What is the Life Plan?

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1 What is the Life Plan? The Life Plan is a tool to help you radically evaluate and redirect your life toward total commitment to Christ. It s a new way of thinking, your blueprint to help you set goals regarding your relationship with God, your relationship with others, your physical life, your financial life and your work life and more importantly to achieve those goals to grow! This section contains many resources that can assist you in developing a plan for your life that will help deepen your life-changing relationship with Jesus.

2 My Mission Statement My Life Plan My Goals Everybody ends up somewhere. Few people end up somewhere on purpose. Begin with the end in mind so you know what to do next. Once you have your mission statement written, your goals are the specific changes the growth you want to see in your life. As you create goals, remember to make them challenging, yet attainable. Write a total of 3-5 goals in the boxes below. Each goal should correspond to one of the five areas of the Life Plan. Write down a deadline for completing your goals. Relationship with God My Core Values (5-10 total) Relationship with People Financial Life My Spiritual Gifts (3-5 total) Physical Life My Life Group: My Accountability Partner(s): Work Life

3 (to keep you focused). It should also be action-oriented. Remember, your vision is simply a picture of your future. Your mission is what you will be doing with your life in order to get there. Your mission statement is a verbal description of God s purpose for your life specifically. It comes out of understanding God s vision for your life. Think of it like this. God s vision is what your life should look like. The mission statement describes what you re doing to get to the desired end. For example, here at Meadow Heights our vision is to impact our world by leading changed lives into an increasing number of biblical communities. That s what we believe God wants our future to look like. Our mission is to honor God by loving people and leading them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus. That s what we re doing to see the vision accomplished. First, pray for God to show you his vision for your future. What do you think your life should look like in five years, in ten, in fifty? What do you want to be remembered for when you re gone? What do you hope to accomplish? How does God want to use you to advance His kingdom? How has God called you to serve Him? You might even consider the answers to these questions: If money was no object and you could do anything you wanted for the rest of your life, what would you do? Besides ministering to those closest to you (family, friends, church), what is the number one thing you believe God wants to accomplish through you in your lifetime? Use the Dreams box below to write down the dreams you have for your life. When you complete your core values and spiritual gifts, list them on your Life Plan. Then, reflect on all of these as you seek God for your mission statement. It should be short, concise and specific When it s finished, write your mission statement on your Life Plan at the beginning of this section. Here are some examples of mission statements: 1. To equip professionals in downtown St. Louis to impact their web of personal and professional relationships through cell group and marketplace ministries that lead people to the Cross and to Christian community. 2. A family mission statement about raising the children: To provide our children with the skills, experiences, and resources that will enable them to become fully devoted followers of Christ. 3. To devote my life to leading and building up congregations that will plant new churches in areas where the church is inadequately present, and to invest personal energy in identifying, training, and supporting individuals from within those congregations whom God has called to be church planters. 4. To develop the talents of my coworkers to their fullest extent by identifying and funding their developmental needs, while modeling the life of Christ and a commitment to raising the moral and ethical standards of the company and our clients.

4 Faithfulness - 1: Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe, especially in the declarations and promises of God. 2: Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties, or other engagements. Family - Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place. Fellowship - The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality. Generosity - Liberality in giving or willingness to give. Gentleness - The quality or state of being gentle, well-born, mild, benevolent, docile, etc.; gentility; softness of manners, disposition, etc.; mildness. Godliness - Careful observance of, or conformity to, the laws of God; the state or quality of being godly; piety. Goodness - The quality of being good in any of its various senses; excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence. Grace - The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. Gratefulness - Having a due sense of benefits received; kindly disposed toward one from whom a favor has been received; willing to acknowledge and repay, or give thanks for, benefits; as, a grateful heart. Accountability - Responsibility to someone or for some activity Attitude - A state of mind involving beliefs, feelings, values, and dispositions to act in certain ways Authenticity - The quality of being authentic or of established authority for truth and correctness Boldness - Fearless and daring; courageous. Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery. Character - Moral or ethical strength. Collaboration - The act of working together; united labor. Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. Confidence - A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance. Courage - The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, or fear with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery. Creativity - 1: Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals. 2: Productive; creating. 3: Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative Dedication - Selfless devotion Devotion - Ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle. Religious ardor or zeal Discipleship - The state of being a disciple or follower in doctrines and precepts. Discovery - Finding out or ascertaining something previously unknown or unrecognized. Diversity - The fact or quality of being diverse; difference. Efficiency - Skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort Encouragement - 1: The expression of approval and support 2: The act of giving hope or support to someone Endurance - The act of bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without being overcome; sufferance; patience. Enthusiasm - 1: Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. 2: A source or cause of great excitement or interest. Evangelism - Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work. Excellence - The quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree Faith - The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them; especially, that confiding and affectionate belief in the person and work of Christ, which affects the character and life, and makes a man a true Christian, -- called a practical, evangelical, or saving faith. Growth - The process of growing; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence Honesty - The quality or state of being honest; fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, speech, etc.; integrity; sincerity; truthfulness; freedom from fraud or guile. Honor - That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high moral worth; virtue; nobleness; specif., in men, integrity; uprightness; trustworthness; in women, purity; chastity. Hope - A desire of some good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable; an expectation of something which is thought to be desirable; confidence; pleasing expectancy. Humility - The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; selfabasement; humbleness. Humor - The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. Integrity - Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive. Intimacy - Close or warm friendship Joy - To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult. Justice - Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice. Kindness - 1: the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic 2: tendency to be kind and forgiving 3: a kind act Knowing God - Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3 Leadership - Capacity or ability to lead. Learning - To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study. Love - To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will. Loyalty - 1: the quality of being loyal 2: feelings of allegiance 3: the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. Mercy - 1: Compassionate treatment of the unfortunate and helpless; sometimes, favor, beneficence. --Luke x : Disposition to exercise compassion or favor; pity; compassion; willingness to spare or to help. Obedience - The act of obeying, or the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority; subjection to rightful restraint or control.

