GALATIANS: AN ARGUMENT. A Paper. Presented to. Dr. Mark Yarbrough. Dallas Theological Seminary. In Partial Fulfillment

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1 GALATIANS: AN ARGUMENT A Paper Presented to Dr. Mark Yarbrough Dallas Theological Seminary In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course BE106OL by Carlton Kevin Perry November 2015

2 Galatians: An Argument Message Statement Paul is making a doctrinal argument and plea that the Galatians reject false teaching in their midst that would have them revert to a system of works via circumcision but rather live by faith according to the freedom they have in Christ. Book Synopsis Paul is agitated and emotional in writing he has learned that the Galatians have begun to be influenced by some false teachers. He defends his own calling and ministry by recounting that the history of his conversion and entry into ministry was not influenced by man but instead by the revelation and authority of God. He doctrinally argues for a return to the true gospel of faith in Christ and to not submit themselves back under the law and to a system of circumcision. Introduction, Interpretive Issues and Theological Themes Galatians crackles with a raw passion and even anger that is very different from the other letters of Paul in the New Testament. Paul is uniquely frustrated at the Galatians, even dubbing them as foolish in Galatians 3:1, or as J.B. Phillips translates it, my dear idiots. 1 But while his outrage is clearly communicated within the pages of his letter, Paul s heart for the Galatian s also comes through as a caring and burdened shepherd who wants to see those he cares for not led astray. It is an important letter for modern believers as well that admonishes us to stay committed and zealous for the true gospel of grace through faith in the work of Jesus Christ. The true gospel of grace brings salvation from death and freedom from any man contrived system of works. It is generally accepted across scholarship that Paul is the author of Galatians. This is clearly stated in the letter in several places such as Galatians 1:1 and 5:2. The strong internal evidence also includes the fact that the first 2 chapters of Galatians, in 1994), Timothy George, Galatians of 30. The New American commentary (Nashville, Tenn.: B&H, 1

3 2 which the author is defending the history and authority of his ministry, includes specific autobiographical details that correspond with events recorded elsewhere of Paul s life such as in the book of Acts. The date of the writing of Galatians is debatable. Determining when the letter of Galatians was written heavily involves the matter of the destination of the letter. A North Galatian view speculates that the letter was written on Paul s third missionary journey sometime between A.D 53 and 58. However, most scholars with the opinion that the destination was south, consider the letter to have been written after Paul s first missionary journey around A.D Although this does not alter the message or reliability of the book, it is an important issue to consider. As Longenecker states, one s view as to date has wide-ranging implications for one s understanding of Paul s theology and the reconstruction of the history of the early church. 2 In the opening lines of Galatians, Paul states that he is writing to the churches in Galatia (Gal 1:2). The letter of Galatians is unique among Paul s letters in that it is not written to an individual nor to believers in a specific city. The debated destination of the letter also means there are two possible types of recipients of the letter. In the North Galatian theory the recipients included Celtic tribes who had invaded Asia Minor hundreds of years before. In the South Galatian theory, the churches consist of racially mixed people in the Roman province called Galatia. We read about Paul in south Galatia in Acts 14. Luke s account there contains striking parallels that point toward the identification of these churches the churches of Galatia with these Christian Books, 1990), lxxiii. 2 Richard N. Longenecker, Galatians of 41. Word biblical commentary (Dallas, Tex.: Word

