Section 3. Year 4 Medium Term Plans

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1 Section 3 Year 4 Medium Term Plans Autumn Term 1 Judaism - Family Life Autumn Term 2 Christian Faith expressed Through the Arts Autumn Term 2 Christmas - Giving to Others Spring Term 1 Parables Spring Term 2 Caring for Creation Summer Term 1 Specific Focus Religious Artefacts Summer Term 2 Islam Family Life 77

2 RE Medium Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Year 4 No of Weeks 6 Autumn Term 1 Judaism Jewish Family Life Learning Objectives The children will learn: About the importance of the Shema (most important Jewish prayer), in Jewish everyday life. How some Jewish artefacts are used in everyday life. AT1 Encounter 1a.Introduce the Shema, (Deut 6 v 4-9 & 11v13-21) and explain how Jewish people believe all life should be lived in accordance with the ideals of the Shema. All they do is a reflection of their love for him. Explain that there are 613 rules that govern their life. 2a.Look at examples of Jewish artefacts- mezuzah, tallit, Torah & kippah. Consider use and the belief behind them. Design questions to ask the designers. Look at Jewish people wearing the tallit and Kippah. Design a set of information cards explaining their significance. AT2 Response 1b. Let the children discuss which rules they live by and consider what governs their life at home & in school. Can it be summed up in 2 sentences? 2b.Collect ideas for paying respect with clothes in other religions. Design your own special piece of clothing or object that reflects your family life and practices. Make a mezuzah by designing a net & design & make a container to hold your most precious secrets. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit: Most children will be able to: Identify aspects of Jewish family life & relate them to the beliefs contained behind them. Describe articles worn by Jews in worship & explain why they are worn. Relate aspects of Jewish weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah to their own rites of passage, e.g. birthdays, special events. Some children will only be able to: Describe aspects of Jewish family life and relate some to their own life. More able children will also: Compare & contrast aspects of Jewish family life with Muslim family life & their own lives & be able to explain the beliefs and values behind various daily actions. Understand the significance of the Shema to Jews. / Pathways of Belief God, the Torah and Way of life. BBC website Living library website Jewish artefacts (Open mind learning limited), World religions CD rom (Images of Jewish artefacts) (good for Jewish artefacts & ideas) Mezuzah (case containing a parchment scroll inside hung on door posts of Jewish homes.) Torah - sacred text Tefillin (prayer boxes/straps) Tallit (prayer shawl) Kippah (skull cap- considered respectful to cover head to remind wearer that God is always present 78

3 How ceremonies mark a coming of age: Bar Mitzvah, (on the Sabbath after 13 th birthday, a boy reads from the scroll of the Torah in a synagogue service- then he is thought to be a man). Bat Mitzvah- a girl becomes Bat Mitzvah automatically at the age of 12- a woman. 5a.Watch Pathways of Belief video of a Bat Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah or research the web for practices or invite a Jewish visitor into class to interview. Prepare a group display on Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Use internet research. 5b. Circle time on When are you grown up? Explore actions, feelings, responsibilities etc How will you know? Imagine you are a Jewish boy or girl at bar/bat Mitzvah- write about feelings and changes that will now take place in your life as a result of the ceremony. Make Bat/Bar Mitzvah cards from parents to the children. What other celebrations do we have linked to age? eg.18 th / 21 st birthday. How do we celebrate? Compare & contrast with similar religious ceremonies, e.g. confirmation. What are the differences & similarities? Allow children to explore their ideas further by allowing them to produce their own response to the question in music, art, drama, writing, mind maps, venn diagrams, etc. Cross Curricular Links Science -life processes, maths, literacy Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D Cheshire Syllabus Links Unit 2 Judaism QCA Links 2A Assessment Suggestions AT 1 & 2 Level 2-3 Describe a tallit worn by Jews during worship & explain its significance. (or use of a mezuzah). Compare my ideas about life with those of other people. = opportunities for spiritual development Citizenship Links KS 2 1d, 2e, 2f, 4f 79

