Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia Elaphebolion

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1 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia Elaphebolion Introduction: Richard Seaford, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter, a leading scholar in the study of Dionysos and relevance in both ancient times and in our time, writes: I am strongly committed to the view that the study of ancient culture is a vital form of liberation (from the triviality and increasing narrowness of our own media culture). From Richard Seaford s book Dionysos : Dionysos is our oldest living symbol. First mentioned in texts of the thirteenth century BC, he was for the ancient Greeks the divine embodiment of wine, of mystery-cult, and of the theatre, and even today is valued as a symbol of something fundamental to being human. With the power of his epiphany Dionysos broke down the barriers of individual consciousness, he merged the individual into the group. He did it not only by wine, but also in the transformation of individuals in the theatre, and in the rehearsal of death in mysterycult. In this way Dionysos could embody the whole community, but could also be a refined philosophical symbol. And indeed Dionysos more than any other ancient Greek deity fills a modern need. He remains a symbol of something important that cannot be so effectively expressed in any other way. My overall conception arises from the power of Dionysos to transform individual identity. The primary context for such transformation is mystery-cult, which accordingly is the theme of my longest chapter (5). It is from this perspective, I believe, that the material acquires most coherence. Dionysos exists in our own world, as an irreducible symbol for the antithesis of something basically wrong with our society. Dionysos is especially given to epiphanies. The key document for understanding them is Euripides Bacchae, which dramatises an aetiological myth of his cult. The drama consists of an epiphany of the god, or rather of a series of epiphanies, both public (to the whole polis) and private (to his thiasos, or as in mystic ritual). The myth is about crises produced by resistance to the god. But these crises lead to the establishment of the cult, in which the epiphanies, which serve to unite the group (polis or thiasos), are invoked and controlled by ritual.

2 From Dionysiac Drama and the Dionysiac Mysteries Classical Quarterly 31 (02):252- (1981): In Euripides' Bacchae Dionysos visits Thebes in disguise to establish his mysteries there. And so, given normal Euripidean practice, it is almost certain that in the lost part of his final speech Dionysos actually prescribed the establishment of his mysteries in Thebes. In the same way the Homeric Hymn to Demeter tells how the goddess came in disguise to Eleusis and finally established her mysteries there. After coming to Eleusis she performs certain actions in the house of king Celeus, for example the drinking of the κυκεν, which have long been recognized as corresponding to ritual undergone by the initiands in the Eleusinian mysteries. It is the main thesis of this paper that just as elements of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter seem to derive from a ερς λγος of the Eleusinian mysteries, so certain elements of the Bacchae derive from a ερς λγος of the mysteries of Dionysos, and that furthermore Euripides consciously alludes to the Dionysiac mysteries for a dramatic effect dependent on the religiosity of his audience, rather as Aeschylus alludes in the Oresteia, on the principle μαθοσιν αδ, to the mysteries of Eleusis. This case will suffer from two drawbacks. Firstly there is the general scepticism about ritual patterns in drama arising as a reaction to the excesses of, for example, Murray and Cornford. This means that a far greater degree of probability seems to be required from suggestions of this kind than from the more traditional mode of speculation of, say, textual criticism. And secondly, it must be immediately and frankly admitted both that we do not know much about the mysteries of Dionysos and that most of what we do know is from the Hellenistic and Roman period. In the argument that follows recourse will sometimes be had to two assumptions. The first is to suppose a degree of continuity between the Dionysiac mysteries of the classical and later periods. This assumption is based firstly on the observable continuity of the mysteries: for example the antiquity of the Eleusinian ritual described by Plutarch, which will form an important part of my argument, is attested by Aristophanes and Plato. And it is based secondly on general considerations: conservatism is of the essence of those rituals in which a community such as a thiasos perpetuates itself by the transmission of a ritual treasured as originally taught by their god. The second assumption is to suppose, on the basis of numerous observable similarities, an essential similarity between the Dionysiac mysteries and the Eleusinian, about which we are well informed even for the classical period. We will honor Dionysos throughout the City Dionysia by reading and studying the Bacchae by Euripides in light of the work of Richard Seaford. Look for the cues in the text of the rituals.

