히브리적지식관 Hebraic view of knowledge

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1 히브리적지식관 Hebraic view of knowledge 지식과행함 이통합되어있다. The knowledge and practice are integrated. 예 : 야다 대상에대한객관적지식뿐만아니라대상에대한책임이나대상과의관계성까지포함한다. ( 창 3:5, 22) Ex.) the word yada means not only objective knowledge but also sense of responsibility and relationship. (Gen. 3:5, 22)

2 Adam s naming of the animals in Gen. 2 창 2장에나타난아담의이름짓기 In this biblical account, the human imitates not the word of creation (amar), but rather God s second, interpretive word (qara), the word that, on the first three days, names Day and Night, Heavens, Earth and Seas. That God does not name, on the subsequent days, the abundance of things he creates to fill those spaces sun, moon, and stars; fish and fowl; creeping things and cattle signals neither lack nor carelessness, but rather the choice to entrust this hermeneutic task to humans. In Genesis 2, God brings the animals to adam and then steps back to see what the human will name (qara) them.

3 Adam s naming of the animals in Gen. 2 창 2 장에나타난아담의이름짓기 In the naming process, Adam comes to understand the nature of the world, as well as human capabilities and limitations: Adam, for instance, needs a counterpart but cannot create her. God must create Eve, although her creation spurs a further naming on the part of Adam, a lyric poem of praise. Adam s recognition that something is lacking, even in the good world of Eden, mimics God s declaration in Genesis 2 that It is not good for Adam to be alone. Thus, the biblical naming story sets out the paradigmatic case of thinking God s thoughts after him, a phrase often used in the context of Christian scholarship. Later in scripture, within the theological framework that understands humans as gifted with the roles of prophet, priest, and king, scholarship falls under the kingly function: It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out (Proverbs 25:2, RSV).

4 학문과신앙의통합 Integral view of faith and science 1. 창조 / 문화명령 ( 창 1:26-27) Creation/Culture Mandate 2. In learning and through learning, God s glory and love towards our neighbors should be manifested. 배움과가르침에있어하나님의영광과이웃 사랑이나타나야한다.

5 창조의발전 The Development of Creation 1) 창조는하나의오픈시스템이다. Creation is an open system. 2) 문화명령 (Cultural Mandate): 창 (Gen.) 1:28; 2:15 발전과보존 (develop and preserve) prairiedust.net/postcards_from_kansas/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/tulips_25march_4.jpg 3) 응답적인간 (Homo Respondens) 4) 동산에서도성으로 (From Garden to City):

6 학문과신앙의통합근거 Integral ground of faith and science 하나님의주권God s sovereignty 만물이그에게서나왔고.. ( 롬 11:36a) from him are all things. (Rom. 11:36a) 모든것이그로말미암아생겨났으니, 그가없이생겨난것은하나도없다. ( 요 1:3) Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (Jn. 1:3) upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/creation_of_stars_and_planets.jpg/230px-creation_of_stars_and_planets.jpg

7 Clement (c ) 클레멘트 (Titus Flavius Clemens) - the head of the School of Alexandria. 알렉산드리아학파의대표 - united Greek philosophical traditions with Christian doctrine 헬라철학전통과기독교교리를연합시킴 - developed a Christian Platonism. 기독교플라톤주의를발전시킴 - arose from Alexandria's Catechetical School and was well versed in pagan literature. 알렉산드리아학파에서훈련받아이방문학에능통함 철학은주께서그리스사람들을부르시기전, 직접, 그리고무엇보다주님께서그리스사람들에게주셨다. 율법이유대인들에게그리스도에앞서했던것처럼철학이그리스사람들의정신을키워주었다.,, 진리는하나다. - Stromata

8 Anselm of Canterbury 안셀름 (c ) - a Benedictine monk, an Italian medieval philosopher, theologian, and church official who held the office of Archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to Called the founder of scholasticism. - famous in the West as the originator of the ontological argument for the existence of God, i.e.: God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived. - But to exist is greater than not to exist. If God does not exist then he wouldn't be "that than which nothing greater can be conceived." Therefore, God exists. - one of the first western thinkers to directly engage the reintroduction of Aristotle to the West. - However, he didn't have all of Aristotle's works and those he had access to were from the Arabic translations. - In 1720, Anselm was recognized as a Doctor of the Church by Pope Clement XI. - Credo ut intelligam. I believe so that I may understand. - fides quaerens intellectum, faith seeking understanding. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/anselm_of_canterbury