4 RE Medium Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Year 4 Autumn Term 2 No. of Weeks 6/7 Christianity & the Arts Learning Objectives The children should learn: To recognise that expressing faith involves feelings and emotions. That in Christianity: music, drama, art, dance, architecture and expressive action are a form of expressing faith. That Christians use the arts to express something of the sacred and spiritual. That colour, shape and symbol can be used to express religious feelings and ideas. That Christians use the arts as a means of reinforcing important stories and teachings found in Christianity. To express their own faith using the arts and compare it with the faith of others. AT1 Encounter 1a. Discuss with the children the ways we express our feelings towards others using our bodies, e.g. facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, gestures, dance etc. 2a. Listen to a diverse collection of Christian music excerpts, e.g. gospel, Gregorian chants, folk, classical, etc. What is the composer trying to convey? How does the music make you feel? What type of music is it? What instruments have been used? etc. 3a. Study a range of modern and traditional artistic representations of the portrayal of Jesus life. Look at colours, symbolism, shapes, use of light etc. What is the artist trying to convey? How does the picture make you feel? Identify the beliefs of the Christian faith that are represented in the music? AT2 Response 1b. Explore the ideas using drama selecting a range of emotions. List other ways of expressing our feelings, e.g. written word, pictures, poems, etc. Mind map the different ways and add in descriptive words. 2b. Using a selection of instruments inc the PC, children choose an emotion they wish to convey and compose a piece of music, song or rap, e.g. joy. Children share music with the class and guess the emotion they are conveying. Link with religious music studied earlier. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit: Most children will be able to: Understand in Christianity the arts provide a context for the expression of feelings and emotions. Describe how some features of Christianity are exemplified in the arts. Compare aspects of their own experiences and those of others, Some children will only be able to: Make simple links between examples of religious expression and the beliefs, ideas and feelings that underlie them. More able children will also: Compare and contrast some of the ways in which believers express their beliefs, ideas and teachings through the arts. Identify the emotions of awe, peace, joy and wonder, which can be expressed through the arts and some of the significance and symbolism of these emotions to believers. / Icons Traditional and modern pictures of the life of Jesus. Illuminated letters from the Book of Kells Statues Sculptures Selection of crosses Range of art materials Instruments Computer art packages available from: Jesus through Art Assemblies from the gallery both books by Margaret Cooling. RMEP Sister Mary Beckett Book of Art Folens photos PCET Publishing Picturing Jesus Lat Blaylock CEM Web resources

5 3b. Similarly look at statues and sculptures, icons, stained glass, banners, crosses, illuminated manuscripts from the book of Kells etc. 5a.Study a variety of Christian buildings using first hand sources i.e. visits in the locality, pictures or the Internet. 3c. Give opportunities for children to respond to the works of art through discussion, written form, etc 4a. After extensive study of all forms of art and collection of their ideas on class display -produce their own piece of artwork that reflects one aspect of Jesus life or one aspect of their own faith/ beliefs. Allow children access to a variety of media in order to produce their own ideas, e.g. paint, pastels, clay, 3D modelling equipment, charcoal, inks etc. 5b. Look at shapes, colours, symbolism etc. Compare and contrast 2 very different church buildings and produce feedback for the class. How are the buildings different and similar? Why? What is the overall impression of the buildings? Are they welcoming? What is their function? Does it suit its purpose? How has the architect created the building? Did it meet the specifications of the people who meet there? Interview someone who goes there to answer some of your questions. Produce your own collage poem or report using chosen media on your findings. Christian drama scripts Video Miracle Maker Visit to local churches Dance music Chester mystery play material see website Art materials 81

6 That Christians believe in giving to the poor. 5a. Look closely at one drama script for a nativity play and comment on its form and structure. Watch an extract from The Miracle Maker as another form of drama. Similarly watch a Christian dance. Make links with the Chester Mystery plays if possible. 6a.Link all previous study to other religions & their use of art. Make links to Muslim calligraphy, architecture and reasons for not portraying God or human form.. Compare and contrast with Christianity. CHRISTMAS 7a. Link idea of the symbolic expression of faith to the idea of including life and actions. Examine in depth the work of Operation Christmas Child & what motivates the organisation. Discuss what we think of their work. Relate their work to Christian faith and the values of giving to the poor and expressing God s Love to the less fortunate. 5b. Children create own drama or dance of one story from the life of Jesus. They could use role-play or puppets and visual aids to retell the story in their own words. Make links with how effective drama and dance are as a tool for expressing belief. 6b.Design a piece of artwork that represents children s own personal belief. Allow freedom to choose the expressive art form they prefer. Begin by listing all the values they believe in, what they have faith in (e.g. love, forgiveness, in a particular God if appropriate) and encourage a design that uses symbolic colours, shapes etc. The design may be real or abstract but they must be able to explain the design afterwards and what if represents to the class or group. CHRISTMAS 7b.Operation Christmas Childfocus on their work, send for literature, make boxes. Use all they have learnt about the expression of faith in feelings to decorate the boxes. Write letters & explain reasons for their designs. Operation Christmas Child Information 82

