TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana

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1 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana Compiled by Mary s Children, P. O. Box 27, Washington, IN December 2017 Message of May 20, 1993, from Our Lord Jesus Ruth Ann: Jesus, would You please speak with me? Jesus: I am here, little one, just waiting for you to finally give in and come to Me. Why have you waited so long? Ruth Ann: I'm angry, Lord. Why do You bother to ask? Jesus: Little one, little one, and where do you suppose the anger is coming from? You know it is not of Me. Ruth Ann: Lord, of course I know this, I'm just really frustrated. I'll get over it, I always do. In the mean-time, I need Your words of encouragement. I'm scared and insecure, as well as angry. I'm not even sure anger is the right word Lord, but maybe it is. I am at least to the point where I know You are the only One, You or Your Mother, that can bring me out of this feeling. It's not even that I won't do whatever it is that You want me to do Lord, for I know that all of this is needed; and I also know the praying on the third Sundays and now every Saturday that, that is also needed Lord, but I just don't feel right for the job. You know I never wanted to be a speaker, I just wanted to quietly help You and Your Mother in prayer. I'd have been happy going to someone else's farm to pray once a week and on the third Sundays. Mother of the Redeemer Farm I'd have been happy to help them in any way possible. Jesus: Little one, little one, that is not to be, now is it? But that should help you to understand the feelings of My other children, those who wish to come to your farm to pray. Remember you have consecrated your farm to Me and to My Mother. It has been given special blessings and will continue to be the source of many blessings and many miracles to come. Ruth Ann: Lord, why can't You remove all this fear and doubt, so that I'm not in so much turmoil the week before I'm to give a talk? Jesus: Why don't you come to Me daily for My words, or as frequently as you need, instead of pulling away? Ruth Ann: I guess it's part of not wanting to be controlled. I guess I'm continually fighting Your will, Lord. I always feel like, 'why do I have to do this?' Others have gifts and walk away and don't share their experiences. Why should I have to? It's more of the temper tantrum sort. I can't seem to get to the point in my life where I can say 'yes' and be joyful about it. I feel like I am being led to my death each time I do this; give a talk or share my experiences, whatever. Jesus: Little one, you are being led to your death. You are dying of self. Each time you go before My children to share your experiences of how God has worked in your life, and tell what He is doing and will continue to do, you are baring your soul, and what a beautiful sight it is. You do not realize the impact of your words, voice, and tears, child. You do not realize the impact among those who hear My words through you. Even if some do not believe, they are touched and blessed with special graces while they are in your presence. This makes it possible for them to be converted. To receive a conversion, little one, is the ultimate gift from God. That is what all of this is about. Your Mother is here to bring about conversions for as