9 Anselm of Canterbury 안셀름 (c ) I acknowledge, Lord, and I give thanks that You have created Your image in me, so that I may remember You, think of You, love You. But this image is so effaced and worn away by vice, so darkened by the smoke of sin, that it cannot do what it was made to do unless You renew it and reform it. I do not try, Lord, to attain Your lofty heights, because my understanding is in no way equal to it. But I do desire to understand Your truth a little, that truth that my heart believes and loves. For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I believe this also, that "unless I believe, I shall not understand." (Proslogion, chapter 1) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/anselm_of_canterbury

10 종교개혁과근대과학의발전 Reformation and the rise of modern science 1. 창조주하나님 God the Creator 2. 하나님의법칙 God as the Law-Giver 3. 하나님의영광 The glory of God 4. 문화명령 The cultural mandate 5. 일반은총 The common grace 6. 만인제사장직 The priesthood of all saints 7. 자연에대한사랑 Love for nature R. Hooykaas, 손봉호, 김영식공역, Religion and the Rise of Modern Science 근대과학의출현과종교, ( 서울 : 정음사, 1987)

11 학문과신앙의통합가능성 Possibility of integrating faith and science 모든학문활동에는선재적세계관내지패러다임과같은전제 가있다. Every scientific activity has a kind of presupposition such as a priori worldview or a paradigm. 예 Ex.: Max Weber, Frankfurt Schule, K. Marx, S. Freud, M. Polany( 이론구성에있어인격의영향 ), T. Kuhn, H. Dooyeweerd( 종교적근본동인 ), P. Feyerabend (anything goes).

12 전통적과학관 Received view of science 1. Context of discovery 발견의맥락 : 과학자주관이개입가능 2. Context of justification 정당화맥락 : 실험에의한검증과논리적인구조 3. Neutrality of observation: objectiveness 관찰의중립성 : 객관성 4. Value-free 가치중립성 5. Rationality 합리성 6. Accumulative discovery 누적적발견 오창희, 과학과종교 ( 대구 : 기독교대학설립동역회출판부, 1989)

13 새로운과학관 New view of science 1. Denial of the distinction between context of discovery and context of justification 발견의맥락과정당화맥락구분의부정 2. Theory-laden observation: subjective, Kuhn s paradigm 관찰의이론의존성 : 주관적, 쿤의패러다임 3. Subjective science 과학의주관성 4. Non value-free: changing paradigm is like religious conversion 가치비중립성 : 패러다임의변화는종교적개종과같다. 5. Non-accumulative character of scientific knowledge: incommensurability 과학적지식의비누적성 : 통약불가능성 오창희, 과학과종교 ( 대구 : 기독교대학설립동역회출판부, 1989)

14 과학과신앙간의관계 Relationship between science and faith 1. Conflict: traditional view, positivism, scientism 갈등적 : 전통주의관점, 실증주의, 과학주의 2. Independent: 독립적 : 1) Dualism: Descartes, Kant 이원론 : 데까르트, 칸트 2) Perspectivism: existential theology 관점주의 : 실존신학 3. Closely interrelated: Kuhn 상호밀접한관계 : 쿤 4. Partially interrelated: 부분적으로관련 : 1) In selecting theories: A. Kuyper, N. Wolterstoff 이론선택시 : 카이퍼, 월터스토프 2) Limited perspectivism: 제한된관점주의 오창희, 과학과종교 ( 대구 : 기독교대학설립동역회출판부, 1989)

15 기독교세계관에서본학문 Science from Christian Worldview 학문의창조 : 창 1: 26-28, 31; 딤전 4:4 The creation of science: Gen. 1:26-28, 31; 1 Tim. 4:4 학문의타락 : 롬 1:21, 고전 2:14 The fall of science: Rom. 1:21; 1 Co. 2:14 학문의구속 : 롬 15:14; 고전 1:5; 13:2; 골 3:10 The redemption of science: Rom. 15:14; 1 Co. 1:5; 13:2; Col. 3:10 학문의 : 완성계 21 The consummation of science: Rev. 21

