del 2 ottobre 2000 (Stato 26 giugno 2007)

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1 Ordinza che istituisce provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban 1 del 2 ottobre 2000 (Stato 26 giugno 2007) Il Consiglio federale svizzero, visto l articolo 2 della legge federale del 22 marzo sull applicazione di sanzioni interzioli (Legge sugli embarghi, LEmb), 3 ordi: Art. 1 4 Divieto di fornire armamenti e materiale affine 1 È vietata la fornitura, la vendita e la mediazione di armamenti di ogni genere, comprese armi e munizioni, di veicoli e di equipaggiamento militari, di attrezzature paramilitari nonché dei relativi accessori e pezzi di ricambio alle persone fisiche e giuridiche, ai gruppi o alle organizzazioni menzioti nell allegato È vietata la fornitura, la vendita e la mediazione di consulenza tecnica, assistenza o istruzione legate alle attività militari alle persone fisiche e giuridiche, ai gruppi o alle organizzazioni menzioti nell allegato È vietata la fornitura, la vendita e la mediazione di consulenza tecnica, assistenza o istruzione legate alle attività militari delle persone armate poste sotto il controllo dei Taliban. 4 I capoversi 1 e 3 si applicano soltanto per quanto non siano applicabili la legge federale del 13 dicembre sul controllo dei beni a duplice impiego e la legge del 13 dicembre sul materiale bellico con le relative ordinze d esecuzione. Art. 1a 10 RU Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 2 RS Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 30 ott. 2002, in vigore dal 1 gen (RU ). 4 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O dell 11 apr (RU ). 5 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 6 Abrogato dal n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 7 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 8 RS RS Introdotto dal n. I dell O dell 11 apr (RU ). Abrogato dal n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 1

2 Commercio con l estero Art Art. 2a e 2b 12 Art Blocco degli averi e delle risorse economiche 1 Gli averi e le risorse economiche appartenenti alle persone fisiche e giuridiche, ai gruppi o alle organizzazioni menzioti nell allegato 2 o controllati da questi ultimi sono bloccati. 2 È vietato trasferire fondi alle persone fisiche e giuridiche, ai gruppi o alle organizzazioni menzioti nell allegato 2 o mettere, direttamente o indirettamente, fondi o risorse economiche a loro disposizione. 3 La Segreteria di stato dell economia (SECO) 14 può esentare i pagamenti per progetti di democratizzazione o attività umanitarie dai divieti di cui ai capoversi 1 e 2. 4 D intesa con gli uffici competenti del Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri e del Dipartimento delle finze, la SECO può ecceziolmente autorizzare prelievi da conti bloccati, trasferimenti di valori patrimoniali bloccati nonché la liberazione delle risorse economiche bloccate se servono a tutelare interessi svizzeri o a prevenire casi di rigore. Art. 4 Dichiarazione obbligatoria 1 Le persone e le istituzioni che detengono o gestiscono averi che si deve presumere siano soggetti al blocco di cui all articolo 3 capoverso 1 devono dichiararli senza indugio alla SECO. 2 Le persone e le istituzioni che sono a conoscenza di risorse economiche presumibilmente rientranti nel campo d applicazione del blocco di cui all articolo 3 capoverso 1 devono dichiararli senza indugio alla SECO La dichiarazione deve indicare il nome del beneficiario, l oggetto e l importo degli averi e delle risorse economiche bloccati. 16 Art. 4a 17 Entrata in Svizzera e transito 1 L entrata in Svizzera e il transito attraverso la Svizzera sono vietati alle persone fisiche menziote nell allegato Abrogato dal n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 12 Introdotti dal n. I dell O dell 11 apr (RU ). Abrogati dal n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 13 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 14 La desigzione dell unità amministrativa è stata adattata in applicazione dell art. 16 cpv. 3 dell O del 17 nov sulle pubblicazioni (RS ). Di detta modifica è stato tenuto conto in tutto il presente testo. 15 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 16 Introdotto dal n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 17 Introdotto dal n. I dell O dell 11 apr (RU ). 18 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 2

