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1 DONOTENGAGEINIMMORALCONDUCT 2 18 To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: This is what the Son of God he whoseeyesarelikeaflameoffireandwhosefeetarelikepolishedbronze says: 19 I knowyourdeeds,andyourloveandfaithandserviceandperseverance,andthatyour present deeds are greater than your former ones. 20 Nevertheless, I hold this against you:youaretoleratingthatwomanjezebel,theonewhocallsherselfaprophetess.she teaches and seduces my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificedtoidols. 21 Ihavegivenhertimesothatshemightrepent;butsheisunwilling torepentofherimmorality. 22 Listen;Iwillthrowherintoabedofgreattribulation, and also those who are committing adultery with her unless they repent of her practices. 23 Iwillstrikeherchildrendead;thenallthechurcheswillknowthatIam theonewhosearchestheheartsandminds,andiwillgivetoeachoneofyouwhat yourdeedsdeserve. 24 ButtotherestofyouinThyatira,allthosewhodonotadhereto this teaching, [all those] who do not know the deep things of Satan, as they are accustomed to saying, I tell you that I will not impose any other burden upon you. 25 OnlyholdontowhatyouhaveuntilIcome. 26 Tohimwhoovercomesanddoesmy willtotheend,iwillgiveauthorityoverthenations. 27 Heshallrulethemwithaniron scepter;heshallsmashthemtopieceslikepottery justasihavereceived[authority] frommyfather. 28 Iwillalsogivehimthemorningstar. 29 Hewhohasanear,lethim hearwhatthespiritsaystothechurches.(rev.2:18 29) Introduction Ravi Zacharias is a Christian apologist who speaks to audiences of students on college and university campuses across the nation. After delivering his message, Ravi is approached by many students who bring to him their questions and problems for his counsel. Ravi testifies that he is shocked by the great number of young people who come to him for counseling concerning their immoral conduct and lifestyle young people professing to be Christians and attending Christian colleges. Thesanctityofmarriageandsexhasbecomealmosttotallyignoredandabusedin our contemporary society. Although the church may still be head and shoulders abovetherestofsociety,itismerelythecaseofamanstandingheadandshoulders aboveachildastheybothridedownthesamedescendingescalator: The sexual revolution was one of the more heralded aspects of the new lifestyleadvocatedbythewoodstockgeneration sexualfreedomandthe do yourownthing philosophy tookrootduringthesixties.thecredoofthenew generationbecame, dowhatyoulike,aslongasitdoesnotharmanyoneelse. Fewpeoplenoticedhowdeftlythatnotionbecameingrainedinthemainstream[1984]morethantwo thirdsoftheadultpopulation adhere to this philosophy. (Vital Signs, George Barna and William Paul McKay, CrosswayBooks,WestchesterIL,1984.p.14)

2 Arecentnationalsurveyfound strongsupportamongchristiansforthesixties notion that an individual is free to do whatever pleases him, as long as it does nothurtothers.twooutoffivechristiansmaintainthatsuchthinkingisproper, thuseffectivelyrejectingtheunconditionalcodeofethicsandmoralitytaughtin thebible.(vitalsigns,p.141) Withallthisinmind,letussoberlylistentowhatourLordhastosaytothechurch thattoleratedimmorality.thebottomlineisthis:becausethelordourgodispure andholy,hiscommandmentisthatwemustnotengageinimmoralconduct. I.DoNotEngageinImmoralConduct, WhileLivinganOtherwiseExemplaryChristianLife TheLordJesusdeclarestothechurchinThyatira, Iknowyourdeeds (vs.19.)he is referring to deeds produced by the Holy Spirit and resulting from faith in Christ,asdoestheApostleJameswhenhewrites: Asthebodywithoutthespiritis dead,sofaithwithoutdeedsisdead (Jas.2:26.) The Lord proceeds