2 2 DECEMBER 2017 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY many as will receive those graces. You have been chosen to help Her accomplish this task. You and many others have a special and immense task before you. You have said 'yes' to Her call, and now you are assisting in this mission that for Her will be coming to a close. You, and others like you, will be left to continue on with testimony and prayer. She, your heavenly Mother and My Mother, has brought you to Me. She will continue to assist you in words and She will always be here for you, but the time of Her apparitions will be coming to an end. You, my child, will continue to hear Her voice. This, She has already told you. Now, aren't you relieved that you do not receive apparitions from Her? Ruth Ann: Yes Lord, it would have been very difficult for me to have given up. I get attached very easily. I would have felt lost. It will be sad to know She is not appearing anywhere, but I am grateful She will continue to speak with those who receive locutions. Jesus: Child, there is much for you to be grateful for. "You cannot see the forest for the trees," as some say. You have been chosen to hear the Heavenlies speak to you. You are given special graces because of your faith and trust in Me, your God. Ruth Ann: My faith and trust do not seem very strong before a talk, Lord. Jesus: It is because you have much to say to touch the hearts of those who will listen, little one. The evil one comes up against those of you who continue to witness and do My will. Your testimony will bring about the healing of many; that means souls lost to the fires of hell. The evil one is not pleased to have even one snatched away from his grasp. Think how he feels when he knows there are many to be snatched away from his grasp. You must learn, little one, that instead of pulling away and trying to ignore Me before a talk, you must pull closer and closer to Me in prayer. I will help and strengthen you as you approach each talk. Think of the talk as a time of sharing what God has done in your life, not as a talk. You are right, you would never have chosen to be a speaker. God has chosen this special task for you. He too, is responsible for all those wonderful graces and blessings that have been given to you to share. So child, think in terms of sharing and you will not feel overwhelmed. Remember, I am there with you and I will put the words into your mouth I would have you say. Also, My Mother will be there with you. How can you miss touching the hearts with whom you speak, when you have the two most important people in the entire universe with you? That should help you to put everything in proper perspective. Know little one, you are not doing this on your own. You are being asked to do this by God Himself. You are assisting your heavenly Mother in Her task to draw Her children to Her Son. What a very special person you are. Do you not believe that all you do and say will bring with it special blessings from the very Ones who have asked you to do this task? In your act of obedience to the Father, in your saying 'yes', many hard hearts will be broken open. Many healings of body, mind, and soul will take place. Those who hear your talks, those who are in your presence, those who ask for your prayer, and this farm has been touched and blessed in a special way, so it too is a source of grace and healings for those who will come here. Does any of what I am saying help you? Ruth Ann: You know it does, Lord. Jesus: Obedience is the key child, you have been chosen. You have listened and now you must be obedient and share all God is doing in your life, and He still is doing, and will continue to do so, until you no longer have need of Him; that means you have His assistance forever. Forever is a mighty long time. You do not comprehend eternity child, but that is what you have to look forward to; God's love and assistance for all eternity, sharing what He has done, is doing, and will do, is a small price to pay for the gift of eternal life. When one thinks in these terms, it may help you with what appears to be a monumental task to you at the present time. I am not only saying this to you, but to all My children who are asked to help My Mother bring God's children under Her protective care and into the light of salvation. Does this help you, little one? Ruth Ann: You have succeeded in making me feel like a 'twirp' for being such a big baby. Jesus: That was not My intent, little one, but in telling you of the importance of what you are doing for Me, hopefully it will help you to