3 Resources: Dionysos by Richard Seaford: The Bacchae: Euripides Critical Portrayal Of the Cult of Dionysus by Glenn Kurpiel, Coe College: %20Euripides'%20Critical%20Portrayal%20of%20the%20Cult%20of%20Dionysus.pdf Pick which translation suits you best: The Bacchae by Euripides, A new translation for performance and study with introduction and notes by Matt Neuburg: Perseus: Euripides, Bacchae translated by T. A. Buckley: Euripides' Bakkhai and the Colonization of Sophrosune: A Translation with Commentary by Shannon K. Farley: d=0ahukewik0vggssrlahvej5okhyjwak04chawcdawaw&url=http%3a%2f%2fscholar works.umass.edu%2fcgi%2fviewcontent.cgi%3farticle%3d1117%26context%3dtheses&usg= AFQjCNEwebuAv_WwTcjLFbrfqV6zQYCqHw&sig2=XeyFEWE1Xz7IiPkEhX5Rmg&bvm=bv ,d.bGs Not one for reading? Try the audiobook: or one of the many available plays on Youtube: The Bacchae in the Loeb Ex: Bacchae - University of Kansas (Greece 2006): LSBU Student Theatre company production:

4 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 10 Elaphebolion Dionysos was a métoikos in a city of Athens, a resident alien, and on the first two days of the festival, the métoikoi of the city got to wear brightly colored festival clothes--mostly purple--and carried trays of offerings in the processions, something métoikoi never got to do otherwise. The Athenian citizens, on the other hand, wore their day-to-day clothes and carried wine and bread with them, or herded the bulls which would be sacrificed. At the end of the processions, the statue of Dionysos was placed in His temple in the theater district, and sacrifices were made to Him. So if you are non-hellenic (or non-athenian, your choice), wear purple and if you have a statue of Dionysos or something to represent Him, take it to your altar with you procession. Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... Lighting of the sacrificial fire to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever

5 drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines) Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... Appear as a bull, or many-headed thing, Or as a fire-breathing dragon, or a lion to be seen Come, O Bakkhos, you joyful hunter. From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley

6 Homeric Hymns 26 To Dionysos To Dionysos I begin to sing of ivy-crowned Dionysus, the loud-crying god, splendid son of Zeus and glorious Semele. The rich-haired Nymphs received him in their bosoms from the lord his father and fostered and nurtured him carefully in the dells of Nysa, where by the will of his father he grew up in a sweet-smelling cave, being reckoned among the immortals. But when the goddesses had brought him up, a god oft hymned, then began he to wander continually through the woody coombes, thickly wreathed with ivy and laurel. And the Nymphs followed in his train with him for their leader; and the boundless forest was filled with their outcry. And so hail to you, Dionysus, god of abundant clusters! Grant that we may come again rejoicing to this season, and from that season onwards for many a year. Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) At the Theatre of Dionysos, the ithyphalloi enter the portal and reach the center of the orchestra and turn to the audience: Give way, give way! Make room for the God! For the God wishes to march through your midst, uplifted to the point of bursting. The phallophoroi march in and recite: To Thee, Bacchos, we raise this glorifying song, pouring forth a simple measure in varied melody a song new and virginal, in no wise used in earlier lays; no, undefiled is the hymn we consecrate. From Athenaeus The Deipnosophists Come, hero Dionysos, to the holy temple of the Eleans along with the Graces, to the temple, raging with your ox foot. Worthy bull, worthy bull! Shout aloud to Him! We shall sing to Dionysos on these holy days: He has been absent for twelve months, but now the springtime is here and all the flowers.... From a dithyramb, Greek Lyric Offering of bread or honey cakes Orphic Hymn 30 To Dionysos To Dionysos I call upon loud-roaring, reveling Dionysos, primeval, two-natured, thrice-born Bacchic lord, savage, ineffable, secretive, two-horned and two-shaped,