4 3 congregations in south Galatia. 3 We also know that Paul often used the Roman province title to address people groups. Some scholars have questioned the importance that the exact racial makeup of the people of Galatians bears on the interpretation of the book., This problem seems a bit overstated given the universality of the problems of humanity seen in other of Paul s letters and due to broadly applicable doctrine of the book. The overall purpose of the book leads one to consider not only who the recipients of the letter were but also who it was exactly Paul was defending himself against and pleading with the Galatians not to submit to their false teaching. The traditional, and most feasible, answer is that the trouble in Galatia was caused by Judaizers who sought to add certain strictures of the Jewish law, notably circumcision, as a requirement for inclusion in the Christian church. 4 Regardless of the identity of the opponents, the doctrine and argument of Galatians is universal in its appeal and application that all believers take great care to not add anything to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Structure, Outline and Presentation Structure and Outline Galatians contains a very common salutation from Paul as well as a very definitive conclusion. The letter contains 3 major sections. The first section is autobiographical containing select events from Paul s life for the purpose of defending his calling and ministry. The second section consists of his doctrinal arguments while the third is his closing exhortations and instructions in light of his arguments. I. Salutation 1:1-10 A. Introduction 1:1-5 B. Paul addresses their distortion of the gospel 1: George, Galatians, George, Galatians, 50.

5 4 II. Paul defends his ministry and authority 1:11-2:14 A. Paul did not receive a gospel from man 1:11-12 B. Paul s former life and conversion 1:13-17 C. Paul s first trip to Jerusalem 1:18-24 D. Paul and the council at Jerusalem 2:1-10 E. Paul confronts Peter 2:11-14 III. Paul argues doctrine 2:15-4:31 A. Dead to the law, alive in Christ 2:15-21 B. Paul questions the Galatians 3:1-5 C. Faith and the sons of Abraham 3:6-9 D. The curse of the law 3:10-14 E. The promises of God not invalidated by the law 3:15-18 F. The purpose of the law 3:19-22 G. The Law has led to Christ 3:23-29 H. Heirs as adopted children of God 4:1-7 I. Paul questions why the Galatians have regressed 4:8-11 J. Paul s plea to the Galatians 4:12-20 K. The illustration of the 2 women 4:21-4:31 IV. Paul s exhortations 5:1-6:10 A. Stand firm because you are free 5:1 B. Circumcision and the law 5:2-6 C. Reject the false teachers 5:7-12 D. Love your neighbor 5:13-15 E. The flesh and the Spirit 5: They are opposed 5: The deeds of the flesh 5: The fruit of the Spirit 5: Live by the Spirit 5:24-26 F. Regarding Others 6:1-5 G. Sowing and reaping 6:6-10 V. Concluding statements 6:11-18 Presentation I. Salutation (1:1-10) A. Introduction (1:1-5) Paul identifies himself right from the start of the letter as he regularly does. Here however he immediately makes note in his opening line that his apostleship is not from men, nor by human agency but by Jesus Christ (Gal 1:2 NET). Paul spends a

6 5 considerable portion of the letter defending his own calling and authority. His intention to make clear that his calling and conversion were from God is also mirrored in 1:12 where reiterates that the gospel he preaches he did not receive from any man. B. Paul addresses their distortion of the gospel (1:6-10) The overall purpose of the letter of Galatians is easily determined due to the fact that immediately after his salutation, Paul brings the charge of why he is writing. Within the churches of Galatia is a movement of people who are turning away from the gospel Paul preached due to a contingency of some who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ (1:7). Paul s tone is combative and very forward pronouncing that those who preach such falsehood should be condemned to hell (1:9). The weight of what is at stake in this dispute is shown by Paul s directness and astonishment. II. Paul defends his ministry and authority (1:11-2:21) A. Paul did not receive a gospel from man (1:11-12) It is interesting to note that the first place Paul s goes to counter the false teaching that was occurring in the churches of Galatia is that the source of the gospel he preaches is from God and not contrived by man. This is likely a counter to claims that are being leveled against Paul s authority from the false teachers. B. Paul s former life and conversion (1:13-17) Paul launches into a history of his pre-conversion life and conversion experience to give evidence that his calling and ministry authority are not his own creation but are God given. Paul also thinks it important to say that his calling and gospel was not even given to him from other apostles in Jerusalem. Details of his travels are even included that verify he did not even have opportunity for contact with the apostles. C. Paul s first trip to Jerusalem (1:18-24)