7 Cross Curricular Links Art, music, drama, dance, Speaking and listening, Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D Cheshire Syllabus Links Christianity Unit 2 QCA Links 6F Assessment Suggestions AT 1 & 2 Level 2-3 I can identify the religious beliefs, which may be contained in religious art (music etc). I can explain what is important to Christians in a piece of religious art and/or music and compare my ideas with those of others. = opportunities for spiritual development Citizenship Links KS 2 2c,,2d, 2e, 2f, 4c Symbolism Respect Arts Portrayed I can link the things that are important to me and other people to the way I behave and think. 83

8 RE Med..Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Yr 4 Spring Term 1 No. of Wks 6 Christianity: Understanding God through Jesus Teaching in Parables Learning Objectives AT1 Encounter AT2 Response Learning Outcomes / The children should learn: 1a. Tell the story of the 1b.Explore the range of By the end of this unit: Pharisee & the tax collector emotions that took place 2 different types of parables in the Bible that using clothes & children from the class. during the story from both characters point of view. Bible Garments for clothes in New T. tell us about Jesus & his (Luke 18:10-14). Explain Create an emotional timeline. Palestine understanding of God. what a tax collector & a Was the ending surprising? Pharisee were. Compose music to go with What parables are. Why did Jesus tell the story? the different emotions in the List ideas in class on a story. Tax collector To appreciate the meaning Jesus told stories in parables. Temple of a parable. display board. Explain why Pharisee That parables were one of Jesus ways of teaching about God. That Christians believe Jesus teaching is the basis for their lives today. 1c.Explore the feelings of both the tax collector & the Pharisee in role-play by hot seating the character in small groups. Children take turns. How did they feel? Role-play the entire story. Most children will be able to: State key beliefs about God expressed in and through a parable. Recognise how these form the basis of belief about God for a Christian. Ask appropriate questions about puzzling issues raised by the narrative. Identify experiences that could cause people to wonder and realise some questions are difficult to answer, e.g.: Does God answer all prayers? Some children will only be able to: Recall the main details of the stories studied. Explain simple ideas about God that Christians hold as seen through the stories studied. 84

9 2a. Discuss how they feel when they are left out of a game? How do they respond? How did the tax collector in the parable feel? Who is the outsider in this story? How did the Pharisee feel at the end of the story? Who is like the Pharisee in today s society? 3a.Using the children & props, (bread, bed, etc) tell the story of the parable of the friend at midnight (Luke 11:5-12). 4a. Similarly using the children or puppets, explore the parable of the unjust judge & persistent widow, (Luke 18:3-7). 2b. What questions would the children ask God about this story if they could? Is God being fair? In pairs, write a diary entry for the Pharisee for that day & then write a letter to the Pharisee from God s own point of view. 3b.What did the man in the story do in order to get some sleep? Why did the friend keep knocking at the door? Using model people & loaves, the children re-enact the story in groups to answer the questions. I wonder how the man felt? How did Jesus say the man asleep was like God? Compile a list of characteristics about God that Jesus was illustrating. Why did Jesus tell the story? Suggest ideas together. 4b.Provide a set of questions for the children to explore in groups, e.g. How did the judge behave? How did the widow behave? Why did the widow keep asking the judge? How did he respond? How did Jesus compare the judge to God? What was Jesus trying to teach about God? Feedback in circle time to the class. More able children will also be able to: Explain how Christians hold beliefs about God and how these beliefs make a difference to their lives. Make their own response to the range of questions presented by the narratives and recognise that there are many answers to such questions. Suitable puppet type figures Questions on cards to explore Large sheets for the children answers Marker pens 85

