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3 1. LIVE AS ONE Philippians If you have any encouragement... (paraklesis) comfort... (paramythion) common sharing... (koinos) tenderness... (splagchnon) compassion... Then make my joy complete by being... like-minded (phren) , 2.2 (x2), 2.5, 3.15 (x2), 3.19, 4.2,10 (x2) having the same love... being one in spirit Case study: Euodia and Syntyche Karl Barth, Epistle to the Philippians, p56, 57 The dispute ends when we discover respect for each other, not on this ground or that, perhaps without any grounds, counter to every ground, simply because we are bidden when looking at our neighbour to think of the one thing, of grace... Grace certainly does not live and move abstractly, nor transcendently: it comes to meet us in life, in the efforts, hopes, insights, concerns of those about me... The strange, the different, the unintelligible subjective aspect of my neighbour is the garment in which the one thing meets me. The claim my neighbour makes on me on my patience, attention, consideration, on my love is the claim of the one thing.

4 1 When you think about humility who are the people who come to mind? What are the qualities that you associate with a humble person? 2 Would you regard Paul the Apostle as a humble person? (Check out Philippians 3:17 and Acts 20:19) 3 What is the selfish ambition mentioned in Philippians 1:17 and 2:3? What would be an illustration of this behaviour in chapter 1? 4 In Philippians 2:3 the Christians in Philippi are told humility count others more significant than yourselves. How do verses 3-4 describe humility? 5 How does Jesus demonstrate his humility? (verses 5-8) 6 Look through Philippians 1:27 2:11 and list all the mentions of unity, oneness, same etc and the key idea attached to each reference.

5 7. How is the humility spoken of in this section the key to unity? What does this mean for us? 9. When are you tempted to act out of selfish ambition? What is the way to counter this? (From what Paul is saying here) So here are a few discussion questions (pulled from a variety of sources) for you and your family, friends, DNA group, Live group, tribe, comrades, etc. to get things started over lunch or dinner What ambition should unite us? How should we express our humility to an unbelieving world? (Check out 1:27-30) 12. Does having the same mind mean Christians should always agree with each other? How does this work itself out in your Live group? 12

6 2. Bittersweet Symphony Philippians Do nothing out of... selfish ambition (eritheia)... or vain conceit (keno doxia)... Have the same mindset as Jesus Christ, who... 1) Being in the form of God...did not grasp onto equality with God...but emptied himself (kenosis)...and took on the form of a servant became a man 2) And humbled himself, became obedient to death...even death on a cross 3) Therefore, God exalted him Kenosis In Christian theology, Kenosis (from the Greek word for emptiness κένωσις (kénōsis)) The word ἐκένωσεν (ekénōsen) is used in Philippians 2:7, Jesus made himself nothing... (NIV) or...he emptied himself... (NRSV), using the verb form κενόω (kenóō) to empty.

7 Apollinarianism (A)- Nestorianism (N)- This view stated that the One person of Christ had a human body but a divine mind and spirit. What is the problem with this? The whole human person (material and immaterial) needs redeeming. It implied that being human is essentially sinful. This heresy was rejected at the council of Alexandria (362) and the Council of Constantinople (381). This view stated that there are two separate persons in Christ a human person and a divine person. What is the problem with this? There is no indication of struggle in Christ between two persons; His person cannot be divided. There is ONE mediator between God and man: the God-man, Jesus Christ. 1. Make a list of everything Philippians 2:5-11 reveals about Christ. (Which phrases describe Him before the incarnation, and which describe after?) 1 Philippians is the bomb! When it comes to understanding Christ 2. What is the same attitude that Christ had referred to in Philippians 2:5? How is humility defined in this passage? it s THE passage, so to honour that we thought we d give you 3. Some mistake these verses to say Christ was created, or Christ was not fully human, or that Christ is not fully heaps of questions. divine. The failure to hold both His humanity and His deity in tension has been the source of oodles of heresies and cults, historically and in the present. What does each phrase mean? he existed in the form of God (Could you say He was in the form of God, but not actually God?) taking on the form of a slave (Could you say He was created?) looking like other men (Could you say He only appeared to be human?) Let s put these phrases together now. How would you defend both the deity and the humanity of Christ from the Bible? What is lost when one is emphasized over the other? 4 Eutychianism/Monophysitism (E/M)- This view stated that Christ had only one nature. His human nature was absorbed into a divine nature and thus morphed into a third nature. What is the problem with this? A third mix of natures is neither human nor divine. He must be fully human and fully divine. In 451, rising from concerns over these heresies, the Chalcedonian Council was convened and wrote the Chalcedonian creed. Ever heard of it? 5. Take a stab: In your understanding, how would you explain the mystery of the incarnation (He emptied himself ) to someone? Did He give up or lay aside any divine attributes, or the exercise of them? What if any clues does this passage or surrounding context give? What difference does it make? 5 6. Up for a challenge? Early church Christians wrestled with these questions long before us. These views were instrumental in helping the early church form sound beliefs about the deity and humanity of Christ. We not only gain insight from modern-day Christians who are different from us. We also have a lot to learn from the ways God s Spirit revealed truth to the saints of history. Don t be scared by these funky names! (see column to the left). 6