to specify the deeds that He saw being produced by these Christianpeople.Hecommendsthechurchfor yourlove; genuineloveforchrist was evident within this congregation, in contrast to the church of Ephesus who wasreprimandedforhavinglefther firstlove herloveforchrist,(2:4.)avital part of true love for Christ will express itself in love for fellow members of His bodyaswellas: EveryonewhobelievesthatJesusistheChristisbornofGod,and everyone who loves the Father loves his child as well (1 Jn. 5:1.) Christ also commendsthemfor yourfaith. Thischurchhadavital,livingfaith;theirswasno dead orthodoxy, not merely a faith in correct doctrine, but a personal faith in Christ Himself that reflected itself in a sincere Christian life. The Apostle Paul urgedtimothy, Whatyouheardfromme,keepasthepatternofsoundteaching, withfaithandloveinchristjesus (2Tim.1:13.)The soundteaching istobeheld invitalconnectionwithpersonalfaithinthelordjesuschristhimself,itisnotto be held in distinction from that personal faith. This type of true and living faith wasevidentwithinthechurchinthyatira. TheLordalsocommendsthischurchfor yourservice. Thereferencehereistoa diaconal ministry, a ministry of service. In love they were ministering to the needsofoneanother,assumingtheroleofaservanttooneanother.theywere fulfillingthecommandgivenbypaultothephilippians: Donothingoutofselfish ambition or vain conceit, but with a humble mind let each one consider others as occupyingahigherpositionthanhimself. 4 Leteachonebeconcernednotonlyabout hisowninterests,butalsoabouttheinterestsofothers (Phil.2:3 4.)Finally,this congregation is commended for your perseverance. They were standing firm, remainingsteadfastintheircommitmenttochrist,despitethepressuresandthe costs.tradeguildswerestronginthyatira,suchguildswerelinkedtothepagan religiouscults toopposesuchguildscouldwellmeaneconomicloss.

3 The Lord Jesus takes note of the fact that your present deeds are greater than yourformerones (vs.19b.)thechurchwasaboundingingoodworks,advancing intheirservicetochristandtooneanother.butonceagain,followingawordof genuinecommendation,thelordjesusmustadd, Nevertheless, I hold this against you: You are tolerating that woman Jezebel, theonewhocallsherselfaprophetess.sheteachesandseducesmyservantsto commitsexualimmoralityandtoeatfoodsacrificedtoidols.(rev.2:20) HerewasachurchwhoseotherwiseexemplaryChristianlifewasmarredbythe presenceofimmoralconduct. NotethattheLordJesusintroducesHimselftothischurchas thesonofgod he whoseeyesarelikeaflameoffireandwhosefeetarelikepolishedbronze (vs.18.) HeretheLordJesusvividlyrevealsHisabsolutepurity,Hisabhorrencetoevenso muchaslookuponevilandimmoralconduct: Youreyesaretoopuretolookon evil; you cannot tolerate wrong (Hab. 1:13a.) Christ also emphasizes His divine abilitytosearchoutandconsumeallmoralandspiritualimpurity: Iamtheone whosearchestheheartsandminds,andiwillgivetoeachoneofyouwhatyour deedsdeserve (vs.23b.) Let us not engage in immoral conduct, while living an otherwise exemplary Christianlife.LetustakecarefulheedtothewordsoftheApostleJames: Religion thatgodourfatheracceptsaspureandfaultlessisthis:tolookafterorphansand widowsintheirdistressandtokeeponeselffrombeingpollutedbytheworld (Jas. 1:27.) II.DoNotEngageinImmoralConduct, UndertheGuiseofChristianLiberty The Lord Jesus protests against the church in Thyatira that they are tolerating that woman Jezebel (vs. 20.) Present within the church was an influential womanwhomthelordsymbolicallycalls Jezebel, identifyingherwiththeevil queenofisraelwhopromotedbaalworshipandallitsimmoralritualsinancient Israel. Whereas the Lord calls this woman, Jezebel, this woman called herself a prophetess (vs.20.)thatistosay,shewasaself proclaimedprophetess,nota true prophetess raised up by the Lord to speak His word. She was a false prophetesswhoseteachingwascontrarytothecommandmentsofthelordand whowasconsequentlyopposedbythelord. This false prophetess was very persuasive and influential in the church the Lord accuses her of teaching and seducing my servants to commit sexual immoralityandtoeatfoodsacrificedtoidols (vs.20b.)eitherbyclaimingtohave receivednewrevelationfromgod,ortohavedeeperunderstandingofchristian