16 거듭난이성 Regenerated Reason 1. 신앙의 기초위에서있다 : 자율성비판 based on : faith criticizes its autonomy 2. 성경의진리를따른다 : 골 2:2-3 follows the biblical truth: Col. 2: 성령에의해조명되고인도된다 : illuminated and led by the Holy Spirit. 전광식, 학문의숲길을걷는기쁨 ( 서울 : CUP, 1998)

17 기독교적학문관 Christian view of Science 1. 창조주와피조물의존재론적구분전제 Ontological distinction between Creator/creature as a presupposition 2. 계시에대한신앙적수용및자기비판을수반함 accompanied with the acceptance by faith toward revelation and self-criticism 3. 성령하나님의조명과인도에민감히순종함 obeys the illumination and guidance of the Holy Spirit 4. 논리적기능은중립적이지도절대적이지도않다. the logical function is neither neutral nor absolute 5. 지식과학문은통합적체계를이룬다. Knowledge and science are integrated 6. 완성으로가는도상에있다. On the way toward completion 전광식, 학문의숲길을걷는기쁨 ( 서울 : CUP, 1998)

18 기독교적학문관 Christian view of Science 1. 삼위일체하나님 : 실재의최종근원, 모든의미의통합점, 학문의초월적준거 Trinitarian God: the ultimate origin of reality, the integration point of all meaning and the transcendent reference point of science 2. 성경을하나님의말씀으로받음 Accepts the Bible as the word of God 3. 성경을학문체계의직접적내지원리적기초로삼음 Accepts the Bible as the direct or principle foundation of science system 4. 신앙적이성및성령의지도를 학문함 의기반으로삼아야함. Makes the believing reason and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the foundation of doing science. 5. 하나님의진리를밝힘으로바른지식을갖게해주어야한다. Provides the right knowledge by illuminating God s truth. 6. 방향과결과가하나님의영광과이웃에대한봉사가되어야한다. Its direction and result should be for God s glory and service to neighbors. 전광식, 학문의숲길을걷는기쁨 ( 서울 : CUP, 1998)

19 학문과신앙의통합 Integration of faith and science 새사람을입으십시오. 이새사람은자기를창조하신분의형상을따라끊임없이새로워져서, 참지식에이르게됩니다. ( 골 3:10) and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. (Col. 3:10)

20 기독지성인의책임과사명 The responsibility of Christian scholars 1. 바른학문활동도예배이다. ( 고전 10:31) True scholarship is also a worship service. (1 Cor. 10:31) 2. 성경적원리와기독교적정신을따라사유해야함. Should think according to the biblical principle and mind. 3. 신앙과학문그리고삶의통합을이루어야함. Should integrate faith, science and life. 4. 기독교적학문을발전시키는학자가되어야함. Should develop Christian science. 5. 기독학자, 학제간그리고다른복음운동과협력해야함 Should cooperate with other Christian scholars/disciplines/movements. 6. 결론 : 롬 12:2 Conclusion: Rom. 12:2 전광식, 학문의숲길을걷는기쁨 ( 서울 : CUP, 1998)

21 학문과신앙의통합 Integration of faith and science 1. It is not a process that is strange or unique to Christianity. 이것은이상한과정이거나기독교에만있는것은아니다. 2. It is an activity performed by everyone who understands the need for a coherent worldview. 이것은일관성있는세계관의필요성을이해하는 모든사람에의해행해진다. 3. Faith means here the set of basic beliefs, preferences and presuppositions that guide our lives. 여기서신앙은기본신념, 선호및전제들로우리의 삶을인도하는것을의미한다. 4. Then everyone religious or not practices the integration of faith and learning. 그렇다면모든사람은종교적이든아니든신앙과학문의 통합을실제로하고있다. - Robert A. Harris,

22 통합의두조건 The two conditions of integration Every time we learn, we engage in the process of integration, comparing new knowledge claims with already accepted knowledge, attempting to fit the two together into a consistent and coherent whole. 우리가무엇을배울때마다우리는새로운지식을기존의지식과비교하면서통합하는과정을겪는다. 그리하여이두개를서로 일관성있고 통합된전체로만들어가는것이다. - Robert A. Harris,