8 (Adapted from Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), ) We, then, following the holy Father, all with one consent, teach men to confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood; (A) truly God and truly man, of a reasonable/rational soul and body; consubstantial (having the same nature or substance) with the Father according to the Godhead, and (A) consubstantial with us according to the Manhood; in all things like unto us, without sin; begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, and in these latter days, for us and for our salvation, born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the Manhood; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Onlybegotten, (N) to be acknowledged in two natures, inconfusedly, unchangeably, (E/M) indivisibly, inseparably; (N) the distinction of the natures being by no means taken away by the union, but rather the property of each nature being preserved, and (E/M) concurring in one person and one subsistence, not parted or divided into two persons, but one and the same Son, and only begotten, God, the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the prophets from the beginning have declared concerning him, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has taught us, and the Creed of the holy Fathers has been handed down to us. 7. What was the outcome of Christ s humility? (2:9-11) 7 8. Read Isaiah 45:18-23 and give the biblical context for the phrase, every knee will bow. (In other words, what is the meaning of this phrase in the Isaiah passage? How might this inform Paul s use of these words in Philippians?) 8 9. Whereas we cannot exhort one another to be sovereign, this passage has a distinct be like Christ context. What are the phrases from the larger passage (2:1-18) that show Paul s application for the Philippians? How do these strike you personally? In what ways do (or will) we share in this pattern of Christ-like humility now leading to exaltation later? In contrast, in what sense does it belong to Christ alone? (See Colossians 3:4; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Romans 8:17.) 10

9 And more questions Paul was not stuck in scholarly debate with this passage. He was seeking to be extremely practical. What are Christ s ethical qualities associated with His incarnation in this passage and why is Paul discussing them? 1 2. Meditate on John 17:5 and 2 Corinthians 8:9 and write your thoughts here What are some snapshots of Christ s earthly life, aside from His incarnation, that best demonstrate His humility? 3 4. The King of Kings condescended to take on humanity. Take some time meditating upon what it means to be human. What elements of humanity do we experience today which Christ also faced? As you meditate upon Christ becoming human, how does this inform the way you think and feel about the wonders and limitations of your humanity? In light of this, what do you want to say to Him? 4 5. What value does His incarnation reflect upon human life? How does the humanity of Christ inform the way we consider and engage peoples of different cultures, religions, and languages far removed from your own? 5 6. What are any of your current circumstances requiring you to exercise humility, servant-heartedness, or laying down your rights? How can the humility of Christ make a difference in your circumstances? 6

10 7. Write a sentence that captures the mind-boggling truths of both last week s and this week s lessons put together. How would you explain His sovereign reign coupled together with His humility? 7 8. What is one way that your reflection on the humility of Christ has made Him appear more beautiful and glorious to you this week? Write out your words of praise to Him Share with one another what truths have been most meaningful to you. Spend a moment writing down the insights you have heard from others during this study that have enriched your own perspective What is your action step for today? (What do you need to confess? What conversation do you need to have? What do you need to pray? What needs to change in your thinking or what actions need to be taken? As a result of this lesson, how do you most desire to grow?) 10

