. What two charges were made against Paul by the Jews? 11. Who came to Paul's rescue? 12. How did Paul's rescuer help Paul? 13. With what did the commander have Paul bound? Page 30 of 60

31 14. What did the multitude cry out as Paul was taken from them? 15. The commander had mistaken Paul for the man who did what two things? 16. Who gave Paul permission to speak to the people? 17. In what language did Paul speak to the people? Single Word answers 18. What town did Paul come from? True / False 19. Paul went by Ship from Ephesus to Cos, Rhoades, and Patara? 20. Some believed Paul was teaching Jews to forsake Moses 21. Paul and his companions spent seven days in Sodom after finding the disciples there? 22. Paul's city of birth was Cyprus? Jumbled Words 23. SGAUBA Clue:, a Judean prophet came to Caesarea to see Paul and his companions 24. AONSMN Clue: from Cyprus went with Paul to Jerusalem and had a place in which they were going to stay? 25. LEPTEM Clue: After their purification, Paul went with the men that were purified to the Page 31 of 60

32 26. MHPSTUORI Clue: was the Greek man from Ephesus that Paul supposedly took into the temple? Who said to whom 27. Thus says the Holy Spirit, This is the way the Jews in Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles. a. The Jailer to Peter b. Agabus with regard to Paul c. Peter to the disciples d. Peter prophesized with regard to Barnabas 28. What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. a. Paul to the people who heard Agabus prophecy b. Peter and Paul to the disciples c. Barnabas to St. Peter and Paul d. The Apostles to the people gathered in the room. 29. I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of an important city; I beg you, let me speak to the people. a. Paul to the Council Head b. Peter to the High Priest and Magistrate c. Peter and Paul to Herod d. Paul to the Tribune Page 32 of 60

33 CHAPTER-22 Answer in a sentence 1. What did Paul want the angry mob in Jerusalem to hear? 2. Why did the mob keep silent as Paul spoke? 3. What did Saul intend to do with the Christians in Damascus? 4. From what two sources did Saul have permission to persecute Christians? 5. When Saul fell to the ground, what did the voice say to him? 6. What instructions did Saul receive on the road? 7. What was the first thing the man said to Saul in Damascus?) 8. Why had Saul seen Jesus and heard his voice? 9. What question and command did Saul receive in order to be saved? 10. After his conversion, while in the Jerusalem temple praying, what happened to Saul? 11. What did Saul do during the execution of the martyr? 12. What did the mob in Jerusalem yell after hearing of Paul's conversion? 13. What did the mob do after hearing Paul's defense? 14. To whom did the centurion go after Paul told him he was a Roman? 15. After being released by the commander, who did Paul appear before? True / False Page 33 of 60

34 16. Paul described his Jewish faith as Zealous? 17. Saul became dumb after seeing the great light? 18. Ananias refer to Jesus as the Holy Prophet while speaking to Saul in Damascus? 19. The Lord sent Saul to the Gentiles after he left Jerusalem? 20. The tribune ordered Paul to be flogged and bound by thongs 21. Paul was a Roman by birth? Jumbled Words 22. SUMDCASA Clue: When the great light shone around him Saul was going to the city of? 23. IANANSA Clue:, a devout man came to see Saul when he was blind? 24. GOILGFNG Clue: Paul was examined by by order of the commander Who said to whom 25. Get up and go to Damascus; there you will be told everything that has been assigned to you to do. a. Jesus to Saul b. Saul to the crowd c. Peter to Saul d. Barnabas to Saul 26. Away with such a fellow from the earth! For he should not be allowed to live. a. The people gathered before the Tribune to Paul b. The Tribune to Peter c. Gamaliel to Peter and Paul d. The Council Head to Paul Page 34 of 60

35 CHAPTER-23 Answer in a sentence 1. What two groups made up the council before whom Paul spoke? 2. Where did the commander order Paul to be taken after the great division took place between the two Jewish groups? 3. What request was made to the commander concerning Paul? 4. How many soldiers, horses and spearmen were sent to guard Paul on his way to Caesarea? 5. Did Paul walk or ride on his journey? 6. Where did the governor order Paul to be kept while they waited for his accusers? Fill in the blanks 7. Paul told the council he had always had a good. 8. Paul said the high priest was a wall. True / False 9. After the division in Jerusalem, the Lord wanted Paul to go to Egypt and bear witness? 10. Paul was from the province of Cilicia. Jumbled Words 11. SEPRHSIAE Clue: Paul a part of the group of in the council? Who said to whom 12. Who said the following to Paul? "Keep up your courage." Page 35 of 60