5 Faithfulness - 1: Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe, especially in the declarations and promises of God. 2: Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties, or other engagements. Family - Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place. Fellowship - The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality. Generosity - Liberality in giving or willingness to give. Gentleness - The quality or state of being gentle, well-born, mild, benevolent, docile, etc.; gentility; softness of manners, disposition, etc.; mildness. Godliness - Careful observance of, or conformity to, the laws of God; the state or quality of being godly; piety. Goodness - The quality of being good in any of its various senses; excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence. Grace - The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. Gratefulness - Having a due sense of benefits received; kindly disposed toward one from whom a favor has been received; willing to acknowledge and repay, or give thanks for, benefits; as, a grateful heart. Growth - The process of growing; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence Honesty - The quality or state of being honest; fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, speech, etc.; integrity; sincerity; truthfulness; freedom from fraud or guile. Honor - That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high moral worth; virtue; nobleness; specif., in men, integrity; uprightness; trustworthness; in women, purity; chastity. Hope - A desire of some good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable; an expectation of something which is thought to be desirable; confidence; pleasing expectancy. Humility - The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; selfabasement; humbleness. Humor - The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. Integrity - Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive. Intimacy - Close or warm friendship Joy - To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult. Justice - Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice. Kindness - 1: the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic 2: tendency to be kind and forgiving 3: a kind act Knowing God - Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3 Leadership - Capacity or ability to lead. Learning - To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study. Love - To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will. Loyalty - 1: the quality of being loyal 2: feelings of allegiance 3: the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. Mercy - 1: Compassionate treatment of the unfortunate and helpless; sometimes, favor, beneficence. --Luke x : Disposition to exercise compassion or favor; pity; compassion; willingness to spare or to help. Obedience - The act of obeying, or the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority; subjection to rightful restraint or control. Openness - 1: characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility esp about one's actions or purposes; not secretive 2: willingness or readiness to receive esp impressions or ideas Order - 1: Right arrangement; a normal, correct, or fit condition; as, the house is in order; the machinery is out of order. 2: The customary mode of procedure; established system, as in the conduct of debates or the transaction of business; usage; custom; fashion. 3: Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet; as, to preserve order in a community or an assembly Passion - Boundless enthusiasm. Patience - The state or quality of being patient; the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs, as toil, pain, poverty, insult, oppression, calamity, etc. Peace - 1: harmonious relations; freedom from disputes. 2: the absence of mental stress or anxiety. Perseverance - The act of persevering; persistence in anything undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any business, or enterprise begun. Personal Growth - The process of growing; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence. Prayer - is converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, short or formal. Purity - Freedom from sin or guilt; innocence; Relationships - A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other Reliability - Capable of being relied on; dependable Respect - To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem. Sacrifice - Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim Self-control - Control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will Self-discipline - Training and control of oneself and one's conduct Selfless - Having, exhibiting, or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish Servant Leadership - Leading by serving others as Jesus Christ did Servanthood - Working in the service of another Steadfast - Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving Stewardship - One who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs Submission - The act of submitting to the power of another Teachable - Able and willing to learn Teamwork - Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal Thankfulness - Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful Transparency - The quality of being clear and transparent Trustworthiness - Worthy of trust or confidence; trusty Truth - Conformity to fact or actuality; Sincerity; integrity Unity - The state or quality of being in accord; harmony. Wisdom - The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight Worship - 1: the activity of worshipping 2: a feeling of profound love and admiration Zeal - Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance

6 GIFTS THAT DEMONSTRATE GOD'S LOVE SERVICE Acts 6:1-7 The ability to recognize unmet needs in the church family and take the initiative to provide practical assistance quickly, cheerfully, and without a need for recognition. MERCY Luke 10:30-37 The ability to detect hurt and empathize with those who are suffering in the church family. The ability to provide compassionate and cheerful support to those experiencing distress, crisis, or pain. HOSPITALITY 1 Peter 4:9-10 The ability to make others, especially strangers, feel warmly welcomed, accepted, and comfortable in the church family. The ability to coordinate factors that promote fellowship. GIFTS THAT COMMUNICATE GOD'S WORD (to both unbelievers and believers) PREACHING ("Prophecy") 1 Cor. 14:3 The ability to publicly communicate God's word in an inspired way that convinces unbelievers and both challenges and comforts believers. The ability to persuasively declare God's will. EVANGELISM Acts 8:26-40 The ability to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to unbelievers in a positive, nonthreatening way. The ability to sense opportunities to share Christ and lead people to respond with faith. MISSIONS 1 Cor. 9:19-23, Acts 13:2-3 The ability to adapt to a different culture in order to reach unbelievers and help believers from that culture. APOSTLE Rom. 15:20 The ability to start new churches and oversee their development. GIFTS THAT EDUCATE GOD'S PEOPLE TEACHING Eph. 4:12-13 The ability to educate God's people by clearly explaining and applying the Bible in a way that causes them to learn. The ability to equip and train other believers for ministry. ENCOURAGEMENT ("Exhortation") Acts 14:22 The ability to motivate God's people to apply and act on Biblical principles, especially when they are discouraged or wavering in their faith. The ability to bring out the best in others and challenge them to develop their potential. WISDOM 1 Cor. 2:1, 6-16 The ability to understand God's perspective on life situations and share those insights in a simple, understandable way. The ability to explain what to do and how to do it. DISCERNMENT 1 John 4:1-6 The ability to distinguish right from wrong, truth from error, and to give an immediate evaluation based on God's Word. The ability to discern whether the source of an experience is Satan, self, or God's Spirit. KNOWLEDGE Daniel 1:17 The ability to discover, collect, analyze, and organize information that is vital to individual believers or the entire church family. The ability to comprehend a large amount of information and provide it when needed for effective decision-making. PASTORING ("Shepherding") 1 Peter 5:2-4 The ability to care for the spiritual needs of a group of believers and equip them for ministry. The ability to nurture a small group in spiritual growth and assume responsibility for their welfare. GIVING 2 Cor. 8:1-7 The ability to generously contribute material resources and/or money beyond the 10% tithe so that the Body may grow and be strengthened. The ability to earn and manage money so it may be given to support the ministry of others. GIFTS THAT CELEBRATE GOD'S PRESENCE Four Prayer-related Gifts INTERCESSION Col. 1:9-12 The ability to pray for the needs of others in the church family over extended periods of time on a regular basis. The ability to persist in prayer and not be discouraged until the answer arrives. HEALING James 5:14-16 The ability to pray in faith specifically for people who need physical, emotional, or spiritual healing and see God answer. The ability to sense when God is prompting you to pray this kind of prayer. MIRACLES Mark 11:23-24 The ability to pray in faith specifically for God's supernatural intervention into an impossible situation and see God answer. The ability to sense when God is prompting you to pray this kind of prayer. GIFTS THAT SUPPORT ALL THE PURPOSES LEADERSHIP Hebrews 13:7-17 The ability to clarify and communicate the purpose and direction ( vision ) of a ministry in a way that attracts others to get involved. The ability to motivate others by example to work together in accomplishing a ministry goal. ADMINISTRATION ( ORGANIZATION ) 1 Cor. 14:40 The ability to recognize the gifts of others and recruit them to a ministry. The ability to organize and manage people, resources and time for effective ministry. The ability to coordinate many details and execute the plans of leadership. FAITH Rom. 4:18-21 The ability to trust God for what cannot be seen and to act on God s promise, regardless of what the circumstances indicate. The willingness to risk failure in pursuit of a God-given vision, expecting God to handle the obstacles.

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