3 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban L Ufficio federale della migrazione 19 può, in conformità con le decisioni del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite o per tutelare interessi svizzeri, accordare deroghe. Art. 4b 20 Esecuzione del blocco delle risorse economiche Su indicazione della SECO, le autorità competenti adottano i provvedimenti necessari al blocco delle risorse economiche, ad esempio la menzione nel registro fondiario di un divieto di disporre dei beni oppure il pignoramento o il suggellamento di beni di lusso. Art. 5 Definizioni Nella presente ordinza si intendono per: a. Taliban: i «Taliban», «Talibani» o «Islamic Movement of Taliban», compresi società, imprese, stabilimenti, enti e sottogruppi di loro proprietà o sotto il loro controllo; b. 21 averi: valori patrimoniali, compresi dero contante, assegni, crediti monetari, cambiali, ordini o altri strumenti di pagamento, depositi, debiti e riconoscimenti di debito, cartevalori e titoli di debito, certificati aziori, obbligazioni, titoli di credito, opzioni, obbligazioni fondiarie, derivati; interessi, dividendi o altri redditi o plusvalori generati da valori patrimoniali; crediti, diritti a compensazione, garanzie, fideiussioni o altri impegni finziari; accrediti, polizze di carico, contratti di assicurazione, documenti di titolarizzazione di quote di fondi o altre risorse finziarie e qualsiasi altro strumento di finziamento delle esportazioni; c. blocco degli averi: l impedimento di ogni atto che permetta la gestione o l utilizzazione degli averi, fatte salve le normali operazioni effettuate dagli istituti finziari; d. 22 risorse economiche: i valori patrimoniali di ogni genere, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano materiali o immateriali, mobili o immobili, in particolare gli immobili e i beni di lusso, fatti salvi gli averi di cui alla lettera b; e. 23 blocco delle risorse economiche: l impedimento del loro impiego per acquisire averi, merci o servizi, ivi comprese la vendita, la locazione o la costituzione in pegno di tali risorse. 19 La desigzione dell unità amministrativa è stata adattata in applicazione dell art. 16 cpv. 3 dell O del 17 nov sulle pubblicazioni (RS ). 20 Introdotto dal n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 21 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 30 nov (RU ). 22 Introdotta dal n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 23 Introdotta dal n. I dell O del 18 mag (RU ). 3

4 Commercio con l estero Art. 5a 24 Controllo 1 La SECO effettua i controlli. 2 Il controllo al confine compete all Amministrazione federale delle dogane. Art Disposizioni peli 1 Chiunque viola gli articoli 1, 3 e 4a della presente ordinza è punito conformemente all articolo 9 della legge sugli embarghi. 2 Chiunque viola l articolo 4 della presente ordinza è punito conformemente all articolo 10 della legge sugli embarghi. 3 Le infrazioni punibili conformemente agli articoli 9 e 10 della legge sugli embarghi sono perseguite e giudicate dalla SECO; esso può ordire sequestri o confische. 4 Sono fatti salvi gli articoli 11 e 14 capoverso 2 della legge sugli embarghi. Art. 7 a Art Entrata in vigore La presente ordinza entra in vigore il 3 ottobre Introdotto dal n. I dell O del 30 ott. 2002, in vigore dal 1 gen (RU ). 25 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 30 ott. 2002, in vigore dal 1 gen (RU ). 26 Abrogati dal n. I dell O del 30 ott (RU ). 27 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del 30 ott. 2002, in vigore dal 1 gen (RU ). 4

5 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban Allegato Abrogato dal n. III cpv. 1 dell O del 1 mag (RU ). 5

