Unit 5 Passion Week--Lesson 8 NT5.8 Jesus Fixes Breakfast

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1 1 Scripture: John 21:1-25 Unit 5 Passion Week--Lesson 8 NT5.8 Jesus Fixes Breakfast Lesson Goal: The Passion Week ended with the resurrection of Jesus. He was seen by Mary, the women, and the disciples. This lesson tells about the time that Jesus appeared to the disciples and made breakfast for them. Students will learn how to serve one another just as Jesus did for his disciples. Introduction: This is Lesson 8 in Unit 5: The Passion Week--the last week of Jesus' life here on earth. This lesson is about how Jesus appeared to disciples and fixed breakfast for them. This account is given in the Gospel of John. The gospels are in the New Testament and tell the story of the life and ministry of Jesus here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast? Is it cereal? How about pancakes? Or bacon and eggs? Have you ever eaten breakfast outside? Often when a family goes camping they will cook their breakfast on a open fire! Breakfast outside tastes really good! Did you know that one day after Jesus was resurrected he fixed breakfast for his disciples on a campfire? He did! Opening Prayer: "Dear Jesus, We praise you for loving us so much that you died on the cross to take away our sins so that we can go to be with you in heaven. Thank you for loving us even when we do things that are wrong. Forgive us for the times that we fail to obey you. Help us to follow you like Peter did. In Your name we pray. Amen. Memory Verse: Our memory verse is John 12:26 says, "Whoever serves me must follow me." Lesson Video: After his resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciples many different times. Jesus wanted them to know that He was alive and had risen from the grave! The disciples knew that Jesus had died a painful death on the cross. How exciting it was that they could now see Jesus and know that He was alive! The first person Jesus appeared to was Mary Magdalene in the garden. She had been crying because she thought that someone had stolen Jesus' body. When Jesus said, "Woman, why are you crying?" she turned and looked him. What joy she had when she saw Jesus! She ran back to tell the disciples. "I have seen the Lord!" she told them. Just a short time later Jesus appeared to the other women--mary the mother of James, Joanna, and Salome--who had come to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus with spices. They too were so happy when they saw Jesus that they fell down at his feet and worshipped Him. Jesus told them also, "Go tell the disciples that I am alive. Tell them to go to Galilee and there they will see me." The third time Jesus appeared was to the two disciples who were walking along on the road to Emmaus. Jesus used the Old Testament scriptures to help them understand why He had to die on the cross. The two disciples did not recognize Jesus until he stopped to eat dinner with them. When Jesus broke the bread and blessed it by thanking God, immediately they knew who He was! They were so excited that they returned to Jerusalem telling the disciples what had happened. On Sunday evening the disciples were gathered together except for Thomas who had gone off to be alone. Because they were afraid the disciples had locked themselves in the upper room to hide from the enemies of Jesus. The disciples were talking about how Jesus had appeared to the women and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus when suddenly Jesus appeared to them. At first the disciples thought that they had seen a ghost but he said to them, "Why are you troubled? Do not doubt! Look at my hands and my feet. It is me! Touch me and see. A ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see

