Soul Origin and History Reading for Sally

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1 Soul Origin and History Reading for Sally December 9, 2012 Sally s Feedback: Dear Carolyn and Richard, Did it resonate!!!!! Well, I guess it certainly did! I wasn't expecting anything like this. I found it to be so very profound. When you spoke of the relationship and working with Gaia, it brought tears to my eyes and did explain why I so love her name and also Mother Earth. I now understand why as a girl I read a whole book about species of butterflies. I didn't know then why I chose that book or why I read it. Now I can see why I did. The reading also shed light on why my sister and I took such joy in raising a fawn that had been abandoned by its mother. We called him Stiltie for his long legs. He surely pulled vigorously on the nipple to his milk bottle. After he returned to the wild I saw him stop and look across our field toward the house where I was standing...a memory I cherish. So, you see the Reading has moved me deeply and I so appreciate your doing this for me. Carolyn you are quite right in saying I remember none of what you learned about my activities. I do awaken suddenly and am startled. Nice to know why that is. I am delighted to know what my soul is doing during sleep. What joyous fun! Being active in creating offers some explanation of why I became interested in making my clothes and in knitting sweaters - many years of pleasure in these pursuits. But the magnitude of my activities is astounding to me. Thank you again for the reading. Love, joy, light and blessings, Sally Sally s Reading: This is a soul origin, you might say journey, because it is, for Sally. And, dear Sally, when I opened up my connection with Universal Consciousness and I mentioned your name to bring forth your records, the first thing that I saw was this beautiful wisp of aquamarine energy. It was your Cherubimic nature energy-wise at work, and you are one of the Cherubim that held great abilities. Actually the soul monad was quite large. A lot of particles were, you might say, assembled, swirling. I see this swirling energy, and it would look like when you see a tornado forming, and wind swirling around. It was your monad being formed in this way, with the predominant color of this gorgeous Page 1 of 9

2 aquamarine color of energy; and it sparkled. It sparkled as if the sun were shining through aquamarine gemstones. It was extremely dynamic, extremely beautiful, and I could hear the sounds of Creation. It wasn't quite like heart music; it was an accumulation of many sounds, and there was a high note of great intensity, and it reverberated over a scale from a very loud - I want to use the word pounding but it was more musical - and as if an orchestra were playing, and it was denoted by the conductor for this loud crescendo, down to a very soft notes being played on instruments very softly. And what that was, was the movement of vibration. It was the circling of vibration because, in the middle - when I say middle I mean the middle part of the creation of the vibration that begins as this tornado-like structure, and that's how it was in the realms where that monad of yours was being created. As vibration comes down into this dimension, it has a different shape. It expresses itself more like the tracks of a snake over sand; but in the very beginning, when the particles were much more dense, it had this very melodic sound. Even though it was shaped like a tornado, it didn't sound like one. It was this spinning rapture; as I said, the appearance through gigantic aquamarine crystals. It was just so gorgeous, so gorgeous. And intertwined with that was Golden Light, Golden Light as that spiritual aspect of the Creator; and that gold seemed translucent, as if sunlight were shining through it. And if I look closely at that tornado-like structure, I could watch the monad being formed. It was quite fascinating because that tornado shape was holding small particles, as they spun and coalesced with one another to form this magnificent standing wave of energy that was the beginning of your monad. And your monad took a very special path. We ve mentioned the fact that monads had their own paths that they were very interested in. Your path, dear one, had to do with the very sounds of Creation itself, the very sounds of bringing life into form. And you had many places that you worked before you got to Earth. As we have said many times that this galaxy is one of the most recent galaxies that have been formed, and this is true. So you worked in other places, but we are going to keep this story as it reflects the work that your monad excelled in, as it worked upon the very beginnings of formation of this planet. Your reputation went before you in the sense that, when the creator gods were deciding upon how the works and workings of this planet would cooperate with the different aspects of organisms and processes and abilities, you were brought into their thoughts immediately as a monad that had worked with the formation and cooperation on other planetary life. And you were formulating, cooperating with animal life, the beginning of the animal life upon this planet; and so when you were called, you brought with you information from libraries that you helped form on other planetary spheres. Your greatest love - not that that was the only thing you worked with - but your greatest love was a member of the insect world, and that was the butterfly. You loved the butterfly with great passion. You watched as the wings beat upon the air, forming little rivulets of waves as the wind, or air, or breeze moved upon the body of the butterfly. The streams of energy that you brought with yourself as you came to this planet were almost reflecting that sound and the beating of the energetic waves of butterfly wings. Page 2 of 9