6 Commercio con l estero Allegato 2 29 (art. 1, 3 cpv. 1 e 2, art. 4 e 4a) Persone fisiche e giuridiche, gruppi e organizzazioni soggetti ai provvedimenti previsti agli articoli 1, 3, 4 e 4a Spiegazioni L elenco si compone delle seguenti cinque sezioni: A. Elenco di persone fisiche appartenenti o associate ai Taliban (136 persone) B. Elenco di enti appartenenti o associati ai Taliban (1 ente) C. Elenco di persone fisiche appartenenti o associate all organizzazione «Al-Qaïda» (220 persone) D. Elenco di enti appartenenti o associati all organizzazione «Al-Qaïda» (123 enti) E. Persone fisiche ed enti elimiti dall elenco (9 persone e 11 enti) Un codice permanente è assegto ad ogni perso fisica ed ente menzioto sulla lista. Tale codice si compone di tre lettere e due cifre. La prima lettera, T oppure Q, indica Talebani o Al-Qaida. La seconda lettera, I oppure E, indica perso fisica (I) o ente (E). La lista di nomi è strutturata secondo un ordine alfabetico. La terza lettera del codice permanente corrisponde alla prima lettera del cognome di u perso fiscia, rispettivamente alla lettera iniziale del nome di un ente. La prima cifra rappresenta l ordine nel quale la perso o l ente è stato aggiunto sulla lista, mentre la seconda cifra rappresenta l anno in cui il nome della perso o dell ente è stato menzioto sulla lista. Nella misura del possibile, il nome delle persone fisiche è menzioto anche nella scrittura origile (in genere, caratteri arabi o cirillici). 29 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I dell O del DFE del 13 nov (RU ). Vedi anche le modifiche del 15 gen (RU ), del 21 mag (RU ) e del 18 giu (RU ). L aggiormento dell all. 2 è pubblicato ogni sei mesi nella RU. Il testo completo dell all. 2 nella sua ultima versione aggiorta e le modifiche successive possono essere ottenuti presso la Segreteria di Stato dell economia (SECO), Settore Politica dei controlli all esportazione e sanzioni, Effingerstrasse 27, 3003 Ber. L all. 2 e le sue modifiche possono essere consultati anche all indirizzo Internet: cliccare su: Politica economica ester, Sanzioni/Embarghi, Sanzioni della Svizzera. Fa stato unicamente la versione stampata. 6

7 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban Abbreviazioni Persone Name Nome 1, Nome 2, Nome 3, Nome 4: i nomi delle persone che figurano nell elenco sono indicati nell ordine in cui figurano su un passaporto. Per ogni perso sono disponibili quattro campi separati, per tener conto delle regole di desigzione dell identità per i nomi arabi. Laddove sono indicati quattro nomi si applica la regola seguente: il Nome 1 corrisponde al nome della perso, il Nome 2 corrisponde al nome del padre, il nome 3 corrisponde al nome del nonno e il Nome 4 corrisponde al cognome. Spesso u perso è identificata mediante meno di quattro nomi. Per quanto possibile, il cognome è indicato in grassetto, a prescindere dal campo in cui è riportato. Vi sono diverse possibili spiegazioni del fatto che certe persone hanno meno di quattro nomi: a) non si hanno informazioni riguardo a certi elementi del nome completo; b) la regola in uso per la desigzione dell identità nel paese d origine dell interessato può non prevedere i quattro elementi altrimenti usuali dei nomi arabi. Va inoltre tenuto presente che la translitterazione dei nomi arabi e di altri nomi in caratteri latini può origire variazioni. Si raccomanda pertanto vivamente di completare i nomi in base agli altri elementi informativi riportati nell elenco. Title Titolo: titoli onorifici, professioli o religiosi. Desigtion Desigzione: funzione ufficiale. DOB Nato il: data di scita, compresa ogni altra data possibile. POB Luogo di scita: luogo di scita, compreso ogni altro luogo possibile. Good quality a.k.a. Alias certo: alias (noto anche sotto il nome o i nomi di) sufficiente a identificare con certezza l interessato. Low quality a.k.a. Alias incerto: alias (noto anche sotto il nome o i nomi di) probabilmente insufficiente a identificare con certezza l interessato. Natiolity Naziolità: indica la cittadinza/ziolità. 7

