FORMATION UNIT 7. «GO THEN, AND DO THE SAME» (Lk 10:37) Toward a Scalabrinian Lay Ministry

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1 «GO THEN, AND DO THE SAME» (Lk 10:37) Toward a Scalabrinian Lay Ministry Because of the nature of this formation unit (it includes aspects of both theory and practice), it is divided into two sections. The goal is to study and assimilate the proposed methodology and put into practice what is learned. The ultimate goal is that the method of See, Judge, Act, Evaluate, and Celebrate will accompany the ministry of the Lay Scalabrinian. 1.- OPENING PRAYER SECTION 1 Page REVIEW OF HOMEWORK Page OBJECTIVES Page 5 a) To acquire a pastoral methodology towards a Scalabrinian Lay Ministry b) To design and engage in a Scalabrinian pastoral strategy in the local context. Page 5 Page INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY Page 5 5- STUDY SESSION Page 7 The Pastoral Circle: 1) To See 2) To Judge Theological Reflection 3) To Act 4) To Evaluate 5) To Celebrate Page 7 Page 8 Page 11 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14


3 1.- OPENING PRAYER PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Come, Holy Spirit, come and from your celestial home shed a ray of light divine. Come, Father to the poor. Come, source of all our store. Come, within our bosom shine. You, of comforters the best; you, the soul s most welcome guest;sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; grateful coolness in the heat; solace in the midst of woe. O most blessed light divine, shine within these hearts of yours, and our inmost being fill. Where you are not, man has naught,nothing good in deed or thought, nothing free from taint o fill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; on our dryness pour your dew; wash the stains of guilt away; Bend the stubborn heart and will; melt the frozen, warm the chill; guide the steps that go astray. On the faithful, who adore and confess you,evermore in your sev nfold gifts descend; Give them virtue s sure reward; give them your salvation, Lord; give them joys that never end. AMEN 3

4 THE MIGRANT S PSALM (song by M.G. Luise, mss) But how could we sing with the guitars hung up, with anxiety in our hearts, far from a land that has given us all and nothing,that all and that nothing that we no longer have. But how could we prayfar from God s memory, from God s celebration if so many other men who are our brothers in Godclosed the gates of their cities to us. O Lord my God, Remember my praise, the day when I call on you, shut inside my anguish, and lead me safely into the secret of your way to where you are preparing the place of peace for me. Then I shall sing before the Lord, the rock of my steps. But how can I forget you, Jerusalem, the holy city of my joy. You are the heart of every symbol, the aim of the migration of all the people who are reborn in you. Oh my soul, return to your peace, because the Lord God has given you his love; he it is who has loosed me from the snares of death, who has dried my eyes that no longer weep. I shall walk before you in safety, O Lord, I shall dwell in your communion forever, because you lead me into the secrets of your life, where you prepare the place of peace for me. Then shall I sing before all the peoples; You only are the Lord, the rock that saves us. 4

5 2.- REVIEW OF HOMEWORK Share your answers and thoughts on the pamphlet «THE FIRST SCALABRINIAN LAY MOVEMENT: REFLECTIONS FOR A NEW GENERATION.» 3.- OBJECTIVES a) To acquire a pastoral methodology towards a Scalabrinian Lay Ministry b) To design and engage in a Scalabrinian pastoral strategy in the local context. 4.- INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY Read the following passage and answer the following questions in groups: Luke 10:25-37 (The Good Samaritan) «Then a teacher of the Law came and began putting Jesus to the test. And he said, «Master, what shall I do to receive eternal life?» Jesus replied, «What is written in Scripture? How do you understand it?» The man answered, «It is written: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. And You shall love your neighbor as yourself.» Jesus replied, «What a good answer! Do this and you shall live.» The man wanted to keep up appearances, so he replied, «Who is my neighbor?» Jesus then said, «There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him, beat him and went off leaving him half dead. «It happened that a priest was going along that road and saw the man, but passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite saw the man and passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, too, was going down that way, and when he came upon that man, he was moved with compassion. He went over to him and treated his wounds with oil and wine and wrapped him with bandages. Then he put him on his own mount and brought him to an inn where he took care of him. «The next day he had to set off, but he gave two silver coins to the innkeeper and told him: Take care of him and whatever you spend on him, I will repay when I come back.» Jesus then asked, «Which of these three, do you think, made himself neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?» The teacher of the Law answered, «The one who had mercy on him.» And Jesus said, «Go then and do the same.» 5

