Primary Activity Worksheets Stage 5

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1 Primary Activity Worksheets Stage 5 Dear Teacher/Parent, The gracious hand of our God has allowed the opportunity to present the Primary Activity Worksheets with substantial help and input from many sisters, for which we are grateful. Our aim in presenting these worksheets is to reinforce the material in the lesson notes and provide interesting activities for 5-8 year old children. There is a great range of skills and different levels of development in this age group and we have attempted to address this with a variety of activities. Please use discretion in the setting of tasks as required by the individual student so that each might be encouraged in these wonderful and dramatic scriptural events. If you have any suggestions or have activities of similar style we would welcome any contributions. For further ideas please make use of the free resources and teachers' helps on the C.S.S.A. website. Our prayer is that Yahweh will bless the endeavours of young minds to grow in an appreciation of His ways. In the Master s service, The Christadelphian Sunday School Association Committee Contact Details mail: Christadelphian Sunday School Association PO Box 20 Modbury North SA 5092 web: orders: suggestions: We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength, and His wonderful works that He hath done. Psalm 78:4 All Bible references are taken from the King James Version unless otherwise specifi ed. He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great. The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Psalm 115:13-14 Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 1

2 1 The Disciples See Jesus Go Into Heaven Lesson 1 The Disciples See Jesus Go Into Heaven THE WONDERFUL MESSAGE The angels said: Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Copy out Acts 1:11 from your Bible. Ye men of Galilee Colour in the picture of the disciples listening to the two angels. Colour the picture of the disciples listening to the words of the angels. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 2

3 2 Peter Preaches On The Day Of Pentecost Lesson 2 Peter Preaches On The Day Of Pentecost The apostles were fi lled with the HOLY SPIRIT and spoke in many different languages. Draw a ring around the number for the right answer. Something happened on the day of Pentecost. What was it? 1. The disciples ascended up to heaven. 2. Cloven tongues like fi re came down upon the disciples. 3. The people threw stones at the disciples. What did the Holy Spirit make the disciples do? 1. Speak in different languages. 2. Burn up in fi re. 3. Heal the sick. Write down every second letter and fi nd out the power that came upon the disciples. OTAHME RHSOTLEY OSBPFIGRLIMT Colour in the picture. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 3

4 3 The Lame Man At The Gate Lesson 3 The Lame Man At The Gate Using the words in the box below, fi ll in the missing words and also use the words to complete the crossword. One day Peter and John saw a (2) sitting at the (4) of the (5) begging for money. The man asked Peter and John to (3) him. Peter then said to him, (1) and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and. (6) Colour in Peter and John with the lame man at the Temple. SILVER HELP LAME MAN TEMPLE GATE WALK Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 4

5 4 Ananias And Sapphira Lesson 4 Ananias And Sapphira Ananias and Sapphira were killed because... Select the correct answer from the box and write it on the lines below. A _ A _ I _ S They sold some land and gave all the money to the apostles. They sold some land and brought some of the money to the apostles pretending it was all the money they got. They would not sell any of their land. Colour in the picture of Ananias holding the bag of money. S _ P _ H _ R _ Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 5

6 5 Stephen Is Stoned To Death Lesson 5 Stephen Is Stoned To Death Draw a ring around the right word for each sentence. False witnesses said that Stephen spoke lies about the Holy Place and the JEWS LAW OF MOSES When the Jews looked at Stephen, his face was like an ANGEL BLASPHEMER When Stephen told the Jews that they were wicked, and had killed Jesus, they were ANGRY HAPPY The wicked Jews did this to Stephen CRUCIFIED STONED Before he died, Stephen said, Lord, lay not this sin to their CHARGE HOUSE Colour the picture of Stephen being stoned. Add a few extra stones. Draw some stones and colour them or cut some out of sandpaper and glue them on the ground around Paul. Colour the picture. And they cast Stephen out of the city, and him, and the witnesses laid down their at a young man s, whose name was. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 6

