SAMPLE. Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed ? # œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ J œ. œœ. œ œœ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. J œ œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ J. J œ œ. œ œ œ œ. J œ. die?

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1 2 2 1 Ah, 2 Who 3 For There ho ly e sus, ho have You fend ed, that mortal as guilt y Who rought this up on You It as my me, dear e sus, as Your in car na tion, Your mortal fore, dear e sus, since I cannot pay You, I do a n udgment has on You de scend ed By foes de rid ed, trea son, Lord, that has un done You Tas I, Lord e sus, sor ro, Your life s o la tion; Your death an guish dore You ill ev er pray You, think on Your pit y y Your on re ect ed, O most af flict I it as de nied You; I cru ci fied Your it ter pas sion, for my sal va Your love un serv ing, not my de serv Ah, Holy esus He as despised, e did not esteem Him Isaiah 53:3 n ed! You tion ing TEXT: ohann Heermann, 1630; trans Roert Bridges, 1897 MUSIC: ohann Cruger, 160 HERZLIEBSTER ESU

2 1 A las, did my Sav ior leed, did my Sov reign 2 Well might sun in darkness hide, shut his glo ries Would He hen Christ, Was Thus de vote that sa cred head for such a orm as might y Mak er, died for man, creature s die in, I sin it for crimes that I had done He groaned up on tree might I hide my lushing face, hile His dear cross ap pears, A maz ing pit y, grace unknon, love e yond dis solve my heart in thank ful ness, melt my eyes Alas, Did My Savior Bleed God demonstrates His on love ard us, in that hile e ere yet sinners, Christ died for us Romans 5:8 de gree! tears TEXT: Isaac Watts, alt Bo Kauflin MUSIC: Bo Kauflin 1997 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) Sovereign Grace Music, a division Sovereign Grace Churches All rights reserved Administrated orldide at CapilCMGPulishingcom, excluding UK hich is adm y Integrity Music, part David C Cook family SovereignGraceMusicorg KAUFLIN CMD ith refrain

3 My God, hy ould You shed Your lood, so pure un de filed, make a sin ful one like me Your cho sen, pre cious child

4 1 As pants deer for streams liv ing a 2 O Lord my God, o er helmed in deep af flic 3 You ill comm Your ser vant s con so la Why, O my soul, are you cast don ith in so far Your Why I Deep And Hope When hile God hope, As Pants Deer (Psalm 2) As deer pants for ater rooks, so my soul pants for You, O God Psalm 2:1 longs from my Your soul, rest, O liv You ing I God, lift lov ing kind ness ill in struct are you trou led op pressed thirst calls in in for You; deep, night Lord, shall I come, o ver head my your life, God for Your Your ill TEXT: Anonymous; ased on Psalm 2 MUSIC: Gregory D Wilur; harmonized y Michael Oens, alt Music 2013 ilurmusiccom for my my ith You soul ay grief You my heart is yearn srms trou le thun song God shall e your my sal com va gra cious face vie aves il los roll You sure I ly still send ill re pray lief ter, tion, tion; me ing der, fort; tion;

5 As You Received Christ esus As you have received Christ esus Lord, so alk in Him Colossians 2:6 8 6 As you received Christ e sus Lord, so alk in Him, Πhaving een rooted, eing uilt up in Him, in Him, es n Π8 9 talished in your faith, ust as you ere taught, n ov er floing ith thankful ness, ith thankfulness ΠΠTEXT: Colossians 2:67 MUSIC: Dan Kreider

6 At name e sus eve ry knee shall 2 At His voice cre a tion sprang at once 3 Hum led for a sea son, re ceive a In your hearts en throne Him; re let Him su 5 Christians, this Lord e sus shall re turn a eve ry ngue con fess Him King glo ry all an gel fac es, all hosts from lips sin ners un hom He all in that His is Fa not r s ho glo ly, ry, all ith that His is an not gel Tis Fa r s plea sure e should call Him Heav en ly do min ions, stars up on ir Faith ful ly He ore it, spot less Cron Him as your Cap tain in temp ta tion s All reaths em pires meet up on His ho all rought let from it His our At Name esus at name esus every knee ill o every ngue ill confess that esus Christ is Lord, glory God Far Philippians 2:1011 o, sight, name due gain ẇ no light came true train Lord, ay, last, hour; ro, e gin ning as might y heav n ly or ders in ir great ar ack vic rious hen from death He ill hearts en fold con fess you Him in King its light glo ry TEXT: Caroline M Noel, 1870 MUSIC: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1925 Word ray passed poer no KING S WESTON