6 Questions: 1. At times, even good religious people justify their lack of commitment with rhetoric and pious arguments. What are the excuses we in the Church bring up to delay or dismiss altogether pastoral action in favor of migrants? 2. In regard to migrants: who are today s robbers? Who are the priest and the Levite? Who are the good Samaritans? 3. «Who is my neighbor?» asked the lawyer. Jesus answered with a question: «Who proved himself a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers hands?» Do you see the change in perspective? What does it mean to you? 6

7 5.- STUDY SESSION THE PASTORAL CIRCLE: DIAGRAM I THE CIRCLE PASTORAL Social Análysis Theological Reflection EXPERIENCE Insertion Pastoral Planning «A social analysis that is genuinely pastoral can be illustrated in what we can call the pastoral circle. This circle represents the close relationship between four mediations of experience: first, insertion; second, social analysis; third, theological reflection; and fourth, pastoral planning (see diagram). This circle is frequently referred to as the circle of praxis, because it emphasizes the ongoing relationship between reflection and action.» 1.- The first moment in the pastoral circle, and the basis for any pastoral action is insertion. This locates the geography of our pastoral responses in the lived experience of individuals and communities. What people are feeling, what they are undergoing, how they are responding, these are the experiences that constitute primary data. We gain access to these by inserting our approach close to the experiences of ordinary people. 2.-These experiences must be understood in the richness of all their interrelationships. This is the task of social analysis, the second moment in the pastoral circle. Social analysis examines causes, probes consequences, delineates linkages, and identifies actors. It helps make sense of experiences by putting them into a broader picture and drawing the connection between them. 3.- The third moment is theological reflection, an effort to understand more broadly and deeply the analyzed experience in the light of living faith, Scripture, Church social teaching, and the resources of Tradition. The Word of God brought to bear upon the situation raises new questions, suggests new insights, and opens new responses. 7

8 4. Since the purpose of the pastoral circle is decision and action, the fourth moment in the circle is crucial: pastoral planning. In the light of experiences analyzed and reflected upon, what response is called for by individuals and by communities? How should the response be designed in order to be most effective, not only in the short term, but also in the long term? A response of action in a particular situation brings about a situation of new experiences. These experiences in turn call for further mediation through insertion, analysis, reflection, and planning. Thus, the pastoral circle continues without final conclusion, it is, in fact, more of a «spiral» than a «circle.» Each approach does not simply retrace old steps but breaks new ground (Joe Holland and Peter Henriot, S.J, Social analysis: Linking faith and justice. Revised and enlarged edition. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, New York 1983, pp. 7-9). Another way to describe this is the shorthand formula to see to judge to act to evaluate and to celebrate. 1. See (or Social Analysis): Assess and analyze the local reality in order to be able to offer a lay pastoral response. The purpose of this section is to «scope out the terrain»: to identify and discuss, from a critical perspective, the present situation in our cities and countries with regard to immigration laws and immigrants. We are «to see and to judge.» The results from this questionnaire will form the basis for practical implementation of our group s Scalabrinian action. ATTENTION: It is important that those responsible for this unit prepare this questionnaire on overheads or charts and include them in the participants packets. A. DEMOGRAPHICS OF MIGRATION: 1. Who are migrants? a) Old? b) New? 2. Types of Migration: immigrants, migrants, emigrants, refugees, deportees, and displaced persons Geography of Migration Where are they located? 8

9 4. Number of immigrants? a) documented b) undocumented 5. Gender and age a) Men b) Women c) Children 6. Average Age 7. Ethnic Groups What is their place of origin? Racial or ethnic group? 8. Religion: a) By birth b) Currently 9. Current Needs of Migrants B. IMMIGRATION LAWS 1. What are the present laws in our country regarding: a) Documented migrants b) Undocumented migrants c) Internal migration 2. What is the situation today in our country regarding detention centers? 3. Are there any government representatives working to change the laws that affect families or migrants? 9

10 4. Are advocates able to work effectively under the present governmental systems in our country? C. AGENCIES 1. What governmental institutions deal with immigration issues? 2. What NGOs (non-governmental organizations) serve migrants? 3. Are there any support groups in our city? 4. Are there any anti-immigrant organizations in our city or country, and if so, are they racially or ethnically based? 5. Is there any media resource that actively supports migration in our country or city? 6. Are there any initiatives by other Christian denominations or religions in our city? D. CHURCH 1. What is the general attitude of the clergy and the faithful toward migrants? 2. Are there any special ministries that deal with migrants? a) Shelters b) Refugee services c) Centers for migrants and/or ethnic groups d) Ethnic ministries e) Prison ministries f ) Sea ministries g) Health ministries h) Centers for human rights for migrants 3. Quality and degree of social awareness and commitment of the national and local church? E. EMPLOYMENT / SOCIAL SERVICES 1. Are there any employment opportunities available to migrants? 2. What type of work do migrants perform? 3. Is there any abuse of documented or undocumented migrants by employers or corporations in our city or country? 4. What is the situation regarding social services (health and welfare) available for new migrants? a) documented b) undocumented 10