7 6 Paul gives further details of his travels immediately following conversion to confirm he did not have contact with the apostles other than Cephas during his first trip to Jerusalem. The churches of Judea are referenced as an important point to counter the false gospel being taught in that Paul now preaches the very gospel he once tried to destroy which would be of faith in Christ and not of works of the law. D. Paul and the council at Jerusalem (2:1-10) Paul s second trip to Jerusalem occurs 14 years later and Paul again here affirms that this trip was not in response to a human plan or summoning but rather by divine revelation (2:2). The implication here is that even though had not had contact with nor training from the apostles, the gospel he preached to Gentiles was the same and the apostles accepted him. Titus is brought up as an example of conflict over the issue of circumcision that concerned the council. The instigators there were also those advocating a false gospel. These were likely also Judaizers whose mistaken conviction is stated in Acts 15:1 that unless you are circumcised according to the custom taught by Moses you cannot be saved. This mirrors the conflict going on in Galatia. E. Paul confronts Peter (2:11-14) Paul recounts his confrontation with Peter dues to Peter s hypocrisy in not living according to the truth of the gospel (2:14). The law and circumcision stands at the core of the Galatian heresy and it is crucial to Paul that the gospel is shown to unite Jew and Gentile. III. Paul argues doctrine (2:15-4:31) A. Dead to the law, alive in Christ (2:15-21) This section is debated to perhaps be further quotation of Paul s rebuke to Peter, but regardless, the content of section still serves the purpose of the letter. This is a core doctrinal section of the letter. Paul argues against the false teaching by bluntly

8 7 stating outright that no one is justified through works but only by grace through faith in the work of Christ. There is no reason to subject Gentiles to the law. His opponents did not favor abolishing the law since that encouraged sinful living. Paul is showing that at the core of the false teaching is an idea that going back to living under the law is setting aside God s grace and making Christ insignificant. B. Paul Questions the Galatians (3:1-5) Unique to this letter is level of Paul s shock and outrage at the Galatians stated in this section. Paul draws a contrast between faith and hearing to works of the law. He draws upon their own experience of the Spirit s work among them to drive home the point that none of it came about through the law that they now want to return to so foolishly. This is a strong argument pointing out their hypocrisy. If they turn back to the law now, then the persecution they have experienced will be in vain as that would signify that they were wrong in their belief beforehand. C. Faith and the Sons of Abraham (3:6-9) As a strong argument against those who would advocate living still under the law of Moses, Paul uses the example of Abraham. As the father of the Jews he was justified not by works of the law but by faith even before circumcision. A remarkable statement here is made here that the gospel, that was foreseen to include Gentiles by faith, was preached to Abraham. The plan of God was always for all nations to be given provision of the possibility of justification by faith and not works. D. The Curse of the Law (3:10-14) Paul uses scripture from Deuteronomy 27:26 to warn the Galatians that regressing to the system of law can only hold curse for them as there is no possibility of righteousness through it. In congruence to the gospel Paul first preached to them, righteousness is only through faith. The law is not based on faith (Gal 3:12). Paul comes

9 8 back to Christ though as an answer to the charge he levels at the Galatians. Christ s work redeems us from the curse of the law. E. The Promises of God are not Invalidated by the Law (3:15-18) Having offered the Galatians an example of Abraham to support his argument, Paul now uses an everyday life illustration (3:15). A human contract cannot be altered or added to and neither can the promises made to Abraham that Paul just finished talking about (3:6-9). A remarkable comment on scripture is made that the promises of God were always about Christ and thus it was Him and not the law that fulfilled the promises of God. Blessing came through faith before the law, and still does, thus the Galatians are foolish to try and seek blessing through the law. The Judaizers are wrong in thinking obedience to the law brings salvation. F. The Purpose of the Law (19-22) Having pointed out the fallacy of the Judaizers belief in the requirement of keeping the law for salvation, Paul now turns to clarifying what the actual purpose of the law was. The short answer is that the law was given due to the sin. Paul again points to Christ as the law restrained people in their sin until Christ could come. This was not contrary to the God s purposes but rather part of His method in fulfilling His promises in Christ. G. The Law has Led to Christ (3:23-29) Paul reiterates the purpose of the law as given by God to serve His plan and promises until Christ comes. Faith has made the law no longer applicable as it once was. This is a core argument being presented to the Galatians to live by faith and not under the law. This brings a unity in the faith between Jew and Greek. Abraham s descendants and heirs of the promises of God are by faith in the work of Christ and not through the law. The implication for the Judaizers is that they will not receive those things through works