36 a. The Pharisees b. The Lord c. Peter d. Sadducees 13. Brothers, up to this day I have lived my life with a clear conscience before God. a. Paul looking intently at the council said b. Peter to the people around him c. Gamaliel to the Scribes and Pharisees d. John to Peter and Paul 14. We have strictly bound ourselves by an oath to taste no food until we have killed Paul. a. Gamliel to the jews who were with him b. The Scribes and Levites to the people gathered around them c. Jews who joined the conspiracy to the chief priests and elders d. The Gentiles who were opposing Paul. Page 36 of 60

37 CHAPTER-24 Multiple Choice 1. What accusations were brought against Paul by his accusers? a. He profaned the temple b. He was a ringleader of the sect the Nazarenes c. He was a pestilent fellow and an agitator among all the Jews throughout the world d. All of the above Answer in a sentence 2. Why was Paul cheerful in making a defense for himself? 3. What two reasons did Paul tell Felix he had come to Jerusalem? 4. How did the Jews from Asia find Paul when he was in the temple? 5. What did Paul tell Felix the Jews from Asia should have done who were against him? 6. About what three things did Paul reason in the presence of Felix? 7. What did Felix tell Paul after hearing him? 8. Why did Felix leave Paul bound? True / False 9. It took the high priest seven days to arrive while Paul was held by the governor in Jerusalem? 10. Paul believed some of the things written in the Law and the Prophets. Jumbled Words 11. RLUTSUTEL Clue: the "orator" came with the high priest to Jerusalem to give evidence against Paul Page 37 of 60

38 CHAPTER-25 Answer in a sentence 1. What did the Jews plan to do if Paul were transferred to Jerusalem? 2. What three things did Paul deny doing anything against? 3. What two concerns did the Jews bring against Paul before Festus? 4. What was Agrippa's response when told of Paul's case? 5. How did Agrippa and Bernice come in to the room to hear Paul's case? True / False 6. Festus sat on the judgment seat while hearing Paul's case? Jumbled Words 7. SREASAC Clue: Paul wanted to be judged at judgment seat? 8. RPAGIPA Clue: King came to greet Festus before Paul's trial? 9. SUTUGSAU Clue: was the Caesar at the time of Paul's trial? Who said to whom 10. I have in no way committed an offense against the law of the Jews, or against the temple, or against the emperor. a. The Jews who had come from Jerusalem to Festus b. Paul to the Jews and Festus c. Peter before the tribunal d. Barnabas to the Council members Page 38 of 60

39 CHAPTER-26 Multiple Choice 1. In what way did Paul persecute the saints? a. Compelled them to blaspheme b. Punished them in every synagogue c. Shut them in prison d. All of the above Answer in a sentence 2. In what did Paul say Agrippa was an expert? 3. When those put in prison were put to death, what part did Paul say he had in that process? 4. While on the road to Damascus, what did Paul see from heaven? 5. What way would Paul's message affect the Gentiles? 6. What source of authority did Paul refer to as he stood before Agrippa? 7. What did Festus say "much learning" was doing to Paul? 8. What kind of words did Paul confess to speaking? 9. What was Paul's own answer to the question he posed to King Agrippa, "... do you believe the prophets?" 10. What two things did the king and those with him decide Paul did NOT deserve? Single Word answers 11. Who did Paul say was the first to rise from the dead? Page 39 of 60

40 True / False 12. Paul lived in Athen while growing up? 13. Paul went to Jerusalem with authority and commission from the chief priests? Who said to whom 14. Are you so quickly persuading me to become a Christian? a. Agrippa to Paul b. Barnabas to James c. The Chief Priest to Peter d. The Council members to Peter and Paul Page 40 of 60