7 ivy-covered, bull-faced, warlike, howling, pure. You take raw flesh in triennial feasts, wrapped in foliage, decked with grape clusters, resourceful Eubouleus, immortal god sired by Zeus when he mated with Persephonein unspeakable union. Hearken to my voice, O blessed one, you and your fair-girdled nurses, breathe on me in spirit of perfect kindness. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocation to Zeus: Khaire Zeus, Councilor, fulfiller, Savior, to you King of all who rules with Hera Queen of heaven... Homeric Hymn 23 To Zeus To Zeus Of Zeus, best and greatest of the gods, I will sing, the wide-sounding ruler, the one that brings to fulfillment, who consults closely with Themis as she sits leaning against him. Be favorable, wide-sounding son of Kronos, greatest and most glorious. He does not sit upon his throne by mandate of another and hold his dominion beneath a mightier. No one sits above him whose power he holds in awe. He speaks, and it is done he hastens to execute whatever his counseling mind conceives. Aeschylus Suppliant Maidens, Chorus Prayers (for blessings, renewal, and understanding, etc.) Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Semele: Khaire fair-faced and glorious Semele, Mother of Dionysos of the vine Orphic Hymn 44 To Semele To Semele I call upon the daughter of Kadmos, queen of all, fair Semele of the lovely tresses, of the full bosom, mother of thyrsus-bearing and joyous Dionysos. She was driven to great pain by the blazing thunderbolt, which, through the counsels of Kronnion Zeus, the immortal god, burned her. Noble Persephone granted her honors among mortal men, honors given every third year. For all mortal men reenact your travail for your son Bacchos; the sacred ritual of the table, the ritual of the holy mysteries. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis

8 Then may blessings go with us, and may Dionysos grant us renewal, joy, and insight and favorable fortunes! Adapted from Aeschylus Libation Bearers Chorus Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Blast the music, dance, enjoy copious wine! It s a time of celebration!

9 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 11 Elaphebolion From the third day onward, everyone flocked to the theaters to view the plays, whose names and creators had been announced the day prior. The next three days of the festival were devoted to the tragic plays. The three chosen playwrights performed three tragedies and one satyr play each, one set of plays per day. On the sixth day of the festival, five comedies were performed. Comedies were of secondary importance at the Dionysia--the Lenaia was far more important for those--but winning the comedic prize at the Dionysia was still regarded a great honor. To keep things manageable, we will read only the Bacchae, starting today. If you wish to finish the play in parts and you wish to finish on the last day of the festival, this means you need to divide it into six parts. Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever

10 drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines) Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... Io, io, lord, lord! Come now to the sacred thiasos! O Bromios, Bromios! From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley

11 Orphic Hymn 45 To Dionysos To Dionysos Come, blessed Dionysos, bull-faced god conceived in fire, Bassareus and Bacchos, many-named master of all. You delight in bloody swords and in the holy maenads, As you howl throughout Olympos, O roaring and frenzied Bacchos. Armed with the thyrsus and wrathful in extreme, you are honored By all the gods and by all the men who dwell on earth. Come, blessed and leaping god, and bring much joy to all. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) O Happy, truly blessed the one Who knows the God s rites And lives a pious life And whose soul dances On mountains celebrating the mysteries Of the holy cleansing. From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing.

12 Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Blast the music, dance, enjoy copious wine! It s a time of celebration!

13 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 12 Elaphebolion Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines)

14 Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... Come, Bakkhai, come Bakkhai Bromios god, son of god. Lead him down, Dionysos! Out of Phrygia into Greece s wide dancing-streets, bring Bromios! From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley Orphic Hymn 46 To Liknites To Liknites (Dionysos) I summon to these prayers Dionysos Liknites, born at Nysa, Blossoming, beloved and kindly Bacchos, Nursling of the nymphs and fair-wreathed Aphrodite. The forest once felt your feet quiver in the dance, As frenzy drove you and the graceful nymphs on,

15 And the counsels of Zeus brought you to noble Persephone, Who reared you to be loved by the deathless gods. Kind-heartedly come, O blessed one, and accept the gift of this sacrifice. Euripides, The Bacchae, line 80 onwards When his mother s labor pains were brought by Hera s force, Zeus winged thunderboltstthrew him early from her womb. He was born, she was dead--losing her life in the flash of lightning. Now, for another womb, Zeus Son of Kronos led him straight to a cavern in his thigh, hiding him, sewn up with golden pins secreted away from Hera. He was born again, at the Fated Time, bull-horned god, crowned with a snakey crown, which is why Mainads hunt those wild-eaters and thread them through their hair. O Thebes, nourisher of Semelê, crown yourself with ivy. Translation by Shannon K. Farley Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia

16 Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Read, watch, or listen to (a part of the) play and ponder Dionysos influence in our lives.