7 Blessed as sur ance: e 2 Per fect su mis sion: all sus is is at mine! rest, Oh, I hat a fore in my Sav taste ior glo ry di vine! Heir sal va tion, purchase God, happy lest; atching ait ing, looking a ove, orn His Spir it, ashed in His lood This is my s ry, this is my filled ith His goodness, lost in His love song, Blessed Assurance Thanks e God, ho gives us vicry through our Lord esus Christ! 1 Corinthians 15:57 praising my Sav ior all day long; n am this is my s ry, this is my song, praising my Sav ior all day long TEXT: Fanny Crosy, 1873 MUSIC: Phoee P Knapp, 1873 ASSURANCE

8 2 2 1 Christ 2 Christ 3 Christ, Christ 5 As high as cend ed, no in glo ry seat ed, from Fa r eve ry po r pos sess ing, ho in dy ing on for us sal va tion, in His splen dor, all domin ion gain ing, at His part ing, oy shall an ish griev ing, throned ho lives Christ faith on no ith in death s sends Christ filled dread forth in ith ex alt ed, vic ry com plet His cho sen lift ed hs in less First orn ne cre a His peo ple ev er more re main His pres ence strength en our e liev do min ion fi nal ly de feat His ser vants, still in faith con fess dis ci ples out eve ry na all ag es glo ri ous ly reign His Spir it, love po r re ceiv e are His Christ HighAscended This esus, ho has een taken up from you in heaven, ill come in ust same ay as you have atched Him go in heaven Acts 1:11 it ness es ed, ing, tion; ing, ing; n ed, ing, tion, ing, ing, TEXT: Timothy DudleySmith, 198 MUSIC: Paris Antiphoner, Hope Pulishing Company CHRISTE SANCTORUM

9 Christ esus Lay in Death s Strong Bs 1 Christ 2 It 3 Here So e sus lay in death s strong s, for our as a strange dreadful strife hen life true Pas chal Lam e see, hom God let us keep fes ti val here fens es giv death con tend so free ly gave Lord in vites ut no at God s right h He sts rings us life from vic ry remained ith life, reign death as He died on ac curs ed tree so strong His love Christ is Himself oy all, Sun that arms en; ed; us; us; heav end save lights en ed us us Therefore let us oy ful e sing God right thankful ly Ho ly Scripture plain ly saith that death is salloed up y See, His lood doth mark our door; faith points it, death pass es By His grace He doth im part e ter nal sun shine loud his songs sting is Sa tan night But God raised Him up again, putting an end agony death, since it as impossile for Him e held in its poer Acts 2:2 hal lost le for can not sin is lu ev harm end ah er us ed Hal Hal Hal Hal le le le le lu lu lu lu death; o er, heart; ah! ah! ah! ah! TEXT: Martin Lur, 152, ased on Latin Victimae Paschali; tr Richard Massie, 185, alt MUSIC: Latin melody, c 1100; adapt ohann Walr, 152 CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN

10 3 3 1 Christ 2 Christ 3 Christ Christ sure sure sure sure steady an chor in fu ry srm; steady an chor hile tem pest rag es on steady an chor thru floods un e lief steady an chor as e face aves death hen inds dout lo thru me my sails have all een rn When temp ta tion claims at tle it seems night has on, Hope less someho, O my soul, no lift your eyes Cal va ry! When se trials give ay glo ry, as e dra our fi nal Christ Sure Steady Anchor reath, In suf f ring, in sor ro, hen my sink ing hopes are fe, deep er still n goes an chor, tho I ust ly st accused This my al last as sur ance, see His love for ev er proved e ill cross that great ho ri zon, clouds ehind life se cure Christ sure our sal va tion, ev er faith ful, ev er true I I I And We ill ill ill ill We have this as a sure steadfast anchor soul Heres 6:19 hold hold hold calm hold fast fast fast ill fast e an chor an chor an chor it it it shall shall shall nev nev nev er er er e e e re moved re moved re moved et ter, for srms that e en dure an chor it shall nev er e re moved TEXT MUSIC: Matt Bosell Matt Papa 201 Doxology Theology (Admin y Paravel Music) Love Your Enemies Pulishing (Admin y Music Services, Inc) All rights reserved Used y permission th time repeat italics