41 CHAPTER-27 Multiple Choice 1. What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome? a. Julius b. Augustus c. Tertius d. Quartus 2. What misfortune did Paul encounter on the way to Rome? a. Tornado b. Whirlpool c. Illness d. Shipwrecked Answer in a sentence 3. What kind of warning did Paul give to those who were sailing the ship? 4. What did Paul initially say would happen to the cargo and people on the ship Paul was on if they ignored his warning? 5. Where did the commander of Paul's ship wish to go for the winter? 6. How many lives did Paul say would be lost because of the shipwreck? 7. What did Paul tell the centurion and the soldiers concerning their safety and men getting off the boat? Single Word answers 8. After some difficulty sailing under the shelter of Crete, to what city did Paul's ship arrive? 9. What was the name of the centurion with whom Paul and other prisoners were being sent to Caesar? Page 41 of 60

42 10. What country was the destination of Paul and the other prisoners? Page 42 of 60

43 CHAPTER-28 Multiple Choice 1. What came out of the fire Paul made on Melita? a. Locust b. Hedgehog c. Viper d. Bees Answer in a sentence 2. What did the natives think would happen to Paul? 3. A while after Paul was bitten by the viper and when nothing ill happened to him, what did the natives think Paul was? 4. What did Paul do to the leading citizen's relative that was sick? 5. What reception did the people of the island give to Paul and what did he do for many of them? 6. What four places did Paul go after leaving Malta? 7. How was Paul allowed to live as a prisoner in Rome? 8. After three days in Rome, who did Paul call together? 9. What did Paul tell the leaders of the Jews when he arrived in Rome? 10. When Paul taught some of the Jews in Rome about Jesus, where did he go in the scriptures for his main proof? 11. How long did Paul live in his own rented house? Single Word answers Page 43 of 60

44 12. Who came to meet Paul from as far as Appii Forum and Three Inns?) 13. What place was the ship from which Paul boarded on the island? 14. What was the name of the island on which Paul was shipwrecked? 15. What fastened onto Paul's hand when he was gathering sticks?) 16. What did the natives believe Paul was when they saw what had happened to him? Fill in the blanks 17. Paul told the Jews the following concerning what people? "Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the, and they will hear it!" True / False 18. On the approach to Rome from the south, Paul went through Puteoli, Three Taverns, Appius Forum in that order. Page 44 of 60

45 COMMON 1. Match the following SN A Acts B 1 Who breathed out threats and murder 9:1 Saul against the disciples? 2 When Saul rose from the ground 9:8 He was blind 3 In whose house was Saul 9:11 Judas staying in Damascus? 4 From what city was Saul? 9:11 Tarsus 5 What fell from Saul's eyes after Ananias 9:18 Something like scales healed him? 6 Which man took Saul to the apostles and 9:27 Barnabas explained what had happened? 7 Saul's father? 13:21 Kish 8 As the disciples stood around Paul's body 14:20 He rose up 9 Paul met Timothy in which place 16:1 Lystra 10 What was customarily done at the place 16:13 Prayer Paul met Lydia? 11 In whose name did Paul cast out the spirit? 16:18 Jesus Christ After hearing the word of the Lord, what 16:33 They were baptized 12 did the jailer and his family do immediately? 13 While in the synagogue, Paul 17:2 The Jews reasoned with? (17:2) 14 For how long did Paul reason in the 17:2 Three Sabbaths Synagogue? Where did Paul reason with (17:17) Synagogue and marketplace 15 the Jews and idol worshipers in Athens? The two groups of philosophers who encountered Paul while he was in Athens Paul said the "unknown god" was? (17:24) Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won over the crowds The apostles and the elders, with the consent of the whole church, Page 45 of 60 17:18 Epicureans and Stoics 17:23-24 God 14:19 they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead 15:22 sent Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch Paul went to Derbe and to Lystra 16:1 where there was a disciple named Timothy

46 Paul and Timothy went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia 16:6 having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia More than 40 (23:13) had formed a conspiracy against Paul In what town did Festus keep Paul bound? (25:4) Caesarea 24 While a Jew, Paul lived contrary to the (26:9) Jesus of Nazareth name of 25 On the way to Damascus what did the (26:14) The goads voice tell Paul it was hard to kick against? 26 To what people did the voice at Damascus (26:17) Gentiles tell Paul he was being sent? (26:17) 27 An Angel of God told Paul not to be afraid 27:23 he was supposed to because appear before Caesar 28 The figurehead of the ship that Paul got on 28:11 Twin Brothers at Malta 29 Paul said he was bound with chains for 28:20 The hope of Israel Page 46 of 60

