The Focused Journey. Main Idea: As Christians, we are to rejoice in the Lord in all circumstances and dwell on only the things that honor Him.

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1 The Focused Journey Choose to Rejoice Philippians 4:2-7 11/25/2018 Main Idea: As Christians, we are to rejoice in the Lord in all circumstances and dwell on only the things that honor Him. Lesson Objective: Worship Jesus with our all because He is worthy. FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 1

2 Introduction As your class time begins, use this section to introduce the topic of discussion. Some (in fact, many) would say that gone are America s glory days. The Have A Nice Day yellow smiley faces of the 70s, the Don t Worry, Be Happy anthems of the 80s, and the Just Do It slogans of the 90s don t seem to hold the same sway in the troubled years we ve met so far in this 21st century. Snappy jingles and yellow smileys have given way to orange alerts and pink slips, observe the editors of HOMILETICS. Enter a company with products for the times in which we live- Despair, Inc. While some companies peddle pithy motivational materials, Despair, Inc. markets a line of demotivational products, all designed to feed the collective angst of a depressed populace. A quick survey of their website reveals such un inspiring products as a collection of trinkets and treasures called Demotivators, including a cup embossed with the downer, This cup is half empty. You can also shop from a clothing line called DespairWear, with T-shirt bearing such messages of melancholy like, I expected times like these. I just didn t expect they d be so bad, so long or so frequent. The fashion line s motto is, Clothes make the man. These clothes make the man sad. Or, if it s a piece of depressingly decorative wall art you re looking for, consider their poster of a lightning storm which reads, Every cloud has a silver lining but lightning kills hundreds of people each year who are trying to find it, or another with a dark sunset which reads, Despair: It always gets darkest just before it fades to pitch black. FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 2

3 Says s founder, Dr. E.L. Kersten, Whether you re a pessimist, an underachiever, or a chronic failure, I personally offer my unconditional guarantee that Demotivators will truly inspire you to new lows! Says HOMILETICS, Despair, Inc. has tapped into the truth that all of us know and few of us want to admit suffering is a grim reality of the human condition. No amount of wealth, no measure of security and no low-fat, oat bran-fueled diet can defend us against suffering and eventual death. Good or bad, rich or poor, conflict, and calamity are just a word, a mistake, an accident, or an illness away. Yet as someone once said, What God whispers to us in our pleasure, he shouts to us in our pain. And what God is shouting is I am here! FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 3

4 United Philippians 4:2-3 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. Living with our families for years gives us plenty of practice at relational sin. Many of us know how to push our family members buttons, but are not as adept at resolving conflict. The same can be said of the church. The potential for disagreements is always present. However, as followers of Christ, we must not be content to leave conflict unresolved. Living faithfully for Christ requires that we seek what is driving the conflict in our lives and uproot it so that we might humble ourselves before God and others. We resolve our conflict for the good of the church. After charging the people to stand firm in their faith, Paul then called on two women to agree with each other because of their common bond in the Lord. Notice that the verb entreat is used with both names. Entreat represents an appeal for someone to come to one s side. The placement of this address to the two women and the use of parakalō suggest that this was a very serious situation. It had to be more than just a passing disagreement. It could have had the potential to split the church into two important observation is that Paul was handling this conflict in a soft manner. Apparently the disagreement wasn t a doctrinal issue, but it was an issue that would have caused a separation in the body of the church. It seems like Paul had enough FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 4

5 faith in the women themselves and also in the church s ability to correct the problem. Other than that the names were well-attested names in Greek, we do not have any other information about them. Apparently they were active members of the congregation, and their discord, whatever its precise nature, was a threat to the unity of the church as a whole. 1 Conflict is often a byproduct of living in close community with others. Disagreements are bound to come up among members of a church, just as they come up in good friendships and family. We should seek to resolve these conflicts in a way that honors Jesus. Paul desperately wanted to head off division among his cherished Philippian friends. Paul urged the two women to agree in the Lord. Thus, Paul appealed to Euodia and Syntyche to have Christ s attitude of humble selflessness (see 2:5). In light of Christ s sacrificial giving on their behalf, how could either one continue to insist on her way? The phrase in the Lord emphasized the sphere of their living the realm in which Christ ruled. Paul wanted the women to be reconciled in a Christian manner. True Companion, Clement, and fellow workers are people whom Paul called on to help him bring resolution to this matter. True companion was the helper, perhaps summoned specifically because of skills as a peacemaker (was he a man of prayer, guarded by peace vv. 6f?) Companion translates the Greek σύζυγε (syzyge, the vocative form of syzygos), which might possibly be a proper name. If so, true could have been Paul s way of indicating Syzygus was living up to his name. Other views as to his identity have 1 Peter Thomas O Brien, The Epistle to the Philippians: A Commentary on the Greek Text, New International Greek Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1991), 478. FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 5

6 ranged through Epaphroditus, Timothy, Silas, Luke, and some even contend this was a collective term for the entire church. 2 Paul recalled that Euodia and Syntyche had once labored with him, and they should be able to do so again. Perhaps they had been among the original group of converts at Philippi, for women had been Paul s first hearers there (Acts 16:13 15). Their Christian labors had been in conjunction with Clement and others of Paul s co-workers. This Clement is not otherwise known to us with certainty. Even though some of these names are not recorded in this letter, Paul knows that their service is not forgotten, for their names are recorded in the Book of Life. The reference is to the register in heaven of those who are saved (Rev 3:5; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19; cf. Luke 10:20; Heb 12:23). It does not imply that they and Clement were now dead, though they might have been. Paul s memory of these happy associations prompted his concern that the present disunity might be ended so that faithful Christian activity could proceed and prosper. 3 What are common causes of conflict within a church? Is there a difference between the roots of a conflict and the issues that come to the surface? Explain. Why is unity in the church so difficult to achieve and maintain? What guidance did Paul offer the Philippian church for resolving the conflict between these two women? Whose responsibility was it to work for peace? 2 Anthony Lee Ash, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon, The College Press NIV Commentary (Joplin, MO: College Press, 1994), Php 4:3. 3 Homer A. Kent Jr., Philippians, in The Expositor s Bible Commentary: Ephesians through Philemon, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein, vol. 11 (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981), 150. FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 6