8 Commercio con l estero Passport no. N. di passaporto: numero/i di passaporto. Natiol identification no. N. ziole d identificazione: p. es., numero di carta d identità, d assicurazione sociale ecc. Adress Indirizzo: indica il luogo o i luoghi di residenza permanente o temporanea (legale o illegale) dell interessato. On the list since Iscritto da: data d iscrizione della perso nell elenco dell ONU. Other information Altre informazioni: dati supplementari, in aggiunta a quelli riportati nelle altre categorie. Non disponibile informazioni che non sono disponibili. Enti Name Nome: denomizione dell ente. A.k.a. Alias: alias (noto anche sotto il nome o i nomi di). F.k.a. Nome precedente: precedentemente noto sotto il nome di. Adress Indirizzo: indirizzo o indirizzi presso cui l ente è domiciliato o possiede delle antenne. On the list since Iscritto dal: data d iscrizione dell ente nell elenco dell ONU. 8

9 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban Other information Altre informazioni: dati supplementari, in aggiunta a quelli riportati nelle altre categorie. Non disponibile: informazioni che non sono disponibili. Modifiche dell allegato 2 Cronologia delle modifiche effettuate finora Entrata in vigore Versione Versione origile a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica 9

10 Commercio con l estero Entrata in vigore Versione a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica a modifica 10

11 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban A. Elenco di persone appartenenti o associate ai Taliban (136 persone) TI.A *Name: 1: NAZIRULLAH 2: AANAFI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Commercial Attache, Taliban «Embassy», Islamabad DOB: 1962 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan*Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D issued on 30 Jun Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 25 Jul. 2006) *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL BAQI 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Consulate Dept., Ministry of Foreign Affairs DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL BAQI 2: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Vice-Minister of Information and Culture DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL BARI 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Helmand Province DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Helmand province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL GHAFOOR 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Agriculture DOB: POB: Kur province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: * Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL JALIL 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Shawalikott district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL KABIR 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: a) Second Deputy, Council of Ministers b) Governor of Nangahar Province c) Head of Eastern Zone DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Zardran tribe, Paktja province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: A. Kabir Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: Active in terrorist operations in Eastern Afghanistan 11

12 Commercio con l estero TI.A *NAME: 1: ABDUL MANAN 2: 3: 4: Title 1: Mr Title 2: Mawlawi Desigtion: Commercial Attache, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL QADEER 2: 3: 4: Title: General Desigtion: Military Attache, Taliban «Embassy», Islamabad DOB: 1967 POB: Nangarhar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL RAZAQ 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Commerce DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Arghandab district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: Arrested in 2003 in Kandhar province in Afghanistan TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL RAZAQ 2: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Minister of Interior Affairs DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Chaman district, Quetta, Pakistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL WAHAB 2: 3: 4: Title: Malawi Desigtion: Taliban Chargé d Affaires in Riyadh DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Faryab province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: AGHA 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Chief Justice of Military Court DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Arghandab district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: JANAN 2: AGHA 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Governor of Fariab DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Central Uruzgan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: SAED 2: MOHAMMAD 3: AZIM 4: AGHA Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Passport and Visa Dept DOB: Approximately 1966 POB: Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: 12

13 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.A *Name: 1: SAYYED GHIASSOUDDINE 2: AGHA 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Faryab province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on : 31 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: AHMADI 3: 4: Title 1: Mullah Title 2: Haji Desigtion: President of Da Afghanistan Bank DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Daman district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SHAFIQ 2: AHMADI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Governor of Samangan Province DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: QARI 2: AHMADULLA 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Minister of Security (Intelligence) DOB: Approximately 1975 POB: Qarabagh district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: AHMED JAN 2: AKHUND 3: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Water and Electricity DOB: Between 1953 and 1958 POB: Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ATTIQULLAH 2: AKHUND 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Agriculture DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Shawali Kott district, Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ABBAS 2: AKHUND 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Minister of Public Health DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ESSA 2: AKHUND 3: 4: Title 1: Alhaj Title 2: Mullah Desigtion: Minister of Water, Sanitation and Electricity DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Spinboldak district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: 13