3 The essence that it brought forth reminds me of chiffon, as you would wave a piece of chiffon against a slight breeze. That is how you looked has you came forth to this place where the creator gods were working, and they asked you to be one who would cooperate with them in forming animal worlds, insect worlds in particular, and right away you thought of your beloved butterfly wings and all of the means and the ways in which the butterfly was created; and it was the first thing you worked upon, you had such passion for it. And so what was put into place, of course, which had to be, mulberry leaves. These are the favorite food of the butterfly, though there were other things that they needed besides that. And so these things were put into the creative process, along with the silkworm. You loved the feel and the sound of the silkworm spinning in its cocoon, the same way that you love the butterfly as it made its own cocoon. You worked with creating both of these. And in these relationships between plants and insects, we spoke of the silkworm as it wove its threads within the cocoon, and there was another favorite of yours, the monarch butterfly. You loved the colors, you loved the size; you thought of the sun when you were helping to bring forth the monarch, and it was designated on Earth that the monarch would use as its great supply source, as the worm moved into the butterfly, of the milkweed. And I see what looks like steps in the evolution as it was being brought forth, of that whole grouping of butterflies, to make certain that they could flourish; and flourish is a good word because it was your intent of the butterflies flourish all over the planet. There were different synchronicities between the different butterflies and the different food sources, and I see you opening up what appeared to be a library book, though it wasn't really a library book, though it was information that came from libraries as to what plants might be an excellent source for the different kinds of butterflies. You had that knowledge and that ability to integrate and bring this forth. It was why the creator gods called you forth. And I look into your heart chakra at these moments of creating, or shall I say assisting the creation process with the creator gods. The love force was so great. It was so great that these energies were not just pink, but that pink became so deep it was almost magenta. And in that center, for that whole experience of a complete aspect of the heart center, there was a swirling energy as you were bringing these forth. Again, it was like gossamer threads of this magenta energy that swirled like a wand of power that you brought forth as you worked with the butterflies. So the favorite of yours you helped bring forth first, and then after that the myriad aspects of the insect world. Furthering our discussion of the creative process where you were involved with the creator gods, we would like to mention, or shall we say review; you would bring back to Earth, in a sense, templates from libraries where information was placed for many purposes, one of them being for creative processes on many levels, where new creative bursts of thought and ideas were required, when there was new creative, innovative you might say, processes put into place upon a planet. Because of this great ability that you have and used during these times with bringing information from these libraries, you would bring them to what we are calling Earth, and the creator gods would take your information and decide how it would be implemented into the creative methods. After reviewing how many ideas would be integrated, the creative forces decided that, rather than bringing forth mineral life, animal life, insect life, they would start with microbes first. These Page 3 of 9