7 Philip meets a Eunuch from Ethiopia Lesson 6 Philip Baptises A Eunuch From Ethiopia Lesson 6 Philip Baptises A Eunuch From Ethiopia The of God said to Philip, Go down to. Philip went, and found a man from Ethiopia. This man was in charge of the of a. He was sitting in his reading the book of. He asked Philip to explain it to him. When Philip told him, the man said, Here is. Can I be baptised? Philip said, If you believe with all your you may. So the Ethiopian man was baptised. Colour in the words and the picture of the man from Ethiopia in his chariot. Fill in the missing words using the clues provided. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 7

8 7 How The Lord Jesus Christ Changed Saul s Life Lesson 7 How The Lord Jesus Christ Changed Saul s Life Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me? Saul and his men were travelling along the road Fill in the place. PUT A FOR THE CORRECT SENTENCE PUT A FOR THE WRONG SENTENCE Saul was on his way to Damascus. Saul suddenly felt a very hot fi re. Saul was very much afraid. Jesus spoke to Saul. Saul went deaf after Jesus had spoken to him. Saul was blind after Jesus had spoken to him. Print the missing words in the blank space. Decorate the picture and make a bright light using yellow cellophane. At fi rst did not believe that was the Son of God. He put good men and women into. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 8

9 8 The Raising Of Tabitha Lesson 8 The Raising Of Tabitha Tabitha loved the Truth and was very kind. She made clothes for the poor Jews. Fill in the missing words. Tabitha believed the Truth and she lived in a town named. She became sick and. The brethren and sisters sent to Lydda for. Peter used the power of the Holy Spirit given to him by God and Tabitha to life again. Complete the fi nd-a-word from the lesson. T A Q J W G O D U E C A D D O R C A S P S L B D I P X V I Z P I O I Y E P J P E T E R T T L D A V M O O R A H H Z X A I S E L C C E A G O O D D E E D S S TABITHA UPPER ROOM ARISE DORCAS PETER ECCLESIA JOPPA DIED LYDDA GOOD DEEDS CLOTHES GOD These women were crying because Tabitha had D D Trace over the dotted lines and colour the picture. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 9

10 9 Peter Baptises The Gentile Cornelius Lesson 9 Peter Baptises The Gentile Cornelius Sort out the jumbled words using the numbers (in order) and add them into the sentence below O A M R N E A R C H G N O E D I S S O L E R D G O E O M N Y _ Help Peter to fi nd his way to the house of Cornelius. You will know you are on the right path if the letters you fi nd on the way spell a name. Copy it out on the line above. Cornelius was a... Centurion who was in... of... hundred... Cornelius prayed to... and gave... to the poor Jews. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 10

11 10 Peter Is Put In Prison And Then Freed By God Lesson 10 Peter Is Put In Prison And Then Freed By God Look up Acts 12:7-8 and write the missing words in the spaces below. The smote Peter on the side, and him up, saying,. And his fell off from his. And the angel said unto him, and bind on thy. Complete the dot to dot and then colour in the picture. Draw a ring around the right word in these sentences. 1. Peter was asleep in the prison with Two Three soldiers chained to him. 2. Suddenly, Jesus An Angel appeared before him. 3. The Angel Jesus told Peter to gather his Money Clothes and follow him. Miracle 4. Peter thought that this was all a Dream Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 11

12 10 Peter Is Put In Prison And Then Freed By God Lesson 10 Peter Is Put In Prison And Then Freed By God Cut around three sides of each door so that they will open. Then glue the door frame onto your page and glue the picture of Peter and the angel inside the doors. Write the fi rst letter of the name of each little picture and make up a sentence about Peter in prison. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 12

13 11 Paul And Barnabus Go To Cyprus Lesson 11 Paul And Barnabus Go To Cyprus Draw a ring around the word that tells us what happened to Elymas the sorcerer when he mocked Paul who was preaching the Gospel. Paul used the power of the Holy Spirit to make Elymas... DEAF DUMB BLIND SICK Fill in the missing words. At Paphos and Barnabas met the Roman named Sergius Paulus. He carefully to what Paul and Barnabas had to say. But tried to the governor from listening to Paul. Paul knew that Elymas was speaking to turn the governor away from hearing the. God gave Paul the to perform a miracle to Elymas. The hand of the Lord is upon thee and thou shalt be, not seeing the for a season. Straightaway Elymas was and he had to ask for someone to him by the. Colour in the picture of Paul and Barnabas talking to the Roman governor, Sergius Paulus. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 13