14 Commercio con l estero TI.A *Name: 1: UBAIDULLAH 2: AKHUND 3: 4: Title 1: Mullah Title 2: Hadji Desigtion: Minister of Defence DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SEDIQ 2: AKHUNDZADA 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Martyrs and Repatriation DOB: Between 1953 and 1958 POB: Kabul province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: AHMAD JAN 2: AKHUNZADA 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Zabol Province DOB: POB: Urazgan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ESHAQ 2: AKHUNZADA 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Laghman Province DOB: Between 1963 and 1968 POB: Qarabajh district, Ghazni province, Afghanhistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ALLAHDAD 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Construction DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Spinboldak district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Akhund Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: AMINULLAH 2: AMIN 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Saripul Province DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: SHAMS-US-SAFA 2: AMINZAI 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Press-Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: TAHRE 3: ANWARI 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Director of Administrative Affairs DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zurmat district, Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: 14

15 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.A *Name: 1: AREFULLAH 2: AREF 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Fince DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zurmat district, Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: SAYED ESMATULLAH 2: ASEM 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: a) Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue b) SG of Afghan Red Cresent Society (ARCS) DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Ningarhar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Esmatullah Asem Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: SAYED 2: ALLAMUDDIN 3: ATHEAR 4: Title: Desigtion: Second Secretary, Taliban «Consulate General», Peshawar DOB: 1955 POB: Badakhshan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: ATIQULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title 1: Hadji Title 2: Molla Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Public Works DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.A *Name: 1: AZIZIRAHMAN 2: 3: 4: Title: Mr Desigtion: Third Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.B *Name: 1: ABDUL GHANI 2: BARADAR 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Deputy, Minister of Defence DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Uruzgan, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.D *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: DAUD 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Administrative Attache, Taliban «Embassy», Islamabad DOB: 1956 POB: Kabul *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.D *Name: 1: SHAHABUDDIN 2: DELAWAR 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy of High Court DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Logar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: 15

16 Commercio con l estero TI.D *Name: 1: DOST MOHAMMAD 2: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Governor of Ghazni Province DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Daman district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.E *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD AZAM 2: ELMI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.E *Name: 1: EZATULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Planning DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Laghman province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.F *Name: 1: FAIZ 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Information Dept., Ministry of Foreign Affairs DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.F *Name: 1: FAIZ MOHAMMAD 2: FAIZAN 3: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Commerce DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zurmat district, Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.F *Name: 1: HABIBULLAH 2: FAIZI 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Second Secretary DOB: 1961 POB: Ghazni, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D issued on 19 Dec Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: GUL AHMAD 2: HAKIMI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Commercial Attache, Taliban «Consulate General», Karachi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: ABDULLAH 2: HAMAD 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Consul General, Taliban «Consulate General», Quetta DOB: 1972 POB: Helmand *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D issued on 20 Nov Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: 16

17 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.H *Name: 1: HAMDULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Repatriation Attache, Taliban «Consulate General», Quetta DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: ZABIHULLAH 2: HAMIDI 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Higher Education DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: HAMIDULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Head of Aria Afghan Airlines DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: ABDUL SALAM 2: HANAFI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Education DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Darzab district, Faryab district, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: DIN MOHAMMAD 2: HANIF 3: 4: Title: Qari Desigtion: a) Minister of Planning b) Minister of Higher Education DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Badakhshan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Qari Din Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: JALLALOUDDINE 2: HAQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Frontier Affairs DOB: Approximately 1948 POB: Khost province, Zadran district, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol dentification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: SAYEEDUR RAHMAN 2: HAQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries DOB: Approximately 1948 POB: Kur province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SALIM 2: HAQQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: 17