11 Free From Guilt Free From Sin Ho lessed is he hose transgression is forgiven, hose sin is covered! Psalm 32: Dark 2 Light 3 Love Gone stain God God dark prove; in; ry; gins; I can not hide, stain sin, my guilt came shin ing don, Son God, my soul that lights my ay, love displayed at Cal va ness, come Light, gone night, day e guilt laid my a on, side His fool ish heav n ly Lam gone God, rong, my my soul soul made rea son for my sin; pride, rea son price life guilt for all set free my me from sin; free; sin; paid gave free His from price life guilt for pride; cron, save, right, for all set free my my me from pride, paid gave His free from sin sin free sin Wash me in Savior s lood; make me pure ithout, ith TEXT MUSIC: Don Hall aree Hall 2005 Lorenz Pulishing Company (Admin y Lorenz Corporation) All rights reserved

12 in guilt free Cleanse my from heart set me sin; free from free, guilt free from free from sin

13 God is so God is so n God Is So Good Oh give thanks LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 118:1 good, good, He s so God is so good good, me TEXT MUSIC: Traditional

14 3 3 1 Deep 2 That 3 O in life God proph truth, God, et s sa those O deeds Light po et s ing èd ord; slo ly pain, Peace, mid Thou hate King scorn Kings; se all Thee age, ove night; deep sits cred page, love, Light, in are type, passed, here an na tions e held ir com ing Lord He reigns, our King once croned ith thorn sound praise for ev er rings gr that Thou in death Prince from age no a gels kno no Till To thru Him that ( chorus) u de an night rang out song: Goodill up on throne, Lam once slain for sinful God God Therefore, since children share in flesh lood, He Himself likeise also parok same, that through death He might render poerless him ho had poer death Heres 2:1 men! men, TEXT MUSIC: Ryan Fogelsong 2011 Resolved Music All Rights Reserved Used y permission

15 Hymned e y first orn sons light, re echoed honor, might, all y Him on, glo ry no, praise, Good ill! A men! Born reign in us for ev er, orn a a men, a men! child, yet a King, Chorus orn His peo ple de liv er let us all in anm sing: Halle lu ah! The Mes si ah has come!

16 Hark! The Voice Love Mercy Hark! voice love mer cy sounds a 2 It is fin ished! What as sur ance do 3 Fin ished all types shad os Saints an gels, shout His prais es, His great loud on cer fin n from Cal va ry; see it rends rocks a drous ords af ford! Heav n ly less ings ith out e mo nial la, fin ished all that God had ished ork pro claim; all on earth all in sun der, shakes earth veils sky: It is finished! It is meas ure flo us from Christ Lord: It is finished! It is pro mised: death hell no more shall ae It is finished! It is heav en, oin less Im manuel s name: Halle lu ah! Halle fin fin fin lu Therefore hen esus had received sour ine, He said, "It is finished!" And He oed His head gave up His spirit ohn 19:30 ished! hear dy ing Sav ior cry; It is finished! It is ished! Saints, dy ing ords re cord; It is finished! It is ished! Saints, from this your comfort dra; It is finished! It is ah! End less glo ry Lam; Halle lu ah! Halle TEXT: onathan Evans MUSIC: oan Pinksn, Faith Free Presyterian Church All rights reserved CASSELLS

17 fin fin fin lu ished! hear dy ing Sav ior ished! Saints, dy ing ords re ished! Saints, from this your com fort ah! End less glo ry cry cord dra Lam!