14 12 Paul And Barnabas Preach The Gospel Lesson 12 Paul And Barnabas Preach The Gospel Paul and Barnabas travelled from place to place. Sometimes they In every town that Paul and Barnabas came to they spoke fi rst to the: J _ If the Jews would not hear them, then they spoke to the:- G _ Draw the faces of the two men. One of them is an angry Jew who would not listen to Paul. The other is a happy Gentile who listened and believed the Gospel. Sometimes they went by Fill in the missing words. Paul and Barnabas travelled by and on as they went to preach the in the in Asia. In the synagogue on the day at Antioch, Paul spoke to the people about and the Good News of the. Many Jews and wanted to hear more of the things of God. The Jews became jealous and refused to. Paul and Barnabas spoke boldly and told the Jews that because they would not to the Gospel message then they would preach to the. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 14

15 13 Paul Heals The Lame Man At Lystra Lesson 13 Paul Heals The Lame Man At Lystra Draw a ring around the right answer. At Lystra Paul healed a BLIND man LAME man The people at Lystra thought that Paul and Barnabas were GODS EVIL SPIRITS The people at Lystra called Paul... and called Barnabas Here are three oxen like those that the people of Lystra brought to sacrifi ce to Paul and Barnabas. Draw another garland of fl owers around the other two oxen and colour the pictures. Did Paul and Barnabas let the people make a sacrifi ce of the oxen to them? Draw a ring around the right answer. YES NO... What did Paul and Barnabas do when the people at Lystra wanted to make a sacrifi ce to them because they thought that the apostles were gods? Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 15

16 14 Paul And Silas Go To Philippi Lesson 14 Paul And Silas Go To Philippi The young girl was sick in her mind and when she saw Paul she cried out. Look up Acts 16:16-18 and then write out her words in the balloon. Write Paul s words in the other balloon. Colour in the picture of Lydia who was a seller of purple. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 16

17 15 Paul And Silas Baptise The Jailor At Philippi Paul and Silas were put into prison at Philippi. Cut out the pieces of the jigsaw and fi t them together in the box. When you are sure that they all fi t properly, then glue them into place and when dry, colour the picture. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 17

18 15 Paul And Silas Baptise The Jailor At Philippi Lesson 15 Paul And Silas Baptise The Jailor At Philippi Complete the missing words. Paul called out in a voice, Do yourself no harm: for we are all. The jailor called for a. He ran into the prison, and kneeled at the feet of Paul and Silas. He said, what must I do to be? They said on the, and thou shalt be, and thy. Complete the fi nd-a-word. P S R E N O S I R P J I B H O U S E A E D H P A K A I R B B E L I E V E I N P L E S K C A B V K I L L T I P A U L F H A R M O J I P C L G O D G S W O R D S P R I S O N L T H G I L E I D S G N I L B M E R T D E A R T H Q U A K E R T A M O S Q D B G N I G N I S Complete the dot to dot of Paul and Silas in prison and draw some prison gates behind them. BACKS BAPTISED BELIEVE EARTHQUAKE GOD HARM HOUSE JAILOR KILL LIGHT PAUL PHILIPPI PRISON PRISONERS SAVED SILAS SINGING SORE SWORD TREMBLING Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 18

19 16 Paul Works At Corinth Lesson 16 Paul Works At Corinth Write down the fi rst letter from the name of each of the little pictures to fi nd two very important names of friends of Paul. Look up Acts 18:10 and fill in the missing words which God spoke to Paul. For I am with thee, and no shall on thee to thee: for I have people in Colour the picture of Paul busily working on another tent. this. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 19

20 17 The Riot At Ephesus Lesson 17 The Riot At Ephesus NAMES What was the name of the idol which the people of Ephesus worshipped?... What was the name of the Silversmith who was not pleased with Paul?... A MESSAGE IN CODE Take every second letter and fi nd out what some of the angry people at Ephesus shouted out. OGORMERAHT PIRS ODZITAMNIA GORF ETHHOE MESPOHEEGSOILAINES Use red, yellow and orange cellophane to show what the believers in Ephesus did with their books on Magic. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 20