10 9 of the law and the system of circumcision. This is a strong setup and foundation for the statements on circumcision made later on in the letter. H. Heirs as Adopted Children (4:1-7) Paul brings several threads of his argument together in this section. Harking back to his explanation of the law as a guardian, Paul further explains how this was needed until Christ came. Paul also points out Jesus as one born under the law (4:4) so that He can fulfill it. This again points to why the law is not valid for the believer to live under. Echoing back to Paul s question of the Spirits work among them, he states how the Spirit is sent as part of the promises of God through Christ. For positive reinforcement, Paul ends by saying the amazing benefit of sonship that we receive through faith. I. Paul Questions Why the Galatians Have Regressed (4:8-11) Here Paul is beginning to conclude his doctrinal arguments and makes an appeal that they not return to their former system and ways. He does not understand why they would go back to being enslaved all over again (4:9) when they know better. Paul points out that part of their regression includes adhering to the old Mosaic calendar. The message here is that no part of the law is now applicable. J. Paul s Plea to the Galatians (4:12-20) Paul exhorts them to become like him, free from the law just like a Gentile would be. The appeal to the Galatians turns very personal here as Paul recounts his personal history with the Galatians when he first came to them preaching. For the first time in the letter Paul is complementing the Galatians for great kindness they showed him in his illness when he first came. He recounts their relational past to show he is on their side and not their enemy (4:16). How could they now turn against him and what he preached? Paul then references the false teachers in their midst with details and knowledge of their schemes. He points out that these false teachers are only out to gain

11 10 honor and glory for themselves. Paul tenderly states that his motive for them is out of care even while he states he is perplexed (4:20) about their regression. K. The Illustration of the Two Women (4:21-4:31) Paul concludes his doctrinal arguments by telling of the two sons of Abraham and their mothers for an illustration. He wonders again why they would seek to submit themselves back to the slavery of the law. The old covenant made them slaves under the law. The new covenant has made them free. He also uses metaphors of a free and enslaved Jerusalem. Paul wants them to see through these illustrations that they are free by faith and recipients of the promises of God. He likens the false teachers to Ishmael in that they are persecuting these believers. Then through the action of Abraham, suggests a course of action that the Galatians take with these Judaizers. Paul s conclusion is that they see themselves as free apart from the law. III. Paul s Exhortations 5:1-6:10 A. Stand Firm Because You Are Free (5:1) Transitioning out of the section of the letter where Paul has been making doctrinal arguments, this verse stands as the key summary and exhortation from Paul to the Galatians. Paul has talked extensively in the letter using the language of slavery and freedom. If the Galatians revert to a system of law and circumcision, they are throwing off their freedom in Christ and becoming enslaved. B. Circumcision and the Law (5:2-6) This is an emphatic warning from Paul regarding what the consequences and logical conclusion of their actions will be if they submit to the old system. In that case the gospel is also no longer the gospel. Paul again points out the fallacy in their thinking and the impossibility of justification through adding works to the law. The strong concluding statement by Paul is very clear and forward in stating that circumcision has no value now