11 3. GOD WORKS IN YOU Philippians A tension Work out your salvation God works in you Fear and trembling

12 1. What do you think it means to work out your salvation? 1 2. It s important to acknowledge and celebrate the ways that God works through us. How have others seen God working through you? If you re studying with a group of people, it might be helpful to share how you see God working through one another Paul s words are directed at a community of believers, and it s important for us to hear them that way. We are meant to together work out our salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in us. Who are the people in your life that you do this with? 3 4. What impact does this working out salvation have on the world beyond that group of people? 4 5. Read Proverbs Paul seems to understand that sometimes our serving God can get in the way of our knowing God that somewhere along the way the focus can shift from partnership with God to simply getting things done. Let s assume for a moment that by fear and trembling Paul means we should be people who are acknowledging the moments when we ve attempted to work out our salvation in our own strength. How do you sometimes try to live out of your own strength rather than the strength of the God who works in you? 5 6. What kinds of things do you think keep us from being the kind of people who have the courage to acknowledge our wrongs to one another? 6

13 4. Shine Like Stars Philippians Do everything without grumbling or arguing (Exodus 16, Numbers 14, 1 Timothy 2.8) that you may become blameless and pure (Genesis 17)...children of God without a warped and crooked generation (Deuteronomy 32)...then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Daniel 12) you hold firmly to the word of life And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ... that I did not run or labour in vain (Isaiah 65.23, 1 Thessalonians 2.19)

14 1. What things do you find yourself grumbling and complaining about? 1 2. Why those things? 2 3. Do you believe that you have everything you need? What are you pursuing in the belief that once you get this or that thing, then there will be peace and rest and joy? 3 4. Have there been, or are there currently, ways in which you feel God has short-changed you? 4 5. Where in your life do you find yourself judging the present by the past, believing that things are always going to be this way? 5

15 5. A Life Poured Out Philippians

16 1. What are you worried about? Paul likens his life to a drink offering being poured out. It s a subtle but brilliant distinction. Paul s life is being poured out, but it s not being spilled or wasted When have you felt that your life was being spilled or wasted? 4 4. When have you felt that your life was being given for a greater purpose? 5 5. When it comes to faith, doubt sometimes gets reprimanded as if to say that having doubt undermines faith. Actually, you can t have one without the other. Some of us doubt that God is good. Some of us doubt that God is just, because of something horrible that s happened to us. Some of us doubt ourselves. We doubt that we have anything to offer. Some of us doubt that other people can be trusted. We all have reasons. What are your doubts? Why those doubts? 6 6. Why do you think we trust Jesus with our eternal destination something that is difficult to comprehend and not trust him with our current life? 7 7. Michael Novak distinguishes between public convictions, private convictions, and core convictions. Public convictions are things that we want other people to think we believe, whether we actually believe them or not. Private convictions are things we think we believe until circumstances change and show that we don t actually believe them. Core convictions form the foundation of how we understand or view the world. We never violate our core convictions Can you think of a moment when your life circumstances changed and caused you to realize that you didn t actually believe something that you thought you had?

17 Bonus questions on Philippians Who have been examples to you, demonstrating God s faithfulness in the midst of a difficult place? It s one thing to give an answer or solution to a difficult situation. It s another to give yourself in response to a difficult solution. Paul writes about a certain kind of life, and then he also gives pictures to illustrate it. He gives Timothy. He gives Epaphroditus. What do you think is the difference between giving answers and solutions and giving yourself? 3. Paul suggests that a life of looking out for the interests of others is ultimately fulfilling, while a life of looking out for one s own interests isn t. Why might he say this? 4. The phrase put yourself in my shoes speaks about perspective. In what ways are you putting yourself in someone else s shoes to see the world from another perspective? 5 5. We give the ultimate values to those things that demand the ultimate risks... writes Robert McKee in his book Story. To live meaningfully is to be at perpetual risk. In other words, you can tell what a person values based on what they are willing to put themselves at risk for. The way of Jesus pushes us into the hard places of this world what do you think it means for you to be at risk for the gospel?




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