18 Commercio con l estero TI.H *Name: 1: MOSLIM 2: HAQQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: NAJIBULLAH 2: HAQQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Public Works DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: SAYYED MOHAMMED 2: HAQQANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Director of Administrative Affairs DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: Listed on: 31 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: Graduate of the Haqqaniya Madrrassa in Pakistan TI.H *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: HASSAN 3: 4: Title 1: Mullah Title 2: Hadji Desigtion: First Deputy, Council of Ministers DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: From the Malwhavi Khaalis faction, one of the seven factions of Jihad against the Soviets, graduated from a madrrassa in Queta Pakistan, a close associate of Mullah Omar TI.H *Name: 1: ABDUL HAI 2: HAZEM 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: First Secretary, Taliban «Consulate General», Quetta DOB: 1971 POB: Ghazni *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: HIDAYATULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Arghandab district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Abu Turab Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: Listed on: *Other information: TI.H *Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: AHMAD 3: HOTTAK 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy (Cultural) Minister of Information and Culture DOB: Between 1963 and 1968 POB: Maidanwardak province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: 18

19 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.H *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD MUSA 2: HOTTAK 3: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Planning DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Maidanwardak province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.J *Name: 1: NOOR 2: JALAL 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy (Administrative) Minister of Interior Affairs DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Kur province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.J *Name: 1: QUDRATULLAH 2: JAMAL 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Information DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Paktia, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.K *Name: 1: RAHMATULLAH 2: KAKAZADA 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Consul General, Taliban "Consulate General", Karachi DOB: 1968 POB: Ghazni, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D issued on 7 Jan Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 July 2006) *Other information: TI.K *Name: 1: ABDUL RAUF 2: KHADEM 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Commander of Central Corpus DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Uruzgan/Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.K *Name: 1: KHAIRULLAH MOHAMMAD 2: KHAIRKHWAH 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Herat Province DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Arghistan district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.K *Name: 1: ABDUL SAMAD 2: KHAKSAR 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Deputy (Security) Minister of Interior Affairs DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.K *Name: 1: SHAMSALAH 2: KMALZADA 3: 4: Title: Mr Desigtion: Second Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: 19

20 Commercio con l estero TI.M *Name: 1: JAN MOHMMAD 2: MADANI 3: 4: Title: Mr Desigtion: Charge d Affaires, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: ZIA-UR-RAHMAN 2: MADANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Logar Province DOB: Between 1953 and 1958 POB: Taliqan, Takhar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: AKHTAR 2: MOHAMMAD 3: MANSOUR 4: Title: Desigtion: Minister of Civil Aviation and Transportation DOB: POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: ABDUL LATIF 2: MANSUR 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Agriculture DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Native of Zurmat district, Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD HASSAN 2: MASTASAEED 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Head of Academy of Sciences DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMADULLAH 2: MATI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Public Works DOB: POB: Arghandab district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MATIULLAH 2: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Director, Kabul Custom House DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Daman district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: AKHTAR 2: MOHAMMAD 3: MAZ-HARI 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Education Attache, Taliban «Consulate General», Peshawar DOB: 1970 POB: Kunduz, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number SE issued on 4 Nov Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 25 Jul. 2006) *Other information: 20

21 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.M *Name: 1: FAZEL MOHAMMAD 2: MAZLOOM 3: 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Deputy Chief of Army Staff DOB: Between 1963 and 1968 POB: Uruzgan, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: NAZAR 2: MOHAMMAD 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Kunduz Province DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD HOMAYOON 2: 3: 4: Title: Eng. Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Water and Electricity DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SHAFIQ 2: MOHAMMADI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Khost Province DOB: Approximately 1948 POB: Uruzgan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD RASUL 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Nimroz Province DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Spinboldak district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD WALI 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Minister of Department of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue DOB: Approximately 1965 POB: Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD YAQOUB 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Head of BIA DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: ABDUL HAKIM 2: MONIB 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs DOB: Between 1973 and 1976 POB: Zurmat district, Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 31 Jul. 2006) *Other information: Renounced the Taliban and joined the government representing the Zurmat district in the Loya Jirga 21