10 5a.Allow the children to make their own response to the stories by exploring the question, What did Jesus teach in these parables about God? Use a choice of role-play/drama, art, music, writing or CDT set in the classroom for the children to explore & then present their ideas to the class. Add to the class display What did Jesus teach about God? Ensure the children have drawn out the ideas of God as father, friend, judge & ruler, one who answers Christians prayers & the idea of persistent prayer. Conclude the unit of work by discussing if they agree with what Jesus taught & what Christians believe about God. Musical instruments CDT equipment Art equipment Paper & pens Space for drama Class display Persistent unjust Judge ruler Cross Curricular Links Art, music, literacy, drama, CDT Cheshire Syllabus Links Unit 2 Christianity Understanding God Assessment Suggestions AT1 & 2 Level 2/3 = opportunities for spiritual development Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D QCA Links 2B Describe what Jesus taught about God in parables by telling a story of your own - (role play or written work can be used here). Citizenship Links KS2 1a, 2c, 2e, 2i, 86

11 RE Medium Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Year 4 Spring Term 2 No. of Weeks 6 Christianity Caring for Creation Learning Objectives The children should learn: About what the Jewish Torah (Hebrew Bible) and the Christian Bible says about creation. That there are key beliefs shared by Jews and Christians. That Jews and Christians believe they have a relationship with God and responsibility for the rest of creation. AT1 Encounter 1a. Use a model Torah scroll to remind children of the form in which the Jewish scriptures are to be found in the synagogue and talk about the contents of the scroll. Use a Christian Bible to demonstrate that the Genesis narratives are also to be found there. Recap on the story of creation studied previously in depth in Yr 1. AT2 Response 1b.Listen to music that depicts the parts of creation e.g. Holst Planets, Handel s Water Music, Hayden s Creation oratorio etc. What beliefs does the story teach about God? Children write an acrostic poem using word 'creation' which sums up Jewish & Christian belief about creation. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit: Most children will be able to: State key Jewish & Christian beliefs about creation. Ask appropriate questions about puzzling issues raised by the narrative. Identify experiences that could cause people to wonder and realise some questions are difficult to answer, e.g.: 'How was the world made?' 'Why are we here?' / See 'The Bible through Art' - Margaret Cooling - RMEP. See examples on the internet Holsts The Planets, Handel s Water Music Bible That there are many different theories of creation. That some Christian people think that conflict exists between scientific evidence and religious belief, and that for others there is no such conflict. To ask puzzling questions of life and recognise that they are different from the questions that seek information or opinion. 2a.Read Psalm 8, which is a poem also expressing beliefs about creation and also shared by Christians and Jews. Talk about belief in God and enable children to express their own views. 2b.Card activity- sort a range of questions (some factual to which children will know the answer, some to which they could find an answer, some questions that are a matter of opinion and some ultimate questions to which there are no answers), to be categorised. Some of the questions will be those about which the Genesis narrative seeks to give an answer. Children discuss the ultimate questions & attempt their own answers & questions. Some children will only be able to: Recognise how many Christians & Jews believe God made the world. Retell the creation story (Genesis 1 and 2) briefly. Begin to understand the idea of stewardship. Genesis Adam Eve Creation Created Heaven 87

12 3a.Using the children & props tell the story of the Feeding of the 5,000. (Mark 6:35-44).. 4a. Read story, eg: 'Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish'. Brian Wildsmith. Have lots of discussion about ideas Christians may have about looking after the world. Do we agree? How can we look after the world? How do Christians/Jews express this? (eg In terms of people, Tearfund, Christian Aid etc-just touch on this, this will be revisited later). 3b.Explore the story in role-play, art, CDT, music & drama. What is it saying about the poor & hungry? Who are the poor? How did God help to feed them in the story? Can he do the same today? Does he? Does he expect us to look after the poor & hungry? How? Refer to the Make Poverty History campaign b.Provide a writing frame to address the issues - Is it important to care for the world? What do Jews and/or Christians believe? What do you think? Reflect on damage humans cause to our local environment. Design and make a poster to reflect understanding of stewardship of God s world. More able children will also: Explain how Christians and Jews share some beliefs about God and creation and how these beliefs make a difference to their lives Make their own response to the range of questions presented by the narrative and recognise that there are many answers to such questions. Bread fishes 'Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish'. Brian Wildsmith Writing frame 88