21 18 Eutychus Falls Asleep Lesson 18 Eutychus Falls Asleep At Troas, Paul spoke to a great crowd of people in an upper room Fill in the crossword using the clues below. There were many (3A)... on in the room, and Paul went on speaking until (5A) (2D) was sitting on the sill of a (4D)... He was so tired that he fell (7D)... and (1A)... down to the ground. The people rushed out and found him (6A)... but (9A)... raised him to (8A)... Colour the picture of Eutychus asleep in the window. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 21

22 19 Paul Goes To Jerusalem Lesson 19 Paul Goes To Jerusalem Agabus was a... Agabus said, Thus shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owns this girdle. Glue this girdle onto a piece of card the size of the page and thread wool through the girdle on the dots shown. He took Paul s... and tied it around his own... and... for a sign saying Thus saith the Holy Spirit, So shall the... at... bind the man that owneth this..., and shall deliver him into the hands of the.... Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 22

23 20 Pau s Enemies Plot To Kill Him Lesson 20 Pau s Enemies Plot To Kill Him The Jews argued amongst themselves and became very... Paul s... heard the plan. The Chief Captain was afraid that Paul would be hurt, so he took him back to the... Paul told his nephew to go and tell the... The Chief Captain made sure that Paul had plenty of soldiers to protect him from the wicked Jews as he journeyed to Caesarea. Jesus told Paul that he must go to... Forty evil Jews said that they would not... or... anything until they had... Paul.... Soldiers... Horsemen... Spearmen Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 23

24 21 Paul Is Brought Before The Roman Governor Lesson 21 Paul Is Brought Before The Roman Governor Paul was kept in chains for... years. Pictured below is Paul in prison with his Roman guard. Paul was kept in chains for... years. Fill in the missing words. Tertullus was a cunning speaker who was brought to especially to tell about Paul. Felix wanted to hear Paul. Felix when Paul spoke about God s judgement on the disobedient people. Felix hoped Paul would pay him to set him free. Colour the picture of Paul in prison with his Roman guard. Felix kept Paul in for years. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 24

25 21 Paul Is Brought Before The Roman Governor GUARD TERTULLUS FELIX Glue this sheet onto thin card and colour the fi gures. Carefully cut out the pieces and the background. Fold the background so that it stands up as shown in the little picture and glue the fi gures into place on the fl oor. Your model should remind you of Paul in the court of Felix. GUARD FELIX TERTULLUS PAUL PAUL Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 25

26 22 Paul s Ship Is Wrecked On The Way To Rome Lesson 22 Although Paul had warned the Centurion not to sail, he took no notice and the ship began its journey. Soon a very great storm arose and everyone was afraid except Paul. Paul s Ship Is Wrecked On The Way To Rome Cut around the outside of the ship after you have coloured it in. Fold along the dotted lines and bend the two ends to meet. Glue the ends together. Use a straw or pop stick for a mast and fi x the sail in place. Fill in the missing words in the story. The sailors did not see the or for many days. They were very frightened, but Paul told them that an had spoken unto him, and told him that everyone would be saved. Paul told the sailors to have some to eat and after this they threw all the cargo into the. The next day, the sailors cut loose the and tried to get to land, but the was wrecked and they had to swim to shore. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 26

27 23 The People Of Melita Look After Paul Lesson 23 The People Of Melita Look After Paul Paul was bitten by a Paul was travelling to Rome on a Paul was shipwrecked and got to shore by Paul spent his time healing many people of their Draw a line from each picture to the right answer. Here is a picture crossword. Write the answers to the clues in the crossword. Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 27

28 24 Paul Comes To Rome Lesson 24 For the Hope of Paul Comes To Rome When Paul was in Rome he was bound with a strong chain. Look up Acts 28:20 to fi nd out what he told the Jews who came to visit him about this chain and write your answer in the space below Israel I am bound with this chain Choose the right word and write it on the line next to each sentence. CENTURION PUTEOLI ITALY The country to which Paul was going The man in charge of the prisoners The port to which Paul s ship came Look up Acts 28:28 to see what Paul said about the Gentiles. (Did you know that you are a Gentile?) Primary Activity Sheets 5-8 years Stage 5 of 5 CSSA Please do not copy or distribute without written permission 28

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