22 Commercio con l estero TI.M *Name: 1: AMIR KHAN 2: MOTAQI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: a) Minister of Education b) Taliban representative in UN-led talks DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Helmand province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Amir Khan Muttaqi Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: ABDUL WASAY 2: AGHAJAN 3: MOTASEM 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Minister of Fince DOB: Approximatly 1968 POB: Kandahar city, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: ABDULHAI 2: MOTMAEN 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Director, Information and Culture Dept., Kandahar DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Zabul province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: RAFIULLAH 2: MUAZEN 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy of High Court DOB: Approximately 1943 POB: Paktia province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: MUHAMMAD ISLAM 2: 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Governor of Bamiyan Province DOB: Between 1953 and 1958 POB: Rori-Du-Aab district, Samangan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.M *Name: 1: QALAMUDIN 2: MUHMAND 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: a) Deputy Minister of Haj Affairs b) Head of Olympic Committee DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Ningarhar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Qalamuddin Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: In July 2003 was in custody in Kabul, Afghanistan TI.M *Name: 1: ABDUL HAKIM 2: MUJAHID 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Taliban envoy to the United Nations DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Logar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: 22

23 Provvedimenti nei confronti delle persone e delle organizzazioni legate a Osama bin Laden, al gruppo «Al-Qaïda» o ai Taliban TI.M *Name: 1: ABDUL WAKIL 2: MUTAWAKIL 3: 4: Title: Desigtion: Minister of Foreign Affairs DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: NAIM 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: NIK MOHAMMAD 2: 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Commerce DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: HAMDULLAH 2: NOMANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: High Ranking Official in the Ministry of Higher Education DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Ghazni province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: ALEEM 3: NOORANI 4: Title: Mufti Desigtion: First Secretary, Taliban «Consulate General», Karachi DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: NURULLAH 2: NURI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: a) Governor of Balkh Province b) Head of Northern Zone DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Shahjoe district, Zabul province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: ROSTAM 2: NURISTANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Public Works DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Nuristan province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.N *Name: 1: ABDUL MANAN 2: NYAZI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Governor of Kabul Province DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Heart province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: 23

24 Commercio con l estero TI.O *Name: 1: MOHAMMED 2: OMAR 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Leader of the Faithful ( Amir ul-mumineen ), Afghanistan DOB: Approximately 1966 POB: Uruzgan province, Adehrawood village *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 31 Jan *Other information: TI.O *Name: 1: ABDUL JABBAR 2: OMARI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Governor of Baghlan Province DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zabul, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.O *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM 2: OMARI 3: 4: Title: Alhaj Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zadran valley, Khost province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.P *Name: 1: ABDUL SATAR 2: PAKTIN 3: 4: Title: Dr. Desigtion: Protocol Dept., Ministry of Foreign Affairs DOB: POB: Paktia, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: TI.Q *Name: 1: ABDUL GHAFAR 2: QURISHI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Repatriation Attache, Taliban «Embassy», Islamabad DOB: POB: *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.R *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: RABBANI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Chairman of the Ruling Council, Head of the Council of Ministers DOB: Approximately 1961 POB: Kandahar, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan (amended on 20 Dec. 2005) *Other information: Reportedly deceased in April 2001 TI.R *Name: 1: YAR MOHAMMAD 2: RAHIMI 3: 4: Title: Mullah Desigtion: Minister of Communication DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Panjwaee district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 25 Jan *Other information: TI.R *Name: 1: ARSALA 2: RAHMANI 3: 4: Title: Maulavi Desigtion: Deputy Minister of Higher Education DOB: Approximately 1948 POB: Paktika, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: *Natiolity: Afghan Passport no.: Natiol identification no.: Address: *Listed on: 23 Feb *Other information: 24

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