18 3 3 * 1 Can it e Who ould e lieve Our promised 2 Though He groaned ith pain His on, our grief 3 Though dis tressed y men op pressed He ut tered As God illed His lood as spilled: guilt y Prince tears ne er spared, scarred urged, AM sting, cized, done, cent, died lacked He a ma es ty: strick en hard, gro tesque ly ore a lone He as scourged as scf ers mild pro test: like a lam, great I guilt less killed Hea ven s King ore Hea ven s no face y as His e er lood said naught those as poured out as He God His as so our He an cruel ly marred Os tra guilt might as have purged damned Soldiers In no fer ing e sus as despised, as one from hom men hide ir hid sun, n struck crushed His pre cious soul as rent; e ter nal rath on Him as sat is fied man y shall e us ti He Was Wounded He as despised forsaken men, a man sorros acquainted ith grief; like one from hom men hide ir face He as despised, e did not esteem Him Isaiah 53:3 TEXT: Chris Anderson MUSIC: Greg Haegger 2010 ChurchWorksMediacom All rights reserved Used y permission n

19 eyes Son spent! fied God s God, those o Beau ty free a rit tle tree yet through Him sin sheep like men God chas tened a cave, a or roed grave, He lay for re sred, His prayers out poured: soon all shall For In Throne strong our He arm e peace came Christ see! in! save Lord! He as ound ed, He as ound ed! Praise our Ser vant Sac ri fice! Hal le lu ah, hal le lu ah! We are healed y e sus Stanza 1: Isaiah 52:13 15; Isaiah 53:13 Stanza 2: Isaiah 53: 6 Stanza 3: Isaiah 53:7 9 Stanza : Isaiah 53:10 13 stripes! *

20 shad ro 1 Oh, 2 Oh, mer cy our God freedom our Sav o ken r has ior shon on: The sun on high Once a slave, R orn as Cornersne no more condemna tion those yoke pierced no ho sit sin in death s has een y night; grace Un us a Son is giv en, un us a Child is orn He ho is mighty done a great thing; He Who Is Mighty My soul exalts Lord, my spirit has reoiced in God my Savior, for He has looked on humle estate His servant Luke 2:68 Chorus ta ken on flesh, conquered death s sting, TEXT MUSIC: Reecca Elliott Kate DeGraide 201 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)/Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) Sovereign Grace Music, a division Sovereign Grace Churches All rights reserved Administrated orldide at CapilCMGPulishingcom, excluding UK hich is adm y Integrity Music, part David C Cook family SovereignGraceMusicorg has

21 shattered darkness lifted our shame Ho ly is His name Bridge 2nd time Bridge 3rd time End Ho ly is His name No my soul mag ni ΠΠfies Lord; I re oice in trust His un 1 all my days My God ho saves; I ill fail ing love, I ill sing His prais es 2 all my days Chorus End Ho ly is His name

22 2 2 1 Hear 2 You, 3 All my O cre cry, God, O once God, alked e a tion os e save side fore me! me You; Trou In saints dis tress en slave me Day night I seek Your night Your songs re vived me Were Your prom is es in earth heav n a dore You Thun der roars r rents face, vain fall yearn Will at n ing You Your n n les in for Your light grace But se smile on me a gain Long a Word, O God all! In our n eyes y can not see You; out stretched arms, y can not go You rought re demp tion; Your right h on our sal grief You st e side us; re lift us Hear My Cry, O God (Psalm 77) I ill rememer deeds Lord; yes, I ill rememer Your onders old I ill ponder all Your ork, meditate on Your mighty deeds Psalm 77:1112 TEXT: Michael Morgan 2011 Michael Morgan, admin Faith Alive Christian Resources MUSIC: Genevan Psalter, 1551; harm Claude Goudimel, 156 GENEVAN 77

23 feel va guide You tion My I heart re reaks mem us; un seen Sav my no heir 1 n soul re longs mem end n n er less n hold me, songs in er ior deep days You O de our here Lord! praise! spair; old days, By Your Name, O God (Psalm 5) Behold, God is my helper; Lord is upholder my life He ill return evil my enemies; in Your faithfulness put an end m! Psalm 5:5 By Your name, O God, no save me; grant me ustice y Your strength To se ords mine give anser; O my God, no hear my prayer Strangers have come up against me, even men violence And y seek my life s destruction; God is not ithin ir thoughts 2 See ho God has een my Helper, ho my God sustains my soul; my foes He pays ack evil in Your truth destroy m all! I ill sacrifice ith gladness; Your great name I ll praise, O LORD, God has saved me from all troule; I have looked on all my foes TEXT: The Book Psalms for Worship (can e sung tune EBENEZER) text 2009 Cron Covenant Pulications Used y permission