3 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY DECEMBER look forward to sharing, instead of wanting to run away. Ruth Ann: You have succeeded Lord. I love You so much. Thank You for being patient with me. Jesus: Do not wait so long to come to Me for help and guidance. I am here for you always. I am only a heartbeat away. I can talk with you all day and all night, if you need Me. I am not only here for you, but I am here for all My children. I want to love and heal all My children of their hurts. Tell them, come to Me, I will always be there to listen. They can share their hopes, dreams, desires, pains, sufferings. I am here for all My children and waiting to hear their needs. All they need do is ask. Graces are available and in abundance for all those who ask. Pray with My children, little one. I wish to give them many miracles. Ruth Ann: This I will do Lord, now I must go. I'm already going to cause Jim to be late for a meeting with one of his supervisors. Jesus: You will not be late, child. You have taken the time to listen and be obedient. Write My words, "You will not be late." Now go in My peace, know that I am with you and your dear ones. I love you. Ruth Ann: I love You, Lord. Thank You. Message of October 6, 1993, from Our Lady to Prayer Groups I come to you with the same message. I am calling you to pray as never before. You need only to see and listen to what is going on around you to know how badly those prayers are needed. My plea continues to fall on deaf ears for many. Those are the ones who are in the most need of your prayers. Pray for the conversions of the hearts hardened by the desires and pressures of a world caught up in darkness. My Motherly heart is breaking because of the pain and suffering of the innocent. The evil one continues to deceive and destroy with his lies. Open your eyes to see and your ears to hear. God is telling you with signs and wonders that the time is now for conversion of the heart. Listen and pray, dear children. I am here to help you and tell you just how much God loves you. I am here to place My protective mantle around you. I am your Mother. I wish to intercede before the Throne of God for you and all your needs. Pray, dear children, God awaits your every prayer. I bless you, little ones, for the love you have and show for Me and My Son. Go in His peace. Message of June 29, 1994, from Our Lady Ruth Ann: Mother, thank You for that beautiful message. It is a good reminder to help us realize that we are our brother's keeper. Our Lady: Child, it is through those of you who are listening and are continually petitioning God for others, that many are being saved. You who are praying for loved ones, and those who are your enemies, will be instrumental in saving their souls. Over the years I have said, "Pray for conversions." In doing this, many are being brought out of darkness into the light. You may not see it happening as quickly as you would like, but it is happening. When the time is right, each one you are praying for will have the conversion you seek for them. Your prayers do not go unnoticed. Each prayer is heard, and each prayer will be answered. God has a divine plan, His plan is perfect. Each one of you is a part of this plan. As all things fall into place, prayers are answered and light is brought into the lives of those living in darkness. Peace is brought into the lives of those who have been unable to find peace. See how important prayer is, not only for yourself but for everyone around you. Pray, dear children, pray. I'm praying with you, but I cannot do it all. I must have the help of those who are willing to take time out of their busy schedules and tend to the lost sheep. God is listening, little ones. It pleases Him to know that you care enough for your brothers and sisters to want to save their souls. What love you have for one another when you pray for the conversion of those who do you harm, or those around you! This is what God means when you are to follow the example of His Son. He too, prayed for those who hated and persecuted Him, even unto His death on the cross. When you are told to take up your cross and follow in the footsteps of your Jesus, this is exactly what this means. Love those who hate you. Do good to those who would do you

4 4 DECEMBER 2017 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY harm. These are not easy requests, little children, but they are God's way. Be at peace with what you are called to do in this life, so that you can enjoy an eternity of love, joy, and peace in the hereafter. Your prayers bring Me much joy and happiness. Thank you for responding to My call. Message of March 16, 1994, from Our Lady to Prayer Groups Listen to what I am saying to you. As a Mother who loves her little ones very deeply, I wish to guide you away from evil and confusion to a way of light and peace. My Son awaits you with open arms. Do not postpone the time for a true conversion. The time to repent is now. Those who choose to ignore the signs being given to them are denying themselves many graces and blessings that will be helpful in difficult times ahead. You who are listening must continue to pray for all those who are your brothers and sisters. My protective mantle surrounds you. I will do all I can for you, My little children. You must pray. Message of Feb. 17, 1994 from Our Lady Ruth Ann: Mother, I had an early appointment yesterday and did not get to speak with You. Will You speak with me now? Our Lady: Child, I am here. Anything and everything I will say to you has been repeated over and over. My children have gotten caught up in the messages, and not what the messages are revealing to them. Many have gotten caught up in the messengers and places where the messages are being delivered. If only My children would pursue their prayer life as fervently as they pursue all of these places, seeking signs and miracles. Many are missing the point, child. The point is, to gather in prayer. Allow your hearts to be changed so you can set an example for all those who do not understand that they, too, should change their heart. The signs and wonders are rewards and results of the prayer, child, but the prayers are needed, whether or not there are signs and wonders to behold. Pray for an understanding of all that is going on around you. Then, your heart will be changed, and you will find God's peace. Ruth Ann: Mother, why do You give these miracles, if You don't want people seeking them? Our Lady: Child, the miracles are given to change hearts, for those who are seeking to repent of their sins and change their lives. It is for those who have spent much time in prayer and are in need of a 'pick-me -up'. There are many reasons for God allowing these things to happen, child, but the most important is to call all My children to conversion. Time is running out, child. I continue to repeat this to My children over and over. The important thing is, that once you have had a change of heart, you can evangelize and help others to receive a change of heart. If you are seeking God, you will find Him. If you are seeking Me, you will find Me. We are just waiting for Our children to wish to have a conversion. Children, pray for conversions. Once man has a true conversion, he will continue to pray and grow closer and closer to My Son and to Me. In doing so, others too, will be drawn toward this peace that will radiate from you. By example, you can draw many others to My Son. Many continue to seek signs and wonders, just for the sake of doing so. Do they not realize what these signs and wonders mean? That is an important question. In a time of peace and good Christian morality, there is no need for signs and wonders. The world has no peace, and the morals have fallen into darkness. Many say, it is time for the pendulum to swing, but that is all that is done about it. Much talk is taking place, but more than talk is needed, child. God is needed. He is needed in your hearts, minds and souls. He is needed in your homes, and in your country. He is needed in your world. Good is going to triumph over evil, child, but not before man has experienced much more suffering. This suffering has been brought on by the need to satisfy all man's desires, and ignore the desires of God. My heart weeps for the innocent, but I am doing all I can to prepare you. Man must change his heart and pray. He must repent of his sins, and turn back to My Jesus. You know not the day or the hour, so prepare, children. Seek instead of signs and wonders, a change of your heart. Then, no matter what befalls you or your country, you will have the faith to