47 2. Word search Paul's Missionary Journeys Answers: Page 47 of 60

48 3. Crossword Page 48 of 60

49 Page 49 of 60

50 ANSWERS CHAPTER-7 1. Acts 7:58, Saul 2. (Acts 7:58) Saul's CHAPTER-8 1. (Acts 8:3) Saul CHAPTER-9 1. (Acts 9:9) Three days 2.. (Acts 9:11) Straight 3. (Acts 9:18) He was baptized 4. (Acts 9:3) Damascus 5. (Acts 9:3) A light from heaven 6. (Acts 9:4) "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" 7. (Acts 9:13) Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem 8. (Acts 9:17) He laid his hands on Saul and said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 9. (Acts 9:25) The disciples let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket. 10. (Acts 9:26) They were afraid of him and didn't believe he was a disciple 11. (Acts 9:7) A voice 12. (Acts 9:10-11) Ananias 13. (Acts 9:23) Jews 14. (Acts 9:30) Caesarea and Tarsus 15. (Acts 9:20) - True CHAPTER-10 Page 50 of 60

51 1. Acts 10:1 Cornelius 2. (Acts 10:25) - True CHAPTER (Acts 11:26) Whole CHAPTER (Acts 12:25) John, whose other name was Mark CHAPTER (Acts 13:14) Antioch in Pisidia 2. (Acts 13:43) Jews and devout converts 3. (Acts 13:51) The dust off their feet 4. (Acts 13:6-8) Elymas (for that is the translation of his name) / named Bar-Jesus. 5. (Acts 13:13) John Mark 6. (Acts 13:45) Jealousy 7. (Acts 13:46) Gentiles 8. (Acts 13:7) Sergius Paulus 9. (Acts 13:43) Paul and Barnabas 10. (Acts 13:50) Paul and Barnabas 11. (Acts 13:16) Paul to the Israelites 12. (Acts 13:46) Paul and Barnabas to the Jews CHAPTER Acts 14:12 Zeus and Hermes 2. (Acts 14:5) By mistreat them and stoning them 3. (Acts 14:21) Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch 4. (Acts 14:10) Paul 5. (Acts 14:12) Hermes (or Mercury) 6. (Acts 14:28) Some times 7. (Acts 14:19) Stone Page 51 of 60

52 8. (Acts 14:12) Paul 9. (Acts 14:15) Men 10. (Acts 14:23) Elders 11. Acts 14:11 Lycaonian 12. Acts 14:12 - True 13. (Acts 14:6) - True 14. (Acts 14:11) The crowds when they saw what Paul had done CHAPTER (Acts 15:7) Peter 2. (Acts 15:40) Silas 3. (Acts 15:37-39) John Mark's worthiness to go on the second journey 4. (Acts 15:2) Jerusalem 5. (Acts 15:38) Pamphylia 6. (Acts 15:3) Gentiles 7. (Acts 15:12-13) James 8. (Acts 15:14) Simeon 9. (Acts 15:26) Lives 10. (Acts 15:36) Paul 11. Pamphylia (Acts 15:38) 12. Commending (Acts 15:40) 13. (Acts 15:36) Paul said to Barnabas CHAPTER Acts 16:16-19 Paul commanded the spirit of divination to leave her 2. (Acts 16:11) Samothrace and Neapolis 3. (Acts 16:3) Because all the Jews in the region knew that Timothy's father was Greek 4. (Acts 16:4) The decrees to keep which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem 5. (Acts 16:7) The Spirit did not permit them 6. Acts 16:10 It is the first verse in which the author includes himself in Paul's travels by writing "we" 7. (Acts 16:16) She was possessed with a spirit of divination 8. (Acts 16:18) He was greatly annoyed and cast the spirit out of the girl Page 52 of 60