2 2 that I have!" They were amazed and full of joy. They gave Jesus a piece of broiled fish and he took it and ate it while they were watching. Jesus was truly alive. He was NOT dead. A week later Jesus appeared again to the disciples. This time Thomas was present with them. Thomas had not believed the disciples before then they had told him about Jesus appearing to them the first time. He said that unless he touched the nail prints in Jesus' hands and put this hand on the Jesus' side that he would not believe. But when he saw Jesus, he knew immediately that it was Him. He fell down and worshipped Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God!" For forty days after Jesus' resurrection He appeared to them many different times. These were very exciting days for the disciples because their Lord Jesus had risen from the dead! There was no doubt that Jesus was alive! The book of John says that He did many other signs in the presence of the disciples that were not recorded but the ones we read about are written so we can believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing we can have life in his name. One time during those forty days the disciples Peter, James, and John said, Let s go fishing. They had been fisherman before they had met Jesus. Maybe they thought it was time to get back to their old jobs. So they all went out in a boat one night. They threw their nets out and pulled them in again and again. They fished all night long. It was hard work. But no fish!! They fished some more. They were very tired, cold, and cranky but they did not catch a single fish! As the sun began to rise, the fisherman could see someone standing on the beach, but they could not tell who it was. Then they heard a voice from the shore. The man called out to them, Have you caught any fish? They were embarrassed that they had caught nothing! They yelled back, No. Then the person on the shore said, Cast your net on the other side and you will get plenty of fish. The disciples must have thought, Why should we cast our net on the other side when we have fished all night and caught nothing? There won t be fish there! Finally the disciples did as the man on the shore said. They caught fish! Lots of fish! The net was so full of fish that they couldn t even pull it into the boat. The Bible says that when they pulled the fish to shore they counted them and there was 153 fish! That was more than they had ever caught in one net before! When they saw that the net was so full of fish, they knew the man on the shore must be JESUS! Nobody else could tell them where to catch a net full of fish. Peter was so excited. He wanted to see Jesus. He jumped into the water and swam to the shore. The other fisherman brought the boat to the shore and dragged the net full of fish onto the sand. And sure enough Jesus was there! They could see that He had already made a fire. There were some fish cooking on the fire and there was some bread too. Jesus called to them, Come and have breakfast. He took the fish from over the fire and gave some to each of his friends. They sat around the fire and ate. They must have been happy to see Jesus again. Imagine Jesus had made breakfast just for them to show them His love. But Jesus had something else He wanted to do. He wanted to talk to Peter. After Jesus was arrested, Peter had said that he didn t even know Jesus. Maybe Peter felt like he wasn t good enough to be Jesus friend anymore. Sometimes when we have done something wrong we feel like Jesus doesn't love us. But that is not true! Jesus still loves us and he loved Peter. That had NOT changed. Jesus went over to Peter and talked to him. He asked Peter, Do you love me? Yes, Lord, I love you. Peter said. Jesus said, Then feed my lambs. Again--for a second time--jesus asked him, Peter, do you love me? Yes, Lord you know that I love you. Then Jesus told him. Feed my sheep.

3 3 Finally a third time Jesus asked Peter, Do you love Me? Peter was beginning to be disturbed because Jesus kept asking him. But Peter said, Yes, Lord, I love you! Again Jesus said Feed my sheep! Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. That was the same number of times that Peter had denied him. Now what Jesus meant was that Peter and the other disciples would have a new job now. Fishing wasn t Peter s job anymore. Jesus wanted Peter to be like a shepherd and take care of other people who love Jesus. These people needed to learn about Jesus. And Jesus wanted Peter to teach them. Peter must have been glad! Jesus said to Peter, Follow Me! And Peter did follow Jesus! Even though Peter had some wrong things he still loved Jesus. And he did what Jesus told him to do. For the rest of Peter s life, he taught people about Jesus and helped people know that Jesus loved them and died for them. Later Peter and the other disciples would become the leaders of the church. They would teach people about Christ and even write many of the books of the New Testament. Did you know that Jesus wants us to follow him, too? He does! We are going to play a fishing game to help us think of ways to follow Jesus. I am going to show you a fish card with a picture on it. You are to think about what you would do if this happened to you. Here is the first card: Your cousin took the last two cookies. What could you do to show that you are following Christ?...You could grab the cookies out of his hand but that wouldn't be like Christ. What about saying, "Those are the last two cookies. Would you please share with me?" That would be good, wouldn't it! Here is another fish card. It says, "Your sister made a mess in your room." What could you do that would be showing that you are a follower of Christ? You could yell and scream and go tell Mom that she is being a pest again! Or...you could very kindly say, "I have asked you before not to play in my room. Now look at the mess. Let's clean this up together, OK?" Here is fish card #3. "Your teacher dropped all of his papers." What could you do? Oh,..this is an easy one isn't it? You could help him pick them up, right? This card says, "Your mom asked you how you did on your spelling test." What would you say? Would you tell the truth or tell a lie so you would not get in trouble? Right, telling the truth is following Jesus. Here's another fish card. "Your friend didn't save you a seat for lunch." What should you do? Should you get mad and tell her that she is NOT your friend anymore? No, that would not be following Jesus, would it? Instead, you can sit in another place and talk to someone else. Maybe you will make a new friend. Or perhaps, you can tell her later that you missed sitting with her and you would like to sit with her tomorrow! Here is the last fish card. Your brother borrowed your bike without asking. You could get angry and chase him down and knock him off the bike. But that would not be doing what Christ would want, would it? What could you do? You could tell him that he should not ride your bike but instead ride his own. Or maybe you could even offer to take turns riding your bike. Well, how did you do playing the fish game? Did you think of all the ways you could follow Jesus? Sometimes it is hard to know how to love and obey Jesus. Sometimes we might have to ask our parents, a teacher, or a friend for some ideas about what we could do. When we try to make right choices we show that we want to obey Jesus. Obeying Jesus is one way to show that we follow Him. Remember let's follow Jesus! Review Questions/ Game: Make a fire like Jesus did when He cooked the fish for His disciples. Get four logs and make a log tent. Attach red and orange tissue paper for a flame. Have students sit around the "campfire" as you ask and discuss the following review questions.