5 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY DECEMBER stand firm and live or die for your Jesus. Message of Nov. 20, 1994, from Our Lady to Prayer Group I wish to thank you for gathering together in prayer. 'Be it done to Me according to Thy word'. These words were spoken by Me to God the Father many years ago. Now it is time for these words to be repeated. God has allowed Me to come to the earth to minister to His children to draw them away from the world and back to His Son. He has allowed Me to speak to, and through, many of His chosen ones. Soon the messages you have been receiving here will cease. I must decrease and My Son must increase. still in need of conversion. Many of My children feel that because they attend the church of their choice weekly, they are not in need My protective mantle surrounds you and yours, child. Go in the of conversion. There is more to peace of My Son, Jesus. Know that conversion than going to church. A what My Son has spoken of to you true conversion comes when you in a personal message is truth and have decided to follow Jesus, no prophecy, and will come to matter what the price. pass. My Son and I give you Our blessing. Continue to love and You were created by God for a serve your God. reason. Many of you forget this. You were put on the earth to Ruth Ann: Yes, Mother, and know, love, and serve God, and to thank You for the smell of roses be happy with Him in Heaven for during this message. all eternity. Many of you do not Our Lady: You do not seek these know God. Many do not love Him blessings. That is why it was given as your Supreme, Divine, Creator to you. of all things. Many of you do not serve Him. How can that be? It is reflected in the way you treat one another. Love God and your neighbor as yourself for the love of God. It is the greatest of all commandments. These are not just words, dear children, these are a blueprint for your salvation. The words I have spoken to you over and over, are words that have been spoken to you before. I have not been giving you any new revelations. God has been good to you. He loves you and wishes for you to find peace in your heart, lives, and world. Peace will not come to a world filled with hatred for one another. Change your hearts. Find forgiveness in your hearts for all those who do you harm. Love one another. Be at peace with one another. Then, and only then, can a true conversion I have come to point the way to My Son. Those of you who have listened and taken to heart the begin in your heart. I wish this words being spoken to you, have peace for you. God wishes this been of great help to Me with your peace for you. Pray, dear children, prayers. These prayers must for God's mercy to be given out in continue. Many of My children are abundance to all those who choose to ignore Him and blatantly flaunt their sinfulness in His face. God is a God of mercy, but He is also a God of justice. As any good parent should do, He must discipline those who continue to live their lives doing only those things that are bringing them pleasure, and ignoring the feelings of others. In using your free will, many of you have made choices, not for God, but instead you have chosen to live your lives according to the world. Your world is full of evil. It is full of darkness. You must choose to live your lives following the example of His Son and My Son, Jesus. This is the supreme example put before you for your good. God loves you and I love you. You must pray! Message of March 2, 1994, from Our Lady Ruth Ann: Mother, do You wish to speak with me today? Our Lady: Child, yes I do. You must realize that I am concerned for My children who are more and more taken in by the evil ways of the world. I ask for My children to pray for peace and many are not doing so. Everywhere there is disunity, strife, and suffering. These things are not caused by God. These are things man is doing to himself through lack of love for God the Father in Heaven. Man will not find peace if he does not heed the messages and warnings being sent to him by God through many of His chosen instruments. It is too bad that man continues to turn his back on God; for God wishes all of His children to be saved from the eternal fires of