23 통합의형태들 Types of integration 1. Connecting knowledge with knowledge: accept, reject, adjust or put one the shelf 지식과지식의연결 : 수용, 거부, 조정또는 보류 2. Connecting knowledge from one area with knowledge in another area 한분야의지식과다른분야의지식연결 3. Connecting knowledge with one s larger beliefs about the world 한지식을더큰세계에대한믿음과연결 4. Connecting knowledge with one s basic presuppositions and values 한지식을기본전제들및가치들과연결 - Robert A. Harris,

24 학문과신앙의통합전제들 Presuppositions of integrating of faith and science 1. All truth is God s truth. 모든진리는 하나님의진리이다. 2. There is no conflict between God s truth and other truth. 하나님의진리와다른진리간에는갈등이없다. 3. Secular learning is incomplete and often distorted. 세속적인학업는불완전하며자주왜곡되어있다. 4. Christian integration is based on a Biblical framework of reality. 기독교적통합은성경의실제관에기초하고있다. 5. Truth is the most important goal of learning. 진리는학문에서가장중요한목표이다. - Robert A. Harris,

25 학문과신앙의통합필요성 Necessity of integrating of faith and science The integration is such an important topic largely because too little of it seems to occur. The bias in the academy and in the larger culture against Christian truth and Biblical authority has had the effect of disconnecting Christian knowledge from other knowledge, even in the minds of some Christians. 통합은너무나잘일어나지않기때문에매우중요한주제이다. 학계및문화계에서기독교적진리와성경적권위에대한편견은심지어어떤그리스도인들도기독교적지식과다른지식을단절시키는결과를낳았다. - Robert A. Harris,

26 학문과신앙의통합필요성 Necessity of integrating of faith and science For this reason, integration must be undertaken with deliberateness. Christians must be intentional about making the connections between their faith and the knowledge claims they encounter and careful to keep the Biblical framework in the foreground as the structuring principle of truth. Therefore, to become a better integrator, learn all you can, be dedicated to the Word, and look for the unity of truth. 따라서통합은의도적으로이루어져야한다. 그리스도인들은그들의믿음과지식을연결하도록노력해야하며 성경적틀을진리의원칙으로전제해야한다. 따라서보다더나은통합가가되기위해최선을다해배우면서 말씀에헌신하는동시에진리의일치를추구해야한다. - Robert A. Harris,

27 Why is the integration so important? 통합이왜그렇게중요한가? A key focus of a Christian university is the integration of faith with learning and living in its teaching and scholarship. Faith, heart, soul, and intellect must function synergistically to empower students fully. 기독교대학의핵심포커스는가르침과연구가운데학문과신앙그리고삶의통합이다. 믿음, 마음, 영혼그리고지성은학생들을충분히키워주기위해함께기능해야한다. The Christian university derives this from the most important principle: Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. 예수께서그에게말씀하셨다. "' 네마음을다하고, 네목숨을다 하고, 네뜻을다하여, 주너의하나님을사랑하여라 ' 하였으니, 이것이가장중요하고으뜸가는계명이다. Matt. 22: Robert A. Harris,

28 Why is the integration so important? 통합이왜그렇게중요한가? 1. We must drive out fear of our minds before we will allow full development of them. 우리는우리의지성을충분히발전시키기전에두려움을제거해야 한다. "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." --1 Peter 3:15b 여러분이가진희망을설명하여주기를바라는사람에게는, 언제나답변할수있게준비를해두십시오. - 벧전 3:15b - Robert A. Harris,

29 Why is the integration so important? 통합이왜그렇게중요한가? 2. When we become aware that the mind can be an ally of faith, we will see the importance and priority of mind training and take our academic work more seriously. Read J. P. Moreland's Love Your God with All Your Mind. Faith is built by understanding, by studying the world God has made: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." --Romans 1:20 뜻 ( 지성 ) 이우리의믿음을강화시킨다면우리는우리의학문활동을 좀더진지하게받아들여야한다. 믿음은이해에기초한다. 이세상창조때로부터, 하나님의보이지않는속성, 곧그분의영원하신능력과신성은, 사람이그지으신만물을보고서깨닫게되어있습니다. 그러므로사람들은핑계를댈수가없습니다. 롬 1:20 - Robert A. Harris,