7 Reasonableness Philippians 4:4-5 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; The Holy Bible: English Standard Version Paul encouraged the church to maintain certain positive Christian virtues. First, believers are to rejoice in the Lord always and again to rejoice. His double emphasis could have been a way of heading off the question, How can we rejoice in view of our difficulties? So he repeated the command because in all the ups and downs of the Christian life, whether in attacks from so-called believers, persecution from the world, or threat of imminent death all of which Paul himself was experiencing at this very time the Christian is to maintain a spirit of joy in the Lord. We are not immune to sorrow, nor should we be insensitive to the troubles of others; yet we should count the will of God our highest joy and be capable of knowing inner peace and joy in every circumstance. Second, believers are to be reasonable to all. The term epieikēs ( gentleness ) is difficult to translate with its full connotation. Such words as gentle, yielding, kind, forbearing, and lenient are among the best English attempts, but no single word is adequate. Involved is the willingness to yield one s personal rights and to show consideration and gentleness to others. It is easy to display this quality toward some people, but Paul commanded that it should be shown toward all. That would seem to include Christian friends, FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 7

8 unsaved persecutors, false teachers anyone at all. Of course, truth is not to be sacrificed, but a gentle spirit will do much to disarm the adversary. 4 Paul reminded the readers that the Lord was near. This has two different teaching points. One is the on-going presence God has with all of His people. When we have been born again, we have been birthed into the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is a reality in which God is present and active. The second teaching point focuses on the fact of the return of Christ. Yes, Jesus is with us now, but He will also return to call His people into His glorious presence forever. We as believers will enjoy the physical presence of the Lord in a sinless heaven. What does it mean to rejoice in the Lord (v. 4)? What is the distinction between joy and happiness? How do you rejoice in the Lord always? On what are we focusing when we are grumbling or are anxious? What does Paul say to do to relieve worry or stress? How can praising God and choosing to be thankful help with worry? 4 Homer A. Kent Jr., Philippians, in The Expositor s Bible Commentary: Ephesians through Philemon, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein, vol. 11 (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981), 151. FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 8

9 Peace of God Philippians 4:6-7 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version In these verses we have another command from Paul. This one, however is a negative one, but it has a positive thrust. Do not be anxious about anything. Jesus spoke about anxiety in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 6:25 34), where he stated the most common causes of anxiety physical attributes (v. 27); clothing (v. 28); food and drink (v. 31); and the future (v. 34). Even in contemporary life with its complexities, the same simple concerns cause anxiety. Prayer cures anxiety. Paul defined the type of prayer that should be offered. We are to make our request known to God in supplication along with thanksgiving. Each of these actions contributes to a proper understanding of the comprehensive nature of the prayer life. The point Paul was trying to make, however, is that prayer relieves the problem of anxiety. The center of the verse is the significant part. Prayer is to be offered with thanksgiving. The attitude of gratitude accompanies all true approaches to the Father. The answer to anxiety is the peace of God. Paul made three statements about this peace. First, it is divine peace. He did not envision a situation where circumstances changed or external needs were met. This peace was a characteristic of God which invaded the Christian. Second, it surpasses all understanding. Surpasses translates the word hyperechousa ( excellent ), FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 9

10 which is found in 2:3; 3:8, and here in a compound form. Paul combined two words in order to contrast knowledge and peace at one point. This drove home his teaching point that peace excels over knowledge. There is no doubt that he had in mind certain situations where knowledge was insufficient. At times knowledge cannot explain, and at other times explanations do not help. Peace, however, is always appropriate and meets the need of the heart. Finally, this peace will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Guard is a military term, implying that peace stands on duty to keep out anything that brings care and anxiety. For these reasons, prayerful people are peaceful people. 5 We live in a culture where success, self-sufficiency, and accomplishment are highly valued. Consequently, many people today try to hide their weaknesses. God, however, is never surprised by our weaknesses, needs, and desires. This does not mean that He doesn t want us to communicate our needs and wants to Him. When we are honest before God in prayer about our deepest worries, we honor Him because we are relying on Him to be the One who can increase our faith and joy. We tend to think of worry and anxiety as unavoidable facts of life. However, both Paul and Jesus command us not to be anxious (Matt. 6:25). This tells us that anxiety is rooted in sin. The anxiety that plagues our hearts is rooted in a lack of trust in God. We increase our trust in God when we connect to Him in prayer. One of the primary reasons we feel anxiety, pressure, and stress in life is that we mistakenly assume that we are in control. When we attempt to bear the weight of life on our own, we will inevitably fail because we 5 Richard R. Melick, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, vol. 32, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1991), FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 10

11 are dependent creatures. We were made for a dependent relationship with God. Our culture s idea of the self-made person runs contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ which tells us that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). In taking time in prayer to rejoice in God and consider how glorious He is, we will keep the difficulties and pressures of life in proper perspective. What in your life right now causes you anxiety? How might presenting your requests to God help you overcome your deepest worries? How does relying on God submitting your needs, requests, and weaknesses to God show Him honor? Why do you think Paul prefaced the command to not be anxious in verse 6 with the command to rejoice in the Lord in verse 4? How might rejoicing in God help us combat the worry that plagues us? What does Paul say will happen when we devote ourselves to praying to God about our troubles (v. 7)? FARMSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH 11

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