53 9. (Acts 16:19) They saw their profit was gone 10. (Acts 16:22-23) They were beaten with rods and put into prison 11.. (Acts 16:25) Prayed and sang hymns to God 12.. (Acts 16:31) "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household." 13. (Acts 16:32) The jailer and all who were in his house 14. (Acts 16:35) Let those men go 15. Acts 16:8-11. Troas. 16. Acts 16: Philippi. 17. (Acts 16:25) Prisoners 18. True (Acts 16:13-14) 19. (Acts 16:28) - False Paul 20. (Acts 16:34) - True 21. (Acts 16:37) False - They found out they were Romans 22. Acts 16:17 The slave girl as she followed Paul around 23. Acts 16:18 Paul to the spirit of the slave girl 24. (Acts 16:20-21) Charges the slave girl's masters made against Paul and Silas 25. (Acts 16:30) The Jail keeper to Paul and Silas 26. (Acts 16:9) In a vision a man of Macedonia pleading with Paul 27. (Acts 16:14-15) Lydia to Paul and his companions. 28. Acts 16:37 Paul to the Jailer CHAPTER Acts 17:3 Rise from the dead 2. Acts Chapter 17:4 Leading women 3. (Acts 17:16) He saw that the city was given over to idols. 4. Acts 17:34 Cyril the Athenian 5. (Acts 17:3) That Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead. He said, "This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ." 6. (Acts 17:6) Turning it upside down 7. (Acts 17:23) To our unknown God 8. (Acts 17:32) Some mocked / Others said, "We will hear you again on this 9. (Acts 17:5) A mob 10. (Acts 17:1) Thessalonica 11. (Acts 17:14) - True Page 53 of 60

54 12.. (Acts 17:18) - True 13. Caesar's (Acts 17:7) 14. Idols (Acts 17:16) 15. Babbler (Acts 17:18) 16. Areopagus (Acts 17:19) 17. Dionysius (Acts 17:34) 18. Acts 17:22-23 Paul to the Athenians CHAPTER Acts 18:1, 5 Corinth 2. Acts 18:3 Tentmaker 3. Acts 18:21 He was eager to preach in the temple in Jerusalem 4. (Acts 18:6) When they opposed and reviled him 5. (Acts 18:9) In a vision at night 6. (Acts 18:13) "This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law." 7. (Acts 18:13-16) Lectured them and drove them from the judgment seat 8. (Acts 18:18) He had his hair cut off 9. (Acts 18:23) Strengthened all the disciples 10. (Acts 18:23, 21:17) Antioch to Jerusalem 11. (Acts 18:3) Tentmakers 12. (Acts 18:4) Every Sabbath 13. (Acts 18:7) Justus 14. (Acts 18:9,10) The Lord to Paul 15. (Acts 18:12-13) The Jews to Gallio who was proconsul of Achaia against Paul 16. Acts 18:14-15 Gallio to the Jews CHAPTER (Acts 19:6) All of the above 2. (Acts 19:9) All of the above 3. Acts 19:13 By the Jesus whom Paul proclaims 4. Acts 19:19 They burned them 5. Acts 19:21 Rome 6. (Acts 19:8) 3 months 7. (Acts 19:8) The kingdom of God Page 54 of 60

55 8. (Acts 19:9) Lecture hall of Tyrannus 9. (Acts 19:10) 2 years 10. (Acts 19:12) Handkerchiefs / Aprons 11. (Acts 19:21) Macedonia / Rome / Jerusalem / Achaia 12. (Acts 19:24-27) Their prosperity would be hurt 13. (Acts 19:26) Gods that were made with hands 14. (Acts 19:37) They were not blasphemers of the goddess, they were not robbers of temples 15. (Acts 19:38-39) Go to the courts and proconsuls and bring charges against them lawfully 16. Acts 19:5) Jesus 17. (Acts 19:22) Erastus / Timothy 18. THEATER (Acts 19:29) 19. Acts 19:4 Paul to the disciples in Ephesus 20. Acts 19:15 The evil spirit to the itinerant Jewish exorcists CHAPTER Acts 20:9 Eutychus 2. (Acts 20:1-2) Encouraged them 3. (Acts 20:3) Jews 4. (Acts 20:4-5) Gaius / Timothy / Tychicus / Trophimus / Sopater / Aristarchus / Secundus 5. (Acts 20:4) 2 from Galatia (Derbe and Lystra), 2 from Asia,3 From Macedonia (Beroca and Thessalonica) 6. (Acts 20:6) 7 days 7. (Acts 20:9) In a window 8. (Acts 20:11) Until down 9. (Acts 20:16) Day of Pentecost 10. (Acts 20:17) Elders of the church 11. (Acts 20:21) Jews / Greeks 12. (Acts 20:23) Tribulations / Chains 13. (Acts 20:24) Testifying to the gospel of the grace of God 14. (Acts 20:31) 3 years 15. (Acts 20:33) Clothing / Silver / Gold 16. (Acts 20:37) Fell on his neck and kissed him 17. (Acts 20:17). Miletus 18. Acts 20:6-7. Troas / break bread Page 55 of 60