13 Easter- symbolism That Christians celebrate Easter in different ways. 5a. Recall together what the children can remember about the Easter Story. Read the Palm Sunday & Easter Day stories in Lion Storyteller Bible (pg102ff), using a felt storyboard with characters. 5b. Explain that these stories form the basis of celebrations today. Recap on what a celebration is. Using the Internet & books, find out about the symbolism of the cross, simnel cake, hot cross buns, palm crosses, Easter gardens, Easter eggs, red eggs, crown of thorns etc. Create a class display of symbols & write explanations of what they mean, linking ideas back to the story. Notes Books on Easter RE Online website Lion Storyteller Bible Cross Curricular Links Music/art Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D Cheshire Syllabus Links Unit 2 Christianity QCA Links 4C Assessment Suggestions AT1 & 2 Level 2/3 Describe how Christians believe God made the world. (Pictures or written form). List questions that are difficult to answer about Christianity. It is important that children are introduced to the idea that Christians interpret the creation story in a variety of ways, from a literal, historical account to a symbolic myth. It is possible for scientists, who accepted the Darwinian theory, to be Christians and accept the spiritual truth of the creation stories. = opportunities for spiritual development Citizenship Links KS2 1a, 2e, 2h, 2i, 3a, 4b, 89

14 RE Medium Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Year 4 Summer Term 1 No. of Weeks 6 Specific Focus : Religious Artefacts Learning Objectives The children will learn: How memories are linked to particular objects. That religious artefacts often symbolise key beliefs. Which artefacts are significant to the religion being studied. How artefacts are used by different believers. AT1 Encounter 1a. Discuss what an artefact is. An artefact can remind religious people of an important story to do with their religion or it may be used in worship. Ask the children to describe what particular items prompts specific memories for them. Children bring these objects into school to discuss. Can the children name any artefacts they have used or seen in different religions? Remind the children that Christians wear crosses to show what they believe or to show they belong to the Christian faith, (link Yr1). 2a.Discuss key beliefs represented by the artefact. How do you think a believer would feel when they use a religious artefact? Do you think it is helpful to have something to look at, to hold, to smell, to touch? AT2 Response 1b. Using a feely bag, examine a variety of different types of artefact. Get individuals to describe what it feels like before bringing it out to the whole class to identify. You could use a Greek orthodox icon, Muslim prayer beads, mezuzah. Explain that for people of faith the artefacts have meaning, memory and atmosphere. Describe in pairs an artefact for your partner to draw from memory. Compare with original. 1c.Explore the artefacts. Work out questions to ask about the artefact, e.g. who made them, who uses them, what they tell us about what the believer believes. Research and share answers in class. 2b.How are the artefacts similar & how are they different? Record ideas in diagrams to explain their ideas. Observe the artefacts closely & draw them. Record information found out from research. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit: Most children will be able to: Recognise some religious artefacts. Explain why and how the artefacts are important for a believer. Identify an artefact(s) associated with the religion. Explain the use of an artefact Explain the symbolism of an artefact. Talk about what is of value and concern to others. Some children will only be able to: Communicate using writing, pictures and speaking, about the artefacts. More able children will be able to: Describe how religious beliefs; ideas and feelings are expressed through the use of artefacts. Respond sensitively to what they learn about the use of artefacts and relate this to their own experience. / Icon Mezuzah Muslim prayer beads (Useful website for artefact information) Articles of Faith Resource House Kay Street Bury BL9 6BU Tel: (Excellent resource for buying artefacts ) 90