24 6 8 1 What 2 What 3 What 8 6 love pa rich could re mem er tience ould ait as es kind ness no e He Om nis cient, all kno ing, What Fa r so ten der His lood as pay ment, Thron He We Our He is His rongs e have con stant lav ished ly on counts not call life ing as ir us done roam us sum home cost in a sea ith out ot m or el comes eak est, vil est, sod neath a det e could nev er af His Mercy Is More He kept crying out all more, Son David, have mercy on me! And esus said him, Receive your sight; your faith has made you ell Luke 18:39, sins, y are many His mercy is more Praise shore poor ford Lord, TEXT MUSIC: Matt Papa Matt Bosell 2015 Messenger Hymns (BMI) Getty Music ASCAP Designee (ASCAP) (admin y Music Services, musicservicesorg)/ Love Your Enemies Pulishing (ASCAP) All rights reserved Used y permission

25 ΠΠHis mercy is more Stronger than dark ness, ne every morn; our sins, y are man y His mercy is more

26 ut 1 Ho 2 While 3 So I 5 The lest are y hose tres pass has free ly een for given, I kept guilt y si lence, my strength as spent ith grief; let god ly seek You in times hen You are near; gracious ly ill teach you ay that you should go, sor ros ick ed in crease from year year, hose sins have hol ly cov ered e fore sight heav n Your h as heav y on me; my soul found no re lief no sur ging floods shall reach m or cause ir heart fear, ith My eye up on you, help you My coun sel kno those ho trust Lord God kno love in stead fear Blest y But hen O Lord, So do Then in ho n e e Ho Blest Are They (Psalm 32) Blessed is one hose transgression is forgiven, hose sin is covered Blessed is man against hom Lord counts no iniquity, in hose spirit re is no deceit Psalm 32:12 have You You not glad hom Lord God does not im pute ir sin, I oned my tres pass did not hide my sin, You are my Ref uge; You are my hid ing place, not e un ru ly or slo un der st; Lord e oy ful, in song lift up your voice; a guile less spir it, hose heart is true ith for gave my guilt, Lord, re sred my life ith surround me al ays ith songs sav ing grace perverse, ut ill ing heed My ise com m in God, you right eous: re oice, O saints, re oice! TEXT: The Psalter, 1912, alt MUSIC: Chretien Urhan, 183 in in RUTHERFORD

27 Ho I Love You, LORD (Psalm 18) For ho is God, ut Lord And ho is a rock, except our God God ho equipped me ith strength made my ay lameless Psalm 18: Ho 2 All 3 From With I cre on love You, Lord, my God, You my a tion reeled rocked, mountains high Lord reached don, seized me faith ful You are true, n Rock quaked ith pure hen His You for God tress came strong; don, con soar stant ing Ref on uge, might ings y Shield ind, po r ful arm; hen floods en gulfed my soul, sho Your grace, ut crook ed hu man kind I fire He You ill de re praise You in my song Snares death hail snes all a round Then His an liv ered me from harm God, Lord, veal an an gry face You, Lord, ring n tan gled me, hell ish r rents fright ened ith a last, split sea that il loed strong sup port, rought me a spa cious haugh ty lo, save hum le from ir n me; re; place, plight, ut hen for en ger, my You it You TEXT: Ada RoeperBoulogne MUSIC: oseph Parry, 1879 Text 1987 CRC Pulications Used y permission ABERYSTWYTH

28 heard Lord is keep my des perate cry, Your h has set me un leashed His rath, earth s foun da tions ere laid His great de light re ard my righteous my lamp a glo, turn my dark ness in 5 All God s promises are sure Who is God esides Lord He is perfect in His ays Who Rock except our God It is God ho gives me strength; He enales me st high aove attlefield, held up y His poerful h 6 God prepares me ell for ar, makes my feet as sift as deer, arms me ith salvation s shield, makes my pathay road sure I pursued my enemies till y fell eneath my feet, eat m fine like loing dust, lo like dirt that lines street free are ays light 7 God has rescued me from strife ith nations all around He has made me head all; foreign leaders no o don Yes, Lord exalted me over all my enemies; y oey all my comms, cringing lo on tremling knees 8 God, Lord, my Savior, lives! To Rock e all praise! He has overcome my foes, shon me His unfailing grace Lord, I ill exl Your name make all Your lessings knon You give vicry Your king, give His heirs a royal throne