56 19. (Acts 20:28) Overseers / Shepherds 20. (Acts 20:32) Build 21. (Acts 20:35) False - Jesus 22. Assos (Acts 20:13) 23. Jerusalem (Acts 20:16) 24. Flock (Acts 20:28) 25. DISCIPLES (Acts 20:1) 26. MACEDONIA (Acts 20:1) CHAPTER Acts 21:10,11 Agabus 2. (Acts 21:4) Not to go to Jerusalem 3. (Acts 21:5) Disciples with their wives and children 4. (Acts 21:11) Jews at Jerusalem 5. (Acts 21:13) To die for the name of the Lord Jesus / To be bound 6. (Acts 21:18-20) James and the elders 7. (Acts 21:20-24) To show the Jewish Christians that he walked orderly and kept the law 8. (Acts 21:21) He was teaching Jews not to circumcise their children 9. (Acts 21:27) Jews from Asia 10. (Acts 21:28) He brought Greeks into the temple and defiled it he taught against the people, law and temple 11. (Acts 21:31-32) Tribune of the Cohort 12. (Acts 21:31-32) He ran to Paul with soldiers and centurions 13. (Acts 21:33) Two chains 14. (Acts 21:36) "Away with him!" 15. (Acts 21:38) Led 4,000 assassins into the wilderness Stirred up a revolt 16. (Acts 21:40) The Tribune 17. (Acts 21:40) Hebrew 18. (Acts 21:39) Tarsus. 19. (Acts 21:1) - True 20.. (Acts 21:21) - True 21.. (Acts 21:4) False - Tyre 22. (Acts 21:39; 22:3) - False - Tarsus in Cilicia 23. AGABUS (Acts 21:10) 24. MNASON (Acts 21:16) Page 56 of 60

57 25. TEMPLE (Acts 21:26) 26. TROPHIMUS (Acts 21:29) 27. Acts 21:11 Agabus with regard to Paul 28. Jesus. Acts 21:13 Paul to the people who heard Agabus prophecy 29. Acts 21:39 Paul to the Tribune CHAPTER (Acts 22:1) His defense 2. (Acts 22:2) He spoke in the Hebrew language 3. (Acts 22:5) Take them to Jerusalem to be punished 4. (Acts 22:5) Council of elders / High Priest 5. (Acts 22:7) "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" 6. (Acts 22:10) "Go into Damascus, and there you will be told all things which are assigned to you to do." 7. (Acts 22:13) "Brother Saul, regain your sight" 8. (Acts 22:15) So he could be His witness to all men of what he saw and heard 9. (Acts 22:16) "And now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and have your sins washed away, calling on his name." 10. (Acts 22:17) He fell into a trance 11. (Acts 22:20) Guarded the clothes of those who killed him 12. (Acts 22:22) "Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not fit to live!" 13. (Acts 22:23) Threw dust into the air / Cried out / Tore off their clothes 14. (Acts 22:26) The commander/tribune 15. (Acts 22:30) The chief priest and all their council 16. (Acts 22:3) True 17. (Acts 22:11) False - He was blind 18. (Acts 22:14) False - The Righteous One 19. (Acts 22:21) True 20. (Acts 22:25) True 21. (Acts 22:28) True 22. DAMASCUS (Acts 22:6) 23. ANANIAS (Acts 22:12) 24. FLOGGING (Acts - 22:24) 25. Acts 22:10 Jesus to Saul 26. Acts 22:22 The people gathered before the Tribune to Paul Page 57 of 60