4 microbes - and this is quite interesting when I view this the first microbes were birthed in tremendous heat, and this heat was the early processes of the cooling molten ball that began the planet. As an example, there are microbes that exist in places like great, what you might consider volcanic action. Some of this comes forth in vents in the ocean presently, and there are microbes there, assisting in bringing forth new life. There were also microbes existing in places like, giving an example Yellowstone, which you are familiar with, and in Yellowstone there are these very hot vents, bringing up heat from the internal part of the planet, and the microbes there exist just like the microbes in the vents under the ocean, in a manner in which to bring forth gases. And there is a connection between these microbes and some of gases that are needed on the planet; and they took that path, but we wish to reiterate your service. Whatever path the creator gods chose to take, you were there assisting them, bring forth information that they requested from the different libraries. There are many aspects of a library. In essence, you might say, it is very similar to when we speak of akashic records. These libraries are special libraries designed for creation, and these are the libraries we speak of. And so you were there, every step of the way, in the creative process for this planet. You were also there in assisting Gaia, as Gaia came forth to be, you might say the maiden, the Mother Goddess in a sense, supporting humanity upon this planet, working with processes internally within the Earth, and those processes working externally upon the planet. The two of you worked hand-in-hand, and you were a great assistance to Gaia. And even now, in your sleep state you work with Gaia, helping her to implement processes of beings inside of this planet. What is not well known is there are beings inside of the planet that monitor and work with Gaia, and you and others, keeping the different workings of the planet on course, you might say. You see, people take for granted that the Earth and all of its seasons, and this magnificence of its dichotomy of events, is all done by accident. Such folly that your scientists think that this most beautifully integrated planet came about through accident. And even though there are some, perhaps many, who believed that this planet was brought forth through spiritual means, they also missed the point that it is kept on its course through these same spiritual means. There is assistance everywhere, in manners that humanity does not understand, that brings forth life from the very highest aspects of All-There-Is in the Center of the Cosmos, drifting downward, ever downward, incorporating and you might say the beginning of the dance of life. The dance of life is on so many levels. In its pristine form it uses energy, or shall we say the vibrational waves of energy that you are very familiar with, if not in your waking state, certainly in your dream state and in your sleeping state. These waves of Creation, starting from the Center of the Cosmos, work their way down through many layers to the core of the Earth, working with that beautiful, pristine merkabah in the center of this planet. We cannot explain so humanity and you can understand the intricacies of this creative spirit; whether it is keeping in place all those functioning abilities of one planet such as Earth, or whether it keeps in place this magnificent pattern of coexistence and balancing and life among the planets, or whether it keeps in place all of that magnificent journey of the star systems. You look upon the night sky, and it seems so beautiful, this picture of the stars, of constellations, of the movement of the sun and the moon, and it is easy to forget that, yes, all of this was brought forth, but all of this is constantly monitored. It is constantly kept on its rounds of designated purposes; from the star Page 4 of 9

5 nurseries that angels watch over, down to the magnificence of the crystalline merkabah that spins inside of this planet. All of this beauty, looking at it from the organizational aspect, is more than anyone can comprehend. And the beauty of all of this for you, dear one, is you were mixed up in the perfection of the placement of these many processes, as you brought them forth from the different libraries. And getting back to your magnificent work that you have done on this planet; you might think, well creation came, and we brought forth animal life, insect life, and that was the end of the work; but it wasn't, because there has been constant change on this planet. Even though it's not something that you might think about, there has been a line of new species coming to this planet, of other species leaving this planet; and so there has been work through the years, with the different species, as you were working with the souls of these different creatures organized as a group soul. Also, we think of evolution here as just something that has happened; that there were changes according to temperature, according to food supply, and to a certain extent that is true; however, there had to be processes put into place, synchronistic relationships between animals, and you are aware of some of that. Birds, for instance, that help other animals preen themselves. There are long lists of cooperation between the animals. This just didn't come about. You worked with the group souls for these different animals, in the sense that you personally didn't make the changes, but you brought down the information from different libraries, from other events that occurred on other planets. You see, that's where the libraries come from. It is a written record of what other creative beings have done in other places. It is almost like a creation manual, in the sense that some directions that the creative beings went through were very beneficial and worked very well, there were other choices where the benefits were short-lived. And this was the kind of information that you brought back to the developing aspects, when the creator beings wished to make changes. So there were choices made on many levels; choices that needed great input, would make the job easier, to have, you might say, blueprints from other experiments; and in this you played a key role, down through the centuries on planet Earth. You worked in this capacity on other planets, so the creative forces, the creative beings would look upon you as one who held great experience. You went to the different libraries frequently, taking what might seem as problems, obstacles, looking for answers and bringing them back to the creative beings, who in turn then worked with the group souls in the different levels of the animal world; and for that there was great joy at your service. You performed a great service for this planet and the other planets that you worked upon. There is great honour, great attainment, great even expectation within your abilities; expectation for the new round, the new changes that are coming to this planet, where there will be refinements made; and you will be there. And so you might say to yourself, When did I do this? I don't remember it. And that is a good statement to make, though we do feel that there is something familiar about all of this, but we can understand how you might not be able to see in your mind's eye how this work could be done. There were several ways in which this was accomplished. One was that, first of all, Page 5 of 9