11 2. Judge (or Theological Reflection): Develop criteria toward a Scalabrinian pastoral care of migrants. A) DIMENSIONS OF PASTORAL CARE OF MIGRANTS Honesty about reality: If we want our pastoral ministry to be relevant, we have to recognize and respond to the reality of migration as it is, taking into consideration its positive and negative aspects. Mission-in-reverse: Ministry is a two-way street. Pastoral agents need to allow migrants to minister to them. The person who takes an option for the migrant is committed not only to give, but also to receive; not only to be the teacher, but also to be the student; not only to evangelize, but to be evangelized. Responsibility: an integral part of our pastoral ministry it is to form the conscience of the pastoral agents and of the community at large, to shoulder the burden of the migrants and accept responsibility for their plight. «Responsibility» means also «ability to respond,» to give relevant answers to the issues at hand. Prophecy: the prophet speaks the truth from God s perspective. Prophets messages denounce the sinful aspects of today s reality, call for conversion, and announce the dawning of «the new heaven and new earth» (Revelation 21:1). Welcome and hospitality: «In the Church, no one is a stranger, and the Church is not foreign to anyone anywhere To welcome and to show solidarity is the duty of hospitality and fidelity to Christian identity itself.» (John Paul II) Preferential option for the poor: God s revelation begins with the liberation of a people of immigrant slaves (see Exodus), and all throughout the Bible the option for the poor is God s own option. To side with the marginalized, the «least,» and the oppressed is to follow God s lead in history. Faith perspective of migrant women: to listen to the voices of migrant women and to promote their proactive participation and leadership in our communities and pastoral planning has become an urgent and indispensable need in the field of pastoral mobility. Dimension of itinerancy: migrants remind us of the pilgrim character of the Church. Pastoral action in favor of the migrants has to assume the dimension of mobility, and itinerancy, accepting the provisional and unsettling challenges of «being on the move», of becoming «migrants with the migrants». Quest for justice: the struggle for justice in favor of the migrants who are often discriminated against, not only by the people, but also by the laws of the land, has to become a fundamental element of pastoral ministry with migrants.. 11

12 Challenge of cultural diversity and inculturation: the multi-cultural context of pastoral ministry with migrants demands a particular sensibility to and appreciation for cultural diversity. The Gospel should come to people within their framework of their own cultural identity. Ministry of reconciliation: to promote dialogue and reconciliation among different ethnic groups, races and cultures. Collaboration and ecumenism: openness and willingness to work with other civil and religious associations that are sensitive to the issue of migration B) AN INTEGRAL PASTORAL APPROACH: A pastoral response to migration embraces different spheres of the life of the Church: Kérigma: proclamation of the message of salvation, evangelization, and Christian witness. Didaskalía: formation of the people of God. Our pastoral approach entails sensitizing the local society and the Church and advocacy for just laws. Leitourgía: worship and celebration. Migration has to affect the way we pray, celebrate our liturgies, and understand popular devotions. Koinonía: pastoral care of migrants must teach us how to build communion in our Church out of diversity. 12

13 3. To act: Once we have gone through the two previous steps of To See and To Judge, we have arrived at the point of hitting the ground running to carry out the strategies and an action plan that allow us to transform reality. The following chart summarizes the plan to be applied in Section 2 and in future pastoral methodology of the Lay Scalabrinian group. SEE 1. Demographics of migration 2. Immigration laws 3. Agencies 4. Church 5. Employment / social services JUDGE 1. Honesty about reality 2. Mission in reverse 3. Responsibility 4. Prophecy (announce and denounce) 5. Welcome and hospitality 6. Preferential option of the poor 7. Faith perspective of migrant women 8. Dimensions of itinerancy 9. Quest for justice 10. Pastoral care of culture: inculturation of the Gospel and evangelization of cultures 11. Evangelización de las culturas. 12. Collaboration and ecumenism 13. Ministry of reconciliation ACT 1. How can we help immigrants in our local community? 2. This step is to put into effect your actual plan of action. EVALUATE 1. Successes and lessons learned from the work already done. 2. Looking ahead to the future. CELEBRATE 1. The expression of our faith in this process. 13