17 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 13 Elaphebolion Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines)

18 Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... O Happy, truly blessed the one who knows the God s rites and lives a pious life. And whose soul dances on mountains celebrating the mysteries of the holy cleansing. From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley Orphic Hymn 47 to Perikionios To Perikionios (Dionysos) I call upon Bacchos Perikionios, giver of wine, Who enveloped all of Kadmos' house and with his might, Checked and calmed the heaving earth when the blazing thunderbolt, And the raging gale stirred all the land. Then everyone's bonds sprang loose.

19 Blessed reveler, come with joyous heart. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Read, watch, or listen to (a part of the) play or read/listen to/watch a different version.

20 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 14 Elaphebolion Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines)

21 Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... O greatest light of the sun of our Bakkhic revelries! How glad we are to see you, alone as we are here. From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley Orphic Hymns 50 To Lysios-Lenaios To Lysios-Lenaios (Dionysos) Hear, O blessed son of Zeus and of two mothers, Bacchos of the vintage, unforgettable seed, many-named and redeeming demon, Holy offspring of the gods born in secrecy, reveling Bacchos, Plump giver of the many joys of fruits which grow well. Mighty and many-shaped god, from the earth you burst forth to reach the wine-press,

22 And there become a remedy for man's pain, O sacred blossom! A sorrow-hating joy to mortals, O lovely-haired Epaphian, You are a redeemer and a reveler whose thyrsus drive to frenzy, And who is kind hearted to all, gods and mortals, who see his light. I call upon you now to come, a sweet bringer of fruit. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Read, watch, or listen to (a part of the) play or read/listen to/watch a different version.

23 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 15 Elaphebolion Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines)

24 Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... We dance our Bakkhic dance! From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley (Parts of) Homeric Hymns 7 To Dionysos I will tell of Dionysus, the son of glorious Semele, how he appeared on a jutting headland by the shore of the fruitless sea, seeming like a stripling in the first flush of manhood: his rich, dark hair was waving about him, and on his strong shoulders he wore a purple robe. Presently there came swiftly over the sparkling sea Tyrsenian pirates on a well-decked ship a miserable doom led them on. When they saw him they made signs to one another and sprang out quickly, and seizing him straightway put him on board their ship

25 exultingly; for they thought him the son of heaven-nurtured kings. They sought to bind him with rude bonds, but the bonds would not hold him, and the withes fell far away from his hands and feet: and he sat with a smile in his dark eyes. [ ] Hail, child of fair-faced Semele! He who forgets you can in no wise order sweet song. Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Read, watch, or listen to (a part of the) play or read/listen to/watch a different version.

26 Ritual for the Dionysia ta Astika City Dionysia 16 Elaphebolion Ritual washing Ritual washing with innvocation to Okeanos Okeanos whose nature ever flows, from whom at first both Gods and men arose; sire incorruptible, whose waves surround, and earth s all-terminating circle bound: hence every river, hence the spreading sea, and earth s pure bubbling fountains spring from thee. Hear, mighty sire, for boundless bliss is thine, greatest cathartic of the powers divine: earth s friendly limit, fountain of the pole, whose waves wide spreading and circumfluent roll. Approach benevolent, with placid mind, and be forever to thy mystics kind. Purification khnerips (holy water) sprinkled from a bay branch Be gone all corruption and evil (three times). Blessed Okeanos, may your bright waters purify this space, and prepare both me, and it, for the rites that are about to unfold. Euphemia sto, euphemia sto, eukhomai tois Theois pasi kai pasais. (Let there be words of good omen, Let there be words of good omen, pray to the Gods and Goddesses.) Who is present? Those attending answer: All good people! Lighting of the lamp for Hestia with invocation: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, come to this oikos with blessings... to Hestia Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that tend the far-shooting lord Apollo s sacred house at holy Pytho, from your locks the oozing oil ever drips down. Come to this house in kindly (?) heart, together with Zeus the resourceful, and bestow beauty on my singing. Strewing of barley groats around the altar (circling clockwise three times) To Gaia First of all, in my prayers, before all other Gods, I call upon the foremost prophetess Gaia. Aeschylus Eumenides (opening lines)