30 Why is the integration so important? 통합이왜그렇게중요한가? 3. Christian faith in relation to learning must be understood not as just an "added bonus" or appended item to standard scholarship from a secular worldview, but instead as a more comprehensive and more rational epistemology than, say naturalism or materialism "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." --John 17:17 학문에서기독신앙은단지세속적세계관이보는것처럼 추가적인보너스 가아니라자연주의또는물질주의보다더포괄적이고합리적인인식론으로이해해야한다. 진리로그들을거룩하게하여주십시오. 아버지의말씀은진리입니다. 요 17:17 - Robert A. Harris,

31 What does Integration Involve? 통합은무엇을포함하는가? 1. The inclusion of the whole person heart, soul, and mind in all activities, worship, work, thinking, feeling, studying, deciding, interpreting 모든활동, 예배, 일, 사고, 감정, 학업, 결정, 해석에있어전인격 마음, 영혼, 뜻 을포함함 2. acknowledging the reasonableness and truth of Christianity 기독교의합리성과진리성을인정함 3. recognizing that Christianity is not a viewpoint imposed on world knowledge, but an epistemic foundation (competing with lesser epistemes) that provides a clarifying platform for engaging all knowledge 기독교가단지세계지식에더해지는관점이아니라인식의기초로서모든지식을더분명히하는기반을제공함을인정함. - Robert A. Harris,

32 What does Integration Involve? 통합은무엇을포함하는가? 4. applying the standards and worldview of Christianity to thought and behavior 기독교의기준과세계관을사고와행동에적용함 5. a call to cultural evaluation by Christian standards (John 7:24) 기독교적기준으로문화를평가함 ( 요 7:24) 6. a call to social response 사회적응답 7. the understanding of human nature, human value, and human potential through the light of Biblical truth (1 Cor. 14:15; Acts 17:2-3; 17, 18:4, 19 and 1 Cor. 13:11) 성경진리의빛을통해인간의성품, 가치및잠재성을이해함 ( 고전 14:15; 행 17:2-3; 17, 18:4, 19; 1 Cor. 13:11) - Robert A. Harris,

33 The impact of a well performed process of integration 잘진행된통합과정의영향 1. values, choices, decision-making, and ethics by using Christian reference points 기독교적관점을사용한가치, 선택, 결정및윤리 2. meaning, the purpose of events, history, text and the purpose and goals of life: in other words interpretation or hermeneutics 의미, 사건의목적, 역사, 텍스트및삶의목적및목표들, 즉해석 3. views of truth and a reasonable, well-grounded faith versus a blind faith 진리의관점들및합리적이며근거있는신앙대맹신 4. a hierarchy of life: faith as a test of politics and ideology in the secular world (Phil. 1:9-10: 1 Peter 1:13a) 삶의우선순위 : 세상에서정치및이데올로기에대한테스트로서의 신앙 ( 빌 1:9-10; 벧전 1:13a) - Robert A. Harris,

34 Definition of Faith-Learning Integration 신앙과학문의통합에대한정의 A scholarly project whose goal is to ascertain and to develop integral relationships which exist between the Christian faith and human knowledge, particularly as expressed in the various academic disciplines. 여러학문분야에서표현된 기독신앙과인간의지식간에 통합된관계를발전시키는것을 목적으로하는학문적프로젝트 - Prof. William Hasker,

35 Integration or unitary truth? 통합인가단일화된진리인가? We as human knowers are confronted by diverse and apparently unconnected bodies of knowledge achieved through different means; it is precisely and only by "integrating" such diverse bodies of knowledge that the vision of a unity of truth is gained. 우리가다양한방법으로획득한다양하면서도아직연결되지않은일련의지식들을대할때이것들을 통합 할때에만진리의통일성에대한비전이성취된다. - Robert A. Harris,

36 Strategies for Integration 통합의전략 1. The compatibilist strategy: "the integrity of both faith and discipline are in large measure presupposed. [and] [t]he scholar s task is one of showing how shared assumptions and concerns can be profitably linked." 양립전략 : 신앙과전공분야의통합이대부분전제되어있으며학자의사명은이러한가정들과관심들이어떻게적절히연결될수있는가를보여주는것. - Robert A. Harris,

37 Strategies for Integration 통합의전략 2. The transformationist strategy: recognizing that there is "some legitimate insight in the disciplinary assumptions to begin with," and to go on from there to "remake or transform his discipline into one with a Christian orientation. 변혁적전략 : 우선각학문의가정들에대한정당한통찰력을인정하면서나아가그전공분야를기독교적관점에서변혁시켜나가는것. - Robert A. Harris,