6 6 DECEMBER 2017 TO JESUS THROUGH MARY damnation. As your Mother, little children, I continue to ask for you to consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. It will triumph. The time is drawing near for this to come about. But there is to be much suffering before this will come about. Little children, you must pray. Turn your lives over to your Mother who loves you, and wishes to protect you. Join with others in prayer for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Only then can peace reign in your hearts and in your land. Ruth Ann: It all seems so futile, Mother. Many ignore, and not only ignore, do not want to hear any of this. do to get the attention of His children. You, My children, are already aware of the need for change in your life. You have been called out of darkness. As you pray, remember all those who still are wandering around like lost sheep. God wishes them to be brought back into the fold. You are at an advantage, little ones. You are aware of the times. Many are not. Continue to pray and do all that God would have you do as His children. Spread love and peace by your example in doing His will. Be obedient children. Listen to God's word in My messages. I love you. God loves you. Go in His peace to love and do good for your neighbor. receive all that God has to give His children. That is why it is so important for those who are listening, to take to heart the messages being spoken to so many. My children are in need of conversion. They continue to seek those things in this world that bring about temporary happiness. God asks that you seek happiness that lasts for all eternity. This can only come from placing yourself in His hands. He will tend to all things. Put Him first, and know that in doing so, you could not be in greater care. Lives must be prioritized. You must change your hearts in order to receive all that God wishes to give to you. Place Him first in your life, and all things will fall into place. God's plan is perfect, and so is His love. Be at peace, little children, God's love awaits you. Our Lady: Child, you cannot force someone to change their Message of Dec. 18, 1994, heart. That is why it is important from Our Lady that My children pray for the Ruth Ann: Mother, is there conversion of others. Pray that anything You wish to add? God will touch their hearts in a Message of Dec. 21, 1994, mighty way, then their eyes will be Our Lady: Child, do you realize from Our Lady to Prayer Groups opened and their ears will be able that a lot that is being said is falling to hear. Man has adopted a way of on deaf ears? life that has excluded God. Man Ruth Ann: Mother, this was true I am your Mother, here to help has become steeped in the of the words spoken in the time of you. You struggle so, and it need importance of himself. He goes Your Son's ministry. not be the case. Turn your lives about his day making important over to God. Put Him first, and all decisions, making lots of money, Our Lady: Yes child, you are other things will fall into and ignoring his family, his friends, correct. But the need is even place. God wishes you to have and most importantly, his greater now, than it was before. peace. There are too many distractions in your lives. Empty yourself soul. Man has made money, and That time was the beginning. This all it can buy, his god. He has time is the end. That means, child, of all those things that prevent you placed God away from himself by that time is running out for My from drawing closer to the One being drawn further and further children to receive the true Who has created you. God loves into the muck and mire of the conversion needed to receive the you, and wishes for you to save world. In some cases, it is going to gift of God's love and mercy. your soul. This can be done take drastic measures to awaken Words can be spoken, but unless through a true conversion. Pray God's children and bring them out these words are taken to heart, they from the heart for this conversion of the darkness and into the cannot, and will not, bring about for you, and all those who do not light. God will do what He must the change of heart needed to know God as they should. I am

TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana

TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana Compiled by Mary s Children, P. O. Box 27, Washington, IN 47501 -

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TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana

TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana Compiled by Mary s Children, P. O. Box 27, Washington, IN 47501 -

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TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana

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