12 11 that Christ has come. From every angle, Paul is trying to show them how the false teaching the Galatians are buying into has no value or significance. C. Reject the False Teachers (5:7-12) This section is perhaps the pinnacle moment in the book where Paul calls out the false teachers. The yeast metaphor refers to the false teaching in that if circumcision or any work is added to the gospel then salvation is no longer by grace. We can speculate that in verse 11 Paul responds to allegations that he himself is still preaching circumcision. Paul again comes back to a similar thought that if circumcision is added, the work and person of Christ is rendered useless. Paul closes with a statement that shows how strongly he feels the need to oppose these false teachers. The expression probably has more to do with not wanting the false teachers and their teachings to flourish rather than a simple desire for punishment. D. Love Your Neighbor (5:13-15) Paul once again uses the idea of freedom to paint a picture of the positive results and benefits of living a communal life birthed through the true gospel of grace. This section reveals that there has been some amount of discord and conflict sowed in the Galatian churches due to the false teaching they are being influenced by. While Paul has strong combative words for the Judaizers, he has encouraging hopeful words for the Galatians themselves. The new law they can live together under is that of love. E. The Flesh and the Spirit (5:16-26) 1. They Are Opposed (5:16-18) Flesh in this context can be thought of as worldly desires that oppose the purposes of God. In the context of the Galatians this is a desire to add human effort to the gospel of salvation by grace through faith. As Paul mentioned early in the letter, the Spirit has been working in and among the Galatians. Paul begins a section here

13 12 describing the difference between living submitted to the Spirit versus living according to the flesh. There are only two options for the Galatians that Paul lays out: live under by the law or be led by the Spirit. 2. The Deeds of the Flesh (5:19-21) So there can be no ambiguity, Paul lists a number of things that characterize works of the flesh. Paul labels them as obvious which means that the Galatians have some amount of familiarity already with these concepts. This list serves as a reminder to be on the lookout for these behaviors that would signify that a person is not a believer. 3. The Fruit of the Spirit (5:22-23) Paul now lists out characteristics and behaviors of one who is indeed led by the Spirit. These are manifested by the Holy Spirit working in the person. 4. Live by the Spirit (5:24-26) Paul has already pointed out in Galatians 5:16-18 how the Spirit and the flesh are opposed. He now plainly connects the idea that believers in Christ do not live by the flesh. This could be a litmus test for the Galatians to discern true believers among them and not those swayed by the false gospel of works and circumcision. F. Regarding Others (6:1-5) In moving forward from their present season of discord, Paul gives some instruction on how they will move on as a loving community. Since they have had confusion over the law, Paul again references a new law of love that they now live under. Two examples are stated in bearing one another s burdens and being loving in restoring those who have sinned. This could perhaps anticipate that there would be many who would renounce their inclusion in the conflict with the Judaizers, producing tension in the community. G. Sowing and Reaping (6:6-10)

14 13 Paul makes a strong exhortation with regards to financial support of the teachers in Galatia. His sowing metaphor would seem to be an outworking of talking earlier about the fruit of the Spirit. This is a very specific example given to show how the community of faith can bear the burdens of others with a special emphasis on being kind to fellow believers. This was an important work to not grow weary in. IV. Conclusion 6:11-18 Paul closes with a standard autograph and takes one more opportunity to give a summary statement explaining the motives of the false teachers. Paul once again reiterates the needless system of circumcision that is at the core of the false teaching. Canonical Contribution and Summary The book of Galatians is Paul s letter to a group of churches who are in discord due to false teachers. These false teachers are advocating an addition to the gospel of grace that would have them regress into a submission back under the law and to a system of circumcision. One of the great strengths of Galatians is how it warns against adding any human effort or requirement to the gospel of salvation by grace through faith while affirming and encouraging the believer to live according to the freedom we have by life in the Spirit. It connects the promises and purposes of God to the person and work of Jesus Christ..

15 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bailey, Mark, Tom Constable, Charles R. Swindoll, and Roy B. Zuck. Nelson s New Testament Survey: Discover the Background, Theology and Meaning of Every Book in the New Testament. Nashville: Word, Cole, R. Alan. Galatians: An Introduction and Commentary. Vol. 9. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, George, Timothy. Galatians. The New American commentary of 30. Nashville, Tenn.: B&H, Hawthorne, Gerald F., Ralph P. Martin, and Daniel G. Reid, eds. Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, Longenecker, Richard N. Galatians. Word biblical commentary of 41. Dallas, Tex.: Word Books, Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck, Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985.


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