27 Invocation to Gaia: Gaia, to you who nurtures us into being, who nurtures us through life, and who accepts us once again unto Thee, blessed Kourotrophos, I honor you with khernips.... Offering of khernips poured out Orphic Hymn 26 To Earth Ges [Gaia Thea/], mother of men and of the blessed Gods, you nourish all, you give all, you bring all to fruition, and you destroy all. When the season is fair you are heavy with fruit and growing blossoms; and, O multiform maiden, you are the seat of the immortal cosmos, and in the pains of labor you bring forth fruit of all kinds. Eternal, reverend, deep-bosomed, and blessed, you delight in the sweet breath of grass, O Goddess bedecked with flowers. Yours is the joy of the rain, and round you the intricate realm of the stars revolves in endless and awesome flow. But, O blessed Goddess, may you multiply the gladsome fruits and, together with the beautiful seasons, grant me favor. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Invocations and prayers to Themis: To you who sits leaning against Zeus, who consults closely with Zeus, and who are the just order of all things.... Leap for goodly Themis From the Hymn of the Kouretes Lighting of the incense burner with storax Invocation to Dionysos: Khaire Dionysos, bull-horned God, bringer of the vine, who liberates us through revel and renews us.... Those indoors, come out! All mouths shall be devoted to holy speech: I shall forever sing the hymns of Dionysos! From Euripides, The Bacchae, translation by Shannon K. Farley Orphic Hymn 52 To the God of the Triennial Feast To the God of the Triennial Feast (Dionysos) I call upon you, blessed, many-named and frenzied Bacchos, Bull-horned Nysian redeemer, god of the wine-press, conceived in fire. Nourished in the thigh, O Lord of the Cradle, You marshal torch-lit processions in the night, O filleted and thyrsus-shaking Eubouleus. Threefold is your nature and ineffable your rites, O secret offspring of Zeus.

28 Primeval, Erikepaios, father and son of gods, You take raw flesh, and, sceptered, you lead into the madness of revel and dance In the frenzy of triennial feasts that bestow calm on us. You burst forth from the earth in a blaze... O son of two mothers, And, horned and clad in fawnskin, you roam the mountains, O lord worshiped in annual feasts. Paian of the golden spear, nursling, decked with grapes, Bassaros, exulting in ivy, followed by many maidens... Joyous and all-abounding, come, O blessed one to the initiates. Translation by Apostolos N. Athanassakis Prayers (for abundance in food, wine, and freedom, for reveling in the joys of nature, and for the joys of life) Invocation to Hestia: Daughter of Kronos, You whose eternal flame illumines all our worship, we have honored You in first place with a libation of honey sweet wine and will honor you in last place with a libation of honey sweet wine: Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia To Hestia Hestia, you that in the high dwellings of all, both immortal gods and men who walk on earth, have been assigned an everlasting seat as the privilege of seniority, and enjoy a fine honor and privilege, for mortals have no feasts without you where the libation-pourer does not begin by offering honey-sweet wine to Hestia in first place and last: and you, Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed ones, gold-wand, giver of blessings, be favorable and assist together with Hestia whom you love and revere. For both of you dwell in the fine houses of men on earth, in friendship towards each other, fine supports (of the house), and you attend intelligence and youth. I salute you, daughter of Kronos, and you too, goldwand Hermes. And I will take heed both for you and for other singing. Translated by Martin L. West to Hestia Blessed Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth, to you we offer last of all a libation of honey sweet wine, as a pious mortal should. Tend to those whom we love and guard the houses of the pious. As the Gods will it, so shall it be! Extinguishing of the lamp Read, watch, or listen to (a part of the) play or read/listen to/watch a different version.

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