38 Strategies for Integration 통합의전략 3. The strategy: finding that the existing disciplines are so deeply permeated with anti-christian assumptions of secularism, rationalism, and naturalism, he has no choice but to reject them and to begin at the beginning in a radical reconstruction of the disciplines on...fully biblical foundations. 재건적 reconstructionist 전략 : 기존학문들이세속주의, 합리주의및 자연주의와같은비기독교적가정들에너무나오염되어있음을발견하고이들을모두배척한후 온전히성경적기초에근거한학문들을새롭게재건하는일 을시작함 - Robert A. Harris,

39 Strategies for Integration 통합의전략 The three strategies may better be viewed as three points on a continuum, than as three mutually exclusive alternatives. 이세전략들은서로배척하는대안들이라기보다 하나의연속성으로보는것이낫다. - Robert A. Harris,

40 Dimensions of Faith-Learning Integration 신앙과학문의통합차원들 Theoretical and Applied Disciplines: it must not be thought that one and only one approach is possible. 이론적및응용학문들 : 다양한접근이가능하다. Dimensions of Integration in the Theoretical Disciplines. 이론적학문의통합차원들 1. World-view Foundations: 세계관기초 2. Disciplinary Foundations: 학문적기초 3. Disciplinary Practice: 학문적실습 4. World-view Contribution: 세계관공헌 - Robert A. Harris,

41 Dimensions of Faith-Learning Integration 신앙과학문의통합차원들 Dimensions of Integration in the Applied Disciplines. 응용학문의통합차원들 1. Theory Applied to Practice: 실제에적용된이론 2. Ethics and Values: 윤리및가치들 3. Attitudes: 태도들 4. Contribution to the Kingdom of God. 하나님나라에대한공헌 - Robert A. Harris,

42 The challenge and the task of faith-learning integration: our calling 신앙과학문의통합 : 도전, 사명, 소명 Nicholas Wolterstorff, Until Justice and Peace Embrace (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1982). If the ultimate goal of Christian study and theorizing is the elaboration of the Christian world-view, the ultimate goal of Christian practice is to build the Kingdom of God. 만약기독교적연구와이론화작업의궁극적인목적이 기독교적세계관을설명하는것이라면 그리스도인의실제적삶의궁극적목적은 하나님의나라를건설하는것이다.

43 Truth revealing learning 진리를드러내는학문 If God rules over all things and all creation coheres in Christ (Col. 1:15-20) then all that is true in creation belongs already to God. All truth is God s truth (Gabelein in The Pattern of God s Truth, 1968) and Jesus is the truth of God (John 14:6). Therefore our task is to uncover God s truth that already exists in creation. It is not a matter of marrying or bringing together our faith with what is true in the world it is already united through Christ. What is true cannot exist apart from the sovereignty of God it is his truth. God is the source of this truth and all truth is brought together through Christ. nurturingfaith.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/rethinking-integration-of-faith-and-learning

44 Truth revealing learning 진리를드러내는학문 Where is God s truth revealed in this aspect of learning? 이학문분야에서하나님의진리는어디에드러나는가? What does this teach me about him? 이를통해하나님에대해무엇을더알수있는가? What has happened from a human standpoint to obscure the truth? 인간적관점에서진리를모호하게만들기위해무슨일이일어났는가? How has man subverted the truth? 인간은어떻게진리를왜곡시켰는가? What must be done to restore truth from a Biblical perspective to this situation? 이러한상황에서진리를회복하기위해성경적관점에서무엇을해야하는가? nurturingfaith.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/rethinking-integration-of-faith-and-learning

45 Foundations for Faith-Learning Integration 신앙과학문통합의기초들 1. A Christian knowledge environment 기독교적지식환경 2. A capacity for self-analysis 자기분석능력 3. A decompartmentalized faith 정리되지않은신앙 4. Critical thinking skills 비판적으로사고하는기술 Robert A. Harris,

46 Christian knowledge environment 기독교적지식환경 1. Biblical worldview 성경적세계관 Worldview -> Standards -> Evaluation & Analysis -> Judgment -> Knowledge 2. Biblical literacy 성경적지식 1) Questions about Biblical knowledge 2) Questions about the application of Biblical knowledge 3. Hermeneutical skills 해석학적기술 Robert A. Harris,