14 4. Evaluate: In the Pastoral Circle, it is important to pause for a moment in order to evaluate the actions taken in order to consolidate, correct, or propose new plans of action. 5. Celebrate: Once we have examined both our accomplishments and the road that lies ahead, we need to look at this again through the lens of our faith, because it is there that we will find strength to continue on this journey. We put our happiness, sorrows, fatigue, hopes, and suffering in liturgical celebration, and through Jesus, we become reconciled all over again in order to continue this process. Group activities, songs, gestures, and prayers can all be used to contribute to the celebration. NOTE: It should be noted that the Pastoral Circle is in the form of a spiral, so when arriving at the celebratory part of the exercise, we should put ourselves, all over again, in the process of analyzing reality by Seeing, Judging, Acting, Evaluating, and Celebrating. 6.- HOMEWORK Answer the survey that we have analyzed. Divide into five teams and have each team take one of the blocks of questions. Collectively, you will need to know the answers to these questions in order to carry out a pastoral action plan for the group. 7.- EVALUATION The evaluation will be completed at the end of the Section 2. 14

15 8.- CLOSING PRAYER Prayer for Migrants O Jesus, we implore You on behalf of our migrant brothers and sisters. Whether they are in search of a better life, refugees escaping from tyranny, or people whose livelihood moves them from place to place, they are all in need of Your help and guidance. During Your own life on earth, by Your Father s will, You endured the suffering and hardships of exile, together with Mary, Your Mother, and Joseph. Give our migrant brothers and sisters Your light to overcome empty and false promises. Through Your Church remind them of their duties, often obscured by their daily worries and sufferings. Grant them Your grace to ennoble and strengthen them as Christians in their work. O Heart of Jesus, bless all migrants and keep them close to You always. Fill their lives with the fear of God, which is the beginning of all good and wisdom. Defend them form spiritual danger and strengthen their faith, so that they may live serene lives on earth, and, following their pilgrimage in Your Church, may they reach eternal happiness with You. Amen. 15

16 SECTION OPENING PRAYER The person or people organizing this session select this prayer according to their creativity and the style of previous prayers. 2.- REVIEW OF HOMEWORK Share your survey responses from the previous section. 3.- WORK SESSION Once we have shared our answers, we need to find out if there is anything that is still pending, or that we want to know more about or understand better. a) SEE: After this analysis (See), comes illumination (Judge). b) JUDGE: Once our analysis of the reality is done, and with all of the elements of formation that we have gone through over the course of the units, we ask ourselves: How do we judge this analyzed reality? If we are missing certain elements in order to adequately analyze reality, facilitate a conversation with the group and conduct a brainstorming session that will help cover what was missing. If this is not sufficient, we suggest looking for resource materials in the previous units or through other sources such as speakers, experts on the topic, etc. It is important to complete this step satisfactorily before taking the next step. c) ACT: Formulate strategies and an action plan, while keeping in mind the previous steps and the resources on which the group depends. Put into practice the plan of action. 16

17 d) EVALUATE: Once done with Act, evaluate the journey taken and the activities completed in order to verify that the objectives have been reached. e) CELEBRATE:R: Encouraged by hope and faith, organize celebratory events that help to maintain the spirit of unity and strengthen future work NOTE: It is worth pointing out that the steps Act, Evaluate and Celebrate are not necessarily to be covered at the same meeting. We cannot evaluate and celebrate that which we have not carried out! 4.- HOMEWORK The homework is to carry out the plan that we have developed. 5.- EVALUATION Each participant is primarily responsible for his or her formation. Therefore, all members of the group have the responsibility to help with and actively participate in the formation meetings. They might suggest new ways of presenting the topics, emphasize certain parts of the content, or propose activities or additional readings. At the conclusion of each unit, the leader of the group will open a space for dialogue to elicit and discuss suggestions and observations about the unit. The leader will write them down and send them to the redaction committee within ten days of completing the unit. Example: a) General evaluation of the unit. What did you think? How did you feel? b) Unmet expectations c) Content d) Additional resources used e) Suggestions 17

18 6.- CLOSING PRAYER The closing prayer is left up to those responsible for presenting this unit. NOTE: It is important to take into account that the initial formation is just the first step in the continuous, ongoing formation process of the Lay Scalabrinian. Once the first stage is completed, and by making a commitment as a Lay Scalabrinian, it will be necessary to hold periodic meetings for follow up, formation, and planning purposes. Do not forget to maintain a balance between formation and activities and, as members of the Lay Scalabrinian Movement, continue to be in communication with other Lay Scalabrinian groups. 18

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