4 1. Name the four times that Jesus appeared to his disciples on the first day that he was resurrected. (Mary, the women who came to the tomb, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and the ten disciples in the upper room) 2. During the days after Jesus' resurrection, what did his disciples decide to do one day? (go back to their old jobs of fishing) 3. What happened when the disciples tried to go fishing one night? (They fished all night and caught nothing.) 4. In the early morning light, what did the disciples in the boat see? A man on the shore calling to them. 5. What did the man on the shore ask the fisherman? He asked them if they had caught any fish. 6. What did the man on the shore tell the disciples to do? Put their nets on the other side of the boat. 7. Why did the disciples think at first that this was NOT a good idea? They had fished all night and caught nothing. 8. What happened when the disciples put the net on the other side of the boat? They caught lots of fish--more than they had ever caught before in one net. 9. When Peter saw all the fish, what did this make him think? The man on the shore must be Jesus because no one else could them where to catch a net full of fish. 10. What did Peter do when he realized that it was Jesus standing on the shore? He jumped out of the boat into the water and swam to shore. 11. What did Jesus have prepared for the disciples on the beach? He already had some fish cooking over a campfire and some bread for them to eat. 12. Why did Jesus want to talk to Peter? Peter had denied him three times and probably felt that he was not good enough to be one of Jesus' disciples. 13. What did Jesus ask Peter? He asked him, "Do you love me?" three times. 14. What did Peter answer Jesus each time he asked, "Do you love me?" He said yes. 15. What did Jesus tell Peter to do? Feed my sheep. Feed my lambs. 16. What did Jesus want Peter to do when he said "Feed my sheep."? He wanted Peter to know that He still loved him and wanted him to work in his kingdom. He wanted Peter to preach to all the people about His death, burial and resurrection so they could be saved too. 17. What is our memory verse? John 12:26 "Whoever serves me must follow me." 18. What does this verse mean? What does Jesus want us to do? He wants us to serve him by following him. Bible Memory Verse Activity: Crossing the Waves John 12:26 says, "Whoever serves me must follow me." Following Jesus means saying and doing the kinds of things that Jesus would say and do and loving other people the way Jesus would love them. Let's say the verse again. To follow Jesus also means that we tell people about Jesus and how He suffered and died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. We are tell people about him so they too can believe in Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life. Repeat verse together with students two or three times. Have children locate the verse in the Bible. Read the verse aloud with children. Have two children sit on the floor holding the ends of a jump rope. Have the children slide the ends of the jump rope back and forth to make "waves." Have the remaining children line up in pairs. One child in the first pair crosses over the waves (stepping or jumping) while the rest of the class recites the verse. The other child in the pair crosses the waves while everyone completes the verse. Repeat until all the children take a turn. Group Learning Activity: Casting a Net Decorate the classroom like a beach. Provide beach towels for students to sit on during the lesson teaching time. Bring a large fish net to class. Explain casting, throwing the net out, and pulling it back in. You can make your own boat with a large cardboard appliance box. Go fishing with paper fish and dowel rod fishing pole. Attach paper clips and magnets and string to the poles. Fish can be caught from a small kiddie pool or a bucket. Take turns acting out the story of Jesus Fixing Breakfast. Craft Art Activity: Beach Pictures Provide each student with a large sheet of drawing paper. Have students draw Jesus on the shore and the disciples in the boat. Provide students with small sea shells and sand or coarse salt to decorate the beach. Have students put a caption at the top or bottom of their picture. Ex. Jesus' friends go fishing. Jesus calls out from the beach. The net is full of fish. Jesus cooks breakfast for His disciples. 4