15 Cross Curricular links Art, literacy Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D 3a. Invite a local Jew, Christian or Muslim into school to explain what artefacts they use in worship & why. 4a. Provide the children with a set of artefacts that nearly all have one thing in common, e.g. rosary, tefillin, prayer book, cross, Muslim prayer mat. (common factor- prayer) Set up class display. NB Artefacts must only be from religions studied so far. 5a. Provide the children with a collection of artefacts from just one religion studied so far, e.g. Christianity cross, chalice, paten, rosary, icon, baptism card, WWJD bracelet, Madonna, crucifix, salvation army flag, small communion cups. Cheshire Syllabus Links All religions- Unit 2 QCA Links none 3b. Get children to ask questions about what is brought into school. Provide matching cards to ideas shared for children to process the information shared. 4b. Generate a list of questions to ask about the artefacts as before. Answer them using group discussion & research. This time ask the question Do they all have anything in common? Is any one item the odd one out? Work in groups to identify which one they think is the odd one out & why. 5b.Explore & match up items with labels. In group discussion, identify their purpose & the Christian beliefs they represent. Using a variety of art materials, e.g. paint, pastels, collage media, children design collages of Christian artefacts, which demonstrate some of the symbolism behind them. Children then explain their design in writing where possible. Assessment Opportunities AT 1 Level 2-3 Identify the use of artefacts in prayer & explain how different believers use them. Identify the importance of some artefacts and the beliefs behind them, and know that some are characteristic of more than one religion. = opportunities for spiritual development Citizenship Links KS2 1a, 2c, 2e, 2i, Local visitor Selection of Artefacts with a common theme e.g. rosary, tefillin, Hindu prayer beads, Buddhist prayer wheel, prayer book, cross. Christian artefacts cross, chalice rosary, icon, paten, baptism card, WWJD bracelet, Madonna, crucifix, salvation army flag, small communion cups. Matching artefact labels. Icon, mezuzah Muslim prayer beads, chalice, rosary, icon, paten, baptism card, WWJD bracelet, Madonna, crucifix, salvation army flag, small communion cups 91

16 RE Medium Term Planning Matrix Key Stage 2 Year 4 Summer Term 2 No. of Weeks 6 Islam Family Life Learning Objectives The children will learn: About the birth customs in Muslim families. About the role of mother and father in Islam. About how Muslims believe they should behave. About the Muslim belief in angels & how they affect their lives. AT1 Encounter 1b.Read & discuss the birth customs of Muslims, e.g. use of the Shahadah, shaving the baby s head & giving the equivalent monetary weight to charity, welcoming into the community of the mosque (ummah). Demonstrate a welcoming ceremony & invite a Muslim mum into school to talk about their baby s ceremony. 2a.Explain the importance of their name giving in Islamic belief. 3a.Discuss & explain the roles of mother & father in Islamic families, the role of the extended family. Learn about halal food, code of behaviour (shari ah). Interview a Muslim mother or father. AT2 Response 1a.Mind map a list of ways in which we were welcomed as babies by our families. 1c.Compare & contrast with Muslim belief and practice. 2b.Investigate the meaning of their own names and compare with a selection of Muslim names. Display in art form. 3b. Interview members of own families and survey roles & responsibilities. Compare with those in a Muslim family. Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit: Most children will: Describe aspects of Muslim birth customs. Explain traditional roles of mother & father in Muslim families and the sense of community in Islam. Be able to demonstrate the ritual cleansing, wudu, & explain its significance. Identify how Muslim belief in angels causes people to behave in certain ways according to their code of behaviour. Some children will only be able to: Describe the Muslim practices of wudu. Explain how Muslims prefer to behave and why. Identify roles of mothers and fathers. More able children will also: Link the idea of belief in angels to their own values and commitments and suggest what regulates their own behaviour. Identify aspects of community living and how that regulates behaviour and encourages values. /Key Vocabulary Video on Islam BBC Pathways of Belief Islamic Pictures of welcoming ceremonies visitor Shahadah Shari ah Ummah 92

17 4a.Children design a code of behaviour for themselves to follow & role-play dilemma scenarios to illustrate how a Muslim would act in a given situation. Aspects of tolerance, keeping promises, patience, gentleness, sense of community, respect, politeness etc can be explored. Cross Curricular Links Drama/literacy/art Links to Cheshire ICT Scheme of Work Units 4A, 4C, 4D 5a. Angels - explain how the Qu ran says that everyone has a good and a bad angel sitting on their shoulders telling them what to do. Cheshire Syllabus Links Unit 1 Islam QCA Links None 5b. Lead previous work into looking at the Muslim belief that each person has an angel on each shoulder telling him or her what to do - good and bad. Discuss the idea, develop it into other forces/beliefs the children believe in, have thought about, heard of etc. Devise drama based on this over a couple of weeks. Create music and listen to music that often portrays this theme e.g. Star Wars. Develop into creative writing. Discuss good/bad forces today. Assessment Suggestions AT1 Level 2-3 I can describe how & why Muslims welcome babies. = opportunities for spiritual development Citizenship Links KS2 1a, 2e, 2i, 4b, 4f 93

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