47 A capacity for self-analysis 자기분석능력 1. Identity and Source of Values and Beliefs 가치와신념의정체성및근원 2. Quality of Values and Beliefs 가치와신념들의질 3. Consequences of Values and Beliefs 가치와신념들의결과 4. The Basis for Decision Making 결단의기초 Robert A. Harris,

48 A decompartmentalized faith 1. Behavior and Belief 행위와신앙 2. Intellectual and Spiritual 지적및영적영역구분 3. Fact and Value 정리되지않은신앙 사실과가치구분 Robert A. Harris,

49 Critical thinking skills 비판적으로사고하는기술 1. A rational view of reality all reality not truncated as in naturalism or seen as inaccessible or non-existent as in postmodernism 합리적실재관 2. An intellectually coherent system of belief, without self contradictory elements 신념의지적정합성 3. A commitment to truth as the highest goal, not subservient to politics, ideology or power 진리에대한헌신 4. An all-encompassing, circumspect, and holistic view of life 삶에대한총체적관점 Robert A. Harris,

50 Meaningful science 의미있는학문 For science to be meaningful it has to be built upon the right foundation. 올바른 필요 motivation direction 방향 assume 기초동기 to do science 학문의 moral for application 적용의도덕적 You need to several basic things about reality and yourself. 실재와자신에대한기본 필요 meaningfulscience.com/philosophy.html 가정

51 meaningfulscience.com

52 Meaningful science 의미있는학문 Assumptions: 가정들 If the human brain is nothing but three pounds of chemicals that arranged themselves by chance over billions of years, then how can we trust our thoughts and conclusions we come to? 인간의뇌가단지수십억년동안우연에의해생긴 3 파운드의화학물질이라면우리의생각과결론을어떻게신뢰할수있을까? meaningfulscience.com/philosophy.html

53 Meaningful science 의미있는학문 We can rely upon our senses to observe nature. 자연을관찰하는우리의감각들을신뢰함. We have free will to choose which sensations and thoughts to pay attention to and which to ignore. 어떤감각들과생각들에주의하고무시해야하는지선택할수있는자유의지 Nature is real; it's not just an illusion. 자연은실재함 ; 환상이아니다. meaningfulscience.com/philosophy.html

54 Meaningful science 의미있는학문 Nature is. orderly 자연은 질서있다. The order we observe here and now can be applied to other times/places. 우리가여기지금관찰하는질서는다른시간 / 장소에 적용될수있다. We can't simply predict how nature is ordered, we must go out and see for ourselves. 우리는단지자연이어떤질서로이루어졌는지예언할수없고실제로 보아야한다. meaningfulscience.com/philosophy.html

55 Meaningful science 의미있는학문 Motivations: 동기들 : 1. Satisfying Curiosity 호기심충족 2. Developing Technology to Benefit Mankind 인류에게유익한기술발전 3. Bringing Glory to the Creator 창조주에영광 meaningfulscience.com/philosophy.html

56 The biblical roots of modern science 근대과학의성경적뿌리들 by Jonathan Sarfati Historians of science have pointed out that modern science flourished under a Christian world view while it was born in Greece, China and Arabia. 과학역사가들은근대과학이그리스, 중국및아랍에서탄생했으나기독교사회에서꽃피웠음을지적한다. The historical basis of modern science depended on the assumption that the universe was made by a rational Creator. (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:33). 근대과학의역사적근본은우주가합리적창조주에의해만들어졌다는가정에의존했다. ( 고전 14:33 참조 ) creation.com/biblical-roots-of-modern-science

57 The biblical roots of modern science 근대과학의성경적뿌리들 by Jonathan Sarfati If atheism or polytheism is true, then there is no way to deduce from these belief systems that the universe is (or should be) orderly. 무신론또는다신론이진리라면이런신념체계들에서우주가질서있음 ( 있어야함 ) 을도출할수없다. Genesis 1:28 gives us permission to investigate creation, unlike say animism or pantheism which teach that the creation itself is divine. 창 1:28 은피조물이신적이라고하는애니미즘또는범신론과달리창조를연구할수있도록허락한다. creation.com/biblical-roots-of-modern-science

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