6 you had incarnations along the way, because a soul that was fully incarnated upon this planet could be able to assess problems, could be able to understand what changes might be desirable. So first of all, there were incarnations where the soul monad sent down fingers of consciousness, where you lived upon this Earth, and while here you did a lot of work in the scientific fields, where you literally studied the life forces of the animal world. You had lifetimes where you photographed them. You had lifetimes where you worked with the evolutionary lives in the different animal species. You did that incarnate; different beings along the way. None right now that you could recall a lifetime of remembrance, but you might say, you came up from the common man, so to speak, went through the educational process, worked in laboratories, worked out in the field. As we said, you were involved in photography during some of these lifetimes. You were in the scientific field, studying. You even had a lifetime as an archaeologist, out in the field at the different digs. There really, as I look at this, was more than one lifetime. I see one lifetime were you were out West, bringing back fossils from Wyoming, and I see you on a dig, working with a mountain - it seemed like a mountain - where there were many dinosaur bones; and I see you and a group, preparing the skeleton of an example that was so complete that the scientific world just received this specimen with great joy, because it was whole and complete. And I see you there was this group, bringing out the dinosaur, putting the plaster around it, getting it ready for shipment. So you covered every phase of animal life, from bringing in information in the records to the different lifetimes where you were able to physically monitor evolutionary changes. You also, during these periods of time when you lived upon Earth incarnate, you worked in the spirit when you were sleeping, and there were times in between lifetimes where you lived completely in the etheric, and worked with the libraries and the creative forces, the creative beings directly; and this was determined by your soul monad, where it would be more advantageous for you to be in one area or the other for the kind of work that you were doing. And in your records, when I open up your akashic records there is great light, great love for the creative spirit. You see, there is a spirit for souls to create, because they have many particles, and in some cases even large fragments of particles that came from All-There-Is or Prime Creator; and those whose monad was like yours, they chose to act as the protectorate for all animal life. Not just all animal life, but the growth of those animals and shepherding in the choices that would be made from the animal group souls, whether they chose to stay here or to live elsewhere. You see, because an animal is extinct here upon this planet does not necessarily mean that they do not live elsewhere; and this has happened with many groups that chose to leave Earth and move elsewhere, except for the dinosaurs. Where dinosaurs are concerned, it was considered an aberration, and when the dinosaurs left this planet, they did not pass as that life form existing upon another planet or dimension. And, dear one, in order to have a more complete understanding of your journey, those that you have worked with and the things that you have done, it is important for you to know that there is another soul monad that your monad worked with, and their work is so entwined with one another that it might almost seem that they are twin monads; but they are not twins. They just have conversations between the two of them to set up new experiences, to enter into a complete joy of Creation; not only to watch these new interactions in this animal world, but to plan them, to resolve Page 6 of 9

7 problems that arise, that are either created by humans or where an animal group struggles for some reason. And it is another reason why you hold this great beauty and all at the creative ability, bringing into form new creations, shepherding older creations; and that other soul monad is the one that you know of in this Earthly life as Gaia. And so the monad for Gaia and your monad have sent the two of you here, on this planet at this moment. Of course Gaia has been here much longer than your present incarnation, but the two of you are great friends. You work with her during sleep time in this incarnation, and this sense of love that you have for the newborn, whether it is an animal or one of the human race, comes deep from this well of understanding. Gaia shares in the responsibilities of shepherding, not only humanity and the animal world, but shepherding the development of ever increasing abilities and awareness on this planet. That is part of the creative spirit also. The joy that you feel watching Creation, watching the newborn, whether it is in the animal world or the human world, comes deeply from this appreciation. And we have to say that so much of this emotional sense that you feel, that you have created here, that you have watched, that gets sent back to your monad, also. So, truly, these two monads have grown to a great height, a great understanding in the world of Creation. And as I sit here and watch your work, I see how the two of you work together. It is a most synchronistic journey between you and Gaia; you who have this great understanding of vibration and Gaia who holds this great understanding of all that is upon the Earth and humanity itself. Gaia works with some things that you do not work with; for instance, Gaia understands completely the movement of the plate system, and that is just one thing in the workings of the Earth that I can tell you about, and you can understand there are so many. And so she brings her wisdom, along with your wisdom, and the two of you create in ways that is hard for humanity to understand because, from the scientific approach, so many of what is called the scientists do not understand the spiritual aspect of bringing forth what is here on this planet because, as you know my friend, what is here on the planet is not always something that you can prove in a laboratory, that you can run a test and find the answers to. This spiritual life is so much broader than that. Scientists certainly do not understand how a being can be in two places at one time, yet your monad understands, yet even your physical body understands because, when you sleep, that spiritual aspect of you is somewhere else, and sometimes at a great distance from where it is at this moment. And you don't always remember this journey that you make at night, but sometimes you wake up with a start because your soul is in a place where it has jumped into the body so quickly, it did not slow down enough and enter the physical gently. And so there are times when you wake with a start, and you sense some kind of movement and don't understand it. It is just the soul coming back from these long journeys that you have taken. And there are times when you wake up and you feel the sense of this immense harmony between you and Gaia, the sense of this perfect balance, the sense of knowing that even though there is great turmoil upon the Earth at times, that everything is perfect. There is a perfection in the creative aspect that cannot be found anywhere else. I also see you during your sleep time, watching the different creatures, watching the turtles as they come forth out of their eggs and wobble down to the ocean path and swim their journey, sing their song through the oceans, traveling great distance and then coming back like a homing pigeon to Page 7 of 9