29 3 3 1 Ho 2 The 3 Great All pleas ant di vine ly sparro has a place God, at tend, hile Zi on need ed grace You ill e dellings are! vides a nest, pre sence springs; glo ry o; fair, rest, sings s, O Lord for oy her that hosts, young from cron that grace Your pro Your ith With great de sire my spir it faints, see ut ill my God m a lone pour out His spend a day ith in Your courts ex ceeds a You give all things, You ith hold no heav n ly shin ing hosts saints My flesh ould rest in Your a mer cy from throne Blessed are saints ho dell on thous days a part You are our Sun, You less our good from up right souls O God our King, hose sovereign ode; high day; say part my ear y heart cries out for God: My God! My a round Your throne, a ove sky; ir right est You our Shield, guard our ay from all as glo rious hosts heav n o ey; dis play Your Ho Pleasant (Psalm 8) Ho lovely is Your delling place, O Lord hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for courts Lord; my heart flesh sing for oy living God Psalm 8:12 unison TEXT: Isaac Watts, 1719, alt MUSIC: Dan Kreider AMIABLE

30 King! Why should I stay far from oys end less day glo ries shine a ove, all ir ork is praise love saults hell sin, from foes ith out fears ith in grace, ex ert Your po r, til all on earth Your name a dore

31 O 2 I Πho as ly udge, here is my heart; hat can I say You condemned un der Your la; right ly I sod accused Where could I run; ho could I hide Darkness is day You I felt my need, my conscience agreed; I as ithout excuse ΠΠΠay, heart The heart So ho can r a I man udge is a maze ones ith in; ho fall so come, light I kno in my il lu mi nate sin Nothing s concealed, all is re I m ust like m all I ill con fess: my righteous vealed ness, e e sus, sus, I must udge Secrets ir conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse m on day hen God ill udge secrets men through Christ esus Romans 2:1516 yield rest in You You TEXT MUSIC: Dave Fournier 2013 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) Sovereign Grace Music, a division Sovereign Grace Churches All rights reserved Administrated orldide at CapilCMGPulishingcom, excluding UK hich is adm y Integrity Music, part David C Cook family SovereignGraceMusicorg ΠΠudge

32 secrets hearts men, here I sur render ΠΠΠΠΠhumly re pent You ve conquered my soul, no e its de Πfense, End ΠΠΠΠΠΠO holy I ill not udge udge, run; ΠΠsecrets here is my I ill not ΠΠhearts heart What can I hide; I kno I m ΠΠ2nd time end men say You safe in You

33 5 1 O 2 The 3 We e sins 5 God, lood fix e You our come shed eyes e has on fore paid You, Your our our throne, dets; prize, e e con fess: e go a stray a ay We trust Your grace, e our faith Till You re turn or 5 5 in sus, sus, sin lieve call our eak You ve ashed Au ness our thor each day; y faith us home e in You cast ourselves up on Your grace O Lord, have mer cy You e have all righteous ness O Lord, You ve shon us strengthen us run race O Lord, for ev er on mer faith us, sin ners in need grace For cy; sin ners are ashed as saints You ve ful, all glo ry Your name! We Lord, Have Mercy He made you alive ger ith Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, y canceling record det that sod against us ith its legal dems Colossians 2: TEXT: Marc Willern MUSIC: Marc Willern ordan Kauflin 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)/Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) Sovereign Grace Music, a division Sovereign Grace Churches All rights reserved Administrated orldide at CapilCMGPulishingcom, excluding UK hich is adm y Integrity Music, part David C Cook family SovereignGraceMusicorg

34 give shon have us Your no our trans gres sions, lead us in Your righteous lov ing kind ness: sons dis grace are righteous oth er Sav ior, our great Re deem er, God, ays made King, 3 3 God, Sons lead us dis in grace Your are right eous right eous e sus, Re deem er, God, 3 3 ays made King