58 CHAPTER (Acts 23:6) Sadducees and Pharisees 2. (Acts 23:10) Into the barracks 3. (Acts 23:21) When the Jews ask to see Paul, the commander should not yield to them 4. (Acts 23:23) 200 soldiers, 200 spearmen, 70 horsemen 5. (Acts 23:24) Rode a horse 6. (Acts 23:35) Herod's Praetorium/headquarters 7. (Acts 23:1) Conscience 8. (Acts 23:3) Whitewashed 9. (Acts 23:11) False - Rome 10. (Acts 23:34) - True 11. PHARISEES (Acts 23:6) 12. (Acts 23:11) The Lord 13. Acts 23:1 Paul looking intently at the council said 14. Acts 23:14 Jews who joined the conspiracy to the chief priests and elders CHAPTER (Acts 24:5-6) All of the above 2. (Acts 24:10) Because Felix had been a judge over the nation for many years 3. (Acts 24:17) To bring alms and offerings 4. (Acts 24:18) Purified, (he was keeping the Nazarite vow) 5. (Acts 24:19) They should have been there to object in person 6. (Acts 24:25) Self control / Judgment to come / Righteousness 7. (Acts 24:25) "Go away for now; when I have an opportunity, I will send for you." 8. (Acts 24:27) To do the Jews a favor 9. (Acts 24:1) False - Five days 10. (Acts 24:14) False - He believed all things written in the Law and the Prophets 11. TERTULLUS (Acts 24:1-) CHAPTER (Acts 25:3) Lay in ambush along the road and kill him 2. (Acts 25:8) Law of the Jews, the temple, Caesar Page 58 of 60

59 3. (Acts 25:19) Questions against him about their own religion, and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive 4. (Acts 25:22) He wanted to hear from Paul himself 5. (Acts 25:23) With great pomp, and had entered the auditorium with the commanders and the prominent men of the city 6. (Acts 25:6) - True 7. CAESARS (Acts 25:10) 8. AGRIPPA (Acts 25:13) 9. AUGUSTUS (Acts 25:21) 10. Acts 25:8 Paul to the Jews and Festus CHAPTER (Acts 26:10-11) All of the above 2. (Acts 26:3) All customs and questions which have to do with the Jews 3. (Acts 26:10) He voted against them 4. (Acts 26:13) A light brighter than the sun 5. (Acts 26:18) Turn them from the power of Satan to God Turn them from darkness to light 6. (Acts 26:22) Moses and the prophets 7. (Acts 26:24) Driving him mad 8. (Acts 26:25) Words of truth and reason 9. (Acts 26:27) "I know that you do believe" 10. (Acts 26:31) Death or chains 11. (Acts 26:23) Christ 12. (Acts 26:4) - False - Jerusalem 13. (Acts 26:12) False - Damascus 14. Acts 26:28 Agrippa to Paul CHAPTER Acts 27:1 Julius 2. Acts 27:2-4 Shipwrecked 3. (Acts 27:10) The voyage would end with disaster and much loss 4. (Acts 27:10) They would lose the cargo and their lives 5. (Acts 27:12) Phoenix, a harbor of Crete 6. (Acts 27:22) None Page 59 of 60

60 7. (Acts 27:31) "Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved. 8. (Acts 27:8) Fair Havens 9. (Acts 27:1) Julius 10. (Acts 27:1) Italy CHAPTER Acts 28:3 Viper 2. (Acts 28:4) He would die 3. (Acts 28:6) A God 4. (Acts 28:8) Healed him 5. (Acts 28:9) Those with diseases came to him and were healed 6. (Acts 28:12-16) Syracuse (three days), Rhegium, Puteoli (one week), Rome 7. (Acts 28:16) He "was permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him." 8. (Acts 28:17) The leaders of the Jews 9. (Acts 28:17-20) He explained to them why he had been brought to Rome 10. (Acts 28:23) The Law of Moses and the prophets 11. Acts 28:30) Two years 12. (Acts 28:15) The believers 13. (Acts 28:11) Alexandria 14. (Acts 28:1) Malta 15. (Acts 28:3) A viper 16. (Acts 28:4) A murderer 17. (Acts 28:28) Gentiles 18. False. (Acts 28:15) He went through those places, but not in that order. Appius Forum was before Three Taverns. Page 60 of 60

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