8 where life began. And I see you during your sleep time watching these journeys, these cycles, like a song encompassing the planet; and you know when you watch this, everything is perfect, no matter what humanity has dealt with on the surface of this planet, trying to work its way through these experiences that the dark has brought forth. There has been so much contention between these two aspects that disturbs you at times, to see the cruelty of those dark ones that either harm the environment or the animal world, or in some way show such disregard for what is here on the planet, and you suffer because of this. But at night, in the dream state, you look upon the perfection of these journeys. Yes, even humanity has a perfection in its journey, and you watch as those souls, when they are getting ready to incarnate, they plan their journey, just like the animal world has its journey; and it jumps off, one step at a time, following its determination; and sometimes they falter. Sometimes they even fall, and you watch as they pick themselves up and begin their journey again. You are so in love with this, the creative aspect, and taking care of all of those beautiful experiences of Creation, as you know they are sacred; sacred. For all of those that love the planet and the cosmos, these things hold a sacred value within the heart, and you stand by this and you enjoy it. And so, dear one, we have come to this moment in your journey, and after hearing so much of your illustrious journey over the many incarnations, over those times in between incarnations when you worked in the other realms, moving to different libraries, collecting the very best of experiences in the cosmos. That is what you do, dear one. You collected the history of the very successful experiences everywhere in the cosmos, and you brought them forth here. That is what you did. That is what your history is. And you might be saying, now; Well, what is in my future? What is the next step along the path? And, dear one, it is so clear to me and to us who view these records. And the reason that you came this time is to take all of that knowledge, all of those experiences, all of that love, and it is here present in this moment, in this moment when great change will be coming upon this planet, where there will be great understanding; and journeys of some are ending, journeys of some are progressing. There is nothing at this moment that will stay static. There will be souls moving in all directions, and there will also be animal life moving in different directions. There will be some staying here that will perfect itself even more, when this new consciousness is fully acclimated and integrated in this planet. There will be some in the animal world, as we said, who will stay, some who will come and some who will leave. And as this great expansion of understanding comes upon humanity, you will be there, working also; not consciously. In the dream state, you will help this great movement. It is almost like a train switching station, where every train will come in and find its path. Some will be switched in new directions, some will go forward, some will be repaired even, and some will expand in ways that is not understandable to us at this moment. But this was a decree, that circular plan for humanity, and what has happened on so many levels of the animal world and the spirit world; they go out, they expand, sometimes fall back upon themselves because there was not the success that was dreamed of. And it is a dream, dear one, a dream where all can move forward and Page 8 of 9

9 perfect itself, a dream that every being has its place. It knows its place and it looks upon tomorrow with new hope, new guidance. And you are there, working with this switching station, helping those move forward and gratefully acknowledging the expansion of what is here. This planet has worked such a long time to come to this moment. Gaia has worked along with you also, to come to this moment. She has accepted the responsibility of what has happened in the past, as you have accepted your responsibilities, and now the two of you are in a place where tomorrow is golden. The past might have been silver, but the future is golden, and it is full of promises, it is full of answers, it is full of harmony and joy; and the two of you are working together to make certain that all of this comes to pass, and planet will be joyful in it. Humanity that stays here and moves along to the next step will be joyful, and it is just one more cycle, bringing everything closer to perfection. And you are here now, and you will be here in the future, as the cycles move on, your monad and Gaia s monad working closely together to see that this perfection comes to pass. Brought forth by Carolyn Evers from Universal Consciousness Page 9 of 9

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