35 Lord, our Lord, Your glo rious name all Your ondrous 2 In fant voic es sing Your praise, tell ing Your 3 Moon stars in shin ing height test i fy ir Who are e that e ould share in Your love 5 With do min ion croned, e st o er crea tures orks pro claim; in heav ns ith ra di ant signs glo rious ays; eak est means ork out Your ill, Mak ten er s der might; care hen raised I ith see You heav ens hon or a far, might, Your h; You give men au thor i ty ev er more Your glo ry shines ho makes Your en e mies e still ho n I kno ho small e are ho croned ith glo ry in Your sight ho o ver sky l sea ho Lord, our Lord, in LORD, Our Lord (Psalm 8) O LORD, our Lord, ho maestic is Your name in all earth! You have set Your glory aove heavens Psalm 8:1 all earth, great great great great great ho great Your name! Your Your Your Your Your name! name! name! name! name! Yours name TEXT: Psalter, 1912, alt MUSIC: William F Sherin, 1877, alt EVENING PRAISE

36 matchless orth, ex cellent in n all earth, ho great Your name!

37 Praise great is His love Lord, all you nations, ex l Him, all you peoples, for us love endures for ev er, Praise for Lord He is faithful; His great is His love for us 1 Sing a song praise God, en throned on 2 Bold ly shout His praise, for He has res cued o e fore King an gels sin death no more can en slave us His us tice ill e knon; dis played at Cal va ry Chorus Praise Lord (Psalm 117) Praise LORD, all nations! Exl Him, all peoples! For great is His steadfast love ard us Psalm 117:12 His His high; us; mercy His eauty His lift lift a a song song praise praise Πlove, po r Lord! Lord! chorus TEXT MUSIC: ered McKenna 2013 ered McKenna All rights reserved Used y permission

38 Your Word 2 Thru faith 3 In Christ By grace rock mer ness are a lone is sol id ground, might y a lone e come You; e have no a lone e're us ti fied; His right eous a lone e have een saved; all that e on hich e uild In eve ry line truth is it e can claim Sure that Your prom is es are is all our plea Your la s de ms are sat is has come from You Hearts that ere once y sin en found, true, fied; slaved e His no eve place ry our page hope ith in glo e ry sus per fect ork has set us y Your po r have een made Glori a, glori a, glory God a Glori a, glori a, glory Reformation Song But no apart from La righteousness God has een manifested Romans 3:21 filled name free ne! God Text Music: Tim Chester Bo Kauflin 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) Sovereign Grace Music, a division Sovereign Grace Churches All rights reserved a lone! lone!

39 1 Sav 2 Not ior y 3 Won drous From Savior Nations, Come hu man irth! O Fa r na tions, flesh ondrous forth He come; lood, Child came Marvel no, O heav n earth, did Word God come don Tho y all orld dis oned, cap tive leading death hell You have ascended on high, You have led captive Your captives; You have received gifts among men Psalm 68:18 5 You, Far s only Son, over sin vict ry on Boundless shall Your kingdom e; hen shall e its glories see 6 Bright Your loly manger shines, glorious is its light divine Let not sin o ercloud this light; ever thus our faith e right virgin s Son, make this Your home! ut Spir it our God, vir gin un de filed! returned a gain same, that Lord chose such a irth a irth ith out renon still e in heav n enthroned high song triumph sell! 7 Praise God Far sing, praise God Son, our King, praise God Spirit e ever eternally TEXT: Amrose Milan, th cent; German version, Martin Lur, 1523; tr William M Reynolds, 1880, alt MUSIC: Enchiridia, Erfurt, 152; harm Seth Calvisius, 159 NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND

40 3 3 1 Sing 2 Tell 3 Vain Give ne till God come Lord, sing His praise, all you peo ples; His on drous orks, tell His glo ry are i dols gods na tions; un God all glo ry hon or; e your through made ith your Sing His song as ne hon ors you na tions His name is re heav ns, His glo ry y f rings hum ly dra pay vered tell near Sing His ma es ty, praise Him for ev er, Praise ex alt Him, for He is al might y; Splen dor ma es ty shine out e fore Him; Wor ship Lord in His eau ty splen dor; Sing His sho God glo trem n Sing LORD (Psalm 96) Oh sing LORD a ne song; sing LORD, all earth! Sing LORD, less His name; tell His salvation from day day Psalm 96:12 His sal va o ver all, ry le e strength fore tion let in Him from His ith day Lord tem rev un God ple rence e do TEXT: Psalter, 1912, alt MUSIC: Loell Mason, 1830, alt, arr Dan Kreider day feared dell fear WESLEY