4 liberty,thiswomanwasinstructingandconvincingchrist sservantsthatitwas permissible for them to engage in immoral and idolatrous conduct. More specifically,shemayhavebeenteachingthatitwaspermissibleforchristiansto participateintheimmoralandidolatrouspracticesofthetradeguilds.butwhen compared to the test prescribed in Deuteronomy 13:1 4, she proved herself to be a false prophetess. As Deuteronomy 13:1 4 indicates, a true prophet would neverinstructthepeopleofgodtobreakanyoftheholycommandmentsgiven bythelord If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announcestoyouamiraculoussignorwonder, 2 andifthesignorwonderof whichhehasspokentakesplace,andhesays, Letusfollowothergods (gods you have not known) and let us worship them, 3 you must not listen to the wordsofthatprophetordreamer.jehovahyourgodistestingyoutofindout whetheryoulovehimwithallyourheartandwithallyoursoul. 4 ItisJehovah yourgodyoumustfollow,andhimyoumustrevere.keephiscommandments andobeyhim;servehimandholdfasttohim.(deut.13:1 4) Accordingtoverse24,Jezebelandherfollowersclaimto knowthedeepthings of Satan. This is perhaps a reference to the pagan and demonic practices engagedinbythetradeguilds;namely,theirculticinitiationrites,sacrifices,and actsofimmorality. Whatmighthavebeenthecontentofherteaching?Perhapsitwassomethingas the following: The Christian, as one who belongs to the all conquering Christ, neednotfeartoenterinto thedeepthingsofsatan. Herewasapresumingupon theprotectivecareandgraceofgod.butsuchaviewisdaringandchallenging Godtocareforusasweputourspirituallifeinjeopardy,suchisaperversionof true faith and confidence in God. Note Proverbs 14:16, A wise man fears and turnsawayfromevil;butthefoolbehavesarrogantlyandisconfident. Note,also, theexampleofthelordjesushimselfasrecordedinmatthew4:5 6a,7,10, Thenthedeviltookhimtotheholycityandhadhimstandonthehighestpoint of the temple. 6 If you are the Son of God, he said, throw yourself down 7 Jesus answered him, It is written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test. 10 Jesussaidtohim, Awayfromme,Satan!foritiswritten: Worshipthe LordyourGod,andservehimonly. (Matt.4:5 6a,7,10) Coupled with the exhibiting unauthoritzed presumption upon the LORD's protective care, instead of submissive confidence in His care, there may have beentheequallyperversenotionthatchristianlibertyisalicensetosin.hereis thepervertednotionthatbecausesalvationisofgracethechristianisunderno obligation to observe the law of holiness. The truth, however, is that we are savedbygraceforthepurposeoflivingalifeofholinessforgod:

5 God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering 4 in orderthattherighteousrequirementsofthelawmightbefulfilledinus,whodo notliveaccordingtothesinfulnaturebutaccordingtothespirit.(rom.8:3 4) ourgreatgodandsavior,jesuschrist, 14 gavehimselfforustoredeemus fromallwickednessandtopurifyforhimselfapeoplethatarehisveryown,[a people]zealousforgoodworks.(titus2:13 14) Whatever her actual teaching, two things are clear: 1) she was teaching that it was permissible for a Christian to engage in immoral conduct (perhaps also idolatrouspractices);and2)thelordjesusidentifiesherasafalseprophetess and declares His judgment upon her as well as upon those who follow her teaching. Letusnotengageinimmoralconduct,undertheguiseofChristianliberty.Letus heedtheadmonitionoftheapostlepaul: Fleefromfornication.Every[other]sinthatamancommitsiswithoutthebody, buthewhocommitsfornicationissinningagainsthisownbody. 19 Doyounot realizethatyourbodyisatempleoftheholyspirit,whoisinyou,whomyou havereceivedfromgod?youdonotbelongtoyourself; 20 youwereboughtwith aprice.therefore,glorifygodwithyourbody.(1cor.6:18 20) III.DoNotEngageinImmoralConduct, BecauseChristwillTakeActionAgainstYouifYouDo TheLordJesus,inHismercyandcompassion,hasgiven Jezebel timetorepent (vs.21.)howoftenscripturespeaksofthepatienceandlong sufferingofgod anditsintentionofleadingmentorepentance: The Lord is not negligent with regard to the promise, as some consider negligence;onthecontrary,heisexhibitinggreatpatiencetowardyou.hedoes notdesireanyonetoperish,butalltocometorepentance.(2pet.3:9) Buthowoftenitisthatthesinnermisinterpretsthepatienceandlong suffering ofgod;mistakingitforignoranceorindifferenceonthepartofgod.addressing the wicked and referring to their unrepentant life of sin, the LORD declares: ThesethingsyouhavedoneandIkeptsilent;youthoughtIwasaltogetherlike you.butiwillrebukeyouandaccuseyoutoyourface (Psl.50:21.) TheLordhasgiven Jezebel thetimeandopportunitytorepent,butshedoes not desire to repent of her fornication (vs. 21.) Like Pharaoh, Jezebel has set herselfandherwillinconsciousdefianceofthewillandthecommandmentof God; but note the danger in doing so, as Job asks the rhetorical question that demands a negative reply: [The LORD s] wisdom is profound, his power is vast; whocandefyhimandsucceed? (Job9:4.)

6 In response to her obstinate refusal to repent, the Lord pronounces His righteousjudgmentagainsther: Iwillthrowherintoabedofgreattribulation (vs. 22.) The Lord warns of judgment not only against the false prophetess herself,butalsoagainstthosewhoare committingadulterywithher. Notethat those within the church who continue to follow the teaching of Jezebel and refusetoheedthelord scalltorepentance,areidentifiedas herchildren (vs. 23,)indistinctionfrom myservants (vs.20.)whenthosewhobearthename of Christ live like the world and refuse to heed Christ s call to repentance and holiness, He identifies them with the world and they finally come under the samecondemnationastheworld: Noteveryonewhosaystome, Lord,Lord, willenterthekingdomofheaven, butonlyhewhodoesthewillofmyfatherwhoisinheaven. 22 Manywillsayto me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your namedriveoutdemonsandperformmanymiracles? 23 ThenIwilltellthem plainly, Ineverknewyou.Departfromme,youevildoers! (Matt.7:21 23) Letusnotengageinimmoralconduct,becauseChristwilltakeactionagainstus ifwedo. God s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: The Lord knowsthosewhoarehis, and, EveryonewhoconfessesthenameoftheLord mustturnawayfromwickedness. (2Tim.2:19) Conclusion Here, as He does throughout the Scriptures, our Lord speaks in very strong terms about faithfulness, holiness, and responsiveness to His commandments. Let us renounce the immorality of our society as intolerable behavior for those who professthenameofchrist.letusaskourlordtoapplyhiscleansingbloodtousin body, mind, and heart. In reliance upon the Holy Spirit, let us renew our commitment to a life of holiness and moral purity, inspired by the Word of God: Makeeveryefforttoliveinpeacewithallmenandtobeholy;withoutholinessnoone willseethelord (Heb.12:14.)


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