5 5 Craft Activity-- Paper Plate Fish In this lesson Jesus' disciples went fishing. Jesus helped them catch a lot of fish. Jesus' friends were glad that Jesus is alive. We are going to make fish out of paper plates. Staple two paper plates together facing each other around the outer edge. Cut a paper wedge out of the plate to form the fish's tail. The opening left by the wedge forms the fish's mouth. Have students paint or color their fish drawing fish eyes. You can use colored paper plates. Game Activity: Hopscotch Make a set of 6 index cards by printing one or two words of John 12:26 on each card. Use masking tape to outline a large grid with six squares on the floor. Tape one card in each square, mixing up the words of the verse. Children stand in a line near the grid. First child hops to the square with the first word of the verse and the other children say the word aloud. As other children say words of verse in verse order, child continues hopping to different squares until the verse is complete. Play game until each child has had a turn. If time allows, tape the cards in a different order and play the game again. Game Activity: Go Fish Play the card game Go Fish. Split class into several small groups with 2-4 children in each, making sure that you have enough cards to provide one deck to each group. Directions for playing Go Fish: Five cards are dealt from a standard 52 card deck. to each player, or seven cards if there are four or fewer players. The remaining cards are shared between the players, usually spread out in a disorderly pile referred to as the "ocean" or "pool". The player whose turn it is to play asks another player for his or her cards of a particular rank. For example Alice may ask, "Bob, do you have any threes?" Alice must have at least one card of the rank she requested. Bob must hand over all cards of that rank if possible. If he has none, Alice is told to "go fish," and she draws a card from the pool and places it in her own hand. Then it is the next player's turn unless it is the card being asked for, in which case it is shown to the other players, and she gets another turn. When any player at any time has all four cards of one rank, it forms a book, and the cards must be placed face up in front of that player. Play proceeds to the left. When all sets of cards have been laid down, the game ends. The player with the most piles wins Snack Options: Bread: A Bible time snack would be pita bread sliced in quarter triangles. Spread bread with cream cheese. Sprinkle with olives or dried fruit. You could also provide tuna or other fish. Check food allergies of your children. You could also have goldfish crackers. If possible you can provide a blanket and go outside while eating. Fishing Snack: Mix chocolate chips, fish crackers, golden raisins and chow mein noodles together. Serve on a coffee filter. Fish Fry: Before class, the teacher can fry up some small pieces of fish, fish nuggets or fish sticks. Let children sit in a circle and enjoy some fried fish and some fish crackers together. Take turns retelling today's story, with the teacher starting out and each child continuing the story, while they sit on a blanket and enjoy the fish picnic! Bible Discovery Challenge (older students) After the lesson review Peter's denial of Jesus in John 18: Ask them questions about the surroundings of Peter's denial and Jesus' questioning Peter in this lesson. Challenge them to find one detail in the surroundings that the two stories have in common. Answer: a charcoal fire in John 18:18 and John 21:9. Ask them what they think of when they smell certain things. Share with them that this was probably the same for Peter. Smell triggers the memory. Also think about how many times Peter denied Jesus. Then talk about how many questions Jesus ask after they had eaten breakfast. In the Bible lesson Jesus told Peter to "Feed my sheep." Discuss the meaning of "feed my sheep." Life Application Challenge: In this lesson Jesus showed his love to the disciples by serving them breakfast. When we follow Jesus we are to serve others. How can we serve someone who is sick? We can visit them; send them a cheerful card; or bring things the person needs) Who are some other people you can serve? Perhaps older people or those who are handicapped. What can you do to serve him or her? Open doors for them. Visit with them and play games.

6 6 Jesus Fixes Breakfast John 12:26 "Whoever serves me must follow me."

7 Peter's Mission Peter obeyed and followed God's plan for his life. I can obey Jesus, too! Luke 21:1-19 For each of these events tell how you could obey Jesus. 7

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