41 5 Say nations, The Lord reigns forever! Earth is estalished never shall move Righteous ust is King nations, udging nations in truth in love 6 Let heav ns e glad; let hole earth e oyful; forests fields, all seas l God comes udge all nations in ustice, faithful righteous in every comm

42 Sing Teach a ise man Œ Œ he ll ecome iser, he ll ecome iser, is er he ill e; teach a right eous man, 2nd time end you ill find he ill im prove his mind No don t correct a scfer sure hate your Œ Œ Ó prise! He ill mind; yes, Teach a Wise Man Give instruction a ise man he ill e still iser; teach a righteous man he ill increase his learning Provers 9:9 He s ise man, sur fer But if you correct love you! End he ill im prove his he ill im prove his mind! TEXT: Provers 9:89 MUSIC: Dan Kreider

43 The Blood esus Speaks for Me [You have come] esus, mediar a ne covenant, sprinkled lood, hich speaks a etter ord than lood Ael Heres 12: The lood 2 My heart can 3 When O my let ac my soul all die dence e sus speaks for me Be still, my are ly take it in, He par dons cus er makes claim that I should soul a rise sing, my con fi re deem ing love out dust Cal va ry my guilt y stains Sur ren der all my shame Him, for my fense, I point him that rug ged frame, is not in vain! The One ho fights for me is King; is ris ing throne a ove There is no He reaks curse eve ry chain My sin is here I found life at Christ s ex pense See from His His hope, His cov e nant re main No con dem venge ance in His cry, hile It is fin great, ut great er still oundless grace hs, His feet, His side, fountain flo na tion no I dread, e ter nal hope ished! His ing is fills heart deep mine re in TEXT MUSIC: Travis Cottrell David Mfitt 2015 TimeChange Music (ASCAP) Universal Music Brentood Benson Pul (ASCAP) Great Revelation Music (ASCAP) (admin at CapilCMGPulishingcom) All rights reserved Used y permission

44 sky veals: ide! stead e sus e sus e sus e sus For giveness a mer cy O His hear Word it ill speaks speaks speaks speaks for for for for is deep shout st; me me me! me! fi nal plea er than sea vic ry I st redeemed 3rd time ridge th time end Bridge lood lood lood lood Wor thy is Lam, Lam for sinners slain e sus, Lord all, glo ry His name! Heaven crying out, let earth proclaim: poer in lood, verse glo ry His name, e sus!

45 1 e 2 Vic sus, perfect picture unseen God; r, ov er sin death You tri umphed; Ma First ker things e can not com pre hend orn, You ve shon us life e yond grave Wis dom, earth dis plays Your strength eau Bride groom, e long for You in ex pec ta 2 Sov reign, yes eve ry throne knos You are e sus, Your church re oic es pro Every inch this un i verse e longs You, You for You it as order Your h, so The First Place [He is] firstorn from dead, that in everything He might e preeminent Colossians 1:18 made God claim: ty; tion; O Christ, for through Your cre a tion endures y You must have in all TEXT MUSIC: Mat Westerholm 1999 Mat Westerholm All rights reserved Used y permission things first place

46 3 3 1 Wor thy orship, orthy praise, orthy honor glo 2 Wor thy rev rence, orthy fear, orthy love de vo 3 Al mighty Far, Master Lord, King all kings Redeem ry tion er Wor thy all glad songs e can sing Worthy Wor thy oing ending knees, orthy Wonderful Counse lor, Comfort er, Friend, Savior all f rings e ring all this, add ed se, Source our life ithout end You are or thy, Far, Cre a r You are or thy, Sav ior, Sustain er You are or thy, orthy onder ful, orthy orship Worthy Worship Worthy are You, our Lord our God, receive glory honor poer; for You created all things, ecause Your ill y existed, ere created Revelation :11 TEXT: Terry York, MUSIC: Mark Blankenship 1988 Van Ness Press McKinney Music All rights reserved Used y permission praise!

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